The only husband of the coquette Ekaterina Guseva. Biography of Ekaterina Guseva: personal life, star roles in cinema and theater, shooting a new film Personal life actor Andrey Abashkin

Pregnancy and children 06.08.2019
Pregnancy and children

The future of Ekaterina Guseva was decided on last call at school, where her performance was accidentally seen by the assistant director of the Theater. Vakhtangov, who invited the graduate to think about how to apply to the theater school. Shchepkin. This idea inspired Katya, and she entered the theater school very easily, which upset her mother very much. Within the walls of the university, a pretty student had many boyfriends, but husband of Ekaterina Guseva was not one of them.

In the photo - the actress with her husband

When she was already in her last year, Katya was invited to work part-time in the TV project “ Russian loto”, where she gave prizes to the audience. In the same place, a student of a theater university and met Vladimir Abashkin, owner big company engaged in the production of decorations. The future husband of Ekaterina Guseva was then married, but this did not stop him from having an affair with an aspiring actress. After much persuasion and courtship, Katya agreed to meet with an interesting man who was ten years older than her.

Vladimir Abashkin divorced his first wife, and a few months later became the husband of Ekaterina Guseva. The actress never hid what her husband helped her to do successful career. He gave her the opportunity to believe in herself and tune in to a great future. Of considerable importance was the fact that Abashkin was a wealthy person, and Catherine did not have to think about what she needed to earn - her thoughts were occupied only with lofty goals. The husband always supported his wife, and in order to become even closer and more useful for her, he even entered the Shchukin school at the directing department.

Vladimir does not hide that he is jealous of his wife, although, according to him, she never gives him reasons for this. However, he cannot indifferently watch how strangers show signs of attention to her. For her part, Katya tries to protect nervous system her husband and does not tell at home about work, especially that she sometimes has to act in explicit scenes. Vladimir understands that all these are the costs of the acting profession, but he cannot do anything with his emotions. For nearly eighteen years family life Katya gave birth to her husband, first, a son, Alexei, who will turn fifteen this year, and a daughter, Anna, who will be only four. Leaving on tour, the actress does not have to worry about the fact that her children will not be fed - Ekaterina Guseva's husband does an excellent job with his father's duties.
Also interesting.

Vladimir Abashkin is a successful Russian businessman, founder and owner of his own art and production company Base-Beauty, whose services are used by the country's leading theaters, concert halls and show business stars. But for the public, the biography of Vladimir Abashkin is of interest primarily because of the personality of his wife, the famous actress, who at one time starred in the crime saga.

The future husband of Ekaterina Guseva was born in Moscow. The biography of Vladimir Abashkin begins in 1966, however, the exact date of birth of the businessman remains unknown to the public. His parents tried to instill in their son hard work and respect for the people around him, and also managed to convince him that in modern world acquired knowledge takes precedence.

Therefore, after school, Abashkin first received a secondary specialized education, and then graduated from the Shchukin School, studied directing at the course. When Soviet Union ceased to exist, economic trends began to develop along a new path. The young man quickly managed to adapt to the commercial wave and founded own business, which has gradually taken a leading position in the industry.


Since Abashkin always loved theater and cinema, he created a company called "Base Beauty", which specialized in the manufacture of scenery.

Guseva's husband was the head of the production part of the Lenkom Drama Theater, he made scenery for performances. He also worked on the creation of decorations for celebrations, concerts, various studios on television.

Over time, Vladimir's company began to bring considerable income and became famous in the world of show business. Russian concert halls, theaters, film studios, show programs and even the elite of the domestic music market collaborated with Abashkin. For example, Base Beauty designed the stage for the performances of such stars as, as well as for many others.

Personal life

In the mid-90s, Vladimir decorated the studio of the Russian Lotto television project. The then-unknown actress Ekaterina Guseva worked in this program. As spouses today admit, they fell in love with each other at first sight. But Katya did her best to prevent the young man from guessing about her interest, and even turned down the offer to have dinner together. Firstly, the girl always rejected the first invitation to a date, and secondly, the businessman at that time was not free: he still had official wife.

However, Abashkin decided not to leave the charming girl Ekaterina, who, by the way, is 10 years younger than him, in peace. He showered his beloved with gifts, took him to trendy restaurants, and showered him with flowers. Gradually, Guseva realized that her fan had serious intentions. When Katya was invited to the role in the film "Snake Spring", which was filmed in an abandoned pioneer camp in the suburbs, Vladimir constantly came to the set. Abashkin soon divorced his first wife and proposed to Catherine.

The wedding of actress Ekaterina Guseva and businessman Vladimir Abashkin took place in 1996. A year later, the thriller "Snake Spring" was released, and five years later the all-Russian boom in the TV series "Brigade" began, and Katya's fame reached breathtaking heights.

AT in social networks it is often said that the husband of Ekaterina Guseva had a hand in her promotion to the star Olympus. Be that as it may, the personal life of Vladimir Abashkin developed happily. He really takes an active part in her career. And the actress herself did not hide this. In any interview, Guseva says that she reached such heights in the cinema solely thanks to her husband, who was always support and support for her.

And when his wife gave birth to his son Alexei, the man felt himself the most happy man in the world. But it is worth noting that it was not easy for Vladimir Guseva to be the husband. His wife is a public person, in addition, she sometimes acts in explicit scenes in films and photo shoots, and the profession of an actress involves frequent absences from home. Therefore, in the life of Ekaterina Guseva, there were scenes of jealousy. They even began to say that the marriage of Abashkin and Guseva is under threat and is surviving last days.

An additional drop of tar to this gossip was the rumor of a possible romance between the actress and her partner in the reality show "Stars on Ice", a professional figure skater. But in this situation, Vladimir Abashkin managed to separate on-screen relationships from real ones and saved his family. But soon Katya was invited to leading role in the series "Hot Ice", where Kostomarov again became her partner. They kissed so naturally under the camera lenses that now there was talk about their relationship in the cinema environment.

It all ended when Abashkin himself appeared on the set. He decided to personally look at the "chemistry" that is happening between the partners. He realized that this was only work, and married life went into new level.

In 2010, Abashkin became a father for the second time: his wife gave birth to his daughter, who family council It was decided to call Anna. Ekaterina admits that after the birth of her daughter, Vladimir became sentimental, soft and gentle. As after the first birth, Ekaterina returned to work a few weeks later, and the main burden of raising children fell on the shoulders of her husband Katya Guseva, as well as grandmothers Alyosha and Anya.

Today, Ekaterina Guseva and Vladimir Abashkin live in a stable, well-established relationship, although a man sometimes jokes that his beloved wife is the reason for his early gray hair.

Son Alexey decided to connect his life with physics and mathematics. But Anna is the spitting image of a mother, it is possible that the girl will follow in her footsteps. Although so far neither Ekaterina nor Vladimir are in a hurry to introduce their daughter to the stage.

In 2016, the couple celebrated a porcelain wedding - 20 years life together. No loud celebration was made of this event. We had a family dinner and drank champagne. And the next day, together with the children, they flew away on vacation to the sea.

In the same year, the premiere of the musical "Anna Karenina" based on the novel took place at the Operetta Theater, where Guseva played the main role.

Vladimir Abashkin now

In January 2018, Vladimir's company "Base Beauty" was engaged in the design of the Theater Carnival on Tverskaya. She has a lot of landmark projects in her piggy bank - Song of the Year, Golden Gramophone, MUZ TV Award. And even the flying ship in Sochi was designed, manufactured and assembled by Base Beauty.

Abashkin personally leads a non-public life, does not give interviews to journalists. His photos rarely appear on the web. But if they do appear, then in " Instagram» Ekaterina Guseva.

She plays beautifully both on the stage and on the film set. The audience remembered her for her role in the cult action movie "Brigade", which immediately made the aspiring actress famous. She participated in a number of television projects, in one of which she won first place. Fate prepared her tests, from which she came out with honor. She could have died back in 2002, participating in the musical Nord-Ost.

All this is about her - Ekaterina Guseva. In addition, she sings beautifully, so she participates in a number of musicals.

The actress is still a wonderful mother who takes care of her children, wanting the best for them.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Guseva

Ekaterina Guseva is petite and slender, because her height is only 169 cm. The actress weighs only 49 kg. For his 40 years, it's just fine. She plays sports and leads a healthy lifestyle. A few years ago, Ekaterina Guseva came to the decision to become a vegetarian, but then she refused it.

Height, weight, age, how old is Ekaterina Guseva, this question is asked by many viewers, admirers of her theatrical talent. They do not find the answer to this question. The actress absolutely does not hide either her parameters or her age, showing that even at the age of 40 you can be light and slender, as she is now. Many envy this actress, but wish her only happiness.

Biography of Ekaterina Guseva (actress)

Ekaterina Guseva was born on a rainy day on July 9, 1976 in one of the maternity hospitals in the central part of the Moscow metropolis.

The girl from childhood promised to be a beauty. Her hair was long, when she braided it, the weight was about three kilograms. Her gait was light. The chin is somewhat raised, so she was considered arrogant, wayward and proud when meeting for the first time. But after talking with her, one could be convinced of her sincerity and firmness of character.

Already at the age of 4, the girl began to go to a sports school to do gymnastics. Later she skated, swam in the pool, and danced. But in particular, she fell in love with the dramatic arts, attending the theater club at her school.

For more than 7 years, Ekaterina has been devoted to dancing. She danced with success, attending a circle with a Georgian ensemble called Colchis. Together with the members of the team, Katya traveled the vast expanses of the country, having visited its most remote corners. She also visited abroad, performed at the Bolshoi Theater. She was going to get a specialty at the Moscow Biotechnological Institute, so she prepared by attending preparatory courses.

But before the final exams, Catherine decided to enter the theater. Her decision was influenced by Evgenia Simonova, who was present at the last skit of the theater circle, and worked as an assistant to Ruben Simonov. He was a theater director. Vakhtangov. Catherine decided to try. She came, not counting on anything, and suddenly, unexpectedly for herself, she entered.

Guseva became famous by playing in the movie "Brigade". The artist sings very well, so she was invited to play in the musical "Nord-Ost". She liked it so much that she worked seven days a week. But one day her little son fell ill, so she had to take a day off. It turned out that the biography of Ekaterina Guseva could be interrupted at that moment, but fate kept her. She did not get into the theater building when the terrorists seized it. Catherine worried about this for a long time, but then she decided that it was worth living on not only for herself, but also for those who died at that terrible moment.

She plays in theater and cinema, and many viewers love her for who she is. Ekaterina Guseva participated in popular show programs. For example, in 2009 she won the show " ice Age”, showing their skating abilities.

Filmography: films starring Ekaterina Guseva

The filmography of Ekaterina Guseva is extensive. She was remembered by the audience for her roles in such film series as "Brigade", "Palm Sunday", "Village Story", gold fish in the city of N”, “Waper hunting” and many others.

In 2004 the actress starred for Maxim magazine, showing her nude body.

In addition to participating in film projects, the actress also participates in various musicals. She was especially good in the role of Catherine 2, playing in "Count Orlov". Now Ekaterina Guseva is filming in a new series, which will be released on the screens of the country this fall of 2017.

In 2009 She was awarded the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation».

Personal life of Ekaterina Guseva

The personal life of Ekaterina Guseva also took on a happy shape. She loves and is loved. She met her husband while still a student. She was an assistant presenter in the program "One Hundred to One" and suddenly ran into a man. She didn't even pay attention to him. She apologized and moved on. But he immediately spotted a young girl.

Vladimir, that was the name of that man, since then he began to meet often with Katenka, as she was called at the studio. Fortunately, he worked as a specialist who worked as a studio designer. He was older than her and had been married for several years, but when he saw Catherine, he lost his head from love and began to look after her. Guseva did not immediately respond to his courtship. She was all in creativity and in her studies, and even work on television was taken away all the time. But Vladimir was persistent, and the impregnable fortress surrendered to the winner.

Ekaterina and Vladimir have been happy for many years, but no, no, and there will be talk about her novels on the side, although the actress does not give a reason for this. But her stunning beauty and charm are so attractive that viewers believe the evidence of idle reporters. Catherine ignores this. She is faithful to her husband, because, according to her, the main thing for this she has is happiness and his love.

Family of Ekaterina Guseva

The family of Ekaterina Guseva was ordinary by Soviet standards. Dad, Konstantin Vasilyevich Gusev, worked as a tailor. He loved in free time play the violin, and was also very fond of hockey, which he sometimes played with childhood friends.

Mom worked as the chief inspector of the Administrative and Technical Inspectorate in the Moscow metropolis.

In addition to Catherine, the family had another daughter, who was named Anastasia. Having received a pedagogical education, she now works as an educator in one of the preschool institutions in the capital. Anastasia is married and has two children, Ekaterina's nephews. The sisters love each other very much and meet often, spending various holidays together.

In the early childhood of girls, the family did not have their own apartment, so they were forced to live with one grandmother, then another. The girls loved such moves, as their grandmothers spoiled them. The family already had their own apartment when Ekaterina and Anastasia were in school. But sometimes they liked to leave their parents and go to visit their grandmothers. On the way, they imagined that they were going far, far away, although they only had to travel 3 stops on the metro.

Children of Ekaterina Guseva

The children of Ekaterina Guseva appeared in a marriage with Vladimir Abashkin. There are two of them: a boy and a girl. Separates brother and sister for more than a decade. Despite this, Catherine loves to be with them at home. She always talks about her children, showing how much she loves them. They also reciprocate her feelings, sometimes visiting theatrical performances and movie theaters where films with her participation are shot.

The son and daughter are always surrounded by the attention of Ekaterina Guseva and her husband, Vladimir Abashkin. When mom is not at home, the father takes care of raising children, trying to do everything for them.

Guseva also considers children who need help in the Give Yourself Life project to be her children. It holds events during which funds are collected for their rehabilitation and treatment.

The son of Ekaterina Guseva - Alexei Abashkin

The son of Ekaterina Guseva - Alexei Abashkin was born in 1999. For some reason, Catherine was sure that a son would be born. She bought everything for the boy in the stores. And it turned out to be right. From childhood, the boy got used to the fact that his mother is an actress who often has to leave for filming in films, or to perform on the theater stage.

Catherine says that her son can twist ropes out of her. She can be confident in something, stand her ground, but when she sees his smile, melt and allow what he asks. Big influence Alexei is being exerted by his father, believing that it is necessary to keep his son in tight rein so that he does not get spoiled.

Now the young man is finishing his studies at one of the gymnasiums of the capital, showing mathematical skills and intending to enter one of the technical universities in Moscow. Ekaterina Guseva fully supports her son's undertakings, believing that the main role of a mother is to support her child.

Daughter of Ekaterina Guseva - Anna Abashkina

The daughter of Ekaterina Guseva, Anna Abashkina, was born 11 years after the birth of her son Alexei. Parents until the last moment did not know who they would be born. The doctors said that a boy should appear, but Catherine hoped for a miracle that they were wrong. This is what happened. The girl looks very similar to her mother, whom she loves madly. Catherine answers her the same. She says that she is jealous of her daughter for everyone, because she rarely communicates with her because of her creative activity.

Anna is very sociable. It develops in a creative direction. At her age, she draws well, plays in various productions that her beloved mother organizes for her.

This year, the girl will go to school, so she is preparing for the school process, hoping that her busy mommy will be able to take her to school on this solemn day, to the first grade.

Husband of Ekaterina Guseva - Vladimir Abashkin

The husband of Ekaterina Guseva, Vladimir Abashkin, is several years older than his wife. He was already married when he met Katenka, as he likes to call her. He is a successful owner of a company engaged in the design of performances by Russian pop stars.

According to Catherine, one thing spoils life with her husband - this is his pathological jealousy. Because of this, she tries no longer to play with Sergei Bezrukov and not to meet with her skating partner in the TV project Roman Kostomarov.

Vladimir is quick-tempered, but quickly outgoing. He tries to surround his wife with care and attention, and she answers him the same.

Photo by Ekaterina Guseva before and after plastic surgery

A few years ago, the actress starred in a candid photo shoot for the magazine for men "Maxim". Here you could see that naked Ekaterina Guseva is beautiful. She showed her beautiful body, so many readers had an idea what she did plastic surgery. Then the artist joked about it.

Recently, she shocked again, starring with her son Alexei and posting a picture on her blog. After that, the Internet on many sites began to be full of headlines: Guseva had plastic surgery. She corrected facial features and did liposuction. In addition, they attached pictures, signing them: Photo by Ekaterina Guseva before and after plastic surgery.

The artist only laughs in response, saying that, on the contrary, she would like to get fat, and not become thinner.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Guseva

On the pages on Instagram and Wikipedia of Ekaterina Guseva, you can read the entire detailed information actresses and singers. Here are also shots from many paintings with her participation, including from the action movie "Brigade". Ekaterina Guseva, without hiding, tells the details of her personal and creative life, talking about their parents, children, husband.

She posts photos of her family in her microblog, realizing that it is important for her fans to know all the details about her. She recently posted a picture where she is with her family and where she is with her son. All fans were able to appreciate her figure and youth. Everyone simply did not believe that such a young mother could have such an adult son.

In the microblog, you can leave your comments on the pictures and make wishes to the actress.

Ekaterina Guseva’s acting abilities were talked about back in the early 2000s, when she played in the musical Nord-Ost, and was also the heroine of the sensational action movie Brigada.

In the creative biography of the actress, the genre of the musical is still present, and there are also numerous roles in cinema and drama theater. Her heroines have changed over time, and Guseva herself has become more courageous and self-confident. Thanks to her vocal abilities, the artist sometimes gives solo concerts, which she tries to coincide with important dates in the country.

Childhood in a friendly family

Catherine was born in 1976 in Moscow. Her father, Konstantin Vasilyevich, is engaged in tailoring, and her mother, Tamara Mikhailovna, works as the chief inspector in the city administration. She also has a younger sister, Anastasia, who has chosen a job related to children - the head of a kindergarten. Until the parents got their own apartment, they had to live with one grandmother, then another. Father and mother pampered the girls, surrounded them with care, so a friendly and warm atmosphere reigned in the family.

In the photo, Ekaterina Guseva in her childhood.

In her early childhood, the future actress was engaged in gymnastics and figure skating, and then tried her hand at swimming. develop Creative skills the girls helped dance classes. As part of a dance group, she performed on stage many times, and also made tours. In high school, at the insistence of her parents, Ekaterina began to prepare for admission to the Biotechnological University, but fate decreed otherwise. The young beauty was accidentally spotted by a theater assistant, who invited her to become a student at the Shchukin school.

Acting and other projects

Having received a diploma, the aspiring actress joined the acting troupe of the theater "At the Nikitsky Gates". However, after four years, she left the team, as she received the role of Katya Tatarinova in the musical Nord-Ost. In preparation for this work, Guseva studied the basics of music and took vocal lessons. Later, the owner of an excellent voice recorded the discs Nord-Ost: Favorites and 7 Gifts for Christmas. She performed not only as a solo artist, releasing her CDs, but also sang in a duet with famous singers. In the creative piggy bank of the artist there is also participation in the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar", "Beauty and the Beast", "The Sound of Music", "Anna Karenina".

Her first film work was the main role in the film "The Serpent Spring", but the first fame came to her after the role of Sasha Bely's wife in the TV series "Brigade". For her talent for impersonation, Ekaterina was awarded the Best TV Series Actress award, which was presented to her at the St. Petersburg Film Festival. Her career developed at a rapid pace, thanks to which such projects as "The Intimate Life of Sevastyan Bakhov", "Hunting for Manchurian Deer", "Hot Ice", "Palm Sunday", "Village History" and many others appeared in her filmography. The audience watched with pleasure last works in the films "Find a Husband for Darya Klimova", "Black Cat" and "Two Against Death". In 2018, Guseva was involved in four films at once, playing a major role in the historical film A.L.Zh.I.R., the melodrama All Ages of Love and the comedy Brownie.

Shot from the film "Brigade".

Over the years of her career, the actress not only collected an extensive filmography, starring in 58 film projects, but also took part in television programs: Fort Boyard on the Russia channel, Stars on Ice, Big Races and Yesterday Live on the First channel. As a participant in the Fort Boyard game, she won cash prizes as part of teams. In 2016, she tried her hand as the host of the musical program "Romance of Romance", which aired on the Culture channel.

happy married life

In Catherine's personal life there were loves, meetings, dates, but she found her happiness in the person of businessman Vladimir Abashkin. The acquaintance with her future husband took place on television, where the girl was an assistant to the host of the Russian Lotto program, and Vladimir was engaged in installing scenery for the studio. At that time, he worked at the Lenkom Theater, where he made scenery for many performances. Seeing each other for the first time, young people immediately felt mutual interest. Soon, the aspiring actress left for the Moscow region, where she began filming in her debut film "Snake Spring". A man in love came to her almost every day, and soon they decided to get married. Three years later, the wedding field, the couple had a son, Alexei, and in 2010, daughter Anna was born.

In the photo, Ekaterina Guseva with her husband, son and daughter. Instagram _ekaterinaguseva_.

After 10 years of marriage, Guseva's husband decided to direct, however, the actress has not yet played in his performances. Many married couples can envy their strong and long-standing union. Despite the fact that they often have to part, there is love and harmony in their relationship. There were quarrels and disagreements in the family, however, the couple never thought about divorce.

The eldest son was different types sports, and also learned to play the saxophone. The young man performed with the star mother in the House of Music, the Kremlin, he also had roles in the cinema. But then he changed his circle of interests, and after graduating from school he entered MGIMO. Her daughter was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, and now she is going to change the type of activity. Having exchanged her fourth decade, Ekaterina still looks good (her height is 168 cm; weight is 49 kg). Once she was engaged in fitness, but now she spends much less time on training, using the special program "Seven Minutes".

Ekaterina Guseva (famous Russian actress) and Vladimir Abashkin (a big businessman) have been married for 18 years. Katya, speaking of her husband, admits that she reached such heights in the cinema thanks to her husband, who was always support and support for her, as she herself puts it, both a shield and a sword.

Vladimir Abashkin: biography and personal life

Volodya was born in 1966 in Moscow. Since childhood, he was a calm and balanced boy. Mom brought up in him such important qualities as respect for the female sex and family values. After graduating from school, Vladimir Abashkin received first a specialized secondary, and then higher education. With the collapse of the USSR and the beginning of a new economic era, he decided to create his own business. Since the young man gravitated towards such arts as theater and cinema, he founded a small company for the manufacture of scenery. By the time he once met a young and still unknown actress Katya Guseva in the corridor of Ostankino, his company was already flourishing, and he was known in theater and television circles as businessman Vladimir Abashkin - the owner of the Base-Beauty art and production company ".

The beginning of a relationship

As Katya admits, their meeting with Volodya for both of them was a gift of fate. They fell in love with each other at first sight, a spark flared between them, an incredible attraction arose. Of course, Catherine did not even show that she was interested in a young businessman. She generally had a rule never to agree to the first invitation of men. She always liked being chased. In a word, she, using her magnetism and influence on the opposite sex, loved to torment them. Despite being in love and sympathy, she did the same with Volodya. But they often had to meet: Katya worked in the program "Russian Lotto", and Abashkin's company was engaged in creating scenery for this television project. So the lovers constantly collided in the studio. By the time of the meeting with Catherine, Vladimir was married, but this did not prevent him from courting the beautiful actress. He showered her with expensive gifts, covered her with an incredible amount of flowers, invited her to expensive restaurants. But the man did not want to be limited to this. His intentions were the most serious. He divorced his former wife and proposed to Ekaterina Guseva - rising star Russian cinema and television. And if he had not married her, he would have remained unknown to the broad masses of a businessman named Vladimir Abashkin. His biography would not become public. However, he became the spouse of one of the most beautiful and sought-after Russian actresses, who played the role of Olga Belova in the legendary "Brigade". Thanks to this, his name flashes in the press from time to time.


Of course, Vladimir Abashkin is known in the world of show business as the head of an art and production company specializing in the manufacture of original, creative and highly professional scenery for organizing programs, awards, various mass events. Naturally, by the nature of his activity, he communicates with the creative elite of the country and is in friendly and partnerships with many of them. Angry of his client-friends, for example, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva and all members of her family.

Family life

After Vladimir Abashkin married the beauty Katya, who was ten years younger than him, he tried to turn her life into a real holiday. Volodya was loyal to the fact that his wife was a public person, that she could not devote much time to the house and him. For her sake, he even entered the directing department. Vladimir tried to support his wife in everything. Katya's teachers from GITIS said that if it were not for Vladimir Abashkin (the photo of the couple is in the article), then Guseva as an actress would not have reached such heights. He believed that his wife was the best, that she would soon become famous actress Russia. In a word, such a brilliant as Katya Guseva found a worthy frame in the face of Volodya Abashkin.

After marriage, the actress never cared about questions about daily bread. And even when their son Alyosha was born with Volodya, Katya returned to work a month after giving birth, entrusting the care of raising her son to her father and grandmothers.

Discord in the family

How can a man calmly watch how millions of men go crazy for his woman? So the husband of Ekaterina Guseva, Vladimir Abashkin, three years after his marriage, began to experience burning jealousy. He tried to suppress this feeling in himself, but to no avail, and quarrels arose between the young. Even the birth of a son did not bring peace, scandals arose over trifles. It seemed to many that their marriage was under threat, and ill-wishers whispered behind their backs that if a man had already left his first wife once, then nothing would stop him a second time.

The situation escalated also because popular rumor attributed to Katya an affair with her partner in the Stars on Ice program, Roman Kostomarov. However, the love of the spouses was able to survive all these misunderstandings. Evil tongues did not even suspect to what extent Volodya was attached to his wife, and many were surprised when the sweet couple not only did not divorce, but also ascended to a new stage in their relationship.

Replenishment in the family

So, despite all the talk and forecasts about the imminent collapse of the union of Guseva and Abashkin, their family remained indestructible. In addition, she replenished: Katya gave birth to Volodya's daughter, whom the couple decided to call Anna. The girl is like two drops of water similar to her mother. Her father does not have a soul in her. 20 days after giving birth, Katya was already playing on stage and acting in films, giving a new reason for gossip to her ill-wishers. However, neither she nor her husband pay any attention to this. For them, unbreakable love and two beautiful kids, who are the meaning of life, are more important.

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