Types of waste, methods of disposal and elimination. Disposal of domestic and industrial waste Use of industrial and domestic waste

Recipes 17.09.2019

The environment has always been a source of resources for mankind, but for a long time its vital activity did not have a noticeable impact on nature. Only since the end of the last century, under the influence of economic activity, noticeable changes in the Earth's biosphere began to occur. They have now reached alarming proportions.

Scale of the problem

The rapid growth of population and the level of consumption of natural resources, the current pace of material production lead to a thoughtless treatment of nature. With such an attitude, a huge part of the resources taken from nature is returned to it in the form of waste, harmful and unsuitable for further use.

Scientists have calculated that 5 tons of garbage are generated daily in the world, while its amount increases annually by 3% in volume. The accumulation of household waste on the surface is harmful nature, polluting the water, soil and atmosphere and endangering the possibility of the existence of all life on the planet as a whole. Therefore, one of the important issues around the world is the disposal of household waste.

Classification of household waste

Household waste can be classified according to several criteria.

So, according to the composition, household waste is conditionally divided into biological residues and non-biological waste (garbage).

  • rats;
  • cockroaches.

Cockroaches can be a carrier of various types of diseases.

Non-biological waste includes:

  • paper;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • textile;
  • glass;
  • rubber.

The process of decomposition of these wastes can last about 2–3 years and in most cases is accompanied by the release of toxic substances that harm the environment and humans.

According to the state of aggregation, waste is divided into:

  • hard;
  • liquid;
  • gaseous;
  • pastes;
  • gels;
  • suspensions;
  • emulsions.

By origin, waste is divided into:

  • Industrial - a type of household waste obtained as a result of production.
  • Construction - are formed during construction and installation work, the production of work on the repair of roads, buildings, as well as during their demolition.
  • radioactive waste.
  • Municipal solid waste (MSW) is generated in the residential sector, trade enterprises, educational, health and social facilities.

These are goods that have lost their consumer properties over time and turned into garbage, and also include road and yard garbage as MSW.

The most significant part of household waste is MSW. For each type of waste, there are special ways to dispose of waste.

Waste recycling

The process of disposal of solid waste occurs in several stages:

  • collection;
  • transportation;
  • accommodation;
  • neutralization;
  • burial;
  • storage;
  • processing;
  • disposal.

First of all, the process of getting rid of garbage involves its careful sorting. The task of pre-sorting waste and their disposal is greatly facilitated by the separate collection of waste, promoted in most European countries.

Methods for the destruction of municipal solid waste

There are various options for its destruction. So, the main way to dispose of solid waste is burial at special sites (landfills).

At landfills, irretrievable waste is destroyed - the processing of household waste, as a result of which they almost completely cease to exist as waste. The disposal method is not suitable for all types of MSW, but only for non-combustible waste or for substances that emit toxic substances during combustion.

The advantage of this method is that it does not require significant financial costs and the availability of large plots of land. But there are also disadvantages in the application of this method - this is the accumulation of gas during underground decay of waste.

Briquetting is a new, yet not very widely used in practice, way of getting rid of solid waste. It includes preliminary sorting and packaging of homogeneous waste into separate briquettes, and then their storage at specially designated areas (landfills).

Briquetting of waste makes it possible to significantly save space

The garbage packed in this way is pressed, which greatly facilitates its transportation due to a significant reduction in volume.

Briquetted waste is intended for further processing and possible application for industrial purposes. Along with such a method as the processing of municipal solid waste, when briquetting, they can be transported for disposal or disposal by heat treatment.

In fact, this method is similar to the burial method, but in practice it has a number of advantages over it. The disadvantages of the method are that the heterogeneity of the emitted waste and the preliminary severe contamination in the garbage containers and the change in some components of the waste creates a great difficulty in briquetting.

And the high abrasiveness of components such as stone, sand and glass interfere with the pressing process.

Since these methods of recycling have a number of disadvantages, despite their cheapness, the best option would be to completely get rid of garbage during its recycling and fuel, and also its possible reuse.

A new way to dispose of waste

Garbage disposal

When recycling garbage (the Latin root utilis is useful), the waste can later be used for various purposes.

Waste to be disposed of includes:

  • all types of metals;
  • glass;
  • polymers;
  • yarn and fabric products;
  • paper;
  • rubber;
  • organic household and agricultural waste.

The most efficient method of disposal today is recycling.

In other words, recycling is a special case of the concept of "utilization of municipal solid waste".

During recycling, waste is returned to the process of technogenesis. There are two options for recycling waste:

  • Reuse of waste for its intended purpose after appropriate safe handling and labeling. For example, reuse of glass and plastic containers.
  • Return of waste after processing to the production cycle. For example, tin containers - in the production of steel, waste paper - in the production of paper and cardboard.

Some types of waste that can no longer be used for their intended purpose are recycled, after which it is more expedient to return them to the production cycle as secondary raw materials. So, part of the waste can be used to produce heat and electricity.

In addition to those already listed, the disposal of solid waste can be carried out by several more methods. Each of them is applicable to a certain kind waste, and has its advantages and disadvantages.

Thermal processing of waste

Thermal processing refers to several methods:

  • burning;
  • low temperature pyrolysis;
  • plasma treatment (high temperature pyrolysis).

The simple incineration method is the most common and one of the cheapest methods of waste management. It is during incineration that large volumes of garbage are utilized, and the resulting ash takes up less space, does not undergo decay processes, and does not emit harmful gases into the atmosphere. It is non-toxic and does not require specially equipped places for burial.

The main thing in this method is that when burning garbage, a large amount of thermal energy is released, which in recent times learned to use for autonomous operation of enterprises engaged in waste incineration. And its surplus is redirected to city stations, which makes it possible to provide entire areas with electricity and heat.

The disadvantage of this method is that during combustion, in addition to safe components, smoke saturated with toxic substances is formed, which creates a dense curtain over the earth's surface and leads to a significant violation of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, contributing to its thinning and the formation of ozone holes.

High temperature and low temperature pyrolysis

- this is technological process waste gasification occurring at a melting temperature higher than in a conventional processing plant (over 900°C).

As a result, a vitrified product is formed at the outlet, which is absolutely harmless and does not require further disposal costs. The scheme of this process allows to obtain gas from the organic components of the scrap, which is then used to generate electricity and steam.

The main advantage of this method is that it allows you to successfully solve the problem of environmentally friendly waste disposal without unnecessary costs for preliminary preparation, sorting, drying.

The advantages of low-temperature pyrolysis (temperature from 450 to 900°C) are:

  • use for processing almost all types of household waste, previously carefully selected;
  • obtaining pyrolysis oils used in the production of plastics;
  • release of pyrolysis gas suitable for further use.

In addition, there is such a waste disposal method as composting. Since most of the waste is made up of various organic residues, they are subject to rapid decay in the natural environment.

The composting method is based on this property of organic substances. In the process of composting, not only does a huge part of the garbage that pollute the environment get rid of, but also substances useful for agriculture - fertilizers - are obtained in the process.

The presented methods of waste disposal allow for the processing of garbage with the least negative impact on the environment.

Video: A modern approach to waste disposal

The complex of technical and technological solutions that accompany the processes of waste management from the moment of their formation to the disposal of non-disposable components is the basis for management in the waste management system.

The main methods of waste processing are:

 composting,

 biodegradation,

 incineration.

These methods are especially effective in the processing of MSW.

1. Composting.

Composting is considered a form of processing that targets raw organic waste matter. Composting is a biological method for the disposal of solid waste. Sometimes it is called biothermal method.

The essence of the process is as follows: various, mainly heat-loving microorganisms actively grow and develop in the thickness of the garbage, as a result of which it self-heats up to 60 0 C. At this temperature, pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms die. The decomposition of solid organic pollutants in household waste continues until a relatively stable material, similar to humus, is obtained.

The mechanism of the main composting reactions is the same as in the decomposition of any organic matter. When composting, more complex compounds decompose and turn into simpler ones.

The cost of composting methods increases with the use of specialized equipment and can reach significant values.

The scheme of work of the waste processing plant is as follows . The completed cycle of MSW neutralization consists of three technological stages:

 reception and preliminary preparation garbage;

 actually biothermal process of neutralization and composting;

 compost processing.

Waste processing must necessarily be combined with the issuance of products that are safe and epidemiologically.

Waste disposal is provided primarily by the high temperature of aerobic fermentation. During the biothermal process, the majority of pathogenic microorganisms die.

However, the compost obtained as a result of biothermal disposal of MSW at waste processing plants should not be used in agriculture and forestry, because contains impurities of heavy metals, which through herbs, berries, vegetables or milk can harm human health.

2. Biodegradation organic waste

It is generally accepted that biological methods for the decomposition of organic pollutants are considered the most environmentally acceptable and cost-effective.

The technology of waste biodegradation process is different. For example: in bioponds - liquid waste, in bioreactors - liquid, pasty, solid, in biofilters - gaseous. There are other modifications of biotechnology.

Significant disadvantages of aerobic technologies, especially in the treatment of concentrated wastewater, are energy costs for aeration and problems associated with the processing and disposal of a large amount of excess sludge generated (up to 1–1.5 kg of microbial biomass for each kilogram of organic matter removed).

It helps to eliminate these shortcomings anaerobic wastewater treatment by methane digestion. At the same time, energy costs for aeration are not required, which plays an important role in the conditions of an energy crisis, the volume of sediment decreases and, in addition, valuable organic fuel, methane, is formed.

The list of substances biodegradable anaerobically includes organic compounds of various classes: alcohols; aldehydes; aliphatic and aromatic acids.

Sequential multistage destruction of molecules of organic substances is possible due to the unique abilities of certain groups of microorganisms to carry out catabolic process breaking down complex molecules into simple ones and exist due to the energy of destruction of complex molecules, having no access to either oxygen or other energetically preferable electron acceptors (nitrate, sulfate, sulfur, etc.). Microorganisms use carbon from organic substances for this purpose. Consequently, in the process of reductive fission, complex organic molecules are broken down into methane and carbon dioxide.

3. waste incineration

Municipal solid waste is a heterogeneous mixture in which almost all chemical elements are present in the form of various compounds. The most common elements are carbon, which accounts for about 30% (by mass) and hydrogen 4% (by mass), which are part of organic compounds. The calorific value of waste is largely determined by these elements. In industrialized European regions, the calorific value of MSW is 1900–2400 kcal/kg, and in some cases it reaches 3300 kcal/kg, and a further increase in the calorific value of waste is predicted, which will affect the design features of the elements of thermal equipment.

MSW incineration is generally an oxidative process. Therefore, oxidative reactions also prevail in the combustion chamber. The main combustion products of carbon and hydrogen are CO 2 and H 2 O, respectively.

When incinerated, it must be taken into account that MSW contains potentially hazardous elements characterized by high toxicity, high volatility and content, such as various compounds of halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine), nitrogen, sulfur, heavy metals (copper, zinc, lead, cadmium , tin, mercury).

There are two main ways of formation of dioxins and furans during the thermal processing of MSW:

 primary formation in the process of MSW incineration at a temperature of 300–600 ºС;

 secondary formation at the stage of cooling of flue gases containing HCl, copper (and iron) compounds and carbon-containing particles at a temperature of 250–450 ºС (reaction of heterogeneous oxychlorination of carbon particles).

The temperature at which dioxins begin to decompose is –700 ºС, the lower temperature limit for the formation of dioxins is –250–350 ºС.

In order to reduce the content of dioxins and furans to the required standards (0.1 ng / m 3) during combustion at the gas cleaning stage, the so-called primary measures must be implemented, in particular, "two second rule" the geometry of the furnace must ensure the residence time of the gases is not less than 2 seconds. in the furnace zone with a temperature of at least 850 ºС (at an oxygen concentration of at least 6%).

The desire to achieve the highest possible temperatures during combustion and the creation of any additional afterburning zones does not completely solve the problem of reducing the concentration of dioxins in exhaust gases, since it does not take into account the ability of dioxins in new synthesis with a decrease in temperature.

High temperatures lead to an increase in the yield of volatile components and an increase in emissions of hazardous metals.

Theoretically, there are two ways to suppress the formation of dioxins:

 binding of MSW formed during incineration HCl using soda, lime or potassium hydroxide;

 conversion of copper and iron ions into an inactive form, for example, the binding of copper into complexes with the help of amines.

Depending on the process temperature, all methods thermal processing MSW that have found industrial application or have undergone experimental testing can be divided into two large groups:

 processes at temperatures below the melting point of slag;

 Processes at temperatures above the melting point of the slag.

Layered MSW combustion is carried out on moving grates (grate and roller) and in rotating drum kilns.

3.1. Layer burning.

Burning on grates.

All grates are installed in a furnace, which is a combustion chamber, where waste and blast air are supplied as an oxidizer of organic substances.

Pusher screens with both direct and reverse material supply are a system consisting of movable and fixed grates for moving and mixing waste. Direct feed grates (translational-push grates) have a small angle of inclination (6–12.5 º) and push the material towards the slag discharge (in the direction of material movement). Reverse feed grates (reverse push grates) have a large angle of inclination (typically 21-25º) and push the material (lower waste layer) in the opposite direction to the slag discharge and waste transfer. In this case, part of the burning waste layer returns to the beginning of the grate, which intensifies the combustion process.

Burning on roll grates.

Layered combustion of MSW on roll grates is widely used in industrial practice. When using furnaces with roller grates, Borrowed from the practice of burning coal, the material is moved using rotating rolls (drums).

The operating experience of plants that implemented layered combustion of MSW in furnaces with roll grates made it possible to identify a number of shortcomings:

 unsatisfactory operation and negative environmental impact due to poor stabilization of the combustion process;

 often not achieved optimum temperature;

 large yield of underburnt;

 poor quality of slag;

 significant loss of ferrous metals;

 Operational complications when curb stone and large amounts of metal get into the furnace;

 the complexity of organizing effective gas cleaning in case of unstable combustion of waste, etc.

The mechanical introduction of European equipment designed for direct combustion of unprepared municipal waste in Russia is unacceptable, since there is practically no waste collection in the cities of the Russian Federation.

Burning in drum kilns.

Rotary drum kilns for burning raw (unprepared) MSW are rarely used. Most often, these furnaces are used to burn special, including hospital, waste, as well as liquid and pasty industrial waste having an abrasive effect.

Drum ovens are installed with a slight inclination in the direction of waste movement. Furnace rotation speed from 0.05 to 2 rpm. Waste, air and fuel are supplied from the loading side. Slag and ash are discharged from the opposite end of the kiln. In the first part of the furnace, the waste is dried to a temperature of 400 ºС and then gasified and burned, usually at a temperature of 900–1000 ºС.

In the practice of waste incineration, drum kilns were previously often used as afterburner drums after grates.

The practice of using drum kilns as afterburner drums in waste incineration plants is considered obsolete and this technology is not included in the designs of new plants.

3.2. Burning in a fluidized bed.

Fluidized bed combustion is carried out by creating a two-phase pseudo-homogeneous "solid-gas" system due to the transformation of the waste layer into a "pseudo-liquid" under the action of an ascending gas flow sufficient to maintain solid particles in suspension.

The layer resembles a boiling liquid, and its behavior obeys the laws of hydrostatics.

It is believed that combustion in a fluidized bed in terms of environmental and economic parameters in some cases exceeds traditional layer combustion.

Furnaces for solid waste incineration in a fluidized bed provide the best mode of heat transfer and mixing of the material being processed, and these characteristics are superior to boilers with push grates. In addition, fluidized bed apparatuses do not have moving parts or mechanisms. However, the need to ensure the fluidization mode of the processed material imposes restrictions on its granulometric and morphological composition, as well as on the calorific value. In some cases, the process of combustion in a fluidized bed, especially in a circulating fluidized bed, is more expensive than layered combustion.

The productivity of furnaces for burning solid waste in a fluidized bed ranges from 3 to 25 t/h. The prevailing combustion temperature is 850–920 ºС.

Due to the fact that the temperature of solid waste combustion in a fluidized bed is 50–100 ºС lower than in layer combustion, the possibility of nitrogen oxide formation due to air nitrogen oxidation is significantly reduced, resulting in reduced NO emissions with exhaust gases.

The role of the coolant in fluidized bed systems usually performs fine-grained sand , the particle surface of which creates a large heating surface compared to traditional grate combustion.

After heating the sand with an ignition burner to a temperature of 750–800 ºС, the waste is fed into the fluidized bed, where it mixes with the sand and wears out during movement.

As a result of the good thermal conductivity of the sand, the waste begins to burn quickly and evenly. The heat released at the same time maintains the sand in a hot state, which allows you to work in autogenous mode without supplying additional fuel to maintain the combustion mode.

3.3. Burning at temperatures above the melting point of the slag.

Main disadvantages traditional methods of thermal processing of MSW are a large volume of exhaust gases (5000–6000 m 3 per 1 ton of waste) and the formation of significant amounts of slag (about 25% by weight or less than 10% by volume). In addition, slags have a high content of heavy metals and for this reason are only of limited use, mainly as bulk material in landfills.

To obtain a slag melt directly in the process of thermal processing of MSW, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature in the apparatus is higher than the slag melting temperature (about 1300 º C). This usually requires either the use of oxygen or the supply of additional energy. Replacing part of the blast air with oxygen at the same time reduces the amount of exhaust gases.

The most obvious way to increase the temperature of waste combustion is to reduce the content of the inert component (nitrogen) in the used oxidizer (air), the heating of which consumes a significant part of the released energy.

The second significant advantage of combustion in oxygen is the drastic reduction in the volume of flue gases and, consequently, the reduction in gas cleaning costs. In addition, the reduced concentration of nitrogen in the blast air makes it possible to reduce the amount of nitrogen oxides formed at high temperatures, the purification of which is a serious problem.

In the early 90s, Vanyukov metallurgical furnaces were proposed for the thermal processing of MSW at a temperature of 1350–1400 ºС. Combustion is carried out in a fluidized bed of bubbling slag melt, which is formed from CHPP ash and slag waste loaded into the furnace.

The mechanical transfer of this process for large-scale thermal processing of MSW cannot be carried out due to:

 the fact that the efficiency of the Vanyukov furnace is very low due to the high temperature of the exhaust gases (1400–1600 ºС);

 the fact that predominantly organic raw materials are processed for processing; MSW consists of 70–80% organic components. When heated, mineral substances pass into a liquid phase, and organic substances into a gaseous one,

 lack of large-scale testing of the process in relation to MSW, which does not allow working out: loading and unloading units; automation of the process, taking into account fluctuations in the composition of raw materials, the composition and volume of exhaust gases, etc.; autogeneity of the process in relation to the heat treatment of waste as a heterogeneous mixture of many components that differ in composition, size and calorific value. It should be noted that fluctuations in the composition of MSW are not comparable with fluctuations in the composition of powdered concentrates sent for smelting in the Vanyukov furnace. Careful averaging of fluctuations in the composition of concentrates makes it possible to achieve fluctuations within 0.5%, while the initial MSW is practically not amenable to averaging;

 high cost of the process and equipment.

Thus, it is most expedient to use combustion at temperatures above the slag melting temperature for processing not initial MSW, but for neutralizing slags or their enriched fractions formed in the thermal processes of MSW processing at temperatures below the slag melting temperature. The output of slag in these processes is 10–25% of the original MSW, which sharply reduces the required productivity of furnaces and allows periodically involving slag in processing.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

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Mankind is seriously faced with the problem of waste disposal, therefore, more and more advanced methods of waste disposal are being developed all over the world.

“Recycling” is now such a fashionable foreign word. Unfortunately, it has not yet gained the desired popularity in our country. In developed countries, resource conservation is an important motivation for recycling waste.

Special landfills and engineering landfills for waste disposal have a limited area, in addition, they occupy useful land and harm the environment around them. The problem is not solved by the removal of workings at waste incineration plants. They allow you to reduce the amount of waste, but cause no less harm to the environment, poisoning the air with toxic gases.

The latest efforts of scientists are aimed at developing new schemes for waste disposal, and to introduce new processing technologies by type, hazard class and source of origin. This approach is the most effective in terms of protection environment and rational consumption of exhaustible natural resources. The importance of competent waste processing also has an economic component - it contains useful components, the secondary production of which is much cheaper than primary extraction and processing.

Garbage classification

Types of waste by source of origin

  • household
  • Organic origin
  • industrial production
  • Medical
  • radioactive waste

Types of waste by state of aggregation

  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • Pastes
  • Suspensions
  • emulsions
  • Bulk

In total, there are 5 hazard classes of waste:

  • Working off, which belong to the first class of danger, pose a threat to all life on earth. Even in small quantities, they can lead to death, disability, the birth of sick offspring. Substances such as mercury, polonium, plutonium, lead can cause a serious environmental disaster.
  • The second and third hazard classes are united by garbage, which can cause ecological imbalance, and it will take decades to restore it. These include chromium, zinc, phosphorus and chlorine compounds, arsenic.
  • Low-hazard substances of the fourth hazard class also affect the human body and living beings. The ecosystem after their impact is restored within 3 years.
  • There is a fifth class - environmentally friendly garbage, but even in large quantities it can cause damage to the surrounding space.

A variety of working off leads to the need to create progressive methods of primary waste sorting.

Methods for processing household waste

The most significant part of the garbage on earth is MSW. Their source is residential areas and social facilities. With the growth of the world's population, the volume of solid waste is also growing. Currently, there are such types of recycling as:

  • Burial at landfills
  • Natural decomposition in the natural environment
  • Thermal processing
  • Isolation of useful components and recycling


Looking at all existing methods of waste disposal, burial is the most common method. It is suitable only for garbage that is not subject to spontaneous combustion. Ordinary landfills are giving way to landfills equipped with a system of engineering structures that prevent contamination of surface and groundwater, atmospheric air, agricultural land. In developed countries, gas traps are installed at landfills, which are formed during the decomposition process. It is used to generate electricity, space heating and water heating. In Russia, unfortunately, there is a very small number of engineering landfills for disposal.

Most of the workings are various organic residues, they quickly rot in the natural environment. In many countries of the world, household waste is sorted into fractions, their organic part is composted and valuable fertilizer is obtained. In Russia, it is customary to compost an undivided stream of MSW, so it is impossible to use decayed organic matter as a fertilizer.

Thermal processing

Thermal processing refers to the following methods:

  • Burning
  • Pyrolysis on low temperatures burning
  • Plasma treatment (high temperature pyrolysis)

The process of thermal processing allows you to completely destroy harmful components, significantly reduce their number in burial sites, convert combustion energy into heat and electricity.

Simply incinerating garbage is a cheap way to dispose of it. In this area, proven methods of waste processing are practiced, serial equipment is produced, a high level of automation puts the process on a continuous flow. However, when burned, big number harmful gases with toxic and carcinogenic properties. Gradually, the world is moving to pyrolysis.

The most effective is high-temperature pyrolysis - plasma treatment. Her virtues:

  • No need to sort leftovers
  • Getting steam and electricity
  • Obtaining a liquid residue - pyrolysis oil
  • Obtaining a harmless vitrified slag at the output, which can be used in secondary production.
  • Ecological safety for the environment and human health

Plasma waste disposal methods eliminate the need to create new landfills and landfills, and the economic benefits are expressed in millions of dollars in profit.

In recent years, waste recovery has begun to actively develop, i.e. recycling. Garbage contains many useful components that can be reused for the synthesis of new materials and the production of various goods.

From waste sorted:

  • Ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals
  • glass break
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Polymer packaging
  • Rubber
  • Remains of wood
  • Food leftovers, products with expiration dates

The development of recycling in Russia is hampered by the lack of an established waste sorting system. In developed countries, containers for various types of household waste are installed in the yards, and a culture of waste management is brought up from childhood. In our country there are collection points for metals, paper, polymer products, but they cannot seriously stimulate the opening of new production facilities for recycling. A gradual transition to low-waste and resource-saving production is also desirable.

Disposal of industrial waste

Industrial waste includes:

  • Remains of raw materials and materials that are used in production
  • By-products of production - garbage, liquids, gases
  • Substandard and defective products
  • Decommissioned machinery and equipment

Theoretically, any useful component from production waste can be reused. The issue rests on the availability of efficient technologies and the economic feasibility of processing. That is why among industrial wastes, secondary raw materials and irretrievable wastes are distinguished. Depending on the category, different waste processing technologies are used.

Irrevocable waste, where there are no useful components, is subjected to burial in landfills and incineration. Before burial, industrial waste, which contains toxic, chemically active and radioactive substances, must be neutralized. To do this, use specially equipped drives.

Subject to centralized collection and neutralization:

  • Toxic waste containing mercury, arsenic, lead, zinc, tin, cadmium, nickel, antimony
  • Waste from galvanic production
  • Organic varnishes, paints, solvents
  • Oil products
  • Mercury-containing waste
  • Waste containing radioactive components

Accumulators are placed in open areas or in underground structures on the territory of enterprises or beyond. For solid waste, tailing and sludge collectors are built, dumps and waste heaps are arranged for waste rocks, ash, and slag. Liquid waste is placed in ponds, settling tanks and burial grounds. After neutralization, hazardous industrial waste is buried in separate authorized landfills.

All industrial enterprises are included in the list of nature users. In this regard, they must comply with the requirements, rules and regulations for waste management, as well as safety precautions, so as not to harm the environment.

The state is trying to encourage manufacturers to introduce low-waste technologies and convert waste into secondary raw materials. So far, this area is developing poorly in Russia.

Main recycling methods industrial waste:

  1. Separation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, industrial alloys, such as win for the purpose of remelting.
  2. The process of making granules from polymer waste, which is used in the production of the same type of polymer or materials with different properties.
  3. Crushing rubber for use as fillers, production of building materials.
  4. Usage wood waste and shavings for the production of finishing boards and paper.
  5. Obtaining electric current and heat energy from combustible waste.

The problem of industrial waste disposal is very relevant for Russia, where the extractive industries, metallurgy, and petrochemistry are developed, forming a large amount of waste and by-products.

Medical Waste Disposal Methods

Medical waste is a special category. They are formed by medical institutions, pharmacies, pharmacological plants. Approximately 80% consists of ordinary household waste, but the rest can harm the life and health of many people.

Hazardous medical waste includes:

  • All items that have been in contact with patients with dangerous and especially dangerous diseases.
  • Remains medicines, disinfectant liquids.
  • Remains of equipment that uses mercury salts and radioactive elements.
  • Organic waste - biomaterial from pathological and anatomical departments, operating rooms, immunoglobulins, vaccines.

In recent decades, the world has switched to the use of disposable medical instruments made of metal and various types of plastic. After disinfection, they can be sent for recycling after sorting. This judicious use of raw materials will save a significant amount of resources and reduce the cost of producing disposable instruments and patient care items.

Problems of waste disposal and recycling in Russia

The main problems of waste disposal in our country include:

  • The presence of many unauthorized dumps.
  • Combined waste, for example, mercury lamps can be disposed of like glass - according to the lowest hazard class.
  • Placement on a dump of spontaneously combustible waste.
  • Modern methods of waste disposal at waste processing plants are too expensive; they are disposed of at landfills much cheaper.
  • Weakness of the legislative framework and economic incentives for recycling enterprises. The standard is waste disposal at the enterprise.
  • Lack of infrastructure and well-established waste sorting process.

The need to stay healthy ecological environment will force state structures to adopt the experience of developed countries. They will face the need to effectively solve the problems of waste disposal and recycling. different categories and switch to environmentally friendly production technologies.

The problem of waste disposal has been relevant at all times, but today this issue has become so acute that it raises the Shakespearean theme to a global scale: in fact, to be or not to be our planet?

There are only two possible answers: either people turn to face the problem, or our beautiful Earth will perish under a pile of fetid garbage.

Today, there are a huge number of industrial enterprises in the world. And only a few of them can boast waste-free production, the rest cope with waste as best they can or do not cope at all.

About a third of all waste is recycled, that is, disposed of. The rest are forced to lie dead weight and pollute our atmosphere. And the longer we live with this garbage nearby, the less chance of survival for future generations. This question has already matured so clearly that it is time for everyone to think and ring the bells anxiously.

Waste disposal is a complex measure. In order to qualitatively approach the solution of this problem, it is necessary to take into account the presence of different types of waste, and the processing of each of them should be approached individually.

How much is processed in Russia

In particular, Russian enterprises annually produce 3.5 billion tons of waste.

Of these, 2.6 billion are industrial, 700 million tons are liquid waste generated by poultry and livestock farms, 42 million tons are, and 30 million tons are sewage treatment plant sludge.

Classification of waste by type

Depending on the origin, waste is classified into different types and classes. Let's name the most common ones, although this is a rather conditional division, in fact there are much more species and subspecies.

Household waste

This type includes waste generated in the process of human life. These are various food, paper, plastic and other wastes that citizens throw out of their homes and institutions. Ordinary, familiar to all garbage, found everywhere and everywhere, belongs to the fourth or fifth class of danger.

biological waste

Animals and man are species. Their waste products are great. These include public catering, sanitary facilities, veterinary clinics and the like. The main method of their disposal is. Liquid fractions are taken out on special machines.

Industrial waste

These include waste generated as a result of production and technological work. This type can also include construction waste, which appears as a result of the production of construction and finishing materials(paint and varnish, heat-insulating, etc.), during the construction of houses and structures, as well as during installation, finishing, facing and repair work.

radioactive waste

These are unusable gases, solutions, various materials and products, biological objects that contain radioactive substances in excess of the allowable amount.

Depending on this indicator, the degree of their danger is determined.

This group includes waste produced by medical institutions. Of these, about 80% is ordinary household waste, the remaining 20% ​​pose a threat to humans to one degree or another.

Division by hazard class

Waste is also classified according to its state of aggregation, that is, it can be liquid, solid and gaseous. According to the degree of danger, waste is divided into classes, there are four of them.

The lower the class of waste, the greater the threat they pose to humans and the planet as a whole.

  • The first class includes extremely hazardous wastes that can disrupt the ecosystem on a catastrophic scale. The consequences of such an impact are irreversible.
  • The second class is represented by very hazardous wastes that pose a threat to the environment for a long period (about 30 years).
  • The third class is moderately hazardous waste. The ecosystem has been disturbed, but its restoration is possible only after 10 years, provided that the harmful source is eliminated.
  • Low hazardous waste is the fourth class. Their detrimental impact on the environment continues for 3 years.
  • Class 5 waste does not pose a threat to the environment.

What danger does each species pose to the environment and humans

Waste is one of the leading environmental issues worldwide. Alas, some countries still do not understand the danger that nature and man are in. The planet is literally littered with debris.

Municipal solid waste is diverse: cardboard and wood, metal and ordinary paper, textiles and leather, rubber, stones, glass. Especially dangerous is plastic waste, which does not decompose for a long period and can lie in the ground for tens and even hundreds of years. Rotting household waste is a favorable environment for the development of many pathogens.

From year to year, the number of industrial enterprises is growing, respectively, the amount of waste is increasing, which leads to pollution and littering of nature.

As a result, the quality of the environment is constantly deteriorating, and natural landscapes are increasingly subject to an irreversible process of destruction. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of land suitable for agricultural activities are dying under the rubble of rotting waste.

Industrial waste has a negative impact not only on the atmosphere, but also on water resources planets. Disposal of production waste in wastewater leads to pollution of the waters of the World Ocean, which, in turn, reduces biological productivity and negatively affects the climate of the Earth as a whole.

Construction debris, consisting of the remains of wood, drywall, metal, concrete, etc., can damage the balance of the ecosystem. The decomposition time of such waste is quite long. For example, brick fragments can lie in the soil for up to 100 years.

Radiochemical plants, nuclear power plants, research centers emit the most dangerous waste into the environment - radioactive. They are not only dangerous, they can lead our Earth to ecological disaster. The last sad experience in Chernobyl showed firsthand the global threat of this type of pollution.

Despite the fact that Russia has accumulated enough of its own nuclear waste, radioactive waste from other countries is brought into the country for processing and further storage.

The danger of medical waste is great. They can contain highly dangerous, self-reproducing pathogenic microorganisms, and if they are simply thrown into landfills, there is a risk of spreading bacteria, which as a result will lead to outbreaks of various epidemics.

Man, being part of the ecosystem, is also exposed to the harmful effects of industrial waste. In recent years, a number of diseases have appeared - allergic, endocrine, toxic - caused by the action of chemicals released by humans into the natural environment.

Waste disposal methods in the Russian Federation

The problem of waste disposal is relevant all over the world today, including in Russia. There are three main ways that are used for waste disposal in our country:

  • storage of garbage in specially designated landfills;
  • burning;
  • processing into secondary raw materials.

In order to engage in this type of activity, you must have a license and conclude an agreement. Moreover, each type of waste has its own rules.

Solid household waste and its disposal

The nature of Russia is beautiful and diverse. However, today in the vastness of our vast Motherland there is not a single natural corner untouched by human hand. Traces of human carelessness can be found everywhere: bottles, bags, cans, cigarette packs, etc. lying around.

80% of all household waste in Russia is simply taken to landfills. The cost of this method is the lowest. The official landfills of the Russian Federation, in which about 82 billion tons of waste are buried, are about 11 thousand. Their number is constantly increasing, thereby causing enormous damage to nature.

Some of the garbage is incinerated and then buried. However, this method also has a number of disadvantages, since the harmful substances formed during the combustion process are very toxic, their release into the environment adversely affects human health.

Food waste is placed in stores, where under the influence of a certain temperature they decompose, compost.

Only 3% of household waste undergoes industrial processing. This method of disposal today poses the least danger, but the whole problem lies in the construction of such enterprises, or rather, the need to invest in this industry.

Recycling of industrial waste

Industrial waste is generated literally at every stage of production. Recently, state authorities have seriously thought about making fundamental changes in the field of nature management, when proper recycling and neutralization of industrial waste generated by enterprises will be subject to the strictest accounting.

Within the territory of Russian Federation plants for processing industrial waste into secondary raw materials are already operating. So far, this industry has just begun its development, so today only 35% of this type of waste undergoes high-quality processing. The rest is still dumped in landfills or, even worse, in sewage, thereby causing irreparable damage to the planet. Unfortunately, this problem is global, and it must be solved at the global level.

Disposal of radioactive and medical residues

Numerous bans have been introduced in Russia on the conditions of handling, disposal, as well as on the import of these types of waste. However, to date, burial and incineration are the main methods of their disposal. There are special burial grounds in which solid and liquid radioactive substances are buried.

Medical waste is first collected in special bags and then mostly incinerated, which is also unsafe. At this stage, special furnaces equipped with gas cleaning equipment have already begun to function, and alternative methods of combustion have also appeared (autoclaving, microwave and steam-heat treatment).

Is the problem of waste disposal solvable?

Despite the huge scale, the problem of waste disposal is solvable. Of course, every inhabitant of the planet must start the fight with himself. But still, the consciousness of people must be necessarily supported by measures taken at the state level. A comprehensive system is needed to deal with the responsible management of natural resources and waste management. Only A complex approach to the problem on the part of the state, local authorities, as well as each individual inhabitant of the planet, can minimize the risks of the detrimental impact of waste on the ecosystem.

Undoubtedly, one of the negative factors influencing urbanization on humans and the environment is a large amount of human waste that appears due to population growth (an increase in the amount of products consumed by a person and industrial goods used by him leads to an increase in household waste), as well as with the growth of production (an increase in the number and capacity of enterprises leads to an increase in industrial waste).

The problem of waste disposal is currently acute for humanity.

Consider the classification of industrial and domestic waste.

According to the state of aggregation, waste is divided into solid and liquid.

According to the source of generation, waste can be:

industrial - are formed during the production process (metal scrap, shavings, plastics, dust, ash, etc.);

biological - are formed in agriculture (bird droppings, animal waste, crop waste and other organic waste);

household - are formed as a result of human activities (food waste, sewage sludge, household chemicals, etc.).

The most dangerous for the environment are considered industrial wastes, which are chemically heterogeneous, complex mixtures of various substances with different chemical and physical properties, and represent toxic, chemical, biological, corrosive, fire and explosion hazards. There is a classification of industrial wastes according to their chemical nature, technological features of formation, the possibility of further processing and use.

According to toxicity, wastes are divided into the following toxicity classes:

extremely dangerous - wastes containing mercury and its compounds, including sublimate (HgCl2), potassium cyanide, antimony compounds, including SbCl3 - trichlorine antimony, benz-a-pyrene, etc.;

highly hazardous - waste containing copper chloride, containing copper sulfate, copper oxalate, antimony trioxide, lead compounds;

moderately hazardous - waste containing lead oxides (PbO, PbO2, Pb3O4), nickel chloride, carbon tetrachloride;

low-hazard - wastes containing magnesium sulfate, phosphates, zinc compounds, calcium chloride, manganese dioxide wastes of mineral processing by the flotation method using amines;


Determination of the waste hazard class is carried out according to the maximum allowable concentration of substances, taking into account their solubility in water and the content of substances in the total mass of waste.

Wastes that can later be used in production are classified as secondary material resources. For example, waste paper can be used for the production of paper, scrap - glass, scrap metal - metal, ash, dust, slag? building materials and structures, poultry and livestock waste? organic fertilizers, waste oils and petroleum products? oil production, etc.

Solid industrial waste (SW) are, as a rule, more or less homogeneous products that do not require prior separation into groups for their processing.

Municipal solid waste (MSW), on the contrary, is a coarse mechanical mixture of a wide variety of materials and decaying products that differ in physical, chemical and mechanical properties and sizes.

Each production unit, as a rule, is characterized by its specific type of solid waste, which is a mixture of various products formed during the production of certain products or semi-finished products.

All TPOs are divided into the following groups:

waste of metal processing production units;

waste from metallurgical production units;

waste glass and ceramic industries;

waste in the production of polymeric materials of synthetic chemistry (including waste rubber and rubber products);

waste from natural polymeric materials (waste wood, cardboard, pulp and paper waste, waste fibroin, keratin, casein, collagen);

heating system waste;

fibrous waste;

radioactive waste.

MSW is divided into the following groups.

waste from natural materials (food (rotting) waste; waste from medical, medical, research organizations; polymer waste from natural materials, including waste wood, cardboard, pulp and paper, wrapping materials);

industrial waste (metal; waste of spent chemical current sources; broken glass and glassware; waste of polymeric materials of synthetic chemistry, including rubber and rubber products, all wrapping materials and polymer containers from synthetic chemistry products; radioactive waste).

Currently, mining, metallurgical, chemical, woodworking, energy and other industries generate more than a billion tons of waste annually. Only a third of the total is used. The largest amount of waste is obtained during the extraction and enrichment of raw materials.

The most important step in waste management is collection, in which waste is separated depending on further use, method of processing, disposal and disposal. This process is very important, as it allows to significantly simplify and reduce the cost of their further processing by eliminating or reducing the cost of their separation.

After collection, the waste is recycled, recycled and disposed of.

The most important stage in the process of subsequent processing and use of household waste is their separation into different types already at the stage of collection in places of generation, i.e. directly in residential areas. Waste should be separated into food, paper, glass, plastic and various packaging. Food waste, for example, can be further processed into feed and organic fertilizers, and paper waste can be used to produce paper products, etc.

Such wastes are recycled that can be useful, as indicated earlier. For example, used oils are cleaned from corrosion products, abrasive wear, other kinds of suspended particles, thermal decomposition products, additives are added and oils are obtained for reuse. Animal husbandry, poultry farming waste, municipal sewage sludge that does not contain heavy metals can be recycled and used as environmentally friendly fertilizers. Waste rubber products, in particular car tires, subjected to grinding and re-sent for the manufacture of these products. Nuclear fuel spent at nuclear power plants is processed at radiochemical plants in order to isolate plutonium-239 and uranium-235 for further use in nuclear reactors and other purposes.

An acute problem is the use of plastics and packaging materials that, when burned, would not form toxic substances, in particular dioxins, or decompose in the soil under the influence of natural biological processes.

Waste recycling? the most important stage in ensuring life safety, contributing to the protection of the environment from pollution and conserving natural resources.

Waste that cannot be processed and further used as secondary resources (the processing of which is difficult and economically unprofitable, or which is in excess) is disposed of in landfills. Before disposal in a landfill, waste a high degree humidity are dehydrated. Compressible waste is advisable to compress, but combustible? burn to reduce their volume and mass. When pressing, the volume of waste is reduced by up to 10 times, and when burned? up to 50 times. Incineration in furnaces at waste incineration plants that operate in many countries of the world has become widespread.

The disadvantage of incineration is the significantly higher costs compared to landfilling, dumping into the sea and disposal in exhausted mines. However, the thermal method of waste disposal is preferable to storing them in landfills and landfills.

Also, during combustion there are serious problems associated with the formation of gaseous toxic emissions. Therefore, waste incineration plants must be equipped with highly efficient dust and gas cleaning systems.

For the disposal of industrial waste, it is advisable to use reservoirs in geological formations: granite, volcanic rocks, tuffs, basalts, salt strata, gypsum, anhydrite, dolomite, clay. Such storage facilities can exist both independently and jointly with mining enterprises in its mine field.

When storing waste in landfills, the following conditions and restrictions must be observed:

in places of storage, waterproofing should be performed to prevent contamination of groundwater;

complete elimination of the occurrence of deformations that can make the water-conducting thickness (shear under the action of its own mass, dynamic loads caused by earthquakes, gas-dynamic phenomena, ground explosions, etc.);

accommodation away from settlements, areas of possible occurrence of floods, mudflows, breakthrough of dams and dams, subsidence of the earth's surface as a result of mining;

the nature of the landfill equipment should depend on the type and toxicity class of the stored waste;

landfills should be located away from water protection zones and have sanitary protection zones.

Distinguish landfills of enterprises, urban landfills, landfills of regional significance.

Recycling and disposal radioactive waste? one of the most difficult problems. Collection, processing and disposal of radioactive waste is carried out separately from other types of waste. It is expedient to subject solid radioactive waste to compaction and incineration at special installations equipped with radiation protection and a highly efficient system for cleaning ventilation air and exhaust gases. When burned, 85...90% of the radionuclides are localized in the ash, the rest are captured by the gas cleaning system.

The nuclear fuel cycle produces a large amount of liquid radioactive waste (LRW). To reduce their volume, liquid wastes are subjected to evaporation, in which the bulk of the radionuclides is localized in the sediment. LRW is temporarily stored in specially equipped tanks, and then sent to special landfills.

In order to eliminate or reduce the risk of groundwater pollution during the final disposal of LRW, methods of their curing are used. Wastes are cemented to form cement stone, bituminized, vitrified, vitrified wastes are included in a metal matrix. Cementing? the simplest method, however, the fixation of radionuclides in the cement stone is not reliable enough, the radionuclides are washed out, and the stone may collapse over time. Bituminization ensures reliable fixation of radionuclides, but with high activity of waste, a large amount of heat of radioactive decay is released, and the bitumen block can melt (melting point of bitumen is 130 °C). vitrification? the most reliable, but also the most expensive method.

For high-level waste, the method of incorporating vitrified waste into a metal matrix is ​​used. To do this, glass beads with radionuclides fixed in them are obtained from the glass mass obtained on the basis of LRW, they are poured into the matrix together with a low-melting alloy based on lead, then the container is heated, the metal is melted and the glass beads are fixed in the metal matrix.

Burial of radioactive waste is carried out in burial grounds in geological formations. Burial grounds can be equipped in the surface layers of the soil, in rock salt massifs (often used salt mines), crystalline rocks. They should be located in places not prone to floods, mudflows, landslides, in seismically safe areas where there is no groundwater nearby. To date, the issues of disposal and disposal of radioactive waste have not been fully resolved.

Devices and PCBs contain not only a lot of valuable materials (gold, silver, rare metals), but also a lot of toxic substances, such as heavy metals. Chlorine- and bromine-based overheating flame retardants, which can form extremely dangerous dioxins during combustion, are used in plastics and printed circuit boards.

The latest PC safety requirements provide for the exclusion of flame retardants based on toxic components, the manufacture of structural elements from pure plastics without additives of dyes, and the minimization of the composition of plastics and other materials used. All these requirements are aimed at simplifying the further processing and disposal of decommissioned PCs.

Recycling of electronic industry waste is carried out by separating into separate homogeneous components, isolating components valuable for further use by chemical methods, and sending them for reuse.

A radical solution to the problems of protection against industrial waste is possible with the widespread introduction of low-waste technologies. The term “non-waste technology” is often used, which is incorrect, since non-waste technologies do not exist.

A low-waste technology is a technology in which all components of raw materials and energy are rationally used in a closed cycle, that is, the use of primary natural resources and the resulting waste are minimized.

Low-waste technologies should include:

reduction of material consumption of products;

the use of closed water supply cycles of enterprises, in which treated wastewater is again sent to production;

the resulting waste or substances caught by the gas cleaning should be reused in the production of other products and goods. For example, the solvents captured by adsorbers are sent back to production during regeneration.

A deep solution to the problem of disposal and processing of industrial waste is a long and painstaking process that a number of generations of scientists, engineers, technicians, ecologists, economists, workers of various profiles and many other specialists will have to deal with.

Thus, with an increase in urbanization, with the expansion of production, an increase in the population (especially in large cities), which imply an increase in the amount of human waste (both domestic and industrial), the emergence of another negative factor of urbanization on human life and the environment is undeniable. environment - problems of utilization of household and industrial waste of human activity. The positive aspect is that humanity is still striving to solve this problem, using various ways collection and disposal of human waste.

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