Window sill decoration. Window Sill Design Ideas - Creative Design Ideas

Design and interior 02.12.2018
Design and interior

Moving to new apartment, we rejoiced at the increase in our residential meters. But there is much less space for flowers. The window sills turned out to be so narrow that even a saucer could not rest on them, not to mention flower pots. The problem had to be solved urgently before we lost half of the collection. It was especially important to solve the problem of a narrow window sill in the kitchen.


The first option that comes to mind is a plastic window with a plastic window sill. True, the window sill increases by only 10 centimeters. Not as big a gain as we would like. In addition, if the kitchen is small, the desktop (wherever it stands) makes the kitchen cramped and uncomfortable.

The decision came by itself. It is necessary to make a full-fledged work surface from the window sill - from wall to wall. In this case, the window sill will have a length of 2 m, a width of 45 cm (near the wall) and 60 cm (in the window opening).

Window sill installation

For the manufacture of a wide window sill, we used 2 simple narrow kitchen cabinets without a "top" and facades. These cabinets are easy to purchase at a home improvement store or ordered from a kitchen furniture company.

The bedside tables were placed sideways against the outer wall, opposite each other. Thus, they have become a reliable support for the countertop. Adjustable legs made it possible to adjust the height of the bedside tables and the level of the window sill.

Taken for the tabletop big leaf plywood (12 mm). According to the plan, the tabletop is slightly wider than the bedside tables standing sideways, and goes into the window opening. Given the uneven geometry of the walls, the base for the countertop had to be cut out according to a pre-made pattern. For curly carving, an electric jigsaw was needed.

The next stage is facing the countertop with ceramic tiles. We used medium-sized tiles: with a small kitchen, large tiles visually reduce the free space, and laying very small tiles is a rather tedious task. As a result, the choice fell on the tile with which the wall was finished. The total size is 20x20 cm, while each one consists of four small "tiles" (10x10 cm).

To avoid wet processes, tiles were attached to plywood with glue, which is popularly called "liquid nails".

The seams were covered with white grout. The end was closed with an aluminum threshold. By the way, window slopes were made last, when the wide window sill was already completely ready.

Impressions from the operation of the window sill(after five years)

No need:

Making wide seams between tiles - the designer's desire to keep the size of the cells and lines, as on the wall, played bad joke. Rough seams 5 mm wide turned out to be "dirt accumulators". At first they were intensively cleaned and washed. However, from constant cleaning, the grout began to crack. Hence the moral: on the countertop (window sill), lay the tiles close, with minimal gaps.

Use embossed tiles, even if one has already been used for walls. From an aesthetic point of view, it is beautiful, but from a household one ... Embossed tiles have to be cleaned regularly with a brush (a rag is enough for a smooth surface).

In order not to block the gas valve, a large hatch (15x15 cm) is made in plywood, one whole tile serves as a cover for it. If necessary, the tiles are easy to remove. It can be installed on furniture handle. True, experience shows that even without a handle, such a hatch is quite convenient to use.

Familiar to many of us is a curtained window. However, designers offer to expand the interior and provide the room with additional space. This can be done with the help of an unusual detail - a window sill-sofa.

Remember your childhood. Probably everyone, with their legs up, was sitting on the windowsill, fixing their eyes on the window, watching the cars or the falling snow. Adults will not waste time in this way, but sit with a laptop or your favorite book - why not?

To realize such a decision, it is worth doing in place of the windowsill mini sofa. The main obstacle in creating this project can be a radiator placed under the window, so when repairing the room, you need to move it away from the window. If the repair is completed, and the idea with a window sill-sofa in the apartment came to you just now, then you need it.

The important point is that the accent in the interior of the room will be directed to the sofa, so when creating the design, you need to build on it. Try to create a space that is both useful and functional. The gaps on the walls around the window can be filled with shelves for books, and the window sill can be converted into a cozy soft sofa.

An unusual version of the window sill in the design of different rooms

Sometimes a wide option is used in a children's room to make an extra place to sleep. Be sure to take care of the insulation so that it is not cold in such a “bed” in winter. If the narrow element is increased in width, even two beds can be created.

On the kitchen or from the windowsill you can make a comfortable bench, which will be placed near the table and play the role. This option should be done in your style so that the room is made in a single style decision.

In the living room, the sofa under the windowsill will serve as a place where it is convenient to watch movies or read books. You should definitely place a blanket and a few on it. In such a cozy homely atmosphere it will be easy to relax after work.

We create an interior with our own hands

If your house or apartment has big window with a wide opening, you can create a window sill-sofa with your own hands. It will turn out to be roomy: for this, it is enough to slightly increase the width of the existing element and put a mattress on top.

Please note that the height of the window should not exceed 50 cm from the floor: only in this case it will be possible to create a comfortable seating area. It is also desirable that the frame be large, otherwise your sofa will turn out to be too small and uncomfortable.

To get started, you need to have a number of necessary things. To do this, you should buy:

  • marking pencil;
  • mounting foam;
  • measuring tape;
  • jigsaw or file for cutting the base;
  • level;
  • silicone sealant;
  • metal brackets and corners;
  • base for a window sill.

Installation steps

First you need to measure the space in the opening. It is necessary to add 2 cm to the resulting dimensions in width - this distance the plate will go under the window. We add 5 cm to the length on each side: they will go under the slopes of the window.

When installing a conventional window sill, it is taken into account that it can protrude beyond the opening plane by no more than 10 cm. When installing a sofa, the protrusion can be increased, but in this case it is necessary to strengthen the structure. For this, metal corners are used. However, remember that the edges of the surface should not be overloaded during operation so that they do not deform.

Special pads are placed under the plate to avoid deflection and they are foamed. Foam is applied to the middle and edges of the product. Before using the foam, everything must be cleaned of dust and dirt. After checking the correct installation, the product is fixed completely. To ensure better adhesion, the surface must be moistened with water.

The installation of the foundation under it must be controlled by the building level, because a large slope towards the room will not allow the mattress to stay on the surface. Since there will be no condensation from the window and water from watering flowers on such a surface, there is no need to make a slope for water to drain.

Wooden window sill sofa

For a wooden product, felt insulation is used, which is placed under the base. If the surface does not need to be greatly expanded, then you can install the sofa on spacers. To do this, the cut-out base is mounted in size using special spacers, and leveled. Fix using foam or a special solution, which is applied with a layer of 0.5 cm. For a dwelling, this can be a mixture of gypsum and putty. Additionally, a wooden base should be fixed with self-tapping screws. The sealant is used to seal cracks and joints of the window sill with the frame and walls. Wood is varnished to prolong its life.

Installing the plastic base

The most common window sill option is plastic. It has a number of advantages:

  • firstly, it is lightweight;
  • secondly, it does not need staining;
  • thirdly, it is resistant to atmospheric influences of ultraviolet and heat.

In addition, plastic does not rot and practically does not ignite. To install such a window sill, the same scheme is used as for a wooden one, but foam is used to fix it. To prevent shifts and deformation of the base, heavy objects are placed on its surface before applying the foam. After hardening, the foam is cut off with a clerical knife.

Installation of stone products for the window sill

Very nice in. And if you put it on it, then it will be quite comfortable to sit on it. Granite is used to create products for the street, marble is more suitable for indoors. The stone can be both natural and artificial.

Every romantic person wants to pour herself a cup of coffee and sit on a wide one, looking out into the street and dreaming of something high.

Often in American films you can see that window sills perform a different function than we have in Russia. We make a hotbed of flowers and all kinds of rubbish, cats spoil flowers and gnaw rubbish, we are angry with cats. And in the western interior, they sleep or sit on the windowsills.

It can function couches, couches, beds, or tables. So what's stopping us?

First, you need to choose what or who your window sill will be - it all depends on its height. And of course, we can not do without the stronger sex!

If you have a high window sill, then you can choose a countertop with an overhang and make a table out of it. It can be like a kitchen if you transform kitchen window, or workers.

Do not worry if the table is too high - they will come to the rescue bar chairs! it a good idea for small studios to save space.

Overhanging countertops or window sills are needed, no matter what your legs rest against, but fit freely under it.

And of course, window sills are sold in hardware stores, and have different lengths and widths, and in order to fit it to your size, you will need a jigsaw or a saw!

If the window sill is so low that the chair does not fit there, then you can do couch or seat to enjoy the view from the window.

Our case is the second - that's why we initially make a soft window sill.

To do this, we take it, make it the desired width (under our window and slopes), lay something soft on it. It can be a synthetic winterizer, foam rubber or a soft blanket or an old blanket.

The next step will be the cloth, which will be our top. We wrap the window sill with soft padding in fabric.

But is the fabric supposed to hold up somehow? We turn our design on the wrong side and we nail small carnations and a hammer, fabric from the wrong side.

If you have a good construction stapler, you can use them too! It will be easier!

And take a closer look - you can make a feint with your ears and initially sew it to the fabric - ruffles to make the window sill look prettier.

You can do it at the very end!

Voila! Grab a coffee, cats and sit down!

If the window sill is large enough, then if there are night guests, they can be put on it, seasoned with a blanket and pillow.

The next window sill can be made soft with underlays for laminate. If it is suitable for laminate - why not suitable for our design?

It will be soft, but at the same time durable, and will retain its shape for a long time.

We also fasten the fabric from above, as in the first case.

Throw pillows, blankets and sit down!

Such slopes are very functional, because it is convenient for young people to smoke, and for ladies to sit down on it with a glass of wine.

And of course - in moments of solitude, there is nothing better than a mug of strong tea on the window, stroking a cat.

If there is a desire to make the window sill soft, but not to redo it, then try a quilted, soft backing.

It is also easy to do it yourself. It can just show off on top of your usual white window, and it can take up all of it, or only part of it.

And the slope walls are very easy to decorate with your favorite photos, wall clock and pictures!

A comfortable window sill-sofa in an apartment or house solves several design and functional tasks at once.

Such an element looks impressive, saves space, creates a cozy nest for relaxation and decorates the window in a new way. You can make a sofa instead of a window sill in the kitchen, in the children's room, bedroom, living room, library. There are a lot of design options - with hard and soft seats, with shelves and niches, with drawers and the most lightweight designs.

Which window sill can be turned into a sofa

You can make a seat on the windowsill only if the window is located at a suitable height. The width does not matter - even a small sofa will bring zest to the interior. But here window opening depth is an important question. If the window sill is very narrow, then you will have to build an additional structure that will increase the width of the bench, but reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

The easiest way to make a fake drywall wall is using the wireframe method. If the room is already small, you can limit yourself to columns. A practical option is to turn the superstructure into cabinets. So the place will not be lost in vain, and the interior becomes original and attractive.

Panoramic windows do not have a window sill, but in such a window design, light sofas with legs or seats fixed in the walls (slopes) are often chosen.

bay window ideal for creating a sofa area - the oval shape increases the length of the seats, and the recessed bench does not interfere with moving around the room. A bay window with a sofa zones the space and makes it functional.

In a private house, you should pay attention to the windows located on the flights of stairs. Small benches will decorate the mini-halls and make them functional. In such corners, you can equip libraries, places for recreation, home offices, beds for animals. If the site is compact, it is better to make the design of the window sill as simple as possible.

Design ideas and photos of design options

A window sill with a seat fits into almost all interior design styles. It is only important to clearly maintain the general direction, choosing the right materials for the bench and fabrics for upholstery of the seat and tailoring of pillows. It is more practical to make removable soft seats than capital upholstery, since the glass needs to be washed periodically.

Cozy window-sofa in the living room

Living room - perfect place for a soft saucer - such a sofa can become a central design element. This technique visually expands the space and makes the window part of the interior. There is no need for curtains, more gets into the room sunlight. But here it is important to consider where the windows of the living room go. If this is a private house, and they face the courtyard, you can do without curtains, but in city apartments such a technique is not always appropriate.

You should not refuse a sofa in place of a window sill, you just need to stick a mirror film or think about how to hang curtains to get the desired result. If there is a water heating battery under the windowsill and it is unrealistic to move it, you need to use masking screens that create convection and let warm air through. You can also look for designer radiators with seats.

Often, when redeveloping, designers combine a loggia with a living room, constructing a spacious sofa in place of the former balcony. In this case, the sofa area is in a natural recess and fits perfectly into the interior of the living room, including.

Soft window sill in the bedroom

In a small bedroom there is rarely a place for a banquette, but you don’t always want to lie on the bed. The soft zone on the windowsill is a great alternative to a full-fledged chair or sofa. Here you can read, sit with a tablet or do embroidery. Such a "seat" is convenient to operate, dressing and doing makeup. Under the sofa there is an opportunity to build a mini chest of drawers for bed linen, pillows, clothes.

If the bedroom is spacious, it makes sense to organize a full-fledged relaxation area with a sofa on which you can not only sit down, but also lie down. Such cozy beds are convenient for families with children - kids love to stay in the parent's bedroom.

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