Pink salmon for salmon dry salted. How fast is salmon fish salted? Pink salmon in brine with spices.

Recipes 28.01.2018

Pink salmon is considered one of the most valuable commercial fish. This representative of the salmon family has very tender and tasty meat. Pink salmon meat is easy to cook, fry and pickle. The most popular type of preparation of this fish is salting. Salting pink salmon at home will not be difficult for you. Without much effort you can get to your table delicious fish. With this product, you will certainly please not only yourself, but also your household and guests.

Salting pink salmon at home: recipe 1


  • Pink salmon - 1 piece (1-1.5 kg)
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Black pepper
  • Bay leaf


  1. Before you start salting the fish, it must be cut. Butchering pink salmon consists in cutting off the tail, head and fins. It is also necessary to remove all the insides from the carcass. After that, the fish should be thoroughly washed.
  2. The processed carcass must be cut in half and the ridge and costal bones removed from it.
  3. Now you need to prepare a mixture for salting fish. To do this, mix salt and sugar. Add some black pepper to the mixture. Use the amount of pepper according to your taste.
  4. Salt both halves of the fish with the prepared mixture and place on pink salmon Bay leaf. Each half of the fish should be folded in half so that the bay leaf is inside. This spice will add flavor to the salted pink salmon.
  5. Salted fish should be placed in a bowl and covered with a lid. The fish will be salted in this way for a day. After the pink salmon is salted, it remains only to cut it into portioned pieces and serve it to the table.

Salting pink salmon at home: recipe 2


  • Pink salmon fresh-frozen
  • Sunflower oil


  1. Before you start cooking, let the pink salmon thaw a little. This process will approximately take about an hour. Then remove the tail, head and fins from the carcass of the fish. In addition, it is necessary to clean the fish from the skin. This can be done with a well-sharpened small knife.
  2. It is necessary to cut the pulp into thin slices, and the thinner the slices, the better. That is why it is good to use slightly frozen fish (you will not be able to cut fresh so thinly).
  3. Choose a bowl for salting fish. It is necessary to place a layer of chopped slices of fish fillet in it and sprinkle them with salt. Then put another layer of pink salmon and sprinkle it again with salt. You need to lay out the fish until it runs out.
  4. Then pour pink salmon with oil and cover with a lid. Leave the fish for about 5 hours to salt it. After that, you can eat it immediately, or you can put it in the refrigerator.

Salting pink salmon at home: recipe 3


  • Raw salmon fillet - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons
  • Dill
  • Sweet and spicy mustard - 1 tbsp each
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 125 ml


  1. Choose a dish to place the fillets on. After you put the fillet there, there should be a minimum of space left in the dishes. Lubricate the fish generously with vegetable oil (olive or sunflower).
  2. Prepare a mixture of sugar, salt and dill and sprinkle the fillet with it. Cover all this with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for 2 days. After the fish is salted, cut it into thin slices. Serve pink salmon, salted in this way, with a sauce made from mustard, vinegar, dill and oil.
  3. If you want, when salting pink salmon, you can use finely chopped greens.

Salting pink salmon at home: recipe 4


  • Pink salmon - 1.5 kg
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil - 1-1.5 tbsp.
  • Spices


  1. Select freshly frozen pink salmon weighing 1-1.5 kg and remove the skin from it. This is very easy to do (the mechanism is described in the previous recipe). Starting from the spine, cut the fish into thin pieces.
  2. Mix salt and sugar in any container. If you wish, you can add some coriander.
  3. The fish plates that you have cut must be placed in a jar in layers with a mixture of sugar and salt. It is necessary to lay so that the first layer consists of salt and sugar, and the second of pink salmon. In this case, the fish plates should not overlap each other.
  4. When you put all the fish in this way, pour vegetable oil on top. You can eat fish the next day.

Salting pink salmon at home: recipe 5


  • Fresh fish - 1 piece
  • Salt - 0.5 tbsp
  • Pepper - 2 tsp
  • Onion - 2 pcs
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.


  1. Prepare the fish for salting and cut it into pieces.
  2. Now you need to prepare a mixture of pepper and salt. In the resulting mixture, you need to roll the pieces of fish.
  3. In this state, put the fish in a bowl and cover. Let the pink salmon stand for about 45-50 minutes.
  4. When the salting time is up, rinse the fish pieces in warm water and squeeze.
  5. Cut the onion into half rings, cut the garlic into slices. Put the onion and garlic in a bowl with fish and pour vegetable oil over it. Let the fish stand in this state for about 10-15 minutes. After this time, you can eat the resulting salted pink salmon for food.

Taking advantage of the absence of all the household and the fact that no one would disturb during a delicious meal, looking into the plate and licking my lips, in the morning I went to the kitchen and began to rummage through the refrigerator. Do you know what I found there? It turns out that I am a thrifty hostess, after the last holidays, quite by accident, I left a bag of fish. I didn’t think about my find for a long time, but immediately remembered the amazing recipes. Now I will quickly tell you how to pickle pink salmon at home tasty and quickly, and I will immediately get down to business.

Pink salmon "Home-style"

Now I will teach you easy way salting pink salmon, but first I will tell you a few useful secrets. Girls, sadly, but the meat of the males of this fish is much tastier than the meat of the females. How to recognize where someone is when buying? Focus on the signs of the male sex - size, males are wider and longer.


  • 2 medium pink salmon;
  • 45 gr. salt (large);
  • 20 gr. sugar sand;
  • 1 spoon of vegetable oil;
  • a third of a lemon;
  • a few tablespoons of chopped dill sprigs.

If you are not yet a guru in cutting fish into fillets, I will give you a little consultation. First, cut off the head and tail (they will be used to make a rich aromatic broth), then cut into two parts and carefully separate the backbone. Don't forget about the dorsal fin, properly remove it last. It would not be superfluous to recall that all this waste is also quickly sent to the broth!

  1. For dry salting of pink salmon, I use an old grate from a pressure cooker, because the released liquid must be constantly removed.
  2. I put the fillet cut into pieces (do not try to remove the skin before salting!), Sprinkle with sugar and wait for the crystals to partially dissolve. Only after that evenly sprinkle the salt and cover with a lid.
  3. Install the grate in a container, picking it up in size, and leave your structure in the kitchen for a day. The appetizing fish is ready, it remains to put it in two fillets and send it to the cold (excellent until better times, it will remain even frozen).

Serve skillfully - remove the skin, cut into thin slices, pour over lemon juice and oil. I also sprinkle with dill, but this is not for everybody.

"Under the salmon"

I brought this recipe from work, and, as often happens to me, dreaming about how I would cook such a yummy next weekend, I safely forgot about it. This leaf with my scribbles lay around until the unexpected happened - the guests are almost on the doorstep, and my fresh fish, which yesterday was supposed to go for salting, lies in the refrigerator, hiding behind containers of salads. And here it dawned on me - because I have an instant recipe! I won’t brag about the result, but after listening to one of the ladies present say “Amazing salmon!”, I realized that everything worked out.


  • 1 large salmon;
  • 120 gr. salt (I took large);
  • liter of water;
  • a few tablespoons of oil.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the fish into medium-sized pieces, then divide them into two more parts (it’s elementary that the pink salmon should already be cleaned).
  2. Boil the water first, then completely dissolve the salt crystals in it.
  3. Now the most interesting thing is to immerse pieces of pink salmon in batches for a quarter of an hour into the solution (even your husband can be trusted with this, but make sure that he does not fly away to the TV, forgetting about the responsible assignment).
  4. I almost forgot - you can also salt milk in brine if you come across fish with such an addition. In my family, only a cat is a milk lover, so I immediately give them to the meowing monster.
  5. Lightly blot the salted slices with a paper towel, place in a wide container and pour over with oil (it is important that it is odorless).
  6. Send pink salmon to the refrigerator, and after an hour (even earlier, if necessary), feel free to put it on a dish, decorate with onions and lemon, and show off your fish masterpiece to your guests!

If you use frozen products in cooking, you need to familiarize yourself with a few.


Here, as usual, I got carried away with recipes, but I forgot about the most important thing! Girls, you can use pink salmon without fear, in 100 gr. salty treats only 170 kilocalories! Keep in mind that sauce plays an important role in calories, and now a little surprise from me is fish and a delicious addition that is absolutely harmless to the waist.


  • 3 small fish;
  • one and a half glasses of coarse salt;
  • favorite fragrant herbs and spices;
  • incomplete glass of sugar;
  • juice from half a citrus (lime or lemon);
  • a few tablespoons of mustard (required in grains);
  • a spoonful of two oils (without flavor and additives).

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the peeled pink salmon thoroughly, dry it, removing excess moisture with a napkin.
  2. Mix all dry ingredients in a small bowl. It is most convenient to salt the whole fish in a wide shallow container, if you have such a container on the farm, then feel free to use it.
  3. Pour a thick layer of the prepared fragrant mixture on the bottom, then comfortably place your beauties and again pour the salt-sugar-herb (that's what I gave out!) Layer.
  4. From above, be sure to install a simple oppression (I use a large jar of preservation for this, but I have no doubt that your imagination can step even further) and send pink salmon to salt for several days.
  5. Rinse to remove excess salt and cut into thin aristocratic slices.
  6. And now the surprise I promised - the sauce! Combine oil, ready-made grain mustard, sour juice and a little sugar (the proportion is conditional, you can experiment). Wait for the sweet grains to dissolve and pour over the pink salmon.

You can taste right away, but after a few hours the fish will be soaked in a spicy sauce, and then - honestly! - it will be possible to tear you away from it only by the ears!

If you suddenly don’t want pink salmon or simply don’t have it, then I suggest using excellent cooking recipes.


Once, when sorting out pink salmon at home, I discovered that two of them were full of wonderful caviar. Since earlier I came across this product only when eating from cans, I looked at this wealth for quite a long time and scratched my head. After long deliberation, I decided at my own risk to cook something that I had never done in my life - salt the caviar. Girls, I can’t tell you how delicious the result of my experiment ended! Keep the step by step recipe!


  • incomplete glass of water;
  • two small spoons of salt;
  • one teaspoon of granulated sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the ingredients in a small container and boil.
  2. Pour the caviar with a cold salty-sweet solution (be sure to remove the films first) and leave it on the top shelf of the refrigerator for three days. During this time, you can arm yourself with a spoon several times and mix the contents, the caviar should be salted evenly.
  3. Now use for delicious sandwiches or just enjoy black fresh bread!

I can’t say for sure how long to store such deliciousness, but you don’t need it, anyway, it won’t be enough for a long time!

Yeah... I caught up with my appetite while writing recipes for you! Be sure to share with your friends and family in social networks useful material, I think it will be a great surprise. I will give you a small but very useful advice- subscribe to the news of our blog, this will help you be the first to know what awaits on the pages! I say goodbye to you with regret, but not for long. All the best to you and see you soon!

Salted fish is a great appetizer for any holiday. How to pickle pink salmon yourself, so as not to overpay, and at the same time get the most delicate taste?

The recipe for such a delicacy is very simple, and is suitable not only for pink salmon. In the same way, you can pickle salmon.

Salting recipes are very diverse. First of all, consider the classic, where in the foreground is the most delicate fishy taste without unnecessary spices. You can use whole fish carcass or cut into pieces for salting, but salted pink salmon fillet looks more neat. It is also more convenient to serve. At the same time, if you decide to pickle pink salmon in pieces, the recipe does not change from this.


  • one kilogram of pink salmon fillet (or a cleaned fish without a head and tail);
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • four tablespoons of vegetable oil (odorless sunflower).

Cooking: in order to cook the fish tasty and quickly, it is desirable that it is already cleaned. Cut it into portioned pieces - about three centimeters wide. If you salt a clean fillet, you can not cut it. Next, mix sugar and salt in a separate bowl and rub pink salmon well with this mixture.

Do not worry that you can oversalt the fish - it will take exactly as much salt as it needs. Then we put the pieces of fish in a bowl where they will be salted and pour it with vegetable oil. Mix well and sprinkle some salt on top. It is desirable that the dishes for salting be glass.

We leave the cooked fish under the lid at room temperature for 2-3 hours. Then we put it in the refrigerator for a day. And the fish is ready! If you prefer the richer taste of other red fish, no problem. You can also pickle salmon!

How to make pink salmon fatter

Everyone knows that pink salmon is a budget option red fish. So that the fish on the table is not inferior to the same salmon, there is a special recipe, which is called “salmon pickling”. Yummy - lick your fingers!

For this dish you will need:

  • a liter of warm boiled water;
  • pink salmon carcass (it must first be cleaned and skinned);
  • five tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • a little vegetable oil to taste.

So, we are preparing: pour salt into a liter of warm water and mix well. The water has completely cooled down, and the salt has dissolved - which means that we put the fish cut into portioned pieces into it - 1-2 centimeters wide. Let her sit for 20-30 minutes.

It all depends on your taste - if you like salted fish, then we insist 20 minutes, and if you like more salty - 30 minutes. Then we spread the fish on paper towels so that the brine is absorbed, put it in a glass container and send it to the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.

Before serving, you can sprinkle the fish with odorless sunflower oil and sprinkle with fresh onions, and decorate with a slice of lemon. So you cook just amazing juicy fish, which really tastes a bit like fatter salmon.

With white pepper or oranges

It is not difficult to pickle pink salmon correctly, but sometimes you want to add peppercorns to the table. You can also experiment with salting fish. Incredibly tasty fish is obtained at home, the recipe of which includes white pepper!

For this dish, we also take the following ingredients:

  • a kilo of fish;
  • three tablespoons of salt;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • a good bunch of fresh dill;
  • a tablespoon of white pepper.

How to properly salt the fish according to this recipe: cut the peeled pink salmon without a head and tail into portions. Rub all the pieces well with white pepper and a mixture of sugar and salt. Prepare dill - wash and finely chop. Sprinkle pink salmon with herbs and spread it on cling film, sprinkle a little more salt on top. We wrap the fish in a film and send it to the refrigerator for at least a day. The fish is served to the table, previously cleaned of greens. It turns out very tasty and unusual!

How to pickle pink salmon at home so that it is not inferior to restaurant snacks? And such a variant of pink salmon exists. Of course, it cannot be called simple, but any housewife can master this recipe, and especially on the eve of the holidays, to surprise guests.

For the dish you need to prepare:

  • kilogram of pink salmon fillet;
  • two oranges;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • 50 grams of olive oil;
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • 20 grams of vinegar;
  • 20 grams of honey;
  • 20 grams of mustard (can be grain).

Cooking salted pink salmon with a spicy sauce: wash the fish fillet and wipe it with a paper towel. Oranges should be washed and cut into pieces with the skin. Rub the fillet well with a mixture of sugar and salt, and add oranges to the fish. Mix everything and leave in the refrigerator at least overnight.

Separately, you need to prepare a special sauce with which the fish is served at the table. To do this, mix olive oil with mustard, vinegar and honey. We take the fish out of the refrigerator, cut into thin slices and pour over the sauce. You can decorate the dish with parsley sprigs.

Such a cold appetizer turns out to be unusually tasty! This is a salted fish, and a full-fledged cold dish, your guests will surely like it. Very often, people do not know how to cook pink salmon deliciously, to make this dryish fish juicy, fatty and tender. And it turns out that there are many recipes, thanks to which your table will be decorated with dishes from this particular variety of red fish. Enjoy your meal!

Not a single holiday table is complete without salted pink salmon. You will not find well-salted and high-quality sea ​​fish. Try salting it yourself - dry salting or in brine. Follow all the rules presented in our article, and there will always be a delicious treat on your table.

Preparing salmon for salting

A delicious delicacy will come from fresh pink salmon, but try to find it in stores. We use frozen fish if no one has caught and brought fresh. Let it thaw before salting, but do not put it in the microwave and hot water. Put the fish on a plate on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. Your next steps are:

  • wash the fish under running water;
  • clean from scales, remove fins, tail and cut off the head;
  • take out the insides of pink salmon and rinse well again. Remove the entrails from slightly frozen fish. There will be less dirt in the kitchen, and it will be easier to do it;
  • remove the spine and bones. Get the fillet and start salting.

If the recipe calls for the skin to be removed from the fish, remove it. To mess less - buy fish without a head and gutted, but its price is more expensive.

Salt pink salmon - dry salting

The simplest method, spend no more than 20 minutes on cooking. Cook fish about 1 kg and 3 tbsp. spoons of salt and sugar. Dry salting process:

  • after preparing the fish, you will be left with two skin-on fillets. Do not cut the skin off the fish. Cut the fish fillet in half, into pieces or leave whole;
  • in a separate bowl, stir the salt with sugar;
  • Sprinkle pieces of pink salmon with the resulting mixture from the side of its meat, not from the skin;
  • place skin side down in prepared container or tray. Pour the rest of the salt and sugar over the fish. You can wrap the salted fish pieces in a napkin and put in a glass dish or saucepan;
  • put the fish in the refrigerator exactly for a day. Lubricate the finished fish for juiciness with vegetable oil.

Salt pink salmon in brine

When salting with this method, you will get a more fragrant fish. Prepare:

  • pink salmon of medium size;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 art. spoons of salt;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of dry mustard;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 10 black peppercorns and bay leaf.

Cut the prepared pink salmon into fillets. Remove the skin from the fish. Cut each fillet into pieces. Mix salt, mustard, sugar to prepare the brine in water. Throw peas and bay leaves into the water. Put the brine on the stove in a saucepan, let it boil and cool to room temperature.

Pour the cooled brine into the fish in a bowl, cover with a lid and marinate in the refrigerator. It is advisable to use a small load, it will help the fish to completely immerse in the brine and salt evenly. After 8-12 hours, try what you got. Do not keep fish for more than three days in brine. Transfer the pink salmon to a clean bowl and cover with vegetable oil. Wipe the fish pieces with a paper towel before eating.

Salt pink salmon - an original recipe with oranges

Salted pink salmon with oranges or tangerines will come out tender and juicy, it tastes like salmon. Use it for sandwiches. Prepare 2 large oranges or 4 medium tangerines, 2 fish fillets and salt. You can salt pink salmon without skin or with it. Recipe:

  • rinse the fish fillet and dry with napkins;
  • peel citrus fruits from the skin, divide into slices and cut each slice across into pieces of 5 mm;
  • put a piece of fish on the bottom of the selected dish, sprinkle salt on top, and put half of the chopped oranges on it. Place another piece of pink salmon on top of the oranges, sprinkle generously with salt, and lay out the remaining citrus fruits.

Close the bowl with the fish tightly with a lid and refrigerate for 24 hours. Under the influence of salt, oranges will release juice, and the fish will turn out fragrant and tasty.

If your pink salmon came out salted, don't worry. Soak the pieces in fresh milk for a couple of hours, wipe dry, brush with oil and serve for lunch. In any case, you will get salted fish better than store-bought. You can eat it as a separate dish or make sandwiches.

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