Easy crafts for mom with a surprise. What else can you give mom: simple and useful tips. Interesting box "Hand Made" as a gift

Family and relationships 21.10.2017
Family and relationships

Hi all! Friends, today's topic will be devoted to creativity, namely, I will tell and show how to make gifts, crafts and cards for mom, grandmother, aunt and godmother. After all, you must admit that everything that is done with your own hands is valued much more.

Today I will offer one option each, but you will have the opportunity to walk around the site, and I am sure that you will find a lot of useful and necessary information, and the postcard options will not leave you indifferent.

Since today's article is dedicated to mom, then let's assume that all the work will be from a daughter or son.

DIY birthday gift for mom

What gift can be given to mom for a birthday or some other celebration, this is what a child often thinks about. It is difficult for children to decide on their thoughts and desires, and not everyone has the financial means for such an event.

Therefore, today I will offer you the best handmade gift for mom.

Outside the window is summer and a series of holidays is coming, and most likely many of you will go to the sea, and so, there - then I advise you to stock up on a handful of small and flat stones. Sea stones are smooth, and they serve as an excellent material for paintings and just crafts. You can make it with sea stones or in memory of a vacation.

Birthday gift for mom from daughter

For this job I needed:

  • Glue;
  • Sea pebbles;
  • Pot holder for hot.

Each mother is the mistress of the kitchen, and each such hostess has kitchen potholders for hot, and so, this very square can be given a second life. I am sure that if you make such a surprise for your mother, then she will not be upset at all, but on the contrary, she will kiss you.

Friends, everything is very simple. Making gifts yourself for mother's day or birthday can be quick, simple and easy, and here's an example for you. We take an old tack, glue, preferably "prestige" or "dragon", and, of course, sea pebbles.

Now we grease one side of the pebble with glue and apply it to the kitchen tack, gradually and slowly we assemble a kind of puzzle. We give the glue time to dry and our potholder has turned into an excellent modern stand for hot.

How do you like such a birthday present for mom or grandmother, and even made with your own hands from a daughter of 10 years old. I took the figure of 10 years as an example, because very young children will not be able to do this without the supervision of an adult.

I hope you liked my invention and its execution, I will be glad if you share it on social networks.

Do-it-yourself gift for mom - just quick and easy

There are beautiful and simple postcards that children make with their own hands, they create them from paper, ribbons, natural materials and other things. There are also crafts that a child can make without the help of parents quickly and easily.

I will share one of the examples now, there is nothing complicated in this work, as in the previous one, and my mother will be delighted, believe me, because I myself am a mother of children.

How to make a craft with your own hands

A little earlier, I already shared my work with you and told you what crafts you can make from ice cream sticks, this is an airplane and a well - a box and even a table for Barbie, this time I adapted ice cream sticks to decorate a picture, or rather a gift herbarium.

For work you will need:

  • 10 ice cream sticks;
  • A small sheet of cardboard;
  • tea bag;
  • Water;
  • Cup;
  • Glue;
  • Thread;
  • Dry flowers.

This list should not scare you, because every home probably has all of these materials. You can also ask for ice cream sticks in the store, or you can save up or even replace them with twigs.

Dry flowers must be prepared in advance, namely, pick them and put them in the sun or just in a warm place. Just do not put in water, or all the petals will fall off after drying.

Herbarium - decoration

Now our task is to decorate the flowers beautifully. To do this, we cut out a rectangle or square from cardboard of the required size, take a bag of tea, dip it in warm water, wait until the bag darkens, and then simply drive it over a sheet of cardboard. Thus, after complete drying, the sheet has the effect of antiquity, such an uneven coloring with yellowness.

Leave your sheet to dry completely, and then proceed to the design. We glue our ice cream sticks in this order, look what I got.

The next step will be our flowers, we attach them with hot glue. If you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter, we take a needle and thread and carefully sew each flower from above and below to the cardboard. Like this.

You see how easy it is to make a gift for mom out of paper with your own hands.As a result, we thread the thread and our picture of the sticks is ready.

A simple DIY postcard

To bring joy and pleasure to your mother, it is enough to tell her that you love her very much, and believe me, it works. But crafts, gifts and postcards, these are signs of attention and additions.

Today I will tell you how to make a simple postcard with your own hands. In this case, it will not be voluminous or consist of complex materials, all we need is:

  • Yellow sheet of paper;
  • Pencil;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Sheet of notebook in a line;
  • Ribbon or thread as desired.

When you have all this in stock, you can get to work.

We take a sheet of yellow paper, draw a star on it, round off the corners for a festive mood, otherwise we will get a patriotic star. If you are bad at drawing and you do not have a printer, but have a computer, then you can find a star template, open it, enlarge it and attach a piece of paper to the screen, carefully circle it. Here is such a trick.

Finally, it remains to give a festive look to the star, and for this I make a small hole, thread a ribbon into it and my simple original postcard with my own hands is ready.

It would not hurt to write kind words to mom, I recommend watching them t .

Friends, now you can make a simple do-it-yourself birthday card for your mom.

For you, my good, cheerful and groovy song about mom.

Love and appreciate your parents!

I was with you, Nina Kuzmenko!

The decision about what to present for the holidays is not always easy. To do original gift Mom on her birthday with her own hands will have to spend a lot of effort, but mother's eyes burning with happiness will be the best reward for the time and money spent. Family is the most precious and valuable thing for each of us. That is why the approaching birthday of relatives and friends is always accompanied by pleasant chores- after all, you really want to please the one you cherish, and on this special day once again show him your love and care.

Each of your surprises is the best gift for mom

One of the main attributes of any celebration is a gift, so it is extremely important to take care of its preparation in advance, especially when it comes to the dear person for each of us - mom.

You can make a creative gift yourself and make it from available materials - it’s not an invention. Remember how your mother rejoiced at your plain children's cards, which you were in a hurry to present for the next holiday! Do not hesitate - each of your surprises became the best gift for her.

Years have passed, but for parents we will always remain children. The impression of a craft made by the hands of a beloved child will definitely surpass the most practical or expensive gifts. In modern creativity, there are many ideas for making a gift with your own hands, and we will present the most original of them.

Remember what we gave our parents when we barely learned to hold a pencil and scissors in our hands? Of course, a holiday card! An original addition to such a craft will be a three-dimensional image that you can make yourself.

How to make such a birthday present for mom? Despite the apparent complexity of such a product, there will be no difficulties with its creation. The first thing to start with is to prepare the following tools and materials in advance:

  • cardboard as a base;
  • printed images of flowers (possible on plain paper);
  • colored paper;
  • ribbons;
  • glue;
  • double sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • pencils;
  • ruler.

We offer one of the simple to implement, but very effective options:

Decorative elements of a three-dimensional postcard (cut-out colored paper base and ribbon)

Apron for mom on her birthday: how to sew with your own hands

Thinking about what you can give, you should think about things that can be useful in Everyday life. For example, you can make an apron yourself - even a schoolboy can handle this task.

DIY apron for mom

We have prepared for you a simple step by step instructions for its manufacture:

  1. Prepare a suitable piece of material. Of course, it is best to choose a fabric whose color your mother will like.
  2. From the prepared fabric, cut two pieces, each 50 centimeters long. The width of one of the parts should be 40 centimeters, the other - 20 centimeters.
  3. From one of the edges of the smaller part, sew an inlay (narrow finishing tape) along the entire length, after which, with two vertical lines, divide the part into three equal parts - these will be the borders of the pockets.
  4. Sew both parts with threads matched to the tone of the fabric.
  5. Sheathe the resulting apron with a trim around the perimeter and sew in a wide long ribbon that acts as a belt.

Interesting box "Hand Made" as a gift

You can talk endlessly about a gift for mom with your own hands for a birthday. Whatever gifts we have in mind, she will like it anyway. Make unusual gifts making mommy happy is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The easiest way to surprise mom, spending a minimum of time to create a gift, is to make a decorative box in which she can put her jewelry, jewelry, threads and needles, money and much more at her discretion.

It is not difficult to make a box for small things with your own hands for mom if you follow the following recommendations:

  1. Cut out a heart-shaped base from loose corrugated cardboard (you can use part of a regular cardboard box).
  2. Along the perimeter of the cardboard blank at a distance of a centimeter from the edge, insert toothpicks. The gap between them should be no more than 12 millimeters.
  3. Fasten the woolen thread at the bottom of one of the toothpicks and start weaving the side walls of the box. The thread should be threaded between the toothpicks, laying row after row in a spiral.
  4. Reaching up to top edge toothpicks, you should fix the yarn by knitting the final seam.
  5. From corrugated cardboard, cut a piece in the shape of a box to make a lid. For its design, you can use a fabric (it is necessary to sheathe the blank with it), as well as, various elements decor: buttons, rhinestones, beads or embroidery.

A handmade gift from son for mom on her birthday

Are you wondering what to give your mom for her birthday, but you don’t know how to needlework? Don't worry, we've got the right solution for you!

Despite the fact that the art of burning, like many other crafts, is almost forgotten today, mom will be delighted with a gift made by such in an unusual way. For example, on a wooden board, you can draw a whole picture or simply write a congratulation, expressing your love and gratitude to your mother. Such a product may well qualify for the place of an interior element that adorns the house.

Gift idea for mom: burning congratulations on a wooden board

With a lack of imagination and not a particular penchant for creativity, try to give your mother what she already has. We are talking about mom's once-favorite things that have long been waiting for their last hour in the barn or in the attic: an old radio, a food processor, shabby furniture - all this can be restored or repaired.

The most important thing is that such a beautiful handmade gift will be a sincere manifestation of care. For a mother, there is no better gift than the realization of pride in her own children.

What else can you give mom: simple and useful tips

You can congratulate your mother on her birthday in other, no less original, ways. The perfect gift would be:

  • a self-baked cake or a beautifully decorated dinner;
  • painting on glass bottles, salad bowls, dishes;
  • decoration of any forgotten item from my mother's wardrobe;
  • decorative floor mat;
  • mother's portrait drawn from a photograph;
  • a bouquet of fruits or sweets;
  • a collage of photos of all family members;
  • musical potpourri of your favorite compositions;
  • holiday poster or banner;
  • homemade candles or handmade soap.

Mom will be happy with any gift and, of course, will express her great gratitude. But in order for your original gift to really please her, you should consider a few basic nuances:

  1. Whatever the gift, do not forget about a postcard signed with sincere wishes.
  2. Do not forget, also, about the need for packaging: gift wrapping is inexpensive, and without it, the presentability of the surprise is lost. To present your gift to your mother, choose the right moment. It is important that your mother is in the mood for congratulations, and is not busy preparing for a feast or meeting guests.
  3. When presenting a birthday present, say nice words. Let it be a small quatrain or just a toast - in any case, it will bring mom a lot of pleasant emotions. Do not forget that celebrating a birthday is a troublesome business, so help your mom with preliminary preparation to him, and cleaning up when all the guests have left.

Remember that mom's birthday is not just an occasion to gather relatives at the same table. First of all, we have the opportunity to show our love and gratitude to her. Give her positive emotions, pleasant impressions. Memories of such a holiday will help her to easily go to a new day, feel needed and loved.

If you are puzzled by the questions of what materials and how to make a birthday present for your mother with your own hands, then you should familiarize yourself with the master classes that will be offered in this article. Instructions for making polymer clay earrings will be presented, several ideas for making earrings and beads from beads will also be presented, and it will be told how to make a bright bouquet of paper tulips.

In the selection of videos below, needlewomen share ideas and talk about how you can make gifts for mom from beads and beads, namely a necklace and a bracelet. It will also show how to make and decorate the box. In addition, it will be explained how easy and simple it is to make a polymer clay jewelry set.

Snowflake Earrings

If you are thinking about what kind of gift you can make, then purchase polymer clay, since this material can be used to make various jewelry that your mother will undoubtedly like, for example, earrings. To work, you will need polymer clay, special powder and varnish, earrings, pins, as well as salt, sugar, toothpicks and brushes.

First you need to form snowflakes from clay, for this you need to make several sausages three centimeters long and fold them in the shape of snowflakes, then you need to make balls and attach them to the snowflakes, then you need to make arcs that connect the rays of the snowflakes. Next, you need to form two balls with a diameter of one and a half centimeters and two balls with a diameter of 0.7 centimeters, it is advisable to roll the finished balls in sugar and salt to get a pattern. Each ball must be pierced with a pin and baked together with snowflakes. After that, the snowflakes should be covered with varnish mixed with powder, then the finished snowflakes should be combined with balls, collecting each earring into separate pins, and the earrings are ready. All stages of work are shown in the photo.

Beaded Gift Items

In order to make an original beaded gift for mom's birthday, you will, of course, need beads, fishing line, connecting rings, as well as scissors, clips and glue. Since the beads consist of three rows of braids, you first need to collect the braids, each of which consists of eight beaded strands, for weaving the beads we need four colors of beads. First of all, you need to collect two beaded threads of different colors, then fix the base of the beads with a thread, and after that you can proceed to further weaving. For convenience, each thread can be secured with a clip and weave beads according to the pattern. You should get three pigtails, the edges of each braid must be secured with a thread and a pin attached, then the pin should be connected to the lock using connecting rings, and the product is ready.

Fashionable earrings made with beading

Every mother will be happy to receive a gift from her daughter, for example, earrings made of beads. To work, you will need beads of several colors, wire, earwires and pliers. First you need to collect the beads in any order on the fishing line, then you should wrap the resulting composition around the knitting needle as tightly as possible, there should be two such blanks. Next, you need to make two circles from the wire, then you need to remove the blanks from the knitting needles and fix them on the wire, then the edges of the circle must be connected, attach the loops - and the earrings are ready.

Beautiful paper flowers

If you are thinking about what gift to give your mom for her birthday, you should familiarize yourself with a master class on making paper flowers. Mom as a gift can be presented with a colorful bouquet of tulips made of paper. Each tulip can be folded according to the scheme from sheets of colored paper of different colors, and then assembled into a bouquet.

DIY gifts for mom on Mother's Day, gifts for mom on her birthday, gifts for mom on March 8.

Is your mom's, or is Mother's Day approaching, or maybe March 8th? It's time to prepare gifts. We hope that our ideas will help you please your mother.

All these gifts are based on flowers. All you need to make these gifts is paper.

If you want to give your mom a box of chocolates, then you will definitely like the first idea. But you can use an empty candy box. In such a beautifully designed box, mom will definitely want to put receipts, envelopes and other little things useful for her.

Gift for mom. Basket of flowers

Materials and tools

■ Candy box (can be taken with sweets)

■ Colored paper, cardboard

■ Colored table napkins

■ Scissors

■ Glue stick


1. Use a candy box as a background.

2. Take 2 sheets of paper in different shades Brown color and cut them into strips 1 cm wide, as shown in the figure (Fig. 1).

3. Weave stripes of different shades perpendicular to each other (Fig. 2).

4. Using a stencil from cardboard of any color, cut an oval 13 cm long and 10 cm wide.

5. Glue the cut out oval to the woven fabric from the wrong side (Fig. 3).

6. Trim the excess woven fabric around the oval, leaving a 2 cm allowance (fig. 4).

7. Bend the protruding ends of the canvas inward and glue to the oval from the wrong side. Got a basket.

8. Stick the basket on the candy box.

9. Take 6 folded napkins of each color and cut out circles with a diameter of 4-5 cm from them. Glue the circles, applying glue in the center. Make a circular cut.

10. From yellow paper, cut out circles with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm and make a circular cut. Glue the resulting centers to the center of the flowers.

11. Cut out 9-10 leaves using a stencil and stick them on the basket (Fig. 5).

12. Glue the flowers between the leaves.

This gift is easy to make, all you need is red and green colored paper. Such a gift would be good for March 8, or if your mom has a birthday in the spring.

Gift for mom. paper tulip flowers

First, let's make a stem and a leaf

Cut out a square 21 x 21 cm, bend the lower sides to the middle. Then we bend the upper sides to the middle. Bend the bottom sides to the middle again. The resulting workpiece is bent in half horizontally, then vertically. Pull out the stem.

Cut out two squares 10 x 10 cm. Bend one of the squares diagonally and bend the bottom corners up. We get a flower. We also make a flower from the second square.

We glue one flower on one side of the stem, the second flower on the other side of the stem.

Mom is the dearest and native person in a world where even silk cannot be compared with the tenderness of hands. She gives children affection, kindness, love and warmth. To thank her for her care, children tend to please her with something fabulous, kind and beautiful. Therefore, the question of how to make mom a gift with your own hands for her birthday and March 8 is relevant.

On the eve of the holiday, you really want to give your mother a little joy, but the pace of life does not always allow you to achieve an effect. We buy gifts on the fly, as a result, they do not convey our emotions.

At a young age, I tried to make my mother pleasant surprises. Hiding in a secluded corner, glued, painted or sewed. It cannot be said that the gifts were masterpieces, but my mother liked them.

If you are planning to please mommy, I will help by suggesting some interesting ideas. I think you'll find these gift ideas helpful.

  1. Embroidery. Probably had to embroider during labor lessons. If mom has a birthday coming up, remember the skills. Embroider a beautiful napkin, pillow or picture. You will need thread and a knitting tool.
  2. Bouquet of sweets . A gift that combines sweetness and beauty. It will take a lot of time and effort to create a gift, and the result may be hindered by a lack of imagination. Search the Internet for photos that will help you choose an idea. It remains to bring the idea to life with the help of sweets, corrugated paper and other materials.
  3. cooking. Give mom a cake, biscuit or pancakes as a gift. Even if you don’t shine with culinary talents, use the simple dessert recipe. If mom is watching her figure and doesn’t eat pastries and sweets, make a light salad, the unusual design of which will bring a lot of positive.
  4. paper gift . Paper is a material from which you can make any thing: a bouquet of flowers, a jewelry box, a bookmark for books or a garland. Even a homemade postcard will complement the main gift.
  5. photo collage. Every mom has dozens of favorite photos that remind her of wonderful life moments. Having made a collage, combine them into one picture. This does not require creative skills. Use soulful photos.

You have some interesting ideas at your disposal. Regardless of the option chosen, mom will be delighted. Remember, the value of the gift is not the first role. The main thing is to give from the heart. And only a hand-made present will become valuable and provide a lot of joy.

Making a birthday present for mom

Birthday is an excellent event and a wonderful occasion to demonstrate close person love through a good and sincere gift.

Buying a gift is not difficult, but sometimes financial opportunities They don't let you get something worthwhile. I hasten to please you, it is not necessary to spend money, if any free time and diligence.

The perfect surprise gift for mom

Arrange with the household so that at the right time they call their mother for a walk. An apartment or a house will be at your disposal, and nothing will interfere with your plans. After mom leaves, start work.

  1. Arm yourself with gloves, a rag and a set of cleaning products. With their help, put things in order in the house. After cleaning, do not forget to ventilate the room.
  2. If there is a small lawn near the house, be sure to visit this place. Create an arrangement of flowers, grass and twigs. I think mom would love this present.
  3. If it's winter outside, don't worry. On one of the windowsills, you will find several pots with flowering plants. Decorate them with lush bows and put them in a conspicuous place.
  4. The interior deserves special attention. For decoration, paper bows, shiny threads, balloons, decorative chains and garlands are suitable. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  5. cover festive table. If you know the culinary arts, prepare a birthday cake, sweet pie or fruit salad. Even fruit jelly or charlotte with mastic will become a festive treat for mom. Any of the listed dishes will emphasize julienne with mushrooms.
  6. If you have stationery and decorative trinkets, make a gift card. Bows, sequins, beads, rhinestones and foil will do. After drying, complete the craft with congratulatory words.
  7. So we came to the creation of the main gift. It's about about documentary, the main character of which will be the mother. Make it easy. You will need a computer, a dozen photos of your mother, an application for creating videos and a song. Decorate the finished composition with effects, burn it to a disk and attach a postcard.

Bringing an idea to life will require concentration and action. As for the effect that the work done will provide, it will be colossal.

Video tips

Imagine your mother's reaction upon returning home. Opening the door of the apartment, she will see cleanliness and order, along with a set table and other gifts. Believe me, a complex gift will allow you to plunge headlong into an atmosphere of joy and happiness. In addition, there will be a reason for pride in children.

DIY gift for mom on March 8

March 8 - special spring holiday, requiring appropriate preparation, the main stage of which is the choice of a gift. Every person on this day seeks to please his wife, girlfriend or mother.

The value of the gift is not the most important indicator. The main thing is that the present should correspond to family traditions. Some get mom an iron, a food processor or washing machine. If there is no money to buy an expensive gift, do not give up. A handmade gift will bring no less emotions and joy.

Stand for hot

Mom often has to stand at the stove, and such a thing will make her life easier. To create, you will need ceramic tiles, glue, soft cloth and paint for ceramic products.

  • Decide on a pattern . If imagination is not enough to come up with a beautiful sketch, look for an image in magazines or on the Internet. March 8 is associated with flowers, accompanied by a thematic inscription.
  • Using carbon paper, transfer the drawing to the tile . As a result, the contours of the image will be clear. To color the picture, use special paints, otherwise the stand will quickly deteriorate.
  • After applying the paints, wait until dry. . Put the tile on a baking sheet and send it to a cold oven, light a fire, wait until the temperature rises to 170 degrees and turn off the gas after twenty minutes. We recommend taking the tile out of the oven after it has completely cooled down.
  • Final stage . It remains to cut a blank corresponding to the size of the tile from the drape and glue it with back side. This will protect kitchen furniture from unpleasant scratches and chips.

spring bouquet

On March 8, it is customary to give fresh flowers. Men know this. If you want to give a gift Small child, no need to run to a flower shop, just take a piece of paper and multi-colored paints.

  1. Pour some paint into a small saucer. The kid should dip his palm and leave an imprint on paper. The result is a flower head. Since a bouquet is being created, several such prints will be required.
  2. Draw the legs and leaves. Even small children can cope with the task. For safety reasons, adults must also participate in the creative process.

Secret message

The idea is suitable for people who want to give their mother an original gift, but there is no money to buy it. To create, take a sheet of paper, lemon juice, colored paints, a foam sponge and a thick brush.

  • Write the name of the holiday on paper with paints. Using a brush and lemon juice, write a secret wish. Mom can't read it with the naked eye.
  • Having received a present, mom will be surprised, especially if you hint that this is a surprise. She won't solve the riddle. Therefore, prompt that the paper should be heated. Under the influence of temperature, the inscription will become visible.

Gift examples

Create a gift slowly, trying to invest love and soul. In this case, he will warm, please and leave pleasant memories.

DIY paper gifts for mom

Handmade gifts are a pleasure to give and receive. They bring a huge amount of joy and show care. I will share a few interesting ways and lists of creating unique crafts for birthday, March 8 and any other occasion.

Panel with butterflies

A wonderful gift that mom will love. To create, you will need multi-colored paper and cardboard, an image of butterflies, a frame, a pencil, scissors and some glue.

  1. Print out butterflies on paper. Preferably simple and different sizes. Glue the sheet with butterflies onto cardboard and cut out the blanks.
  2. Put the blanks on colored paper and mark the contours with a pencil. It remains to cut out the butterflies.
  3. Start assembling the panel. Lay out the cut out butterflies on a clean sheet of paper. Fold each butterfly in half. The fold should be wide. Using glue, fix butterflies on paper.
  4. Apply a layer of adhesive only on the fold. As a result, the butterfly wings will remain free, and the finished composition will remain voluminous. After drying, decorate the panel with a pattern and insert it into the frame.

Bouquet of paper flowers

This gift is both simple and cute. If mom has Bad mood, having received a present, she will become kinder and happier. To make enough colored paper, a pencil, some beads and sparkles, scissors and a tube of glue.

  • On a sheet of yellow paper, draw big flower and cut out. If you want to make a bouquet of five flowers, you will need five yellow blanks of the same size.
  • On red paper, draw a flower of a similar shape, but reduced in size. Then repeat the copy and cut procedure. The result is five red blanks.
  • Using orange paper, make small blanks in the same amount.
  • From three blanks of different colors and sizes, form a flower. Be sure to move the petals slightly.
  • Cut out five squares from green paper. The size of the side of the workpiece should correspond to the length of the stem. Roll the squares into tubes and seal the edges.
  • Cut ten leaves from green paper and glue them to the stems along different sides. It remains to connect the flowers with stems, decorate with beads and sparkles. To make the bouquet lively, bend the petals slightly.
  • Form a bouquet from ready-made flowers and tie beautiful ribbon. Put in a vase. Get a masterpiece.

A panel of butterflies will decorate the bedroom, and a bouquet of flowers will find a place on the desktop. You can create from paper

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