Foot swelling causes and treatment. Clinical manifestations of edema. Presence of kidney disease.

Health 24.01.2018

swollen leg - symptom is disturbing and unpleasant. When the legs swell and hurt, the person is not able to walk normally.

In addition, persistent or recurrent swelling is a symptom of fluid retention in the lower extremities, which, in turn, indicates serious illness.

What can cause swelling?

Injuries and their consequences


A kick to the leg causes tissues of the latter are deformed and damaged. The organism through the damaged vessels sends a detachment of fluids to the scene of the incident, which should eliminate the consequences. When fluids accumulate at a certain point, swelling occurs.

The nature of the pain

Pain - aching, pulling, can be burning. They are at the point of impact.

  • Edema develops around the injured area, has a pink, red or purple color.

    Additional symptoms

    There may be limited mobility.

    Who diagnoses and how?

    Traumatologist. Methods: examination, X-ray.


    Bed rest, limiting the load on the affected limb, cold compresses, ointments.

    Overvoltage after load


    This problem occurs in older people who incorrectly calculate the load on their body. After a long walk, intense jogging or a set of exercises, a small but unpleasant swelling with pain appears on the legs. Why are the legs swollen? The heart begins to send blood to the body faster when under load, and the roughened walls of the vessels are not able to expand so quickly.

  • As a result, there is a slight stagnation, as a result of which part of the fluid penetrates into the tissues through the walls of the vessels. Hence the swelling.

    The nature of the pain

    Pain are weak, itchy or tight. Edema spreads throughout the leg, but more - on the lower part.

    Additional symptoms

    Shortness of breath, intense sweating, frequent urge to go to the toilet, "flies" before the eyes.

    Who diagnoses and how?

    Therapist, cardiologist. Methods: survey, ECG, diagnostics by exclusion.


    Reduced intensity of training, diuretics after exercise (very rarely and according to indications).

    A sharp increase in activity


    Jumping, dancing, sudden jogging is very good, but only for a prepared organism. If you sit for 8 hours in one position, and then abruptly run a kilometer - feet won't thank you.

  • This is because with a sharp load, internal injuries occur, leading to edema.

    The nature of the pain

    Pain sensations arise sharply, at first they are characterized as sharp and strong, but quickly subside to moderate aching. Puffiness occurs inside the leg, quickly grows to an internal hematoma. Dissolves slowly.

    Additional symptoms

    Joint pain may occur.

    Who diagnoses and how?

    Surgeon, traumatologist, therapist. Methods: palpation, ultrasound and x-ray - if necessary.


    The same as with injuries: rest, compresses, diuretics.

    Arthritis, arthrosis


    Both diseases mean that in the joints a pathological process. In the case of arthritis - inflammation, in the case of arthrosis - degenerative disorders. If one of these diseases “hooked” the vascular system in the joint, periodic swelling occurs, since the swollen joint blocks the normal outflow of fluid.

    The nature of the pain

    Pain is located in the joint, as well as slightly above and below it. Aching, drawing pains overtake the patient in the late afternoon, at night or in the morning. Edema occurs mainly in the morning, localized above or below the joint (depending on the joint itself and which vessels are clamped).

  • Passes, if "disperse".

    Additional symptoms

    Arthritis and arthrosis often manifest themselves systemically, that is, they occur in several joints at once.

    Who diagnoses and how?

    Rheumatologist, orthopedist. Methods: blood and urine tests, ultrasound, X-ray, analysis of synovial fluid.


    Depends on the causes of the disease: antibiotics, exercise therapy, healthy lifestyle life, preparations with hyaluronic acid, prosthetics.

    Post-traumatic tissue inflammation


    Injuries are dangerous not only for their momentary effect, but also for delayed action. If the patient is faced with an open wound that has not been cured, then the infection can penetrate the inside of the leg and cause inflammation, or (worse still) lie low in anticipation of a "hole" in the immune system.

  • In any of these cases, pathogenic organisms will cause inflammation, which will provoke the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the leg.

    The nature of the pain

    Pain sensations - medium strength, burning. They are located under the skin at the site of inflammation. The edema spreads in the same place.

    Additional symptoms

    Temperature, secondary infections.

    Who diagnoses and how?

    Therapist. Methods: blood tests.


    Antibiotics, antiviral drugs.

    Inflammation, suppuration, bone destruction


    pathological processes in the bones occur both for infectious and non-infectious reasons. And the result is the same - the bone is destroyed. Any part of the leg can suffer: both the tibia and the foot. The process usually proceeds slowly and with the release of a large amount of decay products into the surrounding tissues.

  • The latter, mixing with tissue fluid, form a swelling.

    The nature of the pain

    Pain increases from moderate breaking to extremely sharp. In some cases, the pain is worse than a fracture. Edema also forms gradually, does not subside, spreads from the damaged area throughout the leg.

    Additional symptoms

    Change in the blood formula, fragility of bones. Sometimes it's temperature.

    Who diagnoses and how?

    Therapist, surgeon. Methods: history taking, blood tests, X-ray, puncture, diagnostic surgery.


    Medication - antibiotics, drugs with a high content of calcium.

  • In difficult cases operation shown.

    For symptoms of bone destruction urgent need to see a doctor, as the consequences develop quickly and irreversibly.

    Diseases, lesions of arteries and veins


    Among the reasons for which there is a long-term or recurrent swelling, circulatory system legs is rightfully in the lead. The narrowing and deformation of the lumen leads to the fact that the blood stagnates in the legs.

    There are two main causes: atherosclerosis and varicose veins.

    With atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic plaques grow in the walls of veins or arteries, which narrow the lumen of the vessel (this pathology is called stenosis). Atherosclerosis is dangerous not only by the narrowing of the lumen, but also by the fact that the plaque can come off and go free swimming through the circulatory system.

  • If it clogs an artery, a heart attack will occur.

    Varicose veins are a condition in which the veins dilate due to high blood pressure or genetic failures. The problem is that the expansion is "violent" in nature, the veins are damaged and cannot be restored. As a result, more blood accumulates in the veins, which inflates them even more and removes some of the fluid from the bloodstream. As a result, swelling increases, pain when walking, and circulatory disorders appear.

    The nature of the pain

    Pain syndrome makes itself known at night and in the morning, because at this time the heart works weaker, and the muscles do not receive proper nutrition. The patient is tormented by night cramps, severe morning pains. The latter are burning in nature and envelop the entire leg.

  • Swelling increases slowly, but does not go away or goes away for a short time.

    Additional symptoms

    Circulatory disorders, ischemic heart disease, a history of heart attacks.

    Who diagnoses and how?

    Phlebologist. Methods: examination, dopplerography, X-ray with contrast.


    Conservative treatment is in the right way of life smoking cessation, moderate exercise and supportive drug therapy.

  • In the case when the disease threatens the life of the patient, the doctor prescribes an operation.

    Tumors, bone metastases


    Benign and malignant tumors in the bones, as well as metastases, can block blood flow. It is worth noting that with this pathology only one leg swells.

    The nature of the pain

    Pain increases over many days and weeks. Pressing, at first - weak. Edema in the early stages occurs at night, in the morning and after physical exertion, in the later stages it exists on its own and persists.

    Additional symptoms

    Oncology according to the results of a blood test.

    Who diagnoses and how?

  • Methods: tests, studies with contrast, MRI.


    Chemotherapy or surgery.

    blood stasis


    By itself build up blood rarely occurs. Most often, the heart or blood vessels are to blame. But in rare cases, the blood itself can be the cause - for example, if it is too thick.

  • The cause can be both diseases of the hematopoietic system and metabolic disorders.

    The nature of the pain

    Pain in this case do not arise. Edema increases with rest and immobility, subsides with active movements.

    Additional symptoms

    Elevated hematocrit, symptoms of leukemia in the blood formula (both symptoms are rare).

    Who diagnoses and how?

    Therapist. Methods: blood test.


    Depends on the cause of blood stasis.

    Fluid accumulation in kidney disease


    Kidneys - organ that removes fluid from the body. If the kidneys stop working normally, then the patient develops edema. First, puffiness appears in the bags under the eyes, then it goes to the face, the next stage is the limbs.

    Edema from the kidneys can be recognized as follows: it is very liquid (that is, the lower part sags a little under the influence of its gravity) and flows under the skin if you press on it. The pits from pressing do not remain.

    The nature of the pain

    Pain is manifested by fatigue of the legs, from constant friction on the shoes, the skin begins to hurt.

    Additional symptoms

    Frequent urge to urinate, swelling of other parts of the body.

    Who diagnoses and how?

    Nephrologist. Methods: examination, palpation, urine tests.


    Diuretics are almost always prescribed.

  • The rest of the treatment program depends on the pathology that caused the problem.



    Nerves along with the brain perform two main functions:

    • react to external stimuli;
    • regulate the constancy of the internal environment (homeostasis).

    If the brain begins to send the wrong commands to the nerve endings during the regulation of internal processes, neuropathy occurs. For example, the brain can give an impulse to a sharp expansion of the vessels of the legs, and a person's pressure will drop sharply. If there is no return command, edema will occur.

  • The reasons most often lie in diabetes mellitus or past viral diseases.

    The nature of the pain

    Pain syndrome occurs suddenly, can be localized both at one point and along the entire nerve from the brain to the leg. It is possible that there will be no pain at all. Swelling is accompanied by spasm or unusual sensations in the leg, occurs abruptly.

    Additional symptoms

    Spasms, involuntary muscle contractions.

    Who diagnoses and how?

    Neurologist. Methods: careful history, blood for ESR, chest x-ray.


    The course of treatment consists of taking pills and is selected strictly individually.

    Spinal nerve root problems


    If the lower spine suffered from a compression fracture or intervertebral hernia, two problems arise at once: the nerve roots and blood vessels are clamped. Pain always appears, but with a particularly unfortunate set of circumstances, the veins are also squeezed, from which swelling appears.

    The nature of the pain

    Pain syndrome - acute, cutting, "shooting". It starts from the lower spine and goes down, most often along one of the legs.

  • The leg swells in the same way - from the spine and down.

    Additional symptoms

    Limited mobility, cramps, leg numbness.

    Who diagnoses and how?

    Neurologist, surgeon. Methods: CT, MRI.


    Conservative - with the help of exercise therapy, blockades and medications. Surgical - release of clamped structures.

    Swelling with redness, pain and swelling in one leg

    Redness is formed in one of two cases: either with trauma, when blood enters the liquid, or with hyperemia of the skin, for example, when arterial blood has accumulated in the arteries.

    The right leg or the left leg (but not both at once) can swell with: injuries, malignant neoplasms, destructive processes in the bone, problems with the spine, tissue inflammation, rarely with arthritis and arthrosis.

  • In other cases, both legs are hit at once.

    When should you go to the doctor?

    As soon as swelling appeared. Edema often means a problem which threatens health. And the question of what caused it - overwork or a swollen joint - is best left to the doctor.

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    First aid for pain

    My leg is swollen and hurts, what should I do? Depends on how quickly it swelled up. If the process has developed quickly, call ambulance. If the fluid comes slowly, you can take yourself to the hospital.

  • In both cases, the patient must be laid on his back and put something under his legs - this will cause the outflow of fluid from the legs.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning minor injuries, as they can be processed independently. It is necessary to give the diseased limb rest and limit fluid intake. The swelling should subside after a few hours. You can apply a cold compress.

    You should not prescribe medications to yourself, even diuretics, until the cause of the edema is clarified.

    If the pain syndrome is complicated by edema, it means that, in addition to the nerves of the legs, the vessels or kidneys were affected. Edema puts pressure on the internal structures of the leg and interferes with normal walking, so the sooner it is eliminated, the easier it will be for the patient.

    In contact with

    Why are the legs swollen? In the lower extremities, excess fluid often accumulates under the influence of gravity. This happens for various reasons. Diseases of the heart, veins, kidneys, as well as pregnancy can lead to swelling of the lower extremities. Injuries are often the cause of leg swelling. Treatment of this unpleasant condition is carried out, depending on the cause, with diuretics, as well as angioprotectors.

    When are the legs swollen?

    Swelling of the legs can be caused by many reasons, the main of which are:

    1. Diseases of the lymphatic system.

    2. Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

    3. Kidney problems - nephrosis, pyelonephritis.

    4. Endocrine diseases: hypothyroidism, diabetes, hyperaldosteronism in adrenal tumors, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome.

    5. Taking hormonal drugs.

    6. Diseases of the liver.

    7. Pregnancy.

    8. Prolonged fasting.

    9. Heart failure, hypertension.

    10. Operations and injuries of the lower extremities.

    Swelling of the legs can occur when there is a violation of the circulation of lymph in the lower extremities. Possible reasons violations of lymphatic drainage - blockage of the lymphatic vessels by a conglomerate of microbial bodies, the presence of a tumor or metastasis in the vessel.

    A staphylococcal infection can penetrate into the lymphatic system and spread there, clogging the vessels. In this case, the affected limb, swelling, can significantly increase in size. Therefore, the disease is often called elephantiasis. Also, the lymphatic system can be clogged with metastases from various organs or a tumor in the lymphatic vessel itself, the lymph node.

    It is possible for infection to enter the lymph from foci of inflammation in the body. In this case, the lymph nodes on the lower extremities become inflamed, and the lower extremities swell. Violation of the lymph flow also occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, and this manifests itself on the skin of the thighs in the form of an orange peel.

    Varicose veins and inflammation of the veins in the legs also give swelling. With varicose veins, the vessels are overloaded with blood, as a result of which their valves are deformed, which ensure the movement of blood against the action of gravity. This is due to the loss of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels due to age-related changes or diseases of the connective tissue. The lack of elasticity is compensated by hypertrophy of the muscular membrane of the veins.

    The muscular membrane can stretch excessively, pushing out too viscous blood. This leads to dilated veins in the legs. Thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the inner lining of a vein in combination with its thrombosis. The development of the disease contributes to increased blood clotting, as well as varicose veins of the lower extremities.

    Kidney disease also leads to fluid buildup in the legs. Moreover, there are two types of puffiness - loose and dense edema. The first type of edema occurs in nephrotic syndrome, when filtration is impaired and blood plasma proteins are lost in the urine. For this reason, the fluid that settles in the lower extremities contains very little protein, and the edema formed by it is loose. Dense swelling of the legs is formed with inflammation in the kidneys.

    With pyelonephritis, swelling is formed due to the release of the liquid part of the blood from the vessels perforated by the hyaluronidase enzyme. Hyaluronidase is an inflammatory enzyme, with the help of which leukocytes from the blood penetrate through the wall of capillaries to the focus of inflammation. They also secrete capillary-damaging enzymes and bacteria that cause inflammation in the kidneys.

    Edema of renal origin is associated with the release of renin, a hormone that rises in response to worsening blood flow in the kidneys. Renin itself constricts blood vessels, and also triggers a chain reaction of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Aldosterone causes the accumulation of fluid and sodium ions in the body, which retain water.

    If you are concerned about swelling of the legs, then diseases of the internal secretion organs may also be to blame. For example, with a lack of hormones thyroid gland edema of the lower extremities also occurs.

    People with diabetes may also notice swelling in their lower extremities. This is due to both impaired renal function in diabetes and capillary damage by products of ketoacidosis.

    Swelling of the legs is possible with tumors of the adrenal glands. Tumors in large quantities secrete aldosterone into the blood - a hormone that leads to fluid retention.

    Hypercortisolism of central and adrenal genesis can also be the cause of edema, as this occurs copious excretion glucocorticoids. Taking synthetic hormones for allergies and autoimmune diseases can also affect water-salt metabolism. Swelling of the legs also occurs during pregnancy protection with female sex hormone preparations.

    Moreover, the latter can cause thrombophlebitis and varicose veins of the lower extremities. Taking hormones, including oral contraceptives, can also lead to impaired liver function.

    In liver diseases, edema can be localized throughout the body, including the lower extremities. The reason for their formation is a decrease in the level of protein in the blood. In this case, the plasma passes from the vessels into the intercellular space, forming pastosity. With cirrhosis, edema is combined with the expansion of blood vessels on the skin in the form of a mesh (telangiectasia). About liver diseases, in addition to swelling, symptoms such as reddening of the skin of the palms and feet speak.

    Starvation can also cause leg swelling. The mechanism of development of this phenomenon is similar to that in nephrosis and cirrhosis of the liver, when there is a decrease in the level of albumin protein in the blood plasma.

    With heart failure, patients also notice swelling of the legs. This is due to stagnation of blood. The veins of the lower extremities relieve the weakened heart in this way. And with venous stasis, blood from these vessels returns to the tissues.

    There are also post-traumatic edema of the lower extremities. Fractures, bruises, wounds cause damage to blood vessels. With bruises, swelling will be especially pronounced, since the integrity of the skin, unlike blood vessels, is not broken. Hemorrhage from damaged vessels occurs in the subcutaneous tissue, which causes swelling of the tissues.

    Treatment of swelling of the legs

    To identify the causes of swelling of the legs and eliminate them, it is necessary to contact the doctors of the following profiles: nephrologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, lymphologist, phlebologist. They are directed by the local doctor, after interviewing and examining the patient.

    In case of problems with the lymphatic system, the cause of stagnation is identified. If the circulation disorder is associated with blockage by microbial associates, then antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

    Sometimes the movement of the lymph is disturbed due to the compression of the vessels through which it circulates. Lymph flow slows down with a sedentary lifestyle, office work. To improve circulation, lymphatic drainage massage is used - manual or hardware. Mesotherapy and baths with magnesia or sea salt also relieve swelling of the legs. The latter can be done at home. Prevent lymphatic congestion special exercises for legs.

    With varicose veins, the prevention of edema is to wear compression underwear. It is necessary to periodically help the veins to pump blood by raising the legs above the level of the body.

    For those caused by thrombophlebitis, agents are used to increase the tone of the veins and reduce the permeability of small vessels. The convergence of venous edema is facilitated by drugs: Aescusan, Detralex, Bilobil, Ginkor-Fort, Phlebodia.

    In the treatment of thrombosis and a decrease in blood viscosity, under the supervision of a physician, anticoagulants are used: Sulodexide, Wessel-Due F, Angioflux. Heparin ointments are on sale, as well as Lioton gel with heparin.

    Severe swelling of the legs caused by kidney disease is treated with diuretics prescribed by a nephrologist after a urinalysis and ultrasound of the kidneys. Furosemide (Lasix) is the most commonly used powerful diuretic for edema. It is also used to eliminate. In parallel, conduct therapy aimed at stopping heart failure.

    If the swelling of the legs is caused by cirrhosis and other liver diseases, then a diuretic such as Veroshpiron is used. It eliminates the effect on the body of aldosterone, leading to fluid retention. This drug is also indicated for hyperaldosteronism caused by tumors of the adrenal glands.

    Treatment of leg swelling in hypothyroidism should include thyroid hormone replacement therapy. To do this, use the drugs Bagotiroks, Eutiroks, sometimes Triiodothyronine.

    For the treatment of edema during pregnancy, a hepatoprotector and diuretic Hofitol are prescribed. It relieves swelling caused by liver damage during preeclampsia, has a diuretic effect.

    After operations and injuries, microcirculation in the legs can be restored with the help of physiotherapy (vitamin C electrophoresis). Leg edema is also treated with gels Troxevasin (Troxerutin), Heparin ointment, Lioton.

    Supporters of traditional medicine also use special conspiracies and infusions of diuretic herbs (bear's eye, horsetail).

    At hypertension, heart failure, you need to take drugs to treat the underlying disease.

    A diet for swelling of the legs provides for salt restriction, the inclusion of a large number of vegetables and fruits in the diet. Useful juices from the root of parsley and celery, cranberries, mineral water for blood thinning.

    Swelling of the legs, especially chronic, is a reason to see a doctor. Edema may indicate a serious illness that requires urgent treatment under the guidance of an appropriate specialist.


    Swollen feet indicate that the human body is not functioning properly. The problem is caused by an increase in the volume of fluid contained in the cells and intercellular space. It can come in excess from the vascular bed under the influence of many factors. Against the background of a violation of the water balance, swelling of the legs occurs. It is a rather dangerous symptom and indicates many diseases. With frequent occurrences of swelling, it is necessary to consult a doctor to identify the causes of such a pathological condition.


    How to determine the presence of puffiness? This is indicated by the following symptoms:

    • Initially, puffiness is manifested by pastosity. It is characterized by a slight bursting of the skin. When the legs swell, their surface becomes pale. Small marks remain on the skin when pressed.
    • Local edema of the lower extremities. It is characterized by the appearance of swelling around the ankles. In addition, soreness and swelling can be localized near the ankle joint.
    • Severe swelling of the legs, which extends to the entire limb to the level of the knee or above. In this case, when pressing on the surface, a deep hole appears and does not disappear for a long time.
    • If the legs are very swollen, various trophic lesions may occur on the skin. They develop only when the epidermis is overstretched. Severe swelling can lead to deep wounds, erosions and cracks on the skin.

    Reasons for the development of edema in healthy people

    Why do feet swell healthy people? The problem does not always indicate the development of pathological processes in the body. In some cases, the causes of swelling of the legs are considered:
    • Finding a long period in one position - sitting, standing, and so on.
    • The causes of swelling of the extremities are called staying all day in uncomfortable or tight shoes. This is especially true for women who wear high heels.
    • Long walk. The development of edema occurs especially intensively if, after significant physical exertion, there is no high-quality and long rest.
    • Long flights in an airplane.
    • Another common cause of severe swelling of the legs is the consumption of large amounts of liquid and excessively salty foods. Particularly acute is this problem if the intake of such products fell in the evening.
    • Legs swell and ache in hot summer. This is due to a violation of blood microcirculation, which occurs in response to high ambient temperature.
    • During pregnancy, swelling of the legs is associated with hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. Although the limbs can also swell against the background of quite serious pathologies (for example, preeclampsia) that develop during gestation. Therefore, a woman should carefully monitor her condition and take everything necessary tests to identify problems in a timely manner.

    Heart pathologies

    What causes leg swelling to become chronic? Edema very often occurs after myocardial infarction, with vascular aneurysms and in the presence of other diseases. Permanent swelling of the legs, caused by a malfunction of the heart, is quite dangerous. Also, swelling of the legs can occur against the background of heart failure.

    The resulting swelling is usually symmetrical, can be both soft and dense. Initially, the legs swell only in the ankle area. Gradually, the swelling spreads to the lower leg and thigh. If most of all the legs began to swell towards the night or in the evening, you can safely suspect the presence of heart problems.

    In this case, other characteristic symptoms are observed:

    • the skin becomes bluish;
    • feet are soft and cold to the touch;
    • the epidermis is strongly stretched, pressure is felt;
    • if the legs are in a horizontal position for a long time, the swelling moves to the lumbar region;
    • preservation of a hole in the skin after pressure.

    Presence of kidney disease

    Swollen feet are often caused by nephrotic syndrome and kidney failure. Puffiness is observed against the background of a violation of the filtration of fluid in the body, which leads to its accumulation. In this case, the swelling first appears under the eyes, after which it spreads to other parts of the body.

    With impaired kidney function, edema becomes more intense in the morning and subsides a little in the evening. Another symptom indicating this reason- swelling is equally pronounced on both limbs.

    Lymph flow problems

    If the legs swell unevenly, it is possible to suspect violations of the functioning of the lymphatic system.. Such edema is characterized high density and tenacity. They appear as a swelling on the back of the foot.

    Also, a person's condition worsens significantly against the background of general weakness, a feeling of fullness in the problematic limb. This swelling is very dangerous because it does not disappear after rest. If the intensity of pathological manifestations is not reduced by medication, elephantiasis may develop.

    Violation of the venous outflow

    Against the background of a decrease in venous blood flow, many diseases of a different nature develop. Often they lead to the formation of swelling. There are such causes of swelling of the legs associated with impaired venous outflow:

    • Varicose veins. Why do the legs swell in the presence of this disease? This occurs against the background of the expansion of the veins, the weakening of their walls, which provokes all further negative manifestations.
    • Thrombophlebitis. Along with swelling, which is usually asymmetrical, patients report that their legs hurt.
    • Post-thrombophlebitic syndrome. In this case, the legs swell very strongly in the shin area and less intensely on the hips.
    • Syndrome of the inferior vena cava. In the presence of this problem, edema is localized not only on the leg (one or two), but also on the buttocks, genitals, and abdomen.

    Other reasons

    If the legs are swollen, the following disorders in the body can be suspected:

    • The presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Swollen joints can be very painful and cause a lot of anxiety.
    • Limb injuries. Edema appears both after a fracture and after a normal sprain.
    • If there is a purulent or inflammatory skin disease, there is a high probability of developing swelling. It disappears only after the underlying problem is cured.
    • Presence of thyroid disease.

    How to get rid of swelling of the legs, if it is not associated with diseases? There are many simple rules to help deal with it. Those who want to remove puffiness should follow the following recommendations:

    1. If a exercise stress is the cause of swelling of the legs, the treatment consists in a long and high-quality rest. It is necessary to exclude physical activity for a while and undergo a massage course.
    2. What to do if your legs swell after a working day? It is recommended to lie down and place your feet on a hill. It will be possible to remove swelling if you put your limbs on a pillow or lean against a wall.
    3. How to get rid of severe puffiness? For this, there is a special compression underwear - tights, socks, stockings, stockings. Wearing it leads to increased blood circulation and eliminates any swelling on the limbs.
    4. How to remove swelling on the legs without using any drugs? If you have this problem, avoiding too much salt really helps. You can also remove the swelling of the legs by reducing the amount of fluid you drink (no more than 1.5-2 liters).

    Useful exercises

    How to deal with swelling of the legs, if they are not caused by serious pathologies? By doing a few simple exercises, you can improve blood circulation and eliminate swelling. To combat swelling of the lower extremities, it is recommended to use the following complex:

    1. Standing or sitting, you need to put your foot on the toe, raising the heel or vice versa.
    2. Very well relieves puffiness exercise, which consists in walking on toes. This should be done daily for 2 minutes.
    3. You can remove swelling in the following way. It is necessary to alternately straighten the toes and squeeze them.
    4. It is recommended to periodically make circular movements with the feet in two directions.
    5. It is necessary to sharply squeeze the toes, then unbend them and try to spread them apart.

    Medical treatment

    How to treat swelling of the legs if they are caused by pathologies of the heart, kidneys, circulatory or lymphatic system? In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate drugs. The most commonly recommended treatments are:

    • Diuretics (diuretics). What do these drugs help? They help to reduce the amount of fluid in the intercellular space. You can take any diuretic only under the supervision of a doctor, since there is a high probability of developing side effects. The main dangers are the washing out of minerals necessary for the body.
    • Complex of preparations for the heart. They are aimed at increasing myocardial contractility, reducing vascular tone and helping to eliminate excessive load on the heart.
    • Ointments, creams and other topical remedies for inflammation. Such drugs are used in the presence of problems with blood circulation, as they help strengthen the vascular wall.

    At the discretion of the doctor, other drugs are prescribed, depending on the existing pathology.

    Folk remedies

    How can leg swelling be reduced without medication? What to do if there are no expensive drugs at hand? In this case it will help ethnoscience. It is no less effective than the traditional one.

    1. Application of parsley. Nessesary to use fresh leaves in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Parsley is poured with 400 ml of boiling water. The resulting infusion should be consumed throughout the day, divided into several small portions.
    2. Juice treatment. A mixture made from juices of carrots, cucumbers and lemons has a pronounced diuretic effect.. The first two ingredients are taken in equal quantities. Lemon juice is used to improve palatability mixture, so a teaspoon of this ingredient will suffice. Freshly prepared medicine is slightly diluted with water and consumed throughout the day in the amount of 1-2 glasses.
    3. A decoction of radish. Fresh root crops must be cleaned, chopped and cut into small pieces. For one serving of the medicine, it is enough to use 400 g of radish. It must be poured with boiling water (about 950 ml) and boiled for about 10 minutes. This mixture is infused for about 3 hours, after which it is consumed throughout the day instead of water.

    Swelling of the legs is a common problem that a large number of people face from time to time. Many people call puffiness a disease, but this is not a very correct definition. Edema in the legs can be a symptom of various ailments, and also occur due to severe fatigue and the harmful effects of stress. A person with swelling of the legs experiences constant discomfort and heaviness in the lower extremities, and often pain. In addition, swelling can develop into a serious disease. Therefore, at the first signs of swelling of the legs, a person should consult a doctor and in no case self-medicate.

    What are the main causes of leg swelling

    Swelling of the lower extremities can be caused by many reasons. It is characteristic that the causes in men and women are practically the same. There are common causes that most people who suffer from puffiness face, and there are very rare ones. This article presents the 10 most popular causes of edema.

    Limb injuries

    Often, swelling of the legs occurs precisely because of injuries, bruises, falls. If shortly after such an unpleasant event puffiness appears, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Without qualified first aid, this can have very serious consequences. Bone displacement or hemorrhage is a fairly common outcome if a person does not respond to swelling in a timely manner.

    Wrong diet

    unbalanced diet, harmful products, excess salt in food is enough common cause leg swelling. The water-salt balance is disturbed, and the legs swell. If the doctor says that it was the malnutrition that caused the puffiness, then you just need to review the diet and reduce the amount of salt in the dishes so that the puffiness goes away. But treatment, of course, is also necessary.

    Alcohol abuse

    Moderate alcohol consumption has no external manifestations on the human body. But when the amount of alcohol gets out of control, swelling appears on the legs, arms, and face. Edema in this case indicates violations of the liver and kidneys. Obviously, drinking alcohol should be stopped immediately.

    Reaction to medication

    The course of treatment for any disease is always a series of drugs. The vast majority of medicines have side effects. Some drugs linger inside a person and make it difficult to remove fluid from the body. Especially often this problem is observed in people who are undergoing treatment through droppers. Salvation in such a situation are diuretics. And at the end of the course, the swelling goes away on its own.

    Overweight problems

    Puffiness of the lower extremities is characteristic of obese people. Edema is especially active after fast walking or running. In addition, with obesity, the endocrine system suffers, the diseases of which also often manifest themselves in the form of swelling of the legs. Finally, excess weight is often associated with an increase in blood sugar, which also causes swelling.

    Unfavorable climate

    Hot summer is the time of the year when many people get swollen feet. But the problem is not high temperature, but in the features of the summer lifestyle. People move less, lie on the beach for a long time, drink a lot of liquids because of thirst. This is what causes swelling. They can also be caused by a sudden change in climate - for example, a trip to warm countries in winter time of the year.

    venerable age

    Swelling of the legs is a characteristic phenomenon for people of advanced age. During this period, diseases of the heart and blood vessels make themselves felt, and the fluid begins to linger in the body longer than usual. Therefore, in many older people, swelling of the lower extremities is, in fact, a normal phenomenon. To get rid of puffiness, you can do exercises every morning, and take a walk in the evenings.

    Heart problems

    Heart failure is very often associated with severe swelling of the legs. People suffering from heart disease often drink diuretics to speed up the removal of fluid from the body. The frequency of occurrence of edema, as well as their size and density, often help doctors establish an accurate diagnosis.

    kidney disease

    People who have become patients of urological departments also often suffer from swelling of the lower extremities. The problem lies in the violations of the kidneys, which can not cope with the volume of fluid. People with diseased kidneys are, perhaps, the only category of patients in whom edema is observed throughout the day, and not just in the evening. Large sizes edema signal the need for immediate hospitalization.

    Joint diseases

    Joint problems do not always cause leg swelling. But often it does happen. If a person knows about his joint disease, then at the first appearance of edema, he should immediately go to the doctor. Treatment in such cases can last quite a long time. A person needs to take many different medications, including anti-inflammatory and analgesics.

    In addition to the listed causes of leg swelling, there are less common causes:

    • allergic to something;
    • vascular problems;
    • "sedentary work;
    • excessive stress at work or playing sports;
    • high level of blood clotting;
    • unsatisfactory condition of the veins and arteries.

    Which doctor should I go to with swelling of the legs

    To contact the "right" doctor, you need to establish the approximate cause of swelling of the lower extremities. If a person cannot do this on their own, then it is better to go to a therapist. This doctor will conduct a general examination and determine which specialist is best to continue treatment.

    Other doctors who may be helpful for swelling include:

    1. . It is worth contacting this specialist if a person has problems with veins. If, along with swelling, there are signs of an increase in veins or vessels, then most likely the phlebologist will the right choice among other doctors.
    2. . If a person assumes that puffiness is associated with heart failure or heart disease, then you can go to a cardiologist. He will not only help eliminate swelling, but also prescribe treatment to eliminate their root cause.
    3. . You need to go to this doctor if, along with swelling of the legs, there is pain in the kidneys or violations of the excretory system.
    4. . A person should contact an endocrinologist if swelling of the legs is accompanied by chilliness, general loss of strength and inhibition of movements. The most common cause of these phenomena is hypothyroidism.

    Important! Do not self-diagnose. If there is any doubt, then the most reasonable solution would be to contact a psychotherapist. Self-medication for swelling of the legs is not an option, because it can only get worse.

    What to do with thrombosis

    Thrombosis is one of the most common diseases associated with swelling of the legs. This disease can be called severe. Its main symptoms are:

    • swelling of the lower extremities;
    • palpable heaviness in places of edema;
    • heaviness in the whole body;
    • venous stasis of blood;
    • low sensitivity of the skin in places of edema.

    Thus, the symptoms are quite general. They are characteristic not only for thrombosis, but also for a number of other diseases. Therefore, a person cannot be 100% sure that he has thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. To accurately determine the diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor.

    As a rule, with thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, edema reveals itself even in the early stages of the disease. They become one of the first symptoms by which the disease can be identified. Anti-inflammatory drugs play an important role in treatment, and in severe swelling Diuretics are also prescribed. Also, with thrombophlebitis, anticoagulants are often used.

    Important! Before going to the pharmacy for pills, you should always consult with your doctor. A person who tries to choose medicines on his own risks a lot. Instead of getting rid of puffiness, he can only harm his body, and the swelling itself will not go anywhere. Therefore, a doctor is required.

    How to detect swelling yourself

    Swelling of the legs is not always obvious. In the early stages, the enlargement of the lower extremities can be almost imperceptible. But there are a number of factors that allow you to accurately diagnose edema:

    • Difficulties with putting on and taking off shoes;
    • when walking there is pain, discomfort;
    • veins began to be seen worse than usual;
    • in the afternoon the legs become heavy;
    • if you press on a swollen place, dents remain.

    As soon as these symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the hospital. The doctor will prescribe a competent treatment, which must be strictly followed. If the swelling was caused by simple fatigue, your doctor may recommend foot massage and diuretics. In other cases, if any disease is detected, a full course of treatment will be prescribed.

    One of the most common health problems that many women have to face is leg swelling. And there are many reasons for this phenomenon.

    This may be due to both malnutrition or a special arrangement of a woman’s life, as well as to large and serious health problems. Often this fact delivers not only physiological discomfort, but also great psychological disorders.

    What are the main causes of puffiness? What are the types of edema? And how to deal with this scourge? Let's try to deal with this urgent problem that worries many women.

    Types of edema

    Depending on the cause that caused the swelling of the lower extremities, the following classification of edema is distinguished:

    1. Nephrotic. This type of edema occurs mainly in people suffering from diabetes. Often this kind of puffiness is also observed among lovers of frequent use of alcoholic beverages.
    2. Idiopathic. The development of this type of edema can be triggered by stressful situations, very long-term use of diuretics, or during the third trimester of pregnancy.
      Although the exact cause of the manifestation of this particular species has not yet been identified. It is only known that in most cases this type of puffiness is experienced by women of reproductive age.
    3. Orthostatic. This type of swelling is manifested mainly as a result of a very long stay of a person in any position, whether it is a sitting or lying position.
    4. Lymphedema- a type of edema that occurs in the lower extremities as a result of the accumulation of a large amount of lymph there.
      Underdevelopment of the lymph nodes, trauma and damage can lead to such an unpleasant and painful phenomenon. Inflammatory processes of varying severity can also cause the appearance of edema of this variety.
    5. Allergic edema presented as deep subcutaneous edema. Their development happens in the blink of an eye. If the patient is given timely and adequate treatment, then this swelling disappears very soon.
    6. Cardiac edema. As a result of such heart diseases as ischemic disease, heart disease, or simply a violation of blood circulation in the lower extremities, severe edema appears.
    7. congestive. This type of puffiness affects the human body as a result of an increase in pressure in the capillaries or a decrease in the level of albumin protein in the blood.

    Causes of leg swelling

    As already mentioned, there are a considerable number of reasons that cause severe swelling of the legs. These may be the reasons, the culprit of which is the person himself, and such puffiness can be eliminated without much effort. However, in some cases, edema appears as a result of very serious diseases.

    Let's take a closer look at these reasons:

    Serious diseases can also become the cause of swelling of the legs in women, namely:

    • kidney disease. Diseases of such an important organ as the kidneys lead to swelling of the feet, ankles, lower legs. Diseases disrupt the normal rhythm of the kidneys, and therefore, this body does not cope with its main work.
      Thus, excess fluid is not excreted from the body. Often in such cases, a woman has swelling under her eyes.
    • Heart diseases sometimes declare themselves in the form of swelling of the legs. Symptoms of diseases are usually accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath and heart palpitations.
    • Vascular diseases. It is the fair sex that most often deals with these diseases.
      Most often, such edema overtakes women by lunchtime. By the evening they become more noticeable, but by the morning they disappear. Such signs may indicate varicose veins, and may also signal impaired blood circulation.

    Violation of the venous and lymphatic outflows

    Common causes of severe swelling of the legs in women are a violation of the venous and lymphatic outflows.

    Violation of the venous outflow often occurs due to such serious diseases as:

    • Varicose veins, when swelling is observed in the evening;
    • Thrombophlebitis, when there is asymmetric swelling, accompanied by pain in the area calf muscles, increased body temperature;
    • Syndrome of the inferior pudendal vein, when swelling extends not only to the legs, but is also observed on the buttocks and even on the genitals.

    Often, the outflow of fluid passing through the lymphatic vessels is disturbed. This phenomenon is called lymphedema.

    As a rule, a woman experiences a number of such symptoms:

    • general weakness;
    • feeling of heaviness in the legs;
    • feeling such an unpleasant feeling as bursting in the left or right limb.

    Lymphedema often ends in the last stage - elephantiasis

    Hormonal changes, postpartum period

    If a woman has severe swelling, this does not always indicate the presence of any pathological disease. The main reason for this is the change hormonal background.

    Often this phenomenon overtakes a woman in the onset of premenstrual syndrome. These edemas are usually not strong and after the end of the "critical period" the edema disappears on its own. However, if such a phenomenon is regular, the weaker sex would not hurt to see a doctor.

    Women can face the problem of swelling of the legs both during pregnancy and after it. In this case, a woman needs to see a doctor who will recommend taking certain medications. Massages, physiotherapy, or dieting may also be helpful.

    Diagnosis of leg edema

    Swelling of the legs- a disease that can be detected easily and independently. To do this, click on the lower leg area. If the hole after pressing remains for several seconds, this indicates the presence of puffiness.

    In some cases, additional tests will be required:

    • blood and urine analysis;
    • Vascular ultrasound;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
    • x-ray;
    • checking hormone levels.

    Treatment of swelling of the legs

    This question is asked by a considerable number of women who have experienced such a problem as swelling of the legs. However, today medicine can offer a fairly wide range of highly effective treatment methods.

    These include:

    • diuretics;
    • drugs that reduce the amount of aldosterone produced;
    • various gels and ointments;
    • diuretic herbs;
    • compression stockings, i.e. tights, stockings or stockings;
    • lymphatic drainage massage.

    Folk methods of treatment

    In the fight against swelling of the legs, not only medicine, but also folk remedies, which, as a rule, include only natural ingredients.

    So, at home, you can prepare the following drinks and infusions:

    • It is necessary to pour half a liter of boiling water 2 tablespoons of birch leaves. You need to drink the prepared drink 5 times a day.
    • You need to prepare half a glass of cucumber, carrot and lemon juice. Everything is mixed and diluted with half a glass of warm water. The mixture must be taken 3 times a day.
    • Sea salt also helps a lot. In warm water, you need to dissolve a small amount of salt and hold the legs in such water for 20 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the legs with cool water and do a light massage.

    Prevention of swelling of the legs

    There are quite productive preventive measures, following which, you can avoid swelling of the lower extremities, and these are:

    • avoid daily walking in high heels;
    • try to get comfortable shoes for yourself;
    • do not abuse salty foods;
    • adhere to the correct drinking regimen;
    • drink less alcohol and completely stop smoking;
    • people engaged in sedentary work need to take a break every half hour;
    • after taking a hot shower, it is imperative to pour cold water over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower extremities;
    • It is not recommended to cross your legs.


    Diet in case of swelling of the legs involves the obligatory rejection of the use of the following products:

    • pickles;
    • roast;
    • mustard;
    • vinegar;
    • foods containing a large amount of sugar;
    • red meat;
    • flour products;
    • dairy.

    And the so-called "unloading" days are of great help in the fight against edema.


    The constant performance of a certain set of exercises also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole and helps to get rid of swelling of the legs in the shortest possible time.

    These simple exercises are as follows:

    • stand on tiptoes for a few seconds;
    • in the same position, make several light jumps;
    • sitting on a chair, raise your legs and perform alternately circular movements with your feet;
    • perform alternate sharp flexion and extension of the toes.

    All of the above information does not at all imply a refusal of medical assistance and an independent intake of folk remedies.

    If a woman is constantly worried about swelling, she urgently needs to see a doctor. Only an experienced specialist is able to prescribe competent treatment and recommend effective ways combat swelling of the lower extremities.

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