Clinical symptoms of ascariasis in children. Ascariasis and trichuriasis Diagnosis of human ascariasis is based on

Tourism and rest 14.11.2020
Tourism and rest


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

In developing countries, the incidence of ascariasis is higher than in developed ones. This is due to the worst sanitary and epidemiological conditions, limited access to clean water, food and qualified medical care. The age peak of incidence falls on 3-7 years. At this age, children wash their hands less often, often eat unwashed vegetables or fruits, and generally observe hygiene standards worse.

By themselves, roundworms rarely pose a serious threat to life. Most often, they only cause a number of disorders in the body. However, children and debilitated adults may develop dangerous complications.

Symptoms and signs of ascaris

In adults without associated health problems, ascariasis can for a long time not cause any serious symptoms. Many patients associate periodic abdominal discomfort, belching, or diarrhea with poor nutrition or other household causes. This is due to the fact that ascariasis does not have any special manifestations that are not characteristic of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract).

In general, the manifestations of the disease can be very diverse. They are largely related to the stage of the disease and the presence of any associated problems. During the course of the disease, two main phases are distinguished - early (migratory) lasting 2-3 weeks and late (intestinal) lasting from a year or more. The first phase corresponds to the migration of larvae through the bloodstream to the liver and lungs. The second is due to the vital activity of adults in the intestine.

With a massive helminthic invasion by roundworms, larvae or adults can enter the following organs:

  • small and large intestines (including appendix);
  • biliary tract and gallbladder;
  • liver;
  • pancreatic ducts;
  • lungs;
  • stomach and esophagus (do not linger at this level).
In rare cases, roundworm larvae are found in atypical places. Most often, these are limited cavities resembling abscesses. In them, the larvae do not develop and cannot reach sexual maturity, so such accumulations are not dangerous. Pathological cavities do not increase in size, but rarely resolve on their own.

Symptoms and signs of ascaris in adults

As noted above, most often the symptoms of ascariasis appear from the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. In this case, both physical tissue damage and an allergic component take place. The debut of the disease depends on the degree of invasion by roundworms. When infected with a small number of helminths, the onset of the disease may be asymptomatic or be erased, manifesting itself with minimal non-specific symptoms - weakness, decreased performance and fatigue.

With moderate and massive infection on early stage disease, the following symptoms appear:

  • Dry or wet cough varying degrees of intensity with the release of mucous sputum, sometimes with streaks of blood. This symptom is caused by physical tissue damage during the migration of ascaris larvae from the capillaries to the alveoli of the lungs.
  • moderate pain in chest sometimes associated with the migration of larvae or the temporary shutdown of a certain area of ​​the lung from the breathing process.
  • At physical activity shortness of breath may occur. At rest, it is not typical, but is likely if a person suffers from bronchial asthma or an allergic reaction of the body is more pronounced than usual.
  • Body temperature rises more often to subfebrile condition(37.0 - 37.9 degrees). Against its background, there may also be chills, muscle pain, joint pain, excessive sweating, abdominal discomfort.
  • With massive invasion, heart palpitations are possible(tachycardia) more than 80 beats per minute.
  • Sudden spikes in blood pressure are possible(more often these are episodes of hypotension, when blood pressure is below 90/60 mm Hg).
A pronounced allergic component in adults is quite rare and is explained by the increased individual sensitivity of the organism. Its symptoms are especially diverse during the period of molting of larvae. Here, the disease can manifest itself as skin itching, rash, and rapidly growing edema. These symptoms are caused by circulating IgE immunoglobulins in the blood. They start a chain of biochemical reactions, which, in turn, can lead to a variety of local damage fabrics. With a massive intake of ascaris, the reaction of the body can be significant. Severe pruritus develops, disseminated rashes all over the body like urticaria, swollen lymph nodes. Perhaps the development of allergic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), allergic myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle). One of the most severe complications of this phase can be anaphylactic shock, which poses a serious danger to the patient's life.

Most often, ascariasis affects children aged 3-10 years. This can be explained by a combination of factors - the activity of children at this age, the frequent use of products contaminated with roundworm eggs. Also at this age, hygiene skills have not yet been fully formed and there is no immunity to roundworms.

It is noted that in children more often than in adults, bacterial complications occur in the migration stage. This is manifested by pneumonia, a more rapid and pronounced increase in temperature, the appearance of pus in the sputum.

To confirm the fact of recovery, patients must retake a stool test and conduct other examinations that are prescribed by the attending physician. Only after negative repeated tests the patient is considered healthy.

Drugs for the treatment of ascariasis

Name of the drug

Receive mode




It is used for massive invasions. Adults once 120 - 150 mg, children - 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

Not intended for pregnant and lactating women and children under 14 years of age.



It is the drug of choice for simultaneous ascariasis and trichuriasis. It is taken 100 mg 2 times a day for 3 to 4 days.

Contraindicated in ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, liver failure. Not intended for children under 2 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.



50 mg/kg body weight twice a day for a week. The drug is effective in the early stages of the disease.

Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, pregnant women, nursing mothers.


For adults, the dose of 100 mg is divided into 2 times a day. Take three days. For children, the dose is 25 - 50 mg / day ( age from 2 to 10 years).

Piperazine citrate

It is indicated for obstruction of the intestines or biliary tract caused by ascaris. It is prescribed for 2 days at 75 mg / kg per day. The maximum single dose is 3.5 g.

Parallel administration of chlorpromazine is prohibited.


10 mg/kg once orally after meals.

Can be used during pregnancy under the strict supervision of doctors. Prohibited in renal failure and children under the age of six months.

Self-administration of the above funds can be dangerous due to the high toxicity of the drugs. To select an individual dose and the safest remedy, a full examination of the patient is required. Also, these drugs have a wide range side effects, which are usually short-lived, but very noticeable for the patient. Misuse of these drugs often leads to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

To combat roundworms, you can resort to the following folk remedies:

  • Pomegranate decoction. Dried pomegranate skins are poured with boiling water (a few pieces per glass of water) and cooled. The resulting infusion is drunk in 3 doses during the day. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times with a break of 1-2 days.
  • Onion infusion. Two chopped onions are poured with vodka (300 - 400 ml) and infused in a tightly sealed container for 8 - 10 days. After that, the infusion is filtered and taken 1 - 2 tablespoons 2 times a day before meals for a week.
  • Infusion of garlic and horseradish. Chopped horseradish and garlic are mixed in equal proportions. For 100 g of the mixture, 1 liter of vodka is needed. The bottle is sealed and placed in a dark place for 5 to 7 days. During this time, it is shaken daily to mix the contents. Infusion drink 1 tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Pumpkin seeds. Raw pumpkin seeds are peeled and eaten on an empty stomach, 1 to 2 teaspoons twice a day. This remedy has contraindications, and before taking it, you should consult a doctor.
  • Infusion of wormwood. For 1 teaspoon of wormwood leaves, you need 2 cups of boiling water. The infusion is cooled, filtered and taken 2 tablespoons twice a day before meals.
In most cases, folk remedies rely on the use of onions, garlic or bitter herbs in combination with an alcohol base. It is believed that such mixtures paralyze worms and they come out naturally during defecation. However, this effect of these recipes has not been scientifically proven. But for patients with chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), these drugs are contraindicated, as they will cause an exacerbation. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

B77 Ascariasis

Epidemiology of ascariasis

Ascariasis refers to geohelminthiasis. Source of infection environment- only a person with ascariasis. It becomes infected by ingestion of invasive eggs. Transmission factors are contaminated vegetables, berries, other foods, water, and hands. In the temperate climate zone, the infection season lasts up to 7 months - from April to October, in conditions of warm humid climate- all year round.

A female roundworm lays up to 240,000 eggs per day. The maximum number of eggs is released at 5-6 months of the female's life. By the 7th month, ovulation ends and the female stops producing eggs.

In order for the eggs to become invasive, the following conditions are necessary: ​​the presence of oxygen, humidity not lower than 8%, temperature 12-37 ° C and a certain time. Under optimal conditions (temperature 24-30 ° C and humidity 90-100%), after 2-3 weeks, an infective larva is formed in the egg after the first molt, capable of infecting humans. Egg development takes longer in temperate and cool climates than in warm ones. Under favorable conditions, eggs can remain viable for up to 10 years.

In temperate climates, the development of eggs in the soil begins in April-May. In winter, egg development does not occur. In May-July, infective larvae will form in the egg. Human infection with invasive ascaris eggs can occur throughout the year, since they are resistant to external influences and remain viable for a long time. Largest number Invasive eggs accumulate in the soil in the summer-autumn period, when there is a massive infection of the population with ascariasis. The longest infection season is observed in the south, and the least in northern regions. The highest degree of infestation of the population by adult roundworms occurs in winter, and the lowest - in early summer.

Ascariasis transmission factors are soil contaminated with ascaris eggs, vegetables, berries, fruits, water. May enter waterways wastewater from sewers or fecal matter from nearby latrines. Flies, cockroaches can be mechanical carriers of eggs.

Human infection occurs through direct contact with soil containing invasive eggs. If the rules of personal hygiene are not observed, eggs from the soil with unwashed hands fall into the human mouth. Infection can occur through various items household and food products contaminated with roundworm eggs. Eggs can get into living quarters with dust, they can be brought on the soles of shoes.

The foci of ascariasis are diverse in terms of the intensity of the transmission of invasion, depending on the degree of pollution of the external environment by invasive ascaris eggs, sanitary conditions, hygienic habits of the population and climatic factors. Foci of ascariasis are usually formed in rural areas or in those areas of cities where there are sources of infection, insufficient sanitary improvement, there are features of life and economic activity facilitating the entry of invasive eggs from the external environment to humans. People get sick with ascariasis in cities most often after returning from rural areas, from garden plots and summer cottages, where undisinfected human feces are sometimes used as fertilizers, as well as when eating unwashed vegetables and fruits, berries brought from ascariasis foci, and if personal hygiene rules.

Susceptibility to ascariasis is high. In highly epidemic areas, up to 90% of children are sick with ascariasis. This is due to the fact that ascariasis does not leave a pronounced immunity.

Ascariasis is the most common helminthiasis in the world. According to WHO, more than 1.2 billion people are infected with ascariasis worldwide. Of these, about 100 thousand people die from this invasion every year. Ascariasis is common in 153 out of 218 countries of the world located in temperate, subtropical and tropical climate zones.

More than 50% of the surveyed population is infected with ascariasis in Nigeria, Congo, Brazil, Ecuador, Iraq, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Indonesia. In the zones of deserts, semi-deserts and permafrost, ascariasis is very rare.

Causes of ascariasis

Ascariasis is caused by Ascaris lumbricoides, which belongs to the phylum Nematheiminthes, class Nematoda, order Rhabditida, family Oxyuridae. In the development cycle of A. lumbricoides, the following stages are distinguished: sexually mature form, egg, invasive egg, larva.

Due to significant morphological and metabolic changes at different stages of development in ascaris, as in other types of helminths, exogenous and endogenous antigens and their immunogenic properties change significantly.

Development cycle of ascariasis

A person becomes infected with ascariasis by swallowing eggs containing larvae that have reached the infective stage. In the human small intestine, the larvae are released from the egg membranes, penetrate the intestinal wall into the blood vessels and migrate through the bloodstream and tissues of the host. With the blood flow, they enter the portal vein, the vessels of the liver, the inferior vena cava, the right atrium and through the pulmonary artery into the capillaries of the alveoli of the lungs.

Through the walls of the capillaries, the larvae penetrate into the cavity of the alveoli, then the bronchioles and migrate along the airways. From the trachea, when coughing with sputum, the larvae enter the pharynx, are swallowed again and again find themselves in the small intestine. During migration, the larvae molt twice and increase in size from 0.19-0.25 mm to 1.5-2.2 mm. Migration of roundworm larvae lasts about two weeks. In the intestine, the larvae grow, molt again and become sexually mature after 2-2.5 months. The life expectancy of adult roundworms is about 1 year.

Next, the larvae migrate through the portal vein system to the liver, then to the lungs, where their development continues for 1-2 weeks. In the liver on the 5-6th day after infection and in the lungs (on the 10th day), the larvae molt. In the lungs, breaking the capillary network and the walls of the alveoli, they penetrate into the lumen of the bronchi and move along the airways into the oropharynx. With swallowed saliva and food, the larvae re-enter the small intestine, where they turn into sexually mature males and females, having made two more molts before that. The duration of migration of larvae is about 2 weeks, and the maturation of females before laying eggs lasts more than 10 weeks. In the human body, an adult lives 11-13 months.

Symptoms of ascariasis

There are two clinical stages of the disease - early (migratory) and late (intestinal). Symptoms of ascariasis in the early stage are often absent. With a clinically pronounced form, on the 2-3rd day after infection, such symptoms of ascariasis appear as malaise, weakness, subfebrile condition. Urticarial rashes on the skin are observed, enlargement of the spleen and liver is possible. More characteristic is the symptom complex of lung lesions with the formation of transient infiltrates, determined radiologically, and eosinophilia in the peripheral blood (Löffler's syndrome). In these cases, there is a dry cough, sometimes with sputum streaked with blood, shortness of breath, chest pain, suffocation. Dry and wet rales are heard in the lungs.

In the intestinal stage, ascariasis in adults often occurs with mild or asymptomatic symptoms. The observed symptoms of ascariasis (worsening of appetite, nausea, sometimes vomiting, cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea or unstable stools) are not specific. The state of health of patients worsens, working capacity decreases, appear headache, dizziness.

Children in the early stage of ascariasis may develop pneumonia, with intensive invasion - severe intoxication. Body weight decreases, children become capricious, distracted, epileptiform seizures, meningism, Meniere's syndrome are possible; in the blood test - normo- and hypochromic anemia, eosinophilia.

Complications of ascariasis

There are intestinal and extraintestinal complications of ascariasis, which occur in the late stage of invasion and are often caused by increased mobility of adult helminths. The most common complication, especially in children aged 4 to 8 years, is intestinal obstruction. With destructive changes in the intestinal mucosa or after surgical interventions, ascaris may penetrate into abdominal cavity and development of peritonitis. The introduction of helminths into the biliary and pancreatic ducts can lead to obstructive jaundice, reactive pancreatitis, in the case of a secondary bacterial infection, purulent cholangitis, liver abscesses, and sometimes appendicitis develop. With vomiting, antiperistaltic movements, roundworms can enter the esophagus, from where they penetrate the pharynx, respiratory tract, causing asphyxia.

Many people now do not even have a clue about what ascariasis is. This disease is very dangerous, as it affects both adults and young children at the same time. Ascariasis is a common nematode helminthic disease caused by human roundworm. Its larvae can freely migrate throughout the body, affecting organs and systems. Their development takes place in the intestine.

Ascariasis is a very common disease (an average of 60 to 85 cases per 100,000 inhabitants). Most often, they are sick with young children - about 65% in overall structure. Ascariasis in children appears very simply. Infection can occur through sand or earth while playing in the sandbox, as babies often put unwashed hands in their mouths. Ascaris also infects adults - about 35% in the total structure.


It is also worth noting that a sick person, in some way, does not pose a danger to others, since the eggs that he will excrete along with feces must still fully ripen in the soil. Their ripening period is from 10 to 40 days.

A person becomes infected with ascariasis at the moment when he swallows mature eggs of ascaris. They are localized in the small intestine, where the larvae emerge from the eggs. They easily pass through the intestinal lining and penetrate into the vessels. With the blood flow, the larvae move through the body - first to the liver, then to the right atrium and to the lungs. In the lungs, the larvae penetrate into the alveoli and ascend to the pharynx along the tracheobronchial tree. The person swallows them again, and they enter the small intestine. It is in it that the larvae grow and become adult worms. This phase in medicine is called migratory. Its duration is from 10 to 12 days. Ascaris fully mature in the body in 8 weeks. The life span of the worm is 12-18 months.

Phases of the disease

Symptoms of ascariasis in adults and children largely depend on the phase in which this moment illness is located. They are also used in medicine for a more accurate diagnosis and choice of treatment methods. There are two phases:

From the moment immature eggs enter the human body until the first signs appear, most often it takes from one to two months. Symptoms vary depending on the phase of the disease. Signs of illness in adults are often more intense than in children. Symptoms of ascariasis in children, as a rule, may not appear for a long period of time.

The symptoms of the migratory phase are very varied. Ascariasis in children in this phase sometimes proceeds without clinical manifestations, but with severe forms of the disease, the following symptoms are noted:

As soon as the process of turning the larva into an adult is over, the intestinal phase (or chronic ascariasis) will begin, which is characterized by its own symptoms:

  • loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea, mainly in the morning, pain in the abdomen (in the navel), upset stool. In medicine, this condition is called gastrointestinal syndrome;
  • general health worsens, sleep is disturbed, working capacity decreases, severe headaches occur. It's a nervous syndrome. Children often in this phase experience epileptiform seizures, as well as manifestations of meningism.

The disease with its symptoms is very similar to other known helminthic invasions, but there are some signs that are characteristic exclusively for this pathology:

  • no desire to eat any food;
  • frequent bouts of abdominal pain;
  • grinding teeth in sleep;
  • increased salivation;
  • ascaris may appear in the feces;
  • constipation alternates with loose stools;
  • the skin is pale, sometimes with a yellow tint.


The main analysis that helps confirm the presence of ascaris is a coprogram. In the initial stage of ascariasis, the larvae can be detected in the sputum or by X-ray examination (in the picture they will be visible in the form of infiltrates).

Diagnosis of ascariasis is also carried out using serological research methods:

  • latex agglutination;
  • indirect hemagglutination;
  • acceleration of erythrocyte sedimentation.


Not many people know how to treat ascariasis in order to avoid the development of complications and completely cleanse the body of worms. This disease can be treated both at home and in the hospital. Most often, people who have developed complications against the background of pathology need hospitalization.

Diet therapy is an important component of the successful treatment of ascariasis. You need to eat 5 times a day. There should not be long intervals between meals.

You should include the following foods in your diet:

  • mucous decoctions from cereals;
  • wheat bread (only dried);
  • marmalade;
  • mashed cereals from buckwheat, semolina and rice groats;
  • lean meats;
  • fat-free broths;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • potatoes, ripe tomatoes, carrots and beets;
  • soft berries and fruits.

The following products are excluded:

  • fatty cabbage soup or soups;
  • canned food;
  • fatty meats;
  • chocolate;
  • cakes;
  • cocoa;
  • milk and cream;
  • barley, barley groats;
  • pasta.

Folk recipes

Treatment of ascariasis with folk remedies can be carried out, but it is not recommended to use only such therapy. Be sure to visit a qualified specialist.

Among folk remedies the most effective are the following:

  • milk and garlic. Boil one head of garlic in milk. Ready broth should be cooled and filtered. This remedy is great for treating children. Enemas are made from milk-garlic decoction. They are placed only at night;
  • pumpkin seeds. Take some pumpkin seeds and grind them in a mortar. Then boiled water is added to them. The mixture can be slightly sweetened with honey or jam. Take the pumpkin mixture in a teaspoon on an empty stomach.

Greetings blog readers who are not indifferent to their health!

Let's talk about those inhabitants of our body who are often considered illegal, but, nevertheless, all people and animals on our planet are their habitat. Let's talk about worms. Perhaps (someone winced from disgust) this is not a very pleasant topic, but it is very important, if, of course, you care about your health and those of your loved ones. If doctors say: “You have worms,” then everyone understands what a serious problem in question. Using medical terminology, we will talk about helminths, and more specifically about roundworms, about the symptoms of the disease, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Roundworm- this is separate view helminths or worms, which bring a lot of problems to their "owner of the apartment." There is approximate statistics, which says that on planet Earth, about one and a half billion people have such "lodgers" inside their bodies, i.e. out of 12 people, 8 are sick with ascariasis. If you do not treat ascariasis, then you can grow a half-meter-sized roundworm in your intestines and not even know about it!

Adult roundworms live in our small intestine. We become infected with them by bringing their eggs and larvae into the mouth, mainly with food. The larvae are not attached to the walls of the intestine and swim freely. They feed on the food that we eat, i.e. they don't eat us, they eat our food. There is a misconception that in order to lose weight you need to become infected with roundworm. This is not true. Worms are additional eaters, a person will eat more, but despite this, they will have a painful, but not always emaciated appearance, but rather pasty or swollen.

Life cycle of roundworm development

The roundworm female releases about 2.5 million eggs daily. Ascaris can form from each egg, most of which come out with feces. But ascaris is not such a simple helminth as it seems at first glance. His life cycle very unusual.

After the roundworm is introduced into the body as a larva through the mouth, it enters the blood stream through the walls of the intestinal mucosa, then to the liver and gallbladder, then to the right ventricle of the heart and, finally, to the lungs. And it is in the lungs in an oxygen environment that a viable larva is formed. The lungs are constantly cleared through the nasopharynx (by coughing, expectoration of sputum). And through swallowing these larvae from respiratory tract self-infection occurs in the esophagus through the mouth and thus there is an increase in the number of adult roundworms in the body. People at this moment cough and with sputum swallow a live larva, which is ready to become sexually mature in the small intestine.

Therefore, it is wrong to say that the roundworm larva entered the intestine and immediately began to develop in it into a sexually mature individual. Usually, the presence of adults in the body is the small intestine, the larvae are in all organs, and roundworms live for about a year. Ascaris can be found in the maxillary and frontal sinuses, in the inner ear, in the lungs, in the gallbladder and in other organs.

Roundworm. A photo

Roundworms are long (20 - 50 cm) and thick (0.2 - 0.7 cm) bisexual spindle-shaped worms.

Where can you get infected with worms - roundworms

Ascaris and many other helminths can be contracted primarily through dirty hands. This method of infection in medicine is called fecal-oral. Ascariasis, like barley on the eye, is a disease of dirty hands.

  • Most often, children become infected by playing in a sandbox with uncleaned and unprotected sand. They involuntarily put their hands in their mouths, bringing roundworm eggs into the body.
  • Swimming in freshwater reservoirs, swallowing water along with worm larvae
  • People who work with the earth are also susceptible to infection with helminths. The earth is the source of contamination.
  • Eating food contaminated with roundworm eggs
  • Coughing people, while swallowing their own sputum, released during expectoration

Roundworm. Symptoms

In the human body, the presence of roundworm can be suspected when, at first glance, common diseases occur: from a cold to heart disease.

  • At the very beginning, ascariasis can be confused with the common cold. There is malaise, dry cough with scanty sputum. The body temperature is either normal - 36.6 0 , or subfebrile - 37.1 0 - 37.4 0 .
  • Sometimes small bubbles appear on the skin of the feet and hands, inside of which there is a transparent content.
  • Profuse salivation, nausea and flatulence after eating, loss of appetite
  • Night grinding or grinding of teeth
  • Unreasonable irritability

Roundworm. Complications

The most basic complications are a decrease in immunity and intestinal obstruction.

  • Intestinal obstruction arises due to the formed lump, consisting of a large number of adult sexually mature individuals of roundworm, which completely closes the intestinal passage.
  • Blockage of blood vessels in the organs of roundworm larvae
  • Helminths weaken the body's defenses and may be an indirect cause of various diseases, including cancer.

In support of what has been said, watch a video about the surgical intervention to eliminate intestinal obstruction due to the multiplication of ascaris.

Ascariasis results in:

  • chronic lung disease, bronchitis
  • sluggish chronic infections
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • heart attacks
  • sepsis
  • cholecystitis
  • peritonitis
  • allergies
  • various leg diseases: from a constant feeling of fatigue to large edema and swelling
  • dermatitis

Therefore, it is very important to carry out helminthic diagnostics in the event of a disease in order to exclude the presence of worms. Before talking about the quality treatment of any disease, it is necessary to cure the patient of helminths, since with weak immunity, the treatment of other diseases is almost impossible.

Roundworm. Diagnostics

General blood analysis. High numbers of leukocytes, eosinophils, severe anemia (low hemoglobin) in the general blood test is an indicator of possible ascariasis.

Specific Diagnosis . Detection of even single worm larvae in repeated sputum analysis.

Vegetative resonance testing . This method is based on the registration of electromagnetic oscillations by special sensors. Each individual of the roundworm emits electromagnetic oscillations of a certain frequency, and this diagnostic fixes them. Today it is the most effective method detection of ascariasis even at an early stage.

Roundworm. Treatment

The timing of the treatment of ascariasis depends on how long the ascaris individual develops. It has been proven that a little more than two months pass from swallowing the eggs of this worm to full maturation. The treatment should last the same amount in order to bring out everything - from an egg, a larva, to an adult worm.

It must be remembered that cough medicine should not be used for ascariasis. Sputum should be spit out, and the mouth should be rinsed with a decoction of wormwood.

ethnoscience proposes to use in the fight against roundworms:

Ascariasis is one of the most common human geohelminthiasis. The causative agent of the disease is human roundworm. Ascaris lumbricoides, in rare cases, a human disease can be associated with roundworm porcine ( Ascaris suis). The natural course of the disease is characterized by several phases. The beginning of the migratory phase of invasion is the introduction of roundworm larvae hatched from helminth eggs that have entered the gastrointestinal tract. Together with the bloodstream, the larvae enter the portal vein, then into the inferior vena cava and, through the right heart and pulmonary artery, into the lungs. In the migratory phase of ascariasis, the main indication for examination is pulmonary symptoms - cough (dry or with a small amount of sputum, which may contain an admixture of blood), pleurisy in combination with eosinophilia and possible skin manifestations of allergic reactions, symptoms of bronchial asthma, atypical bronchopneumonia are possible. An instrumental study often reveals "flying" infiltrates in the lungs.

The beginning of the intestinal phase of the disease is the repeated entry of larvae into the gastrointestinal tract after migration through the trachea. In this phase, the final puberty of helminths occurs, followed by the release of eggs into the external environment. The intestinal stage of invasion can be asymptomatic or manifest (anorexia, nausea, cramping pains in the epigastrium, mesogastrium and right iliac region are observed).

Indications for examination

  • Patients in the hospital, outpatients (according to clinical indications);
  • children in preschool institutions, orphanages, orphanages, schoolchildren primary school,
  • adults who, by the nature of their occupations, belong to risk groups (workers of sewage treatment plants, agricultural irrigation fields, greenhouses, greenhouses, gardeners, etc.).

Material for research

  • Sputum, faecal samples - microscopic examination, DNA detection;
  • blood serum - determination of AT.

Comparative characteristics of methods of laboratory diagnostics. Confirmation of the diagnosis in the migratory phase of ascariasis is the detection of ascaris larvae in sputum samples during microscopic examination. A negative result of the study cannot serve as a basis for excluding ascariasis. In such cases, repeated microscopic examination of fecal samples for the detection of roundworm eggs is recommended (usually after 3 months).

In the intestinal phase of the disease, the main diagnostic methods are aimed at identifying roundworm eggs in the feces (stool analysis for roundworms). Most often, microscopy of a thick smear according to Kato and an enriched preparation obtained using one of the concentration methods (Fülleborn, Kalantaryan, etc.) is used.

DNA detection by PCR is a promising method for detecting both migrating ascaris larvae in sputum and helminth eggs in enriched fecal samples.

Currently, there are a large number of kits of reagents for the detection of antibodies in the diagnosis of ascariasis. However, many of them have manufacturer recommendations to use confirmatory direct tests when they receive positive test results. Under these conditions, direct methods for pathogen detection (microscopy, DNA detection) are the most accessible method for laboratory diagnosis of ascariasis.

Indications for the use of various laboratory tests. The effectiveness of diagnostics is achieved by the combined use of laboratory and instrumental methods corresponding to the phase of the disease: in the migratory phase of ascariasis - sputum examination using direct methods for detecting ascaris larvae, in the intestinal phase - examination of enriched fecal samples by microscopy using, with negative results of the study, methods of radiation diagnostics and diagnostic deworming.

Features of the interpretation of the results of laboratory studies. The detection of roundworm larvae or their eggs in any type of test material in the analysis for roundworm serves as an unconditional confirmation of the diagnosis of ascariasis.

Negative stool test results for ascaris may be associated with invasion by males, immature or old females. In such cases, other methods for diagnosing ascariasis are used (X-ray studies with contrast, diagnostic deworming).

Negative findings of roundworm eggs in faeces may be due to infestation by males, immature or old females. In such cases, other methods for diagnosing ascariasis are used (X-ray studies with contrast, diagnostic deworming).

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