How many female roundworms lay eggs per day. Reproduction of human roundworm

Auto 20.07.2019

Ascaris (Ascaris lumbricoides) is a large roundworm (nematode). Adult females are larger than males: their length is 25-30 cm. The length of males is 15-25 cm. In males, the tail end is hooked. This is necessary to capture the female during breeding. The round mouth is surrounded by three lips with chitinous teeth along the edges.

A photo. Male and female Ascaris. In the male, the tail end is hook-shaped. The round mouth opening is surrounded by three lips.

Fertilized roundworm eggs are oval in shape, covered with a thick multi-layered shell. The outer large-tuberous protein shell is stained with bile in a dark yellow color. In the center of the fertilized egg is a spherical, fine-grained egg cell (photo A).

Sometimes roundworm eggs are found without a protein coat. They are colorless or gray-greenish in color and covered with an even thick shell (photo B, D).

A photo. A - a fertilized roundworm egg with a protein coat; B - a fertilized roundworm egg without a protein coat; B - an unfertilized roundworm egg with a protein coat; G - an unfertilized roundworm egg without a protein coat.

Ascaris secretes immature eggs. Ascaris eggs ripen in the soil. At temperatures of -30° and +50°, eggs quickly die. Optimum temperature for egg development 24-30°C. In the presence of oxygen and sufficient humidity, after 10-15 days, a mobile larva develops in a fertilized egg. A person becomes infected when mature eggs with mobile larvae enter the body.

Important!!! Contact with a patient with ascariasis is not dangerous. Most often, roundworm eggs are brought into the mouth through unwashed vegetables, fruits and berries.

Video. Mature roundworm eggs with motile larvae

Case from life: Anya H., 1 year old, was admitted to the hospital with a temperature of 38.3°C, abdominal pain and repeated discharge of ascaris with vomiting. Stool 2-3 times a day, green, scanty, liquid without admixture of blood and mucus. In the hospital, the girl's condition worsened: her temperature was 39.3°C, her pulse was 120 beats per minute, her stomach was very swollen and painful. When touched on the stomach, the girl groans strongly. The analysis of feces for eggs of the worm is negative. A diagnosis of ascariasis was made. On the background of treatment, 10-12-15 young roundworms departed every day. After 3 days, the child's health improved significantly; appetite appeared, the girl began to laugh and was soon discharged home in a satisfactory condition. Conclusion: the girl had a significant number of immature roundworms 10-12-18 cm long, so the stool tests for worm eggs were negative.

Signs of ascariasis

Migratory stage of ascariasis

The migratory stage of ascariasis lasts 7-15 days. After infection, Ascaris larvae migrate. Hemorrhages and foci of inflammation with a large number of eosinophils occur at the sites of introduction of the larvae in the liver and lungs. Foci of infiltration in the lungs are unstable, often changing configuration. Eosinophils in the blood rise to 15-35%, rarely - up to 60% or more. The temperature is often normal or subfebrile. The migratory stage of ascariasis is characterized by skin rashes: urticaria, small blisters on the palms and feet, etc.

If there are not many larvae, patients may complain of general malaise, fatigue, tingling or chest pain, dry excoriation.

With the migration of a large number of larvae, prolonged bronchopneumonia occurs with pleurisy and hemoptysis.

A photo. A - severe bilateral bronchopneumonia in a child in the pulmonary stage of ascariasis; X-ray shows multiple focal infiltrates in the lungs. B - eosinophilic infiltrate around the roundworm larvae in the lungs. B - roundworm larva in the alveoli.

Life story: A 2-year-old boy has a temperature of up to 39°C and coughs up sputum. X-ray revealed multiple focal infiltrates in the lungs. A diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis was made. However, after a few days the patient felt well. No infiltrates were found on the repeated radiograph. Conclusion: the child had clinical manifestations of the early pulmonary stage of ascariasis.

Intestinal stage of ascariasis

Intestinal ascariasis is often asymptomatic. Sometimes they go to the doctor almost healthy people, finding roundworm in the stool. Asymptomatic forms of ascariasis cannot be considered completely harmless. It is necessary to examine for worms all patients with unclear pains and sensations in the abdomen. Ascariasis requires treatment even in the absence of complaints.

Life story: A healthy 6-year-old boy suddenly died. The respiratory tract of the child was blocked by roundworm. An autopsy revealed one roundworm in the trachea and three roundworms in the small intestines.

Intestinal ascariasis with severe manifestations. Appetite is reduced or absent. Sometimes the appetite may be increased. Nausea in the morning goes away after eating. In some cases, vomiting. Sometimes roundworms are excreted with vomit. Belching, bloating. Drawing, discomfort in the pit of the stomach, near the navel and in the lower abdomen. With ascariasis, a change in the acidity of the stomach is possible, more often downward. Some patients feel the movement of something in the intestines. Often or diarrhea. Children often grind their teeth and drool at night. Ascariasis can cause severe intestinal disorders with high fever.

Case from life: Katya L., 10 years old, temperature 38.6°C, severe pain in the navel, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The chair is liquid with an admixture of mucus and blood. In the analysis of feces - roundworm eggs. After antihelminthic treatment, 50 roundworms came out. Complaints soon disappeared.

With ascariasis, mild hypochromic anemia is common. Eosinophilia is more common with ascariasis in children than in adults.

In intestinal ascariasis suffers nervous system: irritability, apathy, restless sleep, headaches, fatigue; in children - absent-mindedness, frequent and abrupt changes in behavior, night terrors, hallucinations, twitching (more often at night), lower academic performance, sometimes hysterical or epileptiform seizures.

Complications of ascariasis

Ascaris toxins affect the central nervous system.

Case from life: Marina M., 10 years old, was admitted to the hospital with meningeal symptoms; temperature 40.2°. During lumbar puncture, a clear liquid is separated under high pressure. The symptoms of meningitis increased and after a few days the patient was in serious condition: pronounced rigidity of the neck, bouts of vomiting, during which opisthotonus was clearly indicated; lack of appetite, insomnia, screaming, crying, agitation, progressive emaciation. A clinical diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis was made. In the second week of the disease, two roundworms came out in a patient with vomit. Conducted antihelminthic treatment. 3 roundworms came out through the mouth and 17 roundworms with feces. At night after this, the patient slept peacefully for the first time, and the next day she asked for food. From that day on, the meningeal symptoms began to noticeably disappear. Contrary to the predictions of doctors, the patient recovered.

Surgical complications of ascariasis are intestinal obstruction, perforation of the intestinal wall, the introduction of ascaris into bottlenecks. Often meets bowel obstruction due to the accumulation of a large number of roundworms. The number of roundworms in a ball is sometimes more than a thousand. There are cases of severe intestinal obstruction in the presence of single ascaris in it. In these cases, a sharp spasm of the intestine leads to obstruction.

Video. Remove roundworms from the intestines

Colonoscopy revealed roundworm. / Surgery for intestinal obstruction. The cause of intestinal obstruction is roundworm. Remove a lot of ascaris.

The first sign of bowel obstruction is pain. Pain in the intestines appear suddenly, for no apparent reason. Cramping pains cause severe suffering to patients. Another constant sign of bowel obstruction is nausea, as well as retention of stools and gases. A very important sign is the visible peristalsis of the intestines. When feeling or by eye, a spherical or sausage-shaped, sharply painful tumor in the abdominal cavity is determined.

Half of patients with intestinal obstruction are cured conservatively. In order to empty the intestines, siphon enemas are used. To enhance peristalsis, intravenous injections and enemas from hypertonic saline are indicated. With spasm of the intestines, injections of atropine are made; heat works well - therapeutic baths, heating pads, diathermy. Antihelminthic drugs are prescribed. The most effective method for spastic ascaris ileus is a bilateral lumbar novocaine blockade according to Vishnevsky.

A case from life: A girl, 13 years old, was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of "acute abdomen". Four days ago, after running, there were sharp pains in the abdomen. Within 3 days the pain increased. A heating pad and castor oil did not help. The patient's condition is severe. Pulse 160-170 beats per minute, thready. Tongue dry, lined. The abdomen is sharply swollen. Blumberg's symptom is sharply positive. Sharp pain all over the abdomen. The patient was urgently operated on. 12 roundworms and a large amount of purulent fluid were found in the abdominal cavity. The entire intestine was soldered to the omentum. A volvulus of the small intestines was found and untwisted. In the area of ​​volvulus on the small intestine, there is a hole 1x2 cm in size. All intestines are filled with roundworms. Antihelminthic treatment was performed 4 days after the operation. A lot of roundworm passed through the mouth and with feces. Conclusion: Volvulus, perforation and peritonitis were caused by a huge number of roundworms.

Case from life: Bella H., 7 years old, was admitted with a diagnosis of acute appendicitis. I fell ill suddenly; there were sharp cramping pains in the abdomen and repeated vomiting. Notes that ascaris used to come out. The general condition is satisfactory, the abdomen is moderately swollen, soft. Leukocytosis - 12,000. Periodic cramping pains in the abdomen, in between good health. Repeated vomiting during the day. A siphon enema was made, gases and small pieces of feces passed. Considering that there is a helminthic invasion with symptoms of partial intestinal obstruction, the girl was left under observation in order to operate if her condition worsens. At 15 o'clock the siphon enema was made again. At 17 o'clock the girl calmed down, asked for food and fell asleep. At 18 o'clock during sleep, the palpation of the abdomen was painless, the temperature was 36.3°. At 19:30 - death during sleep. Conclusion: On opening ascariasis with partial intestinal obstruction, parenchymal degeneration of the liver, myocardium and kidneys. 28 roundworms were extracted from the small intestines.

When large bile ducts are blocked by roundworms, pain usually comes on suddenly, of a “cutting” nature, unlike the growing pain in acute cholecystitis, jaundice develops.

Case from life: Raya V., 56 years old, was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of poisoning. Complaints appeared the day before after dinner - pain in the gastric region, vomiting. The general condition is satisfactory, the abdomen is swollen, a sharp pain in the right hypochondrium. A siphon enema was prescribed. The next day, pain in the right hypochondrium intensified, vomiting of bile with roundworms. Appointed - siphon enema and antihelminthic treatment. Three days later, the patient was in an extremely serious condition and prostrated. The skin is yellow. Pulse 130 beats per minute. The abdomen is swollen, sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, Blumberg's symptom is negative. Vomiting colors coffee grounds contains roundworm. Diagnosis: Ascariasis. Blockage of the bile ducts. Peritonitis. An antihelminthic treatment was prescribed. After 7 days, bronchopneumonia of the lower lobe of the right lung joined. Death occurred on the 16th day from heart failure. Conclusion: On opening the abscess under the right dome of the diaphragm, surrounding the right lobe of the liver. Abundance of ascaris in the bile ducts. Multiple abscesses and atrophy of the liver. Limited fibrous peritonitis. Right-sided bronchopneumonia. Hyperplasia of the spleen. Hypertrophy of the heart. Degeneration of the liver and kidneys.

Video. Ascaris in the gallbladder and liver

Live roundworm in the gallbladder of a small child on ultrasound. / Girl, 12 years old, with an attack of biliary colic. Ascaris in the bile ducts. The common bile duct was opened. Removed ascaris. The gallbladder has been removed. Antihelminthic treatment with Albendazole. Wazir Akber Khan Hospital. / Ascaris in the liver.

The possibility of ascaris penetration through the esophagus into the respiratory tract is well known. Death comes from asphyxia.

Case from life: Two cases sudden death children due to closure respiratory tract ascaris. In one case, 60 roundworms were found in the intestines and 3 roundworms in the trachea. In another case, there are 4 roundworms in the intestines, and one roundworm in the trachea, covering the right and left main bronchi with its body.

Extremely rarely, roundworms are found in the nose, cranial sinuses, in the middle ear, where they penetrate through the Eustachian tube, in the urinary tract and bladder, in the ovaries.

A photo. A - an adult roundworm from the intestine through the esophagus penetrated into the trachea and blocked the left main bronchus of the child; on x-ray chest atelectasis (collapse) of the left lung, displacement of the heart, mediastinum and trachea to the left, the dome of the diaphragm on the left is raised. B - roundworm exits through the mouth and nasal passages of the child.

How to confirm ascariasis

In the first two weeks after infection (the pulmonary stage of ascariasis), many eosinophils are found in the sputum, and sometimes ascaris larvae. Eosinophils were elevated in the general blood test. On x-ray, unstable foci of infiltration in the lungs can be observed. From 7 to 30 days after infection, there is an increase in the titer of IgG antibodies to roundworms. After 80-100 days, the antibodies almost completely disappear.

Barium X-ray is a valuable diagnostic tool for intestinal ascariasis. Of the 180 patients with ascariasis identified by barium fluoroscopy, 54 had no ascaris eggs in the feces.

A photo. In the lumen of the barium-filled small intestine, roundworms are distinguished as thin ribbon-like strips 0.4-0.6 cm wide with softly wavy contours (red arrows). Sometimes, along the long axis of the roundworm body, a thin strip of blackout is visible - the intestines of the worm filled with barium (black arrow).

Treatment of ascariasis

Medicines for the treatment of ascariasis:

  • Decaris at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg once.
  • Vermox (mebendazole) by mouth with a little water. Adults and children over 10 years old - 1 tablet 100 mg 2 times a day - 3 days. Children aged 2 to 10 years: 25-50 mg (1/4-1/2 tablets) 2 times a day for 3 days.
  • Pirantel - inside with a small amount of water. Once at a dose of 10 mg / kg.
  • Nemosol (albendazole) recommended for children in the form of a syrup of 100 mg (5 ml of suspension) twice a day, after 12 years and adults - a single dose of 400 mg (one tablet or 20 ml of suspension).

9 days after the end of treatment, it is necessary to examine the feces for worm eggs twice with an interval of 3 days.

How not to get infected with ascariasis

  • Wash hands before eating;
  • Drink only disinfected water, pour boiling water over washed vegetables and fruits. When immersed in hot water, roundworm eggs die in 1-10 seconds at 70°, after 5 minutes at 60°, in 5-10 minutes at 50-55°.
  • Use for fertilizing vegetable gardens only sewage neutralized from helminth eggs. Sewage is neutralized: 1) by composting (with peat, manure, garbage) within two to three spring-summer months; 2) introducing sewage into the soil from autumn with plowing in autumn and spring; 3) mixing with quicklime at the rate of 300 g of lime per 1 kg of sewage; 4) mixing with boiling water in a ratio of 1 part of sewage to 2 parts of boiling water for at least 3-4 hours in a sealed container; 5) mixing with dry bleach at the rate of 1 part of lime per 5 parts of sewage; 6) aging in closed pits for 6-8 months.

People need your experience - "the son of difficult mistakes." I ask everyone to send prescriptions, do not spare advice, they are a ray of light for the patient!

Take care of yourself, Your Diagnostician!

The life cycle of such a helminth can be represented schematically, and this diagram is very simple:

  • egg;
  • migratory stage;
  • intestinal stage of development.

However, even if the eggs cannot get into a new host, they will be able to live in the ground for 2-3 years.

Features of the development of roundworm

The cycle of development of such a helminth is considered a gradual process, which is carried out in two successive stages. Moreover, the duration of each of them can be 3-4 months.

The main stages in the development of ascaris include:

  • migratory;
  • intestinal.

In order for the development of the worm to continue, it will have to penetrate the human digestive system. For infection, helminths use already fertilized eggs, on the surface of which there is a protective shell. They go through several stages of embryogenesis, as a result of which a small tadpole first develops, and then a mature larva appears. It can exist and develop without outside help.

Stages of development of roundworm

The scheme of the life cycle of roundworm development consists of several stages. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with them in advance in order to better know the features of the development of the helminth.

Migration stage of development

Migration of larvae through various organs

When larvae emerge from eggs, they begin to penetrate into various organs of the body. First, a pest measuring 0.3 millimeters penetrates the intestinal walls. With the help of hooks located on the head, they enter the mucous membrane and penetrate into the capillaries. This helps young individuals to be in the circulatory system, with the help of which they enter the liver. While in this organ, the larvae feed on red blood cells and gradually develop.

Re-swallowing the larvae when coughing

intestinal stage

For 2-3 days of active feeding, the length of the worm can increase up to 30 centimeters in females and 40-45 centimeters in males. When the development of ascaris is over, they begin the stage of reproduction. Adult individuals live in the intestine for about 2-3 years, after which they die and exit the intestine along with feces.

Development in the soil

Young eggs of worms begin to develop in early March. However, due to climatic conditions, the dates may be postponed by 10-15 days.

Ways of infection


Research scientists have repeatedly proven that the helminth can be stored in liquid for a long time. Due to this, the water method of infection is considered one of the most common. Often, roundworm larvae and eggs are present in rivers, ponds and lakes. Therefore, doctors do not advise drinking unpurified liquid from reservoirs, as this increases the likelihood of infection.



You can become infected with ascaris with regular use of raw meat products or dirty fruits and vegetables. Therefore, doctors do not advise eating products directly from the garden, as they may be contaminated. Before use, they must be washed with water.

What is fraught with the presence of ascaris in the human body

In the initial stages of the development of worms in an infected person, the following signs appear, which indicate the presence of roundworm:

  • vomiting with nausea;
  • a sharp decrease in weight;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • tingling in the intestinal area;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy.

Features of the manifestation of symptoms depend on the number of helminths and the degree of organ damage. For example, if a large number of worms are in the liver, patients develop blood clots in the stool and develop jaundice.

In some patients, due to human roundworm, there is an obstruction, which leads to constipation and pain in the abdomen.

Reproduction of roundworm

Roundworms, like other types of roundworms, are dioecious. Males have special genital tubes that are responsible for the output of the seed. Females have a more complex reproductive system, which consists of an oviduct, uterus, vagina, spermatheca, and ovaries. During mating, male and female individuals use special processes that perform the functions of the genital organs. After mating, the seed enters the seed receptacle, in which the eggs are fertilized.

Ripening roundworm eggs

The maturation of helminth eggs is influenced by several factors that must be familiarized with in advance.


The rate of egg maturation is directly dependent on temperature. environment. The optimal values ​​​​are considered to be about 20-25 degrees. Under such conditions, the worms are able to grow within 10-15 days. However, they develop at temperatures of 5-10 degrees. With such indicators, the duration of their maturation increases to 30 days.

soil moisture

Also, the level of soil moisture affects the duration of roundworm development. In summer, well-moistened soil contributes to the maturation of eggs, since low humidity can lead to their death. In spring, when the air temperature is below 30 degrees, the eggs develop well even with moderate humidity.

Oxygen access

The amount of oxygen in the ground can also affect the maturation process. In soils that are saturated with oxygen, the development of roundworm slows down. Their eggs develop better in dense soil with poor air permeability.

The defeat of ascaris in children leads to a deterioration in physical and mental development, and in advanced cases, to death due to intestinal obstruction and exhaustion.

AT severe cases in one individual there can be up to several thousand individuals of adults.

Morphological characteristics

The adult human roundworm has an elongated cylindrical shape, and the ends look like a cone. Body color varies from pinkish to white-yellow. This dioecious species has pronounced sexual dimorphism. An adult has a maximum length of 50 cm and a maximum diameter of 6 millimeters. Females are larger than males.

Life cycle

What is the life cycle of the human roundworm?

The life cycle of the human roundworm is characterized by the fact that only humans are the definitive host, and there are no intermediate hosts.

The adult human roundworm lives in the small intestine. Copulation of the male and female also occurs in the small intestine, where, during mating, the male is attached to the female with the help of special outgrowths. After the eggs are fertilized in the body of the female, they are filled with nutrients and covered with several layers of shells in order to provide protection.


The life cycle of the human roundworm is characterized by the ability to form a large number of eggs. A female can produce up to 200 thousand eggs per day, and up to 27 million in a lifetime. However, not all eggs have the ability to fertilize. The female produces three types of eggs: fertilized, unfertilized and devoid of shell.

Egg release

The fertilized and coated eggs are shed by the female into the human intestine. They are already fertilized, but the development of the embryo has not yet begun. Of these, it leaves the human body with feces.

Egg resistance

Ascaris eggs have the ability to survive for several years in moist soil, even under adverse conditions. They are resistant to temperature extremes, chlorine, low acidity, ultraviolet radiation and even to many microorganisms. They remain viable for a long time in formaldehyde, alcohol and saline solutions. However, prolonged drying and heating kills them.

egg development

When fertilized eggs fall into the soil, they do not develop for some time. Their development begins in the soil and requires certain conditions for optimal flow:

  • temperature in the range of 15–37 °C
  • aerobic conditions, oxygen supply
  • sufficient soil moisture

Under suitable environmental conditions, the eggs undergo embryonic development processes during which they turn into first-stage larvae. The process of development to the first stage larva takes 10–14 days.

Larval stages in soil

There are two stages of larvae. First stage larvae are not infectious. First stage larvae develop into second stage larvae within 7 days. Both stages of larvae are closed inside the eggs and do not go outside. In order for the larva of the second stage to develop further, it needs to get into the human body.

How to infect a new host

The roundworm development cycle is such that human infection does not require an intermediate host. The main mode of infection of a new individual is fecal-oral. Thus, for the contents of the eggs to become infectious to humans, it is necessary that they have been in the environment 2-4 weeks before that.

Development in the human body

In case of violation of sanitary and hygienic standards, after a person consumes eggs, they enter the small intestine. The alkaline environment of the intestine softens them, and they burst, releasing the larvae. The development cycle of the human roundworm is designed so that the larvae do not linger in the digestive tract, but undergo a complex migration through the internal organs before returning to the intestine again.

The larva penetrates through the epithelium of the small intestine into the capillaries. Then, through the circulatory system, it penetrates into the portal system of the liver. Further, the larva enters the liver itself and develops in it for 3–4 days. Then, through the inferior vena cava, the larva enters the right ventricle and atrium, and from there through the pulmonary artery into the lungs. Further, the roundworm larva develops in the lungs, and its dimensions increase by almost 10 times, amounting to 2-3 mm in the end. Two molts of the larvae occur there with an interval of 5 days, the 3rd and 4th stages of the larva pass sequentially.

Scale of the problem

About 1.4 billion people from 150 countries are infected with Ascaris. Ascaris human rarely leads to death, but due to its wide distribution, up to 100 thousand people can die every year due to concomitant complications.

  • Forms of ascariasis and their description;
  • About the centers and areas of the disease and its treatment.

Human roundworm: photo, symptoms and human treatment

The main source of infection can be both children and adults.

During the development of the infection, the length of the helminths can in some cases reach 40 cm, and, despite such a large size, they simply feel great in the intestines and move through it, which is caused by complicated diagnosis, due to their absence in the feces after defecation.

Literally within a day, the female is capable of a huge laying of her offspring in the form of eggs. More precisely, their number can exceed 200 thousand, and most of them are fertilized.

Many people often ask the same questions, what is the development cycle of ascaris, what are the symptoms of infection in adults, and finally, what treatment is needed and how to protect yourself from possible infection?

Due to the fact that helminth eggs are capable of fully and for a long time function in ordinary soil, doctors highlight some factors that contribute to infection to varying degrees:

  1. Drinking raw water from various sources.
  2. Dirty vegetables and fruits.
  3. Unheated food.
  4. Lack of hygiene.
  5. Lack of hygiene standards in the workplace.

This peculiar migration of roundworm larvae deprives a person of many nutrients, vitamins and microelements, which is why ascariasis is often the cause of anemia, vitamin deficiency and other dangerous diseases, the treatment of which is sometimes delayed for years.

These secretions can cause a variety of symptoms in the form of allergic manifestations, fever, pain in the muscles and head.

When ascaris enters the lungs, this may be accompanied by small hemorrhages, which are immediately noticeable during fluorography.

According to its characteristics, the X-ray photo of the lungs has a general similarity with the pictures taken from those infected with tuberculosis.

When it enters the human bronchi, lung alveoli and trachea, helminth larvae can radically worsen the patient's well-being and increase the risk of a disease in the respiratory tract.

General symptoms, during the development of helminthic invasion in adults, are expressed:

  1. In the pallor of the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. In light yellowness of the sclera.
  3. In the deterioration of appetite and dyspeptic disorders.
  4. Unexplained weight loss with good nutrition.
  5. In severe pain in the abdomen and intestines.
  6. In various disorders of the stomach. Breath becomes stale.
  7. In shortness of breath, weakness and in the fall of immunity.
  8. In a decrease in efficiency and constant fatigue.

Any symptoms that have arisen, which were described above, are mandatory for contacting a specialist, due to the characteristic complexity of the development of the disease.

The very first thing that is needed during an invasion is a full-fledged diagnosis, to determine the specific antibodies in the blood that are characteristic of this infection.

Laboratory conditions make it possible to effectively conduct blood tests of an infected person, as well as sputum secreted from the bronchi.

Also mandatory is the appointment of an x-ray of the lungs, which will reveal the presence of infiltrates in the blood.

An equally effective method for detecting diseases in the intestines in adults and children is abdominal ultrasound.

If the diagnosis showed the presence of roundworms, larvae or their eggs in the body, then the treatment is usually carried out through special drugs, antihelminthic action.

The main determinations in the dosing of drugs are the weight of the patient, and the general history of the disease.

Most often, when prescribing drugs, the emphasis is on such as:

  • Albendazole.
  • Pirantel.
  • Levimazole and some others.

Complications, consequences and preventive measures

In order not to doubt the danger posed by roundworms and as soon as the first symptoms appear, immediately begin treatment, it is worth mentioning some sad moments that can befall those who decide to neglect going to the doctor:

To avoid the symptoms of these diseases, you must:

  • Wash fruits and vegetables.
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene, after the toilet, work, etc.
  • Under the condition of work that is closely related to the soil, it is recommended to wash your hands with soap as often as possible.
  • Children should not be allowed to play on playgrounds and sandboxes, which, due to pollution, do not inspire confidence.

Why are roundworms dangerous? Because they are invisible. Their symptoms and signs can be similar to many common diseases with no serious harm.

Therefore it is worth in the best way take care of yourself and your children, and if the infection does occur, meet it fully armed and carry out high-quality treatment. The video in this article will tell you how to determine that roundworm is inside us.

What is enterobiasis and why are pinworms dangerous?

External signs

The photographs and pictures clearly show how pinworms look. At first glance, they are easy to confuse, for example, with a dwarf tapeworm that causes hymenolepiasis, since their sizes are approximately the same. But, if you look closely, the structure of the pinworm has characteristic differences. Her body is round in cross section, while the tapeworm has a ribbon shape, consisting of many segments. If we compare pinworms and roundworms, then the body length is strikingly different. Although the latter belong to roundworms, their length is 25–30 cm.
Distinctive features of a sexually mature pinworm:

  • An elongated thin body resembling a thread.
  • The length of the male is 2–5 mm, the female reaches 9–12 mm.
  • In the male individual, the tail end is twisted in a small spiral, in the female it resembles a sharp pike.
  • The head part of both sexes is rounded and has a vesicle (suction cup).

Pinworm eggs are oval-shaped with one blunt end. Their size reaches only 0.02–0.04 mm. Covered with a durable sheath.

life process

Life cycle of pinworms:

The whole life process of pinworms is clearly visible in the photo below.

How does infection occur?

The most common sensation that manifests the disease enterobiosis is severe itching of the perianal zone. It occurs because of females crawling in the folds of the anus to lay eggs. Also, the cause may be damage to the skin, which is caused by attached masonry. It is human nature to comb the lesion, and eggs or larvae easily fall on the skin and under the nails. At this point, the pinworm carrier becomes contagious. He can take any objects with unwashed hands and spread the infection.

The ultraviolet, cooler and drier environment of adults simply dries out. In addition, they have nothing to eat outside.

Helminth eggs have a greater survivability. They can retain their ability to develop for about a month.

Thanks to the double shell, they calmly wait for the one who will become the new carrier, and safely get to the place of further development.

How to identify the disease?

To recognize the disease, you need not only to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat enterobiasis is and why pinworms are dangerous, you need to know how it manifests itself. Often, those who were infected not so long ago, many symptoms are simply absent. The picture depends on how severe the invasion is. Usually the symptoms are the same in both children and adults:

  • Severe itching in the anus, which may spontaneously stop.
  • Combs in the inguinal and perianal zone.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Strong diarrhea.
  • Drawing pains in the umbilical region.
  • Lethargy and irritability.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Redness of the skin.

Knowing what pinworms are and how they look, it is possible to verify their presence in such ways only if, for some reason, adults get outside. If they are not there, then it will not work to see the eggs of the worm and confirm enterobiasis. You'll have to see a doctor. For sure, the diagnosis of enterobiasis, which must be completed in a medical institution, will help to find out the cause of the ailments or the characteristic symptoms that have manifested.

Laboratory examination

In a person who failed to detect adult pinworms during self-examination, enterobiasis can only be confirmed by an accurate analysis. At the first symptoms of invasion, it is necessary to visit the local doctor, take a referral and be examined for enterobiasis.

There are several ways to take an analysis for this disease. But getting samples for eggworm and enterobiasis is not the same thing. The usual sampling of feces for research is not suitable, since pinworm eggs cannot be found there. Laid by the female in the perianal zone, they are located at a distance from the anus and do not enter the feces during defecation.

A more accurate diagnosis of enterobiasis is carried out by examining a scraping with a special spatula or an imprint of the perianal zone. The second method is considered the most effective and has an informative value of 93%.
The Graham method (fingerprint) is more suitable for detecting pinworm eggs in adults and is carried out as follows:

  • Glue pieces of transparent adhesive tape several times around the anus.
  • Put them in a special container for samples for enterobiasis (see the photo below) and close tightly.
  • Immediately take the container to the laboratory for analysis.

The diagnosis of enterobiasis can only be made with a five-fold imprint. This is explained by the fact that the female does not lay eggs constantly, but at certain intervals. The intervals between its exits to the outside can reach two weeks, and in a newly infested one - up to a month. Therefore, an analysis for pinworms in a person must be taken once a week five times in a row.

Is enterobiasis dangerous?

Pinworms multiply rapidly and in large numbers, causing the development of enterobiasis. It is easily transmitted from an infected person to a healthy one, which is dangerous for others.

But besides the general pathogenesis, there are purely female problems associated with this disease. Inflammation of the urinary tract, external and internal genital organs (vulvovaginitis) occurs due to infection in them. Pinworms crawl into the vagina due to its proximity to the anus. Some individuals, apparently not finding a place in the perianal zone, mistakenly choose the warm and humid environment of the vulva for laying eggs.

The opinion of doctors and patients

There are opinions of practicing pediatricians who are not inclined to categorically take one of the sides. If the child has obvious symptoms of enterobiasis, then you can give a pill without examination. According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, pinworms are almost always found in such a clinical picture. Moreover, the result of the analysis may turn out to be negative (“blind” pause). In this case, according to an experienced doctor, it is better to give a completely harmless Pirantel and prevent the development of the disease.

When it enters the intestines, the roundworm larva sheds its egg shells. This process is called molting. By secreting its own enzymes, an immature individual of the roundworm dissolves the egg shell and comes out at the right moment for this.

intestinal stage

From the entry of an immature egg into the human body to the first laying of eggs, 75-100 days pass. Although experience shows that immature larvae already appear in the feces after two months.

How do worms reproduce


What are roundworms?

general characteristics


Ways of infection

By adhering to basic hygiene, you can reduce the risk of infection with worms.

They usually become infected in case of non-observance of basic rules of personal hygiene. Invasion is also possible when drinking unboiled water from contaminated sources. Flies and other insects carry eggs on their paws. By landing on food or a table, they transfer helminth eggs. Often the carrier is pets - cats, dogs. The route of transmission of roundworm eggs to humans is oral.

The structure of the body of roundworm

A female roundworm can lay over 200,000 eggs in just one day.

The reproductive organs are very well adapted to maximize the reproduction of offspring. Helminths have a special type of relationship, thanks to which one individual reproduces once a day, laying several hundred thousand eggs. The female has 2 ovaries and 2 uterus, and the male is endowed with a long testis. The eggs laid by the females are passed out along with the feces and a new life cycle of the human roundworm begins. The reproduction of ascaris depends on the characteristics of the human body.

Development life cycle

The life of roundworms does not have a typical cyclicity.

Once in the intestine, the roundworm egg shell dissolves and the immature larval form of the worm enters the intestine. Then, perforating the intestinal walls, the roundworm larvae penetrates the bloodstream and migrates along with the bloodstream. In the intestine, roundworm worms reach sexual maturity and start producing eggs. Together with the faeces, the eggs are excreted into the external environment and the life cycle begins anew.

Migration and localization

Symptoms of ascariasis in humans

In most cases, ascariasis first causes a feeling of chronic fatigue.

Blood test for antibodiesWhen starting the diagnosis, it must be borne in mind that it is much more difficult to detect larvae in the migration stage. Differential analysis will be very important in such cases. After the research, the difference between ascariasis and other helminth lesions will be obvious. Several types of research are being carried out:

  • hematological;
  • immunological;
  • radiological.

Invasion treatment

Drug therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

After about 24 hours after taking these drugs, a laxative should be taken so that the dead biohelminths leave the body and do not lead to general intoxication with decomposition products. Phytotherapy has been successfully used to combat worms. An excellent anthelmintic agent is the herbal collection, from which a decoction is made. It includes the following plants:

  • St. John's wort;
  • wild rosemary;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • stems of lovage;
  • elecampane ordinary.

Mix equal parts of herbs, pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with boiling water (250 grams). Cook for 15 minutes. Infuse for several hours. Take 100 grams in the morning and evening, children - 50 grams. During and after treatment, very importance in recovery has good nutrition. The patient should follow a light and complete diet.


To avoid infestation, follow the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands with soap and water after visiting the street, playing with animals and before eating. It is not recommended to drink raw unboiled water. Children should not put their fingers in their mouths. The nails on the hands are cut short, as the eggs of helminths that have fallen under them are difficult to wash. Vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed and washed with boiling water before use. Food should not be left open, especially in areas where flies have access. Since the ascaris initially lives in the soil, after contact with the soil, you must thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic.

Ascaris life cycle: development and residence in the human body

Infection with helminths in childhood can stop the physical and mental development of the child.

Description of roundworm

The human roundworm is a representative of a huge class of nematodes belonging to the type of roundworms. Outwardly, roundworms look like a very stretched spindle.

Around the mouth they have small growths - tactile tubercles. The genital organs of males, phagocytic cells and intestines are located at the rear end of the body.

After fertilization, the female develops an annular constriction in the anterior part of the body. The male can be distinguished by the posterior end curved towards the abdomen.

Human roundworms go through two stages of development: in the environment and in the internal organs of a person. Eggs and larvae of ascaris are resistant to adverse conditions and can maintain their vital activity for a long time. Males, in the human body grow up to 25 cm, the length of the female is 40 cm.

Causes of infection

Ascariasis is not transmitted by airborne droplets. Infection from a sick person is impossible! Eggs, before they enter the human body, must undergo maturation in the environment (soil, sand).

How long do roundworms live in the body, what harm can they cause to a person, is it possible to get rid of them once and for all? The questions are by no means idle.

To begin with, let's figure out how much and where roundworms live in a person and why they need him.

Roundworms live in the small intestine. For puberty and reproduction, they need a "master", which has become a person.

Since roundworms reproduce only inside a person, animals cannot be their carriers.

If only females enter the body, maturing, they begin to lay unfertilized eggs. At the end of the reproductive period, females die and are excreted from the body along with feces.

Males do not produce eggs; without females, they live in the human body for the prescribed period and die. On average, roundworms live and reproduce in the human body for 7 to 12 months. In practice, there are exceptional cases - roundworms that can live in the human body for about 2 years.

With timely diagnosis, ascariasis is successfully treated. Patients who have undergone treatment remain under observation and are regularly tested for three years.

Stages of development of roundworm

The life cycle of human roundworm development can be divided into the following stages.

Reproduction in roundworm occurs sexually. Females reach sexual maturity at two months of age. The reproductive system of females is represented by two ovaries, smoothly passing through the oviducts into the uterus. The uterus merges into the vagina, which has an opening in the abdomen.

The reproductive system of males is the testis, flowing into the vas deferens, with access to the posterior end of the body.

In a day, one individual is able to lay more than 200 thousand eggs. Each egg is covered with five dense shells.

The outer shell has pigmentation that can absorb ultraviolet light, which is deadly to the fetus. Eggs have a different shape: round, pear-shaped, oval.

All eggs come out with feces. For further development, eggs require exposure to external factors: oxygen, heat and humidity.

Larval development

Under favorable weather conditions, moderate humidity, air temperature not less than +24 degrees, ascaris larvae develop in eggs in 10-15 days. very high or low temperature, drought affect how roundworms develop.

If the weather conditions are unsatisfactory, the eggs can lie in the soil for several months, waiting for better times.

Fertilized eggs can remain viable for more than 10 years.

As soon as the mature egg enters the intestines through the mouth, the membranes begin to dissolve, the microscopic larva comes out of the egg.

By damaging the intestinal lining, it penetrates into the blood capillaries. Then in larger vessels and with the flow of blood begins its journey through the body.


Migration of roundworm larvae in the human body lasts 15-18 days. First, the larvae make a stop in the liver, here the first molt occurs. Then they move along the bloodstream to the atrium.

To transform the larvae into an adult, oxygen is needed, this drives the roundworm to the pulmonary artery.

On the tenth day, in the lungs, the larvae molt again. Damage to the internal organs causes coughing fits. During coughing, the larvae are released into the mouth and re-swallowed.

Returning to the intestines, the larvae shed their shells for the third time. This happens two weeks after the initial infection.

Very quickly, their size increases and after two to three months they reach large sizes. The females are larger and longer than the males.

Incubation period for ascariasis

When children are infected with roundworm larvae, incubation period ranges from 1 to 1.5 months; in adults, the first symptoms of the disease appear after 1.5 - 2 months.

The stages of ascariasis are conditionally divided into migratory and intestinal.

  • The first stage (migratory) is characterized by acute manifestations of the disease: chills, headaches, skin rashes, itching in the anus. Rapid fatigue, irritability, drowsiness. As the lungs are affected, shortness of breath and a dry, “barking” cough develop. The temperature rises in the evening.
  • The second stage (intestinal) is accompanied by violations of intestinal dysfunction, dull pain in the abdomen, nausea. Weight loss.

Not all individuals of worms after migration return to the intestine. Some of them may remain in other internal organs (liver, heart, lungs).

With a large accumulation of roundworms, their outcome at home can be deadly.

Worms are a disease of dirty hands. If in early childhood a child is taught to follow the rules of hygiene, he will be reliably protected from infection with helminths.

The skin of the worm is represented by a dense cuticle. Roundworms do not have organs of movement, therefore they move towards the food masses in the intestinal lumen.

Reproduction of roundworm

The reproductive system of the human roundworm is quite complicated. The genital organs of the male individual consist of a tube with an ejaculatory canal that opens into the cloaca. The reproductive system of a female consists of the ovaries, oviducts, uterus, sperm receptacle, oviduct, and vagina. Fertilization of the eggs takes place in the seed receptacle. Reproduction begins from the moment when the male attaches to the body of the female in the area of ​​her annular constriction.

In one day, the female is able to lay more than two hundred thousand eggs. However, the number of eggs that she releases over the entire period of existence is in the tens of millions. The eggs are released into the environment along with the feces of the host. They are quite large, have an oval shape. Each egg is covered with five shells, which makes them extremely resistant to various environmental influences. Only direct sunlight, gasoline, alcohol, ether and hot water can destroy them.

Development and maturation

Further development of helminths occurs in the soil. In order for roundworm larvae to form in eggs, three important conditions are necessary:

  1. the presence of direct access to oxygen;
  2. high soil moisture;
  3. air temperature in the range of 25-27 degrees.

Thus, the larvae are already formed by the 16th or 17th day. If the soil temperature is higher or lower, the ripening time changes. The minimum temperature at which the development of larvae is possible is twelve degrees, the maximum is about 36 degrees. It should be noted that eggs retain their ability to develop even at sub-zero temperatures.

In order for further development to occur, eggs must enter the human body. As a rule, this happens when the rules and norms of personal hygiene are not observed. However, other transmission routes are also known:

  • food that has not undergone sufficient heat treatment;
  • unboiled water from lakes, rivers and other bodies of water;
  • poorly washed vegetables and fruits;
  • prolonged labor in unsanitary conditions.

At risk are gardeners and other workers who come into direct contact with the ground. This is due to the fact that it is in the soil that the larvae can persist for a long time.

Larval migration

Once in the intestines, the eggs are exposed to the aggressive effects of digestive juices. As a result, all five layers of the egg are destroyed, and the larvae enter the intestinal lumen. Once in it, they carry out the so-called molt, that is, they are released from protective shells. This happens due to special proteolytic enzymes produced by immature worms.

After the molting is completed, the not yet formed helminths penetrate deep into the intestinal mucosa and enter the capillaries. From this moment begins the migration of larvae throughout the body. On the early stages Ascaris uses blood serum as food for its life activity. In the future, the helminth begins to eat red blood cells, since they are carriers of oxygen necessary for the further growth of individuals.

The lack of oxygen leads the larvae to the right parts of the heart, and from there, through the pulmonary trunk and capillaries, into the alveoli. It is oxygen starvation that causes the larva to migrate for several days in search of lungs. It is noteworthy that the color of helminths directly depends on the amount of oxygen absorbed. The more the worm starves, the paler it becomes.

By the time they enter the pulmonary vesicles, their size is about one millimeter. The accumulation of larvae in the alveoli causes sputum and, accordingly, cough. Thanks to coughing shocks, the larvae, along with sputum, enter the bronchi, trachea, and oral cavity, from which they, together with saliva, re-enter the digestive tract. This whole process takes almost two weeks.

Once in the intestines, they begin to actively manifest their vital activity. In about seventy days, the larva of the human roundworm transforms into an adult. However, in some cases, the larvae are found in the feces after only two months. The lifespan of one helminth inside a person is from ten months to a year.

The development of roundworm ends in the small intestine. Here the worm has free access to a large amount of nutrients. As a result of biochemical reactions, the food processed by the roundworm is converted into glycogen, which is used as the only source of energy.

Ascaris invasion causes hypertrophy (thickening) of the intestinal mucosa. As a result, changing chemical composition contents and the motor-secretory activity of the digestive tract is disturbed, which slows down and impairs the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients. In addition, roundworms disrupt the balance of beneficial microflora that lives in the intestines. Clinically, this is manifested by the phenomenon of dysbacteriosis.

The most dangerous cases are when roundworms begin to develop in other organs - the liver, gallbladder, pancreatic ducts and myocardium. In these organs, an inflammatory process develops, masking the helminthic invasion.

Important! A large number of people believe that, having gone through all the stages of its life cycle, the roundworm leaves the body and the person recovers. However, this is not the case.

The influence of ascaris on the human body

Very often, in advanced cases, roundworms accumulate in the lumen of the digestive tract and cause intestinal obstruction. This is a very formidable complication, which is resolved exclusively by surgical intervention. Moreover, the severity of the condition is caused not so much by mechanical blockage as by the toxic effects of worms. If help is not provided in time, then perforation (perforation) of the intestinal wall may occur with the penetration of ascaris into abdominal cavity and development of peritonitis.

human roundworm

Features of the structure of the human roundworm

The outer layer of the roundworm is composed of the hypodermis - in its structure it resembles epithelial cells, of which there are a significant number - ten layers that play a protective role and prevent damage to the individual itself and digestion by intestinal enzymes. Under the hypodermis is a layer of muscle fibers that allow the roundworm to actively move. Further under the muscle fibers is a cavity that is filled with fluid. This structure allows the worms to maintain a constant body shape and elasticity.

The excretory system of the roundworm is represented by two lateral canals that run along the body and correspond to the length of the body of the roundworm. Harmful undigested substances after the intestines enter the cavity filled with liquid, and then into these channels. Near the initial end of the roundworm body, excretory openings open, which correspond to the excretory organs.

The nervous system of the human roundworm is represented by neural tubes, which are located on the sides of the body, they have connecting elements. This is how the innervation of the sense organs and other internal organs proceeds. The sensory organs are very poorly developed - they are represented by bristles, which are the organs of touch.

The species of human roundworm that causes ascariasis is Ascaris lumbricoides, there may be differences only in the length of the individual between males and females.

Life cycle of human roundworm

Ascaris has a very long life cycle, a feature of which is a change in the location of the individual in the human body. The routes of infection by worms from the Nematode class are the fecal-oral route. The human roundworm belongs to the geohelminths, because one of its development cycles is in the ground. Thus, infection occurs during the ingestion of roundworm eggs. Ways of infection can be the following:

  1. dirty hands - children are at greater risk due to the fact that they constantly play in the sandbox and eggs can be stored under the nails;
  2. dirty unwashed vegetables and fruits - during ripening, eggs from the ground can fall on vegetables and berries;
  3. after animals that have roundworm eggs on their hair - they can be peddlers;
  4. with unboiled water, which has roundworm eggs;
  5. poorly thermally processed food that does not allow killing eggs or roundworm larvae.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of human roundworm

Diagnosis should begin with a careful history taking. Ascaris, being in the human body for a long time, contributes to the development of symptoms of intoxication, as well as dyspeptic disorders. Therefore, this disease will be accompanied by complaints of poor appetite, rumbling in the stomach, weight loss, nausea in the morning. When it comes to children, then it is clear that the child is thin, small, pale. The characteristic signs of ascariasis, like any other helminthiasis, are grinding of teeth at night during sleep. If these symptoms persist for at least a few recent months, then you should think about helminthiasis.

If the larvae of the human roundworm enter the liver and lungs during migration, then nonspecific symptoms may occur with a violation of the intrahepatic outflow of bile. At the same time, an informative method for identifying the cause of this pathology is an ultrasound examination. On ultrasound in the liver, anechoic foci are determined, which have clear edges and a rounded shape. Also, such changes can be determined in the lungs, which makes it possible to suspect the presence of roundworm larvae.

Many of the helminths can cause similar symptoms as roundworms, so differential diagnosis is necessary. First of all, it is necessary to differentiate ascariasis and bovine tapeworm.

Although the principles of treatment for different types helminthiases are similar, but there are differences, so it is necessary to accurately differentiate the pathogen.

Treatment and prevention of invasion of human roundworm

Treatment of any helminthic invasion should be carried out only in combination with other means that prepare the gastrointestinal tract for deworming. Therefore, it is necessary to start with a diet that cleanses the intestines. It is necessary for the duration of treatment to completely limit sweet, starchy foods. It is necessary to eat cereals and cooked vegetables that stimulate intestinal motility. After that, it is desirable to conduct a course of carrying therapy. For this, it is necessary to conduct a single course with the use of laxatives. Better to accept herbal preparations with carryover effect. These include "Senadexin" - a carrier-based remedy based on the leaves of the hay - a plant with a laxative effect. After such a course of cleansing therapy, they proceed to the treatment of the helminthic invasion itself. Anthelmintic drugs are used.

  1. Pirantel- This is an antihelminthic drug that has an effect on human roundworm by depolarizing the membranes of the muscle cells of the worms, which contributes to the death of mature forms of roundworm. The drug is available in the form of tablets and suspensions. The dosage of the drug for children is 250 milligrams up to six years old, and over six years old - 500 milligrams. For adults in the treatment of ascaris, a dose of one gram is recommended, that is, four tablets per dose. Possible side effects from the digestive system in the form of diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, as well as changes in the nervous activity in the form of dizziness, drowsiness, irritability, paresthesia.
  2. Wormil- This is an anthelmintic agent, the main active ingredient of which is albendazole. The mechanism of action of the drug is to disrupt the metabolism of roundworm cells. The advantage of this tool is that albendazole acts both on the intestinal form, that is, on an adult, and on larvae and eggs. The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets and suspensions. The dosage of the drug is one tablet at a dose of 400 milligrams once a day, the course of treatment is three days. Possible side effects of the drug in the form of drowsiness, dizziness, decreased performance, as well as dyspeptic symptoms.

Prevention of infection with human ascaris can be specific and non-specific. Specific prophylaxis is the use of anthelmintic drugs that have activity against ascaris with a prophylactic purpose. For this, it is necessary to take anthelmintic drugs twice a year, for children half the doses of the therapeutic ones can be recommended. You can use any anthelmintic drugs - mebendazole, albendazole, Pirantel.

Non-specific prophylaxis should be used by all people, especially children should be monitored. Before eating, be sure to wash your hands, fruits and vegetables should also be washed before eating. As for water and food, for children better water do not drink raw, and give food to sufficient heat treatment. Proper nutrition is necessary for good digestion and reducing the possibility of roundworm invasion, which increases local immunity and anthelmintic capabilities of the intestine.

Life cycle of human roundworm

characteristic feature pathogens of ascariasis in humans (Ascaris lumbricoides) is that they do not have intermediate hosts. The only place of localization of helminths is the internal environment of the human body. A female roundworm can lay over 250,000 eggs per day. They have an oval shape, and are covered with a strong protective shell on top. The removal of roundworm at any stage of development from the human body occurs along with feces.

Helminth larvae have a powerful defense against mechanical and chemical damage caused by environmental factors. Before entering the human body, adults go through a period of incomplete development in soil or water. The most favorable temperature for the full development of larvae in the soil is 25 degrees. If there are optimal conditions for survival, mature roundworm larvae can stay in the ground for 15 years, waiting for their owner.

Life cycle stages

Adult worms live in the lumen of the small intestine. The duration of their life is from 10 months to two years, after which they, or rather their remains, come out with feces. The eggs of any roundworm (not only human) leave the body of the final host along with feces. If during the course of the infection only the female lives in the body, then her eggs are sterile, and if only males, then the eggs do not come out at all.

Initially fertilized eggs do not pose a threat, as they are still immature, and therefore non-invasive (non-infectious). First, the larva should mature in them for about two weeks, in the presence of a sufficiently warm and humid environment. During this process, the embryo goes through several stages: morula, gastrula, tadpole, larva. After that, the egg must be ingested by the future host, which usually occurs along with contaminated food or water.

The entire life cycle of human roundworm development in the host organism can be conditionally divided into two global stages:

  • stage of helminth migration;
  • intestinal stage.

Migration stage

Getting into the lumen of the human intestine, helminth larvae are released from protective shell and become about 0.2 mm long. The implementation of this process takes place due to the release of its own enzymes that can dissolve the outer coating. The presence of a special uncinate process makes it possible to firmly gain a foothold on the mucous membrane of the small intestine, after which it pierces it and enters the bloodstream. Studies have also shown that migration to ascaris larvae is facilitated by the release of an enzyme related to hyaluronidase, which dissolves vascular tissues.

The penetration of helminths into the bloodstream causes their spread throughout the body. One of the first target organs is the liver. Then, after migration to the heart, enter the pulmonary circulation (pulmonary), thanks to which it reaches the lungs. The larvae need oxygen to fully mature. Unlike mature worms, which this gas kills and is one of the treatments.

Thus, the larva again returns to the small intestine, where it grows until becoming an adult. But this is the intestinal stage.

This complex process of maturation of helminths is an integral part of their life. The duration of the migration phase in ascariasis averages 14-15 days.

intestinal stage

The main parameter characterizing this stage is the maturation of roundworm larvae and their transformation into an adult. At the same time, the worms reach impressive sizes - females become up to 40 cm long with a diameter of 5 mm, and males - 25 cm and 3 mm, respectively.

They then live, mate, and lay their eggs inside their intestines for up to 1.5 years.

The duration of the course of the disease is due to constant self-infection. Since reproduction within the host is not possible for roundworms, as is the case for most other worms.

Given this factor, a person may suffer from ascariasis for several years.

From the moment an roundworm egg enters the human body until the first egg is laid by an adult female, an average of 80 days pass.

There is an opinion that after the end of the life cycle, helminths independently leave the human body. This statement is wrong. Similar ways of migration of roundworms cause their uniform distribution throughout the body. Therefore, the appearance of combined inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, heart as well as lungs are not random. Among the main clinical manifestations of ascariasis are myocarditis, pneumonia, bronchitis, jaundice, and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Species and life cycle of roundworms

Species of helminths

Ascariasis in humans is provoked by worms of the nematode class - roundworms.

The photo above shows a female and male roundworm, whose dimensions are more than 10 cm.

Structural features of roundworm

The shape of the roundworm body is fusiform. On the sides along the body of the worm, two black lines are expressively visible. The dorsal and ventral lines are not so clearly visible. The head section of the roundworm is thickened. The mouth opening is surrounded by three lips, which are crowned with tooth-shaped processes. Two papillae are symmetrically placed on the caudal pointed and conically twisted section of the female. In males, the caudal section is hook-shaped, bent towards the ventral part. In the male, as in the female roundworm, many cuticular papillae are located in the back of the body.

The eggs of worms with larvae are characterized by an oval shape and dimensions of 45–65x35–45 microns. Around the embryo is a brownish protein sphere of a large-tuberous nature. Under the protective ball is a fertilized cell that occupies the space of the cyst. In the mature shell, a twisted larva is stored. Sometimes in the external environment there are roundworm larvae without fasciola. It is much more difficult to identify larvae in this form, because outwardly they resemble translucent plant cells. They are inconspicuous even under a microscope, so they are difficult to determine.

During the movement of nematode larvae by the circulatory system, they enter the respiratory organs, where the life cycle of the helminth begins, or localize in the intestine. During the migration period, the larvae, whose length at this stage is 2 mm, are diagnosed in blood, sputum, and throat swabs.

Movement of free-living nematodes

Infection of the human body occurs when fasciol enters the inside of a person along with contaminated food and water. Inside the body, the larvae move until they reach the place of localization. So, having hit the gastrointestinal tract, the worms drill holes in the wall of the small intestine through which they enter the abdominal cavity and reach the organs. Sometimes nematode larvae migrate through the circulatory system, as a result of which, moving through the veins of the pulmonary circulation, they enter the respiratory system. In the lungs, worms from the blood migrate into the pulmonary vesicles, alveoli, nasopharynx, from where they again enter the esophagus and move to the small intestine.

Only after going through a closed cycle of migration, the larvae that have passed the circle, having re-entered the intestine, are localized in it, where they grow. When they reach sexual maturity, they reproduce and lay eggs.

The presence of positive factors for the development of roundworm contributes to the formation of a full-fledged larva already by 15-18 days from the moment it enters the ecosystem.

Ascaris development cycles

Stages of nematode migration: larval stage

Once in the small intestine, the larvae get rid of protective capsules, cysts. In medicine, this process is called molting. Having chosen a good moment, the larva, which has not yet reached sexual maturity, secretes a special enzyme substance that dissolves the cyst and opens the larva free access to the environment.

Stages of nematode migration: intestinal stage

From the moment of penetration of helminths into the body and until the first laying of eggs by female roundworms, 2-4 months pass.

The lack of oxygen stimulates the larva at the first stage to instinctively look for a source of oxygen, moving towards the respiratory organs. An ideal environment for growth. The more nematodes feed on oxygen, the more brighter color his body. In some individuals, a red color of the shell is observed. Deprived of oxygen, non-viable helminths acquire a pale almost white color.

Many are sure that the worms, having gone through each stage of the life cycle, leave their usual habitat. This is an erroneous opinion. It is because of the double migration that the larvae spread evenly throughout the body. Thus, they can get into any part of the body and affect the organs or even their systems. Therefore, helminthiases are characterized by abscesses and inflammations that occur:

  • in the organs of the endocrine system;
  • in the heart muscles;
  • in the respiratory organs;
  • in the digestive system.

Clinical manifestations of these processes have been studied and established as:

  • jaundice;
  • myocarditis;
  • bronchitis;
  • types of pneumonia;
  • pancreatitis and other liver diseases;
  • internal bleeding;
  • ruptures of organs;
  • necrosis.

Stages of nematode migration: reproduction stage

The organs of the reproductive system are represented in the form of a tube by the ejaculatory duct, the opening of which passes into the cloaca.

The reproductive system of Ascaris females is more complicated. The reproductive organs of female roundworms include:

  • ovaries;
  • oviducts;
  • seminal receptacle;
  • uterus;
  • egg maker;
  • vagina.

Remember the dangers that helminths carry and do not forget that sometimes you have to pay with your life for neglecting your health. Ascariasis is a prime example of this.

Ascaris in children

  • Treatment of ascaridiosis
  • Additional points

Ascaris in children are quite common, especially in younger preschool and school age. Most often they appear in children attending Kindergarten, school and other places with large crowds of people.

Main characterizing points

Adult roundworms in children can reach 15-40 cm in length. Moreover, females are much longer and thicker than males.

Ascaridiosis is the migration of larvae through the esophagus into the cavity of the small intestine, where they begin vital activity and reproduction, causing an allergic reaction and discomfort.

For 3 months, roundworms pass full cycle development from larvae to adults. In the process of development, the larvae migrate through the veins and arteries, may end up in the liver, in the right half of the heart, in the lungs, move to the bronchi, rise through them, and then up the pharynx up into the oral cavity and are swallowed back together with saliva. Very often this process is accompanied by a dry cough that comes from nowhere, sometimes the larvae with sputum spit out.

Adult individuals settle in the small intestine, irritating its mucous membrane, releasing toxins from the decay products of their secretions, primarily injuring the child's psyche and causing unpleasant and painful sensations. Ascaris can injure the small intestine, bile ducts, leaving ulcers on them and minor damage by constant movement within.

  • migratory;
  • intestinal.

Symptoms of roundworm infection:

  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • lack of appetite or its perversion;
  • convulsions of an epileptic nature;
  • restless interrupted sleep;
  • memory disorder;
  • nervousness, bad mood;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • enlargement of the liver, a violation of the general physical condition;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes.

Ascaris in children can be detected when passing on the analysis of feces for the presence of eggs secreted by adult females. And also found in sputum, when worms exit through the mouth or through the anus in the stool.

Sources of infection with mature ascaris eggs

Getting into the external environment, the eggs reach the period of maturation in the ground - the invasive stage. After that, they can be on the surface of fruits, vegetables, berries.

They can easily get into the mouth along with street sand, from dirty hands, from where they are sent along digestive system into the small intestine.

Consequences of infection and lack of treatment of ascaridiosis in children:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • obstructive jaundice due to the presence of larvae in the bile ducts;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • liver abscess;
  • pneumonia;
  • purulent cholangitis.

Treatment of ascaridiosis

But self-medication is not worth it, only a doctor will be able to select effective doses of drugs that do not harm an already weakened child's body, but can destroy roundworms and their larvae without the risk of their reappearance.

Usually, treatment is prescribed simultaneously to all members of the family in which the child has become infected with ascaris, in order to protect him from re-infection and for prevention purposes.

Additional measures for disinfecting the premises if the child has ascaris during his treatment:

  1. The constant presence of the child in tight-fitting panties, diapers, tights, to prevent the release of helminth eggs.
  2. Do not allow a small child to touch and comb the anus.
  3. Avoid putting hands and other things in your mouth that may contain ascaris eggs.
  4. Washing bed linen at high temperature in washing machine immediately before the start of therapy and after its completion, as well as all items of clothing not only for the child, but also for all family members.
  5. Mandatory washing of the entire house and furniture with soap solution or special detergent added to water. Special attention should be given to the cleanliness of switches, door and furniture handles, children's toys. You should also wipe all surfaces that the infected child has touched, disinfect dishes, bath accessories, bottles and pacifiers.
  6. Soft toys can either be washed, and if they do not withstand high temperatures, then you should put them in a tightly closed bag and expose them to the sun for at least 3 weeks so that the roundworm eggs die.

Measures to prevent infection of children with roundworms

  1. Mandatory thorough hand washing with soap and water before any meal. Proper hand washing, which really destroys all germs, should last at least 2-3 minutes after lathering them by thoroughly whipping the foam and rubbing the surface of the hands, after which you can rinse them under running water.
  2. Weaning children to lick dirty fingers, toys, and other household items that may be the habitat of roundworm eggs.
  3. Mandatory washing of fruits and vegetables before eating them raw, and, if necessary, dousing them with boiling water.
  4. Maintaining basic hygiene after going to the toilet.
  5. Regular trimming of children's nails, preventing the accumulation of dirt under them, particles of sand, and at the same time roundworm eggs.

Many parents and even some doctors believe that timely prevention with the help of special preparations can protect the child's body from the ingress and development of ascaris in it.

Sometimes ascaridiosis can be confused with giardiasis, since the symptoms of the diseases are quite similar.

But there are significant differences.

Giardia are protozoa, that is, they are not worms or microbes. Giardia was first seen after the invention of the microscope in the 17th century.

Infection occurs through insufficiently chlorinated water, from person to person. Previously it was believed that they can cause liver damage and cholecystitis - gallbladder damage. But now scientists have found that, getting into the liver or gallbladder, Giardia die, and their perfect place residence - small intestine.

Basically, in modern medicine, when Giardia cysts (eggs) are analyzed, treatment should not be prescribed without fail, but only if there are real symptoms and indications.

In fact, Giardia is not dangerous and does not bring any special troubles and illnesses to the child they live in, compared, for example, with worms or roundworms.

About 30% of people the globe are asymptomatic carriers of Giardia without even knowing it. And as long as they do not know this, it does not cause any inconvenience or harm to a person. In the United States, the principle is not to touch or drive away these creatures.

By the way, Giardia can live in the small intestine not only in humans, but also in dogs. Timely prevention is the most effective and safe remedy against infection of children with helminthiasis. Maintaining personal hygiene, washing hands is a mandatory activity that children should be taught from a very young age.

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