The concept of collective security in international relations. The concept of collective security under the UN Charter

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The concept of universal collective security

international agreement security collective

In the second half of the XX century. international security has become universal. This is explained by a number of facts:

1) the world has become truly interconnected;

2) all big number problems have become global;

3) the qualitative characteristics of modern weapons require the efforts of members of the international community in maintaining peace.

Based on the understanding of the universal nature of security, measures aimed at ensuring a stable and non-violent peace must be comprehensive. They should concern various areas of interaction between states - political, military, socio-economic, environmental, humanitarian. Recently, more and more people talk about the environmental and humanitarian aspects of global security. Indeed, it is now impossible to ensure universal security without environmental safety and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. However, os new system common security is collective security. This term is commonly understood as a set of measures taken by members of the international community or a particular region to prevent and eliminate a threat to peace or to enforce peace in the event of an act of aggression or other violations thereof in accordance with international law.

The concept of collective security is based on the fact that the world in modern conditions of development of international relations is indivisible, that is, the security of any state is directly related to the security of the entire international community. And this means that any violation of the peace, including a local one, threatens global peace and security.

The concept of collective security includes the following elements:

1) a system of generally recognized principles and norms international law, enshrined in the UN Charter, the most important of which are the equality of states; respect for sovereignty; prohibition of the use of force or the threat of force; resolution of international disputes exclusively by peaceful means; non-interference in the internal affairs of states, etc.;

2) a system of peaceful settlement of disputes;

3) a system of collective measures to prevent and eliminate threats to the peace, violations of the peace and acts of aggression;

4) a system of collective disarmament measures.

Collective security is based on the requirement for the states of the world:

React to any act of violation of peace and security in any region of the Earth;

Cooperate with each other in maintaining and strengthening international peace and security;

Provide all possible assistance, including by the armed forces, to the victim of aggression and refrain from providing assistance to the aggressor state;

Participate in joint actions, provided for by the UN Charter, with the aim of preventing or eliminating threats to the peace, violations of the peace and aggression.

There are two types of collective security system: universal and regional. The universal system of collective security is based on the provisions of the Charter and includes:

Means of peaceful settlement of disputes (Chapter 1) joint action (of a preventive and coercive nature) in the event of an act of aggression (Chapter VII) and disarmament measures (Articles 11, 26, 47). As already noted, in accordance with the UN Charter, the main responsibility for maintaining international peace and security within the framework of a universal system of collective security is assigned to the Security Council. This is the only body of the UN system, competent to make decisions on the application of preventive and coercive actions up to the creation of a multinational armed forces.

In paragraph 1 of the resolution General Assembly UN 'on a comprehensive system international security 1986”, emphasizes that “the system of collective security, embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, continues to be a fundamental and indispensable instrument for the maintenance of international peace and security”.

General provisions on the regional security system are contained in Chapter VIII (Articles 52-54) of the UN Charter. the means of maintaining peace and security in the region by the organizations are the resolution of such matters relating to the maintenance of peace and security as may be appropriate for regional action, the joint purposes and principles of the United Nations; peaceful resolution of local disputes before these disputes are referred to the UN Security Council (paragraph 2 of article 52) and, where appropriate, the use of coercive actions under the leadership of the Security Council on the basis of authority from it (paragraph 1 of article 53).

More detailed provisions concerning regional security systems are contained in the constituent acts of regional organizations that provide for measures of collective security. Such organizations, in particular, are: LAS, OAS, OAU, NATO. In the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 there are certain discrepancies with the provisions of Art. 53 of the UN Charter. Therefore, in the process of revising the role of NATO, due to the peculiarities of modern international relations, this treaty should be brought into line with the UN Charter.

The founding document of the OSCE - the Helsinki Final Act of August 1, 1975 marked the beginning of the creation of a pan-European system of security and cooperation. The main links of collective security within the OSCE are:

a) compliance with the provisions of the Declaration of Principles of the Helsinki Final Act, including those relating to the territorial integrity of Member States, the inviolability of their borders and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms;

b) versatile cooperation in the political, socio-economic, scientific, technical, humanitarian and other fields;

c) a set of measures to reduce the level of armaments and build confidence among member states;

d) mechanisms for the peaceful resolution of disputes;

e) organizational measures to control the implementation of the provisions of the OSCE documents, carried out at the unilateral, bilateral and multilateral levels. An example of the latter is the meetings of the participating states Helsinki process in Belgrade (1977-1978), Madrid (1980-1982), Vienna (1986-1989), Paris (1990), Stockholm Conference on Confidence, Security and Disarmament Building Measures in 1986, etc. .

On November 21, 1990, the Charter was adopted in Paris for new Europe, in which it is recorded that "the era of confrontation and the division of Europe has come to an end." The right to equal security for all and the freedom to choose to ensure one's own security were reaffirmed.

In 1992, in Helsinki, the CSCE member states adopted the document "The Challenge of a Time of Change", which states that the CSCE is a regional agreement in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VIII of the UN Charter. Much attention is paid in this document to issues of collective regional security: the prevention and peaceful resolution of disputes, CSCE peacekeeping operations, etc. In accordance with the Helsinki Document of 1992, the Forum for Security Cooperation (FSB) was established, whose competence includes: negotiating arms control, disarmament, confidence- and security-building measures; organization of regular consultations and intensive cooperation in the field of security; contributing to limiting the risk of conflicts.

On December 15, 1992, the Agreement on Arbitration and World Court Proceedings within the CSCE was signed. The problem of the peaceful settlement of disputes is also called upon to deal with the OSCE Commission on the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes.

At the meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the OSCE participating States in Lisbon in December 1996, a declaration was adopted on the model of a common comprehensive secure Europe of the 21st century (the Lisbon Declaration), which notes that “the OSCE plays a central role in achieving the further goal of a common security space "(p. 4). This document also notes the need to develop a European security that could meet the needs of the peoples of Europe in the new century.

Thus, a multi-level system for maintaining peace and security has been created within the OSCE. The challenge is to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of its components.

The Charter of the CIS, in contrast to the Agreement on the Establishment of the CIS, contains Section III, dedicated to collective security and military-political cooperation of the member states (Articles 11-15). So, in Art. 11 states: "Member states enter into a coherent policy in the field of international security, disarmament and arms control, and representation of the armed forces and maintain security in the Commonwealth, including with the help of military observing collective peacekeeping forces." The CIS Charter provides for a mechanism for mutual consultations with a threat to the sovereignty of any member state, the use of peacekeeping operations or collective armed forces in accordance with Art. 51 of the UN Charter. Specific issues of military-political cooperation between the CIS member states are regulated by special agreements. On the effectiveness of mechanisms to ensure collective security within the CIS is low.

The main instrument for maintaining peace and preventing the outbreak of wars is the general system of collective security provided for by the UN Charter. The Charter establishes the foundations of the modern world legal order, the principles of relations between states in the international arena and provides for a whole range of measures to preserve international peace and suppress acts of aggression. Among them:

Means of peaceful resolution of international disputes; measures to ensure peace with the use of regional security organizations;

Coercive measures against violating states without the use of armed forces;

Coercive measures against aggressor states with the use of armed forces.

One of the most important elements of the general system of collective security is the peaceful resolution of international disputes, which is determined by Ch. VI of the UN Charter "Peaceful Settlement of Disputes". In accordance with this Chapter of the UN Charter, parties to any dispute the continuation of which could threaten the maintenance of international peace and security must first of all endeavor to resolve the dispute by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial trial, recourse to regional bodies or agreements, or other peaceful means of their choice. The UN Security Council, when it considers it necessary, requires the parties to resolve their dispute by such means. It is authorized to investigate any dispute or any situation which may give rise to international friction or give rise to a dispute, in order to determine whether the continuation of this dispute or situation may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.

In addition, any member of the United Nations may bring any dispute to the attention of the Security Council or the General Assembly. A State which is not a Member of the Organization may also bring to the attention of the Security Council or the General Assembly any dispute to which it is a party, if it has assumed in advance, in respect of that dispute, the obligation of peaceful settlement of disputes.

In accordance with the UN Charter, measures using regional security organizations can be applied to ensure international peace. In accordance with Art. 53 of the Charter, the UN Security Council uses, where appropriate, such regional arrangements or bodies for enforcement action under its direction. However regional organizations cannot apply any coercive actions without authority from the Security Council, with the exception of measures related to the repulse of an armed attack on one of the states - participants in the regional system of collective security.

An important element of the general system of collective security are also actions in relation to threats to the peace, violations of the peace and acts of aggression, provided for in Chapter. VII of the UN Charter.

Thus, the Security Council determines the existence of any threat to the peace, any breach of the peace or act of aggression, and makes recommendations or decides what measures should be taken to maintain or restore international peace and security. In order to prevent a worsening of the situation, the Security Council is empowered, before making recommendations or deciding to take action, to require the parties concerned to implement such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall not prejudice the rights, claims or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council takes due account of the failure to comply with these interim measures.

The Security Council shall be empowered to decide what measures, other than the use of armed force, shall be adopted to give effect to its decisions, and it may require the Members of the Organization to apply these measures. These measures may include a complete or partial interruption of economic relations, rail, sea, air, postal, telegraph, radio or other means of communication, as well as the severance of diplomatic relations.

If the Security Council considers that the said measures may not be sufficient, or have already proved insufficient, it shall be empowered to take such action by air, sea or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security. Such actions may include demonstrations, blockades and other operations by air, sea or land forces of the Members of the Organization. All Members of the Organization, in order to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, undertake to place at the disposal of the Security Council, at its request and in accordance with special agreement or agreements, the armed forces, assistance and appropriate facilities necessary for the maintenance of international peace and security. including the right of way. Such agreement or agreements determine the number and type of troops, the degree of their readiness and their general arrangement, and the nature of the facilities and assistance provided.

Plans for the employment of armed forces are drawn up by the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee, which is established to advise and assist the Security Council on all matters relating to the military needs of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security, to the use of troops provided at his disposal, and to command them, as well as to the regulation of armaments and to possible disarmament. The Military Staff Committee consists of the Chiefs of Staff permanent members Security Council or their representatives. Any Member of the Organization not permanently represented on the Committee shall be invited by the Committee to co-operate with it if the effective performance of the duties of the Committee requires the participation of that Member of the Organization in the work of the Committee. The Military Staff Committee, being subordinate to the Security Council, is responsible for the strategic direction of any armed forces placed at the disposal of the Security Council. Questions relating to the command of such forces are to be worked out later.

The Charter of the United Nations does not affect the inalienable right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the Organization, until such time as the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members of the Organization in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall in no way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council, under this Charter, to take at any time such action as it deems necessary. to maintain or restore international peace and security.

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1. History and modernity of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

1.1. The history of the formation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

1.2. Structure of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

1.3. Current Situation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and Prospects for the Future

2. The concept of collective security and its concept

2.1. The concept and essence of security

2.2. Concept of Security of the States Parties to the Collective Security Treaty

3. Conflicts and their settlement CSTO




The subject of this term paper- Organization of the Collective Security Treaty. The CSTO is a military-political union created by the CIS states on the basis of the Collective Security Treaty (CST), signed on May 15, 1992.

At present, the Organization includes 7 republics that are members of the CIS: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that it considers an organization whose activities are aimed at ensuring security, and today there are many military conflicts in the world, which does not bypass the post-Soviet space. Governments around the world are giving Special attention its security, which is quite understandable and understandable. They strengthen their military positions, maintain armies, conduct military exercises. But it has long been known that it is easier to deal with the enemy not alone, but with the support of an ally. That is why the peaceful states, 7 CIS member countries, have united to prevent and eliminate the threat to peace, jointly protect against aggression, ensure their sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the activities of the Collective Security Treaty Organization: the goals, methods and structure of the organization.

The objective of this work is to reveal the role of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in modern world and an analysis of the actions that the Organization has taken and is taking to ensure collective security and maintain peace.


1 .1 History of the formation of the Treaty OrganizationTocollectivebsecurity

Basic for creation of the CSTO served as the Collective Security Treaty signed by Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan on May 15, 1992. In 1993, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine joined the treaty as observers.

Subsequently, a number of countries ceased their participation in the Collective Security Treaty (CST). In 1999, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Uzbekistan left the CST. Ukraine and Moldova have also lost interest in military integration within the CIS.

The remaining countries (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan) on October 7, 2002 at the CIS summit in Chisinau established new structure- Organization of the Collective Security Treaty (CSTO). On December 26, 2003, the CSTO was registered with the UN as a regional international organization.

The goals of the Organization are to strengthen peace, international and regional security and stability, to protect on a collective basis the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Member States, in achieving which the Member States give priority to political means.

On December 1, 2005, talks were held in Moscow between the foreign ministers, defense ministers and secretaries of security councils, during which agreements were reached on the creation of a peacekeeping contingent that will assist in resolving conflicts on the territory of the countries participating in the treaty. These troops will be under national jurisdiction, and in the event of a peacekeeping operation, they will be withdrawn under a single command by decision of the Collective Security Council (CSC) and by mandate of the UN Security Council.

In February 2006, the head Federal Service on military-technical cooperation, M. Dmitriev said that the mechanism of preferential deliveries of Russian weapons to the CSTO countries has started working. According to the agreements reached, weapons will be sold to members of the organization within Russian prices.

On June 22, 2006, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S. Lavrov transferred the functions of the chairman of the CSTO to his Belarusian colleague - S. Martynov. S. Martynov said that "Belarus is initiating development of the CSTO into a multi-format organization that will meet the challenges of our time."

On June 23, 2006, Uzbekistan lifted the moratorium on active participation within the framework of the CSTO and became a full member of this organization.

On March 30, 2007, Russian State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov was elected Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

On October 6, 2007, the 15th CSTO summit was held in Dushanbe. The main outcome of the summit was an agreement on the possibility for the CSTO member countries to acquire Russian weapons and special equipment for the armed forces and special services at domestic Russian prices. In addition, a Memorandum of Cooperation between the CSTO and the SCO was signed at the summit.

On March 28, 2008, the Parliament of Uzbekistan ratified a document restoring the country's membership in the Collective Security Treaty Organization. Thus, Uzbekistan fully restored its membership in the CSTO.

According to a number of experts, the formation of the CSTO reflected Russia's desire to prevent further expansion of the NATO bloc to the East and to keep part of the CIS countries in the orbit of Russian military influence.

1 .2 Structure of the Organization of theTocollectivebsecurity

The supreme body of the Organization is Collective Security Council (SKB). The Council consists of the heads of member states. The Council considers the fundamental issues of the Organization's activities and makes decisions aimed at the implementation of its goals and objectives, as well as ensures coordination and joint activities of the Member States to achieve these goals.

Council of Foreign Ministers (Council of Ministers) -- advisory and executive agency Organizations for the coordination of interaction between member states in the field of foreign policy.

Council of Ministers of Defense (CMO) is an advisory and executive body of the Organization for the coordination of interaction between Member States in the field of military policy, military construction and military-technical cooperation.

Formed by the decision of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth Independent States"On the Council of Defense Ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States" dated February 14, 1992, in accordance with this Regulation, the members of the Council of Defense Ministers are the defense ministers of those Commonwealth states whose heads signed the said Regulation, and the Chief of Staff for the coordination of military cooperation of the CIS member states.

At present, the Ministers of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, and as observers - the Republic of Moldova, Turkmenistan, Ukraine.

During its activity, the CIS CMO prepared and adopted 476 documents on various aspects military cooperation, including on the most important issues defense and military development - about 151, including peacekeeping, settlement of collective security problems, improvement of the integrated air defense system, issues of joint operational training of troops and military-technical cooperation, social and legal protection of military personnel and their families, training and education of military personnel.

Chairmanship in the Council of Ministers of Defense of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States is carried out on the basis of the Decision of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CIS Member States "On the Chairmanship of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CIS Member States" dated May 18, 2001.

In accordance with the above Decision, today the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CIS member states is the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Borisovich Ivanov.

In its activities, the Council of Defense Ministers is consistently shifting the vector of its main efforts from the creation of a legal and regulatory framework for military cooperation to its practical implementation. The unified air defense system of the CIS member states is being successfully improved: the combat strength of air defense forces and means on the European border has doubled, on the southern border of the Commonwealth - up to one and a half times.

The main form of activity of the Council of Ministers of Defense are meetings that are held as needed, as a rule, at least once every four months. An extraordinary meeting of the Council of Defense Ministers is convened by decision of the Council of CIS Heads of State, the Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers, as well as at the proposal of any member of the Council of Defense Ministers, supported by at least one third of the members of the Council of Defense Ministers.

Along with CMO meetings, such forms of work as working meetings, consultations, meetings, exchanges of views on the most pressing issues of military cooperation are actively used.

In total, since the day of its formation, the CIS Council of Defense has prepared and held 43 meetings of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CIS member states. Their organizational, technical, informational, analytical and advisory support was provided by the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CIS member states in accordance with the Regulations on this body.

Committee of Secretaries of Security Councils (KSSB) is an advisory and executive body of the Organization for the coordination of interaction between member states in the field of ensuring their national security.

Secretary General of the Organization is the highest administrative official Organization and manages the Secretariat of the Organization. Appointed by the decision of the CSC from among the citizens of the Member States and is accountable to the Council. Currently, he is Nikolai Bordyuzha.

Secretariat of the Organization-- a permanent working body of the Organization for the implementation of organizational, informational, analytical and advisory support for the activities of the bodies of the Organization.

Joint Headquarters of the CSTO-- a permanent working body of the Organization and the CMO of the CSTO, responsible for preparing proposals and implementing decisions on the military component of the CSTO. From December 1, 2006, it is planned to assign to the joint headquarters the tasks performed by the command and the permanent task force of the headquarters of the collective forces.

1 .3 Current Situation of the Collective Security Treaty Organizationand prospects for the future

At present, the CSTO is pursuing a very active policy on many fronts. At the CSTO summit held on February 4, 2009, it was announced that the Collective Rapid Reaction Force (CRRF) would be formed, the main tasks of which would be to repel military aggression and conduct special operations to combat international terrorism and transnational crime. The CRRF will also be engaged in the elimination of the drug threat emanating from Afghanistan, the fight against Islamists in Central Asia, and will also take part in the elimination of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters.

CRRF must meet four requirements: high mobility, which implies fast delivery to the right place; universality, that is, the ability to withstand not only military threats, but also, for example, raids by gangs; the presence of a permanent governing body; the presence of a legislative framework that makes it possible to immediately use the CRRF by decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council.

Nikolai Bordyuzha, Chief Secretary of the Organization, stressed that each state first of all decides the issue of its own security, and the involvement of the CRRF is implied when it is unable to do without the help of allies. And one more essential detail - the CRRF will be used only by decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council, that is, the heads of state.

Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said that in September the first exercises of the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces of the CSTO states will be held in Kazakhstan.

"It is planned to equip these forces with modern weapons and military equipment, with specially designed uniforms and equipment," he said at an expanded meeting of the collegium of the Russian Defense Ministry.

A. Serdyukov said that from the Russian side the Collective Forces would include an airborne division and a separate airborne brigade.

Also, according to A. Serdyukov, the West-2009 operational-strategic exercise will be a significant event for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation this year.

"It is planned jointly with the armed forces of Belarus. The issue of participation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan in these exercises is being worked out," the minister said.

Regarding the prospects for expanding the unified air defense system, which was created by Russia and Belarus, the Secretary General announced the possible emergence of such regional systems in Armenia and the Central Asian region in the near future, and in the future, coordination of their activities within the framework of cooperation between the CSTO member countries. In addition, joint ventures for the development and production of military equipment can be created.

Press Service of the CSTO Secretariat April 3 current year circulated a message that Iranian Ambassador to Russia Mahmoud Reda Sajjadi said that Iran wants to join the CSTO and is now very actively solving the issue of the format of cooperation with the organization.

The CSTO is also interested in cooperation and interaction with Afghanistan and is ready to consider any form of joint interaction with the Afghan authorities on all issues related to the country's security and joint fight against drug trafficking coming from Afghanistan.

On March 31 this year, an agreement on the mutual protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity obtained and used in the course of military-economic cooperation within the framework of the CSTO came into force. In accordance with the Agreement, cooperation in this area will be carried out by agreeing on issues related to the protection of rights to used and obtained results of intellectual activity, carrying out measures to prevent offenses in the field of intellectual property, exchanging experience on the protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity, and other forms.

At the same time, the participants in military-economic cooperation in the CSTO format in all agreements (contracts) should provide that the use of the used and obtained results of intellectual activity will be carried out only after ensuring their legal protection.

The agreement imposes on its participants an obligation not to manufacture or export military products (MP) from the territory of their state to third countries, manufactured using the results of intellectual activity, the rights to which belong to another party or participants in military-economic cooperation from this party, without a written the consent of the said party.

It is planned to intensify the interaction of the special services of the CSTO member states, problem solving combating crime in the field information technologies to ensure the defense capability of the CSTO member states in general and critical infrastructure facilities in particular. Besides, great attention will be given to countering the use of information technology for the preparation of terrorist attacks and criminal acts, information support state policy.

According to the CSTO Secretary General Nikolai Bordyuzha, the prevention and disclosure of crimes in the field of information technology is closely related to countering terrorism and preventing emergencies.

One of the first practical steps will be training and retraining within the organization of employees law enforcement, specializing in the prevention and detection of crimes in the field of information technology .

An agreement on the peacekeeping activities of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) has entered into force - the document provides for the creation of the Organization's peacekeeping forces, based on the peacekeeping contingents of member states.

The agreement on the peacekeeping activities of the CSTO was signed by the heads of the member states of the Organization on October 6, 2007 at a summit in Dushanbe. Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia ratified the document on July 14, November 18 and December 29, 2008. The Russian Federation became the fourth state that completed the domestic procedures necessary for the entry into force of the Agreement.

"The agreement provides for the creation on a permanent basis of the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces from the peacekeeping contingents allocated by the member states on a permanent basis. The latter will be trained according to uniform programs, equipped with uniform or compatible models of weapons and communications, and take part in regular joint exercises."

According to the document, Peacekeeping CSTO forces will be able to take part in peacekeeping operations both on the territory of the member states of the Organization and, by decision of the UN Security Council, in other regions. The CSTO includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

At present, the CSTO is pursuing a very active policy, developing the directions of its activities. President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev said that the rapid reaction forces in terms of combat potential would be no worse than similar NATO structures.

2. The concept of collective security and its concept

2.1 The concept and essence of security

Safety- 1. A state in which there is no danger, there is protection from danger.

state security, protection of state security - a set of measures to protect the existing state and social system, territorial integrity and independence of the state from the subversive activities of intelligence and other special services of hostile states, as well as from opponents of the existing system within the country.

Security State Security includes a set of political, economic, military and legal measures aimed at identifying, preventing and suppressing the activities of forces, intelligence agencies seeking to undermine and weaken the state and social system, violate the territorial integrity of the country concerned. Elements of the security system State Security are also measures of general prevention of subversive activities, fencing of special-purpose facilities, etc.

The essence of security is that military security is the most important activity of the state. The main goals of ensuring military security are the prevention, localization and neutralization of military threats.

Russia considers ensuring its military security in the context of building a democratic rule of law, implementation of socio-economic reforms, mutually beneficial cooperation and good neighborliness in international relations, the consistent formation of a common and comprehensive system of international security, the preservation and strengthening of world peace.

Russia retains status nuclear power to deter (prevent) aggression against it and (or) its allies, attaches priority importance to strengthening the collective security system within the CIS on the basis of developing and strengthening the Collective Security Treaty.

Other countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization do not have nuclear capability, like the Russian Federation, but, in turn, are also building a security system based on good neighborliness in international relations, while strengthening their military power and armies, but only for the purpose of protecting against the aggressor.

2.2 The security concept of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty

The concept of collective security of the states - parties to the Collective Security Treaty of May 15, 1992 (hereinafter - the Concept) is a set of views of the states - parties to the Collective Security Treaty (hereinafter - the participating states) on the prevention and elimination of threats to peace, joint defense against aggression and ensuring their sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The concept is based on the principles of the UN, the OSCE, the Collective Security Treaty, as well as the provisions of other documents adopted by the participating states in its development.

The concept includes: the basics of the military policy of the participating states, the basics of ensuring collective security, the main directions and stages of creating a collective security system.

The implementation of the provisions of the Concept provides for the implementation of agreed political, economic, military and other measures.

In political and military relations, the participating states do not consider any state or coalition of states to be their adversary, they see all states of the world community as equal partners.

I. Fundamentals of the military policy of the participating states

The participating states are united by military-political and economic interests, the existing military-technical base and infrastructure, and the desire to pursue a coordinated policy to ensure collective security.

The participating States will hold consultations in order to coordinate positions and pursue an agreed security policy:

· in relation to other states - members of the CIS - on issues of military cooperation and mutual assistance in solving problems of military development;

· in relation to NATO and other military-political organizations - on issues of cooperation and partnership, participation in existing and new structures of regional security that are being created.

The participating States ensure collective security with all the possibilities at their disposal, with priority given to peaceful means. When developing measures to ensure collective security, they take into account the following.

The end of the global confrontation between East and West has significantly reduced the risk of a world war.

At the same time, there is a significant number of regional interstate and intrastate problems, the aggravation of which is fraught with escalation into armed conflicts and local wars. The prerequisites for this remain in social, political, economic, territorial, national-ethnic, religious and other contradictions, as well as in the commitment of a number of states to resolve them by force.

The participating states consider the following to be the main sources of military danger:

· territorial claims of other countries to the states-participants;

· existing and potential centers of local wars and armed conflicts, primarily in the immediate vicinity of the borders of the participating states;

the possibility of using (including unauthorized) nuclear and other types of weapons mass destruction, which is in service with a number of states;

· the proliferation of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and the latest technologies of military production, combined with the attempts of individual countries, organizations and terrorist groups to realize their political and military aspirations;

the possibility of undermining the stability of the strategic situation as a result of violation of international agreements in the field of limitation and reduction of armed forces and armaments, unreasonable buildup military power other states and military-political unions;

· attempts to interfere from the outside in the internal affairs of the participating states, to destabilize their internal political situation;

· international terrorism, blackmail policy.

As factors that can lead to the escalation of a military danger into a direct military threat, the participating States consider:

· building up groupings of troops (forces) in the regions adjacent to the external borders of the participating states to the extent that violates the existing balance of forces;

creation and training on the territory of other states of armed formations intended for use against participating states;

unleashing border conflicts and armed provocations from the territory of neighboring states;

· the introduction of foreign troops into the territories adjacent to the participating states (if this is not related to measures to restore and maintain peace in accordance with the decision of the UN Security Council or the OSCE).

Priority areas in joint activities to prevent military threat the participating States consider:

participation together with other states and international organizations in the creation of collective security systems in Europe and Asia;

· coordination of actions to implement existing and develop new international agreements on disarmament and arms control;

expansion of confidence building measures in military area;

Establishment and development of equal rights partnerships with NATO, other military-political organizations and regional security structures aimed at effective solution peace consolidation tasks;

· intensifying the dialogue on the preparation and adoption of effective international agreements in the field of naval forces and armaments, as well as restrictions on naval activities;

· Conducting peacekeeping operations by decision of the UN Security Council, OSCE, in accordance with international obligations;

· harmonization of efforts to protect the external borders of the participating states;

· maintaining the armed forces and other troops of the participating states at a level that ensures defense sufficiency.

II. Fundamentals of ensuring collective security

The goal of the participating states in ensuring collective security is to prevent wars and armed conflicts, and in the event of their unleashing, to guarantee the protection of the interests, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the participating states on the basis of bilateral relations.

IN Peaceful time this goal is achieved by settling controversial issues, international and regional crises exclusively by political, conciliatory means, maintaining the defense potential of each state, taking into account both national and collective interests.

Each participating State shall take appropriate measures to ensure the stability of its borders. On the basis of mutual agreement, they coordinate the activities of the border troops and other competent services to maintain the established regime in the border zones of the participating States.

In the event of a threat to the security, territorial integrity and sovereignty of one or more participating States, the participating States immediately activate the mechanism of joint consultations in order to coordinate their positions and take concrete measures to eliminate the threat that has arisen.

Strategic nuclear forces The Russian Federation performs the function of deterrence from possible attempts to implement aggressive intentions against the participating states in accordance with the military doctrine of the Russian Federation.

In the event of aggression, the participating States, in accordance with Article 4 of the Collective Security Treaty, repel it and take measures to force the aggressor to cease hostilities. To achieve this, they determine and plan in advance the content, forms and methods of joint action.

The collective security of the participating states is based on the following basic principles:

· indivisibility of security: aggression against one participating state is considered as aggression against all participating states;

· equal responsibility of the participating states for ensuring security;

observance of territorial integrity, respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs and consideration of each other's interests;

· collectivity of defense created on a regional basis;

· adoption of decisions on fundamental issues of ensuring collective security on the basis of consensus;

· Compliance of the composition and readiness of forces and assets with the scale of the military threat.

III. Collective security system. The main directions of its creation

The basis of collective security is the system of collective security, which the participating states consider as a set of interstate and state control bodies, forces and means that provide for a common legal basis(subject to national legislation) protection of their interests, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The interstate bodies of the collective security system are:

The Collective Security Council is the highest political body at the interstate level, which ensures coordination and joint activities of the participating states aimed at the implementation of the Collective Security Treaty;

The Council of Foreign Ministers is the highest advisory body of the Collective Security Council on issues of coordinating the domestic and foreign policies of the participating states;

The Council of Defense Ministers is the highest advisory body of the Collective Security Council on military policy and military development of the participating states.

To solve specific problems of ensuring collective security, other control bodies may be created, acting on a permanent or temporary basis.

The state bodies of the collective security system are the bodies of the political and military leadership of the participating states.

As forces and means of the collective security system, the participating states consider:

· the armed forces and other troops of the participating states;

· coalition (joint) groupings of troops (forces) in the regions that will be created to repel aggression against the participating states;

joint (combined) air defense system, other systems.

The creation of forces and means of the collective security system is aimed at deterring a possible aggressor, timely opening of the preparation of a possible aggression and repulsing it, ensuring the protection of the borders of the participating states, participation in peacekeeping operations.

The Collective Security Council for peacekeeping operations conducted in accordance with the decision of the UN Security Council, the OSCE, may create collective peacekeeping forces.

The participating states consider the following as the main directions for creating a collective security system:

· Approximation of the main provisions of the legislative acts of the member states in the field of defense and security;

· holding regular consultations on the problems of military construction and training of the armed forces of the member states;

development of common approaches to the issues of bringing troops (forces) into higher degrees combat readiness, forms and methods of their training, operational and combat use, as well as coordinated mobilization preparation of the economy of the participating states;

· achievement of multilateral agreements on the use of elements of military infrastructure, air and water space of the participating states;

· harmonization of issues of operational equipment of the territories of the participating states in the interests of collective defense;

· carrying out joint measures of operational and combat training of the armed forces and other troops of the participating states;

harmonization of training programs for military personnel and specialists;

· coordination of plans for the development, production, supply and repair of weapons and military equipment;

· development of uniform approaches to the norms of creation and maintenance of inventories.

The formation of a collective security system is carried out sequentially (in stages), taking into account the development of the military-political situation in the world.

At the first stage :

· basically complete the creation of the armed forces of the participating states;

· develop a program of military and military-technical cooperation between the participating states and begin its implementation;

· develop and adopt legal acts regulating the functioning of the collective security system.

At the second stage :

· create coalition (unified) groupings of troops (forces) to repel possible aggression and plan their use;

· create a joint (combined) air defense system;

· Consider the creation of a unified armed forces.

At the third stage to complete the creation of the system of collective security of the participating states.

The participating states pledged in their activities to ensure collective security to observe the UN Charter and generally accepted international legal norms and principles.

This Collective Security Concept reinforces the commitment of the participating states to the goals of preventing wars and armed conflicts, eliminating them from the system of international relations, creating conditions for the comprehensive development of individuals, societies and states based on the ideals of humanism, democracy and universal security.

3 . Conflicts and their settlement CSTO

Conflict - clash, serious disagreement, dispute.

Now in the territory former USSR there are states on whose territory military conflicts take place. Most often this happens in the states on whose territories the so-called "unrecognized republics" are located. These are the territories of such states as Moldova, where the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is located; Azerbaijan with Nagorno-Karabakh and Georgia with South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Just as it was said above, the CSTO does not remain indifferent to the conflict taking place in Afghanistan and even considers this state as a candidate member of the Organization.

As mentioned above, the CSTO members decided to create a Collective Rapid Reaction Force (CRRF). This step allows us to assert that the CSTO is now turning into an active power structure capable of countering almost any threat - both border and terrorist. To create it, all participating countries allocate an armed contingent from the special forces, as well as modern weapons and technique. The document was signed by all participants. At the same time, when signing this document, Uzbekistan made a reservation - doubts were expressed about the expediency of allocating special forces specifically. In addition, Belarus expressed its position in the following way - it was agreed that Belarusian troops could not be sent outside the country, which is primarily due to the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

The conflict that took place in August 2008 between Georgia and South Ossetia affected the CSTO member Russia, and, consequently, also affected the CSTO. The military forces of the Organization did not take part in the conflict, but the CSTO actually reproduced Moscow’s position: “Under the pretext of restoring territorial integrity,” the statement said, “Georgia, in fact, carried out genocide Ossetian people. All this led to a humanitarian catastrophe. The military actions of Tbilisi, which disrupted the planned political dialogue between the parties, destroyed the prospect of a peaceful resolution of the conflict.”

South Ossetia and Abkhazia declared their independence and Russia is still the only state that supported this recognition (except for Nicaragua). The other members of the Organization refused such recognition, despite the recognition that Russia was right.
No less difficult to resolve is the conflict around Nagorno-Karabakh. The problem of Nagorno-Karabakh is perhaps more difficult to resolve than the conflicts around South Ossetia and Abkhazia, since here two very well-armed armies of countries that, on the one hand, are in the same political and economic association (CIS), can come into a full-scale military clash, but with all this, one of them belongs to the military CSTO organizations(Armenia) and the other is not (Azerbaijan).

Based on the positions currently taken by the official representatives of Baku and Yerevan, some kind of diplomatic solution to the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh that suits both sides is hardly possible yet. But if earlier the current status quo and its preservation, in principle, were respected by both sides of the conflict, now Azerbaijan is increasingly calling for a military solution to the problem. Especially after the current president of Azerbaijan, I. Aliyev, received the right to be elected to the highest state post an unlimited number of times.

We should also not forget that Russian military bases are located in Armenia, and Moscow and Yerevan have an agreement on mutual military assistance in case of aggression against the territory of one of these states. So, as soon as hostilities break out here, the CSTO will be directly involved in them, and then no one will undertake to predict their consequences.

And an even more complex puzzle is now emerging around the “European” conflict in the post-Soviet space - in Transnistria, where events have recently taken place that can most seriously affect not only a possible peaceful solution to the conflict, but also the entire alignment of political forces in European affairs. .
and how in general it is possible to determine where and whose interests are taken into account or, on the contrary, are infringed upon in the post-Soviet space, if Russia, for example, recognizes the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and all other CIS countries do not. Armenia, as a member of the CSTO, has a military assistance pact with Russia, and Azerbaijan, another CIS state, is ready, in principle, to fight with this very Armenia at any time over Nagorno-Karabakh. Or the same Tajikistan is trying to build a high-rise Rogun hydroelectric power station on its territory, and Uzbekistan is ready to “roughly teach a lesson” to its obstinate neighbor in the CIS for such impudence.

Regarding the situation in Afghanistan. A number of issues were discussed at the 2009 international conference in The Hague. A specific proposal was voiced - a proposal for cooperation between the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the North Atlantic Alliance. This is undoubtedly very logical, since the North Atlantic Alliance operates on the territory of Afghanistan, and the CSTO would provide drug security belts along the route of drug trafficking to Russia and further through Russia to Europe. At the same time, unfortunately, for purely ideological reasons, NATO has so far refrained from establishing any kind of contacts with the CSTO, including in the area in which they have very serious interests, namely in the area of ​​combat with drugs.

Thus, the Collective Security Treaty Organization has not yet participated in hostilities and has not actually resolved conflicts. But now the Organization has a base that meets all the requirements necessary to resolve and prevent armed conflicts.


This paper considers the Collective Security Treaty Organization, its structure, goals and methods of activity.

The Collective Security Treaty Organization has been functioning since 1992 and includes 7 CIS countries. The main direction of its activity is the strengthening of peace, international and regional security and stability, the protection on a collective basis of the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the member states.

The Organization prioritizes political means in achieving its goals, but the Member States have signed an agreement to create a unified army that will be able to take part in hostilities on behalf of the Organization. The CSTO also has a peacekeeping contingent.

the state of international relations, excluding the violation of world peace or the creation of a threat to the security of peoples in any form and realized by the efforts of states on a global or regional scale. Ensuring collective security is based on the principles of peaceful coexistence, equality and equal security, respect for the sovereignty and borders of states, mutually beneficial cooperation and military detente. The question of creating a collective security system was first raised in 1933-1934. at the negotiations of the USSR and France on the conclusion of a multilateral regional European treaty of mutual assistance (later called the Eastern Pact) and the negotiations of the USSR with the US government on the conclusion of a regional Pacific pact with the participation of the USSR, the USA, China, Japan and other states. However, in Europe, the persistent opposition of Great Britain, the maneuvers of the French government, which was trying to negotiate with Germany, and the tricks of A. Hitler, who demanded equal rights for Germany in the field of armaments - all this thwarted the conclusion of a regional pact and the discussion of the issue of collective security resulted in a fruitless discussion. The growing threat of aggression from Nazi Germany forced the USSR and France to start creating a collective security system with the conclusion of the Soviet-French Mutual Assistance Treaty (May 2, 1935). Although it did not provide for the automaticity of mutual assistance obligations in the event of an unprovoked attack by any European state and was not accompanied by a military convention on specific forms, conditions and amounts of military assistance, nevertheless it was the first step in organizing a collective security system on May 16, 1935 was signed by the Soviet-Czechoslovak agreement on mutual assistance. However, it contains the possibility of assistance to Czechoslovakia from the USSR, as well as Czechoslovak assistance Soviet Union, was limited by the indispensable condition for the extension of a similar obligation to France. On Far East The USSR proposed to conclude a Pacific regional pact between the USSR, the USA, China and Japan in order to prevent the aggressive designs of Japanese militarism. It was supposed to sign a non-aggression pact and non-assistance to the aggressor. Initially, the United States positively welcomed this project, but, in turn, proposed expanding the list of participants in the pact, including Great Britain, France and Holland. However, the British government evaded a clear answer on the creation of a Pacific regional security pact, as it connived at the Japanese aggression. The Kuomintang government of China did not show sufficient activity in supporting the Soviet proposal, as it hoped for an agreement with Japan. Given the growth of Japanese armaments, the United States embarked on the path of a race naval armaments, declaring that "the pacts will be given back" and that only a strong fleet is an effective guarantor of security. As a result, by 1937 negotiations on concluding a regional pact to collectively secure peace in the Far East had stalled. In the second half of the 1930s. the issue of a collective security system was discussed more than once at the Council of the League of Nations in connection with the Italian attack on Ethiopia (1935), the entry of German troops into the demilitarized Rhineland (1936), the discussion on changing the regime of the Black Sea straits (1936) and the safety of navigation in the Mediterranean Sea ( 1937). Pursuance by the Western powers of the policy of "appeasement" of Germany and inciting it against the USSR on the eve of the Second World War of 1939-1945. led to the delay by the British and French governments of negotiations on concluding an agreement with the USSR on mutual assistance and on a military convention in the event of an attack on one of the three countries. Poland and Romania also showed an unwillingness to help organize a collective rebuff to fascist aggression. The fruitless negotiations of the military missions of the USSR, Great Britain and France (Moscow, August 13-17, 1939) became the last attempt in the interwar period to create a system of collective security in Europe. In the post-war period, the United Nations was created to maintain peace and international security. However, the achievement of a collective security system was hampered by the deployment of " cold war"and the creation of two opposing military-political groups - NATO and the Department of Internal Affairs. At the Geneva meeting in 1955, the USSR introduced a draft pan-European treaty on collective security, which stipulated that states participating in military-political blocs would undertake obligations not to use armed force against each other. However, the Western powers rejected this proposal. The relaxation of international tension, achieved in the second half of the 1960s - the first half of the 1970s, contributed to the creation of political guarantees of international security. An important result in this process was in August 1975 the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE, since 1990 - OSCE). The "Final Act..." The CSCE included a Declaration of Principles on Relations between States: sovereign equality; non-use of force or threat of force; territorial integrity of states; peaceful settlement of disputes; non-interference in the internal affairs of other states; development of mutually beneficial cooperation in the political, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres. The implementation of these principles in practice opens up ample opportunities for solving the most important task of the people - the strengthening of peace and the security of peoples.

On March 31 this year, an agreement on the mutual protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity obtained and used in the course of military-economic cooperation within the framework of the CSTO came into force. In accordance with the Agreement, cooperation in this area will be carried out by agreeing on issues related to the protection of rights to used and obtained results of intellectual activity, carrying out measures to prevent offenses in the field of intellectual property, exchanging experience on the protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity, and other forms.

At the same time, the participants in military-economic cooperation in the CSTO format in all agreements (contracts) should provide that the use of the used and obtained results of intellectual activity will be carried out only after ensuring their legal protection.

The agreement imposes on its participants an obligation not to manufacture or export military products (MP) from the territory of their state to third countries, manufactured using the results of intellectual activity, the rights to which belong to another party or participants in military-economic cooperation from this party, without a written the consent of the said party.

It is planned to intensify the interaction of the special services of the CSTO member states, solving the tasks of combating crime in the field of information technology to ensure the defense capability of the CSTO member states in general and critical infrastructure in particular. In addition, much attention will be paid to counteracting the use of information technologies for the preparation of terrorist attacks and criminal acts, and information support for state policy.

According to the CSTO Secretary General Nikolai Bordyuzha, the prevention and disclosure of crimes in the field of information technology is closely related to countering terrorism and preventing emergencies.

One of the first practical steps will be the training and retraining within the organization of law enforcement officers specializing in the prevention and detection of crimes in the field of information technology.

An agreement on the peacekeeping activities of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) has entered into force - the document provides for the creation of the Organization's peacekeeping forces, based on the peacekeeping contingents of member states.

The agreement on the peacekeeping activities of the CSTO was signed by the heads of the member states of the Organization on October 6, 2007 at a summit in Dushanbe. Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia ratified the document on July 14, November 18 and December 29, 2008. The Russian Federation became the fourth state that completed the domestic procedures necessary for the entry into force of the Agreement.

"The agreement provides for the creation on a permanent basis of the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces from the peacekeeping contingents allocated by the member states on a permanent basis. The latter will be trained according to uniform programs, equipped with uniform or compatible models of weapons and communications, and take part in regular joint exercises."

According to the document, the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces will be able to take part in peacekeeping operations both on the territory of the member states of the Organization and, by decision of the UN Security Council, in other regions. The CSTO includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

At present, the CSTO is pursuing a very active policy, developing the directions of its activities. President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev said that the rapid reaction forces in terms of combat potential would be no worse than similar NATO structures.

2. The concept of collective security and its concept

2.1 The concept and essence of security

Security- 1. A state in which there is no danger, there is protection from danger.

State security, protection of state security - a set of measures to protect the existing state and social system, territorial integrity and independence of the state from the subversive activities of intelligence and other special services of hostile states, as well as from opponents of the existing system within the country.

The protection of State Security includes a set of measures of a political, economic, military and legal nature aimed at identifying, preventing and suppressing the activities of forces, intelligence agencies seeking to undermine and weaken the state and social system, violate the territorial integrity of the country concerned. The elements of the State Security protection system are also measures of general prevention of subversive activities, fencing of special-purpose facilities, etc.

The essence of security lies in the fact that ensuring military security is the most important activity of the state. The main goals of ensuring military security are the prevention, localization and neutralization of military threats.

Russia considers ensuring its military security in the context of building a democratic state of law, implementing social and economic reforms, mutually beneficial cooperation and good neighborliness in international relations, consistent formation of a common and comprehensive system of international security, and maintaining and strengthening world peace.

Russia retains the status of a nuclear power to deter (prevent) aggression against it and (or) its allies, attaches priority to strengthening the collective security system within the CIS on the basis of developing and strengthening the Collective Security Treaty.

Other countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization do not have a nuclear potential, like the Russian Federation, but, in turn, also build a security system based on good neighborliness in international relations, while strengthening their military power and armies, but exclusively for the purpose of protecting from the aggressor.

2.2 The security concept of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty

The concept of collective security of the states - parties to the Collective Security Treaty of May 15, 1992 (hereinafter - the Concept) is a set of views of the states - parties to the Collective Security Treaty (hereinafter - the participating states) on the prevention and elimination of threats to peace, joint defense against aggression and ensuring their sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The concept is based on the principles of the UN, the OSCE, the Collective Security Treaty, as well as the provisions of other documents adopted by the participating states in its development.

The concept includes: the basics of the military policy of the participating states, the basics of ensuring collective security, the main directions and stages of creating a collective security system.


On the Concept of Collective Security of the Participating States

about the concept of collective security
member states of the Collective Security Treaty

Collective Security Council

1. Approve the Collective Security Concept of the States Parties to the Collective Security Treaty (attached).

2. Consider at the session of the Collective Security Council the draft Plan for the implementation of the Collective Security Concept.

For the purpose of developing a draft Plan, create a temporary working group under the Secretary General of the Collective Security Council from representatives of the participating states.

Done in the city of Almaty on February 10, 1995 in one original copy in Russian. The original copy is stored in the Archives of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, which will send to each state that signed this Decision, its certified copy.

For the Republic of Armenia
L. Ter-Petrosyan

For the Republic of Belarus
A. Lukashenko

For the Republic of Georgia

For the Republic of Kazakhstan

For the Kyrgyz Republic

For the Russian Federation
B. Yeltsin

For the Republic of Tajikistan
E. Rakhmonov

For the Republic of Uzbekistan
I. Karimov

* The decision was signed by the Republic of Belarus with a note: "See comments" (published on p.51).
** The decision is not signed by the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Application. The concept of collective security of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty

to the decision of the Council of the collective
security about the concept of collective
the security of participating States
Collective Security Treaties
February 10, 1995


The Collective Security Concept of the States Parties to the Collective Security Treaty of May 15, 1992 (hereinafter referred to as the Concept) is a set of views of the States Parties to the Collective Security Treaty (hereinafter the States Parties) on the prevention and elimination of threats to peace, joint defense against aggression, ensuring their sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The concept is based on the principles of the UN, the OSCE, the Collective Security Treaty, as well as the provisions of other documents adopted by the participating states in its development.

The concept includes: the basics of the military policy of the participating states, the basics of ensuring collective security, the main directions and stages of creating a collective security system.

The implementation of the provisions of the Concept provides for the implementation of agreed political, economic, military and other measures.

In political and military relations, the participating states do not consider any state or coalition of states to be their adversary, they see all states of the world community as equal partners.

1. Fundamentals of the military policy of the participating states

The participating states are united by military-political and economic interests, the existing military-technical base and infrastructure, and the desire to pursue a coordinated policy to ensure collective security.

The participating States will hold consultations in order to coordinate positions and pursue an agreed security policy:

in relation to other CIS member states - on issues of military cooperation and mutual assistance in solving problems of military organizational development;

in relation to NATO and other military-political organizations - on issues of cooperation and partnership, participation in existing and new structures of regional security that are being created.

The participating States ensure collective security with all the possibilities at their disposal, with priority given to peaceful means. When developing measures to ensure collective security, they take into account the following.

The end of the global confrontation between East and West has significantly reduced the risk of a world war.

At the same time, there is a significant number of regional interstate and intrastate problems, the aggravation of which is fraught with escalation into armed conflicts and local wars. The prerequisites for this remain in social, political, economic, territorial, national-ethnic, religious and other contradictions, as well as in the commitment of a number of states to resolve them by force.

The participating states consider the following to be the main sources of military danger:

territorial claims of other countries to the participating states;

existing and potential centers of local wars and armed conflicts, primarily in the immediate vicinity of the borders of the participating states;

the possibility of using (including unauthorized) nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction, which are in service with a number of states;

the proliferation of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and the latest military production technologies, combined with the attempts of individual countries, organizations and terrorist groups to realize their political and military aspirations;

the possibility of undermining the stability of the strategic situation as a result of violation of international agreements in the field of limitation and reduction of armed forces and armaments, unjustified buildup of military power by other states and military-political alliances;

attempts to interfere from the outside in the internal affairs of the participating states, to destabilize their internal political situation;

international terrorism, blackmail policy.

As factors that can lead to the escalation of a military danger into a direct military threat, the participating States consider:

building up groupings of troops (forces) in the regions adjacent to the external borders of the participating states to the extent that violates the existing balance of forces;

creation and training on the territory of other states of armed formations intended for use against participating states;

unleashing border conflicts and armed provocations from the territory of neighboring states;

the introduction of foreign troops into the territories adjacent to the participating States (if this is not related to measures to restore and maintain peace in accordance with the decision of the UN Security Council or the OSCE).

The participating states consider the following priority areas in joint activities to prevent a military threat:

participation, together with other states and international organizations, in the creation of collective security systems in Europe and Asia;

coordination of actions to implement existing and develop new international agreements on disarmament and arms control;

expansion of confidence-building measures in the military field;

the establishment and development of equal partnership relations with NATO, other military-political organizations and regional security structures, aimed at effectively solving the tasks of strengthening peace;

stepping up dialogue on the preparation and adoption of effective international agreements in the field of reduction of naval forces and armaments, as well as the limitation of naval activities;

conducting peacekeeping operations by decision of the UN Security Council, OSCE, in accordance with international obligations;

coordinating efforts to protect the external borders of the participating states;

maintaining the armed forces and other troops of the participating states at a level that ensures defense sufficiency.

II. Fundamentals of ensuring collective security

The goal of the participating states in ensuring collective security is to prevent wars and armed conflicts, and in the event of their unleashing, to guarantee the protection of the interests, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the participating states.

In peacetime, this goal is achieved by settling disputable problems, international and regional crises exclusively by political, conciliatory means, maintaining the defense potential of each state, taking into account both national and collective interests.

Each participating State shall take appropriate measures to ensure the stability of its borders. On the basis of mutual agreement, they coordinate the activities of the border troops and other competent services to maintain the established regime in the border zones of the participating States.

In the event of a threat to the security, territorial integrity and sovereignty of one or more participating States or a threat international peace the participating states immediately put into action the mechanism of joint consultations in order to coordinate their positions and take concrete measures to eliminate the threat that has arisen.

The strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation perform the function of deterrence from possible attempts to implement aggressive intentions against the participating states in accordance with the military doctrine of the Russian Federation.

In the event of aggression, the participating States, in accordance with Article 4 of the Collective Security Treaty, repel it and take measures to force the aggressor to cease hostilities. To achieve this, they determine and plan in advance the content, forms and methods of joint action.

The collective security of the participating states is based on the following basic principles:

indivisibility of security: aggression against one participating state is considered as aggression against all participating states;

equal responsibility of the participating states for ensuring security;

observance of territorial integrity, respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs and consideration of each other's interests;

collectivity of defense, created on a regional basis;

making decisions on fundamental issues of ensuring collective security on the basis of consensus;

compliance of the composition and readiness of forces and means with the scale of the military threat.

III. Collective security system.
The main directions of its creation

The basis of collective security is the system of collective security, which the participating states consider as a set of interstate and state governing bodies, forces and means that ensure, on a common legal basis (taking into account national legislation), the protection of their interests, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The interstate bodies of the collective security system are:

The Collective Security Council is the highest political body at the interstate level, which ensures coordination and joint activities of the participating states aimed at the implementation of the Collective Security Treaty;

The Council of Foreign Ministers is the highest advisory body of the Collective Security Council on issues of coordinating the domestic and foreign policies of the participating states;

The Council of Defense Ministers is the highest advisory body of the Collective Security Council on military policy and military development of the participating states.

To solve specific problems of ensuring collective security, other control bodies may be created, acting on a permanent or temporary basis.

The state bodies of the collective security system are the bodies of the political and military leadership of the participating states.

As forces and means of the collective security system, the participating states consider:

the armed forces and other troops of the participating States;

coalition (joint) groupings of troops (forces) in the regions that will be created to repel aggression against the participating states;

joint (combined) air defense system, other systems.

The creation of forces and means of the collective security system is aimed at deterring a possible aggressor, timely opening of the preparation of a possible aggression and repulsing it, ensuring the protection of the borders of the participating states, participation in peacekeeping operations.

The Collective Security Council for peacekeeping operations conducted in accordance with the decision of the UN Security Council, the OSCE, may create collective peacekeeping forces.

The participating states consider the following as the main directions for creating a collective security system:

approximation of the main provisions of the legislative acts of the participating states in the field of defense and security;

holding regular consultations on the problems of military construction and training of the armed forces of the participating states;

development of common approaches to issues of bringing troops (forces) to the highest levels of combat readiness, forms and methods of their training, operational and combat use, as well as coordinated mobilization preparation of the economy of the participating states;

achievement of multilateral agreements on the use of elements of military infrastructure, air and water space of the participating states;

coordinating the issues of operational equipment of the territories of the participating states in the interests of collective defense;

carrying out joint measures of operational and combat training of the armed forces and other troops of the participating states;

coordination of training programs for military personnel and specialists;

coordination of plans for the development, production, supply and repair of weapons and military equipment;

development of uniform approaches to the norms for the creation and maintenance of stocks of material resources.

The formation of a collective security system is carried out sequentially (in stages), taking into account the development of the military-political situation in the world.

At the first stage:

basically complete the creation of the armed forces of the participating States;

develop a program of military and military-technical cooperation between the participating states and begin its implementation;

develop and adopt legal acts regulating the functioning of the collective security system.

At the second stage:

create coalition (unified) groupings of troops (forces) to repel possible aggression and plan their use;

create a joint (unified) air defense system;

consider the creation of a joint armed forces.

At the third stage, complete the creation of a system of collective security of the participating states.

The participating states in their activities to ensure collective security will comply with the UN Charter, generally accepted international legal norms and principles.

This Concept of Collective Security consolidates the commitment of the participating states to the goals of preventing wars and armed conflicts, eliminating them from the system of international relations, creating conditions for the comprehensive development of individuals, societies and states based on the ideals of humanism, democracy and universal security.

The provisions of the Concept will be supplemented, clarified and improved as further development and strengthening of cooperation between the participating States and the formation of a new system of international relations.

to the Decision on the Concept of Collective Security
member states of the Collective Security Treaty
The Republic of Belarus

Section II. Fundamentals of ensuring collective security

1. In paragraph 1, after the words "participating States", add "on the basis of bilateral agreements".

2. In paragraph 4, delete the words "or threats to international peace" (this goes beyond the scope of the Collective Security Treaty).

The text of the document is verified by:
(Information Bulletin of the CIS) N 1,
Minsk, 1995

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