The role of public organizations in the consolidation of the Ossetian people. The role of public associations in strengthening interethnic and interfaith peace and harmony in the Russian Federation Ethnocultural organizations

Design and interior 20.07.2019
Design and interior

The life activity of ethnic minorities in the host polycultural space has its own characteristics, since they strive, on the one hand, to integrate into the host society, and on the other hand, to preserve and protect their ethno-cultural integrity by updating the cultural traditions of the ethnic group. Under these conditions, the idea of ​​ethno-cultural self-government is extremely relevant. Successful cultural development, the ability to meet the national needs of ethnic groups, a sense of equivalence and self-importance in interethnic dialogue are necessary conditions for their progressive development. In this sense, the mechanism of national-cultural societies is quite promising. Within the framework of such associations, ethnic groups and ethnic groups are guided by the progressive development of national cultures while maintaining and developing the all-Russian cultural integrity and contribute to the harmonization interethnic relations in North Ossetia-Alania.

Public organization "Iudzinad" for several years has been interacting with other Public organizations and Family Councils within the framework of the created Subdivision of SORKPOOO "Iudzinad" - the "Council of Public Organizations of Ossetia".

The activities of the Council are aimed at preserving and promoting the national and cultural values ​​of the Ossetian people, within the framework of which various events, including national holidays, rituals, meetings with figures of art and culture, public figures, officials, etc. But for the further, fruitful development of the Council and the Public Organization "Iudzinad" itself, it is necessary to determine further work plans in the matter of preserving and developing the national and cultural values ​​of the Ossetian people. For this purpose, on the initiative of SORKPOOO "Iujinad", an event was held: Round table "Role of public organizations in the consolidation of the Ossetian people".

The event was opened by the Chairman of the Board of SORPCO "Iudzinad" Kuchiev B., who thanked all those present for responding to the invitation and delivered a welcoming speech: "Our ancient people, fairly cut off from their tribal traditions, on the ruins of what we have today, national public organizations are being created to help young people turn to their roots, their culture and traditions. And today we will talk about how we can preserve together what we still have today, and what joint actions will help us unite the Ossetian people around the national idea.”

Tsomaev T. A member of the Coordinating Council of SORKPOOO “Iudzinad”, presented to the audience the Project “Concepts of the Spiritual and Moral Development of the Ossetian People”. In which it is noted that “A concept is a certain way of understanding (interpretation, perception) of an object, phenomenon or process, the main idea, the main point of view on the subject, the guiding idea for its systematic coverage, a set of views that are interconnected and follow one from the other, a system of views on phenomena in the world, nature, society and ways to solve the chosen problem. The concept determines the strategy of action.

The concept is an organized process of assimilation and acceptance of basic national values ​​that have a hierarchical structure and a complex organization. The bearers of these values ​​are the peoples of the Republic, cultural and territorial communities, traditional religious associations, and the family. It (the Concept) takes into account the cultural diversity that exists in the Republic, the country and the world as a whole. Ensuring the spiritual and moral education and development of the younger generation is a key task of the Ossetian people, whose task is to raise a generation of worthy citizens of Russia, which will benefit the republic and the country, strengthen their positions on the world stage.

The concept should contribute to the formation of a citizen's sense of patriotism, pride in his Fatherland, in his small Motherland, the city, village in which he was born and raised, an active civic position and readiness to serve the Fatherland. Real Concept developed in accordance with the spiritual and moral values ​​of the Ossetian people.

Tsomaev T. emphasized: “One of the first decisions taken from the beginning of the work of the Public Organization “Iudzinad” was the creation of the “Council of Ministers of the Sanctuaries of Ossetia”. The purpose of its establishment was the need to improve the institution of national and cultural self-identity of the Ossetian people, to develop proposals that would provide new opportunities for the work of the institute "dzuary læggadgændzhitæ" in modern conditions.

Kuchiev B. noted that the public organization "Iudzinad" Special attention devotes to the topic of supporting the activities of public organizations - Family Councils, conducts a lot of explanatory work. "Family Councils" - form the core of the public sector, are partners of the state in the ethno-cultural development and strengthening the unity of our country. Therefore, they need to be supported and helped by representatives of families, to create Councils, and in this the help from the Public Organization “Iujinad” is extremely important.”

Those present expressed their opinion on the forthcoming processes of reforming the MOU " Supreme Council Ossetians, and the fact that during its work this organization could not become the center around which the people would rally, and the absence in this organization of such elders who could be equal to young people.

Representatives of the IPM "Supreme Council of Ossetians" Tsomaev A. and Agkatsev Yu. were outraged by the criticism leveled at the organization and tried to protect the interests of their organization, emphasizing that the organization constantly carries out activities aimed at preserving the spiritual and moral values ​​of the Ossetian people, conferences, meetings etc. Meetings are constantly held with representatives of the Youth Parliament of North Ossetia-Alania. Many of the issues that they could not solve are related to the lack of funding. Members of the MOD organization "Supreme Council of Ossetians" must also be paid a salary so that they can devote all their time and energy to the implementation of their statutory goals.

The representative of the Maliev family - Kazbek noted that young people today are far from the concepts of "Iron Ægdau", because it is difficult to live by the rules, it is easier to live without rules. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to drastic measures and introduce culture in the form of a firm code of conduct. And the rules of conduct should come from revered and respected elders.

The head of the organization "Nysan" Shavlokhov R. emphasized that such events are intended to honestly, uncompromisingly get to the bottom of the truth. To form views on the essence of the problem and possible ways to solve it - taking into account the maximum range of opinions and interests. The essence of the problem is that the “Concept of the Spiritual and Moral Development of the Ossetian People” under consideration must be brought to the attention of the people, so that the people decide what we all need to do, so that the Ossetian society turns to its spiritual and moral values. The authorities of North Ossetia-Alania should also be involved in the process of consolidating society around the national idea, since we cannot implement many issues without lobbying from the authorities.

The discussion was also attended by representatives of families from different regions of the Republic, including the Mozdok region: Kasaevs, Kuchievs, Kallagovs, Kulovs, Abaevs, Zagalovs, Tuaevs, etc. taking into account opinions, to adopt the final version at the next "Forum of Ossetian families".

It is necessary to revive the forgotten "Nykhas". Our people especially do not accept some forms of expression of their will offered by the state - rallies, marches, which often acquire a destructive character. The voice of our people at all times sounded at nykhas-gatherings, as the dictates of the mind and will of the people, as the call of their hearts.

Nykhas - as a constantly working institution of civil society, is hallmark Ossetian society. Since ancient times, the most important issues of the Ossetian people: issues of war and peace, issues of the life order of society, internal and external contradictions. The continuation of this historical tradition should be the modern Alanian Nykhas.

The event also highlighted the problems associated with the reform of the education system, with the situation of the native language. It is no secret that with the strengthening of the vertical of power in the country, the education system was subjected to unprecedented centralization. Frankly speaking, the indifference to the problems of national schools on the part of the Ministry of Education and Science is surprising. Today, under the conditions of so-called optimization, for some reason the issue of creating national schools is being closed, the curricula are reducing the hours allotted for the native language. But the problem of the national-regional component is not only fate national school, we are talking, in fact, about the national policy of Russia.

In order for the work among the younger generation to master the native language to bring more tangible results, national public organizations need to intensify their activities, unite, and jointly prevent the authorities from making another mistake, trying to build a new civilization on the ruins of the old one. So far, the problems in this area have not been radically resolved, but certain prerequisites have already been created for the subsequent development of public consciousness.

Today we are obliged to develop the national ideology, to make it the life-changing basis of the life of future generations. In the context of globalization, only a strong, united nation, aimed at self-determination within the framework of a single federal statehood, can save the national identity of any people from erosion and merger with Western pseudo-culture, deifying the cheap values ​​of the consumer society. We need a Russia that recognizes the peculiarity and value of its peoples, and does not reject their right to their national self-identity as part of a single federative power. There can be no other Russia!

Press service of SORKPOOO "Iujinad"

A special role in the development of initiative ethnocultural activities at the federal level is played by annual competitions for grants from the President of the Russian Federation to support creative projects national importance in the field of culture and art. In the Regulations on such grants, the section "Folk Art" is highlighted.

At the regional level, support for civic initiatives in the ethno-cultural sphere is being strengthened both by state authorities in charge of culture and education, and by individual non-state non-profit structures (such as the Regional Development Fund).

At the same time, in solving ethno-cultural problems, as part of the modern regional socio-cultural policy, new resources are weakly involved, in particular, institutions and organizations that have the status of non-state non-profit structures. Their participation in the development of the ethno-cultural sphere of the regions, if it occurs, is mainly, spontaneously, sporadically and on a small scale. However, some of them (for example, the Regional Development Fund) have already accumulated innovative ideas and experience in organizational and pedagogical activities in this area.

Traditional folk (ethnic) culture is defined by researchers as a set of material and spiritual values ​​created by one or another people (ethnos). The traditional folk culture includes the festive and ritual, family, household and ethno-pedagogical traditions of the ethnos passed down from generation to generation, as well as folk art culture (the artistic values ​​of a particular people, the forms of their existence in ethnic communities). Folk art culture (ethno-artistic culture) is represented by oral folk art, folk music, dancing, arts and crafts, folklore theater and other types of folk art. Traditional folk holidays, rituals, artistic creativity, since ancient times embodied the spiritual and moral values ​​and ideals of the ethnic group, its self-consciousness, character, behavior stereotypes, which were passed down from generation to generation using the means of ethnopedagogics.

Ethnic groups differ from each other in their ethnic identity - one of the forms of social consciousness.

characteristic feature ethnic identity is the presence of a whole range of emotionally colored stereotypes. Ethnic stereotypes of behavior are reflected in traditional folk culture, which L.N. Gumilyov singles out as one of the main features of any ethnic group.

Each ethnic group forms its own, the most appropriate for its survival and development in a particular natural environment stereotypes, spiritual and moral norms and values. And every ethnic group, people strives to pass these norms and values ​​to the next generations, using the forms and means of ethno pedagogy (fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, folk games, holidays, rituals, folk art, etc.). They have an important impact on the character of both a particular individual and the ethnic group as a whole.

The diverse ethnocultural traditions of the peoples of Russia are a treasure trove of topical modern society spiritual and moral values ​​and ideals. Among the main values ​​of the Russian traditional culture bringing it closer to the cultures of other peoples of our country, T.I.Baklanova highlights the following:

- Value for mother as one of the main shrines and motherhood as the unity of natural (biological) and spiritual and moral principles.

– The value of the family and traditional family relationships, built on respect for parents, mutual assistance and empathy.

- Value native land, Motherland.

The value of diligence and work on native land.

Value healthy lifestyle life and spiritual beauty of man.

On this basis, one of the most important functions of traditional folk culture should be recognized as an axiological function. Its other functions are regulatory, cognitive, adaptive and information and communication.

The concept of "traditional folk culture" is interconnected with the concept of "ethno-cultural activity", which can be interpreted in two ways.

The data set "National-cultural associations and national public organizations" contains detailed information on national public associations (NGOs) and national cultural autonomies (NCA) of the city of Moscow, including the legal and actual addresses of organizations, details, location, full name of the head, contact details and work schedule.

The LEO and NSA of the city of Moscow began to be created in the early 1990s XX century and were legalized with the adoption of the federal laws "On Public Associations" (1995) and "On National-Cultural Autonomies" (1996). All organizations of this type (NGOs and NCAs) are non-commercial and arise on the initiative of groups of citizens in order to realize their ethno-cultural identity. There are three levels of national-cultural autonomy: local, regional and federal. In accordance with the Law, three local autonomies can form a regional NCA, and three regional autonomies can form a federal NCA.

The current situation in Russia

National public associations and national-cultural autonomies are being created in all regions of the Russian Federation, but they are most active in ethno-contact zones and places of compact residence of ethnic groups that are in a numerical minority. NOUs and NCAs of large cities and metropolitan areas (St. Petersburg and Moscow) interact with executive authorities through the creation of advisory councils under the relevant authorities.

The current situation in Moscow

The Moscow agglomeration has more than 13 million inhabitants, representing 160 ethnic communities of the country, near and far abroad. The most numerous of them, according to the last census of 2010, are: Russians - 91.6%, Ukrainians - 1.4%, Tatars - 1.4%, Armenians - 1%, Azerbaijanis - 0.5%, Jews - 0.5%. More than 100 NOOs and NCAs of various levels operate in the city of Moscow.

The authorized executive body of the city of Moscow in the field of implementing national policy, ensuring interethnic and interfaith harmony, forming relations of civil solidarity in the metropolis is the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow. The Department interacts with national and interethnic organizations and autonomies, holds events, holidays and festivals aimed at preserving ethnic and cultural traditions, harmonizing interethnic relations in the city of Moscow, preventing manifestations of extremism and xenophobia, including among the youth.

The platform for the interaction of executive authorities with the national community of the city of Moscow is the Council for Nationalities under the Government of Moscow - a permanent consultative and advisory body - and its 10 commissions. The Council is formed from among the leaders of national public associations and national-cultural autonomies, experts and representatives of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

The new composition of the Council, approved in June 2016, includes more than 80 national and international organizations.

Do you know what?

Since 1998, the Moscow House of Nationalities (MDN) has been operating in Moscow, where representatives of Moscow ethno-cultural associations constantly hold their events - evenings, exhibitions, round tables. On its site, meetings of the commissions of the Council for Nationalities under the Government of Moscow and the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation are also held. You can learn about the cultural events of the MDN and its activities on the organization's website at

The material was prepared on the basis of information from the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow, portals:,

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