Russian triad. Nuclear triad of Russia: composition and purpose

Technique and Internet 19.07.2019
Technique and Internet

Separation of strategic nuclear charges of the state between several types of nuclear armed forces strategic purpose ensures the impossibility of destroying the entire combat-ready arsenal of nuclear weapons in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy and provides greater flexibility in its use. Even with the complete destruction of the arsenals in any two components, the third must be able to strike back, guaranteeing the destruction of the enemy or causing him unacceptable damage.

classical nuclear triad consists of land, sea and air components. It is believed that 3 countries have a full-fledged nuclear triad: the USA, Russia and China.

Tactical nuclear charges are not part of the nuclear triad. In Russia, the nuclear triad, according to the current composition of the Strategic Nuclear Forces of the Russian Federation, consists of:

  • Naval Strategic Forces


Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) of stationary and mobile basing. Low vulnerability is provided due to the high security of stationary silo launchers that can withstand a close (up to several hundred meters) nuclear explosion of medium power and disperse them on the ground. Mobile ground and rail launchers are able to quickly change positions and maneuver within the entire road network of the country, which makes them difficult to detect and destroy.


The main carrier of intercontinental ballistic missiles in the fleet are nuclear submarines. They have a long autonomy and are able to covertly maneuver within the entire world ocean, and launch missiles from a submerged position, as well as emerging from under the ice of the North Pole, which makes their detection and destruction before the launch of missiles a very difficult task. There are submarines capable of carrying up to 24 ICBMs, with fourteen individually targetable warheads each (Ohio-class boats), which makes even a single submarine extremely dangerous. Some surface ships are capable of carrying cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.


The carrier of air-launched cruise missiles with nuclear warheads and nuclear bombs are strategic bombers capable of long-range flights and being in the air for a long time on patrol, including near the borders of a potential enemy. This enables political pressure on the enemy, ensures a quick strike in the event of a war. Another advantage is the ability to quickly maneuver forces and the ability to hit targets almost anywhere in the world.

see also

  • Russian nuclear arsenal


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Ballistic missile cruisers, strike aviation complexes and heavy intercontinental missiles- until 2027, the arsenal of the Strategic Missile Forces will be completely updated, Tu-160 missile carriers will be modernized, and submarine fleet. About what nuclear weapon land, sea and air-based will go to military units, - in the material RIA Novosti.

peace guarantors

It is planned to operate Bulava for 30-40 years. The radius of action is eight thousand kilometers, the starting weight is 36.8 tons. Warhead - from six to ten hypersonic maneuvering nuclear blocks of individual guidance with a total mass of 1.15 tons, changing the flight path in altitude and course. Each of the Boreys is armed with sixteen missiles. Nuclear submarines can carry out launches from anywhere in the world's oceans - both on the surface and in the submerged position. By 2020, the Navy will receive eight boats of this project.

Boreas will replace the world's most powerful Project 941 Shark nuclear submarines. Displacement "Sharks" - almost 50 thousand tons, length - 172 meters, width - 23 meters. A total of six such cruisers were built. "Dmitry Donskoy", the lead in the series, was laid down in 1976, and was accepted into the combat strength of the Northern Fleet in 1981. After repair and modernization, it was re-equipped for testing the Bulava. It currently remains the only "Shark" in the Navy.

Combat duty today is carried out by other submarine cruisers of previous generations - nuclear-powered ships of the Kalmar and Dolphin projects. They are armed with sixteen R-29R intercontinental missiles and its improved version R-29RMU2 "Sineva". However, these third-generation submarines are already over thirty years old, and they are gradually being withdrawn from the fleet.

closed sky

Strategic aviation will also not be left without attention. Its backbone today is the Tu-95MS "Bear" and Tu-160 "White Swan" heavy bombers-missile carriers. The Aerospace Forces annually receive several units of modernized aircraft into service.

Recent modifications involve refinement under cruise missiles Kh-101/102, respectively, with non-nuclear and nuclear warheads. starting weight- 2.4 tons, range - 5500 kilometers. The missiles are mass-produced for Tu-95MS strategic bombers.

Often for teaching nuclear forces long-range supersonic missile carriers Tu-22M3 are also involved. And although they have other tasks, it is no less formidable weapon than "strategists". Each "carcass" carries 24 tons of ammunition, making raids at speeds up to 2,300 kilometers per hour for thousands of kilometers from the base. Tu-22M3s are armed with Kh-22M supersonic guided missiles with a range of up to 480 kilometers.

In addition, it is assumed that the "twenty-second" will become carriers promising complexes"Dagger" with hypersonic missiles. This weapon develops a speed of ten Machs (ten speeds of sound), is guaranteed to overcome all existing air and missile defense systems, delivering nuclear and conventional warheads to a distance of up to two thousand kilometers.

Have you ever heard a financial and economic analyst covering the technology issues of the Strategic Missile Forces? Now you will hear it, but do not panic, our resource has conducted its own analysis of the state of Russian nuclear forces.

On June 17 of this year, on the Neuromir-TV channel for a wide observer, the analytical program “Crisis. Issue No. 54: The charge of "buckshot" from Demura. Here, absolutely without any hesitation, he loudly declares that Russia does not have a Strategic Missile Forces, and even finds reasons ... Demura began to issue his “pearls” regarding the shelf life of nuclear warheads of ICBMs from 12:00 minutes of the analytical program.

Our sources.
The composition and shelf life of nuclear elements for filling warheads of monobloc and multiple warheads of ICBMs, air-launched cruise missiles, and sea-launched ballistic missiles. Speaking about the shelf life of nuclear warheads of the above types of missiles, you need to know the composition of the warhead, and this is plutonium 239, synthesized during the spontaneous fission of uranium 235 and 238, the half-life of plutonium 239 is 24110 years (this is the main criterion for evaluating the period).

But warhead the warhead is a very complex structural unit, it also includes an initiating fuse from Tritium (trinitrotoluene and liquid oxygen). Even it becomes unusable only after 25-30 years. And for more than 50 years, its production in Russia has been steadily engaged in the Mayak production association in the city of Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk region. So the Russian Federation has no problems with the production of tritium fuses, and plutonium reserves are still very large, although it is no longer being produced.

We have considered the issue of the durability of warheads, we are moving on to the direct latest developments in rocket technology.
Now our Strategic Missile Forces are armed with 78 single-block strategic missile systems"Topol" in three modifications: mobile installations 15ZH65M "Topol" and 15ZH65M2 "Topol-M" -18 complexes, and 60 "Topol-M" mine-based. This family of ICBMs belongs to the light class of missiles, has mobility and the latest complex means of overcoming enemy missile defense (chaff, decoys, infrared traps, infrared aerosols, gas-dynamic blocks for performing energetic anti-aircraft maneuvers).

The range of "Topol" is 10500-11000 km. Mobile and mine installations are covered by battalions of Special Forces troops from the ground, and Tor-M1V, 2, Pantsir-S1 and S-300 (400) air defense systems from precision weapons from the air.

Another family of missiles is the RS-18B and RS-20B. RS-18B - 70 carriers with 6 warheads, 420 nuclear charges, RS-20B - 58 carriers with 10 warheads, 580 nuclear charges. These intercontinental ballistic missiles based in mines launchers(silos) high degree protection from the effects of a nuclear explosion. RS-18B "" - has a take-off weight of about 105.6 tons, RS-20B "Satan" -211 tons. The warheads of the missiles also have maneuvering engines and KSPPRO (a set of means to overcome missile defense). To date, not a single American nuclear warning and missile defense system is capable of effectively preventing a retaliatory strike by these powerful missile systems, especially when supported by another, no less important, strategic component.

The well-known strategic "White Swan" and long-range bombers Tu-22M3. Let's fast forward for a moment to a hypothetical maritime theater of operations.

NATO countries conduct strategic aerospace offensive operation against Russian Federation using cruise missiles BGM-109B "Tomohawk": more than 1200 cruise missiles were fired at strategic industrial and military facilities in the European part of Russia. Flight time is 1.5-2.5 hours. And this is only the first massive missile and air strike. tactical aviation USA and UK every 3 hours litter the affected area anti-aircraft missile systems S-300PMU-1 and S-400 with dozens of Kharm and Alarm anti-radar missiles.

Our "Three Hundreds", using all 36 target channels, each at the same time, cope with the "star raid", but with great effort, and not without losses. Several of the first modifications of the S-300PS, the near dead zone of which was not covered by the Tor, Pantsir, or Tungusska air defense systems, let through attacking air attack weapons and are destroyed. Air battles are underway: dozens of units are raised into the sky fighter aviation Russia (Su-27, Su-30SM, Su-35S, MiG-29S, SMT, T-50 PAK-FA), they are opposed by Typhoons, F-16С Block 60, F-15SE and F-22A. Losses on both sides, ratio 3:5 in favor of the Russian Air Force.

American strategic bombers B-52H with AGM-86B cruise missiles through the Arctic Circle are approaching the northern borders of the Russian Federation at a distance of 2780 km from the silo of the Russian "Satan" missile to strike using tactical nuclear warheads with a capacity of 5 kt. Missiles break off the suspensions and fall on the trajectory. From the air base near the city of Ivanovo, 8 A-50U early warning and control aircraft were lifted into the air, 5 were sent to air space Western Military District, 3 towards the Arctic Circle. Missiles fired from a B-52H were detected and escorted by one A-50U. Further, these missiles were intercepted by MiG-31BM air defense interceptors. Most were destroyed 70 km from the mines, the rest - 30 km defensive "Torami".

And now the time has come for the work of the "White Swan" and the Tu-22M3. At the very height of the combined arms clashes, three units of the Tu-160 took off from the air base in Engels, then another 5 units of the Tu-22M3 joined it. Two dozen Su-30MK multirole fighters began to escort the strike squadron. The first target of the strike echelon was the American Globus-2 SPRYAU radar at the Varde base in Norway. For this, 24 Kh-55SM cruise missiles were fired. 14 missiles were intercepted over the Norwegian segment of the flight path by the combined NATO air force. 10 have reached the target - and the most important American nuclear warning point is inactive.

The next two important targets are the radar station in Great Britain and in Tula in Greenland. To carry out this operation, one cannot do without suppressing the "Aegis" air defense missile cruisers and aircraft carriers. Tu-22M3 entered the game with high-speed anti-ship missiles X-22, with the help of sixty four-wing missiles, the main enemy forces, the Ticonderoga cruiser, were sunk. The Arleigh Burke destroyers and aircraft carriers were destroyed by a massive missile attack from the Su-30MK escort flight. air force, which NATO could have thrown to protect its navies in the North Atlantic zone, were drawn into protracted air battles with the air forces of the CSTO countries.

Now the "White Swans" without much effort disabled the radar American system warnings in England and Greenland, preparing clear skies for a likely retaliatory nuclear strike Russian complexes"Stiletto", "Satan" and "Topol-M" in the United States.

This is a very real look at the Russian Nuclear Triad. And Mr. Demura, apparently, reread some Masonic propaganda in the style of Tom Clancy while studying at the University of Chicago. So everything in our nuclear forces is normal, and the shield is strong as before in the USSR.

, intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear submarine missile carriers. The division of the strategic nuclear charges of the state between several types of nuclear armed forces strategic purpose ensures that the entire combat-ready arsenal of nuclear weapons cannot be destroyed in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy and provides greater flexibility in its use. Even with the complete destruction of the arsenals of any two components, the third must be able to strike back, guaranteeing the destruction of the enemy or causing him unacceptable damage.

classical nuclear triad consists of land, sea and air components. It is believed that in the 20th century the superpowers of the USSR and the USA, which had nuclear parity, had a full-fledged nuclear triad, and at present, of all the nuclear powers, only the USA, Russia and China have a nuclear triad (the nuclear forces of France are also approaching this concept) and since recently India.

Tactical nukes are not part of the nuclear triad. In Russia, the nuclear triad, according to the current composition of the Strategic Nuclear Forces of the Russian Federation, consists of:


Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) of stationary and mobile basing. Low vulnerability is provided due to the high security of stationary silo launchers that can withstand a close (up to several hundred meters) nuclear explosion of medium power and disperse them on the ground. Mobile ground and rail launchers are able to quickly change positions and maneuver within the entire road network of the country, which makes them difficult to detect and destroy.


The main carrier of intercontinental ballistic missiles in the fleet are nuclear submarines. They have a long autonomy and are able to covertly maneuver throughout the world's oceans, and launch missiles from a submerged position, as well as emerging from under the ice of the Arctic Ocean, which makes their detection and destruction before the launch of missiles a very difficult task. There are submarines capable of carrying up to 24 ICBMs, with fourteen individually targetable warheads each (Ohio-class boats), which makes even a single submarine extremely dangerous. Some surface ships are capable of carrying cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.


The carrier of air-launched cruise missiles with nuclear warheads and nuclear bombs are strategic bombers capable of long-range flights and being in the air for a long time on patrol, including near the borders of a potential enemy. This enables political pressure on the enemy, ensures a quick strike in the event of a war. Another advantage is the ability to quickly maneuver forces and the ability to hit targets almost anywhere in the world.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Nuclear Triad

“I don’t understand what people are doing,” said the countess, turning to her husband, “they just told me that nothing is ready yet. After all, someone has to take care of it. So you will regret Mitenka. Will this end?
The count wanted to say something, but apparently refrained. He got up from his chair and walked to the door.
Berg at this time, as if to blow his nose, took out a handkerchief and, looking at the bundle, fell into thought, shaking his head sadly and significantly.
“And I have a big request for you, dad,” he said.
- Hm? .. - said the count, stopping.
“I’m driving past Yusupov’s house right now,” Berg said, laughing. - The manager is familiar to me, ran out and asked if you could buy something. I came in, you know, out of curiosity, and there was only a wardrobe and a toilet. You know how much Verushka wanted this and how we argued about it. (Berg involuntarily turned into a tone of joy about his well-being when he began to talk about a chiffonier and a toilet.) And such a charm! comes forward with the English secret, you know? And Verochka has long wanted to. So I want to surprise her. I saw so many of these men in your yard. Give me one, please, I'll pay him well and...
The Count winced and sighed.
“Ask the countess, but I don’t order.
“If it’s difficult, please don’t,” Berg said. - I would only really like for Verushka.
“Ah, get out of here, all of you, to hell, to hell, to hell, to hell!” shouted the old count. - My head is spinning. And he left the room.
The Countess wept.
- Yes, yes, mama, very hard times! Berg said.
Natasha went out with her father and, as if thinking something with difficulty, first followed him, and then ran downstairs.
On the porch stood Petya, who was engaged in arming people who were traveling from Moscow. In the yard, the laid wagons were still standing. Two of them were untied, and an officer, supported by a batman, climbed onto one of them.
- Do you know why? - Petya asked Natasha (Natasha realized that Petya understood: why father and mother quarreled). She didn't answer.
“Because papa wanted to give all the carts to the wounded,” said Petya. “Vassilyitch told me. In my…
“In my opinion,” Natasha almost suddenly screamed, turning her embittered face to Petya, “in my opinion, this is such disgusting, such an abomination, such ... I don’t know!” Are we some kind of Germans? .. - Her throat trembled from convulsive sobs, and she, afraid of weakening and releasing a charge of her anger for nothing, turned and quickly rushed up the stairs. Berg sat beside the Countess and kindly comforted her. The count, pipe in hand, was walking around the room when Natasha, with a face disfigured by anger, burst into the room like a storm and quickly approached her mother.
- This is disgusting! This is an abomination! she screamed. “It can't be what you ordered.
Berg and the countess looked at her in bewilderment and fear. The count stopped at the window, listening.
- Mom, this is impossible; look what's in the yard! she screamed. - They stay!
- What happened to you? Who are they? What do you want?
- The wounded, that's who! It's impossible, mother; it's not like anything ... No, mama, my dear, it's not that, please forgive me, my dear ... Mama, well, what do we need, what we will take away, you just look at what is in the yard ... Mama! .. This cannot be !..
The count stood at the window and, without turning his face, listened to Natasha's words. Suddenly he sniffled and put his face close to the window.
The countess looked at her daughter, saw her face, ashamed of her mother, saw her excitement, understood why her husband now did not look back at her, and looked around her with a bewildered look.
“Oh, do as you please! Am I bothering anyone! she said, not yet suddenly giving up.
- Mommy, my dear, forgive me!
But the countess pushed her daughter away and went up to the count.
- Mon cher, you dispose of it as it should ... I don’t know this, - she said, lowering her eyes guiltily.
“Eggs ... eggs teach a chicken ...” the count said through happy tears and hugged his wife, who was glad to hide her ashamed face on his chest.
- Daddy, mommy! Can you arrange? Is it possible? .. - Natasha asked. “We will still take everything we need,” Natasha said.
The count nodded his head in the affirmative, and Natasha, with the quick run with which she ran into the burners, ran down the hall into the hall and up the stairs to the courtyard.

Military expert Mikhail Timoshenko describes in detail what nuclear weapons the Russian army has on land, in the air and at sea, and what our opponents have. recent times the phrase "nuclear triad" began to sound frequently. Literally from every iron. The term, generally speaking, is from the field of political science, which allows everyone to interpret it as convenient. Civilians understand by it all strategic weapons in general: long-range aviation, intercontinental missiles and nuclear submarines - the main thing is that they fly far and explode harder. Due to the extreme secrecy, this gives rise to myths and legends. Let's take a closer look. On the land In Russia, this is primarily the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN). As of the beginning of 2015, they included 305 missile systems capable of carrying 1,166 nuclear warheads. The basis of the grouping is 106 stationary and "Sotka" in highly protected mines. combat survivability and stability is provided by 135 mobile complexes and Yars. A third of all missiles - latest types. Range - 11-16 thousand km. All ground-based ICBMs are deployed in positional areas of eleven missile divisions three missile armies. Geographically Connected missile troops arranged in such a way that no global impact cannot immediately disable the grouping of the Strategic Missile Forces.
Such missiles are perhaps the pinnacle of what man has invented in the field of weapons. They say that a perfect technique, in addition to an aesthetic feeling, causes many other positive emotions. Feeling is evoked by its rationality. And what could be more rational than a weapon? After all, a rocket is the embodiment of rationalism, a revived function. Destroys itself in the name of achieving the goal: the steps move away as the fuel burns out in order to bring the charge to the designated place. Strange, but the rocket itself does not give rise to any aesthetic feelings. Those who saw the launch close will understand me. The meter-thick shaft cover with frightening ease and inevitability moves aside, and in clouds of smoke from under the ground, a thirty-meter blind green torso weighing two hundred tons lazily jumps out from under the ground. It freezes for a second, and then the main engine fires, hitting the mine that gave birth to it with white fire, burning everything there. You no longer hear this roar - human ears are not designed for such power, but you feel it with a trembling gut, intestines. Dragging a swirling plume of nitric oxides behind it, IT almost immediately, falling on its side, lays down on a combat trajectory and disappears beyond the horizon. That's all. You can sit on the ground, bending your weakening legs, and slowly smoke. By the time the cigarette burns out, at the other end of the trajectory, a city, or maybe a small country, will disappear in a violet-purple flame. On the sea AT combat strength Navy Russian Armed Forces 11 strategic nuclear missile-carrying submarines of four types: "Kalmar", "Dolphin", "Akula" and "Borey". Only eight of them carry ballistic missiles (SLBMs). In total, such missiles, located in 128 launchers (16 on each boat), can carry 512 nuclear warheads. The range of missiles is 8 - 9.3 thousand km. All Kalmars and lead ship newest series"Borey" are part of the Northern Fleet, and two "Dolphins" are based on pacific ocean, where two "Boreas" will soon be added to them. Kalmars were built in the 70s of the last century and are armed with R-29 missiles. The Dolphins entered service from 1984 to 1990 and carry eight Boreis (16 Bulava SLBMs each) by 2018 will form the basis of the naval component of the nuclear triad. Yes, the most formidable force of the fleet has gone under water. The sprawling, forward-looking hulls of the "smashing" and "Norfolk" (whose silhouettes with pipes folded back and low sides, with the stern settling below the water level on the turns below the water level, the signalmen knew by heart) disappeared under the roar of ventilation, forcing air into the insatiable furnaces of their boilers, in the fogs North Atlantic. And where is all that beauty and romance today? Identical gray hulls trembling with power, deaf superstructures studded with antennas, the same rockets in all forms, the whine of turbines, low ceilings, the oily taste of the air. Sailors on a campaign do not really see the sea: they are at their department. The bells of a loud battle will pierce the soul, they will throw the guard at the posts, the broadcast will grunt something. Where are you, at what point in space, what is fate allowed to you, and what is it like? This is known only to the commander, who is somewhere upstairs or even nearby, behind the battened down hatch of the neighboring compartment. He is your destiny. There is nothing to say about submariners: they live inside their weapons. No wonder it is said: the submarine is not a service, but a religion. And in the sky The Long-Range Aviation Command has 38 strategic bombers, 16 and 41. They are stationed at four air bases. The turboprop Tu-95 was mass-produced in 1984-1991. Combat radius - 6.5 thousand km. strike weapons- six winged nuclear missiles X-55 with a range of 2500 km, located in the bomb bay. It can additionally carry up to 10 missiles on pylons under the wings, but the flight range is significantly reduced. The jet Tu-160 was built in two streams: 1984-1992 and again since 1999. The combat radius is smaller - 6 thousand km. Strike weapons - 12 X-55 cruise missiles in the bomb bay. They should be replaced by the X-101 missile with a range of up to five thousand kilometers. Tu-22M3 with a combat radius of 2.5 thousand km stands apart in this series. It was created as an "aircraft carrier killer" and was built in a mass series from 1989 to 1993. But with the advent of the X-15 missile, which itself sees the target "from under the wing", and the ability to use bombs, it has become universal. It won’t fly to the States, but in Europe - anywhere in an hour - and there you are. Receive and sign. Such a normal "Eurostrategist". So long-range aviation is ours " long arm". What distinguishes it from other components of the nuclear triad is its flexibility of use, because the aircraft can be retargeted right in the air. All strategic bombers will undergo modernization and serve for another twenty years. So this year, five and nine will return to service updated. Combat aircraft, of course, are aesthetically pleasing, especially in flight. For some reason, I, like many others, always want to climb onto a plane and stand there, raising my head and looking at the sky. But sitting in the cab, you understand that this place is only for work, hard work. knowing person. THIS is also an embodied function. Jim Collins, an American test pilot, said seventy years ago: “As a child, I had a dream. I don't remember what it was. I only remember that the desire to fly was one of her manifestations. But it was in his mind. The pilot is the brain of the aircraft. The brain of a bird. And they live only in the sky. If you put together everything that Russia can have, then the total number of warheads under the START-3 treaty cannot exceed 1550 units. We also have some arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons that are not subject to restrictions. And yet we are constantly called upon to eliminate it. Although all our nuclear weapons, both strategic and tactical, are concentrated within the national territory. There, across the ocean The American nuclear triad is not symmetrical to ours. The United States has about 400 Minuteman III ICBMs, 14 nuclear submarines"Ohio" with 336 missiles and 96 strategic bombers. That is, we see a clear bias in favor of the fleet and aviation. Note that at least two-thirds of the submarines are constantly in combat positions: the Americans do not consider them a retaliatory weapon. Since the time of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, aviation has been treated like a sacred cow. Their strategic bombers can carry from 16 to 32 nuclear cruise missiles. By 2018, the number of carriers is planned to be reduced to 700, and the number of warheads to 1550. But when preparing the treaty, the Americans insisted that only one warhead be counted for each bomber. The local expert admitted that this was done during negotiations specifically in order to reduce the "attractiveness" American bombers as the subject of cuts. Thus, the United States actually withdrew nuclear weapons its bombers, primarily cruise missiles, out of control. Now they, having any number of such missiles in service, may not submit them at all for the control procedures of the START-3 treaty, and “report”, for example, only 96 nuclear bombs. Our “sworn friends” also have tactical nuclear weapons, for example, 150 bombs, which are located in Italy and Turkey, closer to our borders. Of course, such sincerity contributes to “deepening trust” and “reducing tensions.” Author: Mikhail Timoshenko Photo: Ministry defense of Russia

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