Research work "sports vocabulary". Brushes: rotary vs manual

Interesting 30.05.2018

Fans of collective sports games and even those who are not fond of them know that some of them require such special equipment as a net. It is used in football, hockey, volleyball, tennis (both table and tennis), basketball.

Types of sports nets

For each of the listed games there is a grid with certain indicators. These include its size and the sizes of individual cells. The latter depends on the features of the game. If you need to purchase a tennis net, it will not be replaced by a similar football one. Firstly, it will not fit in size, and secondly, a tennis ball will easily fly through its cell, which is contrary to the rules of the game.

The same can be said about the table tennis net, the width of the cells of which must be such that a small tennis ball cannot pass through it. Therefore, it is very difficult to replace this device with something else.

During the many years of development of sports games, optimal standards for nets have been set, corresponding to the characteristics of each game. That's why:

  1. For tennis you need a fixture with a size of 1.07x12.8 meters and with a width of each cell of 4 centimeters
  2. For table tennis optimal size is 175x15 centimeters and cells - 7-8 millimeters.
  3. Football nets have large cells. Their width is 10-12 centimeters.
  4. Volleyball is also played big size ball, so this game does not need a grid with small cells. The standard for a volleyball cage is 10 centimeters.
  5. In hockey, the cell size of several centimeters is also due to the fact that the net should not let the puck through.

You can not mention basketball, because there the net is needed not to keep the ball in the basket, but to better visualize it hitting it.

Mesh tensioning equipment

Assuming you can't play without a grid sport games, do not forget about other accessories. For example, you can take a hockey goal. Without them, the game of hockey will become impossible. No, well, you can adapt something else instead of a gate and play like children do in the yards. And they use all the materials at hand: bricks, boxes, boards, etc. But offer the children to change their bricks and boxes for normal gates - they will be completely delighted.

First, the game atmosphere on normal field and with normal equipment it cannot be compared with a yard skating rink and “gates” made of trash. Secondly, in the absence of a netted goal, it is difficult to see whether the puck went through or past the goal. The net holds the puck and makes it easier to control the score in the game. The same can be said about football.

Therefore, for one-time games with friends, you can get by with improvised means, but with serious sports, you should not waste time on trifles and save on sports equipment. It will make the game much more enjoyable and eliminate doubts about the correctness of its results.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Mordovia

Municipal educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 19" GO Saransk





Design and research work

Klyakin Fedor, student of the 4th grade.


Ivanova A.V.,

teacher primary school,


Kuchaeva A.I., teacher

foreign language

Saransk 2014

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………3 p.

Part 1. "Native home" of the names of the Winter Olympic sports (origin (etymology) of sports vocabulary)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Part 2. To the future champions of the Winter Olympic Games: a dictionary-reference book for a hockey player and a language quiz on Olympic vocabulary…………….25 pp.

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….29 p.

List of used sources……………………………………………30 p.


What kind of person can be called educated? Of course, someone who is fluent in the language is a person whose vocabulary is large. How to increase your vocabulary?

One of such grandiose events was the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. We learned a lot: about sports, about athletes, about what efforts they made to win - it was very interesting to watch these events, to be upset and rejoice together with our great athletes.

So, my vocabulary was replenished with a huge number of words: curling, skeleton, freestyle, snowboarding and others.

It turns out that such special words are called sports vocabulary, sports terms (this has become, as scientists say, the object of my attention in my work). It became interesting to me, but where, from what language, did these words come from, what do they mean, do they have Russian synonyms (this is the subject of research)? So there was idea of ​​my work- to research the names of winter Olympic sports, and for this, firstly, it is necessary to study the origin (etymology) of the names of the Winter Olympic Games (The naimes of Winter olympic sports) ( 1st task). Second task my work is creative: I decided that I would compile a special dictionary for future champions or future famous sports journalists and commentators and come up with tasks for a language quiz to determine the lexical meaning of sports terminology and correctly spell the names of winter Olympic sports.

Since sports terms occupy a large place in a person's life, they are associated with the concept of "healthy lifestyle". All my classmates go in for sports, take care of their health, and therefore, I think, this work may be of interest to them.

At the start of my work, I hypothesized (hypothesis), what sports vocabulary The Winter Olympic Games is Greek in origin, because it is in Ancient Greece the Olympic Games were born.

To carry out my work, I needed consultations on the Russian language and, of course, on the English language, since, as it turned out, many sports terms are pronounced in English, and English is the language of the world, it is used at all world events and actively participates in formation of a special composition of the vocabulary of any language - sports vocabulary.

Research methods:

- statistical(work with various linguistic dictionaries) to determine the etymology of words - the names of winter Olympic sports;

- observation for the use of sports vocabulary at the Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Part 1. "Native home" of the names of the Winter Olympic sports (origin (etymology) of sports vocabulary)

AT modern world The role of sports is increasing every day: new sports are developing, there are more sports competitions, a large number of people join sports.

The program of the modern Olympic Games includes 28 summer (41 disciplines) and 7 winter (15 disciplines) sports (1) biathlon, 2) curling, 3) skating, 4) skiing, 5) bobsleigh, 6) luge , 7) hockey.

The Winter Olympic Games are the largest international winter sports competitions, held once every 4 years under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee. The Winter Olympic Games began in 1924 as an addition to summer games. From 1924 to 1992, the Winter Olympic Games were held in the same years as the Summer ones. Since 1994, the Winter Olympics have been held 2 years apart from the Summer Olympics.

Are there any synonyms for Winter Olympic sports?

Yes, Winter Olympic sports are also called " Winter Olympics”, “White Olympics”.

Working with various dictionary sources (for example, A.N. Bleer’s reference dictionary “Terminology of Sports”, dictionaries of foreign words, explanatory dictionaries, encyclopedic dictionaries), we characterized the winter Olympic sports, determined where these names come from, found out the pronunciation features in foreign language.

So we got the following sports information about each type of Winter Olympic sports.


Dictionary of foreign words: biathlon [English] biathlon

It is a winter sport, a cross-country skiing with rifle shooting at certain milestones.

Root words: biathlete, biathlon.

Origin: the first race, which vaguely resembled a biathlon, took place in 1767. It was organized by the border guards on the Swedish-Norwegian border.

As a sport, biathlon took shape in the 19th century in Norway as an exercise for soldiers.

Biathlon competitions at the Winter Olympics first appeared at the 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix and have been included in the program of every subsequent Games since the 1960 Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley. Initially, the competitions were men's, women's disciplines appeared at the 1992 Winter Olympics in Albertville.

Biathletes compete in six types of races: individual race, sprint race, pursuit race, handicap start, relay race, team race.

Biathlon competitions at the Sochi Olympics were held at the Laura ski complex, located in the Krasnaya Polyana gorge on the Psekhako plateau at an altitude of 1,500 meters above sea level.

Russia was represented by the following biathletes: Evgeny Garanichev, Dmitry Malyshko, Evgeny Ustyugov, Anton Shipulin, Olga Zaitseva, Olga Vilukhina, Yana Romanova and other athletes.

Biathlon includes cross-country skiing and target shooting. Skiing is carried out in skating style. The defeat of targets, the size of which is 45 mm and 115 mm, occurs from two positions - standing and lying down, using a small-caliber rifle. Adding to the poignancy of the competition is the fact that both thrilling competitions are closely linked, and for each miss on the shooting range, the athlete is penalized with penalty minutes or a 150-meter run. Today, biathlon has five disciplines - the individual race (the oldest of all), relay, mass start, pursuit and sprint. The most recent of those adopted, included in the program only in 1998, is the mass start - a one-time start of the best athletes at a distance of 12.5 kilometers for women and 15 km for men with four firing lines.

Biathlon, as one of the popular Olympic winter sports, owes its name to the Greek words "bis" and "attlon", meaning "combination".


Dictionary of foreign words: curling [English, curling

Modern explanatory dictionary:curling (English curling), sports game; the goal is to hit the target drawn on the ice with a bat (disk with a handle). Distributed in the UK, Canada, Scandinavian countries, etc.

Wikipedia:curling (eng. curling, from scots. curr) - a team sports game on an ice rink. The participants of the two teams alternately launch special heavy granite projectiles (“stones”) across the ice towards a target marked on the ice (“houses”). Each team has four players.

Big encyclopedic dictionary a detailed description of the game adds to this definition: “The total length of the ice rink is 42 yards (36.22 m), from the starting line to the target 36 yards (30.96 m), the mass of the bat is 38 pounds (17.252 kg), the circumference is 36 inches ( 92.16 cm). Points are awarded for hitting the target.

Word " curling" first came into use as the name of a game in the 17th century, following a mention in a poem by the Scottish poet Henry Adamson. Researchers believe that the game got its name not from complex curls - traces that a stone left behind on ice, but from the Scottish verb curr, which describes a low growl or roar (in English, the closest equivalent is purr). The thing is that the granite stone sliding on the ice touched the notches of ice, which caused a characteristic sound. To this day, in parts of Scotland, the game is better known as the Roaring Stones Game.

Rhyming Words: curler

Origin: Curling was first mentioned in the 16th century. It is a known fact that curling appeared in Scotland in the early sixteenth century, as evidenced by a found curling stone engraved with the date 1511. Due to the difficulty in obtaining granite stones from Scotland, iron "stones" melted down from cannonballs were used. These "stones" were popular in Canada until 1955. Curling has been played in the USA since 1830, when it came from Canada to New England and northern part Michigan.

Curling appeared in Russia recently, many learned that there is such a sport, and in Russia there is a curling team, only in 2002, when curling was introduced at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. But, despite this, curling is developing, curling clubs are appearing, there is more and more mention of curling in sports programs.

Curling was recognized as an Olympic sport in 1998 and the first gold medals were awarded at the Nagano Winter Olympics.

Curling representatives from Russia: WOMEN'S TEAM: Alexandra Saitova, Anna Sidrova, Margarita Fomina, Yekaterina Galkina.

MEN'S TEAM: Andrey Drozdov, Alexey Stukalsky, Alexey Tselousov, Peter Dron, KalalbAnton.

So, teams in curling compete in the exact stop at the specified place of special sports equipment (the so-called stones) made of granite. While the stone is sliding, teammates, evaluating its movement, rub the ice with special brushes, which allows you to partially adjust the launch range and the trajectory of the stone. Correction of the trajectory occurs according to simple physical laws: during friction, the ice melts, forming the thinnest film of water, which serves as a lubricant that reduces friction, and when scratching ice, on the contrary, the friction force increases and the stone slides more slowly.

HORSE SPORTS includes such sports disciplines as skating, figure skating, short track. Let us briefly characterize each of these sports disciplines.


Dictionary : speed skating (English version "Speed ​​Skating", which means "speed skating") - a sport in which it is necessary to overcome a certain competitive distance as quickly as possible in an ice stadium in a closed circle.

Origin of the sport: Great Britain is considered the birthplace of this sport, where the first official competitions were held at the very beginning of 1763. Speed ​​skating is one of the oldest sports. The most ancient skates discovered by archaeologists belonged to the Cimmerians, a nomadic tribe that lived 3,200 years ago in the Northern Black Sea region. As a sport, speed skating was developed in the second half of the 19th century.

Skates are the main weapon of any speed skater. After all, the result of the competition depends on their condition. A strong and powerful athlete in unprepared skates will not be able to show a decent result. But great boots and ultra-modern skates are only part of the success. The blade of the skate is a knife 40-45 cm long and some millimeter thick. No less attention is paid to leather boots reinforced with special fibers. The top of the improvement of the boots became more solid, stiff boots along the entire length. The same integral part of a modern skater as boots and skates is his "second skin" - a racing suit. Fully fitted to the body, it should fit the entire surface of the skater as closely as possible and reduce air resistance to a minimum. The world's best laboratories equipped with the most modern technological level conduct the most complex research around the clock in search of such superfabrics that will amaze our imagination with their aerodynamics, thinness, strength and durability. It really is a "second skin".

Figure skating

Explanatory Dictionary, ed. C. AND. Ozhegova, and N. YU. Shvedova: adjective figured ambiguously: figured , oh, oh. 1. see figure. 2. Having the appearance of some kind of. geometric figure, pattern. Figure carving. 3. Performed with figures (in 2 values). Figure skating, water skiing. Figure swimming. Figure skates (for figure skating). II n. figure, -i, ac.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, ed. D. N. Ushakova: figured: 1. full only forms. Having the appearance of some kind of geometric figure, pattern.

Figure carving. Figured complaints. Figured plow (with figured iron). 2. only full. forms. Performed with figures (see figure in 3 meanings), describing a figure in its movement. Figure skating. Figure flights. || Designed for this kind of riding. Figure skates. 3. Having a good figure (see figure in 6 meanings; vernacular). || fool, but curly. Proverb. Curly numbers (mat.) - numbers, to-rye, according to their properties or relationships, can be arranged in the form of some kind of geometric figure.

Dictionary of foreign words: figured - lat. - decorated with figures, having the appearance of smth. geometric figure; describing various figures in its movement.

One-root words for the adjective curly: curly, curly; figured, figured, figured; figure.

sports vocabulary: Figure skating is a speed skating sport, it belongs to complex coordination sports. The main idea is to move an athlete or a pair of skaters on ice with changes in the direction of sliding and performing additional elements(rotation, jumps, combinations of steps, lifts, etc.) to the music.

From the history: Holland is the birthplace of this wonderful sport: it was in Holland, in the 13-14 centuries. the first iron skates appeared, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of all sports related to skates. Figure skating as a separate sport was formed in the 1860s and in 1871 was recognized at the 1st Congress of Skating. The first competition took place in Vienna in 1882 among male figure skaters. In 1908 and 1920 figure skating competitions were held at the Summer Olympics. Russian figure skating originated in 1865. A public skating rink was opened in Yusupov Garden, which soon became a training center for Russian figure skaters. On March 5, 1978, the first competition of Russian figure skaters took place at this rink, the Russian Championship, so to speak.

Figure skating is the first winter sport to enter the Olympic program. There are 5 disciplines in figure skating: men's single skating, women's single skating, pair figure skating, sports dancing and group synchronized skating.

The Russian Figure Skating Federation has determined the list of skaters at the Olympic Games in Sochi: Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Maxaim Trankov (gold medal in pair skating); Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov (silver medal in pair skating); Vera Bazarova and Yuri Larionov; Yulia Lipnitskaya, Adelina Sotnikova (gold in women's single skating); Evgeni Plushenko; Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitry Solovyov; Elena Ilyinykh and Nikita Katsalapov (bronze medal in sports dancing).

Short track

Short track - a type of speed skating, which consists in overcoming the competitive distance as quickly as possible inside the hockey rink (the circumference of the rink is 111.12 meters). Since short track is a kind of speed skating, it arose not so long ago - at the beginning of the last century. Often weather they drove the athletes into hockey boxes, on the ice of which it was possible to work out both a sharp turn and sprint acceleration. In Turin, short track skating is represented in individual and relay events. Individual races are held at distances of 500 meters, 1000 meters and 1500 meters for men and women, and the relay race is held at a distance of 5000 meters for men and 3000 meters for women. The winner of the four-man race is the one who overtakes the opponents.

Ski sports includeAlpine skiing, Nordic combined, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, snowboarding and freestyle.

Let us briefly characterize some of these sports disciplines.

Nordic combined

Nordic combined includes ski jumping and cross-country skiing at the same time. Nordic combined as a sport originated in Norway at the end of the 19th century. Since the beginning of the 20th century, having spread to a number of other countries, it has been included in the program of the Northern Games. Competitions in this sport are held over two days: on the first day there are competitions in ski jumping from a 90 m springboard, on the second day a 15 km race starts. The result is determined by the sum of points received for both exercises.

ski jumping

Ski jumping as a certain winter sport was formed in the 19th century. Ski jumping entered the Olympic Games in 1924 and still amaze the audience with its entertainment. Previously, only men could participate in this sport, but now women also participate in such competitions.


Dictionary:snowboarding - from English. snowboarding, from snow - snow and board - board). This is the name of a sport that includes downhill skiing from a mountain slope, performing acrobatic elements on a special track, etc. on a snowboard - a mono-ski with an edging on which leg bindings are installed.

Snowboarding originated as a natural extension of skiing. A snowboard is somewhat inferior to alpine skiing in terms of speed, but it is superior in terms of sensation. Unlike skiers, snowboarders (also called “borders” or “riders”) stand on the board not facing, but sideways relative to the direction of travel (borrowed from surfing). Wherein

importance has an athlete's stance. In jargon, a snowboarder who rides left foot forward is " regular"(English regular), right -" goofy» (goofy)

Snowboarding is divided into several varieties: 1) sports - includes the following disciplines: boardercross, slalom, parallel slalom, giant slalom, giant parallel slalom and super giant; 2) freeride- free descent on unprepared slopes, from fairly gentle to the steepest; 3) freestyle- descent along a prepared snow track with jumps and acrobatic stunts (freestyle includes a number of disciplines, including half-pipe (half-pipe), big-air (big-air), slope-style (slope-style) and others); four) freecarve , main feature this style is very high speed; 5) jibbing, which is different from all the usual styles, since skating takes place on everything except snow: jibbers are interested in railings, benches and, in general, various edges.

Competitive disciplines included in snowboarding are divided into timed (slalom) and evaluated (freestyle).


Freestyle in translation from English means "freestyle". This sport appeared relatively recently and is today one of the youngest sports. In the form that modern freestyle is today, this sport first appeared in 1971. Each of the athletes impressed with his special characteristic technique, each showed his own developed style, due to which the spectacle of the struggle was simply amazing. Someone did dance steps on skis, someone soared in the air with arms wide open, like a bird, and someone was looking for all the uneven slopes, bumps and surfaces to the maximum in order to amaze everyone around with their skill and unusual technique for passing all difficult track moments.

BOBSLED includes disciplines such as bobsleigh and skeleton which we will characterize.


Dictionary: Bobsledding is a downhill race on a specially made ice track on a streamlined sled. The sleigh is fixed on two pairs of runners: the front pair is movable, the rear pair is fixed. Due to their shape, such sleds are often referred to as "projectiles". Bobsleighs are equipped with a steering wheel and a brake. The bobsleigh track is an ice chute with turns of various steepness. The speed of the bobsled projectile during the descent along the track can reach 130 km/h. There are two types of bobsleigh - double and quadruple. There are three positions in bobsleigh: steering, pushing and braking. Naturally, at the start, all four play the role of pushers.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova T.F. defines bobsled so: 1) downhill from the mountains along an ice chute on a sled with steering (a sport); 2) unfold same as bean.

From the history of bobsleigh: The birthplace of bobsleigh is Switzerland. Here, in 1888, the English tourist Wilson Smith connected two sledges together with a board and used them to travel from St. Moritz to Celerina, located somewhat lower. In the same place, in St. Moritz, at the end of the 19th century, the world's first bobsleigh sports club was organized, where the basic rules for competitions in this sport were developed, and the sleigh crew then consisted of five people - three men and two women.

Rhyming Words for bobsleigh: bob, bobsledder, bobsleigh


Small Academic Dictionary:skeleton - this is the name of the type of downhill skiing from the mountains on a sled without steering, as well as a sled for such a descent. [English] skeleton]

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language:skeleton - steeringless sled for skating from the icy mountains.

New dictionary foreign words:skeleton (sport) (eng. Skeleton, lit. -skeleton, frame) modern sport. W An Olympic sport that consists of descending an ice chute on a two-runner sled on a reinforced frame

Big Dictionary foreign words:skeleton [English] skeleton] - sled on steel skids without steering for skiing from the icy mountains .

Big encyclopedic dictionary:skeleton (English) skeleton, literally - skeleton, frame), one of the types of downhill skiing on a special sled, also called a skeleton. The winner in the skeleton is determined by the sum of the two races. Skeleton - sled without steering, steel skids, weighted frame, weight up to 50 kg, length 70 cm, width 38 cm. Designed in 1887 in St. Moritz (Switzerland). The athlete lies on the sled face down, using special spikes on the toes of the boots to control. In 1928 and 1948 the skeleton was included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games. Distributed in Switzerland, Austria, Germany and other countries.

Synonyms: sport, downhill

From the history of the skeleton: the progenitor of the skeleton is the descent from the mountains on a toboggan (skidless wooden sleigh), common among Canadian Indians. In literature, its appearance is attributed to the 16th century. Records of luge sports date back to the middle of the 19th century, when British tourists in the Swiss Alps began to sledge down the snow-covered mountain slopes.

This sport was again included in the program of the Olympic Games in 2002 in Salt Lake City.

Alexander Tretyakov became the winner (gold medal) in this sport in Sochi.


Tobogganing is a downhill skiing on a single or double sledge along a specially constructed track. Athletes sit on the sled on their backs, feet first. The sleigh is steered by bending the skids.


Ice hockey is a sport played on a special ice-filled ground by two teams of six players. The goal of the game is to score the puck into the opponent's goal. Hockey is often called the sport of space speeds. The puck flies over the court at great speed, the hockey players rush, the attack changes the attack, then one or the other goalkeeper fends off the strongest shots. And everything keeps repeating. The game is very tiring, every 40 - 50 seconds a replacement is made. The puck is hard to keep track of, and the speeds are increasing. The history of ice hockey is one of the most controversial of all sports. His birthplace has traditionally been Montreal. However, some 16th-century Dutch paintings show many people playing a game similar to hockey on frozen water. But despite this, Canada is still considered the birthplace of modern hockey. On March 3, 1875, the first indoor hockey game was played in Montreal.

Particular attention was paid to working with special linguistic dictionaries (etymological, dictionaries of foreign words), with the help of which we determined the origin of the names of the Winter Olympic sports, determined the pronunciation of sports vocabulary. The results of such linguistic work are presented in the table (sports vocabulary is given in alphabetical order)

Table 1.

Sports vocabulary: origin and pronunciation of names

winter olympic sports

The names of

winter olympic sports


Winter Olympic



(etymology) of names


[ baɪˈæθ.lən ]


English biathlon< bis дважды + гр. athlon соревнования


[ ˈbɒb.sleɪ ]



English bobsleigh, from bob - a special sled for descending an ice chute and sleigh - to ride a sled

cross-country skiing

[ˈkʌntri] ['ski:ɪŋ]

Ski race

cross-country skiing




( curling , from . curl - "twist" )

Figure skating

[ ˈfɪɡə(r) ] +


Figure skating

figure skating

freestyle skiing


Freestyle (Skiing)

English free - "free", style - "style"

ice hockey

[aɪs] + [ˈhɒk.i]


from the French hoquet - stick, or from the old French hoc - hook.



English luge from French"Luge" is the word for sled

Nordic combined

[ˈnɔː.dɪk] +

Nordic combined

Short track speed skating

[ʃɔːt] + + + [ˈskeɪ.tɪŋ]

Short Track (Skating)

English short track - literally "short track"


[ ˈskel.ɪ.tən ]


from English. skeleton - "skeleton". "framework"

Ski jumping

ski jumping

English - ski jumping


[ ˈsnəʊ.bɔː.dɪŋ ]


English snow - "snow" and board - "board"

speed skating

[ spíːd] +



English speedskating< speed - быстрый + skating - катание на коньках - спорт. скоростной бег

Part 2. Future Winter Olympic Champions: Hockey Player's Dictionary and Olympic Vocabulary Quiz

Court- This is a hockey rink with a side.

Washer This is a hockey disc.

Goalkeeper(from English - “goal holder”) - goalkeeper

Bombardier is a hockey sniper

Match - those are three hockey periods.

Period is hockey time

"Knight with a Club"- this is the name of such an athlete as a hockey goalkeeper: he is protected from head to toe with sports "armor" from a puck flying like an arrow (this is a helmet, a mask, a trap mitt, a shield on his hand that beats the puck, shields on his legs, and under the shirt - bib, shoulder pads, elbow pads)

Pass- so in hockey is called the transfer of the puck to a partner.

Counterattack- so in hockey is called counter retaliatory attack.

Protection zone- this is the name of the zone of the hockey rink, in which "their" gates are located.

"Crap" and "trap"- the so-called hockey goalie glove.

Linesman- assistant chief arbiter in officiating a hockey match.

Bullitt(in the lane from English “bullet, core”) - a free throw into the opponent's goal in ice hockey.

feint -"hockey trick"

Ice hockey, bandy, field hockey, rink hockey these are the four main types of hockey at present.

Hockey - An Olympic sport in which a team consists of five field players and a goalkeeper.

Skating rink (rink) - hockey "asphalt rink"

Blue colour - this is the color in which the lines are painted that divide the ice hockey rink into zones .

Submission - this is what starts the hockey game.

top scorer - hockey player with the most goals.

Midfielder -"fractional" member on a hockey team.

"Dissolve the account" - score a goal after the score is 0:0.

1. This type of skiing is translated from Greek means "double-event" ( BIATHLON)

2. In what type of winter Olympic sport can an athlete adjust the flight range and trajectory of his projectile? ( CURLING)

3. In what kind of sport is it important to overcome the distance in a closed circle at the ice stadium as quickly as possible? ( SKATING)

4. What is the athlete's "second skin"? ( COSTUME)

5. In this kind of winter Olympic sport, a brush is used in the same way as in home cleaning ( CURLING)

6. What kind of skiing in translation from of English language called "freestyle"? ( FREESTYLE).

7. In what sport is the captain of the team called "skip"? ( CURLING)

8. In this sport, for each failure of the athlete, a penalty awaits: a penalty minute or an additional penalty loop ( BIATHLON)

9. What sport has three positions: steering, pushing, and braking? ( BOBSLED)

10. What is the name of the figure skating arena in Sochi? ( ICEBERG)

11. In what kind of winter Olympic sport does an athlete move along a bumpy uneven track ( FREESTYLE).

12. In this type of winter Olympic sport, unlike others, it is not always necessary to reduce the friction force ( CURLING).

13. In what kind of winter Olympic sport is there such a kind of sport as a mass start ( BIATHLON).

14. What is the name of the curling projectile? ( STONES)

15. This sport is also called a human frame ( SKELETON).

16. What is the name of the biathlon variety for the best 15 km athletes? ( MASS START)

17. What is the name of the area on the ice where curlers throw their stones? (" HOUSE»).

18. In what sport are ski dance steps and acrobatic jumps performed? ( FREESTYLE).

19. In what sports is the track an icy trough with curves of varying degrees of steepness? ( BOBSLEY, SKELETON, SLUG).

20. What is the name of a downhill race on an icy track on a streamlined sled? ( BOBSLED).

21. How long is the penalty for a miss in biathlon? ( 1 MINUTE.)

22. In this sport, the most important desire of an athlete is to be in the “home” ( CURLING)

23. What is the name of the type of speed skating for one lap on the ice stadium? ( SHORT TRACK)

24. In what sport does an athlete move head first, face down? ( SKELETON)

25. What material are curling shells made of? ( GRANITE)

26. What kind of sport was called "clubbing" in the old days? ( HOCKEY).

27. In which sport does the transition of the athlete to the opponent's lane take place? ( SKATING)

28. In what kind of winter Olympic sport does an athlete soar in the air like a bird? ( FREESTYLE)

29. In what sport is speed up to 130 km/h achieved? ( BOBSLED).

30. What is the name of the track for bobsleigh, skeleton and luge in Sochi? ( ICE-CUBE).

31. This nursery winter fun has become an Olympic sport. ( SLUGING)

32. What athlete is called the "knight with a stick"? ( HOCKEY PLAYER)

33. What kind of winter Olympic sport is called "roaring stones"? ( CURLING)

34. What is the name of the ski track in Sochi? ( ROSA KHUTOR)

35. Where can one see five circles and two semicircles? ( HOCKEY ARENA)


While doing the work, we came to one important idea: sports vocabulary plays a big role in the development of the modern Russian language, in the formation of the vocabulary of a modern educated person.

We determined the origin (etymology) of sports vocabulary - the names of the Winter Olympic sports, examined these sports from the point of view of history.

Thus, we determined that most of the sports vocabulary originated from English and was pronounced mainly in English: I found out that English is the language of the world, it is used at all world events and actively participates in the formation of a special composition vocabulary of any language - sports vocabulary.

Working with various dictionaries, as well as observing winter Olympic Games in Sochi showed that the main "sports" languages ​​are English, French and, of course, Russian. Many names of winter Olympic sports are pronounced almost the same in different languages ​​- scientists call such vocabulary “international”: internationalisms are used by athletes in order to better understand each other.

So, my hypothesis was refuted: sports vocabulary - the names of the Winter Olympic sports are not Greek in origin, but English.

The result of solving the second, creative, task was the creation of a sports vocabulary dictionary for the future champion hockey player or sports journalist, as well as the preparation of material for a language quiz to test the meaning of sports vocabulary.

List of sources used

1. e [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

2. Bleer, A.N. Sports terminology. Explanatory dictionary-reference book / A.N. Bleer, F.P. Suslov, D.A. Tyshler. - M. : Publishing Center "Academy", 2010. - 464 p.

3. Large dictionary of foreign words. M. : Publishing house "IDDK", 2007.

4. Winter sports (English dictionary) [Electronic resource] - Access mode: winter_vocabulary_words

5. Small academic dictionary / A.A. Evgenyeva. - M .: Institute of the Russian Language of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1957.

6. Muller, W. K. New English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionary with Grammar Application / V. TO. Muller. - M. : "Rest", 2011. - 607 p.

7. New Dictionary of Foreign Words: More than 60,000 words and an expression / Ch. ed. V.V. Adamchuk. – M.: AST; Mn. : Harvest, 2005. - 1152 p.

8. Ozhegov, S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language: Ok. 57,000 words / Ed. corresponding member USSR Academy of Sciences N.Yu. Shvedova. - 20th ed., stereotype. M. : Rus. yaz., 1988. - 750 p.

9. Olympic sports [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

10. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Current Vocabulary / ed. G.N. Sklyarevskaya. M. : Eksmo, 2008. - 1136 p.

It is believed that the special set of a professional football player consisted of "plus 4". Which included: shirt, shorts, long socks or leggings and shoes - boots . However, few people know that at the end of the 19th century, another very important detail- “leg pads” orfootball pads . At first glance, it seems that they are not as important as, for example, boots Or goalie gloves. But without pads, you can only play in the yard. Although you can get injured in street football, as there will be no “armor”.

The first player to wear something similar to football pads was Sam Weller Widdowson football player of the English "Nottingham Forest". In 1874, he wore them to the game over woolen leggings, for which he was ridiculed, but soon after a strong blow to the shin, Sam, as if nothing had happened, began to play on. Since then, players have begun to use such armor in order to avoid numerous injuries. The football circle of authorities even had to include pads in the basic and mandatory equipment of the player.

Of course, today the shields are in many ways different from the uniforms of the nimble and resourceful Sam. Yes, and the pads were a kind of expression of the player's fantasy. For example, the honored master of sports, the goalkeeper of Spartak Moscow, Ivakin Valentin, recalls that his first shields were book bindings and all possible cardboard boxes. Of course, each "armor" was different from each other, Yuri Sevidov (the forward of the red-and-whites of the 1960s) presented leather stripes with bamboo sticks. The head of Spartak, Stepanov, constantly said that shields are simply necessary, because they protect the most painful places.

How to choose football pads?

In general, everyone has already understood that the legs need protection. Therefore, it is not surprising that pads have become a special design stimulus for new solutions in which every football player finds himself. In this case, different materials and colors are used.

What is their difference?

  • Well, firstly, they are of 2 types: with the protection of the Achilles tendon and ankle and without this protection. And since athletes are constantly striving to lighten the weight of their equipment, they play in shields of the second type - without ankle and tendon protection. What becomes a problem for both football players and doctors.
  • Secondly, there are 2 types: solid and with inserts. The former are much heavier than the latter and provide good protection. And the second ones are much easier, they are used by young football players. But adult players need to use solid pads. Outside, materials are used that, upon impact, become very hard, and at the same time soften the blow well. TraumaLite technology absorbs up to 80% of impact energy. And the inner coating provides secure fastening on the leg so that it does not slip.


After each game, dry the form and pads thoroughly. And then your football armor will break all enemy kicks.

Teaching older children preschool age elements of the game of badminton as one of the means of physical development.

3. Using badminton game elements in physical development children of senior preschool age ……………………………………………… 10

4. Organization and methods of conducting classes …………………………...15

5. Formation of actions with a shuttlecock and a racket in children of senior preschool age when teaching the elements of playing badminton ………21

6. Implementation of an individually differentiated approach to teaching older preschoolers the elements of playing badminton ……………………..38

7. Activation of the motor activity of children through the use of elements of the game of badminton ……………………………………………………….41

8. Development of motor abilities of preschool children in the game of badminton ……………………………………………………………………………43

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………….46

References ……………………………………………………………48

1. Introduction.

Modern scientists and practitioners consider the system of physical education of preschoolers as one of the potentials for a holistic humanistic impact on a person, ensuring the realization of the right of every child to a permanent and fullest possible physical development.

Today, exciting collective games have been replaced by computer games. The priority is the intellectual, aesthetic development of the child. Without denying their significance, it must be admitted that the child has less and less time for outdoor games, walks, and communication with peers. The imbalance between the game and other types of children's activities, between different types of games (mobile and calm, individual and joint) negatively affects both the state of health and the level of development of motor abilities of preschoolers. An analysis of studies on the development of motor abilities and qualities of children shows that almost 40% of older preschoolers have a level of development of motor abilities below the average. According to M. Runova, the motor regime in preschool institutions makes it possible to fill only 55-60% of the natural need of children for movement. Insufficient physical activity of children, especially during the period of active growth, when the accelerated development of the skeleton and muscle mass is not supported by the appropriate training of the circulatory and respiratory systems, is one of the reasons for the deterioration of their health, a decrease in vitality.

In Concept preschool education it is noted that the incidence of colds in children "acquires the character of a natural disaster"; with which neither pediatricians, nor parents, nor preschool teachers. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Prevention of Children's Diseases, over the past decade, the health status of preschool children has deteriorated: the number of absolutely healthy children has decreased (from 23.2% to 15.1%); the number of children with deviations in health status increased (from 66.9% to 67.6%) and with chronic diseases (from 15.9% to 17.3%).

It is also known that at school the trend of deterioration in the health of children increases with age, children acquire a number of physical disabilities and bad habits. Therefore, it is necessary to create a “transition bridge” of mental and physical readiness for school within the walls of the preschool educational institution; so that the first-grader can withstand the significant stress due to the mode of the school day.

Thus matured urgent problem search for ways of physical improvement of preschoolers, effective means the development of the motor sphere of the child, the development of interest in movement as a vital need to be dexterous, strong, and courageous. We see the solution to this problem in the totality of socio-pedagogical conditions that provide a holistic educational process, harmonious, physical. and personal development of the child. This is facilitated by game forms of organizing the motor activity of children indoors and outdoors.

According to the definition of domestic psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, etc.), the game is the leading activity in preschool age, due to which significant changes occur in the child's psyche. An outdoor game is a form of activity accessible to preschoolers, which involves the conscious reproduction of the skill of movements. Many researchers state that an outdoor game is a means of a child's harmonious development, a school for managing one's own behavior, and forming positive relationships.

Games with elements of sports as a type of activity, as a rule, involve changing conditions of certain actions, therefore, most of these games are associated with the manifestation of motor abilities: speed-strength, coordination, requiring endurance, strength, flexibility. In games with elements of sports, the “sense of muscular effort”, “sense of space”, “sense of time”, the functions of various analyzers are improved. In addition, games with elements of sports allow the child to master various, rather complex types of actions, to show independence, initiative, and creativity.

The methodological manuals deeply reveal the content and pedagogical conditions for teaching preschoolers the elements of sports games and exercises. However, the problem of the impact of games with elements of sports on the development of children's motor abilities, aspects of teaching the elements of these games, built taking into account different levels of development and initial data on the physical condition of each child, as well as specific natural conditions, needs further improvement.

The need for changes in the organization and content of teaching preschoolers 5-7 years old to play games with elements of sports is also confirmed by studying the practice of preschool institutions. Training in the elements of sports games is provided and carried out in the preschool educational institution in almost all modern programs. However, studies have shown that the real level of mastery of games with elements of sports does not meet the program requirements and age capabilities of older preschool children: more than half of older preschoolers are not familiar with the elements of such interesting and exciting games as towns, table tennis, badminton, basketball, etc., and do not own them.

The reasons for this are the lack of a purposeful approach to the organization of training, reasonable forms, methods and techniques of differentiated management of the process of development of motor abilities. The effectiveness of the use of games with elements of sports in the development of children's motor abilities is also reduced due to the insufficient level of theoretical and practical training of educators and the poor organization of the subject developmental environment.

2. Badminton as a means of physical development.

Badminton is a great game that is accessible to many. This game is played in almost every backyard, on beaches and during picnics. Probably, there is not a single person who has not tried to play badminton at least once.

However, no one teaches how to do it right. As a result, some are embarrassed to play because they don’t know how, others hold the racket incorrectly. Unfortunately, there are many of them, and they also teach their children. Still others lose interest in the game due to the fact that they get tired of just throwing the shuttlecock. They begin to figure out how to play on the score in order to increase interest. In other words, they are starting to reinvent the wheel, and in this case- badminton.

It is necessary to learn how to play badminton already in kindergarten. In the future, this will help one learn to play, feel more confident and demonstrate their skills by playing at every opportunity. Others will immediately learn to play correctly, and they will not have to relearn (otherwise, good players will always beat them, which will affect their interest in the game). Still others will know the rules, will be able to improve in the game or play badminton professionally.

If we consider badminton with different points view, the game has a lot of positive and almost no negative.

Badminton does not require expensive equipment. Equipping a badminton court is much easier than, for example, tennis. Besides, the badminton court is located practically in any sports hall.

The rules of badminton are simple and do not require much study. It's easy to judge the competition. Enough simple technique games that are easy to learn. It is quite realistic to perform sports categories.

Badminton is a game suitable for people of all levels. physical training. You can play it calmly, throwing the shuttlecock to each other, or you can actively, on the sports ground, giving great physical activity.

This is the most family game. It can be successfully played by people of all ages. Moreover, in different combinations, for example: a grandmother with a grandson, a father with a daughter, a young man with a girl, etc. They can play not only against each other, but also in the same team, when holding pair games.

To play badminton, two people are enough to fully play, which is impossible, for example, in volleyball, football or basketball.

Rackets in badminton are light, unlike tennis, and children can handle them freely.

Playing badminton has a positive effect on vision, since watching a shuttlecock (either approaching or receding) trains the muscles that control the lens of the eye. And moderate loads at the same time do not allow visual fatigue.

A long game with a moderate load contributes to the normalization of weight, and frequent bending over a fallen shuttlecock reduces fat deposits in the waist area.

Badminton has, perhaps, one drawback: it is played with only one hand, which leads to one-sided development. But it should be noted that all sports games (for example, volleyball: serves, attacking blows) and throwing, jumping, running in a circle only in one direction suffer from this drawback. There is no “one-sided flaw” only in gymnastics and ski training. However, using the right training methodology, you can avoid this disadvantage or minimize it.

Another disadvantage could be attributed to the fact that the shuttlecock blows the wind, even a weak one. However, this is more of an inconvenience than a drawback. In addition, it is of little significance, given that most physical education classes during the school year can only be held in the halls.

3. The use of elements of the game of badminton in the physical education of children of senior preschool age.

Learning the elements of badminton is necessary to achieve a "safety margin" of health in children, develop their motor abilities, and improve physical fitness.

New propulsion systems, which depend on the situation of activity, are formed mainly at the age of 5-7 years.

Qualitative transformations of the motor sphere of children at senior preschool age occur on the basis of the improvement of feelings and movements, the development of motor abilities. Children of this age should be given the opportunity to show their abilities, the ability to use their motor experience in a variety of ways. At the same time, it is very important that the child independently find solutions, show initiative, creativity, and feel free.

As the practice of physical education in preschool educational institutions shows, elementary outdoor games are clearly not enough to solve these problems, while a high interest in playing badminton, which contains complexly coordinated motor actions, is biologically conditioned and is associated with qualitative changes in the development of the child's body.

Equally important are the social and intellectual aspects of these games. P.F. Lesgaft noted that the child is always a mirror of the environment, in games he learns everything: the habits and customs of his environment, perceiving everything that he sees and learns more often from the people around him. These factors should be taken into account when developing a system of tasks, organizational forms and methods of teaching a game with elements of sports.

A number of principles need to be followed, including:

General didactic principles and leading provisions of preschool pedagogy, psychology, theory and methodology of physical education and development in the construction of the educational process;

An integrated approach to the selection of program content and methods of conducting classes in physical education, as well as management techniques for both organized and independent motor activities;

The maximum variability in the use of the proposed content (in physical education classes, in sectional, individual work, independent motor activity).

The content of training is based on the requirements for the comprehensive development of motor functions, the relationship of the physical, intellectual and mental development of the child. It is supposed to use games and exercises with elements of badminton in combination with other sports and recreational activities, focus on the formation of independence in children, self-control, the ability to act in a group of peers, take care of their health.

The following are defined as the main educational tasks:

Formation of a steady interest in the game, sports exercises, the desire to use them in independent motor activity;

Enriching the motor experience of preschoolers with new motor actions, teaching the correct technique for performing elements of the game;

Promoting the development of motor abilities;

Education of positive moral and volitional qualities;

Formation of skills and stereotypes of a healthy lifestyle.

Guided by the principle of interconnection different types activities in the learning process, it is necessary to ensure the unity of goals, objectives, organizational forms, means and methods of teaching and the content of classes. Step-by-step training is necessary, which determines the optimization of the pedagogical process.

The system of teaching the elements of the game of badminton is based on the use of entertaining game exercises, relay race games.

One of the conditions for the development of an effective system of motives and incentives in children is a variety of working methods, the use of both general pedagogical and specific methods of physical education, including techniques aimed at enriching motor experience, forming interest in the elements of playing badminton, using physical education aids, inventory, individual and group task cards, joint games of children and adults, encouraging creative initiative, uniting children with different levels of development and physical fitness in games.

To maintain the attention of children, the introduction of competitive moments, relay race games is effective. Encouraging children in the classroom and in individual work to compare and contrast, analyze and generalize, substantiate and evaluate contributes to the activation of their thoughts, teaches them to be independent, prepares the necessary psychological basis to solve creative problems.

It is necessary to determine the content of athletic (general physical and special physical), technical-tactical and moral-volitional training, which provides an integrated approach to solving the tasks. Games, games-exercises are built on a variety of motor actions.

Classes can be held in the form of a game. Each teacher from the proposed variety of tasks can choose those that are adequate to the potential abilities of children, weather conditions.

It is very important to encourage children to use the learned games and game exercises on a daily basis.

However, teaching children the elements of playing badminton, developing their motor abilities and sports inclinations is not an end in itself, but a means of harmonious development of the child, a school for managing one's own behavior, forming positive relationships, and a prosperous emotional state.

Risk factors include:

Problems associated with the emotional distress of children in a situation of "failure", and they may arise in games with elements of competition;

High mental stress associated with the assimilation of complex-coordinated actions in game situations;

High injury risk of individual games with elements of sports, which provide for the contact of players;

The need for dosing physical activity, since hyperkinesia can lead to an overstrain of the cardiovascular system;

Problems of combining the proposed system of collective games and individual abilities, the nature of the child.

Relay games, games with elements of badminton enable each child to feel the importance of participating in joint actions, helping each other to achieve results and success, that is, they introduce children to universal values human life: kindness, collectivism, mutual assistance.

Education should be based on a personal-activity approach aimed at the harmonious development of the personality of a child of senior preschool age: thinking, consciousness and activity. It is necessary to rely on the conceptual provisions about the individual as a subject of joint activities and own development, as well as on a systematic approach to education. The methodological basis is the initial principle of domestic pedagogy and psychology, according to which the game is the leading activity of a preschooler.

Thus, the positive effect is due to the methodological foundations for using the elements of badminton in the pedagogical process. kindergarten: the possibilities of physical education are expanding on the basis of planning and organizing the process of developing motor abilities, maximizing the approximation of classes to play activities, matching their content to the capabilities and preparedness of children. This makes learning socially and personally perceived by all participants in the process: children, educators, parents.

4. Organization and methods of conducting classes.

Teaching the game of badminton can be carried out both in the classroom and during individual and subgroup work with children. If possible, you can organize a badminton circle.

The badminton training program involves not only familiarization with the elements of the game, but also teaching them. It should have a specific distribution of material. The teacher is offered a set of various exercises and games that he can use in his work. At the same time, he will proceed from the conditions available to him, the age and level of preparation of the children, as well as the amount of time allotted.

The tasks of teaching the elements of playing badminton to children of senior preschool age in the classroom include familiarity with the properties of a shuttlecock, racket, and the history of the game; knowledge of the rules of the game; consolidation of actions with a shuttlecock and a racket; training with a variety of racket strikes depending on the game situation.

Badminton lessons should be a logical continuation of the entire educational process. Therefore, the lessons include exercises not only in badminton, but also from other sections of the program, which are distributed over the entire academic year. For example, running. It cannot be taught without running throughout the school year. Throwing - throwing itself or exercises that develop throwing muscles should also be present in almost every lesson, etc.

The badminton training methodology can be divided into the following parts:

1. Preparation for training.

2. Teaching technique.

3. Improving the techniques of the game.

Preparation for training includes a variety of preparatory exercises that develop the feeling of a shuttlecock, prepare muscles and ligaments for performing basic exercises, develop agility and speed.

Here exercises with shuttlecock, racket, shuttlecock and racket are used. In the first lessons they are individual, and then, as a rule, in pairs. These exercises are included in every session.

Technique training includes lead-in and imitation exercises, game techniques themselves, as well as exercises to consolidate acquired skills. All these exercises are included in the main part of the lesson.

At the stage of consolidating techniques, games and exercises are used. Improvement includes more complex exercises with a shuttlecock and a racket, imitation exercises based on signals, practicing individual game techniques, developing strength and speed of working muscles. All these exercises are included in the main part of the lesson.

The lesson structure is as follows:

First part. Uniform running or outdoor game with running.

Main part. Includes outdoor switchgear, exercises with a shuttlecock, racket or shuttlecock and racket, as well as training, consolidating and improving the technique of the game, as well as developing physical qualities. It should be built taking into account the capabilities of children.

Final part. Calm exercises. Summing up the lesson.

Almost all badminton exercises can be done in pairs. In this case, pupils have one of two ways.

1. Along the sidelines of the badminton court located in the middle. In this case, one student from a pair stands on one side, and the other on the opposite side. The distance between the children in the line is up to 1.5 m. When performing some individual exercises, the children of one of the lines (performing in this moment exercise) can be staggered so as not to interfere with each other

2. All children are divided into two large groups, which are located on different halves of the site. Children of one group in their pairs stand through the net suspended across the gym. If necessary, they can also be staggered.

Sometimes in the classroom it is useful to pair strong players with weak ones. The strong throws the shuttlecock more precisely, thereby helping the weak. In addition, he can suggest how to perform the exercise if he finds errors. At the same time, the weak, on the contrary, quite often throws the shuttlecock unpredictably, which, in turn, forces the strong to be ready for any surprises.

On the initial stage teaching preschoolers should be given as many exercises as possible that develop a sense of the shuttlecock, and exercises in juggling (hitting from the bottom up).

In "courtyard" badminton, the serve is performed with a blow from above and there are practically no blows from below, while in sports badminton, the serve is performed only from below. Therefore, most children at the beginning of training are practically unable to hit the shuttlecock when serving. Some children do not feel the distance to the shuttle and the speed of its flight, as a result of which they will not hit it with the racket head. Their shuttlecock, as a rule, flies at the level of the neck of the racket.

The worse the sense of shuttlecock is developed, the more time should be devoted to preparatory exercises. The criterion for the readiness of the child to master the technique is the free performance of juggling with the open and closed sides.

In the classroom, hand throws are often used. They develop a sense of shuttlecock, help in learning at the initial stage (since it is easier to throw with your hand than to hit with a racket), prepare for throwing and hitting from above.

All preparatory exercises must be performed with both the right and left hand. This develops dexterity, diversifies classes, has a beneficial effect on the brain and, most importantly, harmoniously develops muscles on the right and left sides of the body (which helps prevent spinal curvatures).

Some exercises with a racket are useful to perform with the left hand also because it is not “spoiled” by incorrect movements. Therefore, it is easier to understand what needs to be done with the right hand.

In most cases, the description of the exercises is made taking into account the fact that the player holds the racket with his right hand. Therefore, if the player is left-handed, then it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments. Similarly, it is necessary to act if the task is given to perform the exercise with the left hand.

One of the main conditions in training is hitting the shuttlecock right side. Children often do things in their own way, the way they are used to or the best they can do at the moment. At the same time, they do not at all think about the fact that this mistake will interfere with the further growth of skill. Then either you will have to get rid of it, or quit badminton, in which the child is beaten. Therefore, children should be reminded more often about which side of the racket to play where, and do more exercises to consolidate the right skills.

If the game with any side of the racket does not work out well, then you need to play more with this particular side. To do this, they specially throw a shuttlecock in the right place.

When teaching technique, one must move gradually and not try to embrace the immensity.

Stages of mastering technology:

Correct exercise imitation.

Hitting a thrown shuttlecock while observing the technique. Especially - the shock side of the racket.

Beating the shuttlecock in the direction of the partner.

Accurate beating to a partner (in the hands, under the right or left side for a strike).

Beating from the serve (partner throws a shuttlecock with a serve).

Beating off from other tricks of the game.

Application in games.

When teaching, one should adhere to the principle indicating the sequence: "CORRECT, EXACT, STRONG."

It is very important to go from simple to complex. it common truth, but for some reason in badminton it is often forgotten.

You need to start training with simple and effective movements that will be obtained from a novice player.

When teaching badminton in the classroom, preference should be given to singles, since in doubles games there is a greater chance of collisions and hitting each other with a racket or a racket against a racket, because of which they quickly break. Unlike sports sections and schools, different children are involved in the classes, including those with poorly developed coordination.

By the end of the school year, the child should have a certain level of physical fitness. The question is, at what cost will this be achieved and by what means? Therefore, it is important to approach learning in stages so that the child can independently cope with the task.

The first stage is one of the most important, because the way the child perceives the movement for the first time will entail a further desire or unwillingness to improve it.

At the second stage, the issues of correcting errors that arise in the development of movement are solved.

The third stage allows you to consolidate the skill of performing a movement in a non-standard situation and requires creativity to the solution of the task.

The fourth stage is used for the purpose of a kind of motor discharge. At this stage, it is supposed to achieve the greatest motor emancipation and high creative activity.

The fifth stage is a combination of motor actions of different complexity, studied earlier and mastered at the previous stages, which allows developing not only physical qualities, but also motor memory.

At the sixth stage, children can feel like real athletes. This stage also carries a cognitive load, as children get acquainted with the history of the development of our sport and the history of the Olympic movement.

The seventh stage is the final one. At this stage, not only the final result is taken into account, but also such qualities as motor actions, rhythm, plasticity, impulsiveness, accuracy, liveliness, excitability.

5. Formation of actions with a shuttlecock and a racket in children of senior preschool age when teaching the elements of playing badminton.

Preparing for Technique Teaching

Shuttlecock exercises are used to warm up and develop the sense of the shuttlecock (its speed and flight path), as well as to develop agility and speed. Throws are performed by holding the shuttlecock by the head, while the head is turned in the direction of the throw.

Individual exercises

1. Throw the shuttlecock up (alternately with the right and left hand) and catch it with both hands.

2. Throw the shuttlecock over your head from the sp. hands to the side.

3. Throw the shuttle up with the right hand under the right leg (lifting it bent at the knee), and with the left hand under the left leg and catch it with both hands.

4. The same, but toss the shuttle up with the right hand under the left foot, and with the left hand under the right foot.

Individual exercises with two shuttles increase the density of the lesson, increase the number of movements performed by each hand, develop harmoniously the right and left parts of the body, teach you to quickly switch attention (look) from one object to another, develop speed and dexterity. In all exercises, it is necessary to quickly shift your gaze from one shuttlecock to another.

I.p. in most exercises - standing with two shuttlecocks (each hand has a shuttlecock) and holding them in front of you.

1. Holding two shuttlecocks in your hands, alternately throw them up and catch them. Gradually increase the execution speed.

2. Standing with arms slightly spread apart, throw the shuttlecocks towards each other, trying to get the shuttlecock into the shuttlecock. The meeting of shuttlecocks can be performed at different levels: chest, knees, head, above the head. After each execution, it is desirable to catch both shuttlecocks or at least one.

Pair exercises are performed, as a rule, without a grid, but some of them can be performed through a grid.

1. Throwing the shuttlecock to each other in a straight line, directing the shuttlecock to the chest, with a catch.

2. Shuttlecock throws to each other along a high trajectory, with catching.

3. Exercises 1 and 2, but with the left hand.

4. Throwing the shuttlecock to each other, trying to get into the partner's hand. The partner holds his right hand to the side at shoulder level. After doing several times, expose left hand aside and continue the exercise.

5. Throws the shuttlecock overhead, standing with your back in the direction of the throw. Throws are performed alternately with the right and left hand. The player who catches the shuttlecock stands with his chest to the thrower.

6. Throws the shuttlecock between the legs with an inclination forward, standing with your back in the direction of the throw. Throws are performed alternately with the right and left hand.

7. The game "Day and night with a shuttlecock." All players are placed in two lines along the middle line, at a distance of 2 m from each other. Shuttlecocks lie between them at the same distance from the players of opposite teams. One line is day, the other is night. The teacher calls the day - the children of this team run up to the shuttlecock, take it and throw it at the opponent, and the “night” runs away. And vice versa.

Pair exercises with two shuttlecocks

1. Throwing shuttlecocks to each other along a low trajectory with catching.

2. Throwing shuttlecocks to each other along a high trajectory with catching.

3. Throwing shuttlecocks up with a change of place. The players simultaneously toss the shuttlecocks up above themselves and immediately change places. Each player must catch the partner's shuttlecock.

Group exercises

1. The game "Talking with a shuttlecock". 2-3 or more drivers are selected, depending on the number of players. All drivers with shuttlecocks in their hands. Throwing a shuttlecock at the players, the drivers try to knock them down. Having thrown the shuttlecock, the driver, in case of a miss, runs after him, picks him up and throws him again, etc. Throws are performed from the place where the shuttlecock was picked up. In the event of a hit, the player changes roles with the leader.

2. The game "Throw the shuttlecock." The court is divided into two halves by a badminton net. Children are divided into 2 teams and are located in one line on their halves of the site, at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the net. Players of one team - with shuttlecocks in their hands. On a signal, they perform a throw for the net. Players of the other team pick up shuttlecocks and line up in the same way as the first players. On the signal, the second team takes the throw. The team with the most shuttlecocks thrown gets one point. Now the players are located at a distance of 2.5-3 m from the net and repeat the throws. So each time the players move away from the grid further and further. They do this until no one can throw the shuttlecock or only individual players will throw it. Then the game starts over, but the throws are made with the left hand.

3. The game "Clean your garden of stones." Children are divided into 2 teams and are located on their halves of the site. Each player has a shuttlecock. A badminton net is stretched on the middle line. On a signal, the players begin to throw shuttlecocks to the side of the enemy, trying to free their half from them. The shuttlecock can only be thrown from the place where it was picked up or caught. The team with the fewest shuttlecocks left after the signal wins.

Racket exercises

Warm-up exercises

From the exercises proposed below, a complex is compiled, which includes 2-3 exercises for the main muscle groups (arms, torso and legs). Each exercise is performed 8-10 times.

1. Circular rotations in the shoulder joints. The racket is in the right hand, and the arms are bent at the elbows at about 90 °.

2. Taking the racket with both hands (the left covers the right), raise your elbows up, moving the racket as far back as possible behind your back (touching the head of the racket with your back).

3. Work with your hands, as during a sprint. The racket is in the right hand, and the arms are bent at the elbows at about 90 °.

4. Flexion and extension of the arms in the elbow joints. In this case, the arms can be directed down, forward, up, back or to the sides.

5. Grip with both hands on the neck of the racket. Hand movements, as when rowing a boat.

6. Hands forward, grip with both hands on the neck, racket horizontally. Turn the racket to a vertical position with the handle, then with the head up.

7. Balancing the racket, holding it vertically, with the handle on the open palm. Perform alternately with the right and left hand.

8. Circular rotation of the racket head. Perform alternately with the right and left hand.

9. Move the racket head up and down. Perform alternately with the right and left hand.

10. The same, but left-right.

11. Rotation with a brush, turning the racket either open or closed side up. Perform alternately with the right and left hand.

12. Rotation with the wrist, holding the racket like a hammer. Perform alternately with the right and left hand.

13. In I.p. the racket is held with two hands (right by the handle, and left by the rim of the head) and is located near the chest. Lean forward, stretching your arms to the floor, and return to the sp. The exercise can be performed from different sp. (hands down, forward or up).

14. I.p.: as in the previous exercise. Turn to the right, turning the shoulders and twisting the torso and straightening the arms forward. Then return to i.p. and repeat the exercise to the left.

15. I.p.: as in the previous exercise. Tilt to the right, stretching your arms up. Return to I.P. and repeat the exercise to the left.

16. Deep squats. From ip: hands with a racket at the chest (either down, forward, or up) sit down, stretching your arms forward (up or bending your arms and bringing the racket closer to your chest).

17. Jumping, working with the legs, like with a rope, and imitating the rotation of the rope with a racket. Perform alternately with the right and left hand.

18. Running in place with high hips. Racket in the right or left hand.

Simulation exercises can be performed independently or on a signal:

1. Right hand open side, standing still.

2. The same with a lunge to the right.

3. Backhand with closed side, standing still.

4. The same with a lunge to the left.

5. Strike from below with the closed side, standing still.

6. The same with a lunge forward.

7. Overhand blow with the open side.

8. Hit from above with the closed side.

Shuttlecock and racket exercises

Individual exercises

1. Juggling with the open side of the racket. The player, being in a playing stance, strikes the shuttlecock with the open side of the racket, directing it upwards.

2. High juggling. Each time send the shuttle up as high as possible.

3. Juggling combined with movement. The player is positioned behind the sideline of the court. While juggling, he moves to the opposite touchline.

4. Catching a shuttlecock with a racket. Throw the shuttlecock from below with your free hand. Then put the head of the racket under the dropping shuttlecock and, along with the shuttlecock, smoothly catch it with the head of the racket.

Pair exercises are divided into two groups:

1. One racket for two.

2. Each player with a racket.

In the exercises of the first group, one player with a racket, and the other with a shuttlecock. The player with the shuttlecock helps the first to perform the exercises. He throws the shuttlecock in a convenient place for a strike or holds the shuttlecock in a certain place.

The exercises of the second group are performed with a sufficient level of preparation of preschoolers. Children should be able to freely perform strikes in pairs. All exercises can be performed without a net or through a net.

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