Animals in English with translation. Books about crocodiles in English Description of a crocodile in English with translation

Pregnancy and children 21.07.2019

Crocodiles are frightening and dangerous beasts related to aquatic reptiles. They live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Their body characteristics make them very ruthless predators. Today nearly 23 species of them are known, and the majority of species is endangered because of poaching.

This reptile is graded as one of the most aged animals in a world because it appeared at the same time when dinosaurs lived. Its skin is very precious and desired by a plenty of women and represents a status symbol for rich people and celebrities. Besides, it is too appreciated in the fashion industry.

In the wild most of these animals live approximately 50 years, but there are also long-livers among them who live more than 80 years. Crocodiles prefer fresh meat and have 24 sharp teeth to hunt for fish, mammals, birds, other predators and little crocodiles. Despite on pointy teeth these animals don't chew the food - just tear the prey apart and swallows pieces of meat. In case of problems with digestion they can swallow stones to break the meat to pieces. Crocodiles don't have sweat glands, that's why they are usually seen with their jaws wide open to cool.

Alligators and crocodiles are commonly confused with one another, but obviously they are not the same: crocodiles are bigger and have a V-shaped jaw. Alligators are smaller, they have other-shaped jaw that is closed.

Crocodiles are frightening and dangerous beasts associated with aquatic reptiles. They live in the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia. The structural features of the body make them very ruthless predators. To date, about 23 species of them are known, and most of the species are endangered due to poaching.

This reptile is considered one of the most ancient animals in the world because it appeared at the same time as the dinosaurs. Her skin is very expensive, coveted by a huge number of women and is an indicator of status for rich people and celebrities. In addition, she is highly regarded in the fashion industry.

In the wild, most of these animals live for about 50 years, but among them there are also centenarians who live more than 80 years. Crocodiles prefer fresh meat and have 24 sharp teeth to hunt fish, mammals, birds, other predators and small crocodiles. In spite of sharp teeth, these animals do not chew food - they simply tear their prey into pieces and swallow pieces of meat. In case of digestive problems, they can swallow stones to crush the meat into pieces. Crocodiles do not have sweat glands, so they are usually seen with their jaws wide open to cool off.

Crocodiles are often confused with alligators, but obviously they are not the same thing: crocodiles are larger and have a V-shaped jaw. Alligators are smaller in size and have a different jaw shape that is usually closed.

I Reading

Why the Crocodile Does Not Eat Hens

A He came to the river every day. She drank water there. One day the Crocodile saw her and came up to her. He wanted to eat her up. But she cried, "Oh, don't eat me, my dear brother!" And the Crocodile let her go: he could not eat his sister.

The next day, when the Hen came to the river again, the Crocodile decided to eat her up. But again the Hen cried, “Oh, don’t eat me, my dear brother!” And again the Crocodile didn't eat her.

But he thought “How can I be her brother? I live in the water, and she doesn't. “Then the Crocodile went to his friend, a Lizard.

“Oh my friend! A big Hen comes to the river every day and when I want to catch her, she says that I am her brother. How can that be?

“Oh, my silly friend!” the Lizard answered. “Don't you know that the Hen, The Turtle, the Lizard lay eggs as Crocodiles do, my dear? So we are all brothers and sisters. Do you understand?"

“Oh, thank you very much!” said the Crocodile.

Now you know why crocodiles never eat hens!

II Restore the sentences from the text and translate them.

A Hen came to the river every day she drank water there one day the crocodile saw her and came up to her he wanted to eat her up.

III Read each pair of words. Write the word from the box to finish each word group.

His eat lizard silly brother

1. mother, sister, _______________________________


3.drink, feed,________________________________


5. my, her, ______________

IV True or false (+/-)

    A He came to the river every day.

    The Crocodile let the hen go.

    The Hen lives in the water.

    The Crocodile couldn't understand anything.

1.What is your favorite animal?

2. What animals can you see in our zoo?


3. Is the shark a fast and dangerous fish?


4. Have you got a pet?


Use of English

Simple or continuous? Put the verbs in the correct form.

At weekends I (usually get)………. at 8 o'clock in the morning. Dad (not get)………..up early. At the moment we (have breakfast)………………………..I (usually eat)…………………sandwiches for breakfast. But now we (eat)…………porridge.

Interesting facts about crocodiles

Crocodile or alligator,
Who is who on the equator?
Which one ate up Auntie Norah,
Famous tropical explorer?

Do you know how to tell an alligator from a crocodile? Then try this quiz.
Only one of the following sentences is false. Which one?
1. Crocodiles and alligators are relatives. They belong to a large group of crocodiles.
2. Crocodilians are reptiles.

3. Crocodiles have narrow noses, alligators have blunt noses.
4. The Nile crocodile is the largest of all the world's crocodilians.
5. There are no crocodiles in Russian rivers.
6. Crocodiles and alligators are wonderful swimmers.
7. Crocodiles and alligators are caring mothers. They provide more care for their young than most reptiles do.
8. Some people keep crocodilians for pets.
9. Alligators and crocodiles drag their victims underwater and drown them before eating them.
10. Crocodiles can't stick out their tongues!
11. Crocodiles can hold their breath for more than an hour.
12. Alligators and crocodiles can't chew their food - their teeth are only good for tearing. So they swallow stones to help smash up the food they've eaten.
13. Crocodiles sometimes attack and eat people.
14. Alligators are friendly. They never attack humans.
15. When they get hot, crocodiles rest with their mouths open. Birds sometimes fly into their mouths and pick food from between their teeth.

No. 14 is wrong
source: Speak out 3/2001

Do you know how to tell an alligator from a crocodile? Then try this test. One of the statements is incorrect. Guess what.
1. Crocodiles and alligators are related. They belong to a large order of aquatic vertebrates.
2. Crocodiles are reptiles.
3. Crocodiles have narrow noses, while alligators have blunt noses.
4. The Nile crocodile is the largest of all the crocodiles in the world.
5. In Russian rivers no crocodiles.
6. Crocodiles and alligators are great swimmers.
7. Mothers of crocodiles and alligators take care of their offspring. They provide more care for the younger generation than most reptiles.
8. Some people keep crocodiles as pets.
9. Alligators and crocodiles drag their prey underwater and drown it before they eat it.
10. A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.
11. Crocodiles can hold their breath for more than an hour.
12. Alligators and crocodiles can't chew - their teeth are only good for tearing. Therefore, they swallow stones to help digest the food they have eaten.
13. Crocodiles sometimes attack people and eat them.
14. Alligators are very friendly. They never attack people.
15. When crocodiles are hot, they rest with their mouths open. Birds sometimes fly into their mouths and take away the remnants of food stuck between their teeth.

No. 14 is wrong

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It is impossible to imagine learning English without getting to know the names of animals. After getting acquainted with the minimum of vocabulary and the simplest grammatical constructions, it is necessary to move on to small texts in which the presence of animals as characters is highly desirable. When we teach animals English language for children, the traditional set includes approximately equally domestic and wild representatives of the fauna. It is better to start memorizing with one-syllable words, gradually moving on to two-syllable and three-syllable names.

Animal names in English

At the very beginning of training, it is permissible when animals in English are learned with pronunciation in Russian, that is, with Russian transcription. It is strongly recommended that, in parallel with memorizing words, learn English transcription signs, without knowing which it will be impossible to work with any dictionary.

Domestic animals - Domestic animals

Cat - Cat (cat)

Cow - Cow (kaw)

Dog - Dog (dog)

Duck - Duck (duck)

Donkey - Donkey (donks)

Goat - Goat (goat)

Goose - Goose (goose)

Hamster - Hamster (hamster)

Chicken - Hen (hen)

Horse - Horse (hos)

Mouse - Mouse (mouse)

Pig - Pig (pig)

Rabbit - Rabbit (rabbit)

Sheep - Sheep (thorn) [ʃ I: p]

Going to the animals section in English with a translation into Russian, it is very important for the child to explain that the British not only call animals “not in our way”, but also hear most of the sounds they make, not like we do. For example, english dog barks "bow-bow" or "woof-woof", chicken quack "cluck-cluck", the mouse squeaks "squeak-squeak" and the sheep bleats "baa-baa".

It is useful to introduce these sounds with the help of such suggestions:

  • The pig on the farm goes “oink-oink”.
  • The horse on the field goes “neigh-neigh”.
  • The cow on the meadow says “moo-moo”.

Children notice that native speakers hear some animals in a very peculiar way, and, for example, the mooing of a cow or the meowing of a cat is reproduced by our speech apparatus in approximately the same way.

It is also useful to write dialogues like this:

  • - What does the cat say on the roof?
  • It says “miaow”.

Or a little more complicated:

  • - Does the duck in the pool say “oink-oink”?
  • No, it isn't. The duck says “quack-quack”.

Wild animals - Wikiwand Wild animals

Bear - Bear (bee)

Crocodile - Crocodile (crocodile)

Deer - Deer (dee)

Elephant - Elephant (elephant)

Giraffe - Giraffe (giraffe)

Fox - Fox (fox)

Koala - Koala (kouale)

Leopard - Leopard (lapd)

Monkey - Monkey (decoy)

Ostrich - Ostrich (ostrich) [ɔstritʃ]

Panda - Panda (pande)

Snake - Snake (snake)

Turtle - Tortoise (totes)

Whale - Whale (Whale)

Zebra - Zebra (zebra)

He, she or it?

When learning the names of wild animals, there is no special need to reproduce sounds, maybe with the exception of snakes (hiss). It should be noted that in everyday situations and in real life pronouns he and she are not used for animals. In most cases, you need to use the pronoun it used when referring to inanimate objects. For example:

This is a crocodile. It is green long and fierce.

Here in fairy tales and in some stories, animals are personified and "rewarded" with the pronouns he or she. Also in English there is one very interesting feature: when you are told about any animal that has a nickname or name (in fairy tales), it is “represented” as follows:

John, the Cat
Grey, the Horse
Martin, the Bear.

smart as a monkey

Also, as in Russian, animals among the British or Americans are endowed with qualities that are inherent in some people. In some cases, these comparisons coincide with ours, when they say about a person that he has the strength and endurance of a horse. For example:

Dick was strong as a horse and he could easily make fifteen kilometers on foot.

On the other hand, when we teach animals in English for children, they need to be taught that we and native English speakers have differences in mentality, and therefore we perceive many realities of life in different ways. In the field of the animal world, this is especially pronounced in relation to wolves and monkeys. Yes, in some fairy tales we treat the wolf with disdain, but we will never compare a man to a wolf in the following way:

"He's dumb as a wolf", and English speakers do it: "Brian's as stupid as a wolf".

Even more curious is the attitude of the British towards monkeys. If we say that a person is smart like a monkey, most likely, he will take it as an insult, and for native speakers, this is just the highest praise:

"Tracy has finished her school with honors - she's as clever as a monkey".

As a rule, such transfers of human characters to animals in literature can be found in fables. Actors there are usually various animals. Reading fables in English is one way to replenish vocabulary, there you will find many names of animals, words that describe the character and behavior. There is usually a moral at the end of each fable. From these final sentences characterizing different life situations, you can take a lot of useful things to enrich your speech.

On the training site, in addition to short funny stories, interesting stories and fairy tales, English fables are also used to learn English. On our site, a user with any initial level of knowledge will find suitable educational material for himself.

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