How good is an English Shepherd? The English Shepherd is a roadside dog.

Family and relationships 24.08.2018
Family and relationships

English shepherd


Hind limbs

Age (years)

Country of origin

A specially trained English Shepherd is able to assess the physical capabilities of each animal in the herd and, with this in mind, work out their actions to manage these animals.

When performing her herding duties, a shepherd dog can independently work with goats and sheep, with pigs and with cattle.
Many owners of dogs of this breed note their valuable qualities, non-standard thinking. These dogs choose different types behavior for various kinds livestock. The English Shepherd can be perceived as a full-fledged member of the family.
Such workers will be welcome in any household.
The Sheepdog has excellent sensory perception and is a very responsive and alert dog.
The dog is distinguished by a balanced character, never characterized by signs of aggression and lethargy.
Dogs are strongly attached to their owner and accompany him everywhere.
Because of their friendliness and curiosity, they make poor guard dogs.

The German Shepherd is the world's most used breed for working purposes. This breed is a correct and reliable support not only for police officers, customs officers, soldiers and rescuers. In addition, blind people know that they can rely on their excellent sense and trust in their faithful fidelity. German Shepherds have above average talents that serve as hitchhikers, rescuers, lookouts and protectors. The exception is not sports, in which some shepherds achieve great results.

The coat is hard, rough, clinging to the body with a thick undercoat. The color is black with brown or gray icons, monochrome black, monochrome gray, gray with brown or lighter icons. coat grooming german shepherd not difficult. For daily cleaning, it is recommended to use, for example, a brush with natural bristles or a classic wire brush. Daily brushing is very necessary to remove loose hair. It also serves to stimulate its natural lubrication and remove impurities.

Origin story

It is believed that the English Shepherd breed began to emerge in Ancient Rome. Additional Information almost nothing about it.
AT modern world the breed is a planned symbiosis of the following breeds: classic collie, Scottish collie, border collie and several other breeds shepherd dogs.
American farmers have been quite successful with their shepherd dogs, but have sought to improve the performance of the dogs they own.
In order to improve the breed, a dog was bred with endurance, hard work, quick reaction - the English Shepherd.

The German Shepherd is a highly intelligent, obedient, educated, social and friendly dog. He is also very masculine and lively, and he is also confident and shy. He is very loyal and loyal to his owner. Education usually occurs without any problems. These dogs are easy to recognize and love to do for their owner.

Ivermectin sensitivity

The German Shepherd is an active breed and needs plenty of movement. You can go for long and regular walks with a German Shepherd in order to maintain your condition. Avermectins are a group of natural products with antiparasitic activity. Ivermectin, a large member of the avermectin group, is a widely used drug in veterinary medicine for the treatment of parasitic diseases caused by nematodes and arthropods. Although ivermectin is considered safe for pets, cases of neurological manifestations have been reported following treatment with ivermectin.

Coat: on the muzzle and on the front paws on the front side, the hair is short, the body and tail are decorated with medium-length hair.

Color: tricolor, black and tan, black and white.


english shepherd looks very solid, she is a bit stocky.
The muzzle is of medium size, tapering towards the nose.
The ears are set high, the ear cartilages allow them to hang down. The eyes are dark.
The expression of the muzzle is always meaningful and attentive.
Structure: the hind limbs are slightly curved, the forelegs are straight, thanks to which the dog excels in speed and strength. This is a great helper for shepherd service.

Neurological symptoms include mydriasis, tremor, ataxia, and anorexia. These symptoms usually appear at doses up to 200 times lower to cause the same symptoms in healthy people. Neurological symptoms caused by ivermectin in susceptible dogs include hypersalivation, blindness, respiratory failure, and brain death.

Collie, Shetland Sheepdog, Australian Shepherd, English Shepherd, McNab, Old English Sheepdog, Bobtail, Whippet, Silk Windbreaker, White Shepherd, German Shepherd. This is due to the increased absorption capacity of ivermectin and other substrates such as digoxin, vincristine, doxorubicin, cyclosporine A, grefafloxacin, dexamethasone and loperamide.

Games and training

If the dog is not given enough attention and time, he will not have physical activity, then over time, her muscles will become decrepit and her health will deteriorate.
When trained, the English Shepherd is very easy to work with, fulfills all requirements with ease and will soon become a very well behaved dog.
In the process of training, it should be borne in mind that the dog is distinguished by the qualities of a leader and it needs to be shown that the owner is still more important.
You can not use violence, in training actions to show cruelty, you can not intimidate the dog.
After such actions, you can lose the most important thing - trust.
Be persistent, respectful and the dog will be loyal to you.

Heterozygous animals lead normal life without signs of ivermectin sensitivity, however, they are able to pass the mutated gene to their descendants and thereby ensure its distribution in the population. Therefore, it is important to track these media before duplicating them.

Genetic testing provided a wide range laboratory methods, so the results are very reliable. The test is able to identify both affected individuals and carriers. The mutated gene can be detected by a direct method to identify the affected individual. Genetic testing provides an excellent opportunity to detect ivermectin susceptible humans and thus prevent complications associated with ivermectin treatment in these animals.


Often this breed suffers from hip dysplasia and elbow joints. These dogs carry the defective gene, making them sensitive to some drugs, safe for other dogs, but deadly for shepherd dogs.
In general, excellent health.

It is noted that she will feel uncomfortable in the city and she is better off in rural or country living conditions (next to other animals).
Well, if this is a house with a large adjacent plot.
Wool must be constantly combed. Shedding is a lot of trouble if the dog lives in the house and not in the aviary.

Blood cards and cotton swabs are available upon request. Testing is carried out in a partner laboratory. The results are known 5 working days after the sample is received in our laboratory. Belgian Shepherds carry all the traits of the original European Shepherds, characterized by the typical bare, straight ears and are generally medium in size. They came from the same foundation as the more famous German Shepherds. They were raised to work closely with man to control the herds, and this is reflected in their study and listening to this day.


This breed can be considered when choosing a companion dog. In this case, the dog will need special exercises so that she can show all her abilities and instincts.
The English Shepherd is well suited as a family dog, as it loves and protects children, is not able to offend a child because of its non-aggressiveness.
Companion dogs, Service dogs.

When the modern breed began to take shape as it is known today, Belgian breeders succeeded in creating the still very heterogeneous herding type dogs in their territory, four types of Belgian shepherds distinguished by coat type and coloration. Although the four Belgian Shepherds are separated today, they are still officially considered one breed with four varieties.

Description: A dog of medium size, harmonious proportions, combining elegance and strength. The head is long, dry, high. The length of the skull and muzzle is about the same, the muzzle may be slightly longer. Medium, slightly almond-shaped eyes, brown, the darker the better. The ears are smaller, straight and high level, triangular in shape. The neck is long, muscular, dry, without lobes. Straight-boned, straight and muscular, with round, cat-like legs. Preferably the body is strong, but not heavy, square. The chest is not too wide, but deep, which ensures steady movement.


The breed is officially recognized by international kennel clubs - UKS. FCI not recognized.

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The English Shepherd is a working breed. It was bred by US farmers who were trying to improve the basic characteristics of existing shepherd breeds. To do this, farmers crossed breeds imported from the British Isles with Roman shepherd dogs that appeared in America during the time of the invader Cesar. These dogs were used by Catholics to herd livestock needed by the troops as provisions. Exhausted Roman dogs were driven out of the pack, and locals gave them shelter. As a result of crossing these dogs with old English breeds dogs and the English Shepherd appeared. Later, the old English Shepherd with the first settlers ended up in America. The versatile breed was highly regarded, and in 1934 it was recognized by the UKC.

Otherwise it is worn with the toe turned up, the attention being lifted but not above the horizontal line of the spine. The coat is short, blond with black hairs and a black mask. Characteristics: Striking, active, lively, steady and tenacious dogs, capable of making remarkable performances in many areas. They are characterized by high intelligence, extraordinary learning, innate supervision skills, quick and tireless. Calm nature should be treated with extreme courage and the ability to intervene when necessary.

Description of the breed

The English Shepherd is a medium-sized dog with a strong and harmonious physique. Individuals participating in exhibitions are judged both on the exterior and on physical form, and working qualities. The height of this English purebred breed at the withers reaches 46-59 centimeters. Has a somewhat stocky appearance. Her muzzle is not very long, tapering towards the nose. Ears hanging on cartilage are set high, and dark-colored eyes give the dog a preoccupied intelligent look. The hind legs are slightly curved, the front legs are straight. In a dog, the hair on the body has different lengths: on the tail and torso it is long, and on the front paws it is short. Color varies from black and tan to tricolor, black and white, or sable and white. The weight of an adult dog ranges from 18 to 27 kilograms. Great companion for all family members.

Even at the highest competitions, they are the only ones who can compete with German Shepherds. Due to their speed and training, all Belgian Shepherds perform well in agility competitions where they have top scores. Appearance: It belongs to common breeds.

Special Requirements: For housing, temperature and nutrition, Belgian Shepherds are relatively unpretentious, but they require special treatment and very consistent management. All Belgian Shepherds require active, athletic owners and rigorous training. Possible Confusion: Raspberries are often confused with German Shepherds. He, however, is much more durable, he has a stronger head, big ears and, above all, a different color - for the raspberry, the typical blond color of the German Shepherd does not occur.


This breed of dog is characterized by fearlessness in achieving goals and immense kindness. English Shepherds are very brave, agile and active. It is unacceptable to keep such freedom-loving pets in a house or apartment - they need space to splash out energy. In addition, English Shepherds require constant physical activity. The shepherd dog will always serve the owner faithfully, as she is obedient and faithful. He executes all commands accurately, without delay and with undisguised pleasure, has a pronounced guarding instinct. These reliable defenders will never hesitate for a long time in the event of a threat to the owner or his home - the teeth will be put into action immediately. But, despite this, the breed does not belong to the class dangerous dogs. This is a pleasant and sweet friend in the family, who is distinguished by sociability and kindness. Such dogs should not be nervous and aggressive.

Author: Martin Smrcek, Li Smarkova. If you imagine the phrase: standard breed or standard personality, the vast majority of us "jump" for the association with the circle of the exhibition, that is, the external one. However, nature and temperament are no less important component standard, but it is often hidden in "solitude". Seamless and harmonious cohabitation with a dog consists of many aspects. One of the most important of them is, in my opinion, nature and temperament or "What matters is an invisible sight."

The main content of this article will be the aforementioned character of the Australian Shepherd. Consequently, the innate characteristics of character that make up the "interior" of this amazing breed and their possible pitfalls. Although at first glance it does not look like this, the "boring story" and knowledge environment and the work for which the breed is cultivated will give much insight into the inherent characteristics of the breed.

The daily care of the English Shepherd includes, first of all, the presence of physical training. Almost all day the dog should be on the street, and making active movements. Dog food should be balanced and complete. To make the coat look beautiful and shiny, once a month the pet should be bathed with a special shampoo. Since the coat is not very long, then one combing per week will be quite enough.

It was continuous work around the cattle from spring to winter. The main features that made him an invaluable assistant was his versatility: a great sense of manipulation with a herd of both cattle and sheep. In addition to being a shepherd, due to her natural protective flock, she was a great shepherd and her home, and she was naturally territorial. He excelled in his speed, agility, stamina, toughness, courage, and ability to decide on his own and work in harsh environments, mostly day and night.

Health features

The English Sheepdog inherited a defective gene from herding dogs that makes them vulnerable to certain medicines so never treat the dog yourself. It could end in her death. Be sure to check with your veterinarian! There are also cases when English Shepherds acquired dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints.

Any psychological imbalance or even aggression of his authority at work has been greatly reduced. Only a balanced dog can "steal" and "correctly manage" with the instincts and innate attributes he has been given. The only difference in this key issue is simply the blurring of the difference between a territorial dog patrolling its territory, a person booked in the original meeting.

And the "lynx" barked and attacked "everything" around him, resigned himself to a lot of misfortune with a reaction from shooting to rumbling sounds or a male "helper" who liked conflict. So let's sort out the possibly "pitfalls" of coexisting with the Australian Shepherd, but before we leave a little note. In my opinion, it is possible to effectively work and modify almost any character and instinctive behavior. Is it fair to "recycle" the character of the Australian shepherd, for example, as a general rule of extraction? - the question of preserving instinct, possible reservations to strangers, temperament?

If you comply with all conditions of detention, then your pet will live for about 12-13 years, delighting you every minute.

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