How to tell a German Shepherd from a mongrel. Mestizo German Shepherd - photo and description of breeds

Family and relationships 10.05.2018
Family and relationships

Anyone who is interested in dogs and has a general idea of ​​their breeds usually knows very well what a German Shepherd looks like. However, not everyone knows that it is with this breed of dogs that most outbred dogs have the greatest similarity. Therefore, wanting to start this breed in your home, it is so important for the future owner to know exactly how to determine german shepherd.

First of all, you need to understand what less age dogs, the more difficult it becomes to distinguish a shepherd puppy from a mongrel. After all, the appearance and main features of the breed have not yet been fully formed in a small puppy. However, with knowledge and observation, a non-professional can do this if desired.

It is only important to see some features that accurately indicate the dog's belonging to the breed.

So, it is important for the owner to know that puppies at a very young age look rather awkward and even awkward. Closer to the age of two months, puppies of a real German Shepherd begin to grow very actively. They are literally changing right before our eyes. Their body becomes much more harmonious. This is the first sign of the breed, because the mutts do not grow so fast and do not gain weight.

There are also several common characteristics in how a thoroughbred shepherd dog looks.

The dog's head should not be unduly light, small or rough. In a thoroughbred shepherd dog, it has been moderate in shape and size since childhood. The forehead should be slightly convex and narrow. The transition from it to the muzzle of the puppy is at first weakly expressed. The very muzzle of the puppy should not be pointed while he is small. The nose of a thoroughbred puppy is quite large and always black. Mutts are clearly distinguished by the fact that they always have a very clear frontal groove.

A common, BUT OPTIONAL, breed indicator is five black moles located near the corners of the dog's mouth. If they are, they are always clearly visible.

The eyes of a shepherd dog are dark (most often dark brown), clear and almond-shaped. In puppies up to 2 months, their color is smoky blue. It is not recommended to take light-eyed or odd-eyed shepherd dogs. In mutts, the eyes are usually more prominent and rounded. The look of a shepherd dog is always inquisitive and focused.

It is worth looking into the puppy's mouth. He must have a scissor bite. The gaps between the incisors of the puppy should not be more than 1-2 mm. You should also immediately check whether the baby has fused or double teeth.

At the same time it will be excellent opportunity how you can determine the age of a German shepherd - looking at the dog's teeth, you can at least approximately understand how old she is.

Puppies under 3 months old have small and sharp teeth. If the puppy lacks teeth, he is clearly between the ages of 3 and 7 months, when the teeth in dogs are just changing. If the dog's teeth are large, white and not chipped - most likely it is still young and they have changed relatively recently, that is, the dog is from 7 months to 3 years old. If the teeth have a yellow coating, the dog is already an adult, older than 3 years. Also, in dogs older than 3 years, the incisors (front teeth) are usually already noticeably worn.

What often confuses inexperienced novice owners is the puppies' long "burd" ears. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, and in purebred puppies they will “stand up” with age. In mutts, the ears are usually medium in size and usually always remain hanging.

A thoroughbred dog has a very massive and developed chest since childhood. In mongrels, it is always more "barrel-shaped". The body of a thoroughbred puppy is always elongated, the back is straight, and the neck is long and strong. A well-built purebred shepherd puppy has a short back and loin, wide shoulders and hips.

For many experienced cynologists, it is easiest to identify a shepherd dog by the shape of its paws - in purebred dogs they are of an “aristocratic” elongated shape, large and even. The paws of young puppies are strong and plump. They should not have dewclaws.

You should also observe the proximity of the puppy's paws to the ground during movement - both the front and hind legs of the puppy should be close enough to the surface.

The tail of a thoroughbred shepherd dog is lowered and is shaped like a saber blade. In mutts, the tail is usually twisted into a ring over the back.

As for how German Shepherd puppies look in appearance and color, it is rather difficult to determine the breed on this point - in childhood, German Shepherd puppies are usually all black or black and tan (depending on the color of the parents). In small puppies, the coat often looks like “gray hair” or light down. This doesn't mean dishonesty. Such wool leaves with the first molt. However, the dog should not have clear white spots.

Their identification "mask" on the face and the final color are formed at a more mature age. Mutts, on the other hand, often have light spots on their chests, which do not disappear with the maturation of the dog.

At thoroughbred shepherds wool is harsh, however, at the same time, very pleasant to the touch. In mutts, the coat is often much softer and even silkier.

The skin of a shepherd dog is very elastic - it does not form folds or sagging.

Also a good sign of how to identify a German Shepherd puppy is dog training - you can start it as early as 2 months of age. A purebred puppy is very easy to train. After several repetitions, he remembers the commands and easily executes them. Mongrel memorization of commands is given with difficulty and reluctance.

Future dog owners should understand that a puppy does not always immediately look like a small copy of an adult dog. Many traits and signs of the breed appear much later, when the dog has already grown up and formed.

For example, Caucasian puppies do not always look like an adult Caucasian Shepherd Dog. In childhood, they usually appear small, too fluffy and round, not at all aggressive and too playful. Therefore, before buying, owners should familiarize themselves with how to identify a purebred Caucasian Shepherd puppy.

Well, in addition, you should clearly understand why you are getting an animal - if for exhibitions and competitions, then of course you should select a puppy very carefully and carefully, having studied all the relevant documents. If for the soul, sport or protection, the main thing will be how you will take care of the dog, how to train or educate and how much attention to pay to it. This is what will help to form a devoted and faithful friend and protector from any dog.

How to distinguish a German shepherd from a mongrel There are few people who have never dreamed of becoming the proud owner of a German shepherd - a dog that occupies an honorable third place on the dog intelligence scale. But oddly enough, most mongrels have a resemblance to this particular breed. How to distinguish between these two dogs, especially since it is extremely difficult to do before the age of two months? Definition of German Shepherd and Mongrel The German Shepherd is a dog bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany as a service dog on the basis of the Middle and South German varieties of guard breeds, a descendant of the northern wolf. According to the FCI classification, it belongs to Group 1 - shepherd and cattle. Self-confident, well controlled, good-natured dog with strong nerves. A mongrel is a dog that has not belonged to any breed for several generations, often homeless. Due to hard natural selection, is in good health. First of all, it should be said that you need to study the breed standard very well before buying a dog. It is very difficult for a non-professional to distinguish a German shepherd from a mongrel. But at least some conclusions can be drawn. Distinctive features A shepherd puppy grows very quickly, as they say, by the day. His body develops quite harmoniously, except perhaps for adolescence, when puppies have a somewhat awkward appearance. The mongrel does not gain weight with such force and does not grow as quickly. Training. Already from the age of 2 months, a German Shepherd puppy can begin to be trained. He quickly, with several repetitions, remembers commands and executes them with pleasure. The mongrel can't do it. The head is rough or too light - an indicator of outbredness. In a shepherd dog, it is moderate in all respects. The forehead is slightly convex. The transition from it to the muzzle is weakly expressed. The nose is quite large and always black. In mongrels, unlike the shepherd dog, the frontal groove is clearly visible. Moles. Five black moles near the corners of the mouth are clearly visible in a shepherd puppy, but they are not an indicator of the breed. The eyes are almond-shaped, clean and dark, smoky blue until the age of two months, the gaze is concentrated and intelligent in a shepherd dog. You can't say the same about the mongrel. Her eyes are more rounded and often bulging. The ears of the German Shepherd, especially those of puppies, are very long, "burd" until they start to stand. In a mongrel, if it is not a mestizo, they are of medium size, they can remain hanging. The Shepherd's chest is well developed and massive. In mongrels, it is more barrel-shaped. Paws. Experienced breeders determine the breed, first of all, by the structure of the paws. In purebred dogs, “aristocratic” - moderately elongated, even and large. In German Shepherd puppies, they stand out especially. The tail in the rack of the German Shepherd is lowered and resembles a saber. At the mongrel, he is thrown into a ring over his back. Color. The shepherd dog is characterized by a black coat color. For the breed, white spots on the chest are unacceptable, which are quite common in mongrels. The coat of the German Shepherd is harsh, although very pleasant to the touch. The mongrel's coat is softer, as if silky. The skin of the German Shepherd is very elastic, it does not form sagging and folds. Traffic. A thoroughbred dog carries its paws very close to the ground, without throwing them, unlike a purebred. The back is both in the stance and straight when walking. Moves at a low trot. determined that the difference between a German shepherd and a mongrel is as follows: The structure of the paws, chest and head of a German shepherd is very harmonious, moderately massive, without unnecessary bends and bulges. The movements of a thoroughbred dog are special - dog-like aristocratic. A thoroughbred puppy grows faster than a purebred puppy and begins to memorize commands faster. The look of a shepherd dog is peculiar - too concentrated, smart and kind at the same time. The eyes are almond-shaped, the mongrel's are rounded. Without documents and a stigma, it is extremely difficult to distinguish a German shepherd from a mongrel.


If the question of the purity of the breed is essential for you, purchase puppy from trusted breeders or in clubs specializing in breeding this particular breed. Choose his parents by walking around the exhibitions, talking with other owners of the "Germans". In the event that you yourself did not choose a dog, try to determine its belonging to the breed by external signs.

At the age of one and a half months, the puppy shepherd dogs must be harmoniously developed and have a compact physique. By two months, he will be quite large, and his ears, paws and tail may begin to grow disproportionately. They may even seem too long and large. Especially the owners are embarrassed by the tail - it can hang almost to the ground. Already at an early age, German shepherd dogs excellently trained. Puppies are quick-witted, easy to train and get a clear pleasure from classes with the owner.

Puppies at 3 months of age shepherd dogs especially clumsy and disproportionate - the joints on the front legs can be greatly enlarged, and the hind legs too long. This frightens many owners and arouses their suspicion, but it just refers to the peculiarities of the development of this breed. All these apparent shortcomings will smooth out and become invisible by six months. Check out the measurement tracking table puppy German shepherd dogs, which is given in the book by Zykina O.V. "German Shepherd" and check your pet on it.

Another sign of the breed are erect ears. By about 3 months in shepherd dogs, they begin to rise. But this is not a hard term, it can vary from 5 weeks to 4 months. By this time the auricle puppy should become heavy, increase in size. The set of the ears is formed gradually, at first they can keep a “house” and fall to one side, but by 6 months they should already stand well.

Before you go to choose an animal, carefully study the photos of this breed at different ages. If possible, visit a kennel or consult a dog handler who is not interested in selling. puppy. Any deviation in body shape, color and size of the baby should alert you.

If you came to choose a dog, and the puppies are sleeping peacefully, you need to wake them up. Carefully observe their actions for 15-20 minutes. Choose active, dense puppy. But activity should not be excessive. If the baby rushes around the room, and does not play with others puppy We may have something bothering him.

Pay attention to the thickness of the paws, they should be moderately thick, and the pads should be large without any damage. The articular parts of the paws should not stick out, this may indicate their underdevelopment and further pain.

Well, at the very end of the purchase, study the pedigree. Although it does not always indicate the presence of "blue blood", it will not be superfluous to pay attention to it.

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Useful advice

When buying an alimony puppy, remember that the best baby is not always given to fathers, usually it is in this place that a catch awaits.

The German Shepherd is very hardy big dog. Having matured, she can become an excellent watchman and assistant in the farm. Often she is trained to work in the Ministry of the Interior, the army and other law enforcement agencies. All this should be considered at the moment when deciding what to name puppy shepherd dogs.


First of all, determine the gender of the puppy - " boy" is it or " girl". Unfortunately, mistakes in such a matter are not uncommon, such cases sometimes occur with inexperienced future owners. Often the owner calls the dog a male nickname, and later discovers that she turned out to be a "girl". You can determine the sex of the animal by turning it on its back and carefully examining the area under the tail. If you notice a tiny scrotum under the anus, and on the tummy, just below the navel, a tubercle (genital organ) - in front of you is a male, in other cases it is a female.

Useful advice

Before you name a shepherd puppy in any way, remember the Russian proverb: "Whatever you call a ship, that's how it will sail." This expression is also relevant in this case.


  • how to name a shepherd dog

Find your puppy who will love you and delight you with his obedience and good disposition, great luck. Toy Terriers are loyal dogs, sensitive to your mood. If you want to relax on the sofa, they will lie down quietly next to you, but, rejoicing at your arrival, they will jump like rubber balls.


Responsibly treat the choice of a future friend, this is not a plush toy. Your toy terrier puppy will choose you and distinguish you from other buyers. Try to refrain from buying on the market, there is a high probability of acquiring a sick animal that will need to be treated for a long time. But, if emotions and feelings got the best of you, immediately show your pet to a veterinarian and follow all his recommendations.

It is difficult to immediately distinguish your toy terrier puppy, this dog has a natural distrust of strangers and can make contact only after a while. Do not be seduced by the cheapness of the dog, the breeder could save on food, vaccinations, anthelmintics and vitamins.

Look at the puppy's parents. But do not be afraid of the not very attractive kind of mother bitch, she may not tolerate pregnancy and childbirth. A good breeder will be interested in how you will take care of the puppy and ask about your lifestyle.

Toy Terriers, like all dogs, are divided into groups. Show quality implies exhibition potential. Such puppies are not often born even in outstanding dogs. They have an excellent exterior and exhibition charm, they are well aware that they are not like everyone else. These dogs are very expensive.

Breeding-quality puppies also do not have serious flaws and show courage. But they lack temperament and personality. Your pet may be a pet-quality toy terrier, but it may have health or cosmetic deficiencies. But such a puppy is much cheaper.

Acquire toy terriers at 2-3 months of age. Look at the nose, ears and eyes of the baby, they should be clean. The coat is well-groomed, the anus is without traces of diarrhea. Sit on your knees and stretch out your hands to the puppies. Of course, you will like the first one that runs up to you and starts licking your hands. But do not expect loyalty from him, he will also run to another person.

The Toy Terrier is distinguished by the grace of a small head, expressive eyes and large ears. They look like little touching deer. Their height at the withers is 19-26 cm, and the weight of these babies ranges from 1 to 2.5 kg. Dogs are sociable and smart, active and charming, they are distinguished by fairly good health.

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The Chinese Crested is a dog with an unusual appearance and independent character. Such an animal needs delicate handling, properly selected food and good care. To raise a good dog, it is important to choose the right puppy. Consider the characteristics of the breed - they are noticeable even at a very young age.

breed standards

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the exterior. This is especially important if you are interested in a show or breeding dog. A good puppy has a proportional physique, a flat back without deflections and a fairly light head. Feet should be set straight, turning the hocks inward is not allowed.

Make sure the bite is correct - Chinese Cresteds often have "snacks". Be sure to talk to the breeder - a conscientious seller will definitely provide you full information about the parents of the puppies. It is also desirable to find out about past litters - usually puppies of the same parents are similar, especially in terms of size. When planning your pet's show career, choose larger puppies - they look more spectacular in the ring. If you are planning to buy a dog for breeding, find out how her mother's pregnancy went, whether the puppies had enough milk.

Downy and hairless dogs: who to choose

The peculiarity of the breed is the presence in some litters of the so-called "puffs" - dogs with long silky hair. These animals look very original and are easily bred. However, hairless dogs are more common at shows, and it is they who usually get prizes. The issue of price is also important. The hairless bitch is the most expensive, and the puffy male is the cheapest option. But if you do not dream of exhibitions and breeding, choose a dog that seems more attractive to you.

Assess the skin and coat of the animal. Many puppies have patchy skin. They can retain a bright pattern or brighten - this usually depends on the genetic predisposition. By the time of sale (about 3 months old), the exact shade of the coat can be determined by the roots of the hairs. Spread the hair at the withers of the "puff" or at the tuft of a hairless dog - most likely, in a few months its skin will acquire just such a color. The amount of hair is also important. Naked puppies with a lush mane, tuft and “socks” on their paws look very impressive. Such a dog will require trimming before the show, but after bringing the coat in order, it will look charming.

The nature of future pets

The Chinese Crested is a gentle yet active and curious dog. When choosing a puppy, give preference to the most sociable animal from the litter. It is important that he is not afraid of people, willingly communicated, not shy. It is believed that large puppies are more balanced, and small ones with Round eyes and a short muzzle, cowardly and prone to tantrums.

Consider gender differences as well. Females of the Chinese Crested are more socialized, they are distinguished by a calm disposition, accuracy. Males can be aggressive. Taking into account the nature of the pet is especially important for those who are planning a dog's show career - for aggression or cowardice, the animal can be removed from the ring, even if it has an impeccable appearance.

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The most versatile, among all the breeds bred in the history of mankind, is the German Shepherd. In the police and the army around the world, German shepherds are used for patrol and search work. These dogs serve as guides for the blind, and they help the peasants graze their cattle. Moreover, the shepherd is both a reliable protector and a wonderful friend for the whole family.


Shepherds have a strong nervous system, keen senses and hearing. The muscles are well developed, strong and dry bones. For a shepherd dog, the typical gait is the trot. The weight of the animal ranges from 30 to 40 kg. In males, the height at the withers is up to 66 cm, in females 55-60 cm.

The head of a German Shepherd should have a wide vault of the skull and a wedge-shaped muzzle of the same length. The nose is always black. The eyes are medium in size and almond shaped, usually dark brown.

Lips dry, taut, close to teeth. The teeth are strong without deviations from the normal bite, 42 teeth in a complete set. The ears are medium in size, with a wide base, set high and erect.

The body of the dog is somewhat elongated. The chest is oval in shape, deep and not wide. Tightened belly. The back is strong and straight, sloping down to the base of the tail.

The forelimbs should be straight, the hindquarters with wide and strong hips. Paws are compact, with rounded arched toes. The nails are black and short, the pads are well developed. In puppies, dewclaws should be removed by a veterinarian at 5-7 days of age.

German Shepherds come with short or long hair. In addition, long-haired shepherd dogs are distinguished, their hair is much longer and parted to the ridge. Usually the coat has a thick undercoat, harsh and lying.

Color varies, including black with tan or gray markings. It is solid black or gray, and also gray with brown or light markings. Only when the puppies have outer hair, you can accurately determine the future color of the dog.

The tail of a shepherd dog is of medium length and low set. In a calm state, the animal hangs down, slightly bending in the form of an arc. When the dog moves or is excited, the tail is slightly raised. An artificially shortened tail is unacceptable.

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This breed of dog has a high physical and intellectual activity. Sheepdogs require close attention from the owners.

In puppies 4-6 months of age, the ears are in a hanging or semi-hanging position.

Useful advice

The advantages of German Shepherds are an extraordinary mind and complaisance. With early and proper training, a shepherd dog can become obedient and true friend for the whole family.

A German Shepherd puppy is rarely confused with another breed. And yet you need to know external signs which you should pay attention to when choosing in the first place.


Muzzle and body

The nose of a German Shepherd puppy is moist and shiny. It can be warm or cold to the touch. During sleep, the puppy's nose is always dry and hot. But within 10 minutes after waking up, the nose becomes wet again. Take a closer look at the puppy's muzzle: it should not be sharp. The bite of a shepherd puppy is only scissor-shaped.

The back should be straight and not sagging, and the neck should be moderately long and strong. If the puppy looks like a little fat bear cub, then it is more likely that he will grow up healthy, big and strong. But if the puppy is more like a miniature adult, then most likely it will grow small, which is unacceptable for this breed. The puppy's skin fits freely: there are no folds on the body. All mucous areas in a puppy are pink.

coat color

The color of the puppy is very dark only on the back and head. Often he gives the impression of a black cloak and mask. Puppy paws are usually light: brown, beige, red-brown. But for a healthy puppy, too light color is not typical. Black and brown are traditional colors. However, the color may be gray. He is not very popular. Sheepdogs with a gray color are bred only by true admirers. On the body of a German Shepherd puppy, there may be small white or yellow markings on the chest. With a weak coat pigment, the puppy has light claws, a red tip of the tail, very light eyes, and there is no mask on the muzzle. The length of the puppy's coat should be small. At the same time, the coat is necessarily glossy.

Eyes, limbs and ears

The puppy's eyes should be clean and free of purulent discharge. Carefully inspect the puppy's front legs: they should be straight when viewed from any side and stand parallel to each other. The paws of the puppy are round and well-knit, the pads on them should be hard. The nails are necessarily strong and dark in color. The hind limbs are slightly set back, parallel to each other when viewed from behind. A healthy puppy's tail does not have bumps or kinks. When probing the base of the ears, there should not be an unpleasant odor: this is a sign of otitis media. The eyes of a one month old puppy may be bluish, but then they turn brown. Up to 3.5 months, the ears of a German Shepherd puppy should not have clearly erect tips. This is a sign of a violation of phosphorus-potassium metabolism.


It often happens that puppies in the same litter look the same. And although homogeneous litter is good indicator, the choice in favor of one puppy is quite difficult to do. First of all, pay attention to the behavior of the kids. The puppy that is most active in eating and playing is the healthiest. Try to call the puppy, the one who comes running first is the leader in the litter.

Almost every country has its own kind of shepherd dogs, which guarded the shepherd's flocks and the property of the owners. Now these dogs can be found not only as “guards”, but also in detective work, in the service of government bodies and simply as pets. Subspecies of the same breed are different in character and appearance, but all of them are united by devotion, intelligence, quick wits and a good attitude towards children.

The German Shepherd originated in Germany by crossing them with wolves. Their height is 60-75 cm, and their weight ranges from 30 to 60 kg. The coat of the "Germans" is short, hard. The color is black, red or black-and-black. German Shepherds are very smart and quick-witted, they can easily learn many commands and are always devoted to their owner. These shepherds love children, are friendly to the owners' friends, but they treat strangers with some fury. Often they can be found in the service in the army, police, detective work.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog has existed for about three thousand years. The dog is medium in size, reaches 60-66 cm in height, and weighs up to 30 kg. The coat of this shepherd dog is long, thick and hard. The color can be from black to gray, red or brindle. A feature in color is black strokes around the eyes and chest. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is calm, strong and self-confident. It was used for fighting and protecting property. But the training of this dog must be correct, otherwise you can get an extremely aggressive or, conversely, cowardly individual.

The Anatolian Shepherd is from Turkey. This is one of large species shepherds. Her height is about 71-80 cm, and her weight is 40-55 kg. The color of the dog is always deer. hallmark This shepherd dog is a dark mask on the muzzle in the form of a muzzle. She has well-developed muscles and speed. Because of this, it was used as a fighting and hunting dog. She could easily overwhelm a wolf or a bear on the hunt. Despite her size, she is kind to children, but only obeys her master. These dogs are a little unsociable, but this does not affect the mind and ingenuity.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Mastiff is a fairly large dog. She has well-developed muscles and strong jaws. It was used as a shepherd dog, but now it can also be found at home. She is unpretentious in care and in food, devoted to her masters. It is easy to teach commands and good behavior in society.

The Belgian Shepherd is a small dog, 58-60 cm tall and weighing about 23 kg. The coat of these dogs comes in different lengths, from short to long. The color also varies from red to dark brown. She is smart, dedicated and friendly. The Belgian Shepherd is ideal with children, understands people well. But she is a bit modest and shy. Due to their excellent memory, these shepherd dogs often serve in the police, and are also known as watchdogs and shepherd dogs.

The Australian Shepherd, despite its name, originated in America. This type of shepherd is small in size. Their height is 46-58 cm, and their weight is up to 25 kg. They have thick long hair. In color they can be black, with white tan, red and even gray-blue. These dogs are very nimble, hardy and hardworking. They can run up to 60 km a day. These dogs are playful and kind to people, but they are also excellent watchdogs. The Australian Shepherd should not be kept in an apartment, it requires a lot of space to move around. Rural life will be ideal for her to splash out all her energy.

The Scottish Shepherd (collie) is a beautiful dog with a long light coat. She is about 50 cm tall. Collie is smart, smart, but a little lazy. She was often used as a shepherd dog, and now you can see her as a guide for the blind. Like all types of shepherd dogs, she is devoted to her owners and loves children. But it must be trained with caution, because without a mood, it can be harmful. Its long coat needs to be combed daily, otherwise it will deteriorate.

The Hungarian Shepherd Dog or Komondor is the largest dog of this breed. Her height at the withers is 80 cm. The peculiarity of this shepherd dog is that it has a unique coat that is twisted in the form of dreadlocks. Her coat does not smell or shed, it does not need to be combed and washed frequently. Such wool will save the dog at any whim of nature. Komondor used to serve as shepherds, and their appearance camouflaged them well in a herd of sheep. Despite their size, these dogs eat very little, about a kilogram of food per day is enough for them. They are very kind, get along with children and other animals, but do not know how to play.

Whichever shepherd you choose, you can't go wrong with choosing a family friend. Many of these subspecies are no longer used as shepherd or watchdogs, now they can only be seen as a pet or police assistant. With age, shepherd dogs become wise, reasonable dogs, very calm and kind. But they do not lose their genetically embedded skills and will always protect the owner from trouble.

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Advice 9: Moscow Watchdog Shepherd: features of the breed

The Moscow watchdog breed is the national pride of Russia. Thanks to her spectacular appearance, balanced character, good security qualities, she becomes an excellent friend and watchman.

The Moscow watchdog is a breed of dog that appeared relatively recently in Russia. It was bred in our country, therefore it is included in the list of national breeds. Such a dog is an excellent guard and at the same time does not cease to be a beautiful and affectionate dog.

Description of the breed

The main physical data of the Moscow guard dog is active, has a voluminous and well-developed musculature. The head is massive, which gives the breed a rough exterior. The cheekbones and occiput are well developed, the cranial part of the head is somewhat longer than the muzzle.

Large lips are characteristic, and the dog's bite is scissor-shaped. There is a wide forehead and rather small eyes, framed by pigmented eyelids. Small triangular ears are not located at the line of the eyes, but slightly higher.

The Moscow Guard Dog has a harmoniously developed physique with a well-defined withers and a muscular neck. The breed is characterized by a straight back, a wide chest protruding forward, a tucked up stomach. The body of the dog is covered with a thick and hard coat, which helps the dog to be without problems in the cold in winter.

The Moscow Guard Dog always has a two-color color. The most common is red with brown, a combination of such tones as red with black, red and white is possible, but the dog's chest is always white.

According to the standards, the growth of this breed must be at least 68 cm, but the dog may be slightly higher. The average weight is 45-65 kg.

Breed features

The breed is characterized by a balanced character and the absence of signs of aggression. No wonder often Moscow guard dogs called an intelligent breed. Such a dog quickly gets used to its owners and becomes a devoted friend for life.

This breed is not afraid of cold and heat, so it feels great in nature. It also lends itself well to training. But to deal with the dog should be with early age and exercise should be regular.

main feature dogs - a great love for vegetables. But it is important to ensure that at least 2/4 meat food and ¼ herbal ingredients.

So, the main features of the Moscow watchdog breed include: restrained and submissive character, the presence of pronounced watchdog instincts. These animals are friendly and independent, reliable, devoted to their owner and his family, not showing unmotivated aggression.

Up to a certain age, a shepherd puppy can be taught simple commands, then special training will be required from the owner. How to bring up a future guard at home with well-developed service instincts?


The very first command that your pet should remember is the “Place” command. It should sound already on the first day of the puppy's stay in your home. To do this, prepare the mattress in advance, put the puppy on it and repeat the command several times. If he crawls or runs away, bring him back and command "Place" again, calling the puppy by name and stroking it. But if he wants to play, take care of training later.

From the age of 2 months, teach your pet the “Fu” command. But do not repeat it for no reason, otherwise the dog will not obey. Give this command in a stern voice. But a 3-month-old puppy can already be taught the commands “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Next”, “Come to me”, “Walk”. Conduct training in a playful way. Give commands in a clear voice, after each command, give a treat.

Do not pronounce the “Come to me” command strictly, as it is aimed at gaining confidence in you as a host. It is most convenient to accustom to it during a walk, when you can play, for example, pretend that you are hiding. Each time your dog runs up to you after being called, reward him with petting and a cracker. And after that, let the puppy go by commanding "Walk." It is very important that the same person is engaged in training the dog at an early stage of development. As a rule, the dog itself chooses the "beloved" family member to be its owners.

At 5-6 months old, start teaching the dog the "Fetch" command. During the next walk, throw the ball with the “Fetch” command, and if the puppy does not run after the trophy, run with him, then put the ball in his mouth, return to the starting position with him and command “Give”, taking the ball and encouraging the dog with affection .

From about the age of 8 months, the dog should be taught a course of general training, which will help develop his guarding and service instincts. By this time, the pet should already be accustomed to the muzzle. Until this age, your task is to ensure that the puppy is not caressed or set on by strangers.

There are few people who have never dreamed of becoming the proud owner of a German Shepherd - a dog that occupies an honorable third place on the scale of dog intelligence. But oddly enough, most mongrels have a resemblance to this particular breed. How to distinguish between these two dogs, especially since it is extremely difficult to do before the age of two months?


German Shepherd- a dog bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany as a working dog on the basis of the Middle and South German varieties of guard breeds, a descendant of the northern wolf. According to the FCI classification, it belongs to Group 1 - shepherd and cattle. Self-confident, well controlled, good-natured dog with strong nerves.

German Shepherd

Cur- a dog that has not belonged to any breed for several generations, often homeless. Due to strict natural selection, it has good health.

First of all, it should be said that you need to study the breed standard very well before buying a dog. It is very difficult for a non-professional to distinguish a German shepherd from a mongrel. But at least some conclusions can be drawn.



Puppy shepherd grows very quickly, as they say, by the day. His body develops quite harmoniously, except perhaps for adolescence, when puppies have a somewhat awkward appearance. The mongrel does not gain weight with such force and does not grow as quickly.

Training. Already from the age of 2 months, a German Shepherd puppy can begin to be trained. He quickly, with several repetitions, remembers commands and executes them with pleasure. The mongrel can't do it.

Head rough or too light - an indicator of outbredness. In a shepherd dog, it is moderate in all respects. The forehead is slightly convex. The transition from it to the muzzle is weakly expressed. The nose is quite large and always black. In mongrels, unlike the shepherd dog, the frontal groove is clearly visible.

Moles. Five black moles near the corners of the mouth are clearly visible in a shepherd puppy, but they are not an indicator of the breed.

Eyes almond-shaped, clean and dark, up to two months of age smoky blue, the look is concentrated and intelligent in a shepherd dog. You can't say the same about the mongrel. Her eyes are more rounded and often bulging.

Ears in the German shepherd, especially in puppies, very long, "burdock" until they start to stand. In a mongrel, if it is not a mestizo, they are of medium size, they can remain hanging.

Breast Shepherds are well developed and massive. In mongrels, it is more barrel-shaped.

Paws. Experienced breeders determine the breed, first of all, by the structure of the paws. In purebred dogs, “aristocratic” - moderately elongated, even and large. In German Shepherd puppies, they stand out especially.

Tail in the German Shepherd's stance, it is lowered and resembles a saber. At the mongrel, he is thrown into a ring over his back.

Color. The shepherd dog is characterized by a black coat color. For the breed, white spots on the chest are unacceptable, which are quite common in mongrels.

Wool German Shepherd is harsh, although very pleasant to the touch. The mongrel's coat is softer, as if silky. The skin of the German Shepherd is very elastic, it does not form sagging and folds.

Traffic. A thoroughbred dog carries its paws very close to the ground, without throwing them, unlike a purebred. The back is both in the stance and straight when walking. Moves at a low trot.

Findings site

  1. The structure of the paws, chest and head of the German Shepherd is very harmonious, moderately massive, without unnecessary bends and bulges.
  2. The movements of a thoroughbred dog are special - dog-like aristocratic.
  3. A thoroughbred puppy grows faster than a purebred puppy and begins to memorize commands faster.
  4. The look of a shepherd dog is peculiar - too concentrated, smart and kind at the same time. The eyes are almond-shaped, the mongrel's are rounded.
  5. Without documents and a stigma, it is extremely difficult to distinguish a German shepherd from a mongrel.

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