How to distinguish a thoroughbred shepherd from. Mestizo German Shepherd - photo and description of breeds

Family and relationships 20.02.2018
Family and relationships

Am I a German Shepherd??

katenok. Good afternoon! Bought a puppy german shepherd fulfilled her 6 year old dream. But .. he has such a color. I've looked all over the forums and haven't seen anything like this. A puppy with a pedigree, we saw dad, but we couldn’t see mom (she ran away). Tell us, are we purebloods? And what we will be when we grow up (photo if possible). The puppy is very active, vicious even. He is now almost 2 months old. Name - Ramses (Rem)

Nubira. Hello! several leading questions at once 1. Where did mother run away from and where? 2. What is written in the "pedigree"? 3. Where did you buy the dog

katenok. 1- the dog, together with the puppies, lived in an unfinished cottage (they have a small apartment + the dogs still live) And when we went to see my mother, she was not there, only puppies. 2-Pedigree did not look. (disgraceful) my husband watched with one eye. But this can be fixed (I have a relationship with the woman who sold the puppy + she guarantees free training from 4 months. The woman serves as a cynologist in the Ministry of Internal Affairs) 3-nuu. the answer is probably higher. You just say, judging by the photo, everything is bad with us ??

Nubira.) judging by the photo, everything is not clear to you! Did you give out any papers with the puppy?

katenok. No, nothing at all! It was only stated in the advertisement. that puppies with a pedigree. I'm generally new to this .. I wanted a German, and somehow I quickly pecked at it all. Of course, I will not refuse Rem in any case .. but really my dream has not come true. I dreamed of a German Shepherd!

Nubira. If there are no documents, then you have a dog without a pedigree, and belonging to the breed is very doubtful. Grow, love, and we'll see! and the forum had to go BEFORE buying, then there would be no such situations!

Nubira. Yes, your color is similar to the zonal German Shepherd, but so far both the dog and the color are only "similar"

vasek. Katenok. Don't worry like that! The important thing is to have a dog! believe me! that you are not the only one who bought what you wanted! and what has grown has grown! Outwardly from the photo that showed you Nubira! it seems! but how will it go. No one knows! Anyway! good luck to you! and patience! and the most important thing! get only positive emotions from your pet.

Bahira. Nubira Yes, Julia, you should work as a diplomat.

buy german shepherd mix

what is the name of the breed obtained by crossing the St. Bernard and German shepherd dogs ?

  there is no such breed mestizos The dog will be called mestizo St. Bernard and German shepherd dogs. Good doggy. Moscow watchdog mine. mestizo. mongrel, in general, a mongrel dog Just so immediately the breed))) so far a mongrel.

What if I bought mestizo German shepherd dogs. but i want a purebred shepherd dog .

  sell this one. Buy new. Delov then))) (give a friend and ask for money if the friend doesn’t mind or let it be 2 dogs Why bought. Now take responsibility. The dog is not a toy. Links to such questions should be given to those who are here.

If Mother is chained shepherd dog. And the father mestizo German shepherd dogs ?

  will be similar but shepherd dog.but shepherd dog they cannot be named. mestizo shepherd dogs.By nature, no one here will tell you. You need to train the dog and educate it correctly and you will be happy. A puppy is always a blank slate that you write on it.

  what they will be raised by such and will be. There will be ordinary mongrels. You answered correctly. shepherd dog without documents "? This already contradicts itself in meaning. Well," dad mestizo". -Congratulations, there is such a vinaigrette.

is it possible mestizo German shepherd dogs and keep a boxer outside?

  Depending on the climate)) if you have a house in Sochi, then why not? Well, in the winter you will throw an armful of straw into the booth and that's it. But in Siberia, even now such a dog can catch a cold at night.

  no, I'll shoot right away, I'm sorry mestizo wool. The boxer's coat is short, the belly is practically bare. How to keep it outside in winter? Do you wear a bathrobe in the cold? To answer your question, you do not need to have a higher education, BUT.

it german shepherd dog ?

  100% mestizo and rather VEO than BUT. Painfully shaggy for a German, even for a long-haired one. And the color is not the same. Quicker mestizo Caucasian and VEO. Quicker mestizo. Definitely not a purebred german Yes. "Lohmach" handsome. something suspiciously bogus. Not at all.

How to choose the right German Shepherd

If you want to buy a German Shepherd, but are not sure if it is a purebred, then there are a number of specific criteria by which you can distinguish a purebred from a mestizo.

You should buy a puppy from a trusted person or from a nursery. The puppy needs special care and proper nutrition. Also, the puppy must be vaccinated in a timely manner. As for the criteria for distinguishing a purebred from a mestizo, the first thing you need to pay attention to is its complexion. The puppy should be large and with large paws. FROM three months the puppy's ears begin to rise, this is due to the fact that the cartilage begins to grow stronger and at this time the puppy should never be stroked on the head and touched by the ears. Also, a German Shepherd should have almond-shaped eyes and the darker the shade, the better. The color is black, black-and-black with red tan and yellow. The puppy grows unevenly, so he needs to consume a certain amount of vitamins and calcium, which you can buy at the veterinary pharmacy. It is worth paying attention to the puppy's nails, they should be black with good pigmentation.

From a month and a half to three, you need to feed a puppy six times a day, from three months to six - four times a day, from six to eight - two to three times a day. Diet: wheat, barley, buckwheat porridge, boiled eggs, boiled meat. From six months, fish and sugar bones are included in the diet, which are very useful for the structure and growth of teeth.

The puppy is very active and loves attention. From three months it is worth doing training. Puppies at this age are very receptive to learning. German Shepherds are divided into two types: the old type with a straight croup and new type with planted groats. Be careful when choosing a German Shepherd puppy!

How to distinguish a German shepherd from a mongrel There are few people who have never dreamed of becoming the proud owner of a German shepherd - a dog that occupies an honorable third place on the dog intelligence scale. But oddly enough, most mongrels have a resemblance to this particular breed. How to distinguish between these two dogs, especially since it is extremely difficult to do before the age of two months? Definition of the German Shepherd and Mongrel The German Shepherd is a dog bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany as a service dog on the basis of the Middle and South German varieties of guard breeds, a descendant of the northern wolf. According to the FCI classification, it belongs to Group 1 - shepherd and cattle. Self-confident, well controlled, good-natured dog with strong nerves. A mongrel is a dog that has not belonged to any breed for several generations, often homeless. Due to hard natural selection, is in good health. First of all, it should be said that you need to study the breed standard very well before buying a dog. It is very difficult for a non-professional to distinguish a German shepherd from a mongrel. But at least some conclusions can be drawn. Distinctive features A shepherd puppy grows very quickly, as they say, by the day. His body develops quite harmoniously, except perhaps for adolescence, when puppies have a somewhat awkward appearance. The mongrel does not gain weight with such force and does not grow as quickly. Training. Already from the age of 2 months, a German Shepherd puppy can begin to be trained. He quickly, with several repetitions, remembers commands and executes them with pleasure. The mongrel can't do it. The head is rough or too light - an indicator of outbredness. In a shepherd dog, it is moderate in all respects. The forehead is slightly convex. The transition from it to the muzzle is weakly expressed. The nose is quite large and always black. In mongrels, unlike the shepherd dog, the frontal groove is clearly visible. Moles. Five black moles near the corners of the mouth are clearly visible in a shepherd puppy, but they are not an indicator of the breed. The eyes are almond-shaped, clean and dark, smoky blue until the age of two months, the gaze is concentrated and intelligent in a shepherd dog. You can't say the same about the mongrel. Her eyes are more rounded and often bulging. The ears of the German Shepherd, especially those of puppies, are very long, "burd" until they start to stand. In a mongrel, if it is not a mestizo, they are of medium size, they can remain hanging. The Shepherd's chest is well developed and massive. In mongrels, it is more barrel-shaped. Paws. Experienced breeders determine the breed, first of all, by the structure of the paws. In purebred dogs, “aristocratic” - moderately elongated, even and large. In German Shepherd puppies, they stand out especially. The tail in the rack of the German Shepherd is lowered and resembles a saber. At the mongrel, he is thrown into a ring over his back. Color. The shepherd dog is characterized by a black coat color. For the breed, white spots on the chest are unacceptable, which are quite common in mongrels. The coat of the German Shepherd is harsh, although very pleasant to the touch. The mongrel's coat is softer, as if silky. The skin of the German Shepherd is very elastic, it does not form sagging and folds. Traffic. A thoroughbred dog carries its paws very close to the ground, without throwing them, unlike a purebred. The back is both in the stance and straight when walking. Moves at a low trot. determined that the difference between a German shepherd and a mongrel is as follows: The structure of the paws, chest and head of a German shepherd is very harmonious, moderately massive, without unnecessary bends and bulges. The movements of a thoroughbred dog are special - dog-like aristocratic. A thoroughbred puppy grows faster than a purebred puppy and begins to memorize commands faster. The look of a shepherd dog is peculiar - too concentrated, smart and kind at the same time. The eyes are almond-shaped, the mongrel's are rounded. Without documents and a stigma, it is extremely difficult to distinguish a German shepherd from a mongrel.

There are few people who have never dreamed of becoming the proud owner of a German Shepherd - a dog that occupies an honorable third place on the scale of dog intelligence. But oddly enough, most mongrels have a resemblance to this particular breed. How to distinguish between these two dogs, especially since it is extremely difficult to do before the age of two months?


German Shepherd- a dog bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany as a working dog on the basis of the Middle and South German varieties of guard breeds, a descendant of the northern wolf. According to the FCI classification, it belongs to Group 1 - shepherd and cattle. Self-confident, well controlled, good-natured dog with strong nerves.

German Shepherd

Cur- a dog that has not belonged to any breed for several generations, often homeless. Due to strict natural selection, it has good health.

First of all, it should be said that you need to study the breed standard very well before buying a dog. It is very difficult for a non-professional to distinguish a German shepherd from a mongrel. But at least some conclusions can be drawn.



Puppy shepherd grows very quickly, as they say, by the day. His body develops quite harmoniously, except perhaps for adolescence, when puppies have a somewhat awkward appearance. The mongrel does not gain weight with such force and does not grow as quickly.

Training. Already from the age of 2 months, a German Shepherd puppy can begin to be trained. He quickly, with several repetitions, remembers commands and executes them with pleasure. The mongrel can't do it.

Head rough or too light - an indicator of outbredness. In a shepherd dog, it is moderate in all respects. The forehead is slightly convex. The transition from it to the muzzle is weakly expressed. The nose is quite large and always black. In mongrels, unlike the shepherd dog, the frontal groove is clearly visible.

Moles. Five black moles near the corners of the mouth are clearly visible in a shepherd puppy, but they are not an indicator of the breed.

Eyes almond-shaped, clean and dark, up to two months of age smoky blue, the look is concentrated and intelligent in a shepherd dog. You can't say the same about the mongrel. Her eyes are more rounded and often bulging.

Ears in the German shepherd, especially in puppies, very long, "burdock" until they start to stand. In a mongrel, if it is not a mestizo, they are of medium size, they can remain hanging.

Breast Shepherds are well developed and massive. In mongrels, it is more barrel-shaped.

Paws. Experienced breeders determine the breed, first of all, by the structure of the paws. In purebred dogs, “aristocratic” - moderately elongated, even and large. In German Shepherd puppies, they stand out especially.

Tail in the German Shepherd's stance, it is lowered and resembles a saber. At the mongrel, he is thrown into a ring over his back.

Color. The shepherd dog is characterized by a black coat color. For the breed, white spots on the chest are unacceptable, which are quite common in mongrels.

Wool German Shepherd is harsh, although very pleasant to the touch. The mongrel's coat is softer, as if silky. The skin of the German Shepherd is very elastic, it does not form sagging and folds.

Traffic. A thoroughbred dog carries its paws very close to the ground, without throwing them, unlike a purebred. The back is both in the stance and straight when walking. Moves at a low trot.

Findings site

  1. The structure of the paws, chest and head of the German Shepherd is very harmonious, moderately massive, without unnecessary bends and bulges.
  2. The movements of a thoroughbred dog are special - dog-like aristocratic.
  3. A thoroughbred puppy grows faster than a purebred puppy and begins to memorize commands faster.
  4. The look of a shepherd dog is peculiar - too concentrated, smart and kind at the same time. The eyes are almond-shaped, the mongrel's are rounded.
  5. Without documents and a stigma, it is extremely difficult to distinguish a German shepherd from a mongrel.

how to tell a german shepherd from a mongrel

  1. If you are not an expert, then no way. Pedigree guarantee - a brand and a document of origin. If there is no pedigree, then most likely it is a shepherd mongrel, because good thoroughbred shepherd dogs are not knitted without paperwork.
  2. by the presence of a pedigree, that's all.
    Little Bestia, according to the standard, the Germans have a height of 60-65 for males, for bitches 56-60 in general, and for VEO it’s just from 68 to 72
  3. no specialist will ever distinguish a mongrel from a shepherd dog, only the person who has been with this breed for a long time and even more so at such a tender age, if they appreciate blacks, then I’m definitely not judging from a shepherd dog by white spots
  4. you can’t tell if you’re not a specialist) I agree with Tatyana

    Here is a photo
    1 German
    2 yard terrier

  5. similar question was asked:
  6. No way. Do not take this puppy and that's all, or ask for the documents of the parents, look at the bitch from which puppy.
    If it is important for you to have a purebred dog with a certain appearance and easy to train, find it with documents. You can always find at a reasonable price.
    Very often, any dog ​​is given out as a shepherd large sizes, then the devil-what will grow.

    According to the parameters that will now be written to you below, you will never be able to distinguish. Massive paws, lowered croup - this is for the pros, the “breeder” hangs noodles on your ears, shows you a drischa, and proves that this is a massive backbone. If you yourself do not understand the breed at all, only documents will help you, otherwise you will become another victim of scammers

  7. Well, you turned down that you can’t distinguish a German from a mongrel???
  8. The German Shepherd is a magnificent, extremely popular and, perhaps, the most numerous breed in the world. What is the reason for such success? In the German Shepherd, everything is harmonious, rational and expedient. She is well trained, she has a balanced character, stable nervous system. This is a self-confident, absolutely sincere dog, attentive and easily controlled. She has courage, fighting instinct and firmness. She is noble, disciplined, intelligent, has strength, flexibility and subtle flair. All this allows her to be one of the most reliable companions of man. This is a service dog with a balanced - mobile type of behavior, exceptionally capable of a variety of training. The German Shepherd is most successful if it has one owner. She is able to unquestioningly carry out commands, even if it costs her life.
    The dog is not too large, with a strong dry constitution and well developed dry muscles. Besides, she is very beautiful.
    Height at the withers: males - 67-72 cm, females - 60-68 cm.
    Another option: males - 60-65 cm, females - 55-60 cm.
    Weight about 28-35-40 kg.
    The backbone is strong, massive, durable, but relatively light.
    The body is rather stretched (stretch index 110-112); the croup is smoothly lowered (the height at the sacrum is about 1-2 cm less).
    The typical gait is a low, creeping trot.
    The color is varied: zoned-red and zoned-gray of various shades: black-backed with various tones of the main background and saddle; black and black with gray, red and brown markings. The color is brown, fawn, brindle, white or white with yellowness, as well as small white spots on the chest and fingers. There are shepherd dogs with a gray-steel and ashy color.
    The coat is thick, coarse, with a strongly developed undercoat. The hair is tight-fitting, straight, relatively long (on the back 4-5 cm); on the head, ears, front sides of the legs - shorter. Decorating hair does not stand out.
    There are also long-haired dogs, which is considered undesirable by some organizations - long hair covers the ears and legs, making them shaggy, forms a mane, feathers on the legs and a dewlap on the tail.
    Also, depending on the coat, there is a division into three varieties of the German Shepherd: wire-haired, with long hard hair and long-haired.
    The skin is elastic, folds and sagging does not form.
    The dog's head is in proportion to the body, long and lean, (when viewed from the front) wedge-shaped, massive, moderately broad at the skull, with slightly rounded cheekbones. The forehead is flat from the occiput, slightly convex in its anterior part. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smooth, hardly noticeable. The line of the muzzle is parallel to the plane of the forehead, the muzzle is pointed, strong, slightly shorter than half the head. Lips dry, taut, tight to the jaws. The lower lip forms a slight angle at its base.
    The nose is large, black.
    The ears are of medium size, wide at the base, erect, set high, with pointed ends, turned forward and directed upwards. In puppies up to 6 months of age, the ears may droop slightly.
    The eyes are oval-shaped (almond-shaped), of medium size, set obliquely; dark or colored in tone with a suit; with a lively, intelligent expression.
    Teeth are large and white. Scissor bite.
    The neck is strong, strong, dry, muscular, set at an angle of 40-45 in relation to the line of the back, the length of the neck is approximately equal to the length of the head.
    Chest oval, broad or not too broad; deep and long.
    The withers are muscular, high, well defined.
    The back is straight, wide.
    The loin is short, muscular, slightly arched, imperceptibly passing to the croup.
    The croup is wide, rounded, muscular, sloping smoothly to the base of the tail.
    The abdomen is moderately tucked up.
    This is only half of what I found, you dig in the internet, there is a lot about them))))
  9. at him. ovch. paws are fleshy, large
  10. According to the documents!

You can find out how to choose a German Shepherd puppy and what points you need to pay attention to by reading this article. It is quite a difficult task to choose a good puppy of the German breed. This is due to the fact that in recent times German shepherd breed has gained considerable popularity and, accordingly, demand. In this regard, some breeders sacrifice the quality of the breed in pursuit of the number of individuals.

You should not be limited to examining only the first puppy you like. If you still decide to choose a dog of this breed, then it is highly recommended to look at several options, as the first impression can be deceiving, and even champion puppies do not always look like their parents. It can be difficult to guess the future character and abilities of a puppy, because the fact that the parents were champions does not exclude the need to raise a future champion.

All German Shepherd puppies are cute and funny, however, it is recommended to look at several options to choose your pet.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that in order to win, the puppy also needs proper nutrition, and the owner needs knowledge of the characteristics and skills of education. If a puppy is purchased to participate in various exhibitions, then you need to know that such a dog's career may not last long, about 5-6 years.

dog inspection

How do you choose a German Shepherd puppy? First of all, you should ask how many puppies were in the litter. This is important, since for full feeding puppies should be no more than 10 - otherwise they will not have enough mother's breast milk and they will not be distinguished by good health and good endurance. A female breeding individual should give birth no more than once a year. If this happens more often, then the dog's body is severely depleted and the offspring is born weak. However, the thin and tired look of the bitch does not mean anything, because in her position this is normal. Shedding is also allowed, this is a frequent occurrence after childbirth.

Puppies should be equally similar to each other - approximately the same size and height. It must be borne in mind that males are born slightly larger in size than females. When making a choice, it is necessary to look at the behavior of the puppies during the game, pay attention to their physical activity.

After that, you can opt for a specific small pet. If the owner allows, it is better to take the puppy in your arms and carefully examine it. It does not hurt to ask about the dog's stool - if it is predominantly liquid, then there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is necessary to choose a shepherd dog by external signs, by which you can distinguish the breed. Usually they must meet the following parameters:

  • wool should not be long;
  • no combing around the ears and in the neck;
  • there should not be any discharge in the corners of the eyes;
  • the ears should be clean and not have any smell - if it is present, it means that they have an inflammatory process of a purulent nature;
  • the puppy should be of average fatness;
  • mucous membranes should be clean and have a pink tint;
  • the eyes should be clear and the eyelids should be tight.

Puppies should not be emaciated or, on the contrary, round like balls - medium fatness is welcome

What should be a shepherd?

  • The puppy's skeleton must be strong and sturdy.
  • The forelimbs are usually straight, their curvature or curvature may indicate a disease such as rickets. This also applies to the hind legs of the puppy. Large knuckles on the legs indicate good and strong bones in the puppy. When he grows up, they will look proportional to the whole body.
  • The puppy's paws may be plump, with thick pads and dark claws. In general, the size of the paws should be compact. The presence of extra toes on the hind legs is not allowed. Usually thoroughbred puppies have lumpy strong paws.

Besides, Special attention you need to pay attention to the condition of the puppy's teeth. If you notice fused teeth, then you should not take such a puppy - this will interfere with his participation in exhibitions. The bite should be scissor-shaped with a gap of 1-2 millimeters.

  • The color of the eyes of puppies has a blue tint, but after 40 days after birth, it disappears. You should not opt ​​for those representatives of this breed that have eyes of light shades, and even more so different eye colors.
  • The muzzle of a real shepherd is not sharp, and the forehead is not wide. There must be a pronounced gap between the forehead and the muzzle.
  • The erect tips of the ears indicate their early ossification, which indicates an imbalance in the calcium content. They should not be like this, especially up to 3.5 months.

As for the features of the physique, the slope and length of the croup matter. The size of the thigh must correspond to a certain length. A good puppy has a developed wide shoulder girdle, a short back and loin, but at the same time the hips are quite wide. The tail has its own characteristics - it should not have kinks. Now as for the color. You can identify a German Shepherd puppy by the color of its coat, it should be black and tan. Better when more tan, it only speaks in favor of the dog. Usually, in individuals of black color, puppies are also born with a similar color.

The ears of a purebred healthy puppy lie, the color is black and tan, the eyes are blue.

Crossbreeds and mongrels - how do they differ from a real breed?

How to identify a German Shepherd puppy without confusing it with any cross or even mongrel. Closer to two months, real German Shepherds change a lot in appearance. If before they looked awkward, then from this age appearance they take on a very harmonious shape. This is an important feature by which the breed is determined. Mutts don't usually grow that fast.

How to correctly identify a German Shepherd puppy can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. Not wide convex forehead. Mutts have a distinct furrow on their foreheads.
  2. The nose is always black and large.
  3. Characteristic scissor bite.
  4. No dental defects.
  5. Pedigree individuals may have burdock-shaped ears, as they grow, they will become normal. Mutts have drooping ears forever.
  6. A thoroughbred dog is distinguished by a massive and developed chest. In mongrels, it resembles the shape of a barrel.
  7. Paw shape. Pedigree shepherd dogs have thick, strong, large and even elongated paws.
  8. A thoroughbred individual has a tail lowered, in the form of a saber blade. In mongrels, it twists.
  9. Wool. In a purebred dog, it is hard, while in an ordinary yard dog it is softer and silky.

The tail of the shepherd is straight, it resembles a saber blade and has no creases, bends

Watching the following video will help you correctly distinguish a German shepherd. Except external signs it is necessary to pay attention to the habits of the dog, which will also give out the breed. So, a thoroughbred pet can be easily trained, quickly memorizing and willingly following the owner's commands. The mutts have difficulty in this process.

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