Should I get a German Shepherd? Cheerful, protection, playful in moderation, not afraid of anything, very affectionate, devoted, mind, poise. Caring for a dog of this breed

Family and relationships 04.09.2018
Family and relationships

1. German Shepherds are famous for their intelligence and quick wits. In ancient times, these dogs were used to herd sheep (due to which the breed got its name). Today, it is shepherd dogs who most often serve in the police, army, emergency situations and customs.

A large percentage of these pets act as guides for the blind. This breed is one of the three most intelligent dogs on the planet (following the border collie and poodle).

Anna is a lifestyle writer who spends too much time with her two dogs. When she's not writing, she's probably sitting down, reading, tripping over dog toys, or trying to get more farm animals than she really needs.

German Shepherds are a special breed - know what you're getting into before you bring one home

But before you take the leap and take german shepherd for your family, there are some things you should be aware of. Raising one of these guys is a huge commitment and should not be taken lightly. If you are seriously considering adopting a German Shepherd, you should know that there are dogs and then there are German Shepherd people. So, here are 10 things you really need to know before adopting a German Shepherd. The first thing a future German shepherd should know is that German Shepherds are smart.

2. German Shepherds are very loyal to their owner. German Shepherds very quickly tune in to the “wave” of their owner and are very difficult to be separated from him. If life circumstances develop in such a way that the dog ends up with new owners, then the process of getting used to the new owner is extremely painful for them. Can give his life, protecting a loved one.

You will have your routine before you do, and they are extremely sensitive to human sentiment. How smart are German Shepherds? Not only do they know what "walk" means, but they can also write it down. Their high intelligence is also associated with a desire to please their owners. They want to use their skills in a constructive way, so you have a strategy ready to make that possible. A bored German Shepherd is not fun for all parties involved.

They may have high energy requirements

German Shepherds are working dogs. There is a reason why they are often used as military dogs, police dogs and service dogs. They love having a job and your German Shepherd is no exception. Be prepared for long walks with your German Shepherd and then some. Take them in big park where they can run at full speed or consider signing them up for flexibility courses.

3. The German Shepherd is an energetic breed. This breed is ideal for active people whose life is connected with dynamism and energy. Fans of outdoor sports and just hiking - this is the dog for you.

4. The German Shepherd is a well-balanced breed with a strong psyche. This in detail plays no small role if you take a pet to a family with children. But remember that the owner of a beloved pet should be an adult with a strong character, and not a small child.

They require mental stimulation

Long walks can tire other breeds, but not the German Shepherd. In addition to daily activities, your new German Shepherd will also require some mental stimulation. Obedience classes and sports can be especially helpful for rescue shepherds. Classes and training provide you with a social experience that builds trust and helps your dog find his place in your family, and this can help you diagnose any behavioral problems early.

They "embrace bugs at home, but out of the public eye"

Don't be surprised if your rescued German Shepherd is a complete cuddling mistake at home, but aloof and away from the public.

German Shepherds are natural guard dogs

Without proper socialization, this can sometimes turn into territorial behavior and even aggression towards strangers and other dogs. Adopting an older German Shepherd means you don't know if their previous owner took the time to bond with them.

5. German Shepherd - strong dog with excellent security skills. It is often used in guard and guard duty. If you are going to use a pet for these purposes, you must take a course of sports and service training with him.

6. Great companion. Friendly to family members. It is often a four-legged nanny for children, but can be wary of strangers.

German Shepherds are actually made of Velcro.

Nobody is a better listener than a German shepherd. These radar ears are always listening to your voice and watching them tilt their heads is sure to get a smile from you even on your hardest day. Little is known about German Shepherds that they are actually made from Velcro.

They are not ideal for first time owners

German Shepherds can be a handful. They require consistent training and a level of experience that makes them a poor choice for first time dog owners.

Not all landlords love German shepherds

Adopting a German Shepherd may seem like a harmless decision. What you may not understand is what German Shepherds are like. potato chips. You could find yourself German Shepherds for the rest of your life, which really means you were adopted into a German Shepherd family, not the other way around.

7. A dog with excellent health. The life expectancy of German Shepherds is 10-14 years. They do not belong to gluttons, their coat is suitable for keeping in different regions our country and only a small percentage of German shepherds suffer from hip dysplasia - the scourge of large breeds.

8. One of the most beautiful breeds of dogs. Erect ears, strong muscular thighs, a taut belly, a magnificent color - an incomplete list of the external advantages of the breed. It belongs to one of the most recognizable breeds in the world.

German Shepherd - attack dog

Attack is one of the basic commands that your German Shepherd needs to learn early. The German Shepherd naturally exhibits aggressive traits. You don't have to tell him, your dog already knew how to attack. The problem is how to train him to attack commands? How to control such aggressive behavior so that your dog does not harm you or itself?

Preparing a German Shepherd for an Attack

The first thing you need to do is develop a bond between you and your German Shepherd. You must bring your dog close to you. There are so many ways to attract him to you, for example. Placing your dog's crate in the area where you do your activities the most, such as the living room or bedroom.

9. Suitable for both apartment and aviary content.

10. German Shepherds love the younger members of their family. Smart and sociable animals make great companions for playing with children. The main condition is that the dog is obedient and well-mannered.

Bring your dog to walk with you often. Give your dog some treats when he does something nice. Play with your dog for just 20-30 minutes a day. Never get angry with your dog when he does something bad, just ignore the dog's attitude.

This phase may take 1 or 2 months. You should start developing bonding earlier when your dog is still a puppy. Before teaching a dog to attack, you first need to prepare. You must wear a protective sleeve that covers all hands. This is necessary to protect against any injury.

Sheepdogs have long been recognized as one of the most intelligent dogs.

I did not regret that I chose this particular breed.

They are very beautiful, smart, cunning, caring.

It's easy to take care of her. Wool will have to be looked after only during molting. You can bathe only 2-3 times a year. Of course, you can start it in the apartment, but taking into account active walking. You need to walk the dog for 1-1.5 hours, ideally 2 or more. If you go for a walk with her, the first thing she will do is protect you from everything. On hot days, the dog will run to swim by itself, you won’t have to push it there. Of course, such a dog is characterized by physical activity, and active ones. It is not at all difficult to monitor the health of a shepherd dog. It is enough to feed an adult dog once a day. Both dry food and cooked food will do.

Step 3 - Teach your dog a few simple commands

Before you train your German Shepherd, you should teach your dog some simple simple commands such as come, sit, stop, and stand. Check out the following articles.

Step 4 - Tell your dog to attack

Now, after your dog has learned to sit, tell him to sit. Then touch your dog's face with gloves. Hold your dog's face with your finger until he attacks the gloves in anger. When your dog attacks the glove, shout the word "attack" out loud.

She will only obey one master. To strangers will be treated cautiously, extremely distrustful. They will treat the family well, protect your entire family, do not even hesitate. In relation to animals, the dog will have to be taught. They live from 12 to 15 years. Raising a dog is not very difficult. You need to approach with cunning. Each dog is unique in its own way. Each needs its own, special approach. Training is pretty easy, but again you need to be smarter. A dog can be taught even by a teenager from 10 years old, but the presence of parents is obligatory. The dog can be kept on a chain.

Reward your dog by giving him cookies or treats. Repeat steps 4 and 5 again for a week or two. This is to help your dog associate the word "attack" with the action of attack. After a week or two, they try to stand at a short distance and shout loudly. If your dog attacks the gloves, you are successful.

How to Train Your German Shepherd to Attack a Team

Now that your dog has learned the meaning of "attack", it's time for your German Shepherd to learn to attack on command. You need to get a big doll and place it at a distance. Then shout "attack" loudly and point your finger at the doll. Your dog may be confused at the beginning and attack your hand instead of the doll. You must repeat this step over and over until your dog attacks the doll. Once your dog attacks the doll, reward him with a compliment and some of his favorite treats.

Shepherd puppy is not expensive - not cheap from 15 thousand rubles per hand. If you choose by class, the price can reach over 30,000 rubles.

The dogs are very active. They are literally made for play. They need to pay attention.

Most likely, these dogs are not suitable for calm people. Sheepdog is too alert. If you do not take care of her, she will educate herself, turn her attention to the things around her. This is a bad choice for lazy people, people who blame everything around them but themselves, busy people, allergy sufferers, those who often have guests, irritable people.

Train your German Shepherd to attack a person

Now change the doll in a different place. Shout the command “attack” again and point your finger at the doll. Repeat the previous step until you are sure your dog understands the "attack" command. Don't forget to give him a treat and a compliment. Now this is the hardest part: we need to train your dog to attack a human. As you might have guessed, the "stop" command is used to stop him from continuing his attack. Before you start training, you need to get one more person. This person will act as a replacement for the big doll.

Characteristics of this breed:

For its unique character, the German Shepherd is valued by experts all over the world. This is a dog with the highest level of trainability, amazing flair and amazing intuition. The ability to discern right from wrong is a great addition to her unquenchable thirst to guard, defend her territory and protect all those she considers her pack. Direct, fearless and self-confident, German Shepherds are independent creatures, although this character trait can be regarded as a certain aloofness, excessive selectivity in choosing friends. These dogs are actually very loyal and extremely dependent on their owners, which is reflected in the amount of time the dog spends with their owners. Most terrible nightmare for a shepherd dog - separation from the owner, and even worse - parting forever. New owners will have to make a lot of efforts to help the dog regain its trust in people. Vigilance regarding safety does not affect the adequate attitude of the dog towards peaceful strangers, and therefore you can safely go for a walk together, because this is the pastime that the German Shepherd is ready to do around the clock! Daily walking, the opportunity to properly run in freedom and play active games with the owner is the best reward that the breed can only dream of. In addition, this is an excellent development of her strength and ability to protect. Why do you need a frail guard? In addition, not getting enough physical activity, the dog will splash out the accumulated energy on interior items, go dig holes in the garden or engage in other pranks.

So if you can't find someone to help you, you can always ask one of your local dog trainers for help. Not only do they know how to protect themselves if things go wrong, but they will also help you train your dog better.

We analyze the pros and cons

After you find someone to help you, you just need to repeat the same step as you did with the big doll. But now, instead of pointing your finger at the big doll, you point your finger at the person. Remember to make sure the person is wearing a full protective device.

As the saying goes: "What a host, such a dog."

General description of the breed: The height of the dog is above average. The body is strong. but skinny. The muscles are very well developed. The ears are pointed, the location of the eyes gives the dog a good-natured look. In the dog of the old "type" there is a lowering of the spine towards the tail. The "new type" does not have this, the spine goes straight. The tail has thick hair. Dogs are divided into short-haired and long-haired.

Caring for a dog of this breed

When your dog runs to attack this person, shout the word "stop" loudly and see if your dog obeys your command or not. This good idea ask this person to stay near the entrance to the door. If something goes wrong and the dog doesn't obey your "stop" command, he can quickly close the door. Repeat the same step over and over until your dog understands that the "attack" and "stop" commands are fine.

German Shepherd Puppies Training

The dog can be yours best friend, but you need to make sure your personalities match. He will also give you tips and advice on adoption from breeders and rescue groups. To help with the transition to new house The breeder should provide you with at least the name of the diet the puppy was fed, if not a sample bag of food, to minimize stomach upset and encourage eating the familiar diet in their new location. If you decide to switch foods later, do so with the help of your veterinarian and change over gradually after a week or two. Choosing your ideal German Shepherd puppy takes a lot of time, effort and energy. However, when done right, the right puppy can bring you great joy for years to come. Are you on vacation when you first get a puppy and then go back to work leaving the puppy alone for the whole day? Prepare and educate yourself to get your puppy started in your home. Don't buy a puppy for someone else. This is a very personal decision and a very costly decision and should not be taken lightly. Choosing a puppy is part of the bonding process. Prepare your budget. Getting a new puppy should not be done on a whim. This is a long-term commitment that comes with costs. Food, care and training costs require budgeting. It is necessary to plan accommodation for leisure and travel, as well as for fencing and housing. Are you ready for a medical emergency? There are many pet health insurance companies that offer affordable plans but require monthly payments. Do you want to show your dog? There are also costs associated with these activities.

  • Think about the timing when bringing a new puppy into your home.
  • Will you have time to breed the puppy and communicate with him properly?
They not only invest financially, they also invest emotionally and investments that require your time!

Dogs love strict, serious owners more than lisping.

Let's go directly to my shepherd Greta.

She is already about 6 years old. She loves to chase hares and go for walks. The diet includes both dry food and homemade food. There are no special privileges in her diet. Infrequently we give her an ordinary egg, which she eats with pleasure. I taught her to catch food in the air. She eats with her hands very carefully.

He understands his father perfectly. Walking does not go far. At the sight of dogs immediately begins to tear. She does not like children near me, but if left alone they get along very well. When we pass drunk people, she stays close to me. thus showing his protection. She loves to run, walks are sacred to her. In summer it runs straight into the pond. She does not bring the fall, but she loves to play. He runs after cats, but not with the goal of doing something with them, but with the goal of playing a race. Doesn't like water at all. You just don't redeem it. She sits on a chain with us, when we let her go, she escorts us along the perimeter of the fence, also meets us. In the morning, when I go to school, she is in no hurry to break out into the street for a walk, but remains lying in front of the door, watching her with her eyes. She barks at everyone who passes by when she is chained.

I do not consider it a minus that it needs to be combed out.

Gretta loves to bury bones. Rides me in the winter on a sled.

Knows commands: sit, lie down, give a paw, to me, you can’t, catch, jump, beside.

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