The English Shepherd is a roadside dog. English Shepherd.

Family and relationships 18.03.2018
Family and relationships

Nowadays english shepherd, which looks like a collie, is one of the best guard dogs. Some sources claim that representatives of this breed are surprisingly adept at climbing trees. In America, in the mid-20th century, photographs were published for advertising purposes, in which a shepherd dog climbed a tree behind a possum.

The breed was officially recognized in 1934. It is widespread in England and America, where it is used as a working dog. In Russia, the first shepherd dogs appeared in the 90s of the 20th century, but did not become popular, because there was no need to replace herding dogs adapted to our conditions.

According to legend, the distant ancestors of the English Shepherd were dogs brought by Caesar during the invasion of Britain. Through natural crossbreeding with local shepherd dogs, this hardy and hardworking breed was born.

Once in America, along with the English settlers, they were highly appreciated by farmers who used them to protect livestock. They tried to develop the working qualities of the dog, and the breed was greatly improved by crossing with collies.


The athletically built English Shepherd looks stocky. Her height does not exceed 55 cm, and her weight is 27 kg. Powerful paws allow her to overcome considerable distances and instantly change the direction of movement.

The head of the dog is medium in size, wide ears are set high. The eyes are dark, alert. The tail is long, straight, fluffy.

The coat is similar to that of a collie. It is soft and pleasant to the touch. The hair is long on the body and tail, short on the muzzle.

There are several options for the color of the English Shepherd - two-color and three-color:

  • Black with white tan;
  • Black and tan;
  • Sable with white tan;
  • White, brown and black.

A black mask on the muzzle is acceptable (not required!)


The English Shepherd is characterized by traits inherent in shepherd dogs:

  • Independence;
  • Devotion;
  • Fearlessness;
  • Activity;
  • Endurance.

A protective instinct is developed, she is able to make independent decisions. She may exhibit a tendency to dominate. With proper socialization, the English Shepherd will never show nervousness and aggression.

The dog is not dangerous to humans and is very loyal to its owner, but is very wary of strangers. When attacking the owner, the dog will use its teeth to protect it.

Relationships with other pets

The Shepherd Dog will get along well with the pets they grew up with. The instinct of the “shepherd” is triggered and she takes all the household members “under her wing”.

Relationships with children

Sheepdog is friendly to children. She lets them tug on her ears and tail and never bites a child.

Who suits

This is a service dog. She must work: to protect, guard and shepherd. A trained dog takes part in sports competitions with pleasure. A properly trained English Shepherd will make a great companion.

It is not recommended to keep a dog in an apartment; for good health, it needs long-term physical exertion. Best for English Shepherd Vacation home with a spacious enclosed yard. The dog loves to swim in the water.

What to feed

This breed is very unpretentious, they do not impose any special requirements on the diet. You can feed natural and dry food, following the usual recommendations.


The coat is soft, if you comb it at least once every two days, it will look good. Once a week it is recommended to use a brush with harder bristles.

The dog loses hair constantly, especially during the period seasonal molt- autumn and spring. If you keep it in an apartment, everything will be covered with dog hair.

Nails should be trimmed carefully. Individuals of this breed are very nervous about such manipulations. Bathe your dog as little as possible, no more than once a month.


The dog lives 12 - 13 years. A purebred English Shepherd puppy can be purchased for 30 thousand rubles.

The cubs are very attached to their mother. After acquiring them, special attention should be paid to puppies in order to stop their anxiety.

These shepherds retain their attachment to toys until adulthood. In puppyhood, at least three toys should be at the disposal of the dog.


Not prone to hip dysplasia. Some English Shepherds have hereditary sensitivity to medicines and may be affected by medication.

Features of training

A smart English Shepherd is easy to train, obedience is in her blood. She gladly follows commands and is happy to serve her master.

It sounds somewhat unusual, but modern English Shepherds were bred by American breeders who highly valued the working qualities of this versatile dog.

General description of the breed, history, character

Legend claims that the first English Shepherds came to the British Isles along with Roman legionnaires before our era. Those dogs were used to guard and herd cattle, which were used as food for huge troops. Gradually, the number of livestock decreased, and the dogs were out of work. They were simply left on the roads, crossing with local herding dogs, enhancing their working qualities. Later, these dogs, along with English settlers, came to the American continent.

American farmers actively used these versatile dogs to protect farms and herd herds. In order to improve the working qualities of the dogs, they were injected with the blood of the old-style collies, border collies, and shelties, as well as other working herding dogs. As a result, American breeders have received an energetic, hardworking and talented breeder. shepherd dog recognized by the United Kennel Club in 1934.

The English Sheepdog is a harmoniously built, agile dog that can travel great distances, even in difficult terrain. One of the unique properties of these dogs is the ability to instantly change the direction of movement in which the dog was walking.

Like many "shepherds", the English Shepherd is able to make decisions on his own, but she loves to work in tandem with the owner, she enjoys following his commands and, as a result, receiving rewards in the form of encouragement.

In principle, the English Shepherd does not need any commands, as she knows perfectly well what to do. This dog tends to work with skill, clearly and without fuss.

The English Shepherd is able to instantly respond to force majeure circumstances. She will always find a lost sheep and drive it to the herd, but if the sheep is wounded, it will also be delivered to the owner.

This hard-working dog can relax when she does not have to work, she will happily tumble on the grass, play with the owner's children, who can be safely left under the care of a smart English Shepherd.

Another unique ability distinguishes these dogs from others - they can climb trees.

Types, standard

  • country - North America;
  • height - 46-58cm;
  • weight - 18-27 cm;
  • body - somewhat stretched;
  • head - medium size, tapering towards the nose;
  • wool - medium length, straight, wavy, shiny;
  • color - tricolor: black with white and sable white; black and tan;
  • bite - scissor;
  • ears are set high;
  • life expectancy - 12-15 years;
  • group - 1 (herding, service dogs, without working qualities test).

Outwardly, the English Sheepdog resembles the typical Scottish Shepherd Collie. This comes from the fact that the blood of these intelligent working dogs is infused in the dogs.

The dog, despite its rather high growth, looks stocky, and at first glance it creates a feeling of heaviness and sluggishness of this breed, but this is not so. English Shepherds are mobile and light.

These representatives of our smaller brothers are clearly not for lazy people.

The dog must meet all the parameters of the standard. Any deviations will be considered defects. In addition to the usual vices, there are disqualifying vices, which include not only deviations, but also complete inconsistencies with the accepted standard.

The English Shepherd is a tall animal with long hair, powerful legs, an elongated and friendly muzzle. She has powerful legs, as they allow her to control a whole herd of cattle. Long hair can be uncomfortable for the dog itself, as it exhausts the pet in hot weather. English Shepherd puppies are very playful and affectionate. They will find mutual language with any children because of their curiosity and kindness. You can not worry about your own baby, leaving him next to such a smart pet.

An English Shepherd will never offend a child, because it will treat him with imperturbable patience and kindness. Small child he can pull the dog by the ears as much as he likes, and at the same time he will not even dare to bare his teeth.

English Shepherd dogs can cost quite a lot of money, especially if they are champion bloodlines. It is better to buy a puppy in a nursery, because there are experienced consultants and doctors who will answer all questions.

Features of the content and physical activity

English Shepherd care is relatively simple. The coat needs to be brushed regularly, a couple of times a week. This will avoid the occurrence of tangles and tangling of wool. In principle, the coat of the English Shepherd is soft, so tangles are rarely formed.

The dog loses hair profusely, especially during the period of intensive molting in spring and autumn. It is not recommended to keep an English Shepherd in the house, but if you decide to settle such a dog with you in the apartment, prepare for the fact that dog hair will accompany you everywhere. Sofa, clothes, carpets - wool will lie everywhere.

It is not necessary to bathe the English Shepherd regularly, it should be done as needed.

The English Shepherd has the ability to learn quickly because he immediately understands what is required of him. It is this property of the dog that allows her to take part in competitions and win.

Despite the fact that the dog is a shepherd, and she is able to make independent decisions, the English Shepherd does not have a stubborn character. Moreover, the English Shepherd obeys perfectly and always shows a desire to obey those whom he considers superior to himself. However, the dog can defiantly ignore the orders of people whom it does not put above itself. Some shepherd dogs are happy to follow the orders of the owners and completely ignore them from strangers.

The socialization of the English Shepherd will allow you to correct the breed characteristics of a dog that has a tendency to dominate. It will improve the adaptation of the dog to life in the family.

Whatever the relationship with the dog may be, no matter how much you love it from the very beginning, the shepherd dog should have its own place, limiting the territory will also avoid the presence of wool in the entire apartment.

An important point in caring for an English Shepherd is the diet of this, in principle, unpretentious dog. In his natural environment the English Shepherd is not particularly capricious and gladly accepts the food offered by the owner. But in its natural environment, its diet is enriched with proteins, clean water and natural, wholesome food without chemicals. Living in the city, the English Shepherd is often deprived of the opportunity to get the necessary physical activity, which compensates, perhaps, for the lack of some nutrients. In the city, she feels a little different, she moves less, she is fed consistently, most often with a balanced diet. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the dog does not overeat. Of course, the best option is to feed with natural food.

English Shepherd Care

Any animal, regardless of size, requires proper care. The height at the withers of the English Shepherd is from 50 to 59 cm. Lush coat requires special care, because the pet must look neat and well-groomed. Most often, you can see black hair on the back and a red chest in the English Shepherd. The tail is long, not curled. One wool brush may not be enough for proper grooming. Let's outline the main points of care:

  • It is recommended to buy two brushes with hard and soft bristles. A hard comb should be used no more than once a week, but a soft comb should be used every other day. Combing gives this breed untold pleasure, so it will not resist.
  • Proper care of the English Shepherd guarantees no shedding problems. Frequent bathing your pet with shampoo is not worth it. And regular water procedures, especially in summer, will please your pet.
  • Even in a private house, even in an apartment, the dog must have a certain place to rest and sleep.
  • Food bowls should be removed from the floor after each meal. This will allow the dog to develop discipline.
  • It is not necessary to cut the coat strongly, it is enough just to comb it regularly. Nail clipping may cause some nervousness in the dog, but he will not allow himself to bite the hands that feed him.
Today English Shepherd is 83 years 8 months old

Photo of English Shepherds

International name:English Shepherd

Country: USA

Year: 1934

Growth: 46.00 cm - 58.00 cm

The weight: 18.00 kg. - 27.00 kg.

Lifespan (in years):12.00 - 15.00

Brief descriptions

Universal working dogs with high intelligence and good-natured character. English Shepherds show independence in protection and watchdog service, as well as special patience with children. They are loyal to their owner, easy to train and rarely stubborn. These strong and energetic dogs have a good appetite. Traces of wool on all carpets and sofas will tell about their presence in the apartment. English Shepherds need long walks and active training.

History of the breed

The English Sheepdog breed has its roots in ancient Roman times. Italian dogs, which served the military in the protection of livestock, appeared in the British Isles along with the legionnaires. Here they interbreed with others herding breeds, and once in America, they became the object of targeted selection work. Local farmers improved the working qualities of English Shepherds by crossing with old type collies, border collies and shelties. The new breed proved to be excellent in protection and guard service, and was recognized in the first third of the twentieth century.

Appearance of the English Shepherd

A tall and stocky dog ​​with an elongated collie-like coat and a long muzzle. English Shepherds have strong limbs. bushy tail and hanging down ears. coat color is four kinds- in different combinations of black, white and red. There are red tan marks on a dark background; white belly, neck and muzzle black dog; tricolor; combination of red and white. Heavy in appearance, the English Shepherd moves with ease and speed.

Health, diseases

Their generation in the generation of the English Shepherd can be transmitted genetic disease - intolerance to certain types of drugs. To avoid deadly risk The dog should be treated only under the supervision of a veterinarian experienced in this matter. Representatives of this breed are prone to hip dysplasia and elbow joints. Preventive examinations by a specialist and attentive attitude on the part of the owners make it possible to avoid the serious consequences of the disease.

Big dog shepherd breed is not suitable for keeping in an apartment. The breed was bred for active outdoor service. The long coat of the English Shepherd sheds a lot - especially in autumn and spring. Although soft strands do not immediately stray into tangles, they will have to be combed several times a week. The dog needs to be walked frequently, choosing for this purpose a wide, uninhabited area. English Shepherds need long walks physical exercise and... personal toys.

Character and temperament

Like all herding breeds, English Shepherds are used to making their own decisions. These are smart dogs that work with knowledge of the matter. Attentive to the wards of the sheep, they are very affectionate towards the children of the owner. A playful four-legged friend will endure almost everything for kids. Kindness - feature breeds. Its representatives are devoted and, usually, obedient to the owner. English Shepherds love socializing and their work. These are brave and energetic pets for the whole family.


Hard-working English Shepherds are also those who love to eat. Therefore, in the conditions of the city - deprived of shepherd duties, they quickly gain excess weight. So that the dog does not overeat, it is necessary to take away his bowl immediately after the end of the meal. Too high-calorie meals can harm the bowels. Representatives of this breed are fed from home cooking. In view of the fact that English Shepherds are obedient pets, they are not inclined to be mean at the expense of the components of the dinner.

training, training

Representatives of this breed combine innate obedience and high intelligence. This means that English Shepherd training is easy and effective. The dog will not obey the one in whom he does not see authority, as well as strangers. She cannot be beaten and offended - such a four-legged pet has an excellent memory. The English Shepherd is prone to dominance, but does not stand out for its stubbornness. Training on the dog playground is a real pleasure for her.

Smart and cheerful, English Shepherds have captivated the hearts of people for many centuries, falling in love with them at first sight.

These amazing dogs have an outstanding appearance and an extremely good disposition, while being excellent watchmen and shepherds.


According to legend, the ancestors of the English Shepherd were brought to Europe by Julius Caesar.

They guarded the numerous herds of the emperor, thereby providing food for his large army.

In time, when Julius returned to Rome, in dogs stopped needing: they were in literally on the roadsides, where they were picked up by kind people.

In 1934, the English Sheepdog received an official breed standard.

Later, these "tourists" began to cross with local shepherds breeds, which had a positive effect on their qualities.

And so a wonderful multi-purpose breed arose - the English Shepherd.

With the first settlers, these dogs were taken to America, where they were immediately appreciated.

English standard

Effortlessly this breed combines sophistication, harmony and mysterious elegance.

The English Shepherd is a medium sized dog with a proportionate build.

Thanks to the head position, these beauties give the impression of the proud elite of the canine world, looking at everyone with superiority.

    • Eyes medium-sized, almond-shaped, dark or dark brown, planted not too far or close, the look is lively and intelligent.
    • The head is dry, chiseled, the length of the skull and muzzle is equal, the cheeks are muscular and hard, the lips fit tightly to each other, the superciliary arches are of medium size and do not protrude much.
    • The ears are straight, triangular in shape, bent, set high. Jaws well developed, have a scissor or pincer bite, teeth strong and white, like in a toothpaste advertisement.

Height at the withers - from 47-57 cm, weight - from 18 to 28 kg, females and males of the English Shepherd are almost the same size and weight.

  • The body is powerful, but at the same time massive, the chest is lowered and not wide, like in all hardy animals, the stomach harmoniously continues the line of the chest, does not sag, but is not lean, the withers are clearly expressed.
  • Forelimbs well developed, with sloping shoulder blades, long and muscular forearms, strong wrists, rounded paws, pads dense and firmly pressed together, large claws.
  • The hind limbs are powerful, but not heavy, moving in a plane with the forelegs, the lower legs are long, but with a practically not pronounced hock joint, the paws are exactly like the front ones.
  • The tail of the English Shepherd is set firmly, of medium length, keeps hanging, with the tip curved near the hock.

In other words, "collie-like shepherd dog" is about her.


In total, four color options are allowed:


English Shepherds are the owners of a truly golden character among dogs.

Indeed, they are very friendly, never bite a person who will reach out for affection, even if this person is a stranger.

English Shepherds with great pleasure follow the owner even into the water, even into the mountains: any movement is perceived by them as a great joy.

A fun feature of English Shepherds is their ability to climb trees to catch a bird or even a squirrel.

But, despite his kindness and meekness, - born guard who is ready to stubbornly defend the entrusted territory.

A stranger who steps on the guarded land will be warned by a loud bark; if that doesn't help, the Englishwoman will rush at the intruder without a doubt.

Read about another good-natured, but formidable guard - the Moscow guard breed.

With all this, English Shepherds very fond of children: Ready to mess around with the little ones all day long, letting the baby do whatever they want with them. An adequate shepherd dog will never even growl at a baby.

Shepherd dogs of this variety can boast of unpretentiousness and the ability to adapt quickly, in addition, they are incredibly hardy.

In fact, English Shepherds do not need special care.

  • Enough comb out coat them several times a week to avoid matting.
  • Bathe English Shepherds love, but you should wash them no more than once a month, otherwise you can break the structure of the coat.
  • Feed An English Shepherd needs to be like any other dog - according to a properly balanced diet.
  • These dogs tolerate street life, therefore, the ideal for them is life in or, which is much better, without a leash in the yard, so that the dog can run and play as much as he wants.


This breed has not been touched by breeders and its development took place in vivo. Therefore, mother nature took care of everything: she rewarded English shepherds excellent health.

There are no chronic diseases that these dogs are susceptible to.

However, you should be aware that they are extremely complicated relationship With medicines, taking some seemingly harmless can lead to to death.


English Shepherds are easy to train thanks to intelligence and ingenuity- qualities without which their ancestors would not have survived in cruel conditions.

In addition, the English Shepherd understands perfectly well what mood the owner is in, and tries to do everything so that the beloved two-legged “carrier of sweets” is always happy and cheerful.

In the exercises be sensitive to the actions of the English Shepherd - and she will quickly understand everything.

Of course, it will not do without reinforcing the teams with a treat, but it's so nice to please your beloved four-legged friend!


Video with endlessly cute English puppies:

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