Shepherd puppies. Breeds of shepherd dogs: names, descriptions, characteristics.

Family and relationships 29.08.2018
Family and relationships

Since man began to breed and maintain livestock, reliable, dexterous and strong animals have been next to him. They were special breeds of dogs - shepherds.

Their functions included the protection of goats, cattle, sheep, horses from predators. In addition, four-legged helpers vigilantly ensured that the animals did not fight off the herd. In many countries, active breeding work was carried out, as a result of which unique breeds of dogs were bred from primitive animals at the beginning.

In Western Europe, people don't need guard dogs, Sider explains. Sheep breeding is cheaper there - there are no wolves, no thieves. The herd just lets go. So only from the Balkans in the East can you find a real dog, he added. Photo: Ivan Bakalov Karakachan dog.

They were looking for a place to breed the alpine herd. The road there is asphalt only in the first 2-3 kilometers. Then it's like a wagon road, and in storms, rocks and masses of earth crumble and crush it. There are only two people living in the village, and all three people, except Sider, are all year round. There are several houses that are maintained as city villas that are here in the summer. He hired three workers from the surrounding area. Here he comes to help his mother, uncle, brother. His wife and two children are in Sofia, but they come every day.

General characteristics of herding dogs

Shepherd's assistants are of medium size, strong build, physical endurance, which allows round-the-clock protection of the herd, dense and thick wool.

Certain requirements for character and temperament are imposed on representatives of these breeds: fearlessness, sensitivity, distrust of strangers, boundless devotion to the owner. The animal should not have a highly developed hunter's instinct, which can tear it away from the protection of the herd or flock and tempt it to explore animal tracks or pursue game.

Now there is one flock of sheep, one of the goats, for which she built different sheepdogs, with a little dairy milk cheese. The lower floor of one of them is suitable for a nursery. Goats are something like Karakachan sheep. With the help of which the two brothers began to see individual specimens of them in a zoo in Germany, presented as a Bulgarian mountain hunting breed. The samples were taken by German experts before the war. Both brothers went in search of goats along the same paths in the mountains.

The last Sider and his brother participate with the Karakachan skate. They found specimens of wild horses in the meadows near Belmeken and the Batak Dam. For many years they were supported by local peasants, but now they have disappeared, the villages have become empty. Now the two brothers have a herd of 20 horses, which are set up in the same way to feed freely and live high in Pirin. How much to maintain the breed. They use some of them as cargo animals in the summer when they move the herds high up.

Breed development

Over their centuries-old history, the breeds of dogs we are considering (shepherds) have undergone many changes: some species have completely lost their ability to protect pastures, turning into excellent guards at home, watchmen or just pets. Others, on the contrary, have developed their natural qualities and today still remain the best helpers of pastoralists. That's what we'll talk about in this article. We will present you only the best and most common of them.

Attila explains that racing horses are very gentle creatures. Any injury, wound, bite can kill them. They have to fight the tetanus vaccine, etc. immediately. the caracacan horse is a semi-durable animal that bears trauma, cold, bites. They had a mare whose leg was brutally eaten by an ox. The herd rescued her, pursued him, but the mares had severe wounds. Sidder's wife is a biologist, with her help they set up an animal education center in the village, and school groups in the summer. Sider looks at two wolves and two bears in what looks like a zoo.

Australian kelpie

From the name of the breed it becomes clear that this dog was bred in Australia. Genetically, these animals have qualities that distinguish them from other dogs. First of all, this is a very wide viewing angle, which allows the four-legged shepherd to control the object of observation as much as possible and concentrate on it for a long time. This allows these animals to be successfully used on modern livestock farms.

The village of Vlachi is the birthplace of Jana Sandanski. If Zider did not show up here with his animals, the village would have been abandoned for several years. Fate tried to test the will of Sider. Two years ago, he built a new sheep farm and a dairy building next to it. A thunderstorm fell in a storm, and a fire broke out in the new building. Several people run helplessly to save what they can. They managed to open the fold and more goats disappeared, but four dogs and ten goats died. Sider was at the border to surrender.

But he built everything on burning stone walls. It also faced unexpected resistance from the deputy mayor of the municipality of Kresna, who did not grant permission for its construction. It is interesting how any of us who have the initiative for the good interfere with the intervention of someone.

Today, the Australian kelpie is not only a shepherd. The animal has excellent sports qualities that allow it to participate and win in various sports competitions in dog frisbee, agility.

For the first time, the kelpie is mentioned in sources dating back to the end of the 19th century. The exact version regarding the origin of this breed does not exist today. Some researchers believe that the ancestors of the dog were collies, who were brought to Australia by the first settlers, others are sure that the blood of the ancient English collies of the Rutherford line (Northern County) flows in them. There is a version that wild Australian dingoes took part in the formation of the breed.

The site also relies on it to keep itself as a place of opinion outside of controlled media. Everyone saw the warning sign at the door of the house, saying "Warning, angry dog!" And everyone has heard horror stories about dog incidents that hit a person with severe or even fatal consequences for the victim. And while the definition of a "dangerous" or "fierce" dog cannot and should not be given lightly to all members of a particular breed, since there are many other factors that determine the behavior and reaction of an animal in a given situation, some species of They enjoy less than others. and there are objective reasons.

However, whatever the origin of this animal, Australian breeders have done a lot to improve the breed. Specialists of the leading Australian kelpie breeding farm Enfinvale have especially succeeded in this work. Work on improving the breed here began in 1956.

In other words - if you want your four-legged friend to not just waggle his tail happily when you see and be ready to jump on anyone he finds unfriendly or aggressive set, you can stop your dog from one of these 15 breeds. In order to develop these qualities in him and therefore - to suppress these impulses to him - you will have to make special efforts to bring the animal, but know that in the long run, you will be the ones who will be responsible for your actions.

Even if you don't plan on adopting a dog, it's good for you to know about the temperament and behavior of these 15 breeds, because dogs are the most popular pets in urban environments, along with cats, and you may run into your eyes as an animal prone to aggressive behavior. especially if you are voluntarily or involuntarily motivated by your actions.

Kelpie is an active and very mobile dog. It has a strong muscular body and amazingly flexible limbs. The owners note that dogs of this breed are very attentive and intelligent, endowed with a wonderful accommodating character, infinitely loyal. Animals have the instinct and ability to guard herds not only in the field, but also in the paddocks.

Tossa was originally bred as a fighting dog and is currently guard dog. Because he has a tough and stubborn personality, his training is not one of the easiest. The breed is considered aggressive, and in some countries, owning a Tosa In dog is prohibited by law.

This hybrid breed is the result of crossing an American Terrier Terrier with a Neapolitan or American Mastiff. Having a dominant nature, these dogs should not be raised by people who are not experienced in raising and training animals, because they can become aggressive. The American Ensemble is not a fighting dog, but it has been successfully trained as such. It is characteristic for him that he does not like to bark, and hence the name "quiet peacemaker".

Australian kelpies are not only good with large animals, they can also handle poultry (such as ducks and geese, which they can even drive out of ponds if necessary).

Border Collie

This shepherd dog was released in the UK. According to the results of research conducted by British scientists, the Border Collie is recognized as the most intelligent dog of the currently existing breeds. For the first time, a system for evaluating the work of these animals was developed and presented in 1881. The first dogs bearing the name Border Collie were officially registered in 1915.

Another dog like mastiffs, but Italian descent. Known as the "dog of the mafia" due to his selfless devotion to family members living with and cruelty towards anyone who considers his enemy, the Cane Corso is a large, muscular and strong animal with surprising grace given its size. It is very important that she is socialized as early as possible as she is by nature very suspicious of everyone. strangers. It is considered the successor to the fighting dogs used by the Romans in combat.

The Bull Terrier is known as the "gladiator of the canine race" and not from breeds that are suitable for someone with no experience in raising dogs, as it is rather moody, endlessly energetic and irritable. Also known as dog African lion, Ribebeck has exceptional hunting qualities and the strongest bite of all dog breeds. Very powerful and fast, these dogs can hold a lion, a leopard and a buffalo until the arrival of the hunter and have inexhaustible reserves of energy. For this reason, keeping them at home is difficult, and the great love that develops their owners has its negative side- despite their natural intelligence and restrained temperament, they are so reserved towards strangers who can misread the action and attack their potential opponent with dire consequences for him.

This is a proportionately built, graceful and at the same time strong and hardy dog. It can have two types of hair: short and medium length. At the same time, in any case, there is a developed dense undercoat, which perfectly protects the animal from cold and winds. The color is also allowed different, but it should not be dominated by white. This is a very active and energetic animal. In addition, such an assistant is smart and insightful.

Like the Rhodesian Ribbek, the Boerboel originates from South Africa and has the primary purpose of protecting property or a farm. The breed has not yet been recognized by all cynological federations around the world, as it is relatively young, although its origin is ancient. To be seen at home, Gul Dong must be trained and trained by an experienced master capable of imposing his will on him.

One of the smallest and oldest dogs included in this chart, also known as the African Mangy Dog or Congo Terrier. Obviously, the Basenji can cause damage that most of the above breeds are capable of, but do not underestimate this dog, whose image can be found in many Egyptian frescoes. If they don't get enough attention and they don't get enough of their walks, they become difficult to control and their suspicion of strangers turns into aggression.

If you want to buy a representative of this breed as a pet, then you need to consider that he needs serious physical and mental stress.

Portuguese Shepherd

The dog appeared in Ribatero and Alentejo - areas of Portugal. Researchers of the breed believe that the animal came from a Briard and a Pyrenean Shepherd, probably mixed with blood and a Catalan Sheepdog.

San Bernardines is one of the most big dogs, reaching a weight of 100 kilograms and a height of 85 centimeters. Like other breeds, which are characterized by being particularly large, they need to be competently trained very little and mostly for socializing, so control their behavior when someone outside their close circle intrudes into their territory. It is also very important for raising an American Bulldog urban dog to socialize early and be under the supervision of a skilled and specialized owner capable of beating a stubborn temperament.

Shepherds have long appreciated this breed for its excellent watchdog qualities, unpretentiousness to the vagaries of the weather and food. The Portuguese Shepherd successfully copes with its duties of protecting not only sheep, but also horses, cows and goats. This dog drives the cattle with a loud bark while moving, and when the herd stops in the pasture, it completely silently bypasses its “patrimony” and carefully monitors that the animals do not disperse.

Although very loving and strongly attached to family members, if not cultivated and educated properly, the Great Dane, whose original purpose was to be used to hunt wild boar and deer, can become very distrustful and aggressive towards all new items for him. and situations, including strangers and animals.

Due to its special temperament and tendency to aggressive behavior in improper upbringing, this mastiff is banned from the household in many countries. If you are planning to raise a dog in an apartment, this breed is one of the worst choices you could make. The same applies to people with no experience in bringing dogs of this type, namely a large and powerful animal with a dominant character, which must wear a muzzle to put it in in public places as it can become very aggressive and can cause serious damage not only to other dogs but also to random people.

This dog is very inquisitive, with strangers at first behaves wary and does not lose vigilance. He is quite good-natured with other dogs, does not initiate fights. Many cattle breeders seek to acquire a representative of this particular breed. There are many shepherd dogs, and almost all of them, as a rule, are distinguished by devotion to the owner. The Portuguese Shepherd Dog is a vivid confirmation of this.

This is not surprising, given the fact that the breed was chosen to participate in aerial combat. Like Tos Ina - the first animal presented in this article - is a Japanese Akita dog named after the prefecture from which it draws - a mountainous region in the Land of the Rising Sun. Akita Inu also has an American variety, and is also common in Europe in the middle of the last century.

The Border Collie is a lively, very attentive, fast, tenacious, intelligent, loyal and experienced dog. Soft and friendly to people and animals. He is extremely devoted to his master, almost constantly fixing his gaze and reacting to the slightest impulse from his side. He generally belongs to the most intelligent dogs, he studies with great taste, and the work is literally obsessed. She is not only an excellent shepherd and guardian, but also true friend. He willingly follows any orders given by a person, but life in the city does not suit him very much, because he likes free movement.

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Shepherd has several more names: it is called a healer, a cattle dog. These animals are distinguished by strong muscles, a powerful musculoskeletal system. This allows them to actively move for a long time.

Having received a task from the owner, the Australian Shepherd does not take his eyes off his wards. Another important quality of this shepherd dog is unpretentiousness. This is especially important for living in remote mountain pastures. Dogs eat almost everything, so there are no problems with food. Easily adapts to new conditions.

Animals of this breed are known for well-coordinated and clear teamwork. They perfectly interact with each other, distributing the tasks assigned to them. This, according to the shepherds, is the best option when driving cattle over long distances.

Tibetan Terrier

Do not be confused by the word "terrier" in the name of this breed. This shaggy dog ​​is not related to terriers by blood, but rather it can be attributed to the miniature Old English Sheepdog. The Tibetan Terrier is more common today as a companion, has a cute exterior and sociable character.

This is a medium sized dog that easily gets along in any home. The breed developed as a shepherd and watchman in difficult times. climatic conditions Tibet, where it is still very much appreciated. In the West, this dog became known after 1926. At first, it was in the shadow of its closest relative, the Lhasa Apso, but today the Tibetan Terrier is well known as a breed in its own right.

Hyper Lancashire

Since ancient times, many breeds of dogs (shepherds) have faithfully served man. But the next dog is a relatively new breed. The Lancashire Heeler appeared in the 70s of the last century as a result of crossing two British breeds - the Manchester Terrier and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. True, there is a version that this is a rather ancient breed, since ancient drawings were discovered in the UK, which depict dogs that are very reminiscent of Lancashire healers. Their main function was to help people in the pastures.

The existing standard was adopted in 1981, and a year later the Lancashire Heeler was presented in Blackpool at International Exhibition. The dog has a strong physique with well-developed muscles. The head is proportional to the body, the legs are short.

The coat can be different: smooth and short or long and fluffy. The growth of the animal does not exceed 31 cm, weight - about 6 kg. Color can be of two types - black or chocolate with tan. The animal is distinguished by endurance, high breed instincts, strength. These qualities help the dog not only to help the shepherds, but also to successfully participate in mini-agility competitions.

Shepherd and cattle dogs- mostly western pointed-eared sheepdogs, which have a different origin than Asian (southern) and appeared later. This group of shepherd dogs is understood as dogs with an innate herding instinct, which is inherited. They are able not only to guard and protect the herd, but also to graze it. They are easy to train to fit animals, beat back, restrain and other herd management techniques - real herding.

By the time these shepherds appeared, the landscape of Europe had changed. Many settlements, including large cities. And the real war against wolves led to the fact that in the 17th century. they were almost completely exterminated.

Gradually, the main thing in grazing livestock is not protecting the herd from wolves, but protecting fields and gardens from grass and distilling the herd. The need for huge vicious dogs, used almost exclusively for protection, has decreased. Comparatively small smart ones were more valued, obedient dogs able to manage the herd.
Dogs of this type, judging by the skulls of C. f. matris optimae (bronze shepherd), appeared in Europe in the Bronze Age with the intensification of the development of animal husbandry (mainly sheep breeding) and agriculture. They were used for grazing not only livestock, but also birds - geese, ducks, etc.

These dogs probably originated in different ways and in different places. So, from the Spitz-shaped, the reindeer-breeding Laika was created among the Nenets - also a shepherd dog. The hunting dog changed his profession. The hunting instinct took on a new form in her and began to manifest itself not in chasing the animal and attacking it, but in a moderate flow of a domestic animal to the herd and protecting the herd from the attack of wild predators. In addition to the transformation of spitz-like and herding mastiff dogs to create a number of breeds, crossbreeding with other breeds, such as hunting ones, was practiced. Among them, one can single out shepherd dogs with straight hair of different lengths, but always short on the head and front sides of the limbs, erect ears and wolf-like appearance - for example, German, Belgian, Dutch, Collie, Sheltie. Another group of shepherd dogs - has a longer, shaggy, wavy or crimped coat equally well developed on the head and on the legs. Ears are usually semi-erect or hanging. These are Polish, South Russian, Hungarian Shepherd Dogs. The first group of dogs is of more ancient and "local" origin. And the second - a younger group, their ancestors, as a rule, appeared along with migrating peoples.

In work with these shepherd dogs, their ability to combine the qualities of a shepherd and a watchman was revealed. Congenital distrust of strangers, the ability to always be on the alert, to show malice towards strangers, excellent learning abilities - all this characterizes these breeds. They were bred in temperate and northern latitudes, they easily endured cold, dampness, and wind. The shepherds selected the most intelligent, obedient, easily trained dogs, trained them to work like real shepherds. They had to be able to turn the flock to the left, right, back, around, drive the herd to spend the night, to a watering hole, from one pasture to another, drive stray animals, prevent grassing areas not intended for grazing, etc. At the same time, the shepherd dog should not frighten and injure animals, especially shy ones like sheep. At present, in addition to the execution of special commands, it is also necessary to fulfill the commands included in the general training course (OKD) and foreign ones - IPO, Sch, etc.

The name of the breeds of these shepherds, as a rule, contains the name of the area where these breeds were bred and where they came from. This is how German, Belgian, Dutch, South Russian, Polish Lowland, Old English, Australian and other breeds of shepherd dogs appeared. The formation of most modern breeds occurs mainly in the 16th-17th centuries, and some even much earlier, but they acquired their modern look in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

In those areas where wolves are found, both guard and shepherd dogs work together with shepherds. The work of shepherd dogs is hard, they run tens of kilometers during the day and must rest at night. Watchdogs during the day they calmly move with the flock, and at night they sensitively protect the herd from predators. They must not only smell it, but join the fight and emerge victorious from it. Usually they use two dogs for guarding and one for herding a thousand sheep.

AT different countries at dog competitions, shepherds show the incredible art of training their pets. For example, a shepherd dog must be able to select a certain number of animals from the herd and deliver them through many obstacles to a marked place, while the shepherd is 100 m away and gives orders with a whistle. Experienced shepherd dogs even know how to choose a place for a flock to drink: so that the coast is not steep, the water is shallow and calm enough. At the same time, one shepherd dog can work with a flock of two thousand heads.

There are cases when shepherd dogs performed acts that saved flocks from death. More than once they wrote and talked about how dogs managed to stop sheep that were distraught, frightened by a wolf or a thunderstorm in front of an abyss or a cliff.

Before the war, shepherd dogs were trained in schools of shepherd dog breeding, which were, for example, in Nikolaev, Kuibyshev, Stavropol. near Moscow at st. Ilyinskaya there was an All-Union School of Shepherd Dog Breeding with a breeding kennel and a scientific department. There was a Crimean pedigree, which played an important role in the restoration and distribution of South Russian Shepherd Dogs. Today, shepherd dogs are prepared in some kennels, where they undergo a course of special training.
Currently, shepherd dogs are used for other purposes. Some breeds of shepherd dogs turned out to be very suitable for performing official search, sports, military and other duties. Therefore, they are increasingly becoming service dogs, and in this field they have achieved outstanding success.

One of the most famous breeds is the Scottish Sheepdog - collie(they are long-haired and short-haired - a younger breed). The Rough Collie is a very old breed, the first mention of it dates back to the 13th century. Unfortunately, several booms in popularity have negatively affected the quality of the livestock and the working qualities of the dogs. The first peak of popularity was under Queen Victoria, the second - on the eve of World War II, the third - after the war, thanks to the popularity of the series about Lassie. The excellent working qualities that were once inherent in this breed are now being demonstrated by the Border Collie. The original type of the Scottish Sheepdog is close to the modern type of Border Collie. The work of this dog is admirable. Like an enchanted flock of sheep moves at the direction of this brilliant shepherd. The Bearded Collie is also a born shepherd. In Scotland, such shaggy dogs have been known since the 16th century. Collies are sensitive and even nervous dogs, excellent companions, loving both adults and children. The Bearded Collie bears a resemblance to another very old and peculiar Sheepdog, the Bobtail.

Bobtail, or Old English Sheepdog, is now rarely used. Has long hair. Puppies are often born with a stump-shaped tail thickened at the end. If a puppy is born with a long tail, then it is stopped up to 3-4 cm. A characteristic gait for them is the amble.

Miniature breeds are very interesting in this group. As if a reduced copy of the collie is sheltie(Shetland Sheepdog). As its name implies, the Shetland Islands are the homeland of the Shetland Islands. Appeared probably by crossing and purposeful selection of collies and Greenland dogs. This is a shepherd dog, very affectionate, obedient, patient, loving children. It was recognized as a separate breed in 1914. The height is maximum 38 cm, weight 10-18 kg.

Even more diminutive welsh corgi- even in the X century. these smallest of the sheepdogs helped to herd sheep and even cows and donkeys in Wales, as mentioned in historical chronicles. There are two breeds: cardigan - noticeably larger and has a long tail; the Pembroke is smaller and the tail is often atrophied or docked as short as possible. The coat is hard, tight, short or less often of medium length. Any color other than white. Although their virtues were sung in folk tales, they became known to cynologists in 1892, when they were exhibited for the first time in Bancifelin. They are an integral part of photography. royal family. This is a cheerful, affectionate dog, a faithful friend of children. Extremely smart and easy to train, and her endurance and energy deserve respect. The qualities of a shepherd have survived to this day. Height maximum 30 cm, weight 11 kg.

A relatively young breed is lancashire heeler obtained in 1960 - 1970. by crossing a Welsh Corgi and a Manchester Terrier. This is not only a cattle dog, but also an excellent rabbit and rat catcher.

The most popular sheepdog breed bred in France is briar(the name comes from the area where it was formed), originally called "a poul de chevre", which means with goat hair, known from the XIV-XV centuries. An important feature of the breed is a kind of long hair - "goat" of the same color (except white).

"In the land of the plains and free space, where there is no need to fear the attack of wolves, the shepherd dog is better known as "Bree's dog", serves as a shepherd and protection for the sheep. It is smaller than a watchdog, its ears are short and straight, the tail is long and hangs down. The coat is long all over. body, the colors black and fawn predominate. We do not want to flatter the dog with beauty, but with its many talents and zeal." So in 1809, Abbé Rozier gave a description of this ancient dog in the Complete Course of Agriculture. Briard conquers with his amazing character and ardent desire to fulfill the will of the owner.

The head with the image of a briar is installed on the gate at the entrance to the French Cemetery, where soldiers and dogs who died in World War II are buried together.

French Smooth Shepherd - beauceron although outwardly very different from the Briard, both are descended from an old breed of French shepherd dogs. Beauceron used to be used for hunting wild boars.

In the north of France, in the Pas de Calais region, a very ancient breed of shepherd dogs is not numerous - picardy sheepdog, which originates from Beauceron and Briard. These tall sheepdogs came to the territory modern France along with the Celts. The Pyrenean Sheepdog was formed in the mountainous Pyrenees, and has excellent working qualities. Less well known are the shepherd dogs from the historical region of Languedoc, south of France. There are five types - Camargue, Larzac, Gros, Faro and Currig, which are collectively called the "Languedoc Cattle Dog", this is an excellent guard dog.

Belgian Shepherd breeds are popular not only in their homeland, but throughout the world. They are excellent herding dogs. recent times increasingly being used for other purposes. There are four main breeds of Belgian Shepherds, which differ not only in color, hairline, but also in exterior. Groenendael - named after the area where the author of this breed lived - is a breed of black long-haired shepherd dogs. Tervuren - in color all shades of red, fawn and gray with a characteristic blackening at the ends of the hair. Used as a working dog. The rarest is the Laekenois, which is distinguished externally by the presence of small eyebrows, beards and mustaches on the muzzle. The benchmark of the Belgian Shepherd is the Malinois, the main breed on cattle farms, and also used as a service dog.

malinois(Belgian Shepherd). An elegant square dog, muscular and agile. The high-set head on a powerful neck is perfectly combined with the general appearance of the dog and gives it nobility. The head is decorated with black high-set, erect ears and a mask on the muzzle. Color from dark fawn to mahogany. Movement is light and free. By nature, she is calm and balanced. Height at the withers of males 60 - 66, bitches - 56 - 62 cm, weight - 28 kg.

In the history of Belgian cattle breeding, a significant role was played by bouvier- shepherds of cows. They met all over Belgium. Currently, the Flanders Bouvier is the most popular and widespread. A common origin with him is a rare Ardennes Bouvier. There are shepherds in other European countries. In Holland - Dutch Shepherd and Schapendus. In the south of Europe in Spain - the Catalan Shepherd Dog, the Portuguese Shepherd Dog - in Portugal, the Bergams Shepherd Dog in Italy, the Croatian Shepherd Dog, the Polish Lowland, the Egyptian Shepherd Dog, etc.

There are shepherds on the American continent - Australian Shepherd, english shepherd, livestock - leopard dog Ka-tahula and blue lacey.
Especially popular in all countries of the world are Hungarian shepherd dogs. The most famous of them are bullets. In the 5th century on the territory of modern Bashkiria lived tribes who called themselves Magyars, their descendants on the territory of modern Hungary call themselves that now. According to historians, in the IX century. Magyar tribes crossed the Carpathians. Along with them came the ancestors of the bullet.

bullets- one of the oldest shepherds in the world. The bullets are below average height, they are distinguished by a lively mind, mobility and amazing working qualities. Their devotion to their master is legendary. They are characterized by a dense, cord-like coat, usually of a dark solid color (although they can be apricot and even white), with a tendency to matting, which cannot be combed with a comb, but can only be brushed. Throughout the body, the hair forms hanging cords (pigtails).
Faithful, quick-witted, she is able to play not only the role of a shepherd, but also a shepherd. Her ability to shorten her path amazes everyone who sees it for the first time: if you need to get to the other side of the herd, the dog does not run around it, but jumps on the backs of the sheep. Together with her, one shepherd can graze a flock of 650 heads in difficult conditions: on the border with crops, vegetable gardens and a vineyard. At the whistle, the dog drives the sheep to the fold, along the highway it goes behind the herd, pushes it, does not allow it to move aside. If a car is driving, she presses the herd to the side of the road without a command.

These hard-working dogs are used to herd not only sheep, but also cattle, pigs and poultry. It is also used as a watchman in the house. In his modern form The breed was bred over 300 years ago. Cheerful, very energetic, obedient and easy to train, with good eyesight, hearing, smell, diligent in work, playful and affectionate - she has won sympathy all over the world. Bullet export is one of the country's income items. They are bought European countries, USA, New Zealand. There are bullets in our country too.

In Australia, the Australian Shepherd is well-deservedly popular - kelpie and Australian cattle dog - blue healer. The Kelpie is descended mainly from collies brought to Australia. A more complex origin for the Heeler, several breeds took part in its creation, including the Kelpie, the Australian Dingo and the Blue Marble Collie, which gave this breed a peculiar appearance. These breeds have phenomenal endurance and performance, surpassing many similar well-known breeds in these qualities. ability for a long time a kelpie can compete with a camel to go without water. And about the healer, Australian ranchers say that "the Australian shepherd dog will eat everything that does not eat it before." The intellectual capabilities of these dogs are also striking. Kelpies are used for grazing not only sheep, but also cattle, deer and birds. Making his way to the other side of the herd, the kelpie runs right on the backs of the sheep. Healer skillfully knows how to drive cattle, horses, other animals, including birds, such as ducks. The healer rarely barks, he drives the obstinate animals by biting them, but not damaging them.

The group of shepherd and cattle dogs includes breeds that are currently more often used as service, sports, search dogs. They are widely used in the army, police (police). However, they have not lost the qualities of shepherds, although for this purpose they are used much less frequently than originally. The German Shepherd is the most famous and well-known breed of this group.

German Shepherd- at first glance gives the impression of strength and dexterity. This is a strong, well-built dog with a deep body of medium size, with outstanding working qualities. A head with proportionate pointed ears that are held straight. As early as the end of the 19th century, the German Shepherd had several varieties (short-haired, long-haired and wire-haired) and was used mainly for herding sheep. The "father" of the modern shepherd dog is considered to be cavalry colonel Max von Stephanitz, who in 1884 - 1899. bred this breed. Soon the German Shepherd became the most popular breed. She is exceptionally capable of training. The color is bright, saturated, preferably dark. As experts say, in this dog you can find everything you could wish for from a four-legged friend. The height of males is 60 - 65, females - 55 - 60 cm. Weight - about 32 kg.

direct descendant german shepherd domestic breed - East European Shepherd (VEO), the development of which was started mainly after the Second World War. Our other domestic breed is South Russian Shepherd Dog.

Material from the book: "Cynology". Tutorial for universities / G.I. Blokhin, M.Yu. from ill.

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