East European Shepherd Dog: description, character and owner reviews. East European Shepherd Dog, VEO: standard, working qualities, care.

Family and relationships 22.04.2018
Family and relationships

The name is not the only thing that differs from Eastern European. You should start with the fact that the East European Shepherd is considered a variety of German.

How to distinguish a German Shepherd from an Eastern European?

The difference between the German Shepherd and the East European Shepherd is that, as a rule, the East European Shepherd is larger and wider than the German Shepherd, stands out with more powerful paws, rib cage with a clear cut. Eastern European girls can be larger than German Shepherd dogs. Not hard to distinguish german shepherd from the East European in size and height of the back: in the "Eastern Europeans" the back has a smooth line, 2-3 cm longer at the withers, while in the "Germans" the back forms an arc that is visible to the naked eye. The type of movement of the dog will tell you how to distinguish a German shepherd. Due to the different structure of the fore and hind limbs, "Germans" and "Easterners" move differently. In the "Easterners" the paws are proportional to the size of the body, their step is softer and smoother, while in the Germans the front paws are longer, it moves in a low creeping trot, as if crouching to the ground.

Temperament is another indicator of how the East European Shepherd differs from the German. German Shepherds are very active and slightly choleric, this is due to the original purpose of this breed - sheep grazing and flock protection. The German Shepherd needs to move a lot, and if you are active, then this dog will easily find mutual language. They are loyal and devoted companions, they love children, they are always tuned in to communication.

Less playful and active, more suitable for property and home protection. Severe and serious dogs of this breed will not harm the owner and members of their family, but they are very wary of strangers.

In any case, you will be able to distinguish a German Shepherd from an East European by these main features, and choose a faithful and fearless friend for yourself.

Dogs of the same breed. The difference in the name was explained in the eyes of the Soviet amateur dog breeder simply by political subtleties. There were almost no German Shepherds (BUT) in the USSR, only East European (VEO) were bred.

German Shepherds began to appear and gain popularity in the eighties, when the bulk Soviet Union began to crack, lurch, and was about to collapse. For some time, the VEO experienced strong pressure from the German and almost disappeared as a breed, but subsequently amateur enthusiasts united in clubs to preserve the breed, and the result cannot but rejoice - the Eastern European thrives today.

East European Shepherds

Among dog breeders to this day, a lot of rumors and gossip associated with the confrontation of these two different and very similar breeds wander; sometimes they are like the truth, sometimes they are absurd to the point of being ridiculous. The most ridiculous rumors include "secret information" that German Shepherds in Germany were crossed with hyenas - hence the low croup and powerful grip of the jaws. And there are people who believe this...

german shepherds

Many dog ​​breeders consider the VEO as an Eastern European variety of the German Shepherd. The International Cynological Organization VEO is not recognized as an independent breed. Perhaps the reason for this is that Russia joined the FCI much later than Germany.

Origin of breeds

The German Shepherd, as an independent breed, is not so many years old. The first representative, male Greif, was shown in 1882 at an exhibition in Hannover. According to other sources, April 1899 is considered the birthday of the breed, when at an exhibition in Karlsruhe a large yellowish-gray male named Hector saw and acquired for his kennel Max von Stephanitz, who is rightfully considered the founder of the breed.

Formation East European Shepherd began in the 20-30s of the last century, when several German shepherds were brought to Russia from Germany. In the more severe climatic conditions of the USSR, shepherd dogs became larger, more massive, temperament and exterior changed somewhat.

Differences in the exterior

Height at the withers Males: 60-65 cm
Bitches: 55-60 cm
Males: 66-76 cm
Bitches: 62-72 cm
Weight Males: 30-40 kg
Bitches: 22-32 kg
Males: 40-60 kg
Bitches: 30-50 kg
chest depth 45-48% of the height at the withers 47-50% of the height at the withers
back line Inclined, about 23° to the horizon The height at the withers is slightly greater than the height at the rump
Color Black and tan; black; grey; zoned gray with saddlecloth and mask Black-backed with a mask on a background from silver-gray to fawn; black; zoned gray and zoned red
movements Squat, creeping lynx Sweeping trot with a strong drive
Purpose Companion, watchman, shepherd, sports training Security Guard Service, Companion

The table clearly shows that the VEO is much larger and heavier than the German Shepherd, this is one of the most noticeable differences. The second striking difference is the line of the back. East European Shepherds have a much less inclined back than Germans, hence different type dog movements. Although both varieties of shepherds are trotting breeds, the BEO trots more sweepingly, the German Shepherd more smoothly. But with an increase in the speed of movement, the more high-legged "Easterners" increase the amplitude and scope of movements, like good trotting horses, and the "Germans", due to the structural features and articulation angles of the hind limbs with the pelvis, have to increase the frequency of movements. That is, over long distances and more high speeds VEO can easily bypass the German, but with long work on the trail, the German Shepherd can give odds to the Eastern European. Differences in the structure and setting of the limbs also explain the lower susceptibility to hip dysplasia in East European Shepherd Dogs.

Differences in temperament

Different purpose of dogs causes different temperament. The German Shepherd is noisier, more mobile, representatives of this breed are often choleric. The East European Shepherd Dog is more balanced, one might even say more “serious”. Perhaps these differences are due to a specific approach to breeding for temperament: in the USSR, most breeds are characterized by a greater severity of temper. Before today in the border and military parts of Russia, East European Shepherd Dogs are preferred, but in exhibition rings and sports training competitions, the championship remains with the "Germans".

It should also be noted the later maturation of the East European Shepherd compared to the German.

If you live in a small city apartment and you need a companion with whom you could engage in one of the types of sports training, providing yourself with not only a lot of positive emotions, outdoor activities, but also communication with the same dog and sports lovers - energetic and compact will suit you.

If you are attracted to a more serious and big dog, which could adequately and without excessive aggression protect your home and site, which is ideally adapted to the rather harsh climatic conditions- Pay close attention to the East European Shepherd Dog.

Both of these breeds have been consistently popular for many years, due to the excellent character of the dogs, their lively mind, excellent training ability and versatility of use. It is better to buy puppies in kennels that have a good reputation.

She earned sincere honor and respect of millions of people. The animal is hardy by nature, easily adapts to any conditions. It can live in small "Khrushchev" houses, and on spacious areas intended for keeping animals, in the yards of country houses. But do not forget: this is a working dog that needs long walks and solid physical exercise. The strong-willed, balanced, stately shepherd dog has a very interesting "biography". Many are sincerely curious about the features of breeding, rearing, caring for these extraordinary animals. In general, there is something to understand.

In the service of man

You can hear that the East European Shepherd is a type of German Shepherd "in the Russian way." The breed was formed in the USSR as follows. At the end of World War II, the winners returning from Germany to the Soviet Union brought a lot of trophy big dogs- German Shepherds and their lesser-known relatives. On the basis of the motley four-legged guard, from the late forties of the XX century, they began to breed animals capable of accompanying military personnel on patrols, serving at barrage checkpoints (roadblocks), guarding temporary detention facilities for persons under investigation.

The need for a myriad of guard and escort dogs was dictated by the need to unswervingly uphold the gains of socialism and strictly control the intrigues of external and internal enemies. The selection was aimed at obtaining large massive individuals. In the course of a painstaking selection of the best representatives, they received such a widely famous breed like an East European Shepherd.

Tall, with a wide body and strong bones, the dog came to the court both in the NKVD units and in the Armed Forces (it is impossible to imagine, for example, the border troops without it). In the internal affairs bodies, where every day is connected with patrolling, escorting, searching for criminals, protecting the territory, it can be said that she has become an indispensable employee. VEO also came in handy in civilian life: sensitive, responsive, well-mannered guides are the “eyes” of the visually impaired.

Practical and cute

There is an opinion that modern Fashion for Dogs dictates its own canons. Citizens who are knowledgeable in cynology today are increasingly willing to have a pet from among the descendants of “herd” dogs (German Shepherd). They are smaller. People who are far from cynology are often interested in: how do East European and German Shepherds look in comparison? What is the difference between these breeds? It is not surprising to get confused: there are even cynological atlases, which indicate that this is one breed.

But is it? VEOs are larger, their back line is not so sloping. As a result, the movements of the animals are not similar: the trot is smooth as if squatting "Germans"; the forward movement of the "easterners" is sweeping. The latter win when running for a long time and when you need to go the distance quickly. In the course of the "tedious" way along the trail, the "foreigner" works better.

What about temperament? In this, too, the East European and German Shepherd are different. What is the difference, having once compared the dogs, everyone will learn: the “easterner” is balanced, thoughtful, the “westerner” is choleric, fidgety, sociable. There is an opinion that in the USSR, with its harsh morals, they deliberately "cut off" unnecessary canine "freedom of morals", selecting the most serious representatives. Russian border guards and other military people prefer to have an East European Shepherd dog next to them in military labor. In the course of exhibitions and sports competitions, the easier-to-train "Germans" often shine (another difference is that they ripen earlier than VEO).

For help to the people

If you delve into the distant past, you can find evidence that Russia met German Shepherds as early as one thousand nine hundred and four. Along with people, dumb "orderlies" saved the wounded when the Russo-Japanese war thundered. Since 1907, they have mastered the service in police stations. In 1924, dogs from the German side filled the enclosures of the Central School of Dog Breeding of the OGPU, the School of Sniffer Dogs of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD).

Breeding in certain circles was not puzzled, therefore, along with representatives of the best factory lines (large individuals, proportional head, good build), there were unremarkable, but strong and reliable "workhorses". From the first days, an attempt to breed German Shepherds was accompanied by a number of problems: the lack of cash injections, the meager knowledge of the breed, the almost complete absence of specialists who would thoroughly know this breed of dogs affected.

However, the East European Shepherd Dog could not fail to appear, no difficulties could interfere with breeding plans. To move things forward, they appealed to the masses. In the USSR, the OSOAVIAKHIM school existed to involve the people in solving the burning issues of defense, the army, the navy, etc. In 1927, the doors of the section were opened there, where dog breeders who were engaged in business on an amateur basis were invited en masse. They were asked to render every possible assistance in increasing the number of trained dogs with good heredity.

The East European Shepherd Dog as its own, national breed was still just a dream. In the meantime, caring citizens took care of the "German" pets, raised their puppies: each "growing" was included in the sectional mating plan. However, the quality of the resulting livestock left much to be desired. There were no rules for selecting manufacturers. This sharply reduced the efficiency of breeding work.

Papa Edu, mother Binet, son Abrek

Not only did the breeding involve a sea of ​​random and trophy dogs, the quality of whose origin was simply impossible to trace, the Federation of Service Dog Breeding of the USSR also had a hand in it. Decrees were issued to reduce "breeding requirements". As a result of this “imposition”, vices were transmitted appearance, color, features of the nervous system.

State nurseries, as best they could, helped voluntary helpers, providing sires for mating. To increase the number of amateur dog breeders, we have developed a system of exhibitions. But the main goal of the regular breeding of four-legged "into the light" was the selection of the most thoroughbred representatives of the future "servicemen". At the same time, we analyzed which manufacturers are better, what are the combinational successes and failures.

The first Moscow exhibition was the one that delighted participants and spectators in 1925. The furore on it was made by the male Bodo von Teufelsfinkel, exported from Germany, with a height of 70 cm at the withers. The German specialist of the highest class V. Katzmair noted that the elite dog is the best of all producers. To obtain offspring, a number of excellent males with exquisite "baronial" nicknames were singled out. The first Soviet line of shepherd dogs was headed by a male with a more mundane name - Abrek - the son of Edu von Geizenhof and his partner Binet von Brigoff. In other variations, none of them succeeded in special puppies.

Fog and Kare

Abrek had an expressive appearance: the middle part of the back is black (black-black color), correct, slightly weighted build, the head in the skull is slightly wider than necessary. There was something to work on: the East European Shepherd Dog, whose ears are an important feature of the breed, had erect hearing organs directed to the sides. They are called hung, they have weak cartilage. There were also folds under the larynx (“raw” neck). The growth of the newcomer went to Edu - 69 cm. Being the most successful sample of selection, the handsome man “grabbed off” the Diploma of the 1st degree at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSHV). His person was entered in a special list (VRKSS) at number one. Large, dry, well trainable Abrek is the ancestor of many excellent dogs. It was widely used for breeding. The selection continued: it was necessary to increase the working capacity of the dogs.

Ingul (the grandson of the couple Dewete von Furstensteg + Dux von Herzoghem) and Degai (their great-grandson) appeared. The appearance and build (a set of exterior qualities) of males approached the norms of such a widely known breed today as the East European Shepherd Dog. The standard seems to have been found. True, Ingul had a defect - an undescended testicle in the scrotum, and since 1964 cryptorchidism has been included in the number of defects that lead to disqualification.

Males with a genetic anomaly, like Ingul's, were still used for mating until 1968. For a long time they turned a blind eye to the fact that some individuals have a defect in the dental system. Until 1974, complete liberalism in color reigned. There were all sorts of colors: straw (fawn), white, reminiscent of brindle ... Plus, they unjustifiably raised the bar of growth, making 72 cm at the withers the standard.

After the Great Patriotic War political motives were strong. They even affected the breed in which the word "German" sounded. The "Iron Curtain" made it almost impossible to leave such a name ("German Shepherd" then the people called all evil and nasty people). For a very long time, the phrase was almost synonymous with fascism and evoked negative memories of the horrors fiery years. Public opinion was categorically against the "German evil spirits."

Deserved Success

When the breed was renamed Eastern European and singled out as an independent one, the situation became completely confused: they did not find their own standards, the world ones were already abandoned. But the process has begun. First, a subtype of the German Shepherd appeared in our country. It later became a separate breed (officially named VEO in 1951).

Another Soviet line is considered to be the one that starts from a dog named Edi von Blumenduft. A little over eighty years ago (in 1935-1936) they received offspring from him and the daughters of the first Abrek number. This offspring has become the main, basic. The son of Tuman had a classic, without shades, silver and brown blotches color (black and tan). His descendant Kare in 1940 was recognized as the All-Union, and in the first post-war year - the Moscow leader. Even during the years of the struggle against fascism in the occupied regions, dogs were destroyed. The nursery of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR, where the selection import was located, was empty. After the Victory, cynological centers in Russia (Leningrad), Ukraine (Kyiv), Belarus (Minsk) and other cities started from scratch. The East European Shepherd Dog has experienced a rebirth.

They worked together for almost half a century. The titanic work was crowned with success: a new East European type of shepherd dog was devoured, which was noticeably different from the Western European. The dogs looked large, well-built, strong, muscular. They were distinguished by harmonious constitution, dryness and muscularity. The first standard, describing the breed type in detail, was adopted in 1964, then it was changed more than once, supplemented, and divided into lines.

As for the cover, many are sure: long-haired East European Shepherds are nonsense, this does not happen. Indeed, in the description of the axial hair, it is indicated that it is straight and hard, reaches a medium length, close fitting, with a well-developed felt-like undercoat. Limbs in front, ears, head are covered with an even shorter "fur coat". You can read as many descriptions of the lines as you like - nowhere is such a feature officially recognized as "a fleece from which you can weave braids."

Well fed and educated

And although long-haired East European Shepherds are found, adherents of strict criteria are convinced that this is a deviation from accepted standards (ranked as marriage). The result of uncontrolled actions of some modern breeders-"inventors". German Shepherds "increased shaggyness" - from the same opera. Animals of the 1920s ("old-type") were only semi-long-haired.

A high level of intelligence, especially in animals, is always captivating. It is precisely this quality that distinguishes the clever-beautiful East European Shepherd Dog. Training this dog is difficult, but rewarding. Looking at how zealously the four-legged ones carry out the orders of the coach, we can conclude: they like this activity. Ideal performers in the name of friendship with the owner, who is considered the undisputed leader, are ready to give themselves without a trace.

Therefore, when listing the features of developing behavioral skills, the first point is the friendly, trusting, sincere relationship between the puppy and the owner. In addition, an eared teenager must understand what is required of him, then he will complete the task without a flaw. And, finally, you need to alternate "task" and affection, but make sure that severity does not border on cruelty (after all, the owner wants to raise a proud daredevil, and not a coward or aggressor).

There is no doubt: many people have a smart and kind East European Shepherd in their house. And the children love her, because, by virtue of her "protective" character, she reminds them of a parent, an older brother. But you should not deceive yourself. The animal is not ready to endure any tricks of the children and is able to fend off impudence. Teach your baby from a young age to treat a pet living in a family with respect. Then it will be possible to avoid many problems that cannot be called comic. Subject to the rules of treatment, VEOs are sincere: they carefully “graze” little people, calm them down if they cry, make friends with the grown-up master’s cubs.

Where where?

They say that the East European Shepherd Dog feels great both in Kamchatka and in Kazakhstan. In Karaganda, one of the regional centers of the Kazakh Republic, there are traditionally many nurseries. A catalog has been compiled, which contains not only names, but also phone numbers for communication, characteristics of dogs available. The list of achievements is a kind of quality license. Read the data carefully, specify how far this or that place of breeding and cultivation is located from the city (if it is important for you).

The first clues to determine if you are about to make a good choice are easy to remember. If the owner has been on the market for a long time, cordially invites you to visit his penates in order to personally get acquainted with the animals, does not “ashamed” to show a license, most likely you are dealing with a reliable partner. It is noteworthy: a consistently large number of puppies is not the best signal. As a rule, the number of individuals varies.

Ask how many champions the breeder has brought up, how he cares about the health of the wards. All these little things are very important. All living creatures must be groomed and vaccinated, and most importantly, the East European Shepherd Dog. There are many owners in Karaganda who can be called trusted. They will not slip you a “bulldog-rhinoceros mix”, they will give you the right advice on caring for a dog. They say, and beginners can register in a single list of breeders. Monobreed exhibitions are held in Kazakhstan. This is not a show, but a zootechnical event. Refereeing is the strictest. It's hard to win. But successful participation increases the prestige of the animal by several points.

There is a choice

There are other regions where East European Shepherd puppies are raised in kennels. In Blagoveshchensk, among the private ads, you can see the offer: “I will give it to good hands". Is it true, we are talking about hybrid specimens. But if anyone needs a good guard, you can safely take it. Most ads - from detailed description pedigree and appearance of four-legged babies. Many puppies for sale came from parents from Moscow and other well-known kennels.

In the south of Russia, there are also many nurseries in which the East European Shepherd Dog is bred. There are breeders in Sochi, you can buy pretty decent VEO puppies, even from champions with an elite pedigree. But more often there are ads for the sale of German and Caucasian shepherds. The Sochi Kennel Club holds mixed exhibitions.

Despite the formidable past of the breed, there are people who doubt: is the East European Shepherd Dog suitable as a watchman? To protect the territory, some want to take a more angry, independent dog. But VEO fans are sure that no one can do a job better than a calm, vigilant “Eastern”. She acts thoughtfully, which is especially impressive. You do not have to wait for flashes of "automatic" aggression, which is present in the character of some other breeds.

Some lyrics. There is a winged aphorism that happens to be heard from the lips of those who happened to face human ingratitude, cunning, adventurism. Recognizing their surroundings from the bad side, someone once again sighs: "Dogs are better than people - they do not betray." But these are all emotions. When choosing a nickname for a thoroughbred friend, they are not guided by them, but by specific rules. Although there is no consensus on the classification of breeds, it is impossible to name Thoroughbreds simply at the behest of the heart.

What would you think, buddy?

The approach to choosing the nickname of the East European Shepherd Dog is as follows: one litter - one letter at the beginning of the nicknames of newborns ( full name are made up of letters or syllables borrowed from "Full name" ancestors). The consonance of the obligatory factory prefix is ​​required (how the names and surnames of people are combined). But the essence is not only in the letter. It is recommended to stay on topic. If “natural phenomena” are chosen, Blizzard, Buran are suitable, if geography is Venice, Palmyra, etc. For boys, it is better to choose short and sonorous, and for girls - magical, musical nicknames. They say that this is a special breed of dog. The East European Shepherd understands even the nickname that she is called at home. At the shows, a clear, “to the point” name is a sign that the owner correctly understands the “policy of the cynological party and government”.

In Moscow Lyubertsy there are social club animal lovers "Maximus". The East European Shepherd Dog is a constant participant of the traditional Charity Exhibition "My Shepherd Dog". The event is attended by German, Central Asian breeds, represented by various cynological federations. The collection goes to help and support dogs in trouble. During the exhibition, animals left without owners often find another family. The tribal prefix "Maximus" contains the passport data of many eminent VEOs, who confidently won not only All-Russian, but also international competitions.

It is also possible to purposefully acquire and simply accept as a gift puppies and adults in St. Petersburg. The East European Shepherd Dog is passed into good hands by those who leave the country, move (there are many reasons). As mentioned above, for the most part these are mestizos or old, sick animals. But those who dare and take them into the house love four-legged friends with a difficult fate no less than prosperous thoroughbreds, receiving boundless devotion in return.

For many dog ​​lovers, a shepherd dog causes involuntary respect and a desire to acquire a similar, extremely devoted and surprisingly beautiful friend. The most popular breeds of this type are two - the East European Shepherd and the German Shepherd, the differences among which are almost imperceptible to an ignorant person. Nevertheless, there are many of them, and they begin with the history of the emergence, development and influence of countries, centuries.

The emergence of rocks

The initiator of the creation german shepherds is a captain von Stephanitz, who at the end of the 19th century decided to implement his idea. He saw a dog suitable for his idea at one of the exhibitions that he had to attend specifically for this purpose. The requests of the captain included not only the external data of the future pet (strength), but also the character - friendliness, restraint, intelligence, energy. It took Stefanitz a lifetime to breed the perfect example of a working German Shepherd. Being engaged in selection, "polishing" the breed, he additionally described its standard parameters and advertised his dogs in every possible way. It is quite possible that without this, the "Germans" would have remained known only in a narrow circle of cynologists and would not have brought great benefits for such short period the existence of the breed.

History of occurrence East European Shepherd much more difficult and there was even a period during which she almost disappeared. Breeding this breed began in 1924 at the initiative of the leadership of the USSR, using German shepherds as a base. Breeding work was carried out in a Moscow nursery, where scientists and cynologists were given the task of improving the German Shepherd, namely, to create a breed that was more massive, hardy and able to adapt to difficult climate conditions in the expanses of the Soviet Union. However, due to financial problems that now and then arise in a young country, work in the nursery was not completed. It continued in an unspoken private order, and then only thanks to underground donations from officials. At the end of the 30s in the early 40s, in order to preserve at least the first specimens, several individuals of East European Shepherd Dogs were transported to the Sverdlovsk Region.

In the post-war period, work on breeding the breed resumed. For this, new, selected individuals of the German shepherd from German nurseries were ordered and brought. It is worth noting that crossing with other breeds of dogs was not carried out. The selection process was strictly classified and foreign specialists were not involved in the work.

In 1964, East European Shepherds were officially recognized as worthy of respect for their undoubted contribution during the Second World War. Using his authority, General G.L. Medvedev achieved recognition of the breeding work of cynologists until 1977, when the second breed standard was recognized, although at that time East European Shepherds were considered just a subspecies of German ones.

New problems for cynologists arose in 1991 with the receipt by German shepherds of the FCI standard of international scale with the withdrawal of the Eastern European subspecies into an illegal position, up to complete extermination.

Numerous attempts by specialists to save the breed, emphasizing the difference between the East European Shepherd Dog and the German one, led to success. Thanks to the RFK (canine organization), VEO was recognized as a separate breed in 2002.

Differences in appearance

The Outer German Shepherd resembles a strong animal, always ready to move. The most typical physical feature by which it can be distinguished from its Eastern European counterpart is back. If in the first specimen it is arched, descending to the pelvic region, then in the East European Shepherd Dog it is straight.

Thanks to the feature, the “German” literally spreads at a trot during a fast movement. In addition, his height almost never exceeds 63–65 cm, and his weight is 40 kg.

German Shepherds have a muscular, very strong build, erect ears and a wedge-shaped head. Their coat is straight, of medium length, rather harsh, their eyes are almond-shaped and always dark. Typically, the females of this breed are quite often larger than the males.

The larger and taller East European Shepherd often weighs 50 kilograms with a height of 75 cm. Their back is straight, but the rump is lowered slightly below the withers, which is completely normal. The run of the East European Shepherd Dog is sweeping, accompanied by powerful pushes, although it also resembles a lynx. Dogs look especially impressive in a calm state - a wide chest, intelligent eyes, erect ears and powerful paws involuntarily inspire respect for them. Female Eastern European dogs are always smaller than males, although they are no less hardy.

Dog color

Although many people associate the coat color of a shepherd dog with light gray tan, it is a mistake to perceive their breed only on this basis. Moreover, a too light color indicates degenerate pigmentation and no dog handler will specifically achieve such an effect.

Color is not the factor that distinguishes a German Shepherd from an Eastern European, since individuals of both breeds can be black, black-backed or zoned. Nevertheless, the "Germans" are characterized by a predominantly black-and-black color with a pronounced red tan. And East European Shepherds can have any of 3 colors, so when trying to determine the breed, it is best to focus on height, skeleton construction and weight.

Dog temperaments

The temperaments of these breeds also differ, so when choosing a German or East European Shepherd, you need to pay attention to that. That is, they are active, like to move a lot, restless, but do not roll causeless tantrums. Therefore, buying a German Shepherd is worth it for those who are looking not only true friend, but also a companion in frequent walks, long hikes, bicycle excursions. These are excellent watchmen, shepherds, athletes with an excellent sense of smell, which is actively used by customs, border and law enforcement services.

East European Shepherds are more calm, balanced. Perhaps, selection requirements or large weight affect. They are not as playful as the "Germans". Nevertheless, a restrained temperament does not prevent the shepherd dogs of this breed from faithfully serving the owner, almost deifying him, while at the same time showing a wary-aggressive attitude towards strangers. Due to their intelligence, as well as the ability to concentrate and quick wits, the "Eastern Europeans" are very easy to train and are able to learn many commands, provided that initially the dog receives a treat for each trick. Classes should be carried out daily, but not more than 15 minutes, or twice a day for 5-7 minutes. East European Shepherds are excellent watch dogs, realizing that their main purpose is to protect the owner.

Temperament and pliability to training allows you to keep German and East European Shepherds not only in the aviary, but also at home. If they are walked daily, allowed to move to throw out energy, exercise, give toys, they do not harm the home environment. Keeping in an aviary requires a similar approach to education, but at the same time, a puppy cannot be accustomed to the house in order to later be evicted to the yard. He will take such “injustice” very badly and will get used to it for a long time and ask to go home.

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