Famous cat breeds with photos and names. Smooth-haired cat breeds

Recipes 11.11.2021

Cats have been known to mankind for at least 10,000 years, and have been highly valued by people at all times not only for their ability to catch rodents (at home, catching mice is especially relevant), but also for their innate ability to endow people with their affection.

10,000 years of love and benefit

Scientists have found that all modern breeds of cats come from the steppe cat, which was domesticated by man. In different parts of the world, this happened at different times, and therefore, the data may differ depending on the region. However, despite the fact that domestication occurred an average of 10,000 years ago, cats have almost completely retained the ability to run wild. And this, combined with the great love for a person that they are able to show.

Many breeds of domestic cats, especially in the west, may have this ability to a lesser extent, as their pedigree for many generations did not include individuals that would live on the street or in close contact with wildlife. However, in Eastern Europe, this phenomenon is not uncommon. Do not confuse the most common breeds, and the most popular cat breeds are completely different things.

With or without hair, cats are our affectionate friends.

To date, there are about 100 breeds that differ in body structure, length of wool or its complete absence, disposition and other features. Despite the fact that it is traditionally believed that cats are categorically incapable of learning and training, they understand a person quite well, somehow recognize his mood and can provide psychological support in difficult times. In addition, many breeds of cats get along well with young children.

So what are the breeds of cats?

In fact, there are a lot of them, but, in general, all our pets can be roughly classified as follows:

  • Popular - this category includes, first of all, those cats that are most popular at the moment. That is, this is a floating class of pets, as trends can change, and cats are fashionable now, tomorrow, it is quite possible that they will lose their relevance. Today, the following cat breeds are popular: Maine Coon, Ragdoll, British Shorthair cat, Abyssinian cat, Siamese cat, Canadian Sphynx, etc.
  • Rare - this includes both artificially bred and naturally occurring breeds of cats. Mostly, both the first and the second, most often inhabit a particular region, such as the Kuril Bobtail. Also, the following breeds can be attributed to this class: serengeti, caracal, toyger, savannah (ashera), sokoke, kao-mani, etc. By the way, a popular cat breed can be rare, that is, these are not mutually exclusive concepts.
  • Shorthair - from the name of the category it is immediately clear which breeds of cats belong here. An expressive example is the British Shorthair.
  • Long-haired - if the pet has long hair, such as the Norwegian Forest Cat, it belongs to this category.
  • Hairless or bald - there are cat breeds that either have no hair at all, like the Canadian Sphynx, or it is extremely short. So much so that they cannot even be classified as shorthaired. Accordingly, they are classified as hairless, or hairless cats. These are such breeds of cats as: Bambino, Don Sphynx, Elf, etc.
  • For children - not all breeds of cats are suitable for a harmonious life in a family with a child. However, some are ideal for this, for example: Maine Coon, Canadian Sphynx, Scottish Straight cat (Scottish Straight), etc.

Convenient and smart choice

As you can see, there is a clear classification that helps to understand what is the best breed of cats that best suits the tastes and specific conditions of each person. In other words, sometimes you have to be guided not only by your own desire and taste, but also by certain parameters. If you have two children, and one of them is allergic to wool, you should not get a Persian cat at all.

In this case, it is better to pay attention to either a hairless breed, or cats without undercoat, which practically do not shed. At the same time, your future pet must be loyal to children. Such a simple example clearly demonstrates which cat breed to choose and how to do it correctly, taking into account all the factors. After all, not only your harmonious life depends on this, but also the life of the animal, since with an insufficiently responsible approach, he may have to look for a new family.

We have tried to describe in the most complete way all the features of each of the breeds, distributing them into categories. Thus, you can quickly get all the necessary information and make the right choice.

Cat breeds around the world

A pet is a true friend, almost a member of the family, requiring attention, affection and care, like a child. Why is it important to read a detailed description of the breed? Each breed has its own characteristics. According to the description with a photo, you can judge whether the cat meets the standards, whether it is an ideal representative of the breed. A complete description of the breed of cats will allow you to get to know the nature of the animal better, and choose the same a pet that will become the most devoted friend.

List of cat breeds

Cat breeds starting with the letter A

  1. Abyssinian

Cats of mysterious origin have funny big ears with tassels, beautiful oriental eyes and a friendly disposition. .

  1. Angora

  1. american curl

American Curl white
  1. Australian smoky

Sociable and docile cats with a beautiful spotted color. All about the breed here.

Australian smoky
  1. Asian tabby

Those who have ever seen the slightly slanted oriental eyes of this cat will remember them for a long time. Owners of a beautiful shiny coat and graceful oval paws. Learn how to care for an Asian tabby at detailed description of the breed.

Asian tabby
  1. american wirehair

Despite the name, these cats are soft like plush toys. A full description can be read by clicking on link.

american wirehair cat
  1. american shorthair

Compliant and friendly creatures, despite the love of food and relaxation, will not allow the appearance of mice on their territory. How to properly care for the breed read here.

american shorthair
  1. Anatolian

Excellent jumpers from Turkey, these cats are similar to Van cats, the only difference is their lower weight. More.

Anatolian cat breed
  1. Arabian Mau

Those who want to make a devoted friend should pay attention to this particular breed. Inquisitive, active, they adore their owner, if he shows care and attention in turn. How to make friends with an Arabian Mau read here.

Arabian Mau

Cat breeds starting with the letter B

  1. Balinese

The Balinese belong to the Siamese group. They are stubborn, jealous, self-sufficient, have an inexhaustible supply of energy. In the house, cats of this breed will be gentle and kind family members. Learn how to make friends with a cat here.

Balinese cat
  1. Bengal

Love real predators and want to get a leopard? Then a Bengal kitten is what you need. They love to conquer heights, have an angelic character, which does not fit in with their wild intonations in their voice. But Bengals are not lovers of chatting, they will not bother with their growl. What else distinguishes this breed,.

bengal cat
  1. Burmese

The origin of fluffy beauties with sapphire eyes is shrouded in secrets. For a long time they guarded the sacred Buddhist temples. Intelligent, unobtrusive, smart cats are easy to train. Read more about the breed here.

Burmese cat breed
  1. Bobtail

  1. bohemian rex

These cats are easily recognizable by their wavy long hair, otherwise they resemble Persians. They love affection and comfort.

Bohemian Rex cat
  1. Bombay

It has long been known that a black cat does not bring misfortune, but good luck and joy. Get a mini panther at home and get a great companion and friend. Lovers of home comfort, get along well with other pets. More read here.

bombay cat
  1. brazilian shorthair

Give your warmth and affection to a slender fluffy beauty! These cats suffer without attention, they are kind and trusting. For more information about the breed, please visit link.

brazilian shorthair
  1. British Shorthair

Plush lovers will love this popular breed. Like all Englishmen, cats are real intellectuals, punctual, have impeccable manners. Just don't call a cat a Scot, he'll be offended! How to make friends with a British kitten, and how to properly care for a pet,.

British Shorthair
  1. british longhair

So sweet and friendly, Brits are popular with pet lovers. They have a fluffy beautiful tail and a lovely muzzle. For what qualities they love British cats, you can find out here.

british longhair
  1. Bramble breed

A relatively new species of large cats managed to win the hearts of animal lovers. Fearless and affectionate, playful and loyal, excellent hunters, cats of this breed choose one owner for themselves, to whom they feel special affection. More about the breed.

Bramble cat breed
  1. Burmese breed

Once you see her, you will never forget her. It seems that the Burmese cat knows something that is not known to a person. What other unique qualities an animal of this breed has, you can find out here.

Burmese cat
  1. Burmilla breed

Having crossed a Persian and a Burmese cat, it turned out an animal with a surprisingly beautiful long fur of a silvery color. Fully trusting their master, Burmillas do not forgive betrayal.

Burmilla breed

Cat breeds starting with the letter V and G

  1. Van cat (Turkish van)

Lively, cheerful, playful, Van cat gives only positive! Those who wish to acquire a true friend in the face of a Turkish woman need to know how to properly care for her.

Turkish van
  1. havana cat

A cat is a chocolate that resembles a Cuban cigar in color. Naughty, playful and friendly. More about the breed here.

Havana breed
  1. Himalayan cat

No, the cat is not named after the Himalayan mountains. The birthplace of the animal is the United States, and it was named because of the similarity with the color of the Himalayan rabbit. Cats of this breed are related to the Persians and Siamese and require careful care. How to take care of a Himalayan cat read here.

Himalayan cat
  1. Breed Herman Rex

The habits of this cat are similar to those of a dog. Smart, funny and energetic, cats love cleanliness, willingly clean up after themselves toys and plan their day in advance. More here.

German Rex breed

Cat breeds with the letter D, E, K

  1. Devon Rex

Big funny ears and a bright expressive look - that's what a Devon Rex cat will remember. They love good food and the company of people. All characteristics of the breed read here.

Devon - Rex breed
  1. Donskoy sphinx

The Russian breed of hairless cats is highly intelligent, friendly and sociable. The nails and torso need some care. Learn more here.

Donskoy sphinx
  1. Egyptian mau

Each cat of this breed has a unique spotted pattern on its fur. Loyal, energetic and curious, Egyptian Mau have a hunting nature, but at the same time get along with other cats and even dogs.

Egyptian mau
  1. Celtic cat

These cats are similar to ordinary domestic cats, they come in all sorts of colors.

Celtic cat
  1. canadian sphynx

The magical appearance of this cat is amazing. A graceful, sociable animal requires increased attention. Learn more.

canadian sphynx
  1. Khao mani

Siamese relatives with white fur. White gem - this is how the breed is translated from Thai, and this applies to both the appearance and the character of cats. To know more about the breed.

Khao mani breed
  1. Korat breed

Don't know what to give the newlyweds? A great gift is a cat of the Korat breed. Since ancient times, Thais have considered it a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Real family people love peace and quiet. Read full description of the breed

Korat cat breed
  1. Cymric the cat

Tailless cat, one of the variations of the Manx breed. There are 4 different types. More about the breed.

Cymric cat breeds

Cat breeds with the letter L, M, N

  1. Breed LaPerm

The cat is an Indian with curly hair. There are both long-haired and short-haired LaPerms. All about the breed here.

Laperm breed
  1. munchkin

“What cute kittens with short legs!” - I just want to exclaim when I see representatives of the Munchkin breed. In everything except the length of the paws, these are ordinary cats, they come in various colors, each has its own unique temperament. How to care for a purebred kitten read in full description.

  1. Maine Coon

The cat is somewhat reminiscent of a raccoon, hence the name. Powerful and strong, with a soft silky coat, the Maine Coon loves water treatments, is friendly and playful. There are many legends around the history of the origin of the breed, read more about the breed.

Maine Coon
  1. Cat Napoleon

Mini cat is a commander. It is a relative of Persians and cats of the Munchkin breed. Despite the name, he does not plan to conquer new lands, he is an affectionate and devoted homebody. Requires special care, details in full description of the breed.

Napoleon cat
  1. Breed Nibelung

The cat got its name because of the color of the wool, reminiscent of fog. Long and muscular animal with long silky hair. Read more about caring for the Nibelungs here.

Nibelung breed
  1. norwegian forest

A large and strong cat is adapted to harsh climatic conditions. They have a water-repellent long coat, long legs, a strong body and a fluffy tail. They get along well with other pets and children. How to prepare the Norwegian Forest for the exhibition and take care of the coat read in full description of the breed.

norwegian forest cat
  1. Neva Masquerade

A beautiful and attractive cat with thick soft fur is always in the spotlight, and she loves it very much! She loves to take care of herself, is accommodating, gets along well with children. More about the breed here.

Neva masquerade cat

Cat breeds starting with the letter O, P, R

  1. Oriental

Another one of the relatives of the Siamese cat. There are shorthair and longhair. Unlike the Siamese, it has green almond-shaped eyes. Slender and graceful, various colors. She loves to play and take part in all household chores. Those who decide to have an Oriental should consider playing with an animal so that the furniture in the house is not damaged. More about the breed.

oriental cat
  1. Ocicat

Resembling only outwardly a wild animal, the Ocicat is an ordinary cat, friendly and calm, which can be trained. Read full description of the breed.

Ocicat breed
  1. Persian cat

Big expressive eyes, flattened nose and long beautiful fur. Learned? Of course, this is the famous Persian cat. Having got a Persian at home, do not forget to buy a vacuum cleaner, and a hairbrush, and a bunch of other accessories for caring for a cute and pet. How to properly care for a Persian cat, read in full description of the breed.

Persian cat
  1. Peterbald

Sphinx from the northern capital of Russia. A relative of the Don Sphynx and Oriental. It can be described in one word - long. An elegant cat, friendly, affectionate, cannot live for a minute without communication with a person. More about the breed here.

peterbald breed
  1. ragdoll

That's who never worries, always relaxed, so this is the ragdoll. For the unusual ability to relax the muscles, the cat was nicknamed the rag doll. A large and strong animal completely trusts its adored master. Special care is required for the long coat of the Redgall. More about the breed in full description.

Ragdoll breed
  1. Ragamuffin

A new variety of Redgall, which has different colors. Calm and sociable cat, distinguished by intelligence, can be trained. Read the full breed description here.

Ragamuffin breed
  1. Russian blue

A shiny beautiful fur coat with a bluish tint is the main pride of a cat of this breed. Graceful, with expressive green eyes, a born hunter with an aristocratic character, has long won the hearts of pet lovers. More about the breed here.

Russian blue

Cat breeds starting with the letter C, T, U

  1. Selkirk Rex

Do you like sheep, but is it troublesome to keep them in an apartment? Get a Selkirk Rex. These are unusual kitties with curly hair, which needs careful care. How did such an amazing breed, read in full description.

Selkirk - rex
  1. Siamese cat

Like the famous figure skater, this cat is graceful and plastic. It has a long and flexible body, larger ears. Do not offend a Siamese cat, the offender will not be forgiven. Read the full breed description here.

Siamese cat
  1. Siberian cat

A large powerful body, medium-length hair, large wide-spaced eyes - such is the Siberian cat. Wayward, smart and friendly. How to care for cats of this breed, you will learn in full description.

Siberian cat
  1. singapore cat

Miniature cat with unusually expressive eyes. They have a short silky coat. The character is flexible, gentle and devoted, Singapore loves to play and have fun, has an inexhaustible supply of energy. More about breed here.

singapore cat
  1. Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold)

Scottish fold cat
  1. snowshoe

You can’t drag this cat out of the bath by the ears, she loves water so much. She is easily recognizable by her white shoes on her paws and characteristic white stripes on her muzzle and chest. Charming and sociable. What other qualities do snowshoe cats have, read here.

Snowshoe breed
  1. somali cat

Semi-longhair cat, sometimes unusual colors. A relative of the Abyssinian cat, graceful, fragile, with a fluffy tail. More about the breed here.

somali cat
  1. Thai cat

A close relative of a cat from the Kingdom of Siam, it differs in color and shape of the muzzle. According to legend, it serves as the guardian of the house from evil spirits. Read the details in full description of the breed.

Thai cat
  1. Ukrainian Levkoy

While the unrecognized breed of hairless lop-eared cats will appeal to connoisseurs of everything unusual. It does not require special care. Read more in full description of the breed.

Ukrainian Levkoy
  1. Ural rex

If you do not want to spend money on a nanny for children, get a Ural Rex. A cat of medium size, graceful, with long legs and short hair (there are also long-haired ones), will always follow the child, purr a lullaby at night. Full description of the breed here.

Ural rex

Cat breeds with the letter X, C, H, W, E, Z

  1. Highland Fold (Scottish Fold Longhair)

The cat of this breed has a docile nature. The nose is short and wide, the ears are folded down and forward, but due to the coat, they seem to be completely absent. More here.

highland fold
  1. Ceylon cat

The cat has nothing to do with the island of Sri Lanka, its homeland is Italy. This animal is of medium size, strong build, flexible and muscular. It has a short thick coat, the care of which comes down to proper feeding. What is the temperament of this cat, and what are the colors, read in the full description of the breed.

Ceylon cat
  1. Chausie

An exact copy of a wild reed cat in appearance, but affectionate and friendly, as it should be for a domestic cat. Chausie is an animal of a rare breed, has a strong body, large ears planted on top of its head. More here.

Chausie breed
  1. Chartreuse

Cats in all shades of blue. Observers are shy, not sociable, not aggressive, but not cowardly either. Excellent hunters. Learn all about the breed here.

Chartreuse breed
  1. exotic cat

The same Persian cat, but with short hair. Clean and friendly aristocrat. Details in full description of the breed.

  1. Javanese cat

The domestic oriental cat has large pointed ears, almond-shaped eyes, long legs and a thin tail. Stubborn, demanding, but loving animal. He does not sit still, loves to play and climb trees. Details in full description.

Javanese cat

Why a thoroughbred pet

Choosing a pet is not an easy task. Today it has become popular to acquire thoroughbred cats. Each breed is beautiful and graceful in its own way, plus, with such a cat you can take pride of place at the exhibition. But you should not judge a cat by its appearance, it should fit the style and lifestyle. The catalog contains a lot of useful information about animals: appearance, temperament, necessary care. Representatives of the Persian and Angora breeds need special care for six, but they are not so dependent on communication with a person. Most of the time you are at home and want some fun? Get a Siamese or Abyssinian cat. If there are small children at home, you need a pet with a lot of patience in order to withstand all this squeezing. A good nanny would be a British or Scottish cat.

Diversity of the cat world

The world of cats is diverse. They differ in color, eye shape, coat length, character and other equally important criteria. There are a large number of organizations involved in the development of standards and registration of breeds. How a relationship with a pet develops depends on the person. For a cat, the owner is the most adored person on earth; from his betrayal, the animal will have a scar in the soul. For a person, a cat is a healing salvation from depression and bad mood, a fluffy ball that can warm the heart on the coldest evenings.

Fact about cats

Over millions of years, the cat family has adapted to various conditions in the wild, which has made them excellent hunters! But, despite the thousand-year friendship with people, they managed to keep the instinct of a hunter!

Go to the headings to the left of the article, there you will learn more about domestic cats and everything connected with them !!

Cat family

These are predatory animals living in all continents of the planet, except for Antarctica. The smallest are domestic cats, the largest are lions and tigers. All cats, small and large, have keen hearing, sense of smell, excellent eyesight, incredible agility and quick reactions. Lions and tigers have tremendous physical strength. A lion, for example, can break a zebra's or a buffalo's spine with a paw strike. A tiger can kill an animal 8 times its weight and fight a bear. There are cases when a lion or a tiger dragged the carcass of a dead animal, weighing about a ton, several miles along the ground!

Variety of wild cats

The fastest animal is also a representative of the cat family, cheetah! It can reach speeds of around 100 km/h and get there faster than many modern cars. Leopards live mainly on a tree, sometimes descend to the ground to hunt. These cats mainly feed on monkeys like chimpanzees, baboons, and sometimes antelope or warthogs. The jungles of South America live jaguars and panthers, which are dangerous for their ambush hunting. In the mountains of South America live cougars hunting llamas, guanacos, deer. In the mountains of Central Asia live Snow leopards.

In the forests of the Northern Hemisphere live lynx, are also very dangerous and strong cats. Their strength is such that wolves, on extremely rare occasions, attack them; mostly bypassed, seeing them as worthy opponents. Another feline representative caracals, have a very fast reaction and retractable claws, which can grab more than one bird from a flying flock. Asia is home to many varieties of tigers.

The largest is the Amur tiger. Its length is about 4.5 meters, body weight up to 400 kg. He is also the largest cat in the world. Tigers have great strength, speed, agility and are excellent swimmers. The Amur tiger can defeat the brown bear in a fight, its southern relatives, bengal tigers, hunt crocodiles and pythons.

Cats lead a solitary life, cubs are raised and raised by females. lions live in prides, where the leader is a large male. The pride includes several females, young males and small cubs.

Crossbreeding of some feline species in captivity is possible. For example, liger, obtained by crossing a lion and a tigress, is larger than a lion and a tiger, which can weigh 500 kg or more!

Nowadays, almost all types of cats, with the exception of domestic cats, are listed in the Red Book. Their habitats are narrowing due to the active exploitation of nature by man. In almost all countries of the world, reserves have been created to preserve the population of these animals.

For a long time, cats have been the favorites of hundreds of thousands of people. Given the external data and character traits of the purr, their principle is to divide into purebred and outbred. It seemed that there were quite a lot of purebred cats, but in fact they make up no more than 1% of the total number of fluffies. But this very one percent includes more than a hundred different species of animals. Today I would like to tell you about most famous cat breeds.

What are the breeds of cats?

In fact, purrs are considered purebred cats, whose appearance features have been recognized by felinological organizations. As a rule, about 50 cats with the same characteristics are taken as a basis. There are a huge number of breeds of pets. Some of them appeared several centuries ago, and some - already in our century.

To distinguish between pets, the international felinological organization decided to divide all breeds into the following categories:

  1. Long haired cat breeds. All representatives of this breed need special care for their long and fluffy coat. They need to be brushed and washed regularly.
  2. Semi-longhair. The coat of such pets is slightly shorter than that of long-haired ones. However, they also need special care.
  3. Shorthair cat breeds are the most common type of pedigreed purr.
  4. Hairless (or breed of hairless cats). This includes a small number of breeds. These kittens do not have hair and are covered with fine and soft hairs, the length of which does not exceed 2-3 mm.

Based on the size, it is customary to divide cats into the following types of breeds:

  1. Breeds of small cats. Adult fluffies weigh about 2 kg. They are great for small apartments.
  2. Medium. Weigh from 2 to 4 kg (in adulthood).
  3. Large breeds. They can reach 80 cm in length and 12 kg in weight.

How many breeds of cats are there in the world?

It would seem that answering the question of how many breeds of cats there are in the modern world is quite simple. After all, many organizations around the globe are studying the features of the structure and nature of pets. However, therein lies the rub.

The fact is that today there is not one, not two, or even three felinological organizations. Therefore, indications regarding the number of fluffy breeds can vary significantly.

In any case, the most famous organization that operates worldwide (WCF) has about 70 breeds of furry creatures. While American felinological clubs distinguish 40 breeds.

The most common cat breeds

Of course, I can’t list absolutely all breeds of cats for you. Let's just go through the most common breeds, having studied the characteristics of the character and appearance of each of them.

These fluffies are the most ancient breed of cats. Outwardly, they are somewhat reminiscent of a puma. The color of Abyssinian cat breeds varies from beige-yellow to red-brown or even black. These purrs are very affectionate, but at the same time active and curious. It is easy to get along not only with cats, but even with dogs.

Small cats with a piercing look and a kind character. As a rule, they have green eyes and spotted coat color. On average, adults weigh from 2 to 4 kg. Easy to get along with small children, cats, dogs and other pets.

Small cats with short shiny coat without undercoat. The purr's ears are slightly tilted forward. These are active playful pets with yellow or amber eyes. Adults weigh from 2 to 4 kg. They easily get along with other cats, although over time, disagreements may arise between the animals, up to fights.

They differ in denser hair on some parts of the body (head, hips, tail, spine). These fluffies have a bluish-gray color and are calm and tolerant of other animals, as well as small children. In addition, this cat breed also has hunting instincts. For example, they often catch insects that accidentally fly into the house.

An active and curious creature that is easy to train. These cats are often started by people who do not have much free time. The fact is that American cat breeds are very fond of free space and independence. American Shorthair kittens come in a variety of colors. They can be white, black, cream, black or smoke blue.

Kittens of this breed lend themselves perfectly to a little training and can, for example, give a paw or bring a ball. They are distinguished by thick hair and a short tail, which arose as a result of a natural mutation. These fluffies require a lot of attention. Therefore, do not be surprised if you hear a meow at night or feel that the pet has jumped on your feet.

They differ from the previous American cat breed only in short and smooth hair. Such cats also have a small tail and a stocky build. Fluffies can have almond-shaped eyes in different shades. They are active, playful and easy to train.

American Curl Longhair

The American Curl is easy to recognize among other cat breeds. Such fluffies are distinguished by ears wrapped back. It is noteworthy that at birth, kittens have straight pointed ears. They also have thick, long hair with an undercoat that needs to be combed regularly. However, for such care, the cat will repay you with positive emotions - Curls are friendly, playful and do not require much attention.

American Curl Shorthair

Also, like the previous breed of cats, it has ears bent back. However, the coat of such purrs is smooth and short, which greatly simplifies their care. So you will have to brush your pet regularly. Although friendly, American Curl kittens are not easy to get along with young children. Such cats are suitable for people who periodically change their place of residence. Unlike many other cats, Fluffies easily adapt to a new environment.


This breed of cats is distinguished by calmness and sociability. They are not imposed and do not require much attention. However, despite their calmness, such pets are quite talkative. They can repeat the intonations of a person and, as it were, answer his questions. Anatolian cats love water, so you can easily teach them how to swim.

Outwardly, such purrs are very similar to Siamese. This is not surprising, because they come from this breed of cats. Such fluffies are distinguished by almond-shaped eyes and a long thin tail. Balinese are friendly and sociable pets that bond with their owners and get along with other pets and young children.

The Bengal breed of cats managed to combine the tenderness of pets and the playfulness and hunting temperaments of wild animals. Their favorite game is chasing a ball, toys or insects that have flown into the apartment. Such animals must be treated with special love, otherwise they may grow too wild. However, if a Bengal cat loves you, he will be devoted to you for the rest of his life.

This cat breed looks like a miniature panther. She has a black smooth shiny coat and large amber eyes. The main feature of pets is the complete absence of other colors on the animal's coat.

This breed of domestic cats is characterized by a large body constitution and short legs. The breed is descended from the British Shorthair and was bred through gene mutation. Such pussies have a purely British character - they do not like too intrusive attention and prefer to spend time alone.

Like the previous breed of cats, British Shorthairs do not require much attention and can easily be left alone. They are distinguished by a smooth, shiny coat of blue-gray, lilac, chocolate or black. Please note that if such a cat does not like something, it can show its character and even show aggression. Therefore, it is not advisable to start them in a house with small children.


These purrs are the owners of a smooth and shiny coat and green eyes. The color of the cat is brown, sometimes it shimmers with red or red. The Havana cat breed is kind to its owners and loves to play with them. Can be friends with dogs, small children. Easily tolerates travel even over long distances and quickly adapts to a new place.

The Devon Rex cat breed has a short but curly and soft coat. Due to their original appearance, such cats were nicknamed elves and aliens. This is all due to the structure of the muzzle, large ears and huge eyes of a green or amber hue. Devon Rex kittens are playful and love to spend time with their owners. Curiosity and activity make them look like a small monkey. This breed of purr is easy to train and likes to climb as high as possible (on cabinets or shelves).

These cats are very fond of heat. Therefore, it is recommended to start them only for home maintenance. The absence of wool generates a greater heat transfer, which in turn is compensated by the consumption of a large amount of food. Therefore, get ready that such a pet can eat at one time or even three servings. Don Sphynx are willingly turned on by people with an allergy to wool, because such purrs are considered a hypoallergenic breed of cats and do not leave unpleasant odors.

Small purrs that have a soft and fluffy coat and can have different colors (dark chocolate, lilac or mixed). The average weight of adults is 7-8 kg.

Owners of large eyes and soft fluffy hair. This breed of cats is distinguished by a cheerful character and friendliness. They easily find a language with other pets (even dogs).

The main distinguishing feature of such pussies is wool, which looks and feels like astrakhan fur. Their color can be varied, both monophonic and a combination of several shades. This cat breed is very thermophilic and does not tolerate cold weather or drafts. Therefore, it is better to keep them exclusively indoors.

An amazing breed of cats that has long hair with curls. Please note that the care for such wool should be special - your pet will have to be combed regularly. LaPerm cats are inquisitive, active and have excellent hunting instincts.

It differs from the previous breed of cats only in the length of the coat. All other features, including the nature of the animal, are completely the same.

These are noble and large cats, which in adulthood can weigh up to 12 kg. They are distinguished by soft fluffy hair and beautiful tassels on the ears. Due to the fact that the breed of big cats was bred in a natural way, it easily takes root even in the harshest conditions. Despite their large size, Maine Coons are very kind and playful cats that are easy to train.

The German Rex cat breed has a soft coat that feels like velvet to the touch. Such fluffies can have any colors. German Rexes are active and playful. They love to be the center of attention and get along well with other pets.

This breed of domestic cats is most common in Northern Europe. These fluffies are large in size and have a kind soft character. They are patient and loving with other pets and small children. Norwegian Forest Dogs quickly become attached to their owners, but if necessary, they can entertain themselves on their own. Please note that the soft long hair of such a purr you will have to comb regularly.

These are playful kittens who like to meow loudly and thus “talk” with the owner. They are playful and active. Outwardly, the Oriental cat breeds attract attention with an unusual shape of the eyes, grace and sophistication. The color of wool in short-haired orientals can be varied - today there are more than 300 shades!

The long-haired Oriental cat breed can come in a variety of colors: black, blue, chocolate, lilac, dark brown, cream or apricot. They can also be plain or striped. These are active pets that love to jump and play, are distinguished by their dexterity and ability to learn. Like the previous cat breed, the longhaired Oriental has a lot in common with Siamese cats.

The Persian cat breed is one of the most ancient. These pets are distinguished by soft thick hair, a small nose and muscular paws. They have a rather complex character and are stubborn. Such cats prefer to communicate only with those they like, and they prefer active games to rest on the couch. At the same time, they are devoted to their owners and enjoy spending time with them.

This breed of domestic cats was bred as a result of mating the Oriental and the Don Sphynx. They quickly become attached to their owner, easily respond to the name, and can bring their favorite toy to the feet of a person.

It is one of the most common cat breeds in the world and has an unusual color and soft plush coat. Russian Blues have a gentle and kind nature and can respond to human intonation and gestures. The Russian Blue cat breed does not harm out of revenge and is easy to train. Please note that these purrs are not very friendly to other pets, especially dogs.


Savannahs are big cats, which, however, are distinguished by a kind, docile disposition. They have a wild color and are the result of crossing a bush cat with a domestic cat. Adults can weigh up to 15 kg. The color of the Savannah cat breed is varied (chocolate, silver, golden, brown). Such breeds are distinguished by activity and devotion. They love water and get along well with other pets.

These are soft fluffy blue-eyed pets that are distinguished by white socks on their paws. Burmese cats are very calm, sociable and friendly. They love to spend time in the arms of their owners and get along well with other pets. There are more than 20 types of fluffy color (brown, chocolate, lilac, red, white). To avoid tangles, the Birman cat needs to be combed several times a week.

Beautiful and graceful cats that quickly become attached to their owners. They have good immunity and good character. The main feature of care is the regular combing of the wool of the purr. Seychelles longhair cats are white in color, but may have spots on the head, paws or tail. Adult individuals of this breed of domestic cats reach a weight of up to 4 kg.

In another way, such representatives of the cat are also called the Siamese colorpoint. Short-haired purrs have well-defined spots all over the body and are distinguished by a smooth, shiny coat.

The Selkirk Rex is a rare breed of cat. There are long-haired and short-haired breeds of cats. Long-haired cats look a bit like teddy bears. The Selkirk Rex Fluffy is the result of mating a domestic and Persian cat. They are affectionate, not shy of guests and easily find a common language with other cats and with small children.

The main distinguishing feature of the Siamese cat breed is their color (color point). These fluffies are light-colored with dark spots on the muzzle, paws and tail. Siamese kittens are very active and easy to train. They express their wishes by changing intonation and pitch.

These fluffies are distinguished by good physical data and have a fluffy and soft coat. Purrs reach absolute maturity only by 4 or even 5 years. Despite the long coat, the Siberian cat breed is hypoallergenic. They can be of different colors, but the advantage remains with the striped color. Please note that the coat of such a pet will have to be carefully looked after. The Siberian cat breed does not like water, but these fluffies need to be combed and bathed at least once a week.


Small pets with piercing eyes, green or blue eyes and shiny silky fur. They are distinguished by curiosity, but at the same time they have a calm and friendly character. Singapura kittens are very clean and quickly get used to new conditions.

In another way, such kittens are also known as Scottish Fold. They are distinguished by thick soft wool of various colors (black, cream, chocolate, marble, spotted). These are cute fluffies with huge eyes and a piercing look. They are unpretentious in care and quickly become attached to a new home and their owner.

These fluffies are distinguished by their docile nature and friendliness. Straight-eared Brits love company, although they can also easily spend time alone. They get along well with small children and other pets. By the way, I belong to this breed of domestic cats.


These cute fluffy kittens are descended from the Abyssinian cat breed. They are popular all over the world primarily due to their character. Somali kittens are very friendly and playful, and unlike Abyssinian cats, they do not like to meow long and piercingly. These fluffies are great for families with small children or pets. They have a variety of colors (red, black, cream, blue, light brown). The main feature of these breeds of domestic cats is a long and fluffy tail.

One of the few hairless cats along with the Don Sphynx and Peterbald. They are distinguished by numerous folds throughout the body and a long, flexible, pointed tail at the end. To the touch, the skin of the Canadian Sphynx is a bit like velvet. These purrs are calm and friendly. They treat their owners equally. As a rule, as a favorite, kittens choose one person from the family with whom they like to play and spend time.


These are rare breeds of cats with soft fluffy and silky hair. They are true friends and love to spend time with their owners. Tiffany cats perfectly support the conversation and can repeat intonation after a person. Due to their high intelligence, they are easy to train.


Outwardly, toygers resemble a small tiger. The coat color of these cats is light brown with dark stripes all over the body. All stripes on fluffy must be vertical. They are gentle, friendly and friendly to adults and children, get along easily with other pets and love active games.

The Angora cat breed is popular all over the world. It comes from a wild African cat and has a long, silky coat with no undercoat. Active and curious purrs always want to be the center of attention and easily find a common language with strangers, small children, and pets. As a rule, Angoras become attached to one person with whom they like to play. They can bring him toys, sleep at his feet, keep up the conversation with purring sounds.

You definitely will not pass by these kittens. The Ukrainian Levkoy is distinguished by the absence of wool and ears rolled into a tube. These pets are flexible and graceful. They are descended from Scottish Fold and Peterbald cats. By nature, these purrs are very gentle and affectionate. They are loyal to their owners and easily communicate with house guests and other pets.

The Ural long-haired breed of cats is distinguished by curly hair of brown, red, gold, cream or blue color. Adults of this breed can reach a weight of up to 6 kg. These cats are great for families with small children. They love attention, for which they generously pay with their love and affection. Curly fluffies easily get along with other pets and quickly find a common language with the guests of the house.

This cat breed has a shorter coat. The color of pets can be spotted, tortoiseshell, black, light brown or red. They perfectly recognize the mood of their owner and do not require attention if the person is busy. The shorthaired Ural Rex is friendly to other pets, small children and even strangers.

This breed of cats has a calm and gentle character, loves to play and easily finds a common language with other cats and dogs. They quickly become attached to their owner and do not like to spend time alone. The exotic cat breed also has a hunting instinct that allows it to catch insects or even mice.

As the name suggests, this cat breed came to us from distant Japan. It has a short, high-set tail and soft, fluffy fur. By nature, such purrs are quite active and inquisitive. They easily get along with other pets, love to play with balls and other toys.

From the previous breed of Japanese cats, these purrs are distinguished only by short hair. There are no other external differences. All the same high-set short tail and a deep piercing look. These breeds are considered the most optimal for families with small children. They are very kind, love to talk and are easy to train.

Imagine that all of the above breeds are not even half of those that are currently registered in felinological organizations. So, if you want to bring a pet with a non-standard appearance into the house, you can definitely find exactly “your” breed. In any case, long-haired and short-haired, big and small, with high and low paws, cats will equally love their owners and will be able to bring a lot of laughter and joy into their lives.

All meow,

There are many breeds of cats, each with its own characteristics. The nature of a cat can be largely determined by the breed.

If you learn more about such details, you can find a pet that suits you perfectly.

So, here are the most unusual, beautiful and popular varieties of cats.

Abyssinian cat

Abyssinians are extremely popular, it is believed that these are the smartest cats. They have rather large pointed ears, a wide head, and almond-shaped eyes that are golden, green or dark yellow.

They are sociable and active animals that love to play. They do not like to spend time on their owners' laps, preferring to move. Females may not get along well with other cats.

american curl

These animals retain the character of a kitten for life. They are characterized by unusual ears, curved back from the muzzle. Usually these are pets with good health, without genetic defects, you just need to monitor the condition of the ears to prevent the development of infections.

american shorthair cat

This is an extremely common breed in the States, characterized by an athletic build. These are large, slender cats with a strong body. They are usually healthy, getting along well with both owners and strangers. They can live up to twenty years and require only yearly vaccinations and a normal diet. There are more than eighty varieties of their coat color.


Burmese cats not only look cute, they also have a gentle nature. This is a breed from Asia, where it was bred by the monks. These animals have a medium length coat with a lighter body and dark spots on the muzzle. Burmese have blue eyes and small ears.


The Bombay cat loves its owners very much, it constantly needs attention, it will get along well with children. These animals do not like to spend a long time alone. Usually they choose one person to whom they pay special attention. Overall, this is an intelligent, playful breed that gets along well with other cats.


These cats have an impressive lifespan and are known for having canine traits, such as being able to fetch a toy on command. This is an ideal type of animal to keep at home, they tolerate car trips well. Burmese have golden eyes and silky fur. These cats love to meow, they spend time with people and demand attention.

Shorthair Colorpoint

These cats are very smart, playful and demanding. They are close to the Siamese, they have similar body sizes, coat length and location of spots on the body. Such animals are very fond of spending time with a person, but they are distinguished by a sensitive character - it is difficult for them to adapt to strangers or unusual surroundings.

Cornish Rex

These are animals with a long and slender body, they have very thin and sometimes curly hair. They prefer to live in a warm and dry environment. It's too cold outside for them in winter. Such cats prefer to spend time on their knees or near a lamp where they can warm themselves. They remain playful all their lives, like kittens, they like to run and jump. At the same time, they are very smart and curious.

Devon rex

This is a cat breed with very soft and short hair, large ears and a broad head. They have large eyes and a slightly upturned nose. Unlike other breeds, this one has very short and often curled whiskers. Devon Rex are usually active, playful and attached to people. They can jump very high and like to sit at the highest point in the room.

egyptian mau

These are incredibly fast cats, one of the fastest among all the others. They have rather short hair with small spots. Mau have very musical voices, they can make very unusual sounds, in addition, they can wag their tails.


These are extremely popular cats with compact, rounded bodies and short necks. They have large, round eyes, a short nose, and small ears that give the face a kitten-like appearance. These animals are distinguished by a calm and gentle character, but they also love to play. They rarely meow, like to sit on their laps and show more love than most other breeds.


These are medium-sized cats with well-developed muscles and short brown hair. They have brown whiskers and green eyes. These are intelligent animals that use their paws both to explore surrounding objects and to communicate with their owners. The name is explained by the similarity of the shade of wool with the color of Havana cigars.

Himalayan cat

This is the most popular variety of Persian cats. They have long hair, blue eyes and spotted color, round body with short legs. They are calm and intelligent animals that love to spend time with people. They are more active than Persians and love to play.

japanese bobtail

These are cats with an unusually short tail similar to that of a rabbit. They often have eyes of different colors. Most representatives of this breed are active and smart, they love to spend time with a person and are able to memorize commands.

Maine Coon

This breed originated in America. These are cats with long hair, soft and silky. They require a minimum of care. There are cats of various shades and with different eyes, the only exception is the blue color of the eyes or the eyes of two shades.


These cats do not have tails at all, this is a distinctive feature of the breed, as well as elongated hind legs and a round head. Manxes come in a variety of colors and coat types. Rarely seen with long hair.

norwegian forest cat

This is a real Viking cat, big and strong, with a fluffy tail and a large body. These cats are excellent climbers and live up to sixteen years of age. They have a quiet voice and calm nature.


These are playful cats with spots like those of wild ocelots. They are similar in character to dogs, easily remember commands and can even walk on a leash, in addition, they are not afraid of water.

oriental cat

These are smart and sociable animals that are strongly attached to people. This breed (in the main photo) is represented by many shades and colors - three hundred color combinations are possible.


Persian cats are the most popular in the world. They just look luxurious.

Their long coat comes in a variety of colors.


These cats are distinguished by blue eyes and color with expressive spots. They are quite large and muscular, their coat is soft and silky. They have a calm, balanced character.

Russian blue cat

These are calm cats with gray-blue hair. They are very smart, curious, but calm. Such an animal will get along well with children and other pets.


This is a large breed that looks like a miniature cheetah. They become attached to their owners and are able to walk on a leash like dogs.

Scottish fold

This is a breed with forward-curved ears, which makes cats look like owls. They have a calm nature, they get along well with other animals, love to play and spend time with their owners.

Selkirk rex

These are cats with curly hair, large and muscular. They have round heads with large eyes and medium sized ears. They are calm and similar in character to the Persians.

Siamese cat

These are the most talkative cats that are very attached to their owners and love to spend time with them. They have a special color with spots on the muzzle and blue eyes.

Siberian cat

These are cats that are great at jumping and are not afraid of water. They are friendly, smart and energetic. Such an animal lives perfectly at home, but is not afraid of the cold outside.

singapore cat

Love cats with character? Get a Singapura cat! They are very active and playful, love attention and prefer to spend time in places with excellent visibility, climbing higher.

somali cat

These cats resemble foxes, they are fast and active. They practically do not shed, changing their coat only twice a year.


It seems that sphinxes are hairless cats, but they are not. They have leather with a special texture. They like to snuggle up to people or other animals to keep warm. Some don't have mustaches.

Over time, new types of cats appear, but people are more likely to have cats as a pet from among certain breeds that have been the most popular for several years in a row. In many countries, cats are considered one of the most beautiful pets, and they are happy to breed them. For those who decide to acquire such a wonderful, sociable, friendly and easy-to-care pet, you should find out in more detail what cats of a popular breed exist.

In many countries, cats are considered one of the most beautiful pets, and they are happy to breed them.

Many people do not attach much importance to the breed of a cat and take an ordinary homeless animal from a shelter, and some, wanting to breed these noble pets at home or simply having an interest in noble cats, acquire a pet for fabulous money or receive a thoroughbred kitten as a gift, in addition with pedigree. There are a large number of varieties of thoroughbred cats, and sometimes the eyes of buyers simply run up when choosing a thoroughbred kitten. Each thoroughbred cat has a unique appearance, character and is beautiful in its own way, but the choice of buyers most often falls on well-known cat breeds, which are gaining more and more popularity every year both in Russia and foreign countries, and overseas.

For several decades in a row, breeders have preferred the breed of Persian cats. These funny snub-nosed cats have long luxurious hair. The muzzle of the Persian is shortened, and the face is round. They are considered loyal animals, which is usually unusual for the representatives of the cat family, and they are very loving and friendly. They come in a variety of colors, from red to spotted.

The Persian cat is considered a rather strange breed. They supposedly took place in Persia, present-day Iran, and quickly gained fame. Starting from the 19th century. Persian cats became one of the most popular breeds and began to be actively developed, first in the UK and then in the United States. In England, this breed of cats began to be called long-haired Persian.

To date, Persian cats reliably hold the bar of leadership among popular cat breeds. Some breeders are put off by the fact that these cats require careful daily grooming due to their rich, long coat. Indeed, Persian hair can grow up to 3 inches long if left unattended. A balanced diet and constant combing can provide the Persian cat with the necessary care, and in return, these cats will give their owner their love and devotion.

What are the most popular cats in the world (video)

Maine Coon breed

A distinctive feature of this cat breed is its impressive bone structure and rectangular body shape. Their tail is very long and showy. Breeders are attracted by the amazing appearance of Maine Coons and their high intelligence. And indeed, those who dream of a real room lynx can get a Maine Coon, which looks so similar to this wild animal. An amazingly beautiful pet can rightfully be considered one of the most unusual and famous breeds of cats.

The Maine Coon cat breed is considered one of the most ancient. They can have a different color, and in size they are one of the largest representatives of domestic cats. Their average weight can reach 8-10 kg in cats and 5-7 kg in cats. Some of the representatives of Maine Coons even reached 15 kg in weight.

Maine Coons are friendly and love their owners very much. They love to show tenderness to the owner and his children, and also get along quite easily with other pets. Maine Coons are not intrusive, non-confrontational and quite playful. Despite the fact that a cat of this breed belongs to the long-haired, its luxurious mane requires much less care than that of Persian cats. Maine Coons, in addition to devotion to the owner, have 1 more non-standard trait for cats. As a rule, domestic cats hate water and bathing them can be very problematic. Maine Coons, on the contrary, love to take baths, and therefore caring for their coat will not cause any problems to the owner. Kittens of this breed instantly adapt to the conditions of new housing and quickly find a common language with all household members.

Ragdoll breed

Another one of the largest and most popular breeds among domestic cats is the Ragdoll. They have a fairly strong physique, a large muzzle and amazing blue eyes. Outwardly, the cats of this breed are very cute and gentle, and look like fluffy plush toys. The variety of Ragdoll color can be presented in 3 versions - two-tone, color-point and gloved, and each of them has its own tone. The coat of the representatives of the breed is of medium length and does not fall into lumps. Ragdolls have a luxurious long fluffy tail, and in weight they can reach up to 10 kg.

The Ragdoll cat breed was bred by the American Ann Baker. Every year this breed is gaining more and more popularity among breeders, due to its soft, docile nature. The name of the breed literally translates from English as a rag doll, and these cats were named so for a reason. This is due to the fact that when the Ragdoll is picked up, he instantly relaxes and falls off.

Ragdolls are very suitable for keeping at home, but their humility can play a trick on them, because these cute creatures sometimes cannot defend themselves from the attacks of other animals. That is why Ragdolls are not recommended to be let out for walks without the supervision of the owners, otherwise the cat may suffer if it encounters an aggressive animal or person. Ragdolls have 1 feature that unfavorably distinguishes them from other breeds. Representatives of this breed have reduced muscle tone, and therefore simply do not know how to land when falling on all paws.

Russian blue cat

The graceful and elegant cats of the Russian Blue breed have long won the love of breeders around the world. Their silver-blue fur and expressive emerald eyes literally fascinate with their beauty.

It is not known for certain how exactly this breed arose, but Russia is considered the birthplace of the Russian Blue. Well-known representatives of the royal family of the Romanovs, Peter I and his daughter Elizabeth, began to breed them. About 300 representatives of gray-blue pets lived in the royal palace, who caught rats in it. Peter also had his own pet of this color, which he loved very much, and the whims of the king's pet were unquestioningly fulfilled by all the courtiers.

By nature, Russian Blues are friendly and unobtrusive. They love to communicate with their owners and household members and purr very melodiously. They quickly become attached to the owner and love to play with him and spend a lot of time. Cats of this breed are very active and inquisitive, they love to jump, climb high surfaces and explore their surroundings.

Exotic cat breed

This amazing breed appeared quite by accident and quickly gained popularity among breeders. About half a century ago, Americans, in order to improve their breed of short-haired cats, decided to cross the Persian and American. The result exceeded all expectations, and instead of the expected American breeders received an exotic shorthair cat.

From the American breed, the Exotic inherited a short coat, and from the Persians, an accommodating and very devoted character. These funny kitties look very unusual, they love to play and spend time lying in the arms of their owner. Loneliness for exotics is painful and they feel comfortable only if the owner is nearby. Exotics get along well with other pets and even dogs. They inherited from their American ancestors only 1 trait unusual for cats - this is the fear of mice and rats. Nevertheless, cute exotics are ideal for keeping in an apartment.

Siamese cat

One of the most popular oriental varieties of cats is the Siamese. Presumably this breed originated in Asia, and it has a thin, muscular and flexible body. The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanting, and the coat is shiny and short. They have only 1 color and is called color-point.

Siamese cats are quite sociable and love to be the center of attention. If they are not given due attention, then the cat will begin to scream and moan heart-rendingly. They are considered quite smart. Siamese cats love to be stroked and are strongly attached to only one owner.

Burmese cat

The Burmese cat breed was officially registered in the early 50s. last century in France. After 10 years, kittens of this breed fell into the hands of an American breeder, thanks to whom Burmese cats were recognized in the States.

Burmese cats have soft fur and unusual yellow eyes. Cats do not require careful care. Eye color as a result of crossing with Siamese may acquire a green or blue tint. Blue eyes are not possible in a purebred Burmese.

Burmese cats, like Siamese, are very sociable, but their voice is much more pleasant. They have love, affection and trust for their owners.

The most expensive cat breeds in the world (video)

Sphinx breed

Many consider representatives of this breed unattractive, but sphinxes are still popular among breeders. The Mexican hairless is called the Sphynx, and their distinctive feature is the complete absence of hair. But these cats are not naked, their skin is covered with a texture that feels like suede to the touch. The hairs are thin and short, and the eyes are large.

For those owners who are allergic to cat hair, sphinxes are the best fit. Cats of this breed like to sleep under the covers with the owner, because they do not have long hair, and cats often get cold. To the touch, the cats are very warm and pleasant. They need to be bathed often and this procedure is quite simple to do, because cats love water. They also need to trim their nails and clean their ears.

Sphynxes are very sociable, energetic and love to play with children. They also have an extraordinary mind, are very inquisitive and loving.

There are a lot of characteristics that distinguish different breeds of cats. This is the length of the coat, its color, the shape and size of the ears and muzzle, the length of the tail and the height of the legs. But for most people, cats are a great aesthetic pleasure, they are positive emotions. The sight of cute cats is a wonderful cure for bad mood and depression.

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