He was an obedient boy: bin Laden's mother gave an interview about her son for the first time. Peaceful bin Ladens send wives and children to Switzerland

Fashion & Style 18.07.2019
Fashion & Style

09/26/2001 "Unfortunate love made bin Laden an enemy of America. And his brothers and sisters live and live in the USA"

Andrey Kabannikov

Bin Laden lives in Los Angeles in a two-story pink 13-bedroom mansion next door to Russell Crowe and Julia Roberts, just blocks from the homes of former President Ronald Reagan and Hollywood legend Liz Taylor. True, his name is not Osama, but Ibrahim. But he is the half-brother of "Terrorist No. 1" and the most wanted man in the world.

While America is preparing for a big hunt for Osama, his numerous relatives are hiding from the press behind the fences of estates in the most prestigious areas of California, Massachusetts and Florida. The authorities have no complaints against them. They are law-abiding Americans who curse the outcast of the Osama family.

As a child, “terrorist No. 1” was teased by a mullah

“Dad would roll over in his grave if he had one,” says Ibrahim bin Laden. “But he just vanished, and from that, it seems, the misfortunes of our family began.” Sheikh Mohammed bin Laden crashed his plane near Jeddah in 1970. An American pilot was at the helm.

The father of America's current archenemy founded bin Laden's $5 billion construction empire by moving to Saudi Arabia from Yemen and establishing close ties with the royal court. Two years before his death, he was made the country's minister of road construction. The sheikh had 10 wives and 53 children. “He made a lot of American friends, and his kids loved America,” recalls Grace Wellman, wife of one of the senior bin Laden pilots. “Osama’s brothers Salim and Khali would come to our house, change into jeans, take a guitar and play rock and roll.” The notorious and devout Osama Salim and Khali were ignored and teased as a mullah. He was the despicable 17th son of a sheikh and his not-too-loved Syrian wife, who was referred to in the family as a "slave".

Before declaring jihad, Osama went to brothels

Becoming a student, Osama temporarily joined the joys of civilization. He often visited the capital of Lebanon, which was considered the "Paris of the East". He learned to drink, went to brothels and fought over women.

But Civil War 1975 in Lebanon seemed to him the punishment of Allah for depravity. The war in Afghanistan showed him the battlefield with the infidels.

There is another well-known version that explains the origin of Osama's fierce hatred of America. Larry Johnson, a former State Department counterterrorism expert, insists on its authenticity. According to him, bin Laden experienced an extremely unfortunate love affair with an American from Chicago, who lived in Beirut.

Due to childhood illnesses, Osama's reproductive organs remained underdeveloped. The American simply ridiculed him on their first night. Since then, bin Laden has had four wives, fathered two dozen children, but never got rid of the complexes.

Peaceful bin Ladens send wives and children to Switzerland

One way or another, from the beginning of the 80s, the bin Laden clan began to shy away from Osama like the plague. “Now we are very, very distant relatives. Leave us alone!" one of the inhabitants of Ibrahim bin Laden's house shouted to me on the telephone. After the death of his father, Osama received his share of the inheritance of $ 80 million. Devoting himself to jihad, he did not forget about business, increasing his capital to 300 million.

Now, just in case, the Boston police have posted 24-hour security at a luxurious million-dollar apartment building overlooking the city's port. The town from which Osama's men hijacked the two sacrificed planes is home to his sister and two brothers. Two nephews who are studying at the prestigious law school at Harvard University also visit here. A few years ago, Harvard accepted a $2 million donation from the bin Laden clan to research the history of Islam.

Law-abiding Americans, having the misfortune of being relatives of the main enemy of their country, could recall that it was the US authorities in the 80s, in the name of fighting communism, who nurtured Osama, raised, armed and trained his fanatic thugs who now wove a worldwide terrorist network. But peaceful bin Ladens only fearfully hide behind the walls of luxurious American mansions and, waiting for the resumption of flights, send abroad to calm Switzerland until better times, as always, numerous wives and children.

By the way. "Terrorist No. 1" looking for a replacement?

Maxim Chikin

If the operation to physically destroy Osama bin Laden succeeds, this will not mean that his terrorist organization will be crushed. Who can lead it after Osama? Some experts believe that his son Mohammed bin Laden will become the leader of Al-Qaeda. Others name 50-year-old Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahiri as a possible successor. At one time he led the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, and in 1998 his movement joined al-Qaeda. Al-Zawahiri was involved in the assassination of Egyptian President Sadat and in many high-profile terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists.

Al Zawahiri, former doctor, left Egypt in 1986 and lived in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Sudan and Afghanistan. In 1999, he was sentenced to death in absentia in Cairo for the bombing of the Egyptian embassy in Pakistan. The American court also accuses him of participating in terrorist attacks against the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

The original of this material
© Lenta.Ru , 26.09.01, "Russian mafia helps bin Laden create a nuclear bomb"

US security services say Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist group are buying weapons components from the Russian mafia mass destruction, according to The Washington Post.

American experts believe that bin Laden's group has well-established contacts with Russian criminal groups that buy drugs from him and help launder money.

According to some reports, these groups may also be supplying bin Laden's terrorists with the components needed to build nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons.

Somewhere in Afghanistan, bin Laden is believed to have a secret laboratory in which work is underway to create nuclear weapons. Bin Laden's people are also known to be experimenting with sarin, a nerve agent.

Meanwhile, there is no evidence that bin Laden actually possesses a nuclear, chemical or bacteriological weapons no mass destruction yet.

The image of bin Laden, who does not part with his personal machine gun, also received some fame - in all the photographs it is the Soviet AKS74U. According to him, he allegedly took this weapon from the Soviet general he had killed. It is possible that Osama got the machine gun of General Petr Shkidchenko (father of the former Minister of Defense of Ukraine Volodymyr Shkidchenko). In January 1982, his helicopter was shot down by the Mujahideen.

Personal life

A family

There are many conflicting rumors about Osama bin Laden's life, including his family life. There were also contradictions in the official "Report No. 15 of the US Congress Commission on the Investigation of Terrorist Attacks on the United States" ("Commission 9-11"). Thus, in one case, the report says that Osama bin Laden, being a multimillionaire, spent his fortune on the war in Afghanistan, and almost on the next page there is refuting information that Osama bin Laden, contrary to popular belief, did not inherit $ 300 million after the death of his father, and the jihad was financed mainly by Arab patrons.

There are also suspicions that some of the false information about Osama bin Laden is spread by the CIA to undermine his authority among Muslims (today, ideological confrontation is considered one of the important measures to combat terrorism associated with Islam).


  • Umm Hamza, a native of Saudi Arabia, “Nasr al-Bahri, Osama's bodyguard from 1997 to 2000 in Kandahar, recalls that Umm Hamza was bin Laden's favorite because of her deep knowledge of Islamic sciences. Osama often consulted with his wife, who was 8 years older than him. According to a former bodyguard, “Umm Hamza was like a mother to almost all jihadists. She solved their family problems, delivered their wives.” She also taught the Quran to all of bin Laden's children."
  • Umm Khaled, Saudi Arabian
  • Yemeni Amal Ahmed Abdulfattah, whom bin Laden married in the spring of 2000 (she is called the youngest wife of bin Laden)

Bin Laden has been married five times. The first time he married in 1975 to his cousin. It was rumored that one of his wives was the daughter of Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar. But in an interview with Hamid Mir, Osama bin Laden said that all his wives (of which there are three) are of Arab origin, and also said that he was connected with Mullah Omar only by religious duty and mutual respect.

17 sons. Their whereabouts are unknown.

The fourth son, Omar, broke with his father at the age of 19 and refused to fight in the ranks of the Taliban. He took up the scrap metal trade in Jeddah. However, he repeatedly tried to speak to a wide audience in order to show that his father is not a terrorist, but rather a protector, and the very wording applied to him is not correct. Just like Osama bin Laden himself, his son repeatedly tried to explain that the causes of the conflict lie in the aggressive foreign policy of the United States itself, according to Omar, the attacks were the result of hopelessness - his father did not find better way to achieve your goals. Omar claimed that he had not seen his father since 2000 and had nothing to do with his activities. In 2007, he married British Jane Felix-Brown, 24 years older than him, but they were married for only five months. In November 2008, Omar arrived in Madrid, asking for political asylum in Spain, but the Spanish authorities refused him.

The rest of the children, most of whom live in Saudi Arabia, are engaged in legal business. According to another source, all the children of Osama bin Laden are Mujahideen (that is, people leading a lifestyle of fighters for the triumph of the ideology of Islam). It should also be noted that according to the same source, Osama bin Laden called one interview (published in one of the Arab newspapers) taken from one of his sons a fake.

Osama's brother Yeslam bin Laden lives in Switzerland. According to him, he has not been to Saudi Arabia since 1987 and has not seen his brother since. In 1974, Yeslam married Carmen, who is half Iranian and half Swiss by origin. The couple separated after 11 years. After the September 11 attacks, Osama bin Laden's former daughter-in-law recounted her meeting with him: “Someone knocked on the door, I instinctively opened it, and this man was standing on the threshold. I barely looked at him before he turned away because my face was uncovered and Osama didn't want to look at me. I know that Osama was very pious. He is the only one of the brothers who refused to look at me.” The daughter of Yeslam and Carmen, Wafa Dufur, was born in California, lived for some time in Saudi Arabia, after which she was taken first to Switzerland and then to the USA. After the September 11 attacks, she took maiden name her mother, in 2005 she posed semi-nude for the men's magazine GQ.

Osama bin Laden was born on March 10, 1957 in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. His father was the influential billionaire Mohammed bin Awada bin Laden, and his mother was the concubine Hamida al-Atass. Soon after the birth of the future terrorist number 1, his parents divorced, and the boy stayed with his mother. Subsequently, she remarried and gave birth to a new husband of four children.


Bin Laden Jr. was brought up as a Sunni. He studied at the best secular school and at the prestigious King Abdel University, at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Some sources report that the young man was extremely diligent in his studies and successfully graduated from the university, having received an appropriate diploma. Others, on the contrary, argue that Osama bin Laden dropped out in his third year.


The general fortune of the bin Laden family was about $5 billion. After Bin Laden Sr. died in a plane crash in 1967, his son Osama (one of the billionaire's 52 children) inherited between $25 million and $30 million. While studying at the university, he began to show an increased interest in religion, diligently pursuing the interpretation of jihad and the Qur'an.

War in Afghanistan

Intending to increase the inheritance received, in his youth, Osama went into the construction business. He was distracted from quiet work for the benefit of his company by the military invasion of Afghanistan and the Afghan Jihad movement. The extremist was enraged by the outbreak of war and arrived in Afghanistan at the end of 1979, and already at the beginning of the year 1980 he established the first contacts with Islamic opposition groups in the city of Lahore (Pakistan).


After that, Osama bin Laden systematically supported the leaders of the Afghan resistance movement from his own funds. Together with Abdullah Azzam, who led the Palestinian movement "Muslim Brotherhood", Osama opened the "Bureau of Services" and organized the recruitment of Muslim volunteers from the countries of the Arab world. The extremist businessman paid for all volunteers to travel to Afghanistan and prepare them for participation in hostilities. Moreover, he himself participated in the battles against the troops of the USSR.

Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan | datanews

When Soviet troops were withdrawn from the country, the terrorist lost interest in the Union and Russia, switching to the United States. He was endlessly angered by the presence of the American armed forces in the countries of the Muslim world, and he began to perceive precisely the States as his key enemy. In 1989, the extremist again took up the contracting and construction business, while at the same time heavily helping the opposition from Yemen and Saudi Arabia.


By the end of the 1980s, Osama bin Laden broke up with Abdullah Azzam, as the latter wanted the Arabs in the resistance movement to unite with the Mujahideen, while Osama himself wanted to see his compatriots separate military force. This is how al-Qaeda began to form. At first, this association was rather formal: the members of the group had only to have good manners, be ready to listen and take an oath to follow their older comrades.


The turning point came when, in the late summer of 1990, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein accused Kuwait of illegal extraction of Iraqi oil and brought his troops into the small neighboring country. This war itself lasted only two days, but it was it that gave rise to a much larger and longer war in the Persian Gulf, in which both the United States and the USSR took part.

The largest concentration of Iraqi troops was concentrated near the border with Saudi Arabia, and Saddam Hussein himself actively called on neighboring peoples for Arab unity. Osama bin Laden met with high-ranking government officials, hoping to dissuade them from accepting help from countries in the non-Muslim world and offering strong support for his own Arab Legion. However, the extremist was refused.

Osama bin Laden with followers

The head of Al-Qaeda has repeatedly publicly condemned the invasion of American military forces on Muslim lands, arguing that only those for whom Islam is their native religion can defend Medina and Mecca. It is assumed that at the same time, Osama's group gradually began to turn into an armed terrorist group, and bin Laden's dissatisfaction with US interference in the affairs of Muslims took on a completely finished form in the form of plans for future terrorist attacks.

Terrorist #1

Although the Gulf War ended in February 1991, things were just beginning for Osama. He finally decided that the fight against the enemies of the Muslim world (with those whom he considered as such) was the main goal of his life, and with enviable diligence and purposefulness he began to engage in this struggle.


So, in August 1998, his terrorist organization blew up the US embassies in Tanzanian Dar es Salaam and Kenyan Nairobi. The attack was organized on August 7 (exactly seven years after US troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War). As a result of explosions in Nairobi alone, 213 people were killed, and about 5,000 citizens were injured of varying degrees of severity.

Since then, for the American intelligence services, bin Laden has received the well-known status of "terrorist No. 1". Many of the bank accounts of the Islamist businessman were seized, and five million dollars was promised for information that would help apprehend the international criminal.


However, the terrorist continued to actively support extremists living in Central Asia, in the North Caucasus and in other regions.

According to some sources, bin Laden even managed to establish a real "Terrorist Fund". The head of Al-Qaeda also participated in the Bosnian war, helping the president of the state to create a real “fundamentalist” in the Balkans. Islamic republic". To finance the transfer of Mujahideen mercenaries to Bosnia from the states of the Arab world, Osama resorted to the help of his Sudanese business partners.


In the mid-90s, the extremist visited Albania, visiting the president. Authentic photos or videos have not survived since then, but it is known that Osama represented during this visit one of the radical fundamentalist groups that sent their members to participate in the armed conflict in Kosovo. When the war in Chechnya began, the head of the cruel and unprincipled Al-Qaeda began to actively transport his Mujahideen to this region as well.

September 11 events

As you know, on September 11, 2001, a terrorist organization stole four passenger planes, which subsequently crashed into two towers of the World Trade Center, into the Pentagon building and in a field near the city of Shanksville (it was assumed that the fourth plane would crash into the Capitol). Nearly 3,000 people have died as a result of horrendous acts of terrorism.

Osama bin Laden initially denied the involvement of his al-Qaeda terrorist group in the attacks. Later, he admitted that he knew about the impending attacks and discussed them with other leaders of the extremist underground, and after a while he completely took responsibility for what happened. In October 2004, Osama said that the September 2011 attacks were, in his opinion, just punishment for the "tyranny" of the American-Israeli alliance in Lebanon and Palestine.

Detention and liquidation

Both, and, and tried to destroy the world-famous terrorist. The bounty on bin Laden's head increased to $25 million and then to $50 million. During the years of persecution of the extremist, many media and politicians reported that Osama was killed, died of typhus, and the like. However, later it turned out that the terrorist is still alive. Numerous operations to apprehend a terrorist were carried out in the United States, one of them is dedicated to the film "Target Number One".

House where Osama bin Laden was killed | Altaynews

Bin Laden met his real death on May 2, 2011, when the US military carried out a covert operation at the terrorist's villa. It was located near Islamabad, in the city of Abbottabad. Subsequently, many sources, including directly US President Barack Obama, confirmed the information about the assassination of a terrorist and told where Osama was killed, how terrorist No. 1 was killed, how old he was at the time of death, etc. Bin Laden's body, according to CNN, was buried in the Arabian Sea.

Personal life

There is not so much exact information about the head of Al-Qaeda. It was said that he was left-handed, his height was either a little over 180 cm, or 193-196 cm, he walked with a stick and was distinguished by his manner of speaking quietly. The extremist married several times and divorced several times, while in total he had about 20-26 children. It was reported that after the events of September 11, many of them moved to Iran.

On May 2, 2011, according to the CIA, Osama bin Laden, the leader of the Islamic terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, was killed. He has been designated terrorist #1 in the US and other countries.

In this collection you will see very different photos of Osama bin Laden and his relatives. In these pictures you will see Osama as a teenager, Osama as a loving father, Osama as a Dushman, and finally Osama as the leader of al-Qaeda.

1. Osama bin Laden (second from right) during a visit to the Swedish city of Falun in 1971. Pictured are several local residents, including Christina and Lars Akelblad, who owned the Astoria Hotel, where Osama and his brother Salem stayed during one of their trips to Sweden. In 1971, 23 members of the wealthy bin Laden family visited Falun, and one of the older brothers held a business meeting in the company Volvo. Osama was remembered then as a calm, restrained 16-year-old guy who did not stand out from the crowd.

2. 1978: Osama bin Laden sits in a cave in the Jalalabad region of Afghanistan. It was then that he first took up arms.

3. 1980s: Osama bin Laden with Afghans in the Jalalabad region during the war against Soviet forces. Osama participated in this war for almost ten years.

4. 1989: Osama (right) in Afghanistan.

6. 1989: Osama during the war with the USSR.

7. 1989: Osama (right) in Afghanistan.

8. 1989: Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan during the war with the USSR.

10. Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan in the 80s.

11. Osama bin Laden over a map of Afghanistan in 1998.

12. Osama bin Laden at a meeting with a group of reporters in the mountains of the southern Afghan province of Helmand December 24, 1998. Bin Laden was later implicated in a series of terrorist attacks, including the bombing of the World mall in New York in 1993, in the 1995 car bombing in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, in the 1996 truck bombing at the barracks in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 American soldiers, and in the attack in 1998 to the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

13. Osama bin Laden during the shooting in 2001.

14. The attention of the entire world community turned out to be focused on the personality of Osama bin Laden after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, as a result of which about three thousand people died. The picture shows a frame from the Al Jazeera TV program, which was shown on the second anniversary of the September 11 tragedy.

15. An undated still from a video that aired in 2007. In this video, Osama talks about the importance of jihad and glorifies the martyrs who died in the name of Allah. Osama is believed to have crossed the Pakistani border after US and British troops launched an offensive into Afghanistan in late 2001.

16. Osama bin Laden and his son Ali, who at the time was 10 years old.

17. Omar bin Laden, 26-year-old son of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, with his wife Jane Felix-Brown before airing on Italian television in 2008.20. An image of Osama bin Laden's possible age change that was released by the US State Department and the FBI in January 2010.

21. Osama bin Laden sits on the floor with his in a shelter in Afghanistan, November 2001.

22. Osama bin Laden was killed on May 2, 2011 in a mansion in the city of Abbottabad, 50 km from Islamabad, as a result of a joint 4-hour operation by US and Pakistani special forces. This was stated on the air of the state TV channel by the head of Pakistani intelligence, Ahmed Pasha.

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“Before the arrival of Hariya, the two wives lived happily, in peace and harmony, but with the advent of big problems. It seems to me that Osama was trying to look indifferent, but the rest of the family did not like the deeds of Hariya, and they were suspicious of her motives"" />

Retired Pakistan Army Brigadier General Shukat Kadeer, who investigates last days the life of the founder of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, found that terrorist No. 1 was “surrendered” by a grumpy wife, writes Vzglyad.
Kadir has pieced together pieces of information from interviews with intelligence officers, secret service agents, interrogation records of one of bin Laden's wives, Amal Ahmed Abdel-Fatahel el-Sada.
According to the general, the harmony of relations that existed until 2010 in bin Laden's lair was broken by the arrival of the third and most senior wife, Hariya Saber. Hariya had previously been imprisoned in Iran, but was released.
“Before the arrival of Hariya, the two wives lived happily, in peace and harmony, but with the appearance of me, big problems began. It seems to me that Osama was trying to look indifferent, but the rest of the family did not like the deeds of Hariya, and they were suspicious of her motives, ”MIGnews.com quotes Kadir.

Hariya was constantly annoyed by the presence of el-Sad, who married when she was only 19. On the other hand, one of the sons of Usama, Khalid, staged a real persecution of Hariya and constantly demanded from her to explain the motives of her sudden return to the family.

One day, according to several family members, Hariya smiled enigmatically and said, "There is only one duty left for me to fulfill in regard to my husband." This created hysteria among the offspring of bin Laden, who believed that Hariya intended to betray him. When bin Laden was told about this, he looked blankly into the distance and did nothing.

Following this, bin Laden allegedly said, “If this is what she intends to do, so be it. The wife's duty is to relieve her husband." After that, bin Laden tried to convince the other wives to leave the house with their children. They refused, and declared that they would share his fate.

However, Qadir's version contradicts the official American story, according to which bin Laden was tracked down through one of his couriers.

Recall, Osama bin Laden was killed in May 2011 during a US Navy special forces raid at his home in Abbottabad, northwest Pakistan, where he lived for several years.

According to Western media, Pakistani intelligence services at the end of January arrested CIA informants, thanks to which the Americans managed to figure out Osama bin Laden. All five detainees were allegedly charged with spying for American intelligence.

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