Scenario of the game-quiz "Zimushka-Winter" for children of the middle group. Fun Winter Facts for Kids Winter Fun Quiz for Preschoolers

Technique and Internet 07.07.2019
Technique and Internet

Interesting Facts about winter and snowflakes.

Kondratieva Alla Alekseevna, teacher primary school MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya secondary comprehensive school» Zolotukhino, Kursk Region
Description: The material will be useful to a wide range of readers, both adults and children of all ages. It can be used for conversations class hours and extracurricular activities.
Target: acquaintance and expansion of ideas of adults and children of knowledge about the world around us.
1. Help the interlocutor to hear and see interesting and useful things around us, inquisitively peering into the world and observing this world.
2.Summarize and deepen knowledge about winter and winter events nature.
3. To develop the emotional-sensual sphere of the personality of children and adults.
4. Contribute to the development of thinking, attention, observation.
5. Cultivate love for nature and the world around us.

Crystal snowflake soared in the sky
Friends are flying nearby, it's not scary in the clouds,
One she is a snowflake, and millions are snow,
And from the height of heaven, a swift run,
The flight is pleasant in the sky, but soon on the ground,
They will turn into snowdrifts for the joy of the kids! (N. Lifanova)

Dear readers! Take a break from worries, household chores, fuss for a while and see how beautiful it is around! Winter is a wonderful time of the year, a unique creation of nature.

During the winter, a huge amount of snow falls. Every year, in accordance with the average indicators, about a septillion snowflakes fall on the Earth in the form of precipitation. What is a septillion? Septillion denotes a number containing 24 zeros after one: there are 350 million snowflakes in one cubic meter of snow, and 10 to the 24th power all over the Earth. The weight of the snowflake itself is only about a milligram, rarely 23. However, by the end of winter, the mass of snow cover northern hemisphere planet reaches 13,500 billion tons.

Due to the low density, snowflakes fall to the ground slowly - at a speed of about 0.9 km / h - this is less than one kilometer per hour. Snowflakes form a snow cover that reflects up to 90% of sunlight into space.

1. Scientists have proved that there are no absolutely identical snowflakes.

All snowflakes are unique and created in nature in a single copy.

The first successful photograph of a snowflake under a microscope was taken in 1885. The merit belongs to the perseverance and patience of the American farmer Wilson Bentley.

It took him 46 years of trial and error for this shot. In total, Bentley owns more than 5,000 unique shots. The statement that there are no two identical snowflakes was originally based on his work.

“Under the microscope, I realized that snowflakes are wonders of nature; and I felt sad that no one sees this beauty, ”Bentley admitted in 1925.

(Konstantin Balmont)
Light fluffy,
snowflake white,
What a pure
How brave!
Dear stormy
Easy to carry
Not in the sky azure,
Asking for the ground.

Azure miraculous
She left
Myself into the unknown
The country has fallen.
In the rays of shining
Slides, skillful,
Among the melting flakes
Preserved white.

Under the blowing wind
Trembling, uplifting,
On him, cherishing,
Light swings.
his swing
She is comforted
With his blizzards
Spinning wildly.

But here it ends
The road is long
touches the earth,
Crystal star.
lies fluffy,
Snowflake is bold.
What a pure
What white.

2. According to the classification, there are seven types of snowflakes:

star-shaped crystals, needles, pillars (columns), plates, spatial dendrites, columns with tips and irregularly shaped snowflakes.
3. Johannes Kepler is the first to discover the hexagonal even shape of snowflakes. He even wrote an entire scientific treatise On Hexagonal Snowflakes in 1611.

4. Snowflakes are formed from vapor that has evaporated from the surface of the earth, bypassing the rain stage. Snow crystals form under conditions of condensation and action low temperatures. To find out this rather simple fact, scientists spent $26,400,000.

5. Snowflakes are more than 90% air, which is why their falling speed is so slow.

The lightness of the composition of snow described above does not mean that it is harmless, especially in large quantities. For example, the snow cover of the surface of a hectare can produce about 30 m3 of water when melting, which can threaten flooding of low-lying terrain. On the other hand, the impact of snow in mountainous conditions is deadly, where sometimes several snowflakes falling on the surface with an insufficient critical mass can provoke a snowfall. The danger of collapses is their high speed, which is in the range of 250-400 km / h.

Snow avalanches can rush down the mountain at the speed of an express train - from 80 to 110 km / h, but larger snow avalanches can develop even greater speed, reaching the milestone of 360 km / h.

6. Snowflakes are quite small, and when the atmosphere is cold and dry, they stay that way. For those who like to play snowballs, this snow is not pleasant, because it does not have enough moisture to make a snowball.

Did you know, that snowmen in Russia were originally sculpted not for children's fun, but in order to propitiate harsh winter.

In Russia, they believed that little snowmen are angels who can be entrusted with their dreams ... Since ancient pagan times, in the understanding of the Russian people (as well as some peoples of Northern Europe), snowmen are angels descended from heaven. After all, snow is a gift from heaven. This means that the snowman is none other than an angel who can convey people's requests to God. For this little snowman, they sculpted from freshly fallen snow and quietly whispered their cherished desire to him. They believed that as soon as the snow figurine melted, the wish would immediately be delivered to heaven and would soon come true.
7. Under certain conditions, in the absence of wind, falling snowflakes interlock with each other, forming huge snowflakes. The largest snowflake in history was recorded in 1987 in the USA (Montana) during a big snowfall. Its diameter was 38 cm, and the thickness was 20 cm. And this despite the fact that ordinary snowflakes have an average diameter of 5 mm.

For such a phenomenon, complete calm is necessary, because the longer the snowflakes travel, the more they collide and grapple with each other.
8. In Moscow, the strangest snow also fell on April 20, 1944, the size of snowflakes was the size of a human palm, and in shape they resembled ostrich feathers.

And in Siberia, snow flakes up to 30 centimeters in diameter were observed.
9. In the Far North, the snow is so hard that it rings like iron if you hit it.

On the far north endless winter,
And tons of ice, like a fur coat, cover the ground,
And the white snow embraces everything
The entire horizon. And life is white.
And there is no heat in this sky,
And the sun is a glare on a dome of ice. (Jan Void)

10. When snowflakes fall on the surface of the water, they "sing". That is, they emit a very high sound, which the human ear is not able to catch. But the fish, according to scientists, do not like this sound at all.

11. Why does snow crunch when walking? The main reason is that the crystals break. The nature of the crunch depends on the temperature of the snow. The lower it is, the louder the sound.

12. Snow is able to perceive only 5-10% of solar heat, the remaining 90-95% is reflected back, so it may not melt in the sun. In the city, snow can melt due to dust that settles on the snow and heats up in the sun.
In the conditions of a nuclear winter, in the event of its occurrence, humanity risks losing not only heat, but also food and oxygen produced by plants in places where the surface is covered with snow.
13. There are many cases when colored snow falls: from black to pink.

For example, California in 1955 saw green snow. A black snowfall shocked the people of Sweden in 1969.

Who colors the snow in such unusual colors for us?
Scientists say that interesting creatures live in the snow of the Antarctic mountains - snow chlamydomonas. So they make the snow pink, red, purple and even yellow. Such a phenomenon can be observed in Greenland, and in the mountains of the Caucasus, as well as in Antarctica. Scientists have found that snow chlamydomonas is a microscopic pinkish-red algae. This microorganism is not afraid of the cold, so it multiplies well on the surface of the snow.
Pinkish snow, for example, tastes like watermelon.

In our country, they also saw unusual snow: in 2002, multi-colored snow surprised Kamchatka. True, then the reason was dust storms- grains of sand stained the snow.
On January 31, 2007, orange snow fell in the vicinity of the village of Butakova in the Znamensky district of the Omsk region. And a year earlier, residents of the north of Primorsky Krai observed creamy-pink snow.
14. For many of us, snow is a common occurrence, and yet more than half of the human population globe they have never seen real snow live and never touched it with their hands.

15. In 1979, snow fell in the Sahara desert, which is located in Africa.
And even stayed there for half an hour!

16. Somewhere there is no snow, but somewhere it is dangerous! Did you know that one storm can throw out more than 39 million tons of snow, releasing an energy equal to 120 atomic bombs?

The Great Snowstorm of 1888 was one of the most devastating blizzards ever to hit New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. During the storm, 125 cm of snow fell.
The world record for the most heavy daily snowfall belongs to the American city of Georgetown, Colorado. On December 4, 1913, Georgetowners literally drowned in hitherto unseen 160 centimeters of white “fluff”.

Also, the longest snowfall was in 1932 in Canada. Then it snowed for 9 whole days and covered one-story houses up to the very roof.

17. There is snow not only on Earth, but also on Mars and on Titan, Saturn's moon. Moreover, on Mars snowing two types: ordinary and from carbon dioxide (dry ice), and on Titan - from methane.

Between the Equator and north pole Mars scientists saw a huge glacier.
18. The Japanese are distinguished by their reverent attitude to snow and snowflakes, believing that they are special on their islands, different from everyone else in the world. There is a snowflake museum on the island of Hokkaido in Japan. It is named after the physicist Nahaya Ukichiro. The prerequisite for the founding of the Snowflake Museum on the island of Hokkaido was the publication in 1954. Ukichiro Nahaya books about types of snowflakes.

Snowflake Museum in Japan.
19. Real snow can be brought from the street, put in a bowl and pampered by children. But this magic will not last long, as it will melt in minutes. To decorate a Christmas tree, window sills, candles and other details, you can use artificial snow, which is easy to make at home.

The first artificial snow was invented by Ukichiro Nakaya, a Japanese physicist and scientific essayist.
20. Snow is edible, everyone knows that. Did you know that while eating it, a person will spend more energy than he receives calories?

21. Snow ... This white miracle, presented to mankind by nature itself, cannot but arouse admiration. Figured, as if carved, snowflakes, silvery hoarfrost, flakes that look like "swan fluff", massive snowdrifts - snow is so different, but immensely charming and beloved. Beloved so much that a whole holiday was dedicated to him - World Snow Day.
World Snow Day (International Day of Winter Sports) is a rather young holiday. The initiator of its annual event was International Federation skiing. It was she who, at the beginning of 2012, proposed to celebrate it on the penultimate January Sunday. Number of countries participating in festive events, is increasing all the time - just a year after the organization and holding of the first Snow Day, there were already about 40 of them.

It is traditional on this day to hold various exciting competitions, interesting demonstration performances and snow festivals, one of the goals of which is to popularize active winter sports. Fun, entertainment and games are also organized to enjoy the snow, enjoy this white miracle and keep the impressions in memory until the next winter season.

We celebrate the holiday in January with the whole world,
Today is Snow Day on our calendar,
Let the winter be snowy, let the snow fall from heaven,
And in this snowy kingdom, let life rage with the key!

Happy Snow Day, I congratulate you on a January day,
Come on, guys, let's party, as it should,
Let's go sledding, skiing, skating,
We will fly through the snow, as if in the clouds!

We will also have fun, play snowballs in a crowd,
And erect fortress walls from snow,
How great, my friends, that there is snow in Russia,
Thanks to him from us, praise and honor to him!

World Snow Day acts as a kind of promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Extracurricular activity: Quiz "Zimushka - winter" is carried out with the aim of expanding the horizons of children; development of cognitive activity and individual abilities of students. Excites the student's desire for new knowledge, curiosity and inquisitiveness to learn new things. Allows students to activate, develops creative initiative and Creative skills for younger schoolchildren, gives children the right to choose, develops visual and auditory memory of students, promotes the activation of initiative and creative self-expression of schoolchildren.



extracurricular activity

Quiz for elementary school students



Extracurricular activity:Quiz "Zimushka - winter"is carried out with the aim of expanding the horizons of children; development of cognitive activity and individual abilities of students. Excites the student's desire for new knowledge, curiosity and inquisitiveness to learn new things. Allows you to activate students, develops creative initiative and creative abilities of younger students, gives children the right to choose, develops visual and auditory memory of students, promotes the activation of initiative and creative self-expression of students.

Targets and goals:

Summarize children's knowledge about winter; talk about winter in an entertaining way;

To develop the creative abilities of students;

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for each other;

Cultivate love for animals and careful attitude to native nature;

Develop the individual abilities of students; interest in reading, in the search for new things.

Event progress:

Leading: - Hello, guys and respected adults. Today we all gathered together to hold a quiz. And what it is dedicated to, you will find out if you guess my riddle.


Name it guys

Who is the owner of the riddle?

Pinches ears, pinches nose,

Frost creeps into boots.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water, but ice.

Not even a bird flies

The bird freezes from the cold.

Snow falls in bags from the sky

And all around snowdrifts.

Snowfalls and blizzards

They attacked our Slavyansk.

Courtyard in the snow. White houses.

Came to visit us ... (Winter)

slide 1

Leading: - Two teams will take part in our quiz. (Introduction of teams and jury)

So, are the teams ready to compete? Begin!

slide 2

1 task: "Signs of Winter"

Select only signs of winter:

(icicles, leaf fall, frost, thunderstorm, snow, rain, hoarfrost, hail)

And what signs of winter do we observe in our Kuban?

Task 2: "Name the winter months"

- Choose only winter months from the given names:

(November, February, August, December, March, September, January, July)

Game "Baba Yaga"

3 task: "Proverbs"

slide 3

The names of which winter months are missing in these proverbs:

... a month of snowfalls, evil blizzards and the first warm sun. (February)

... the year ends, the winter begins. (December)

... the beginning of the year, the middle of winter. (January)

Arrange the names of the winter months in the order they occur in nature.


Children, children and adults love winter very much. Can you tell me why?

slide 4

Fizminutka: "Winter fun"

1. Skiing.

2. Snowball fight.

3. We make a snowman.


The snowman was blinded to fame:

For all the children to enjoy, for their own fun.

Played in the snow, rolled in the snow,

Skiing and laughing out loud.


Guys, but with the advent of winter, not everyone has fun. Who do you think is difficult in winter? Why do you think so? Can we, people, somehow help "our smaller brothers"? (children's answers)

slide 5


Feed the birds in winter
So that from all over

They flocked to you like home
Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich
One handful is needed.
One handful - and not terrible

They will have winter.

4 task: Wintering birds "

Choose from the given names of birds only those that stay with us for the winter:

(starling, bullfinch, swallow, magpie, rook, dove, swift, crow, woodpecker, sparrow)

Leading: -Guys, do you think all animals hibernate in winter? ( Children's answers ). But who else can be found in the winter in a forest clearing, we will find out by guessing riddles.

The game "Who will collect the most balls"

5 task : Riddles competition "Forest dwellers"

slide 6

* We recognize the animal with you

According to two such signs:

He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,

And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

* Cunning cheat,

Red head.

Fluffy tail - beauty!

And her name is ... (Fox)

* Hook-nosed, long-legged,

Branchy giant.

Eats grass, shoots of bushes,

It's hard to compete with him on the run.

When this happened

Meet, know, this is ... (Moose)

*Drops gray coat

Wear white for winter.

Jump - and behind the lawn,

Hid from the wolf ... (Bunny)

* Who is the gray robber in the forest?

Who clicks and clicks with his teeth?

Of course you guessed it:

This is furious, scary ... (Wolf)

* The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring,

And in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear)

Guys, not everyone has such a terrible winter. As we have already said, children and adults love winter very much. They also love winter because in winter we celebrate many fun and joyful holidays.

Slide 7

6 task: - Name the winter holidays.

(New Year, Christmas, Christmas time, Kolyada)

Slide 8

Leading: - At all times, in all countries, artists, photographers, musicians, writers, poets in their works of art, tried to convey the unique beauty of winter, its enchanting magic.

Guys, what do you think the artists do to show us all the beauty of the Russian winter? (children's answers)

And what do composers do for this?

How do photographers depict winter?

What do writers do? Remember what stories about winter you

Have you read?

And now, let's listen to how poets describe winter in their


7 task: Winter poetry competition.

8 task: Crossword "Winter-winter".

1. They are knitted, embroidered on clothes. (Patterns)

2. In the sky she flew like an asterisk,

It became a drop on the palm. (Snowflake)

3. Cold treat. (Ice cream)

4. Neither drive nor pass -

Pile of snow on the way. (Snowdrift)

5. Warm, fluffy frost protection. (Fur coat)

6. Grows in winter, not summer

And top to bottom at the same time. (Icicle)

7. What a beauty,

It stands, shining brightly,

How beautifully trimmed...

Tell me who is she? (Christmas tree)

8. Christmas decoration at the top of the tree. (Star)

9. And not snow, and not ice,

And he will remove the trees with silver. (Frost)

10. What kind of master did this on the glass

And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses? (Freezing)

11. The sleigh rides from her. (Slide)

Task 9: "Patters"

* Egor played with Igor -

Rolled down the hill somersault.

* Lucky on the hill Sanya

Sleigh behind you.

I rode from the hill Sanya

And on Sanya the sled.

* Bought for Yegorka

Slides for slides,

All winter, Yegorka,

Ride on the hill.


And in conclusion, I suggest you play the game “What do we do in winter?”

What do we do in winter
Give, my friend, you answer me.
Listen carefully,
Answering “yes” or “no”.
Do we play snowballs with friends?
We collect mushrooms in the forest ourselves?
Are we sledding down the hill?
Do we swim in the village on the river?
Are we skiing through the woods?
How many flowers do we find?
Are we digging beds in our garden?
And we dance with Santa Claus?

Well, well done, friends!


winter quiz with answers for elementary school

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna teacher of elementary school MBOU secondary school No. 47 Samara city district
Description This material can be used by primary school teachers and educators to conduct extracurricular activities dedicated to the winter season for primary school students.
Target Focus on a healthy lifestyle.
-Show children the attraction of the winter months.
- Involve children in healthy lifestyle life.
-To bring up an aesthetic attitude to Russian folk customs;
Training Children find material about the history of winter fun in Russia and other countries.


Winter fun
Alexandra Xandra
Winter has come to us
I brought the cold with me.
Children's laughter is heard
Zima has many games.

Ice saucer glitter
It will be a joy for everyone.
And put on my skates
Cut all circles.

The boys have hockey
Being on a team is more fun.
The puck is a black top.
The fans are waiting for the goal.

What are snowballs?
Are the kids rolling together?
There are carrots, coals.
The guards of Winter are standing.

In a white coat slide
Waiting for you to visit.
Take the sled and hurry
Run through it with the wind.

Winter battle for everyone;
Two teams, snow and laughter.
And snowballs fly around.
We are all winners.

Exactly two ribbons creep,
Two shiny snakes.
These are signs of skiers,
They are visible in the distance.

White fluff flies from the sky,
Softly falls around.
Like someone up above
Reminds me of an old game.

Miracles in the New Year
Adults and kids.
The Christmas tree is lit in the center
From her skating rink shines.

Santa Claus in a sleigh in a hurry

Time will not allow to be late.
The clock strikes twelve times.
The year has taken its first step.

Winter has a lot of fun
Learn to appreciate them early.
And then in response Winter
Gives you years of fun.

1. What is the name of one of the most famous Russian amusements when two armies fight?
(Taking the snow town)

At the painting by Surikov

Siberian winter blush
On the faces of the brave Cossacks.
Here is an ardent-hearted Krasnoyarsk citizen,
What flies dashingly on a horse.
Under the cries of the audience breaks
Ice shell - no wall!
And loose snow seems to melt
Under the wild onslaught of the lads.
Siberian prowess blush
So fresh on the faces of the Cossacks.
2. What could the besieged take in their hands for defense?


poured buckets of snow on the enemies)

3. When the teams were divided by gender, what were the women to do and what were the men to do?
(Women defended the fortress, and men attacked)

4. What was the name of the person who gave the command to start and end the assault?

5. What other sports fun was also called "Taking the Town"?
(Getting prizes from vertically dug into the ground pillars)

6. What could be the prizes?
(Cuts of matter


7. Why were the pillars doused with cold water?
(To make it more difficult to climb. The pillar was covered with ice in the cold, it became slippery)
8. How was the winner celebrated?
(Rubbed with snow)

9. How did they frighten the harness of horses when they rode in a sleigh in the old days?
(Metal plaques, multi-colored threads, paper flowers, scraps of fabric and fringe)

10. How did the riders dress up?
(In your best clothes: honey coats and hats, embroidered shirts and sundresses, shawls, new felt boots)

11. Who rode in the morning, and who in the late afternoon?
(Young people rode in the morning, and couples in the late afternoon)

12. What was used for skiing from the mountain?
(Sled, matting, skins, ice-boxes, bobbins, stalks-wooden troughs)

13. Why are skates called that?
(In the first skates, the front part was decorated with a horse's head)

14. What were the first skates made of?
(From animal bones)

15. Who improved the design of skates?
(Peter the First, he rigidly connected the blade to the shoes, nailed the skates directly to the boots)

16. Where was the first public skating rink opened in Russia?
(In St. Petersburg in the Yusupov garden)
On the rink
Evening. Music plays.
The rink is full of guys.
Spruce elegant shines,
Fires are burning all around!
Cutting with sharp skates
Silver smooth ice
And sparkling with lights
White flakes round dance.

17. Why is the game called "King of the Hill"?
(At the top of the snowy mountain stands the "Tsar" - an experienced wrestler, whom young combatants are trying to push down)

18. What game in the old days resembled the game of bandy?

Winter fun
Sanka - sled, Lisa - skis,
Kolke - sticks and skates.
Came for the kids
Blessed days.
Snow in the forest and on the alleys,
And the river was covered with ice.
Dress warmly -
And run outside!
(T. Gusarova)

Quiz for children "Winter"

1. The name of the month that starts the new calendar year.

2. What is longer night or day in winter?

3. What is the name of winter precipitation.

4. Continue the proverb: "Two friends - ...".

5. What color is hard ice?

6. What is the name of the housing made of ice among the Eskimos?

7. What is crust?

8. How to make life easier for wintering birds?

9. What will happen to the birds if you stop pouring food into the feeder?

10. Do birds hibernate?

11. What happens to the hair of a squirrel, fox and hare with the advent of winter?

12. Guess: a white lump hid in a haystack.

13. What tree is superfluous and why: pine, larch, spruce?

14. At what air temperature does snow begin to melt?

15. Which of the phenomena does not apply to winter: snowstorm, thunderstorm, blizzard, snowfall, ice?

16. What time of year is the cleanest air?

17. What is unusual about February?

18. Can you make a snowman out of fluffy snow?

19. What plant is a symbol of the New Year holidays?

20. What magical item does Santa Claus always carry with him?

Answers: 1. January. 2. Night. 3. Snow. 4. Snowstorm and blizzard. 5. Greenish. 6. Needle. 7. Dense snow crust. 8. Hang out the feeders. 9. They will die waiting for food. 10. No. 11. It becomes thicker and changes color. 12. Hare. 13. Larch. Drops needles. 14. At 0. 15. Thunderstorm. 16. In winter. 17. Different number of days. 18. No. 19. Spruce. 20. Staff.

Quiz "Nature in winter"

1. Is it possible to say that winter air is the cleanest?

2. For what reason does the soil in the forest freeze through not as deep as in the field?

3. Name the date of the winter solstice.

4. Continue: "A lot of snow ...".

5. With what subject is the origin of the word "blizzard" associated?

6. Why do hares hide under fir trees in winter?

7. Does the cold or hunger of the approaching winter scare migratory birds?

8. How many months do hedgehogs, badgers and bears sleep?

9. In summer, snakes love to lie under the sun, and in winter they ...

10. What trees are in winter time give the most food to the birds?

11. Where do newts winter?

12. Why do crossbills breed chicks not in spring, but in winter?

13. Is a snowflake “born” from a drop of water or a crystal ice?

14. What does an elk lose every winter?

15. Do beavers hibernate in winter?

Answers: 1. You can. 2. It is covered with a layer of fallen leaves and thick snow cover. 3. December 22nd. 4. Lots of bread. 5. Broom. 6. It's warmer and safer there. 7. Hunger. 8. About 6. 9. Are in a daze. 10. Pines and firs. 11. On land. 12. In winter, eat food. 13. From an ice-crystal. 14. Rogov. 15. No.

Developing tasks on the topic "Winter"

1. What happens in winter?

a) It is snowing.

b) The birds are coming.

c) Crossbills are born.

d) The bear is looking for a den

e) Trees creak during sleep

e) Collect mushrooms.

g) Snowdrops appear.

h) Puddles freeze.

i) The squirrel stocks up on nuts.

j) Ice drift.

k) Insects sleep.

2. Which of the holidays are winter?

a) International Women's Day.

b) Defender of the Fatherland Day.

c) Children's Day.

d) New Year.

d) April fool's day.

e) Christmas.

h) Maslenitsa.

i) Cosmonautics Day.

j) Knowledge Day.

l) Valentine's Day.

3. "Yes-No"

Does the leaf fall begin in winter?

Does the mole sleep in winter?

Is the ice crust cracking on the water?

Do birds build nests?

Is everything covered in snow?

Are the insects waking up?

February is the second winter month?

Does the sun shine less often?

Are the nights long in winter?

Nast is a crust on the snow cover?

Winter is the coldest time of the year. However, endless snowy expanses, winter sports and, of course, holidays make this time of the year one of the most beautiful and long-awaited. No wonder they say that winter is not summer, she is dressed in a fur coat. Both children and adults love sledding, building snowmen and playing snowballs, so winter is a great opportunity improve your health, breathe fresh air. And, of course, what is winter without New Year and Christmas holidays? Did you know that earlier a snowman was sculpted not for fun, but in order to propitiate the winter. Or that half the world's population has never seen snow in their lives? If you love winter, then the winter quiz will help you not only test your knowledge about this season, but also learn something new and interesting. Questions are composed according to the principle: from simple to complex, there are no time limits. A winter quiz is what you need to test your erudition, because the facts about winter are unique, and you can’t confuse riddles about winter with any other. The secrets of winter can be comprehended by both children and adults. And to make the learning process useful, exciting and interesting, we have prepared our quiz for you. Take a dip in wonderful world questions!

  1. Gray in winter, white in summer. Who is it? Hare
  2. Is it true that trees grow in winter too? No, their growth stops in winter
  3. What, according to the proverb, is not valued in winter? ice
  4. How many rays does an ordinary snowflake have? Six
  5. Which pole is colder - North or South? Southern
  6. What is the name of the birds that fly away to spend the winter in other parts of the world? migratory birds
  7. Beaver accumulates fat for the winter in this part of the body. In which? In the tail
  8. What winter month is said to be the grandfather of spring? January
  9. According to folk omens, what winter portends a large harvest of mountain ash? Cold
  10. This holiday among the ancient Slavs was called "Seeing off winter." What is the name of this holiday? Pancake week
  11. What is the name of the cactus that blooms only in winter? Decembrist
  12. Is it true that there are no two identical snowflakes in the world? Yes, indeed, many years of research confirmed this.
  13. Which animal every year on February 2nd crawls out of a hole in an American city and predicts the weather? Marmot Phil
  14. 95% of snowflakes are made of this. Of what? Out of thin air
  15. Which king introduced the custom of celebrating the New Year and putting up Christmas trees in houses? Peter I

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