How to reduce inflated legs. How to get rid of excess muscle mass

the beauty 15.12.2017
the beauty

While a lot of girls are trying to cope with the problem of the lack of a waist or the presence of "ears" on the hips, many are worried about something else, namely full calves. Graceful and toned ankles combined with beautiful shoes - it's so attractive. Do not wait until this feature of your appearance turns into serious complex and start working towards change for the better. Simple exercises for reducing calves, available to us at home, if performed regularly, will be a wonderful way to solve the problem.

To reduce the volume of calves, you need to try to understand the causes of this problem. The matter may be in hereditary predisposition and features of the physique, in which the whole figure will be dense and stocky. In this case, it will take a long time to work, but you can still get the result.

Also, the shins can increase in size due to varicose veins and due to fluid retention. Pay attention to symptoms such as severe leg fatigue in the evening, a feeling of heaviness and burning in them.

Too full calves can be the result of overweight, as well as uneven weight loss. First of all, the volumes leave the arms, chest and abdomen, but the problem areas in the lower body can remain rounded, despite constant efforts.

Having determined what the fullness of the calves is connected with, you must fight the cause. Most often, you need to reconsider your diet and lifestyle, move more, drink enough clean water.

In addition, if you want to reduce the lower leg, you can not do without exercises aimed specifically at this area. There are special complexes that are recommended to be supplemented with stretching exercises, thanks to which the muscles will become elastic and toned. By themselves, the calves are strong and enduring muscles, it is thanks to them that we can move around throughout the day. Because of this, they are difficult to correct. To achieve a result You need to exercise regularly - at least 2-3 times a week. It is also important to choose the right set of exercises.

A little about the correct adjustment of calves

To achieve the desired shape of the calves, you need to understand that their training can be different. There are pumping exercises calf muscles, there is - for weight loss, and there is - to maintain muscle tone. There are also exercises for weak muscles, mainly aimed at stretching. What you need to choose is determined only by the desired result.

The selected set of exercises should also take into account the structural features of the lower leg. To form a beautiful muscle relief, it is not necessary to bring yourself to exhaustion with a huge amount of exercise. Exercises for weight loss calves should be light, aerobic. In this case, you can’t get carried away with a power load - it can have the opposite effect. You need to work without weights, but increase the number of repetitions and approaches.

Will be very effective static loads, such as yoga and pilates. They simultaneously strain the muscles and stretch them. If you include only strength exercises in your workout, you can form an irregular calf shape that resembles an upside down bottle. In addition, seizures may occur. Therefore, training should consist of their exercises aimed at burning fat and training the muscles, calf and soleus. A properly developed soleus muscle lifts the calf muscle, thanks to which the leg gets a beautiful shape.

How to reduce calves: effective exercises

There are a large number of exercises to help you cope with how to reduce calves on your legs. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

1. Plie

Plie squats are great calf exercises. If you want to reduce volume, and not build muscle, do not use additional weights. This exercise is popular among professional ballerinas, whose slender legs are the best proof of its effectiveness.

Stand straight, put your feet wider than your shoulders. In this position, perform squats, while trying to specifically tighten the muscles of the thighs, and bend the knees as much as possible. Performing the first 20 repetitions, lean on the entire foot, and the next 20 - rise on the bones. When squatting, follow safety precautions to eliminate the risk of injury.

2. Folding knife

You need to sit on your buttocks and straighten your legs. As with a normal stretch, lean forward and extend your arms, trying to touch your toes as you do so. Hold this position for at least one and a half minutes, and repeat it about 15 times.

3. Jump rope

Skipping rope - simple, fun and effective method how to reduce calves on legs for girls. Total 15 minutes of jumping a day help burn a significant amount of calories and "dry" the calves.

4. Rolls

Rolls are aimed at stretching the muscles of the lower leg and at the formation of beautiful calf muscles. Stand on your heels, march thirty times, so that you clearly feel the calves of your legs. After that, sharp rolls are made from heel to toe. Then march again. One approach - one full roll. It is recommended to do at least four repetitions.

5. Lunges

Lunges are a versatile exercise for working out the lower body. It can help you build muscle as well as lose weight. To reduce the ankles and calves, use the lightweight version of the exercise.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lunge, making sure that the heel of the second, supporting leg does not come off the floor. After a few seconds, return to the starting position.

6. Toe raises

Toe raises, which help to reduce the ankles on the legs, can be performed in several ways.

Stand up straight, transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, bend the left knee. Now rise on your toes at least fifteen times. Do the same for the second leg. You can choose a weighted version of the exercise, getting up not on the floor, but on a step or step.

Also, this exercise is a wonderful prevention of edema and varicose veins.

7. Batman

Another exercise is how to reduce the calves of the legs. To perform it, you will need a chair (you can use another support). Stand next to him and grab his back. Feet should be parallel to each other. Stretch your right leg forward, straining your toe, make a sharp swing forward. For each leg, repeat the exercise at least 20 times.

8. Classic squats

Regular squats are a great way to shrink your calves and shape beautiful and slender legs in general.

If you want to reduce calf volume, do not use weights when squatting. Also, there is no need to do deep squats - a half-squat is enough.

The squat technique is as follows:

  • Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders. Do 30-40 squats. Perform the exercise at a slow pace and fix the position in the squat for a few seconds.
  • Another option is to place your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing inward. Do 20-30 shallow squats.

Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises help to cope with how to reduce calves. They make the muscles elastic and elastic, give the lower leg a beautiful shape.

1. Sit on the floor. Lean forward, touching your fingertips with your fingers. Pull your heels towards you and your toes away from you. It will be difficult at first, but over time, your flexibility will increase and you will be able to perform this movement with ease. Stretching should be done smoothly. In the pose of maximum tension, linger for a few seconds. Repeat the stretch three times. This exercise is also done to each leg separately. The starting position is similar, the legs need to be spread apart.

2. Stand up straight, take a big lunge forward with your left foot. Bend her at the knee. Press the foot of the right leg firmly to the floor - due to its muscles, stretching will occur. Lock in this position for a few seconds. Do the same for the other leg. Repeat 3-5 times for each leg.

3. "Dog face down" is one of the basic yoga poses. You need to get on all fours. Slowly straighten your knees, lifting your torso. Leave your legs slightly bent, rest your feet on your toes, face should be directed to the floor. Try not to raise your heels too high. Hold this position for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

4. There are many others in yoga good exercise for stretching the muscles of the calves. Including them in your morning exercises, you can make the legs graceful and slender. In general, yoga great way for those who get full legs by inheritance. It is better to do it under the supervision of a professional instructor or video tutorials on the network.

5.For muscle stretching and weight loss is very Pilates is useful- muscle stretching technique, which is based on static exercises.

Thick calves, how to reduce which, you already know - it's not as scary as you think. Regular exercise combined with a proper diet and lifestyle, as well as additional measures like body wraps and massage will help to achieve the desired results. And soon you will be able to boast of beautiful legs, with which it will be quite possible to afford any mini and any shoe models.

Video exercises to reduce calf volume

There are several ways to reduce the calves of the legs in girls: liposuction, drying, weight loss. The best option is selected individually, based on the desires of the woman. To achieve an operational result in the fight against the volume of the calf muscle, it is recommended to use several methods at once.

How to remove fat from calves

Many women who are impressed by thinness want to always be slim, fit and beautiful. To achieve this result, they go on diets, exhaust themselves with long daily workouts, intense physical activity, and actively go in for sports several days a week. At the same time, excess weight goes away, but the problem of thick calf zones, which cannot be reduced instantly, remains unresolved. What to do in this case?

The lower leg is always under heavy load, subcutaneous fat acts as a protective barrier, therefore female body consumes it very slowly. How to reduce calves in this case? Experts recommend doing gymnastics, practicing fast running several times a month, jumping, refusing to eat carbohydrates and limiting vegetable fats in the diet. Walking, regular walks, squats, their comprehensive strengthening will help reduce large shins.

The main ways to make the calves thinner:

  • sports, a set of specially designed exercises;
  • drying, stretching;
  • liposuction;
  • massage.

Before you choose the appropriate method that will allow you to achieve thin calves, you need to establish the cause of fullness. It can be:

  • regular swelling of the extremities;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • gait;
  • accumulated fat.

How to reduce inflated calves

Pumped calf muscles are an equally serious problem arising from excessive load on the legs (you can pump the calf muscles if you allocate the minimum time for stretching). How to reduce calves if they are overly pumped:

  • Exercise 1: sitting on the floor, tilt your legs to your socks, pull your socks towards you, then away from you. Hold them in each position for one minute. Perform 3 approaches - this way you can reduce the volume of the problem area by 1 - 2 centimeters.
  • Exercise 2: In a standing position, bend one leg, put the other slightly forward, pull the toe towards you, bend over to the straight leg, stand in this position for 30 seconds, then change legs. This exercise will help reduce the problem area after 5-6 sessions.

You can reduce inflated calves if:

  • reduce the load on the legs;
  • exclude long-term performance of the same type of exercises;
  • replace running with walking;
  • Before each workout, stretch your muscles well;
  • periodically resort to drying.

How to quickly lose weight in calves

If the calf muscles seem thick due to the accumulation of excess fat, in order to reduce them, it is recommended to go on a diet. In addition, it is recommended to exclude fatty and spicy foods, foods containing carbohydrates, vegetable fats from the diet, climb the stairs daily, control the amount of water drunk per day. A set of specially selected exercises that can be performed at home will also help to quickly lose weight in the calves of the legs.

Calf exercises

Pay attention to the beautiful legs of ballet dancers or gymnasts - their calf muscles do not contain anything superfluous and can be considered the standard of beauty and perfection. The following exercises to reduce calves will help you quickly solve the problem:

  • you need to stand up straight, spread your legs to the width of the pelvis, take a deep breath, rise on your toes as you exhale (first, it is recommended to perform this exercise for calves 20 times, over time, the number of repetitions can be increased to 30 to reduce the problem area by a few centimeters);
  • having taken the same position, move the feet apart, transfer the body weight to one leg, bend the other at the knee, inhale, rise on the toe, do the exercise alternately on each leg at least 15 times.

Calf stretch

How to remove calves on legs using this method? To begin with, as experienced trainers advise, you need to properly warm up the muscles in order to prepare them for intense loads. Otherwise, you may get injured or sprained. It is recommended to perform the following exercises daily:

  • exercise 1: stand facing the wall, step back with one foot, fix the heel, roll the body forward so that the knee moves to the wall, hold the position for thirty seconds, repeat with the other leg;
  • preemption 2: sit on the floor, stretch your legs, bend, straighten your back, lean on your hands behind you, fix the pose for thirty seconds (this stretch of the calves will help relax the tight muscles and make them more plastic).

Drying of the calf muscles

How to reduce calves in this way? It is necessary to change the mode of consumption of water and food. At the same time, do not forget that drying the calf muscles is not weight loss, but getting rid of subcutaneous fat while maintaining muscle mass. From the diet should be excluded fats and carbohydrates, which are deposited in the form of liquid, which creates an unnecessary volume. The fewer carbohydrates a person consumes, the faster fat is burned. To improve the effect, it is important to use various aids and vitamin complexes.

Liposuction of calves

Before reducing calves in this way, it is necessary to evaluate all its pros and cons. What is calf liposuction? This is a surgical operation during which the shape of the calf muscles is corrected, allowing them to quickly reduce their volume without exhausting training. It involves preliminary liquefaction of subcutaneous fat with a special solution, removing it from the body. Disadvantages of liposuction:

  • the need to use anesthesia, which will help facilitate the operation and reduce pain;
  • the presence of a number of contraindications;
  • long recovery period;
  • high cost of the procedure.

This method of reducing the calf muscles helps to relax the clamped muscles, making them plastic. Massage of the calves of the legs is carried out for 15 - 20 minutes. It has a firming, regenerating effect, normalizes blood circulation, prevents volumetric edema, relieves fatigue, a feeling of heaviness. Before you reduce the volume of the calf muscles, resorting to massage, you must first consult with a specialist.

Video: how to lose weight in the calves

The information that can be obtained from the videos below will help you get thin legs in a short time. A set of exercises and general rules, which are recommended to be observed, will be useful to all women who even look perfect. If you follow these recommendations, it will be possible to achieve an excellent result in one to two months.

Calf Slimming Exercises

How to lose weight in the lower leg

How to reduce calf size

Continuing the series of articles on body shaping, I will tell you how to quickly reduce the calves on the legs for girls at home. Consider effective exercises, techniques and advice from trainers.

Girls are very worried about how their legs look. Sometimes the calves are extremely massive, due to excessive physical training or swelling. Even if a girl has lost weight, often the calves remain large. As a result, the appearance becomes rough and unfeminine.

The problem needs to be solved, inaction leads to an increase in calves, then you will have to forget about your favorite jeans and a short skirt. The material is devoted to exercises and preventive measures. It is recommended to exercise regularly, review habits and make a number of dietary changes to balance the proportions of the legs.

To get calf enlargement under control and ensure optimal conditions for volume reduction, follow a few general guidelines.

  • First of all, give up uncomfortable shoes, including platform shoes or high heels. Do not wear high lace-up shoes, as they lead to swelling and interfere with blood circulation. Choose fashionable shoes that are soft to the feet, not constricting.
  • Review nutrition. Eat sweet, fatty, salty, or spiced foods in moderation. For a while, exclude smoked meats and spicy dishes from the diet, and do not drink water a few hours before bedtime.
  • If you sit on a sofa or in an armchair with your legs bent, forget about this habit. This position promotes swelling of the legs and badly affects blood circulation. The result is big calves and disproportionate legs.
  • To achieve the goal, give up cycling, because such a sport develops the calf muscles. Give up this hobby for a few months until the results appear. If you can't do without a bike, spend less time on the saddle.
  • In hiking, find the golden mean. You should not completely refuse, otherwise the calves will “sag”, and the legs will lose their elasticity and shape. At the same time, walking is extremely useful and helps to increase the tone of the body. Walk 30 minutes a day.
  • Pay attention to aerobics and jump rope workouts.
  • If you're trying to lose weight and your weight loss isn't accompanied by a decrease in calf size, slightly reduce your weight loss intensity. Otherwise, charging will be ineffective, and after the weight that has gone, large caviar will remain.
  • If you are serious about fighting voluminous calves and go to the gym, temporarily forget about the simulators that help to swing your legs. Otherwise, the calf muscles will continue to develop.

Moving towards the goal, observe the measure and remember common sense. Do not forget that beautiful female legs are a combination of graceful lines with a slight increase in volume in the hips, and not even sticks.

When doing exercises and performing a set of exercises, which we will consider below, try to stop in time. This is the only way to make the legs natural, harmonious and feminine.

How to reduce calves with exercises

If a girl has wide hips, getting rid of excess fat will help reduce them. When it comes to voluminous calves, there are difficult questions. Before you reduce the calves with exercises, be sure to identify the root cause of the problem. In most cases, it is caused by excess weight, but often contributes to improper weight loss, supplemented by improper exercises.

If the calves have grown as a result of constant training, reduce the amount of strength training to a minimum and switch to exercises focused on stretching the muscles. I advise you to use the services of a yoga instructor.

In the case of bulky calves caused by excess fat, I recommend starting the process with a diet. Eliminate fatty, sugary and protein foods from the diet, reduce weight. As a result, the load on the calves will decrease, which contributes to their increase.

Apart from proper nutrition, perform exercises focused on increasing the harmony of the calves. The complex that I will share consists of an exercise for training and stretching.

6 effective exercises

  1. Stand up straight, spread your legs hip-width apart, inhale. As you exhale, rise up on your toes. At first, twenty repetitions are enough. Over time, increase the number of repetitions to thirty.
  2. Having taken a similar position, spread the feet slightly to the sides. Transfer body weight to one leg, and bend the other at the knee. After inhaling, rise to the toe of the supporting limb. For each leg, 15 reps. Later, increase the number of repetitions to 20.
  3. Using the starting position from the first exercise, point your socks inward, inhale, and as you exhale, rise to your toes. The number of repetitions is 20, then 30.
  4. Get on your knees, straighten your back and freely place your hands in front of you. Sit on the floor in turn different sides, trying to press the hips more tightly to the floor. Minimum - 20 repetitions.
  5. For the next exercise, you will need a hill. Stand on it so that the heels are in a hanging position and do not touch floor covering. Rise on your toes and lower yourself, keeping your back upright. Repeat 20 times. Exercise is used by athletes who train muscles.
  6. Put one leg forward, and rest your palms on your buttocks. Bend the protruding limb at the knee, pushing it forward as much as possible. During the subsequent squat, the calf muscle will be stretched.

I shared the algorithm for reducing calves with exercises. By doing the complex and following the diet, reach the goal for the quarter. Don't trust people who promise to fix a problem in a few weeks.

Videos exercises

After achieving the result, continue to perform the exercises. I recommend including them in morning exercises held daily. This will fix and improve the result.

Other Ways to Reduce Calves

Relaxing the calf muscles with massage. It is not necessary to contact a massage therapist. Rub, wrinkle and iron the problem point on your own. To prevent skin damage during the procedure, use oil. After a hard day at work or an intense workout, shaking your legs will help relieve tension in the calves.

Access to the swimming pool and exercise equipment. An elliptical trainer or treadmill will help you achieve your goal. After completing a physical or water procedure, do not eat immediately.

Elliptical Trainer. Sports equipment improves the aerobic capacity of the body. Exercise on the machine is safe for the joints and stretches the calf muscles, which reduces the volume.

Videos workout

If you dream of slender legs and neat calves, make friends with aerobics, swimming, elliptical trainer and a set of exercises. I advise you to pamper your feet with cream, relaxing baths and massage.

According to modern canons of beauty, a woman should have graceful thin legs with thin calves. Therefore, if the fair sex has pumped up muscles or excess fat, she should get rid of such “wealth” as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to acquire the desired forms without the help of plastic surgeons.

Training alone does not always bring the desired results. And many girls often stop halfway. Especially if within one or two months they do not succeed. In fact, you need to show maximum effort and patience in order to fulfill your dream after six months or a year.

Diets: Will hunger strikes help get rid of problems

To begin with, you should understand that refusing food has never led to anything good. You should go on a diet and exclude fatty, starchy, sweet and other pleasures from the diet only if you have weight problems. For completely thin girls, this option, unfortunately, will not help to cope with thick legs. But that doesn't mean you can go all out and eat french fries on pizza with a sweet soda. healthy image life has never harmed anyone.

I'm going to training

In order to reduce calves and not walk with sagging skin on the legs, it is necessary not only to eat right, but also to play sports at least twice a week. However, not all types of physical activity are equally beneficial. In some cases, you can even greatly increase the volume of calves.

Women have known about the magical properties of yoga for a long time. This sport is less traumatic and painful. Wherein physical exercise will be within the power of girls of any age and physique, and the effectiveness of the classes remains at a fairly high level.

Most of the exercises are designed in such a way that students can quickly lose weight without experiencing much discomfort. In people who prefer yoga, metabolism improves and burns excess fat. By the way, if a girl has only one problem - thick calves on her legs, the teacher can increase the load on this particular part of the body.

As a result of constant training, women acquire perfect figure, excellent proportions, flexibility and elasticity. But in order to achieve high results, you also need to eat right. About what you can eat before and after classes, the master should explain, based on your weight and physique.

  • Pilates

Joseph Pilates is the founder of a new direction, which has elements of sports acrobatics, yoga, diving, boxing, etc. The main task that the inventor set himself was to improve the condition as a whole. Therefore, if you do Pilates, your calves will not only decrease (as a result of stretching), but your coordination will also improve, your joints will stop hurting. All exercises are done in a certain sequence, while the pace of each of them is set by an experienced instructor. Usually the movements are slow and based on proper breathing. But do not forget that you need to train only under the supervision of a specialist. Otherwise, you can hurt yourself a lot.

  • Stretching

Have you noticed that rhythmic gymnasts and ballerinas almost always have thin calves on their legs? The fact is that these girls constantly perform stretching exercises, as a result of which the muscles become more elastic and toned. Of course, no one forces you to engage in such heavy sports, since for some such loads are even dangerous. It is better to choose a more gentle option - stretching, which even the elderly and those with health problems can go to.

  • Step aerobics

The main advantage of step aerobics is that girls have the opportunity to exercise not only in a fitness club, but also at home. To do this, you will need a platform, a couple of weights, a disk with lesson recordings and good mood. Any, even the busiest business woman, can allocate half an hour for training.

However, be careful, because the wrong positioning of the legs, uncomfortable shoes and similar “little things” can cause pain in the knees and joints. At the same time, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to reduce the caviar. Beginners are advised to go for two or three months in group classes in order to master the principles and learn the basic exercises.

  • swimming

This is probably the simplest and fast way how to get rid of leg fat. But if you do this sport professionally, you can get new problem- broad shoulders. Therefore, when buying a subscription to the pool, be sure to train with an instructor for the first months. By the way, in our time, water aerobics is very popular, the main task of which is to help people in the fight against excess weight.

  • simulators

This option does not suit you at all. Only thin girls should swing their legs with the help of special equipment, whether it be standard bicycles or ordinary weight machines. If you pumped up muscles in a fitness club, it is better to temporarily refuse to perform such exercises.

When sports are not fun

Before a workout, your legs start to hurt, and your mood drops at the mere memory of group classes? So you need to find more interesting way weight loss. And it is not necessary to go to the halls where there are dozens of strangers, if you can do the exercises yourself.

So, for example, you can opt for Pole-dance and install a pole at home. Your young man will be incredibly happy to see the tricks that you perform in front of him. Or you can get a skipping rope and jump in the evenings, while the neighbors below are still awake.

Also, do not forget to do fifteen minutes of exercise in the morning. Mahi, stretching, squats and bouncing on toes - this will be enough to keep yourself in shape. Great if you decide to go for daily runs. In extreme cases, you can get an inexpensive treadmill. Thanks to this simulator, you can exercise and watch your favorite movie.

Home workout rules

  • Rule one: take care of your health

Before you start running, jumping and doing various steps, go through a complete medical examination. You can train on your own only if no pathologies and abnormalities are found. Also, do not forget that you can’t play sports if you are very tired, feel a slight malaise. If you are losing weight or just had a snack, drank or smoked, then physical activity can hurt.

  • Rule two: first - warm-up

Without warming up the muscles beforehand, do not start performing complex exercises. At first, run in place for five minutes, then squat, do inclinations. Anyone who tries to immediately sit on the twine will then suffer from a sprain.

  • Rule three: watch your technique

It is very difficult to understand without the help of a specialist that the exercise is not performed correctly. But still, try to monitor your posture, foot placement, hand movements. By the way, you can contact any coach to develop a special complex for you and show you how to do it right.

Don't experiment! Difficult tricks and elements should not be performed at home, even if you have worked them out with an instructor in the gym. By doing this without safety nets and protective devices (mats, platforms, walls), you risk not only health, but also life.

  • Rule Five: Get fit

Choose comfortable sports shoes and clothing made from quality materials. This will help avoid injury and allergic reactions to the fabric. Since you will be sweating during your workout anyway, be sure to wash your gear every time.

  • Rule six: everything has its time

You need to do two to three times a week, preferably for an hour. In this case, the time, place and amount of load should be the same. It is best to devote yourself to sports in the evening (three to four hours before bedtime). In the morning, when your body has not yet woken up, you can perform only the simplest leg exercises.

  • Rule Seven: Keep a Diary

Get a notebook in which you write down everything that you have to do in the allotted time. Otherwise, you can simply forget the order, the number of approaches, as well as the way this or that element is performed. Also, do not forget to indicate the current volume of the legs. Measure your calves every week and record how much you've lost this time.

Exercises for slim legs

Sometimes there is no need to reinvent the wheel, because the simplest is the most effective. Remember what you were taught in physical education class and try to do it yourself. After all, in any case, it is better to complete five effective exercises than ten, which will not bring any result.

Exercise one: for the legs and buttocks

Starting position: the back is completely flat, the feet are spread apart and stand on the same line, the knees are bent, as if you are sitting on a chair, the hands are located on the hips. On the count of times, make it deep and begin to spring on your toes. It is done thirty times in two approaches. This exercise will allow the girls to reduce the calves of the legs, tighten the buttocks and strengthen the joints.

Exercise two: for joints and calves

Starting position: feet together, hands on the waist. At a fast pace, we begin to rise and fall fifty times on our toes. Please note that the first time after class, the muscles of the legs may hurt and it will be difficult for you to walk in heels. It's quite normal. After a week, all discomfort will completely disappear.

Exercise Three: Single Leg Raises

Starting position: the body is straight, one leg is raised and bent at the knee. Fifteen to twenty times rise to the toe. Just in case, put a chair next to you so you can grab onto it if you lose your balance. To begin with, it is recommended to do at least two approaches.

Exercise four: jumping rope

If you have the opportunity, jump rope for five minutes a day until your calves ache. You can jump on your toes, backwards, on straight or bent legs - there are a lot of options. If you do not have such a device at home, you can replace it with a regular clothesline.

By the way, ordinary high jumps will help to cope with the problem quite well. So, first sit down a little (as you were taught at school in a physical education lesson). Imagine that you need to reach the ceiling. Now try to bounce as high as you can.

Exercise five: stretching

Option one: the girl stands on her toes, then lunges forward. Under the knee, an angle of ninety degrees should form. The back remains straight. For balance, hands are placed on the hips. In this position, it is necessary to spring for thirty seconds. Then the front leg should slowly move away, as if you are trying to sit on the splits.

After that, you should sit on the leg that was lunged, and bend and lift the back leg. Great if you manage to grab onto your foot to pull it towards your head. Be careful and do not do anything through force, otherwise the muscles in your legs will ache for the next two to three weeks. Please note, if the calves begin to tingle, it is recommended to reduce the load.

Option two: sit on the floor, feet together. On the exhale - a smooth bend forward, on the inhale - we level out. And so ten to twenty times, depending on your physical training. Then we try to grab our feet with our hands and lie in this position for a minute.

We spread our legs as wide as possible. If possible, sit on cross twine. We make tilts to the right, left and in the middle. We remain in the same position right hand we straighten it and put it on the thigh, and pull the left one up and try to reach her socks. During the rest, we cling to the floor for forty to fifty seconds. The lower you lie down, the better for you. But, of course, without fanaticism.

Exercise six: squats and swings with a chair

Dancers and ballerinas do something similar. Only instead of a chair they have a special device (machine) that serves as a support for their legs. So, turn sideways to the back, throw your foot up. We perform squats (forty times), then change position.

After that, we move on to swings. Lean your hands on a chair, stand on your toes, arch your back and lift your leg high (from side to side). All elements are done at a fast pace. But do not forget about your own safety and do the exercises carefully so as not to damage or pull the muscles.

Massage and body wraps: pleasure and benefits

Unfortunately, even a professional massage will not get rid of fat on your legs. But, if you do it regularly, it will help you consolidate the result. Plus, you can relax after heavy physical exertion. And your body will not hurt so much in the first days of training. As moisturizers, you can use either regular lotions or slimming creams. True, it is rather difficult to say whether the latter will have an effect or not.

You can also do wraps, thanks to which, as they promise in spas, it will be easier for you to burn subcutaneous fat on your legs. If health permits, the fair sex is recommended to visit saunas and baths a couple of times a month. First, of course, you should consult with your doctor.

So that the legs do not hurt after training

For many, playing sports is a real torture, because after an hour of training, your legs buzz as if you had been walking in heels for a week. In fact, the calves should hurt a little, because you made the muscles work. But if comfort is above all for you, then try to follow a number of rules that will ease the torment. Of course, you will not be able to completely get rid of unpleasant sensations.

  • When you start exercising, do not forget to warm up and stretch. Do the same after your workout.
  • As soon as you get home, take a hot bath or shower. If possible, wash your feet with warm water at the fitness club. Some sports facilities have special massage nozzles.
  • The next day, immediately after waking up, overcoming pain and tingling, do a little exercise. By stretching your muscles, you will tone them up, so that you can walk normally. If you do not do this, then going down and up the stairs without sighs and tears is unlikely to succeed.

In extreme cases, when the pain is unbearable, take a pain reliever. And, of course, see a doctor. Perhaps these are symptoms that you have damaged something in the classroom. You can not delay a visit to a specialist if your joints, knees ache, or when the temperature rises.



Many women are dissatisfied with the size of their shins or legs in general, they dream of reducing their calves even by surgery. But is this really the only way?

Simple rules for every day

In fact, there are less expensive and dangerous ways that you can use:

Move your legs even while sitting! To quickly lengthen the lower leg, pull it at any moment. Sitting on a chair with a straight back pressed against the back, rotate the left leg clockwise and against it 6-10 times. Repeat the movement with the other leg.

Burn excess fat in the calf area

It will not work to remove the calves on the legs like folds on the stomach or riding breeches, since the lower leg rarely accumulates fat, and its shape is determined by the calf muscle. The increase in body fat occurs, especially in winter time, but with regular walking, the calves regain their slender state quite easily. Thus, regular aerobic exercise helps to remove fat - walking on long distance would be ideal for any fitness level.

In a week, removing fat on the legs and calves is real, but difficult. Speed ​​work involves an increase in the intensity of loads - the use of jumps. Of course, the fat will burn, and the leg muscles will strengthen in response to the tension in them. Since a person uses a muscle often, the body receives a signal - it needs to be grown.

A set of exercises will help you quickly burn fat and not get too inflated calves if you combine three types of loads:

  1. power multi-repetitive;
  2. cardio;
  3. stretching.

Each exercise is performed for a minute without a break. First, we perform calf raises without using dumbbells. Then we jump from side to side, you can pause if your breath gets lost.

We perform jumps to the side in the style of a "skater" - we jump from foot to foot, tilting the body and moving away bent leg back.

At the fourth minute, we become in a plie position - legs wider than shoulders, squat and begin to tear off the heels from the floor in turn.

Fifth minute - stretching against the wall: we put one leg back, rest our hands against the wall and lean forward, bending the left leg at the knee, and touch the floor with the right heel - 30 seconds for each leg.

The sixth minute - stretching in the slope: we put one leg forward on the heel, lean forward with the body, keeping the back straight, and pull the toe towards us.

Too inflated calves - how to remove the volume?

"Bottles" vernacular name legs with developed calf muscles. Most likely, a girl with voluminous calves is distinguished by an enviable rounded booty, hands without flabbiness - heredity predetermines the shape of the muscles.

To correct it, you need to maintain physical activity at the level of 2-3 aerobic workouts per week, as well as actively engage in stretching, for example, power yoga.

Downward facing dog pose gives a good stretch to the calf muscles. Get into a plank position on your palms. Raise your pelvis up by tensing your abs, stretching the back of your legs and arching upper part back.

The heels tend to the floor, and then there is a stretch in the calves. In this position, try to walk forward on straight legs. Do 10-20 steps in three sets, improving stretching.

How to remove volume if the calves are inflated?

Carry out the reverse procedure. Instead of building muscle mass in the shin area, burn it with cardio loads. But remember that the muscles go evenly on all legs. To preserve the muscle mass of the rest of the legs, back and arms, you will have to load them even more intensively, and simply forget about the calves for a while, add a slow run for 40-60 minutes.

To quickly remove calf muscles or fat on your legs means to aim at changing body composition. "Replace" fat with muscle, or burn both. Cells do not burn out in a day, nor do they grow.

You can lose weight only with a calorie deficit of at least 250 kcal per day, combined with cardio or a lifestyle “on your feet” - mobility and activity. Be slim and irresistible!

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