Exercise at home to remove the stomach. How to remove the sides: the best exercises

the beauty 20.12.2017
the beauty

Many people have fat on their sides, which is not so easy to get rid of. Exercises to, can help in this delicate and difficult matter. Any exercises aimed at burning fat should be complex, since it is impossible to remove the sides and not affect other parts of the body. The weight loss program should include a balanced diet, aerobic and exercise stress to the press area.

A set of tasks without weights

To remove the sides, it is necessary to develop a training program that helps to work out the oblique muscle group of the abdomen and hips. The set of tasks should include inclinations, training for pumping the press and oblique abdominal muscles.

To remove the sides, exercises are done without weights in this way:

  1. Body slopes. Initial position: in a standing position, legs at shoulder level, hips are fixed, upper limbs are located at the waist. The body must be tilted laterally, while pulling it out.
  2. Movements with raising the lower extremities. Starting position: in a standing position, legs are located at shoulder level. You need to do a small squat, the upper limbs are connected and located near the femoral area on the right side. After extension, hands need to make a semicircle to the left side of the thigh so that they pass above the head. The lower limb must be raised to the femoral zone.
  3. Bicycle racing. Starting position: in the prone position, the lower limbs are bent at the knees. When moving, the left elbow reaches to the right knee. Repeat the same with the opposite side.
  4. Lifts to the side. Starting position: lying on the left side, the right limb is fixed behind the head. Shoulder case should look at the ceiling. It is necessary to pump each area for 15 approaches.

You can use weights in the form of dumbbells, since removing the sides is not an easy task and requires a lot of work and attention. This complicates the task in order to get the maximum result at the output. They help speed up the metabolic process and improve body roundness.

Exercises with weights

Weights in the form of dumbbells increase the load on the entire body, thereby helping to remove fat from the sides as much as possible. Such a load will help to remove the sides of a man, because the stronger sex is more resistant to weights. The use of dumbbells can be connected to the above exercises. In addition, there are other tasks that give excellent performance. The most effective exercises to remove fat are considered side slopes.

To do this, you need to place the lower limbs at shoulder level and pick up dumbbells. It is not necessary to use heavy dumbbells from the first classes, two-kilogram weighting agents will be enough. We make a tilt to the left, raises the right hand above the head. We return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

You can do regular twists with dumbbells. The upper limbs are horizontal to the body. It is necessary to do twisting, while the hands are fixed. Only the upper body should work, and the lower body remains motionless in order to work out the sides well.

ball training

To diversify your workout and get the maximum result, you can use a ball or, as it is also called by a fitness trainer, a fitball. During the training on this requisite, tension is removed from the joints of the lower extremities and the muscle group of the press is used to the maximum.

Fitball training to remove the sides is as follows:

  1. Rocking the pelvis. This task involves the entire muscle group of the gluteal zone and lower body, and the oblique muscles of the abdomen are also well worked out. Starting position: sitting on a fitball, the dorsal section is as aligned as possible, the shoulder body is retracted, the lower limbs rest against the surface. It is necessary to swing the props with the lower half of the body, while the body must be fixed and motionless.
  2. Lateral turns with an emphasis on the knee area. Starting position: emphasis in the knees, the props are located on the right edge. The left leg should be placed in front of you bent at the knee. The right upper limb rests on the props, and the left is behind the head. After that, you need to do twisting to the left edge, while the femoral zone remains motionless. This task also helps to make a wasp waist.
  3. Raising the lower limbs. The left side needs to be located on the fitball, and left hand focuses on the floor. The emphasis should be on the feet, while the limbs should be straight. First you need to raise your right leg and return to the starting position. Do the same with the other side.
  4. Circular movements of the legs. Initial posture: in a prone position, the lower limbs are bent at the knees and rest against the ball. Now you gotta roll your feet props in different sides. To complicate the task, you need to press the fitball between your legs and make circular movements at a right angle.

Due to the instability of the fitball, a person must control the balance, thereby starting the process of burning fat, the volumes go away faster. A pleasant moment will be an improvement in body posture. The exercises themselves to remove fat from the sides on the fitball are easy and do not require special training.

Hoop exercises

Very effective in the fight against excess weight in the waist hoop or hula hoop.

The hoop helps to reduce the waist, strengthen the press, hips and get rid of the hated sides. Experts advise twisting it every day for 10 minutes in one go, especially since you can use it without interrupting watching your favorite TV show.

As an excellent bonus, which not only removes the sides, but also relaxes, massage can be. Such movements help to warm up the muscle group, thereby starting the metabolic process and eliminating fat from the sides.

Now, knowing how to remove the sides, you can achieve stunning results, but the main rule in effective training is their systematic and high-quality implementation. It must be remembered that the ideal figure is a long and painstaking process that requires a lot of strength and perseverance.

The problem of body fat on the sides is familiar to many women. Those who are not deprived of a sense of humor, with self-irony, call this fat a lifeline. Getting rid of the sides is not an easy task, so their owners will have to work hard. Item number one on the list of measures to take is exercise.

How to remove the sides with exercise

To achieve the result, first of all, you should pay attention to the lateral muscles of the abdomen and thighs. Therefore, when compiling your fitness program, first of all, it is necessary to include slopes, exercises for the press and strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles. To make the exercises more difficult, and therefore effective, dumbbells will help. They burn calories and improve body shape.

Remove the sides with exercises without weights

1. Body movements. Stand straight, legs apart shoulder-width apart, hips are motionless, hands on the waist. Move your shoulders in different directions and pull the body behind them, while the lower body is completely motionless.

2. Tilts with a knee raise. Standing straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat to the level of a chair, at this time hands are clasped into the castle and are located at the right thigh. Then, straightening up, describe a semicircle with your hands to your left thigh, so that they pass over your head. Raise your leg up to shoulder level.

3. Bicycle. Lying on the floor, bend your knees and lift up. Now stretch your right elbow to your left knee, and vice versa.

4. Side lifts. Lying on your side, place your right hand behind your head. Turn your shoulders so that the ceiling is visible. Do 15 body raises on each side.

Remove the sides with exercises with dumbbells

1. Tilts to the sides. The legs are shoulder-width apart, in the hands of a dumbbell. We tilt to the right and raise the left hand above the head. We return to the starting position. We repeat the same on the left side.

2. Tilts. Hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body. Tilts are performed, while hands are not raised.

Remove sides with fitball exercises

You can make training more interesting, varied and useful with the help of a fitball. During classes on this ball, the load from the joints and legs is removed, and the abdominal muscles are strengthened. Due to its instability, it is necessary to constantly maintain balance, due to which body fat begins to be actively burned and extra centimeters go away. Improved posture will also be a nice bonus. The exercises themselves, performed on the ball, are quite simple and exciting.

1. Movement of the pelvis. This exercise engages the muscles of the buttocks and lower body, as well as the oblique muscles of the abdomen. To do this, sit on the ball, keep your back straight, take your shoulders back, put your feet on the floor. Start rolling the ball with your buttocks in different directions. The body remains stationary.

2. Tilts to the sides with support on the knee. Get on your knees so that the fitball is to your right. Put your left leg forward and bend it at the knee. Place your right hand on the ball and your left hand behind your head. Your body will be tilted slightly to the right. Now tilt to the left, while the hips are motionless.

3. Raising the legs. Lie on the ball with your right side and place your right hand on the floor. The legs are straight, you lean on the outside of the foot. Raise your left leg up, return to the starting position. Repeat the same for the other leg.

4. Clock. Lying on the floor, bend your knees and place them on the fitball. Start rolling it in different directions. To complicate the exercise, you can, holding the ball between your knees, raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. And then lower them to the right and left.

How to remove the sides with a hoop

Very effective in the fight against the "lifeline" sports hoop - hula hoop. Modern hoops are made of durable materials and are equipped with various massage nozzles and even calorie counters. Hula hoop helps to reduce the volume of the waist and sides, and at the same time massages the stomach and hips. It is recommended to twist it twice a day for 15 minutes. And classes can be carried out without looking up from watching your favorite movies or series.

Nice results in the fight against excess fat on the sides, bodyflex exercises are given. This is a special exercise technique based on deep diaphragmatic breathing, combined with stretching and static postures. Positive results will be noticeable in the first week of classes. And after a few days, the fat will begin to “melt”, and in a month the unaesthetic sides will disappear. Bodyflex was developed by Greer Childers, who assures that it is enough to do exercises according to her method for 15 minutes a day.

How to remove the sides with additional tools

As an additional weapon in the fight against the sides, various procedures can be used. For example, electrolipolysis, which is effective method treatment aimed at local fat deposits. During the procedure, the tissue is affected by a current that breaks down dense fats. Due to the frequency of the current, its waves and shape, the effect on the tissues gradually increases. As a result, fat cells are destroyed and naturally excreted from the body.

There is not a single person in the world who, at least secretly, does not dream of perfect figure. A flat tummy and the absence of sides are, first of all, beautiful and indicate excellent health and good health. physical form. It is also a muscular corset that protects the torso from overload and injury.

People who want to pump up the press should draw up their own training program. Follow the regimen, diet and work hard every day.

So, exercises for the press and sides. Here the exercises that exist will be listed, of which you need to choose the most suitable for yourself and perform them every day, gradually increasing the load. Before classes, you need to warm up well and warm up the muscles in order to avoid injuries and sprains.


Do each exercise in three sets of twenty times.
1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and rise 20 degrees, paying attention to the work of the press.
2. The same exercise, but with the rotation of the shoulders to the sides.
3. In the same position, stretch your arms forward and rise to 45 degrees, tensing your muscles as much as possible.
4. Bend the legs at the knees, rounding as much as possible, raise the body, touch the knees.

5. Tightly pressing the lower back to the floor, they simultaneously stretch the body and knees to each other, reaching with their hands to the feet.
6. Lying on your back, touch the opposite knee with your elbow, changing arms and legs.
7. Pressing your back firmly to the floor, raise your legs and hold them on weight for 10 seconds.
8. In the same position, raise your legs alternately.
9. Lying on your back, raise your legs up, supporting your lower back with your hands, hold for 20 seconds, gradually increasing the time.
10. Stretching your legs up, raise the pelvis, alternately lowering it to the right, then to the left.
11. Lying on your back, make scissors with your feet.

12. Lie on your stomach, focusing on your elbows, putting your feet on your toes - hold for a minute.

For the lateral muscles of the press

Do three sets of 20 reps.
1. In a standing position, put your feet shoulder-width apart, close your hands behind your head and make maximum inclinations to the sides.
2. For the next exercise, you will need a simulator - a bench. It is necessary to fix the legs on the bench, but not the torso, lift the body up from each side.
3. Hanging on the horizontal bar, pull the tucked legs alternately to the chest, twisting at the same time.
4. Lie on your side, leaning on your elbow, put your other hand behind your back. On weight, pull both legs to the chest. Roll over to the other side, repeat.

5. Hanging on the horizontal bar, lifting outstretched legs, keeping them at their maximum point.
6. Exercise with a neck. Put it on your shoulders and do inclinations, lingering at the maximum point.
7. Hanging on the horizontal bar, raise the outstretched legs and draw an arc with them.
8. Lie down on the fitball, the support is directed to the lower back, put your hands behind your head and take a deep breath. As you exhale, you need to raise the upper body and try to strain all the muscles of the upper press to the maximum. If there is no ball, then you can do the same on the floor.

You can not lift the entire body completely, the most important thing is to use the upper abdominal muscles. For a good load, you need to do 4 sets of 10 times.

How to remove the sides

The most effective and fastest method will be to use a hoop, twisting it around the waist for an hour a day, the fat on the sides will quickly disappear, only the hoop should be heavy.

The best simulators for the press and weight loss

1. Elliptical Trainer. Simulates fast walking or skiing.
2. Treadmill.
3. Rowing machine.
4. Stepper for weight loss.
5. Exercise bike.
6. Skipping rope.
7. Expander.
8. Dumbbells.
In general, there are many ways to lose weight and make your figure perfect. By compiling your own, individual program and doing it every day, the result will certainly be.

Video on the topic of the article

Women of any age dream of a thin and seductive waist. To achieve it, many go on strict diets and spend grueling workouts in the gym. But such measures do not always help. The only way to achieve a perfectly proportioned figure is a combination of sensible nutrition and special classes. Exercises for the sides and waist will help you completely transform.

Exercises for the sides and waist are most effective in combination with a cardio load.

Avoid Common Mistakes

There are many workouts that promise a chiseled silhouette. But not all of them are effective enough, and some will not benefit the figure at all. How harmful can such exercises be? The following popular techniques will NOT help to remove the stomach and sides.

1. Tilts to the side with dumbbells. When done regularly, they help accelerated growth oblique abdominal muscles, which can make the waist even wider. This exercise is necessary for men who want to comprehensively pump the abdominal muscles. But it is absolutely useless for girls working on a narrow waist.

2. Twisting the hoop. The effectiveness of this device is doubtful, and its harm has medical evidence. Gynecologists strongly recommend giving up hula hoop training. Constant blows of the hoop on the front wall of the abdomen are not physiological. According to doctors, such blows can provoke prolapse of internal organs and other troubles.

3. Performing turns with weight on the shoulders. What do you think happens to your spine if you take a bodybar or bar from a barbell on your shoulders and start twisting your body left and right? The intervertebral discs are compressed under the action of weights, and the distance between the vertebrae becomes smaller. When you turn the case to the right and left, the vertebrae can injure the intervertebral discs and touch each other. When doing exercises for the sides and waist, remember your spine - you have one and for life.

4. Emphasis on strength exercises in the complete absence of cardio. The sides and extra centimeters at the waist are a fat layer. You can remove it only with the help of cardio training.

5. Excessive passion for cardio and lack of strength training. With aerobic exercise, fat burning does not occur locally, but throughout the body. As a result, the effect of training is too “smeared”, and sometimes it is not noticeable at all in certain areas. Exercises for the press and sides are a must if you want to get a beautiful silhouette.

As a cardio workout, you can use anything, up to running up the stairs.

How to train for the best result?

Experts recommend giving classes 3-4 days a week. After a short warm-up, it is necessary to perform a series special exercises for the press and sides. After a short rest, you should do a short but intense cardio workout.

You don't have to go to the gym at all. You can choose between running, jumping rope, dancing and aerobics. It is this approach that will make the muscle fibers of the waist more elastic and thereby give it a clearer outline.

Before you start exercises for the press and sides, you need to properly warm up the abdominal muscles and prepare them for the load. I will not dwell on the warm-up in detail, focusing directly on the exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles themselves. I can only say that the warm-up should include a small cardio part, several exercises to stretch the oblique muscles and prepare the spine.

Warm up

Five to ten minutes of cardio: running, jumping, dancing, step platform exercises or aerobics.

Preparing muscles for exercise

1. Tilts to the sides with outstretched arms - the lateral surface of the body stretches, the spine warms up. Try to bend as low as possible, but smoothly, without jerking.

2. Turning the body right-left - keep the pelvis level and turn only the upper body.

3. Circular movements of the pelvis and body.

Do a pre-stretch on your obliques before you start exercising. Removing the stomach and sides is not an easy task, but if you approach it consciously, you can do it!

Exercises for the sides and waist

The most effective exercises for the sides and waist are various variations of twists.

1. Bending the body in the prone position + twisting in the opposite direction

Starting position. Lie on the mat, hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides, do not interlock your fingers. The legs are bent, the feet are on the floor, the lower back is pressed. Between the chin and chest, the distance is about the size of a fist - it is maintained throughout the entire exercise.

Performing an exercise. Without lifting your lower back from the floor and without bringing your elbows together, lift your body up. Add twisting of the body - reach with your right elbow to your left knee. Get down to the floor smoothly, do not fall on your back, watch your lower back. Repeat on the other side.

2. Bending the body in the prone position + twisting in the same direction

Starting position. The same as in the previous exercise. We lie on the rug, legs bent, hands behind the head.

Performing an exercise. Now add twisting of the body not to the opposite knee, but stretch your elbow to the heel of the same name. That is, stretch your right elbow to your right heel and vice versa.

Twisting is the most effective exercise for the abs and sides.

3. Sitting twist

Starting position. Sit on the mat, legs bent, feet on the floor, body tilted back 45 degrees. At the same time, the lower back is rounded, and the coccyx is twisted forward, the abdominal muscles are tense, the arms are bent at the elbows.

Performing an exercise. Rotate your body and elbows vigorously from side to side. This is an endurance exercise.

Twisting in a sitting position.

4. Twisting in the prone position

Starting position. Lie on the floor, arms outstretched, palms facing the floor. Shoulders are pressed throughout the exercise, try not to tear them off the floor. Raise your legs vertically up and bend at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. There should be a fist distance between the knees. You can pinch a small ball with your knees.

Performing an exercise. Lower your knees bent to the side to the floor, but do not touch the floor. At the same time, the pelvis comes off the floor, but the shoulders should be pressed. Return your legs to the starting position and lower them to the other side.

Lowering your legs to the side, try not to tear your shoulders off the floor.

5. Twisting, lying on your side

Starting position. Lie on your side, bend your legs slightly at the knees and put one on top of the other. Place your lower hand on the floor or on your stomach. Take your top hand behind your head.

Performing an exercise. Lift and twist the body so that top part your body was in such a position as if you were doing a normal crunch. Due to the fact that your pelvis lies on its side, when lifting the body, the oblique muscles will work.

You lift the body straight. The twisting effect is achieved through the position of the legs.

6. Oblique bridge

Starting position. Lie on your side, body straight, legs extended and one above the other. Put your lower hand on your elbow and lean on it. You will get, as it were, a deflection of the body in the lateral plane. Extend your upper arm and place it on top of your thigh.

Performing an exercise. Raise your pelvis off the floor until your torso is in a level position. The weight is distributed between the arm standing on the elbow and the edge of the foot. Take your head away from your shoulder - the neck should be in line with the body. This exercise is done on time. Stay in it for as long as you can.

Raise and lower your pelvis with your oblique abdominal muscles.

7. Plank

Starting position. Take an emphasis lying on your elbows. The body is straight, hands are on the forearms, feet shoulder-width apart rest their fingers on the floor. Make sure that there is no deflection in the lower back. If you want more difficult - lift one leg or put your forearms further forward.

Performing an exercise. Stay in the starting position for as long as possible.

8. Boat

This movement is borrowed from Pilates. Slightly modified "Boat" helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back.

Starting position. Lie down on the floor. Place your hands behind your head without locking the lock.

Performing an exercise. At the same time, tear off the body and straight legs from the floor, trying to bend in half. Hold this position for as long as possible. Do not strain your neck and breathe evenly. After a short rest, repeat again.

Stay in this position for as long as possible.

9. Twisting on a fitball in the opposite direction

It's great to do exercises for the sides and waist on the fitball. The elastic ball relieves excess load from the lower back, additionally loads the stabilizing muscles and allows you to effectively work out even the smallest muscles with the help of twists.

Starting position. Lie down on the fitball with your lower back. Bend your right hand at the elbow and place it behind your head, and stretch your left hand straight in front of you.

Performing an exercise. Raise your body and stretch your left hand to your right knee. Repeat on the other side.

10. Asana "Staff" (dandasana)

Yoga helps tone the abdominal muscles. In addition to the abdomen, the Staff Asana strengthens the hip joints and inner thighs.

Starting position. Sit on the floor and try to relax. Stretch your straight legs in front of you. Point your fingers forward and place your palms on the floor just behind your hips.

Performing an exercise. Press lightly on your fingers and stretch upward, stretching your spine. Don't lift your hips off the floor. Breathe calmly and stay in the pose for 8 breaths. Repeat 2 more times.

This exercise affects the muscles of the body as a whole.

Post workout stretching

End with a stretching exercise.

1. Sit on the floor and cross your legs. Stretch your arms up, and then perform a series of springy tilts to the right and left.

2. If you have a fitball, just lie on it with your lower back and stretch your arms and legs. Stretch in different directions, stretching all the muscles of the press and back.

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Try to exercise regularly. If you do not have time for a full-fledged lesson, do at least a few exercises. To remove the stomach and sides is a doable task that you can easily cope with with the help of our program! published

“A woman’s waist is a tuning fork that determines the sound of the whole figure”. The same can be said about the male waist. These words of Albert Belov have already established themselves in the status of an aphorism and perfectly reflect the topic of this article.

The set of exercises for the waist, which we offer, will help to focus attention on this particular problem area and in a matter of weeks will make the waist narrower and self-esteem higher.

What effective exercises can be used to remove the stomach and sides?

Perhaps the simplest and most affordable exercises to remove fat from the sides are slopes. Feet shoulder-width apart, left hand at the waist, right over the head stretches to the left side. In doing so, you stretch and strengthen the muscles located on the sides of the body.

Remember the Soviet-era home simulator, which was called "grace"? He is still on sale. "Grace" is a flat metal disk on which it is convenient to do twisting: the legs turn in one direction, the torso in the other. This exercise increases blood flow in the waist and abdomen, strengthens the muscle corset and keeps in good shape.

But even if you didn’t inherit “grace” from your mother or grandmother and didn’t find it in the store, this home simulator can successfully replace no less useful waist slimming exercises. Sit in a half-lotus position and, to the rhythmic melody, sharply turn your torso to the right and left to the maximum. How long? Yes, until the melody ends! Start with one minute and work up to three. This will be enough.

We hope that among your home sports equipment there is such useful thing, how ? If not, be sure to get it, especially since the latest developments in this area have advanced a lot. Modern hoops are heavy enough to speed up blood circulation in the desired area and have spikes, like octopus tentacles, which increase the massage effect. Just don't overdo it. 20 minutes is enough to achieve the desired result. If you overdo it, bruising is possible.

A set of exercises to reduce the waist and abdomen

The following effective waist exercises are best done at home.

Tilts again, but this time we will talk about a more advanced exercise, the so-called “triangle”. Stand straight, legs wider than shoulders, arms extended to the sides, keeping parallel to the floor. Lean to the right until your torso is parallel to the floor. Right hand at this stage of the exercise, it touches the right leg below the knee (the lower, the better), the left hand stretches to the right side and is located at a right angle to the right. Resist the temptation to lean forward, make sure you only lean to the side. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, breathe evenly, keep your eyes open. Repeat the pose to the left side.

it super exercise for burning fat in the waist area. Do not neglect it, because it involves those parts of the body that are only partially affected by other exercises for this zone.

Sit on your heels with your hands at your waist or at chest level. Rising to your knees, sit on the floor to the right of your heels. Return to starting position, then sit to the left of your heels, keeping your back straight. Do 10-20 times to the left and right side.

Sit on the floor again, bend your knees, lean behind your body with your hands. Touch the closed knees to the floor to your left, then to your right.

A similar exercise, only performed lying on the floor. Hold your knees to the left and right of your torso for 10 seconds. This exercise gives an excellent stretch of the waist muscles and enhances fat burning in the lateral zones.

Lying on your back, raise both legs vertically and place them on the floor on the right at a right angle to the body. We do the same on the other side.

Variation of the previous exercise. Lying on your back, bend your right leg at the knee, move it to the left, turning your hip strongly, touch your knee to the floor. Straighten your left leg. Then return to the starting position. Do the same with your left foot to the right. Repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg.

Mahi lying on the floor. We lean on the floor with our hands and achieve a strictly lateral swing of maximum amplitude.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, put your hands on the back of your head, pull your elbows back as far as possible. From this position, lean low forward, twisting your torso strongly to the side, touching your elbow to your knee: right elbow to your left knee, left elbow to your right knee. The knees are straight all the time. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

Lie on your side. Raise both legs up 30 times. Do 2-3 sets on each side. End the approaches with a stop: raise your legs up and count to ten. After that, relaxation.

And finally, one of the most effective exercises, which also involves the muscles of the press, back, buttocks and thighs. "Bicycle" without a bicycle, but with twisting. We supplement the traditional “bicycle” with a cross-twisting of the upper body: the left elbow to the right knee and vice versa. Repeat 20 to 100 times.

How often do you need to do exercises for the sides and waist?

As can be seen from the proposed set of exercises, and twisting most of all contribute to burning body fat on. And since you will perform them without weights, the extra muscles on the sides will not grow. But if you're interested in making your obliques visible, then go for it!

With the help of the described exercises, you can quickly remove " Lifebuoy» around the waist, but there is no need to do the whole complex daily. The optimal result can be achieved by doing 3-4 times a week, and you yourself choose which exercises to remove the sides today. That is, to enhance the effect, be sure to alternate exercises and combine easy with complex ones.

To get the most out of your training, build yourself up and increase the load, adding the number of repetitions every week and reducing the pauses between exercises. So the effect of training will be greater, and the training time will remain the same.

By training the waist muscles, you directly engage the muscles and backs, and when using weights (say, dumbbells or water bottles), you also train the muscles of the arms, that is, you solve your other problems along the way.

And remember that exercises performed in the morning before breakfast burn fat much more efficiently than the same exercises done after dinner.

Exercises for slimming the waist and sides in video clips

For those who prefer to absorb information visually, we offer a selection of videos with a variety of exercises for a thin waist.

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