Disease cystitis in women treatment. Treatment of cystitis in the female body. Modern diagnostic methods

Health 09.09.2018

The structure of the pelvic organs in women is such that the urethra has a sufficiently large width with a small length, and the vagina, urethra and anus are located close to each other. This facilitates the penetration of bacteria and microorganisms into the urethra and bladder, where the inflammation called cystitis is localized. Cystitis- this is the most common disease in girls and women, which occurs in almost any female representative throughout life, starting from childhood.

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She said the pills were herbal, but they were much more effective than antibiotics. The sheet of these pills now looks like they are made from cranberry extract, which in recent times advertised on TV. Other ingredients are white birches and forest leaves. For me, these pills are magical, they helped me a lot.

  • Mariana Diankova.
  • Thanks in advance for your replies.
Inflammation Bladder or cystitis can be complicated. At least once in the life of cystitis, every other woman will get sick.

The reasons for the onset of inflammation in the bladder may be different: metabolic disorders with diabetes, infectious diseases of the genital area, hormonal disorders during menopause, poor hygiene of the genital organs in girls.

Microbes (E. coli, Proteus, staphylococci) can live asymptomatically in the urethra, but when hypothermia, weakened immunity or sexual intercourse, they are activated, provoking the onset inflammatory process.

How does he show how he treats and can prevent this unpleasant disease? Of course, bladder inflammation also affects men. However, women are more likely to have a "greater chance" - for the simple reason that the female sex of cystitis is much more "recorded".

Thus, approximately 50% of women have inflammation of the bladder. The most common mechanism of transmission is by the ascending route through the bladder. Because the female urethra is shorter and closer to the rectum than males, bacteria from the intestines are more likely to infect the bladder.

The first signs of cystitis

Usually the first sign of cystitis is a strong urge to urinate, which ends not in relief, but in pain, which disappears only after a while. A woman may experience false urges, during which only a few drops of urine are excreted every half hour.

In addition to painful cramps and the desire to empty the bladder, the onset of the disease can bring slight pain in the pubic area.

Inflammation of the bladder can affect a woman at any stage of life, from almost the first year to a late age. However, the maximum frequency of cystitis is associated with hormonal changes during periods, pregnancy and menopause. Less often there are problems with enterococci. Other agents - such as yeast or viruses - cause inflammation in a very small percentage. The increase in infections in women is associated with the age of puberty, and in men after one year with more difficult urination due to prostate enlargement and therefore urinary disorders.

If the inflammatory process develops gradually, then the cramps and pains are quite easy to stop by taking a warm sitz bath and an antispasmodic tablet, for example, No-shpu.

Drinking plenty of water helps slightly sweetened cranberry or lingonberry juice, which has anti-inflammatory properties and mechanically removes inflammation products from the bladder.

In women, this is usually inflammation of the bladder, while in men, the infection is associated, for example, with inflammation of the epididymis. As mentioned above, cystitis most often affects women. This is due to differences in the structure of their urinary tract. For infection, this difference is one of the main risk factors - the perineal area is very close to the urethra in a woman. Moreover, although it is approximately 20 centimeters long and double-curved, the female is flat and considerably shorter - she measures about 4 centimeters.

The cause of inflammation of the urinary tract is more

There are several other causes of cystitis. The disease is associated with a number of different circumstances. Among the main ones, we can count on insufficient fluid intake. We should not observe this condition only when training in the gym. We often treat bladder inflammation in young girls who spend a beautiful summer day in the pool in wet swimsuits and drink little because drinking in the cabin is expensive. Frequent bladder infections occur even after wild sex games. This is why cystitis is sometimes referred to as "honeymoon disease."

Symptoms of the disease

The development of cystitis leads to the following symptoms:

  • The pain and spasm after urination are aggravated, and the woman cannot even leave the toilet;
  • The first portions of urine may contain a few drops of pus or blood, which indicates the development of severe inflammation;
  • Dull, irritating pain is localized in the area of ​​the pubis and urethra, the lower abdomen rarely hurts;
  • With the progression of the disease, spasms and pain lead to the fact that the urge to urinate becomes continuous, exhausting the woman;
  • Cystitis makes a person think only about the disease, so one of the symptoms is constant nervous tension and irritability;

A purulent infection can cause a general deterioration in well-being, high fever.
During the illness the patient loses his ability to work and the desire to perform the simplest household chores, one desire dominates: to get rid of the symptoms of cystitis as soon as possible.

Irritation can also be caused by a condom or lubricant. And, as we mentioned above, a woman can contribute to a widespread infection even if she wipes her rectum after sweating. It is clear that inflammation of the bladder can be caused by the same mechanism in a little girl who does not yet have proper hygiene habits. In addition, smoking or being in a smoky environment can also be a negative sign of trouble; all this leads to a decrease in the immunity of the mucous membrane.

Watch out for complications - mostly kidney inflammation

Another risk factor, according to some experts, may be inadequate bladder emptying. What happens if we neglect cystitis and we are satisfied with the instant solution of relieving the pain but not addressing the cause of the cystitis? We may well pay off our earnings. If a cystitis woman crosses, most of the time nothing happens, only a similar scenario will repeat itself sooner or later. Some women may experience quite dramatic changes. In the acute phase, the infection may ascend to the renal pelvis.

Diagnosis of cystitis

The diagnosis is made by a urologist, based on examination data and laboratory tests.

Urinalysis in most cases shows the presence of an inflammatory process, the presence of red blood cells indicates the hemorrhagic nature of the disease. Ultrasound of the bladder can indirectly confirm the presence of inflammation, cystoscopy and cystography provide more reliable information about the cause of cystitis, such as stones, tumors, ulcers.

And there will be acute inflammation - cystopyelitis. Its course is much more serious, it is associated with hip pain on the affected side, in the patient fever to fever. This condition often requires injections of antibiotics and hospitalization. More serious is pregnancy, which can lead to abortion. Pregnancy should not only treat acute cystitis, but also the so-called asymptomatic bacteriuria. Bladder infections, which often recur, are associated with vaginal infections - bacterial vaginosis.

Here cooperation with the gynecologist is important. Without treating vaginosis and providing a suitable vaginal environment, we do not discuss recurrent urinary tract infections. In the case of uncomplicated bladder inflammation, it is necessary to increase fluid intake from the onset of symptoms. Suitable for water, unsweetened teas. Sweet lemonade, black coffee and alcoholic drinks are inappropriate - sugar will promote the growth of bacteria, coffee and alcohol, dehydrating the body. Our urine is odorless and bright, colorless.

Independently, at home, cystitis is diagnosed on the basis of subjective sensations, since the cramps and spasms caused by this disease are difficult to confuse with any other.

If a woman discovers there are drops of pus or blood on the linen, and these symptoms are accompanied by unbearable pains or mild discomfort during urination, then this is caused by inflammation of the bladder.

Drinking is recommended to add several well-known herbal blends or over-the-counter nutritional supplements. Drugs containing ibuprofen may be helpful for some time, but only suppress pain. Basic first aid is always "flush", in other words, significantly increases fluid intake! The amount of liquids that we ideally drink depends mainly on physical activity and ambient temperature.

When is the doctor with a urinary tract infection?

Under normal conditions, every 10 kilograms of weight is about 3 deciliters of fluid. Cystitis is a very unpleasant disease that can "shake off" in an even worse case. Therefore, if you do not get rid of the problem within 3 days, do not stay with a sick stomach and burning when urinating at home, and you'd better see a doctor. It is always useful to conduct a bacteriological analysis of urine with a bacterial strain and sensitivity to antibiotics. If cystitis occurs "in full blown", your doctor will likely prescribe appropriate antibiotics.

Alternative methods of treatment of cystitis

Treatment of cystitis must be supervised by a doctor, since this disease often goes into a chronic stage, but alternative methods can be used to alleviate symptoms.

The bladder accumulates fluid in itself, so to relieve pain and spasm, it is advisable to drink fluids as much as possible. Drinks should be medicinal, not irritating the inflamed walls of the bladder. Natural fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries, which contain a natural antibiotic, as well as decoctions of medicinal herbs, help well.

In this case, count on a week or 14-day treatment. It is completely inappropriate to treat the symptoms of the infection. Behind these symptoms may be more serious conditions such as bladders or bladder tumors. Even if you have recurrent bladder inflammation, a urological examination should be ordered.

The term cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that is the result of a bacterial infection, more commonly affecting women. Intestinal bacteria infection is by far the most common cause of bladder inflammation, especially in women with very short urinary tracts. Normally, urine is sterile, which means that it does not contain microorganisms such as bacteria. Bacteria can appear in the bladder without any symptoms, especially in older people. The presence of bacteria in the bladder can be caused by several factors, such as inadequate emptying, leading to stagnant urine and subsequent infection.

Bearberry or bear's ears is a medicinal herb that has an antibacterial and antispasmodic effect.

Dry raw materials are poured with boiling water and covered with a lid, insist on a water bath for half an hour, you can use a thermos for brewing.

Other causes may be certain medications, immobility, abnormal bladder control, and constipation. Even a small drop that you leave behind can harbor bacteria, so you should follow the guidelines below. This is especially necessary for women and girls because they have a shorter urethra than men and are relatively close to the anus. Women and girls should wipe urine from the front and back, towards the rectum, and not the other way around, to prevent transfer of bacteria to the urethra.

In the case of recurrent urinary tract infections, especially in boys, the affected person must be carefully monitored to prevent deformity somewhere in the urinary system, which will prevent the bladder from emptying. Patients with a catheter may have bacteria in their bladder, but they usually do not show any symptoms. There may be minor changes during catheter replacement, which may increase the risk of bladder inflammation or blood infection.

Take as tea, slightly sweetened. A decoction of bearberry flushes out bacteria from the bladder, reducing the intensity of inflammation.

Similarly, you can use a lingonberry leaf. Symptoms usually disappear within a few hours after applying the decoction.

Helpful in relieving pain and spasms herbal warm baths. During the treatment of cystitis, it is especially important to follow a salt-free diet, the amount of sugar should be reduced to a minimum, since these products retain fluid in the body.

An enlarged prostate in older men prevents the bladder from emptying. Other problems such as prostatitis and urethritis can lead to similar symptoms in younger men. If pregnant women have bacteria in their urine, their urine should be cultured twice, whether they have symptoms or not. If the same bacterial strains are confirmed, they should be treated at risk of kidney infection.

Cystitis in women is associated with a greater frequency of sexual activity. We all have bacteria on our skin and, during intercourse, these bacteria can be carried to the bladder near the urethra, where they can cause cystitis. It is good for a woman to empty her bladder after intercourse because it also flushes out some of the bacteria that can cause a urinary tract infection.

For a month, spicy, sour dishes, fried meat and strong broths should be excluded from the diet. All of these foods, especially mustard and other spices, irritate the bladder walls, interfering with the normal healing process.

It usually appears along with urethritis (inflammation of the urethra). The bladder is a sac-shaped organ that stores urine produced by the kidneys. Two ureters flow into it, through which urine enters from the kidneys, and through the urethra, urine from the bladder is excreted from the body to the outside. For an accurate diagnosis, your doctor will need to analyze your urine. This analysis is done to confirm the diagnosis and to determine the type of pathogen bacteria (in order to prescribe the most appropriate antibiotic).

Drops and chlamydia are infections that can cause symptoms similar to cystitis. In addition, there is vaginal discharge, bleeding after intercourse, and inflammation of the suppository. Cystitis in young sexually active men can be caused by a sexually transmitted infection, so immediate medical attention is recommended.

Parasites are especially common among people who have lived in Africa or the Middle East. The bladder can be infected with the schistosomiasis parasite. The symptoms are similar to bladder inflammation, but the bacteria are not present in the urine. Due to the lack of female sex hormones in menopause, significant changes occur in the body. As a result, the urinary system is more likely to become infected.

Rinse the tip of the penis or vagina with warm water (or you may be asked to wipe given area disinfectant). Women should wash first from the front and then from behind. Pour a small amount of urine into the toilet, break off, then fill the test jar with a small amount of urine (about four teaspoons), break again, and then drain the rest into the toilet. You must collect a medium portion of urine. Do not touch the inside of the assay jar.

What are the symptoms of bladder inflammation?

Women who use deodorants or other potentially irritating materials on their genitals may avoid bladder symptoms if they use sutureless preparations. Burning or pain when urinating; frequent urination; cloudy and soapy urine; pain over the pubic bone; children under five years of age have less pronounced signs, such as weakness, irritability, decreased appetite and vomiting; older women may have no symptoms, others may have weakness, they may headache, "confusion", fever; sometimes blood can be seen in the urine. Important fluid intake is sufficient to flush the bladder.

Usually the cause of cystitis are bacteria that enter the bladder through the urethra. The most common causative agent is Escherichia coli (E. coli), normally found in the rectum, although other bacteria or diseases can also cause cystitis.

Based anatomical structure bodies, women and girls are more prone to cystitis than men. In women, the urethra is shorter and located closer to the anus, respectively, it is easier for infections to enter the bladder.

another reason cystitis there may be inflammation of the urethra after intercourse. This is caused by prolonged rubbing of the urethral opening, which can occur during intercourse. Symptoms usually develop within 12 hours after intercourse.

Symptoms cystitis can also be caused by irritation of the external opening of the urethra. Some people, for example, are allergic to vaginal deodorants, perfume soaps and talc, even to colored toilet paper.
Sometimes children get sick with cystitis. In some cases, this is caused by anatomical abnormalities where urine is thrown back into the ureters and the flow of urine through the excretory system is disrupted. child with symptoms cystitis a medical examination is required.

Elderly or disabled people who have difficulty moving around may also suffer cystitis. The reason for this is not fully emptying the bladder or infrequent urination.
Children and adults who wait too long before urinating are most prone to cystitis. In rare cases cystitis may be due to a tumor.

Symptoms of cystitis

In adults, cystitis usually causes frequent and painful urination. The nature of the pain is described as a burning sensation. Urine may smell strongly, be cloudy and bloody. In this case, the state of health may worsen and constant pain in the lumbar region may be felt.
In the elderly and children, the symptoms are often not so obvious. The only symptoms may well be fever. Unfortunately, cystitis can cause very serious complications, the infection can spread upward to the kidneys.

You need to see a doctor urgently if:

Symptoms do not go away during the day (because the infection can spread to the kidneys);
- have a fever, pain in the lower back, blood in the urine;
- these symptoms occur during pregnancy (pregnant women are more susceptible to kidney infections);
- the disease recurs;
- the disease appears when changing sexual partners;
- the disease manifested itself in a child or in a man.

What can a doctor do

You may need tests to check the condition of your bladder, urethra, and kidneys. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. In some cases, surgery may be needed.

If a cysts t repeats (relapses), you should replace the bath with a shower. A regular shower or bidet makes cleaning much easier.

After intercourse, urinate. In this case, the bacteria that have fallen on the opening of the urethra will be washed out before they begin to multiply.

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