How to get rid of swollen legs. How to get rid of excess muscle mass

the beauty 23.10.2017

It's no secret that when losing weight, fat is not burned evenly, but from different zones, and sometimes from the most unexpected ones, and in order to remove it exactly in the place where it is required, you need to make a lot of effort. But when it comes to areas of the body such as the calf muscles, you need to use completely different methods. The fact is that problems with volumes in the calf area can have a different cause: both obesity and too much workload during training. That is why the fight against caviar should be deliberate and systematic.

To quickly remove calf volume, you will need not only regular physical exercise but also good quality food. It is not in vain that they constantly talk about it when it is necessary to burn fat in any part of the body, since it is precisely due to improper nutrition (and it includes irregular nutrition too) that the body constantly stores fats, putting them aside “just in case”.

Video: calf reduction exercises

To reduce calves in one week, you will need regular cardio, which will include a lot of leg exercises. If you just work out the calves, not paying attention to burning fat throughout the body, then you will not see much result, but you will only pump up the calf muscles under a layer of fat.

1. Running, in this case, passes on the toes, due to which the calves develop and act. Thick calves can be well "burned" on aerobics, doing climbing stairs on tiptoes.

2. Perfectly burn fat and reduce the volume of jumping rope. Such jumps simultaneously make the legs slimmer and pump up the muscles, highlighting them with a beautiful line. It is recommended to jump for about 20 minutes on two legs and at least 5 minutes (for starters) on each leg separately.

3. You can reduce very thick calves with the help of squats and rolls. The difficulty with squats is that they need to be done on toes. Legs brought together, socks pointing in different sides, with your hands, you can, for certainty, hold on to the back of a chair or to the wall. Rising on your toes and spreading your knees to the sides, squat as deep as possible. This plie perfectly trains the calves.

4. Leg swings stretch the muscles, which is also necessary to obtain the desired result. Holding on to a chair or a wall, lift your straight leg forward, pulling your toe away from you, keeping the muscle in tension. Swings are made with sharp movements: back and forth. It is advisable to do 40-50 repetitions for each leg.

How to reduce pumped calves

Many athletes, as well as those who go in for sports on their own, face another problem - pumped calves. Pumped calves appear from regular loads on the legs and when allocating a minimum amount of time for stretching. Despite the fact that the "drying" of the muscles has an excellent effect on the volume of the figure, its plasticity is best emphasized by stretching the muscles. That is why professional coaches and athletes devote some time to stretching all the muscles after each workout. In this case, we are interested in calf - and the results can be seen in a week.

1. Sitting on the floor, bring your legs together and lean towards your toes. Socks need to be pulled first towards you, and then away from you. In each position, you should linger for half a minute to a minute and breathe deeply, as oxygen allows muscle fibers to function better and stretch.

2. Standing straight, bend one leg, and put the other straight forward a little forward, the sock stretches towards you. Bend over to a straight leg, clasping a tense toe. In this position, you also need to stand for at least 30 seconds, and then change legs.

Beautiful toned legs are the dream of every girl, but what if their relief is far from ideal? For example, if the calves on the legs are so strong and voluminous that it makes choosing a wardrobe problematic: don’t wear a miniskirt, tight jeans don’t fit.

Are you also familiar with this problem and would like to reduce the volume of your calves? Then this article is for you. Let's look for ways to solve this difficult task together.

Possible Causes of Full Calves

Before you run to the gym or start exhausting yourself with a diet, you need to understand the reasons for this completeness. So, let's begin:

  • Calves on the legs may be voluminous due to the presence of edema . You do not know how to determine if you have edema? It is enough to take off your socks and look at the ankles of your legs. Are there rubber marks on them? This is an undoubted consequence of the developed edema.

Another indication of the presence of edema can be a problem with putting on shoes: if the shoes that you put on without problems in the morning suddenly become cramped for you in the evening.

Another simple way to determine puffiness: press your finger on the leg in the place where dry bone appears. If the soft tissues of the leg are immediately smoothed out, there is no edema; the remaining hole indicates the presence of edema.

How to deal with edema

  • The surest remedy for edema is to follow a diet that prohibits fatty and salty foods.
  • The use of diuretics will help remove excess fluid from the body.
  • To alleviate your condition, you can rest by giving your legs an elevated position, placing a pillow under them, or simply throwing them on the wall or back of the sofa.
  • Be sure to visit a doctor, as swelling can signal the onset of a serious illness.
  • You can reduce the volume of calves by performing special physical exercises doing jogging and step aerobics.

Let's continue the list of reasons leading to excess calf volume:

  • Calves on the legs may be full due to excess weight. . The first means of combating this problem should be a strict diet and intense exercise. In this case, you can reduce the calves on your legs if you seriously take up running, swimming, jumping rope, and also start taking long walks.

Since walking on stairs, exercises using a step bench and jumping on toes are the types of loads that help reduce volume. calf muscles, you should definitely include them in your daily workouts.

  • One more the reason for the fullness of the calves may be excessive training of the calf muscles. This situation is typical for people who are too intensely involved in sports or dancing.

How to reduce the calves in this case? If you consider yourself to be a trained person, tune in to the fact that this process will be quite long and difficult: after all, we are talking about the muscles that we use with every step and movement.

You should try to make sure that your legs do not experience too much stress. Your diet in this case should significantly limit the amount of protein-containing foods, as well as sweet and fatty foods. A large number of fruits and vegetables in your diet will help control weight and adjust the figure (including the shape of the calves).

With pumped calf muscles, you should perform exercises aimed at stretching the calf muscles as often as possible, since these exercises help to stretch them and visually reduce them.

What should be abandoned

In order to reduce the volume of your calves, you need to consider the following points:

  • Uncomfortable, tight, high-heeled or platform shoes should disappear from your wardrobe.
  • You must forever give up the habit of sitting with your legs tucked under you: such a position disrupts blood circulation, which will inevitably lead to an increase in calf size.
  • You shouldn't drink three hours before bed.
  • Smoked, fatty, spicy and sweet foods have no place in your diet.
  • Cycling increases the volume of the calf muscles, so if you are trying to reduce them, you will have to, if not give up on the bike, then at least limit the duration of trips (at least twice).
  • You will also have to reduce the duration of your walks, since long walking also promotes the development of the calf muscles.
  • When doing fitness, do not forget to exclude leg exercises from your training program.

A set of stretching exercises

To reduce the volume of your calves, perform this complex several times a day, based on the principles of callanetics (gymnastics for unhurried muscle relaxation):

  • As a warm-up, do a few squats and run on your toes for two minutes.
  • Take a stable position and stretch for a long time (head and arms) towards the floor. Breathing should be slow, and the stretching muscles should feel warm.
  • Stand up straight. Bend one leg (transferring body weight to the other) and grab the foot of the raised leg. After that, you should gradually straighten it so that the legs are at right angles to each other.
  • Change legs and do the same manipulation with the other leg. After that, you can give yourself two or three minutes to rest.
  • Completing the complex, imagine yourself as a ballerina and walk on tiptoe for half a minute. This exercise promotes the development of muscle relief.

Force yourself to do all the exercises of this complex every day (at least three times a day), and in a couple of months you will be able to see the first positive results of your efforts.

Complex for pumped calves

  • Straighten up, legs slightly apart, put in parallel. Slowly rise on your toes (2 sets of 25 times).
  • Stand up straight and lift your bent knee. Shifting body weight to the other leg, slowly rise to the toe (15 times for each leg).
  • Standing on a small hill so that your heels hang down, rise on your toes, and then lower yourself onto your heels.
  • Standing straight, turn your feet with your toes inward and rise on your toes from this position (25 times in one approach).
  • Kneeling down, stretch your arms out in front of you. Sit down alternately (on the right, then on the left) surface of the hips. Remember to keep your back straight during the exercise.
  • Having taken a lying position, lift your legs up (bent at the knees), and then alternately pull the toe of each leg towards you.

You can create your own set of exercises, consisting of:

  • In forward bends (from a sitting position, as well as a position with socks pulled over).
  • In all sorts of squats, leg swings, rotations of imaginary pedals.

The most optimal loads

It is impossible to reduce calf volume with stretching exercises alone. It will help you solve this problem A complex approach(consisting of a diet combined with intense physical activity):

  • You can not do without prolonged aerobic exercise. Lessons should be at least 40 minutes long. What loads are best for you?

You can choose from trail running (or easy mode on a treadmill), stationary bike, brisk walking, or going up and down stairs.

  • Excellent results can give water aerobics.
  • Step aerobics workouts are no less useful.

We hasten to reassure girls who are afraid to overtrain too voluminous calf muscles: under the condition of independent training, building up muscle mass impossible. This is due to the insufficient intensity of training, and the lack of special sports nutrition rich in proteins.

If you follow all the recommendations given in this article, you can achieve an improvement in the shape of your legs. Do not stop half way, remember: you will see the result of your efforts only a few months later, but isn't the ideal shape of the legs worth it?

Many women are often tormented by the question of how to reduce the calves of their legs - they do not succeed in this. The thing is that when a person loses weight, the loss of excess weight occurs unevenly, and it can be very difficult to cope with fat in certain problem areas. But you should not fall into despair, you can always find a way out here. Exercises to reduce the calves of the legs will help you achieve the result - with their help, you can solve this problem much faster and easier. You just need to be patient and be purposeful.

To remove the calves on your legs, you will have to not only eat right and balanced, but also exercise regularly. In this case, you must always take into account some of the nuances.

  • If you are exercising with the help of simulators, you need to exclude exercises for the legs, as muscle mass will increase, and the calves of the legs will only become larger.
  • To reduce the calves of the legs, you need to pay more attention to stretching the legs. For this, yoga, Pilates or regular gymnastics are suitable.
  • You can also remove calves on your legs with the help of ordinary aerobic exercise, jump rope and step aerobics.
  • When choosing a diet to reduce calves, you should not dwell on radical methods. To get the result, it is enough not to eat four hours before bedtime, and to make the usual diet a little more balanced.

Exercises to reduce calves

Consider effective exercises, performing which in combination, you can solve the problem of a large volume of calves. The only condition here is the regularity of execution and the mood to get the final result.

  1. To reduce the calves in volume, you need to jump rope regularly. Within ten to fifteen minutes you need to jump on two legs, and then five minutes on each leg separately. Thanks to these exercises with a skipping rope, extra calories are consumed and the calves on the legs are “dry”.
  2. Ballerinas have always been distinguished by slender legs - our next exercise is borrowed from them. To perform it, you need to stand straight, put your feet parallel to your shoulders and squat, while straining your thigh muscles and bending your knees. For the first twenty squats, focus on the entire surface of your feet, and for the next twenty, rise on your toes.
  3. To perform the following exercise, you will need a regular chair. Its back will be used as a support. You need to stand next to the support, put your feet in parallel. Then stretch the right leg forward, while pulling the toe strongly. Then do a quick swing back. The same movement must be performed with the left foot. The exercise requires forty to fifty repetitions, while you need to control that the calf muscles are tense.
  4. The next exercise is called rolls. To perform it, you need to stand on your heels and take two to three dozen steps, then quickly roll onto your toes and take twenty to thirty steps again. Rolls should be repeated three or four times.
  5. After the whole set of exercises is completed, you need to stretch your legs. To do this, we put our feet shoulder-width apart, and then we make alternate lunges forward with both legs, fixing the position for a few seconds and returning to the starting position.
  6. It is also very effective to squat slowly to reduce calves, while legs should be wide apart.
  7. After training and stretching are completed, the calves of the legs should be massaged and rubbed with a dry towel. This increases blood circulation in the legs and increases the effectiveness of the workout.

Not everyone is happy with their body. Someone does not like the volume of the hips, someone is worried about being short, and some do not know how to reduce the calf muscles on their legs. The solution to the last problem is not as difficult to find as it might seem: you just need to determine for what reason the caviar is too large. Sometimes the point is not at all in the pumped muscles of the legs, but in the swelling of the limbs or a large amount of subcutaneous fat. So take your time looking for leg exercises on fitness resources to reduce calf size. Start by identifying the cause.

Causes of an increase in calf volume
  1. Swelling of the limbs. You can determine if your legs are swollen by several signs:
    • in the evening, when you return home and take off your socks, a characteristic rubber mark remains on your ankles;
    • apply pressure with your fingers on the leg where the bone is closest to the surface of the skin. If the formed hole disappears slowly, then there is edema;
    • at the end of the day, it is more difficult for you to put on shoes than in the morning. Shoes that seemed to fit you seem to be narrow.
    A special diet will help you cope with puffiness. Try to avoid fatty and overly salty foods. It is also recommended to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the edema and, if necessary, undergo a course of medical treatment.
  2. Excess weight. The volume of the calves increases as the mass of the whole body increases. Therefore, the first thing to do is to change your diet and increase physical activity. Try to walk more, use the stairs instead of the elevator. Rope exercises, running, swimming will help to lose weight and reduce the volume of calves.
  3. Too much exercise on the muscles of the legs. The most difficult thing is to reduce the calf muscles on the legs, which have increased in volume due to too intense sports. In this case, it can be advised to revise the training schedule and slightly reduce the load. For some time, it is worth limiting yourself to protein foods. And, of course, include some stretching exercises in your workouts.

    Stretching exercises for the leg muscles

    • Starting position: standing, hands down. Inhale - raise your hands up, exhale - bend over and try to touch the floor with your palms. We stretch to the floor without bending the knees, then return to the starting position. Repeat 15 - 20 times.
    • Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other. We inhale, as we exhale, slowly rise to the toes. Inhale - and return to the starting position. Repeat 20-30 times.
    • Starting position: standing, body weight on the right leg, raise the left leg and bend at the knee. On the exhale we rise to the toe, on the inhale we lower the foot. Repeat 10-15 times and change legs.
    • Starting position: take a step forward, bend your right leg and rest your palms on it. Slowly bending the right leg at the knee, gradually lower the body. You can increase the stretch by slightly increasing the distance between the feet. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, change legs.
In some cases, it is more advisable to pump up the hips than to reduce the calf muscles. Look carefully at your legs in the mirror and try to imagine yourself with corrected hips - maybe this is just your option.

To begin with, you should really make sure that the problem is in excess muscle mass, and not in body fat. If the reason is fats, a corrected diet will help to partially get rid of excess volumes. If the legs have a large volume due to the muscles, a complete change in the training plan will be required. A person will be required to give full dedication and constant regularity in performing exercises.

The solution to the problem of how to remove the muscles in the legs may lie in a change in diet or in the introduction of nutritional supplements into the diet. In terms of training, to reduce calves, you will need a large number of sets and repetitions with light and medium weights. An increased aerobic load, aimed at a general decrease in body weight and volume, will also be useful. Such training is used by any marathon runner before the competition.

At the beginning and end of each workout, you should pay attention to the treadmill or other cardio equipment. Cycling is a good addition to general training. The time allotted for training should be 30-40 minutes, no more and no less. Classes should be held at least 3-4 times a week. It is also necessary to sign up for fitness and step aerobics courses. So the leg muscles will stay in shape.

Intense running, dancing, aerobics, swimming - all lead to a decrease in muscle volume. In addition, this is an excellent solution for reducing body fat in problem areas. Do not neglect and anaerobic loads. They train endurance and help dry the muscles. Muscle tissue under the influence of reusable exercises will steadily decrease.

Every sprinter should think about proper nutrition to reduce leg muscles. It is necessary to completely remove fatty foods, fast food and convenience foods from the diet. It is also necessary to refuse sweet, flour, sugar in its natural form. Healthy fats are obtained from olive oil and nuts. Don't eat after your workout for 2-3 hours. If you do not follow this rule, the entire effect of reducing muscle mass will be minimized. You can not get carried away with simple carbohydrates, they will only lead to useless weight gain and body fat.

To reduce fat deposits, you will need to limit yourself to protein. As for excess muscle mass, on the contrary, you will need food with a high protein content. Lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, seafood, and other dairy products are perfect. To reduce volumes, you will have to limit the amount of meat in the diet. It contains building material for all muscle groups.

You can achieve the desired result only by observing all the above rules. The duration and intensity of classes is selected individually based on the capabilities of each individual person. Meals can also be customized. These recommendations will make the muscles on the legs less pronounced and will help keep them in good shape. At the same time, the legs will become even more slender and feminine.

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