Tom Clancy division machine guns. The Division Guide: Best Weapons and Character Builds for Groups and Solo

Tourism and rest 04.08.2019
Tourism and rest

Whatever style of play you choose in The Division - co-op with random players or friends or a solo game, there are a large number of weapons and builds that will allow you to clean up the streets of New York from various opponents without any problems.

Weapons and builds in multiplayer game:

Although an integral part of the game is the use of cover and shooting from them, it is directly intertwined with the RPG system, which is filled with skills, upgrades, gun modding and items.

  • Always carry two different types weapons in the secondary and primary slot. Thanks to this, you can effectively deal damage at different distances. One of the most optimal combinations is a shotgun with a rifle.
  • Don't forget about armor and weapon modifications. Due to these bonuses, your characteristics will significantly increase.
  • Since you can change the character's abilities at any time, in cooperative mode it is necessary to agree on the skills used - the more of them, the more effective.
  • Be sure to use Momentum, both in co-op and solo.
  • In difficult missions, a separate medic is a must.
  • You will receive even more opportunities when pumping and improving the Base.

Sniper build The Division

This build is great for players who prefer to take out opponents at a great distance. Sniper is a great solo build because no one can steal your kills. In a team game, the sniper acts as support, covering the entire battlefield and protecting his teammates.

main gun - Sniper rifle with 12x zoom. Due to some options, you can get additional experience for hitting the head.

secondary cannon - assault rifle with mods for stability and accuracy. It will protect you at close and medium distances, while the style of play will not change. Also good against enemies with melee cannons and in situations where you need to save ammo.


  • Momentum - to highlight opponents and make a headshot at the right moment.
  • Turret - when playing in a team or if you can stay without a first-aid kit. With its help, you can distract opponents, the main thing is to position it correctly.
  • Modification of the Tactical Scanner - headshots will be even more deadly.


  • Tactical Superiority and Evasive Maneuver - to take the necessary position.
  • One shot - additional experience from shots.
  • Strong arms for powerful rifles.

Equipment modifications:

  • Capabilities;
  • Health;
  • Damage increase.

The Division Tank Build

This build is great for players who prefer to fight in the forefront, rather than sit in ambush. You will act as a shield for your teammates and absorb damage. In solo where this build is the most tenacious.

main gun – as you might have guessed, tank damage is not a priority. So you can take a light machine gun. With it, you will put pressure on opponents and focus on yourself. As modifications, take the extended store and stability.

secondary cannon - machine gun or rifle, but the best solution would be a rifle that deals incredible damage at close range.

Skill #1:

  • Smart cover is most effective in co-op mode, because your teammates can hide behind it and quickly eliminate the enemy.
  • Disguise.
  • Reload - if the team does not have a medic or first-aid kits.
  • Extension and Portable Shelter - for solo play.

Skill #2:

  • Impulse - to detect the enemy.
  • First Aid is for solo play.
  • Turret - to crush the enemy.


  • Stopping power.
  • Desperate times.
  • evasive maneuver.
  • tactical superiority.

Equipment modifications :

  • For maximum health - Stamina / Stamina.

Support / Support Build The Division

This build is a pure support that focuses on the turret. In a solo game, the turret can be used as a tank to distract the enemy while you deal the main damage.

For this build, the Wildfire talent and the Drakov's Breath mod are taken, or Scare Tactics with the Shocker mod - the choice is yours.


  • First Aid and Momentum for solo survival.
  • Turret.
  • Sticky bomb with explosive talents - for increased and AoE damage.


  • Chain reaction.
  • Explosives expert.
  • Recalibration - the turret will stand longer.


  • Silencer - all attention should be focused on the turret.
  • Electronics - to use the turret as often as possible.

And they already got the initial loot, and maybe already “blue” - but the best weapon and equipment can only be obtained in one place - the “Dark Zone”.

But you can’t get this weapon either, you can only buy it from a seller who lives in “ dark zone"in a place called" safe house". In order to purchase this weapon, you will need a currency that can be obtained in the “Dark Zone” for killing “mobs” or other players.

Mining currency in the Dark Zone

The simplest, but longest, is an endless grind, over and over again running around several spawn locations. Faster, but many times more difficult, this is the killing of players. But here there are two ways:

First: kill players who have a bounty on their heads (red skulls on the map). These are players who have already entered into battle with other players, and did it first, which means they should not be pitied.

Second: to become a “killer” yourself, but then you will need a detachment - gather friends, and set up “ambushes” in the “extraction zones”. The method is “fun”, but not safe.

Once you have a decent Dark Zone Rank (DZ Rank) of 12, head to the location shown on the map.

Dealer in the finest weapons The Division

This merchant lives in the zone, but you can only get to him if you are not a target and there is no reward for you, and in this moment don't shoot.

The following items can be purchased from him during the Closed Beta:

After the release of the game, the "range" will change every 24 hours, so visit often. Post-release The Division the procedure is the same. Grinding, PVP, buying weapons and so on, until you max out and find the best weapons and gear - that's the whole point of an MMO.

You probably noticed that in The Division you need not only to shoot mindlessly - a skill applied at the right time can save you and your team in battle, and competent placement of talents is vital. Together with the vg247 edition, we find out , which skills, talents and modifications are best used for characters of different builds.

  • Always carry weapons of two different classes, not counting the pistol; no need to carry two rifles at the same time - you will very quickly be left without cartridges. Best choice: Rifle for long distance and a submachine gun for close combat.
  • In The Division, you can change active abilities at any time, so it makes sense to discuss all the roles in the team in advance. You obviously won't need multiple medics and one tank, the more skills a group can use, the more tactics available to you.
  • Modify your weapons: attaching scopes, grips and improved magazines gives serious bonuses to the characteristics of weapons, especially noticeable at high levels.
  • In a team, even if it consists only of you, there should always be a player with the "Momentum" ability.
  • It's best if everyone on the team can heal at least a little.


Like to hit from afar, but always sure? Sniper is your choice. A player with this build feels good in single player, and if he is covered by several friends with rifles, then the game becomes easy and enjoyable.

Get good rifle with a twelvefold sight and consider that half the battle is done. Your secondary weapon will be an assault rifle with modifications for accuracy and stability, it will help you deal with enemies that get too close, and at least can replace the main weapon if you run out of ammo.

Try to pick up equipment with a bonus to the Weapon, and consider all other characteristics as secondary.

Use the "Impulse" ability to highlight opponents; after learning the Tactical Scanner modification, enemies marked with an impulse will receive more damage. The second useful ability is "First Aid", but if you can do without it, then it is better to take the "Turret" - it can act as a cover.

As for talents, you might want to use Tactical Offensive and Evasive Maneuver, a good choice might be " firm hand and "Was there a shot?"


Armed with a light machine gun, a tank can survive for an incredibly long time, even alone, by intelligently moving between covers and using skills.

As you already understood, the best weapon for a tank is a light machine gun, excellent tool to suppress opponents. Don't forget to set mods for stability and magazine size. A secondary weapon of a tank can be practically anything: a shotgun, a submachine gun or an assault rifle, the main thing is that it can quickly lay siege to opponents who have crept up to you at the moment of reloading. In addition, the tank will need equipment with a focus on Health.

If you are working as part of a group, then the best skill is "Smart Cover", which solves almost all problems. If there is no medic in the group, then the "Recharge" modification can help you, turning your shelter into a first-aid post. If you are working alone or with two people, then try using the Mobile Shelter skill with the Increased Shelter modification.

The best talents for a tank are Desperate Situation, Stopping Action, Tactical Advance, and Evasive Maneuver.


The support specialist's best friend is the turret, it can even act as a tank if you are traveling alone.

You can use any weapon, but try to equip it with a silencer - let the opponents pay attention to the turret, and not to you. Find equipment with bonuses to Electronics, it is this characteristic that is responsible for the power of the turret.

The obvious choice of one of the skills is "Turret", however, with the help of modifications, you can turn it into either a melee weapon (Dragon's Breath) or a shocker that hits several opponents (Electroshock). The second skill can be Impulse, First Aid, or Sticky Bomb (if you're confident enough).

And take the talent "Technical support", it will extend the time of your turret.


Do you want to be a healing specialist indispensable in the Dark Zone, high-level missions and future raids? Welcome.

Your the best choice- "First Aid" skill with the "Defibrillator" modification, so you can help your allies without approaching them. Take the "Field Medical Post" with the modification "Ammunition Depot" as the second skill - the allies will definitely like it.

"Emergency" is an indispensable talent for the Medic, speeding up the recovery of your skills. In addition to him, you can take the talent "Military Doctor" or "Combat Brotherhood".

Use equipment with a bonus to Electronics, only it is important for a medic. The Medic can use any weapon, but try to avoid shotguns: close range combat is not your forte.

When almost three years ago at the exhibition E3 2013 we were shown for the first time Tom Clancy's The Division she looked just amazing. However, after several transfers, lower graphics, many began to believe less in the success of this project. But in the end - a few weeks after launching worldwide - The Division managed to achieve success and recognition from the majority of the players.

If you were as satisfied with the final project as I was, then you would play this game non-stop for days on end. After all, why not? This is a large-scale project that is so rich both in gameplay and visually that you are unlikely to get bored with the game.

With that in mind, it's time to look at various features and secrets that you may not have discovered, but it would still be useful to know about them before you sit down for The Division. The game has so many aspects that are not immediately easy to discover, but when you discover it, it becomes much more interesting to play. I'm here just to talk about the most interesting moments of the gameplay, to help make your agent the most effective.

Here are ten good advice, which the game is silent about:

10. You can take a leap of faith.

Compared to other series Ubisoft- Assassin's Creed- jumping in The Division is not so graceful. But they can be extremely useful to get to the extraction point quickly if you are pinned down by enemy fire.

While in the game you can safely climb an obstacle and jump over it, there is essentially no free jumping here. You will have to go down stairs, moving from one platform to another, and this can go on for a long time. This is fine in normal play, but if you're under pressure from enemies, you can make yourself an easy target by getting stuck on one of the stairs or platforms.

But in places where a certain icon appears at the ledges, you can go down in one click. This is especially useful in Dark Zone where you are, seeding on one of high points can't find a way to get down fast. Of course, you will receive some damage, but this is much better than a few dozen headshots.

9. Animals can be useful bait

You may feel a little guilty after these actions, but before you judge, answer one question: can a dog, pigeons or an infestation of rats bring New York back from the clutches of rioters and ex-cons? Of course not, so stop worrying about them.

Since the types of enemies in the game are varied, you can use this tactic on the stronger ones to lure them to a place where you can quickly deal with them. This is especially useful against enemies who will quickly try to eliminate you on first contact, so it can give you a chance to catch up early.

Just make sure you light the candle for the animal afterwards, when your safety has not been compromised...

8. You don't have to see things to find them.

The technology available to agents in The Division is extremely advanced, and its limits go far beyond what can be used in combat. Computerized voice companion ISAC great for pointing out checkpoints and Intel mission points, but it can do a lot more than you think.

In fact, ISAC can essentially be your eyes when looking for loot anywhere on the map. There are boxes and crates full of gears and parts scattered all over New York, but some of them are so small and well hidden that they can easily be missed by the human eye. You are lucky that you do not necessarily rely only on your eyes.

If you move close enough to any cache, ISAC will mark the location of the cache on the minimap to alert you to its location. This can be especially useful when you're indoors, where rooms and hallways can get very dark, even at the game's recommended brightness settings. You will never miss materials and things with ISAC at your side!

7. You can use quick skills if you are in trouble.

In most combat situations, the only correct solution for your agent to get through the hordes of enemies is to use unique combat skills. Since both you and your opponents are arrows, running at them head-on and shooting in front of you is not always the best idea.

All these skills are very useful, and even necessary, some of them allow you to lure enemies out of cover and cover them with lead rain. Throwing a sticky bomb at a target can disable enemies in a huge radius, but on the other hand, you can become vulnerable and get under sniper fire.

Of course, you may not immediately understand this, but skills do not have to be accurate in order to be effective during firefights. By simply pressing the skill button, you will quickly release a sticky bomb, attaching to the target with minimal aiming, and the game will do all the work for you. The mine detector can also be activated without having to leave cover, and you can then control it through enemy territory until a mine is found, or you turn it off yourself.

6. You can find free items in your base of operations

Improving the main base of operations in The Division can be a bit of an afterthought for many players; even in its early stages, it contains suppliers Restock, which can give you weapons and supplies even if you haven't bothered to upgrade your base in the story step. It is extremely important to know that out of the pile of upgrades that the game offers us, there are very useful ones.

In addition to additional upgrades and skill modifications that you can purchase here, there are also free items. Some of them are quite simple, such as team upgrade purchases that offer a piece of clothing appearance once every two hours - although I must admit that I spent much more time making my agent look really cool, and not like some kind of backyard bully.

The field engineering upgrade will allow you to collect free crafting tools in the tech wing every few hours, meaning you won't have to search the world for them. Bearing in mind that the best gear and weapon options are self-made and not purchased, they are a great bonus; if I had taken the time to read the fine print of the updates I would certainly have played the game a little differently.

5. Your movement skills can be devastating.

We've already talked about how important it is to be able to move in order to maintain your dominance over aggressive villains in New York, but mixing these moves in the right direction can help make them even more devastating. Since there will always be more enemies, so the more often you use your abilities, the more chances you have to level your powers.

During my time in the game, I found myself using a sticky bomb mine detector a lot and realized that they could be combined to huge effect. The double strength of the explosions will deal massive damage, making them the most effective against elite enemies.

Shooting a sticky bomb within range of a group of enemies is the first step, as they often don't see or hear the bomb until it hits one of them. Then we roll the mine detector out of cover and let it detonate the thrown mine to double the explosion. You can increase the damage even more if you take a perk that increases explosion damage immediately after the previous one, as there will be a slight delay between them, then you will definitely see it.

4. The game has a target marking system

As in most games under the name Tom Clancy, The Division has a targeting system that many players don't really know. I have to admit that I stumbled across it by accident while trying to activate consumables, but what I found might help when marking strong enemies in major combat scenarios.

ISAC will always help you a little by highlighting enemies if you focus on them for a few seconds, but if you press up on your gamepad (or PC equivalent) the UI will mark the target and an orange diamond marker icon will appear over your head so you don't lost sight of the enemy. In addition, if you hold the direction, then activate a five-second timer countdown, which is ideal for coordinating attacks with teammates, or quickly marking the enemy and redirecting your squad's attention.

For myself, I found this to be most useful against snipers or fast enemies. Snipers tend to run from one vantage point to another and this is easy to miss as they are not always in line of sight. Keeping a close eye on fast enemies has obvious advantages, as they can quickly surround you if you are busy with other targets.

3. Damage per second is not the most important weapon stat

As a die-hard user of assault rifles in games, it has always been important to me to increase damage per second for all types of weapons. I was just sure that it was the only stat that mattered and that by doing that I was always the most effective in combat.

When switching to a slower and more economical class of rifles, I found myself much more dangerous at longer ranges. While I could take an assault rifle and riddle my enemies, accurate shots from sniper rifle were much more effective despite her damage per second.

This is just one case where one characteristic is not effective enough in certain form weapons, and so it's definitely worth trying a few options before stubbornly locking yourself into one class.

2. EMP grenades interrupt the use of enemy abilities

Since the Dark Zone is ultimately where players spend most of their time, it's important to make sure you don't just go there as cannon fodder for better equipped players. Your skills can get you out of trouble against other players, but you must master them well.

It is worth knowing that there is an element that will limit the opponent's use of his skills for a short time. throwing EMP grenade, you're destroying their technology, which means they won't be able to use healing tactics or deploy bombs for a few seconds.

This element is actually explained by the game, but there is another benefit. While EMP grenades will prevent the enemy from using the skill for a few seconds, the grenades will also destroy any items deployed by the skills within their radius. This means you can easily disable pesky turrets with ease, or even stop a mine detector before it gets too close.

1. The effectiveness of the characteristics is much more important

The Division gives you many ways to deal damage with a variety of skills and weapons. And there are even longer lasting effects that come with some attacks. Frag grenades and shots have a chance to make enemies bleed and continue to lose health, while catching fire will also have the same effect.

Some grenades can also disorient, making it possible to finish off targets while they are temporarily stunned. These primary effects are useful in playable arenas, but there are also secondary effects that become even more effective in the Dark Zone, where even tiny benefits can come between life and death.

Bleeding and the effects of fires will slow down enemies sprinting, thus minimizing the chances of a quick escape, while disoriented enemies will not be able to hide behind cover until the effect wears off. These extra bonuses can make all the difference in the Dark Zone, even against experienced players, so never underestimate the benefits of less aggressive grenades or their lasting effect.

And here they are in front of you; 10 tips for maximizing your agent's effectiveness that Tom Clancy's The Division has kept quiet about before. Let them help you restore order to the ravaged streets of New York, though I certainly hope they don't help you sabotage me if we ever cross paths in the Dark Zone...

A little guide from Naniel Eversong and Joey on PvE builds in Tom Clancy's The Division. It describes what PVE builds are: all the talents, skills and weapons they need.

Medic build

The purpose of the physician is that no one dies<


  • Field Infirmary: Intensive Care - for Healing and Remote Resuscitation of Allies
  • First aid: increased dose - to heal more health

Signature Skill

  • Restorative Link is a pure heal, as well as reanimation of fallen allies.


  • Military Doctor - increased healing from the first-aid kit + spread its effect to all allies caught in a radius of 20m from you
  • Combat Brotherhood - Reduced incoming damage on both players during the resuscitation process
  • First Aid - Reduces the cooldown of your skills by 15% when reanimating. Distributed to the whole group

Stat Priority

Electronics > Stamina > Weapons
Electronics increases the effectiveness of the Medic's skills and, accordingly, heals them of the group. The reserve of strength gives required amount HP to survive.

Submachine gun– High rate of fire, low recoil and increased crit chance are good options for shooting from a “suddenly appearing” enemy.

Shotgun- In case the enemy broke through at a fairly close distance, then this option will help to deal with him as quickly as possible. The shotgun class has truly monstrous damage at close range.

Support build

The purpose of a support is to provide support to the group by marking enemies with momentum and placing barrage fire.


  • Pulse: Tactical Scanner - Increases damage against enemies marked by Pulse for 25 seconds, as well as critical hit chance by 25% and damage and critical hit by 50% or more.
  • Turret: An active sensor is a kind of additional damage point that can be placed remotely. Also a good bonus is the “active sensor” modification, which marks enemies attacked by a turret.

Signature Skill


  • Indirect Strike - Increase own strength skills by 20% for 30 seconds when destroying enemy gadgets (turrets, field medical stations, mines, bombs).
  • Tech Support – Killing an enemy increases the duration of active skills by 10% of their maximum duration.
  • Accuracy - when hit in the head of the enemy, he is marked by an impulse with all the ensuing consequences. This talent allows you to provide an almost continuous presence of a debuff from an impulse on “fat” opponents.
  • Counterstrike - If your health drops to a critical level, your skills regenerate 20% faster.

Attribute Priority

Electronics > Weapons > Stamina
Electronics gives greater efficiency to skills (the turret deals more damage and is more survivable, the impulse gives a greater increase in damage to targets), and it is from the amount of this characteristic that buffs are calculated to increase the strength of skills (Indirect Strike). The weapon allows you to benefit in the form of damage to enemies in the intervals between "scattering" turrets and impulses.

assault rifles – provide the best balance between range, damage and accuracy.

Submachine gun- useful if the enemy comes at a fairly close distance. It also helps to “mark” multiple opponents at close range with momentum.

It is also possible to support variations through the fire turret and the shock turret with the appropriate talents. Somewhat later, these options will be described.

Support Variations via
A fire turret or a shock turret is achieved by replacing the “Technical Support” or “Accuracy” talents with the “Fire” (for fire) and “Intimidate Tactics” (for shock) talents. This is done in order to increase the number of hit targets.

Build DPS

The goal of a DPS build is to deal as much damage as possible with a good AoE claim.


  • Velcro Bomb: BFB – large radius explosion, as well as the ability to hang bleeding on all targets that fall into the radius, make this talent a very good fight-opening ability.
  • Seeker Mine (Basic) or Seeker Mine: Cluster Mine - Solo/AoE respectively

Signature Skill
Tactical Link - Increases damage and crit chance for 12 seconds for the entire group.


  • Shards - to buff our sticky bomb with a BFB modification, which will further increase the AoE damage.
  • Chain Reaction - A buff to increase explosion damage by 40% for two skills we have chosen (Velcro Bomb and Homing Mine). We try to hit 2 or more enemies with an explosion in order to use this bonus.
  • Expert Demolitionist - when killed by an explosion, a 15 second buff is hung on us, which increases the damage from explosions by 40%
  • Tactical Offensive or Collect Evidence - the first talent buffs weapon damage while moving from cover to cover (by 2% per meter, for 10 seconds), the second talent gives a 25% chance that when killing with an active skill, the ammo of all types of weapons will be replenished up to the maximum.

Stat Priority

Weapons >/= Electronics > Stamina
Since a large CD on the main active skills does not allow them to be used often, most of the damage will be dealt by the weapon.

light machine gun– medium range, a large amount of ammo per clip goes very well with the Tactical Offensive talent.

Sniper rifles- being on the front line is optional, so sniper rifles are quite a good option. Maximum range makes it possible not to fall into the zone of destruction of most opponents.

Sniper build

A sniper's goal is high single-target damage, preferably through headshots.


  • Impulse: tactical scanner - for buffing yourself on damage / crits.
  • Smart Cover: Disguise or Smart Cover: Recharge - the first to reduce the generated threat, as well as mark with an impulse on hit, the second - to reduce the cooldown on active skills and a small heal. Both talents also increase outgoing damage by 30%.

Signature Skill

Tactical connection - again buff yourself for damage.


  • Was there a shot? - save with 50% chance of ammo on headshot. Very good ammo economy.
  • Steady hand - when taking cover, a 10 second buff is hung to reduce recoil by 25%
  • Stopping Action - Increases damage from headshots by 25% for 10 seconds when suppressing an enemy.
  • Tech Support - Increases the duration of active skills by 10% when killing an enemy while the active skill is active

The last talent is somewhat variable and can be changed to Tactical Offensive if you move around a lot.

Stat Priority

Weapons > Electronics > Stamina
The main goal is to maximize weapon damage so that your sniper rifle hits as hard as possible, then electronics, because the bonus to damage from our active skills depends on it, the stamina is in last place, because ideally the sniper is always behind the backs of his comrades and a large He doesn't need health.

Sniper rifles- no comments here. A sniper without a sniper rifle is not a sniper!
Shotgun or Submachine Gun - in case someone gets very close.

Tank build

The purpose of the tank is to attract the attention of other enemies, so that the allies feel free.


  • Smart cover: trap - because. most often the tank is at the forefront, then this skill will be very good at reducing damage from opponents, as well as increasing the damage they receive.
  • Ballistic Shield: Kinetic Converter is the main defense of the tank, also with this modification, part of the incoming damage is converted into health.

Signature Skill

Emergency Link - Increases resistance by 80% and movement speed by 30% for 15 seconds for a group within 25m. Big save ability.


  • Rescue in Distress - Increases damage resistance by 40% for 10 seconds after using a Medkit at Critical Health. Mini save if you get hit really hard.
  • On the Move - Reduces incoming damage by 30% for 10 seconds when you kill an enemy while moving. We try to kill the enemy during our movement.
  • Evasive Maneuver - Reduce incoming damage by 30% when moving from cover to cover
  • Tech Support - Increases the duration of active skills by 10% when killing an enemy while the active skill is active. Murder while raised" ballistic shield” falls under this talent.

Also, the last talent can be replaced with “Collecting Evidence“ (25 chance that when killing with the help of the skill, the ammunition will be replenished to the maximum)

Stat Priority

Stamina > Electronics > Weapons
The purpose of the tank is survival. This will provide a large amount of HP, and the electronics will give bonuses to the durability of the "Balistic Shield" and "Smart Cover".

Shotgun- since the tank is almost always at the forefront (due to a large amount of HP and defense), then the distance between it and the enemies is usually small, and this is where the shotgun will unfold in all its glory.

submachine gun- for small and medium distances. The increased crit chance will be a good help, and the reduced recoil (unlike Light machine gun) will give the required accuracy.

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