What can be made from waste: furniture, shelves and more. Crafts from garbage and waste for children to school and kindergarten with their own hands

Career and finance 17.06.2019
Career and finance

Consciousness of citizens is growing every day. Separate waste collection is gaining popularity in Russia. An increasing number of people are not indifferent to environmental problems, many are not too lazy to sort waste into paper, plastic, glass and take it all to special collection points.

Is it really self-awareness and responsibility to the future generation or just another fashion trend? In any case, there is nothing bad in this, but there are more than enough benefits. Separating waste paper from plastic bottles, we help recycling companies get recyclables, and manufacturing companies produce other useful things. So, in what form does the discarded garbage return to us?

Writing accessories

Recycled plastic makes great ballpoint pens. It looks quite stylish, pleasant to the touch and quite inexpensive. In Russia, there are not so many companies involved in the production of stationery from recycled materials, but they do exist. For example, Vicky Vostok obtains the necessary plastic for pens from Tetra Pak packaging - three bags are enough to make two pens.

Toilet paper

Toilet paper is obtained, as you might guess, from recycled waste paper. If at least ten people use rolls made from the newspapers they read in the toilet, then, according to approximate estimates, they will save three trees in a year. But not all manufacturers care about the conservation of forests on the planet. For those who want to use the “right” toilet paper, Greenpeace has compiled a collection of “How to choose the right toilet paper”. Take a look before heading to the store.

Clothing and footwear

Yes, clothes and shoes are also made from plastic bottles and waste paper. Moreover, this is one of the largest niches in the field of waste processing. Such well-known brands as H&M, Patagonia, Adidas, Asics, Melissa, Levi’s and many others are engaged in the fight for the environment. Syntepon, polyester and nylon are obtained from recycled plastic. These textile materials are also obtained from the recycling of old clothes. And Nike, in addition to recycled clothing, also has packaging and various sports equipment.

aluminum cans

We can definitely say that the aluminum can of Pepsi-Cola you bought was once a can of some other drink. Aluminum is 100% recyclable, and a used aluminum can is the most recyclable waste in the world. About 75% of the aluminum used in industry today was produced more than 20 years ago and it still continues to be reborn into new products.

Construction Materials

Recycled waste can be found in construction and landscaping. For example from glass containers cullet is obtained, which goes to the manufacture of glass wool and glass concrete. Approximately 3,000 empty glass bottles will be required to insulate a standard country volume with glass wool.

Crafts from waste is a topic that makes people think creatively, get used to taking care of nature, educate children in environmental thinking, develop their craftsmanship skills, and satisfy aesthetic needs.

On planet Earth, people produce approximately 3.5 million tons of waste and garbage every day. Over time, this figure will, unfortunately, grow, but not decrease. Now all civilized mankind understands that this is a serious problem requiring a solution, which must be cardinal. What is a drastic decision? If you threw a bus ticket on the ground, threw a plastic coffee cup there, poured broken glass to a "secluded place" in the forest, then this is not a cardinal solution to the problem. In such a barbaric way, you solved the purely personal problem of not littering your space with garbage at home or at work.

Meanwhile, in developed countries, people have learned to sort the production and household waste and recycle it. Recycling is called (from the English recycling - disposal). That is ordinary person It is enough to carefully sort the garbage and put it on the street. Then the work of specialists begins, who give the garbage a second life. However, creative individuals sometimes find amazing ideas for making something useful or interesting out of garbage.

What types of recyclable materials can be used to make various crafts? First of all, it's paper old clothes, different types plastic, wood waste, scrap metal, glass and glass products, rubber and rubber items.

Why is it worth recycling waste and crafting something from it, and not just throwing it away?

  1. Once the waste enters environment they become pollutants. For example, 1 liter of engine oil poured onto the ground forms a thin film on it with an area of ​​two football fields.
  2. Many resources on the globe are exhaustible or limited renewable, so it is quite logical to use waste as a secondary raw material.
  3. Garbage and end-of-life items are a cheaper source of new products than natural ones. Here it would be appropriate to use the statement that the rich are rich not because they spend a lot, but because they know how to save.
  4. Making crafts from garbage is a fascinating activity that requires creativity and ingenuity. Children of any age can be involved in the process, which will tear them away from computers and tablets, and make the family more friendly.

What can be made from waste

In everyday life, people often use things obtained from garbage. These things can be obtained in production, or they can be made by hand. Here are some examples of the use of garbage as a recyclable material.

The scourge of garbage cans in Russia is plastic bottles. What can be done from plastic waste in production? It turns out that this type of garbage is very easy to recycle, and you can recycle it an infinite number of times! At the enterprises, caps and labels will be removed from the bottles, sorted by color, then pressed, crushed, passed through a steam boiler to remove residual impurities and, as a result, granules (flex) will be obtained. Flex can be used to produce not only plastic containers, but also, for example, interlining or polyester. Have you ever thought about wearing clothes made from plastic bottles?

It takes 60 days to recycle and resend an aluminum can, for example, from Coke, back on the shelf in the store. Approximately 75% of all aluminum produced since 1988 is recycled aluminium.

In addition to recycling waste in production, there are many ways to make crafts from household waste. So, for example, with your own hands you can create beach bags, rugs, decor items, toys for children, Christmas tree decorations and many other crafts from hard household waste.

On the eve of the most joyful holiday of the year, here are a few original ideas crafts from junk material - garbage.

They used to be electric light bulbs, but now they are cute toys for the Christmas tree.

You have accumulated used straws from a cocktail! Fold them in a pile, drag the wire in the middle, straighten each tube, paint over with golden paint. original decoration the tree is ready! You can also make a Christmas tree toy, following the instructions described in the picture above.

Do not throw away tubes toilet paper! They can be turned into cute Santas!

And how do you like these "cozy" penguins made from plastic bottles with the help of paints, yarn and fantasy?

You can give more than a dozen examples of how waste is turned into design elements, but the volume of the article will not allow it. Therefore, we will focus on tips on how to make crafts from garbage for children in school and for children in kindergarten.

What to do to the child in school

On the environmental theme, that is, the topic of relationships in nature, you need to start talking with a child from an early age. Better yet, back up your words with action. An excellent lesson in ecology can be a joint production of useful crafts from waste for the school with a younger student. They say that children should not play with matches, and this is absolutely true! But from empty boxes you can make a whole didactic game!

For work you will need:

  • 33 matchbox;
  • colored xerox paper;
  • colored self-adhesive paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • many small items: buttons, doll slippers, keys, acorns and so on.

It is clear that a son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter should work together with an adult. The steps are very simple:

  1. Cut out rectangles from xerox paper, corresponding in length and width to the surface of a matchbox.
  2. glue upper part matchbox prepared rectangles.
  3. Cut out letters from self-adhesive paper and attach them on top of the rectangles.
  4. Put in each box a small item whose name begins with the letter written on the box.

Multifunctional toy is ready:

  • the child, laying out objects in the correct boxes, learns the alphabet;
  • tries to line up the letters in order;
  • made up of the letters of the word.

Important! The child not only memorizes Russian letters and develops ecological thinking, but also develops fine motor skills of the fingers, which positively affects the development of the brain.

What to do to a child in kindergarten

It is known that mothers and fathers, grandparents again and again experience the events of childhood together with their children and grandchildren. Adults, as well as children, are interested in making something, turning ideas into reality. Let the New Year's fairy tale surround us now, but Easter is just around the corner, which means that soon it will be necessary to paint eggs, and coasters are needed for colored eggs. Let's give a master class on making coasters for Easter eggs from the most banal material - tubes from used toilet paper.

For work you will need:

  • toilet paper rolls;
  • corrugated multi-colored paper;
  • ribbons, scraps of lace sewing, ropes;
  • glue;
  • a lot of positive.
  1. We take the sleeve, make a strip of glue in the center.
  2. Cut out from corrugated paper rectangles of different colors with a width equal to the height of the sleeve and a length of 1 cm more than its diameter. We wrap the sleeve in a piece of corrugated paper, gluing it.
  3. We fix in the middle of the product: a rope, lace or braid, we tie it.
  4. Ready!

And if in kindergarten educators will also teach children to paint Easter eggs installed on homemade coasters, then this will generally be a wonderful lesson. In the process, children will come into contact with the beautiful, comprehend the basics of Orthodox culture, understand that things need to be treated with care, that before throwing them away, you need to think about where this thing can come in handy.

If kindergarten children master the technique of making pompoms from plastic grocery bags that have become unusable or from garbage bags, then you can make a lot of toys and useful things together with adults.

This poodle is made from one color pompoms made from plastic bags that you could just throw in the trash.

And again actual topic: this sun can be a great decoration for a Christmas tree.

The question arises: how to make pompoms from plastic film (from garbage bags)? Very simple! The following materials and tools are required for work:

  • clean garbage bags;
  • sharp scissors;
  • thread with good density;
  • two cardboard rings with a hole inside.

Packages, depending on what is planned, can be of different colors: either all plain or multi-colored.

  1. First, we make long strips from the package.
  2. Next, we wrap them around the cardboard rings in a circle using a slot.
  3. If the strip is over, then cut it off at the root of the ring.
    Put on a new strip.
  4. We stop the overlay of polyethylene strips when the rings are completely closed. Using scissors, make a slit between the cardboard rings.
  5. We move the rings slightly away from each other and pull the polyethylene strips between them with a strong thread.
  6. We remove the cardboard rings and straighten the resulting pompoms.
  7. It's time to turn on the fantasy and collect the pompoms in the right thing or into a toy. If you don't want a toy, put together this adorable rug.

Modern life dictates its own rules to a person, one of which is careful attitude to nature. By making useful things from waste material, people save one or another natural resource and contribute to saving the planet from littering with garbage.

During any construction, a lot of waste is left. These can be boards, pallets, broken bricks, "extra" aerated concrete or concrete blocks, cardboard coils and sleeves left over from wallpaper, plastic and metal pipes, etc. The list of these unnecessary things is endless.

Sort waste and use what else can be used - this is what zealous owners do. After all, living “on the ground”, you get used to appreciating every little thing, and if you approach the matter with fiction and imagination, useful things from garbage with your own hands will gain a second life.

Cardboard sleeves left over from roll materials can become the basis for original furniture: tables, shelves, etc. It is enough to collect the sleeves in a “package”, cut them to the desired size, figure out what to make the countertop from, and the furniture is ready.

Bestseller of any suburban area This is an old car tire. In skillful hands, such material can become the basis of a foundation in a swampy area.

Original fences for a flower garden are made from old tires.

The tire can become a table.

Rocking chair. Excellent thing!

Swing seat.

garden pond

Wall flower bed.

The main thing is to think over everything possible options use of waste material and allow yourself the most unexpected.

An old wooden door can become the basis for a shelf. It will decorate the interior of the room or become a vertical storage system for various useful small things.

Shelves can be made from unnecessary gas or concrete blocks:

... from rope scraps and wide wooden boards:

… water pipes:

... garbage pieces of wood left after dismantling the pallets:

You can also assemble an original design in the form of a word from small wooden shelves.

In addition to home craftsmen who famously make their own furniture from garbage, the use of recycled waste materials is attracting the attention of designers from all over the world.

Belgian designer Jens Prayet proposes to make original furniture and interior items from waste left after shredding paper and glossy magazines.

“Chopped” paper chips are mixed with a binder (epoxy resin is used) and then furniture is made from the adhesive mass.

Moreover, by adding various components and pigments to the mixture, the designer manages to give the surface a noble shade, make furniture with a “granite-like” surface, etc.

On average, one product, depending on its size, takes from 5 to 20 kg of waste paper.

A more original use of recycled materials came up with Taiwanese designer Chiz Chiu. This is a sliding "transformer" in the form of a sofa-chair.

Unusual furniture made from two sheets of plywood and recycled cardboard. Sheets of cardboard are connected to each other in a special way and form a structured "honeycomb" that can stretch like accordion or button accordion fur.

Dimensions of the sofa-chair in the folded state (model for 8 people):

  • thickness - 13 cm;
  • height - 65 cm;
  • depth - 55 cm;
  • weight - 15 kg.

When stretched, the chair turns into a 3.5 m long sofa that can withstand a load of about 1 ton. The model for 16 people weighs 25 kg, stretches over 7 meters and can withstand a load of more than 2 tons.

In the comments to this product, the designer says that due to its flexibility, the sofa chair can fit into almost any layout. It can be wrapped behind the wall, quickly assembled and put away when guests arrive. Therefore, a flexible "transformer" can be in demand both in apartments and office premises.

Among the design flaws, it can be noted that the surface does not like shock loading (dents remain on the cardboard). Also, the stretchable sofa chair cannot be used outdoors and in wet rooms.

Over the past 30 years, mankind has spent a third of the resources available on Earth. Every year, resource consumption increases by one and a half percent. Therefore, such importance acquires savings natural resources, search for alternative resources, recycling of raw materials, reuse of waste.

Over the past century, the population of the Earth has increased by 4 times, the volume of industrial production. But modern technology does not allow to properly purify air and water, to dispose of production waste. Currently, about 80 billion tons of garbage have been accumulated in the dumps. And these mountains are growing because only a third of the by-products are processed.
Well-known convenient plastic bottles. They decompose in the ground for hundreds of years, while a tin can takes 10 years, and cardboard only 1-2 years. In general, the decomposition time of polyethylene depends on its structure and can exceed several thousand years.

Every year, the population throws away more and more packages, tires, household appliances. Today, the issue of recycling waste is back on the agenda. The "second life" of waste helps to save a significant amount of raw materials and energy.
Hundreds of flowers made from plastic bottles. All this is an exhibition called "A Thousand Suns", held in the US state of Michigan

Waste paper, packaging, glass, wood, metal, household appliances are recycled all over the world - waste recycling has become one of the fastest growing industries. We generously send it all to landfills.
Here is such a unique motorcycle made from old parts from cars and bicycles.

Modern electronic components recycling plant in Tokyo

On average, one ton of computer junk contains as much gold as 18 tons of gold-bearing rock.

An interesting use for plastic bottles was found in the city of Roubaix, France. Of these, they built such spherical rooms for dates in the park.

What to do with the huge amount of vuvuzelas left over from the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa? A competition was organized for recycling these musical instruments. In this place, they made the original lamp.

From film from old video cassettes, you can make original designer bags.

Old pipe recycling plant

This man is rummaging through a landfill in Manila, Philippines looking for copper and other metals. For many people living here, this is the only source of income.

A tiger made from everything. He took part in the parade in Chinese New Year in Sydney

Globe model created by a designer from plastic bottles, Petah Tikva, Tel Aviv

Point of collection and disposal of old mobile phones in Tokyo

In the Israeli city of Kiryat Gat, there is a "tank cemetery" where about 700 decommissioned armored vehicles are located. They are sold for processing at a price of $0.25/kg.

In the American city of Columbus, Ohio, stores have special tanks for old, unnecessary glasses. They are then collected, disinfected and distributed free of charge to those in need.

Exhibition in Taipei, April 9, 2010. A Taiwanese company built a three-story exhibition pavilion from 1.5 million plastic bottles instead of bricks.

Interesting installation in Sydney, Australia - Christmas tree made from old bicycles

Aluminum can recycling plant in Laval, France

Violinist of the Paraguayan symphony orchestra "Trash Melodies", whose musicians play instruments made from recycled materials

10-meter transforming robot made from car scrap, Beijing

You can also make fuel for cars from plastic bottles. This is a worker of a plastic waste recycling plant, holding a jar of fuel oil, Hong Kong, August 24, 2011. Here, in the future, they will be able to turn 3 tons of old plastic into 1,000 liters of fuel.
By the way, this year the specialists of a Russian company from the city of Tomsk presented an installation that is capable of obtaining as much as 900 grams of fuel from 1 kilogram of crushed plastic bottles.

18m catamaran made from 11,000 plastic bottles, Sydney, Australia

Hello, friends! In the last three days, I have been stubbornly surfing the Internet in search of ... garbage) Or rather, in search of crafts that can be built from it. And, you know, some crafts are so good that it's hard to even imagine that they are made from something that you could just take and throw away.

In this article I would like to introduce you great review"garbage" masterpieces. Crafts from garbage that are worthy of praise!

Lesson plan:

From empty matchboxes

They say that matches are not toys for children! And it is right! But from the boxes, you can not only make toys, but even the real ones didactic games. See for yourself.

Pasting the boxes with colored paper and writing letters on them, we get the alphabet!

And inside we hide the figures, the names of which begin with different letters of the alphabet. The result is an interesting educational toy. And also multifunctional! After all, a child studying the alphabet can:

  • try to line up the letters in order;
  • to form words from letters;
  • place items in the correct boxes.

And this not only develops thinking, but also fine motor skills.

Tired of learning letters? No problem! You can also relax! You can always build something from colored boxes.

Another option for playing with boxes is “Who eats what?”

I just want to say bravo to the author for such an idea. Here, on the outside of the boxes, images of animals are pasted, and inside there are different habitats. The boxes are disassembled. Well, then you need to properly collect them. Are we expanding our horizons? But how! And we also train memory.

I think many mothers, when they were still girls and had a couple - three little babies had furniture made of matchboxes. I had! I am sure that and modern girls I will love to make it with my own hands and play with such interesting doll furniture.

There are so many shelves, so many cabinets. And there is so much to hide there.

Have you been accidentally asked to make a mathematical pencil case in kindergarten? We were not asked, but I heard about such a contraption from my acquaintances, kindergarten parents. And it is made again from matchboxes. And it looks like this.

This pencil case helps kids learn geometric figures, account, colors.

If there is a needlewoman in the house, then she will surely be pleased with such an organizer for all sorts of different handicraft trifles.

And there is nothing complicated in its manufacture. The main thing is to turn on the fantasy!

You can also make puzzles out of boxes.

Just take one beautiful picture, cut it into rectangles, stick the rectangles on the matchboxes and the puzzles are ready!

From toilet paper rolls

From matchboxes, we move on to another popular material for making crafts. Let me introduce you, toilet paper rolls, which give almost unlimited possibilities to young masters.

Let's start with a cool stationery organizer.

It's such a caterpillar. I think that if she settles on the desktop of a first-grader, then she definitely won’t be bored) The body of the caterpillar is just made of bushings. They are pasted over with corrugated cardboard and look very personal. Do you agree? It will not be a shame to take such a craft to the school for the competition.

In continuation of our review - a sorting game for children.

10 colored bushings. They have 10 numbers. And various little things, buttons, some figures, large beads in bowls. The game will help you deal with colors, get acquainted with the score.

Strange as it may seem, but they write pictures with bushings! You just need to cut them, and then make different flowers, leaves, circles from the pieces. And glue it all in an arbitrary, beautiful order.

It turns out very soft and beautiful.

If you take a little top of the sleeve, you get the ears. And then the little animals with ears. Variety. And very beautiful.

Here are the heroes of various games.

And you can try to make these animals.

It's a little more difficult, but the result is worth the effort.

These pencil holders look interesting.

And the idea is simple. You need to take the threads and carefully wrap the bushings with them. Then build a decoration out of fabric or felt. And that's it! The original and pleasant to the touch color pencil holders are ready.

From egg trays

We also quite often throw away the trays in which eggs are sold, without even thinking that very pretty little things can turn out of them.

For example, here are such charming caterpillars.

Someday they will definitely become butterflies, but for now they are standing, looking, what else to chew)

Or those chickens. Probably laying hens! Just a couple of simple touches and the poultry yard is ready!

And you can be original! Take a cardboard tray, cut it into separate cells, paint them in different colors, string them on threads, and then tie these threads to a stick.

So an interesting bright pendant is ready, which will delight the eye and cheer you up)

And from the trays very beautiful flowers are obtained. You can make flowers very simple, such as daisies, or you can make them more complicated, for example, roses. There are a lot of options.

Well, you can decorate with such flowers anything you want. For example, a frame for a photo or a frame for a mirror.

You can also make beautiful flowers from plastic trays. But I think it's a little more complicated than cardboard ones.

Well, now not quite a craft from the tray, but rather from what lies in the tray. From eggs. Rather, from an empty eggshell. First you need to carefully remove the egg from the shell, and leave it almost intact, removing only the top. Then fill the shell with earth and plant the seeds of some fast-growing grass in it. Wait and water! And after some time to get acquainted with such funny herbs.

Just so that they can wink and smile at you, you will need to draw their eyes and mouths)

From empty juice or milk boxes

Do you like juice? Do you drink milk? Where do you put the boxes? You are probably throwing it away, but in vain! Indeed, in the soul, each box is not just a box, but a real little man! With its own face and its own character. Don't believe? See for yourself!

Vehicles can be crafted from large empty boxes.

And land.

And airy.

And even waterfowl.

Well, for those who like to grow something, this option is offered.

Vegetable garden in boxes. A very convenient way to grow different seedlings. And neatly, and you don’t need to spend money on special trays.

And now about the serious. How to make sure that there is always order on the table? Of course, install the organizer! You can, of course, buy it. But it is much more interesting to make it with your own hands from the same irreplaceable boxes. And decorate to your liking.

From used disposable tableware

Well, now let's move on to crafts from disposable tableware. Let's start with plastic spoons. What would be so interesting about them? Maybe flowers, and at the same time ladybugs?

Well, just like alive)

And a couple more representatives of the insect kingdom, only a larger size.

These beetles are made from paper plates. In my opinion, they are just adorable!

And how about such a great hat?

It is made from two plastic bowls. One deep and one flat. In a flat plate, the middle is cut out and a deep one is glued onto it. Don't forget to paint your hat in your favorite color and decorate it. Here, by the way, flowers from egg trays, which were discussed a little earlier, would fit.

If you like to arrange home theatrical performances, then plastic plates are ready to help you with the actors. You can make faces of different animals out of them, and then glue a small stick to each. And the puppet theater artists are ready.

And if you cut out the eyes in the faces, you get masks. And a fun children's masquerade is guaranteed to you. Then you will look at the photo and remember how great it was!

And now about beauty. Look what a miracle.

This is a fan made of plastic forks. The forks are attached to an old unnecessary disk. The fan is decorated with ribbons, flowers and lace.

A real work of art that can decorate any interior!

And in this photo you see a fan of large and small spoons.

Also very beautiful.

I also advise you to pay attention to the article about and from them.

That's all for today! I hope you liked the review, and you already wanted to create something with your own hands!

I wish you creative success!

Yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

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