Large crepe paper roses step by step. How to make a rose out of paper

Health 09.10.2021

Roses for mom from the bottom of my heart. Volumetric composition of roses as a gift. Master class with photo

Step-by-step instructions for making crepe paper roses

teacher of additional education Novichkova Tamara Alexandrovna MBU DO Lesnovsky House of children's creativity.
Work description: the master class is intended for school children, preschool teachers, technology teachers, primary school teachers, for everyone who likes to make gifts with their own hands.
Purpose: this work can serve as a wonderful gift for the holiday, birthday and become an interior decoration.
Target: making a voluminous flower composition from corrugated paper as a gift.
- to learn how to create three-dimensional compositions from flowers and improvised material;
- learn how to make roses from corrugated paper;
- learn to choose the right colors and color combinations;
- develop compositional skills, sense of taste, creative imagination, fantasy;
- educate independence, accuracy in work.

Materials and tools:

Red, white, green, gold corrugated paper;
- gold braid, threads, toothpicks;
- glue stick, glue "Titan";
- artificial leaves, berries for decoration.

- scissors, clerical knife;
- pencil, ruler;
- thermal gun;
- penoplex.

Step-by-step instructions for making a flower arrangement.

Step one. We make the basis for the flower arrangement.
We use foam. This is a building material that is used for insulation of rooms. Penoplex is produced in slabs with a thickness of 20-100 mm and resembles foam plastic in appearance. Penoplex is light, durable, does not crumble when cut. For this craft, I took foam plastic 50 mm thick.
We draw a circle with a diameter of 14 cm on the penoplex and carefully cut it out using a clerical knife. We remind the rules of TB. This is the basis for the composition.

We circle the blank on golden corrugated paper and cut out two such circles.

Glue the top and bottom of the base with golden circles using a glue stick.

Cut off a strip of red corrugated paper 45 cm long, 6 cm wide. We stretch the upper part of the paper a little, making a beautiful shuttlecock.

Using a glue stick, glue the side of the workpiece.

Glue a gold braid on the bottom. The basis for the flower arrangement is ready.

Step two. We make flowers.
For the composition, I chose red and white roses. They look beautiful in bouquets, in a basket, in a vase. Roses have always been sung by poets, causing a surge of inspiration. They could not remain indifferent, looking at the beauty, tenderness and grace of this lovely flower.
From the country of the east - Persia, hundreds of years ago
Roses came to the Russian land to bloom in our gardens.
Aromas, color, exoticism they brought with them.
Young and old are delighted with unearthly beauty.
They seem to be updated every day and every hour,
These roses, like sorceresses, fascinate us.
Let's try and make beautiful, bright roses using the technological map.

For one rose you need to cut:
- a square measuring 7cm by 7cm. This will be the center of the future rose.
- five rectangles - 3cm by 7cm.
- six rectangles - 4cm by 7cm.
But this is not a prerequisite for making roses. You can make the number of petals at your discretion and your imagination.

We round each blank at the top, giving it a rounded shape and cut off the corners at the bottom of the rectangle.

Using a toothpick, twist the edges of the petals on both sides.

Gently stretch the middle of the petal. We do this with all the petals.

Now let's take the main, large petal, stretch the middle a little and wrap a round object in it. I wrapped a piece of crumpled foil in paper. If you are making a sweet gift in the sweet design technique, take a candy.

It turned out here is such a bud, the middle of a rose.

We attach the first petal and wrap it with a thread. Add a second petal with a slight overlap and twist the thread again. Petals can be fixed with glue using a heat gun.

Thus, we glue all the remaining petals. We make sure that they go in the same direction in a circle with an overlap.

We attach the last petal, tie a knot and cut the thread.

We turn to the manufacture of sepals from green corrugated paper. Cut out a rectangle measuring 7cm by 8cm. We cut the "grass", not reaching the edge of the paper by 1 cm. We stretch the lower edge of the sepals a little, giving a convex shape. We twist the upper edges a little.

Glue the sepals to the rose. And our rose is ready!

We make two more red roses and one white according to the model.

We turn to the manufacture of buds. We cut out a square of 8 cm by 7 cm from white corrugated paper, round off the upper corners. We put candy or paper tightly rolled into a ball in the middle of the square.

Lubricate the toothpick with glue and, together with the ball, twist, forming a bud.

We cut out the sepal, glue it to the bud and wrap the toothpick with a narrow strip of green paper.

For our composition, we will make two more buds.

The roses are ready and we can start creating the composition.

Step three. We create a volumetric composition.
We insert roses into the base, alternating them with buds. You can add some glue to keep the flowers stable. This is what the composition looks like

Let's decorate our gift a little with golden leaves and berries. Let's admire! I already like. Not in vain tried!

Step four. Making a heart.
At the end of the composition, we will make a golden heart. According to the template, we circle the heart on a 20 mm thick foam and very carefully cut it out with a clerical knife. We remind you of the rules of work.

From gold corrugated paper, we cut out two hearts according to the template with an allowance of 2 cm and a strip 2 cm wide.

Glue the heart on both sides. Glue the allowance to the side of the heart. And now we close the side part with a strip. At this stage of work, it is better to use a glue stick. The paper is thin and sticks well without leaving wrinkles.

- scissors;
- corrugated paper;
- threads;
- chocolate round candy;
- wire.

1. Take a sheet of corrugated paper and cut it into five small rectangles.
2. From the first rectangle, cut out two identical blanks for the petal.
3. From the next three rectangles, cut out the blanks so that you get four petals on each. Please note that they must be solid in one rectangle.

4. From the remaining rectangle, you need to make another blank, in which there will be five connected petals.
5. After that, gently straighten the blanks with your fingers so that they take the form of petals.
6. Take the two largest petals, connect them and tie the candy.

7. Start wrapping the petals around the candy with other petals. Lastly, the last largest workpiece is wound.
8. Tie the end of the bud with a thread so that all the petals are held together.

Rose is ready! If you want to collect a candy bouquet, you will have to make several roses. Fasten the flowers to the wire and wrap with teip tape or green corrugated paper.

This rose in appearance will resemble a garden one, and lovers of home flowers will like it. To make it, take red and green corrugated paper, wire, scissors, glue and thread.

1. Take red crepe paper and cut a strip 19 cm wide and 58 cm long.
2. Fold the long sides together and grease the bottom side with glue along the grain of the paper.

3. Glue these halves together and start making the blank for the petals.
4. From cardboard, make a blank for the petals with the dimensions indicated in the photo.
5. Take a strip of red corrugated paper 7.5 cm wide and fold it like an accordion.
6. Attach the blank and cut out the petals.

7. Now unfold the petals and gently unfold them with your fingers. The top edge of the petals should be wavy and the bottom edge straight.
8. For one flower, you will need about 15 petals.
9. After that, take the wire and start winding the petals on it. The first petals need to be wrapped tightly, and the subsequent ones - loosely. Tie all the petals with a thread so that they hold tightly.

10. Now make the sepals. To do this, you will need corrugated paper 12 cm long and 9 cm wide. On one side, you need to cut 7 cm high teeth.

12. Cut out petals 6-7 cm long from green corrugated paper.

13. Lubricate the petals with glue, insert the wire into the center and press the other petals. Additionally, you can make cloves on the petals.
14. With a strip of paper, close the wire on the petals and screw them to the stem.

Corrugated paper rose master class video

Corrugated paper roses look quite impressive and will become truly memorable. You can make beautiful flowers of different sizes that will decorate the interior of an apartment or a country house for a long time.

Now we will tell you how to make a large and very beautiful rose. Such a magnificent rose is perfect for romantic and tender photo shoots. This rose can serve as an unusual entourage for various events from birthdays to weddings. The most important thing is that it will not be difficult to make such a rose.

For our master class on creating a large corrugated paper rose, you will need the following materials (the material is indicated for one rose):

  • a roll of colored adhesive tape (you can also use teip tape, or corrugated paper, electrical tape, paper construction tape, the latter will then need to be painted green)
  • double-sided corrugated paper (the color of the paper will determine the color of the bud)
  • green paper for leaves (green);
  • wire
  • pencil or pen
  • glue gun for needlework (one rod);
  • templates prepared in advance from white paper for making: five small petals in the form of a droplet; fifteen large petals in the form of a heart; three for a leaflet per stem; one accordion petal for the sepal.

When you have prepared all the materials, go to the instructions for creating a large rose.

How to make a big paper rose.

1. We take template blanks, colored corrugated paper and cut out the petals and leaves (cut out so that the paper strips are vertical):

- five small petals in the form of a droplet;

- fifteen large petals in the form of a heart.

Now we take green corrugated paper and cut it out:

- three for a leaflet per stem;

- one petal accordion for the sepals.

2. Let's start the formation of rose petals.

3. We take each petal in turn with both hands and stretch it from the center to the sides.

4. Let's start with the petals in the form of droplets, take a pencil or pen and wind it slightly, giving a slight curvature to each petal for a rosebud.

5. Now we take the petals-hearts and twist the top of their edge with a pencil, from the beginning the right one, then the left one.

6. Your petals should look like the picture.

7. Next, let's prepare the stems. Take a wire and a roll of colored adhesive tape (you can also use teip tape, or corrugated paper, green electrical tape, paper construction tape, the latter will then need to be painted green). We wrap the stem from beginning to end, pressing corrugated paper or tape well to the wire with our own hands.

8. You should get a stem, as in the picture.

9. We turn to the creation of a bud, namely the inner part of a rose. We take the first petal in the form of a droplet and attach the tip to the stem (to the wire) with electrical tape or teip tape.

10. So, with each petal in the form of a drop, we fix it in turn to the stem.

11. You have made the inside of the rose.

12. Once again, with your own hands, carefully wrap and secure the lower part of the petals.

13. Now dissolve the outer petals of the rose. For this we need petals in the form of hearts.

14. We wrap each petal-heart around the inside of the rose with a slight indent from each other.

15. Gently straighten and carefully fix each petal with colored adhesive tape.

16. When all the petals are attached, we once again wrap the base of the rose bud with teip-summer or electrical tape.

17. Half the battle is done - the bud is ready.

18. The rose should now look like the picture.

19. Now we take the petal from the blanks with an accordion for the sepals and wrap the base of the bud.

20. We wrap the sepals on top and fix them with tape-let or adhesive colored tape.

21. Now we take three leaves from the blanks on a stalk of green corrugated paper, three wires and fasten the leaves to each wire in turn. This can be done with a glue gun, or regular PVA glue.

22. We fold it in half (the middle is a wire) and iron the place of gluing with our own hands.

23. We straighten the sheet, it should turn out as in the picture.

24. Now apply some glue on the base of the petal.

25. We wrap the wire (with the paper that you originally used for the stem), starting from the base of the leaf, where the glue was applied.

26. When winding, apply a little glue to the other end of the wire and turn the tip (you can use double-sided tape here).

27. Now we take all three blanks with leaves and evenly distribute them around the stele. We fix with teip tape or colored adhesive tape to the stem.

28. Further, starting from the base of the bud and moving evenly to the end of the stem, we wrap it again with corrugated green paper.

29. You iron the paper well with your own hands, especially pay attention to the bases where the twigs with leaves are fixed, so that the rose looks harmonious, you need to make a careful but neat winding of this moment. We fix the ends of the paper, as we did in paragraph 26.

30. Congratulations! Your gorgeous big rose is ready!

31. Approximately this size in relation to you, it should turn out.

32. It will look great and spectacular if you make a bouquet of an odd number of large roses!

If at any stage you have any difficulties, be sure to write in the comments, we will be happy to help you.

It is impossible to imagine a holiday without beautiful flowers. It doesn't matter if it's a wedding, a birthday, an anniversary or a meeting of classmates. Live plants, unfortunately, quickly wither and it is difficult and expensive to take them in large quantities. It is better to make huge flowers from multi-colored corrugated paper with your own hands, ready-made crafts look realistic. They are bright, beautiful, and after the end of the general event, you can give them away to guests as original souvenirs.

paper roses

Decorating the hall with beautiful giant multi-colored roses is a simple matter that takes a few minutes. You can decorate them with a table, fasten to walls or ceilings.

What will be required:

  • adhesive tape (preferably colored) - a roll;
  • ordinary corrugated paper;
  • drop-shaped template - 3;
  • stencil "heart" - 8;
  • sample in the form of a "leaflet" - 2;
  • template in the form of "core" -1;
  • pencil;
  • elastic;
  • special glue;
  • wire;
  • ready templates.

Master Class:

  1. Large corrugated paper roses will require special stencils that can be printed or copied from samples on the Internet.
  2. Petals. Carefully cut out 5-6 identical petals from a sheet of corrugated paper, circling the patterns “drop”, then “heart”.
  3. Leaves, cup. A sheet of green paper, cut out 3 small leaves, then a small cup of the future flower.
  4. Creating stems. If you are planning a giant outdoor flower, then skip the step. Wrap a piece of wire carefully with colored tape. Make sure it's tight enough.
  5. Formation of petals. Slowly pull the template from the center outward with your hands. So step by step you will form a cup of a petal. Turn the finished petal over and twist the edges to it using a pencil.
  6. Creating a button. Take the drop petal, carefully secure the edges by wrapping them around the end of the piece of floral wire using some duct tape. Wrap carefully! Fix so all the petals "drop".
  7. Blossoming rose. First, take the "heart", wrap it around the formed bud and secure it using duct tape. Also fix the remaining parts of the "heart" denser around the bud, moving in a clockwise direction until you get a full-fledged rose.
  8. Leaf attachment. Wrap each part of the piece of wire with green corrugated paper (fasten with glue). Take a leaf, also a green stem, already wrapped in ribbon. Apply them tightly and glue them. Repeat this with the rest of the green leaves.
  9. Adding a cup. Gently wrap the finished green cup around the base of the blooming rose. Secure with adhesive tape.
  10. Adding leaves. Attach each of the finished green leaves to a common flower stem. Use glue, a few paper clips, to hold the petals in place while the glue dries.

Here's how to make a big crepe paper rose.


To make colorful huge flowers, it is not necessary to take corrugated paper. A normal A4 will also work. The finished flower will be more beautiful and realistic if you pick up double-sided thick colored paper.

Master Class:

Instructions for making large peonies will help even beginners to make flowers.

  1. Gently fold the sheet, forming an accordion.
  2. Fold again, in half, tie them more tightly in the middle with a thread.
  3. Make several similar "harmonicas".
  4. Connect the "accordions" by applying one layer in a ratio perpendicular to the other.
  5. Trim the ends and straighten them.

The size of the bud can be adjusted according to the "accordion". With ready-made flowers, you can decorate the interior of not only a festive hall, but also an ordinary room.


If you use corrugated paper, the finished chamomile will turn out to be tender and quite realistic.

Master Class:

  1. Making a flower begins with the formation of white main petals. Cut a strip of white corrugated paper from a roll, measuring a width of 5 cm.
  2. Lay out the tape, now cut into equal thin strips. Measure the width of each - 1.5-2 cm.
  3. Form petals from stripes.
  4. Stretch the middle of the resulting petals, giving them a natural convex shape.
  5. Take a piece of green paper and wrap it around a piece of wire. And fix the ends with glue.
  6. Lay out a sheet of yellow corrugated paper, mark a line there with a pencil, while stepping back a centimeter from the edge.
  7. Then, following the line, cut off the strip. Make shallow equal cuts along the length.
  8. Creating a core - wrap the workpiece around the tip of the finished stem. Glue the ends.
  9. Button assembly. Step by step, apply glue from below to the edge of the white petal and attach it to the finished base. Here's how to fix the rest of the petals.
  10. After collecting the bud, cut out small sepals. Do them with green paper. Fold a thin piece carefully several times, cut out an oblong leaf. Then lay out the tape and stretch the finished leaves on two sides. Glue the resulting sepals down at the base of the white bud. And fasten the lower part by wrapping it with a thin green strip.
  11. The stem and leaves are needed to create a large standing flower.
  12. Bend the collected snow-white chamomile petals to the sides.
  13. It is also easy to make a growth rose from corrugated paper, the difference is only in the shape of the paper petals and the features of the assembly.

Corrugated paper roses look stylish and beautiful. And if you make quite a bit of effort, you will definitely get a product that can become not only a decoration for a holiday, but also an original detail of a home interior. Imagine how beautiful and unusual ever-blooming roses look. Instructions will help you create them.

It is not difficult to make roses from corrugated paper with your own hands. The size can be any. It is in your power to make flowers of different shades, according to your desire or the interior of the room.

Corrugation is ideal for creating such beauty. This is due to the unique structure of the paper - the ribbing gives rise to a sense of reality. If you make an effort and make a flower carefully, you can create a beautiful, similar to a real bouquet.

Corrugated sheets are sold in all stationery stores. To create roses, it is better to stock up on several tones at once. At least two colors are needed: red (pink or any other for the base) and green for the leaves.

To work, you need to be patient and have the necessary stationery. By the way, about them. Each type will require a different office, but most often you need:

    • Corrugation - the basis for the petals.
    • Green paper for leaves.
    • Scissors.
    • Stem wire.
    • Glue.
    • Pencil.

Quick master class

First of all, we will make a rose with a bud that has not yet blossomed. This creation looks charming and cute. The advantage of the product is that it is assembled very quickly and easily.

First, choose a color, we have a noble burgundy shade. Then proceed step by step.

  1. To create a rose, you need paper strips cut horizontally.
  2. On one side, twist them with your finger with light pressure so as not to tear the paper.
  3. Make some petals to match them together.
  4. Twist the resulting bud with wire at the base.
  5. Wrap the base of the stem with green paper if desired.
  6. You can make small leaves at the bud to make the flower more realistic.

The beauty of the English rose

Do-it-yourself English rose from corrugated paper is made in the same way.

All its feature is in a large, large bud. Sometimes a round candy is taken as a basis, on which the petals are wound. There is another method. If you decide not to put the candy in the flower, then you will need more petals.

To create an English rose, the method described above will do, but you need to make a lot of petals. The last layers are folded in the opposite direction.

In the same way, we string everything on a wire and frame it in a green corrugation.

An easy way to create an osiris rose

Rose Osiria is very beautiful and sophisticated. To create it, you need to draw on the cardboard the outline of a petal 3-4 cm wide, 5-6 cm long.

If desired, the edge can be slightly wavy. Step by step guide to help:

  1. Form a core.
  2. Prepare a paper strip and a wire 25 cm long.
  3. Fold the tape in half. Wind it around the end of the wire.
  4. Use glue to fix the bud.
  5. Create many petals. If desired, use two shades, then the rose will be two-tone.
  6. Extend the middle of the petals to form a bulge.
  7. Twist the top end out.

Gift with a surprise

Do-it-yourself roses with sweets will become an unusual creative present. At the same time, both a beautiful and sweet gift will be remembered for a long time.

To hide the candy, use foil. Although you can leave it like that. It is necessary to wrap the foil with threads for structural strength.

From the petals we create a bud. Due to the fact that there is a candy inside (for example, Raffaello), this will not be difficult to do.

At the base, you can attach green petals for realism.

corrugated paper bud

A beautiful and delicate bud will turn out if you take leaves measuring 9 by 6 centimeters. It will take about seven pieces.

  1. Take a sheet and fold it in half. Holding on to the fold, cut off the paper on both sides.
  2. We stretch the petals in the middle, and then we twist the narrow part.
  3. We begin to wind on the wire. Before this, we fold the petals with an accordion. Using scissors, cut the place where the paper is folded.
  4. For strength, we glue the petals together and place them tightly to each other.
  5. Using green, we make leaves of any size. With the help of a thread we attach them to the base and disguise them.

Corrugated paper peony rose

A peony rose differs from others in that it has many petals and they all seem to be wavy.

First you need to cut out a rectangle and fold it in half. Remove the corner from one side. Take the petal with your finger and round it.

We make sepals from green color, slightly twisting their ends.

Bush roses from corrugated paper

Spray roses look cute and gentle. The main thing is to have a lot of them in a bouquet, then they look spectacular.

You will need a tape 5-7 centimeters wide and 45 cm long.

The rope must be twisted from above. To do this, bend the upper right corner. Holding the lower part, wrap the paper, putting your thumb on the loop formed, as shown in the picture. Do the same with the entire tape.

The entire strip must be wrapped in a roll. For greater naturalness, the petals can be moved apart. Fix the paper by tying the ends.

To create a stem, take a skewer, pre-spread it with glue. Attach a spray rose bud on top. Decorate the skewer with green paper.

Festive figures from roses

Often, corrugated paper roses are used to create three-dimensional numbers, which are used to decorate a festive interior.

They can be any. But it is easier to use a cardboard blank in the form of a circle. Fold the corrugated paper mugs together and in half. Then randomly you need to make incisions, as in the figure.

We straighten the circles, the resulting petals can be fixed to each other, and then, using the blunt end of the pencil, “plant” on the number.

Actually, there are many ways to create roses using corrugated paper. The main thing is accuracy and the desire to create beauty.

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