Warframe getter rifle. Warframe weapon overview

Helpful Hints 09.08.2019
Helpful Hints

I welcome everyone. I won’t write a lot of forewords from myself, this guide is for those who have just started playing Warframe. So let's start.

The game begins with a small tutorial, after which you will be asked to choose one of three characters, Warframes, which you will start playing.

Who to choose at first does not play a big role, each Warframe is unique in its own way and the initial three are no worse than the others. Warframe skills determine the style of play for him, whichever is closer to you, choose that one.

During the game, you can always get any other Warframe. On the this moment there are 12 of them.

After training, you get to the main game menu. Where will your character meditate over the planets solar system.

Each planet is a set of missions. Initially, only Mercury is available. All the rest will have a lock hanging - you will not be able to get there until you complete the mission that opens this planet.

When you hover over a planet on the top right, a pop-up window will appear with game information on the planet, as well as resources that will fall on the missions of this planet.

The list of resources is listed in order of rarity. The last one, the third one, mostly drops from bosses.

Resources are needed for crafting.

Below is the in-game chat. From top, from left to right, it shows: your game avatar and nickname, rank and progress of getting the next one, game currencies, mission settings, transition to the arsenal, contacts, shop, forge; game settings and exit.

Now more on each item.

game avatar: shown in the game, by clicking the "show players" button. You can change it by clicking on it. Additional avatars are sold in the store.

Game currencies: credits - you get on missions and for selling something, platinum is a currency received for donations.

Mission Settings

Online: create or join a public game.

Private: Create a private game that only your friends or clan members can access.

Solo: solo mission.


Adding friends, lists of friends, clans (they are only formal so far) are all in this section.


Rank: The rank/level of your account. For each Warframe level you gain, you will receive 200 Rank/Experience, and 100 for each weapon level. As you rank up, you unlock access to new weapons. There are no weapons that require more than the 4th rank yet. To get the next rank is not enough to collect required amount experience, you still need to pass the test. The transition to the test task to the next rank will become possible when the experience bar starts flashing yellow. By clicking on it you will be taken to the corresponding test. You can complete the test once a day, if you failed the test, you can only take the test again the next day.

To complete the test for the 0th and 1st rank, you need to kill all the enemies with the main weapon (for example, this is a Brayton assault rifle). For subsequent ranks:

Rank 2: Kill all enemies within 3 waves.

Rank 3: Killing all enemies with melee weapons only.

Rank 4: Survive for a certain amount of time.

Rank 5: Hack consoles within a certain amount of time.

Rank 6: Accurately shoot, like in a shooting range, at glowing balls.


Here is all your game property, as well as its management, configuration and pumping.

At the beginning, you will not have anything there, so you can safely go play.

In the future, for pumping the Persian, weapons, etc. you need to click on the "Configure Artifact" button.

The rest is intuitive, there are also tooltips.

In the "Inventory" section there are lists of all your things, as well as the ability to sell some of them - Warframes, weapons, blueprints.

It also shows you how many weapon or Warframe slots you have available. Slots and coloring pages are currently the only thing that can be obtained only for donations. But you can also sell the Warframe / weapon, thereby freeing up the slot.

Space for drawings and resources is not limited.

The "Mods" section contains all your cards and Cores, as well as the possibility of upgrading or selling them.


Actually, everything is obvious here - read the corresponding descriptions. Everything that is sold for platinum (except flowers) can be obtained in the game either in finished form or in the form of a blueprint.


Here is the assembly of things according to the drawings. You can collect: Weapon, Weapon Skin (from 12 to 24 hours), Warframes (consist of several parts, the total craft lasts 84 hours), as well as Orokin Catalyst and Reactor (24 hours). To assemble any item, you need the appropriate resources, as well as from 15,000 to 35,000 credits

I'll tell you more about crafting Warframes.

To build a Warframe, you need 3 parts: Chassis, Helmet and Systems. As well as a drawing of Warframe, which is bought in the store.

All three parts of the Warframe are randomly dropped from bosses, except for the Banshee. Each boss has its own Warframe.

Places where which Warframe can be obtained.

Planet: Venus

Mission: Fossa

Boss: Jackal

Warframe: Rhino

Planet Earth

Mission: Everest

Boss: Counceler Van Dek

Warframe: Trinity

The planet Mars

Mission: War

Boss: Sargent Nef Anyo

Warframe: Meg

Planet: Jupiter

Mission: Themisto

Boss: The Golem

Warframe: Volt

Planet: Saturn

Mission: Thetys

Boss: General Sargas Ruk

Warframe: Ember

Planet: Uranus

Mission: Titania

Boss: Tyl Regar

Warframe: Ash

Planet Neptune

Mission: Psamathe

Boss: The Hyena

Warframe: Loki

Planet: Pluto

Mission: Hades

Boss: Ambulas

Warframe: Excalibur

Planet: Ceres

Mission: Exta

Boss: Lt. Lech Crill

Warframe: Frost

Planet: Eris

Mission: Naeglar

Boss: Phorid

Warframe: Nyx

Planet: Sedna

Mission: Merrow

Boss: Kela De Thaym

Warframe: Saryn

Planet: Any

Mission: any mission with a reward

Warframe: Banshee

The drawing knocked out from the boss looks like this:

It is very similar to the integration ball, only in a yellow tint.

The integration ball adds 100 experience to everything, drops from loot boxes.

Above, I mentioned the Orokin Catalyst and Reactor. These things allow you to double the energy of a weapon (need a catalyst), guard (need a reactor), warframe (need a reactor). Energy is spent on mods (cards).

For each level, 1 unit of energy is added with a catalyst / reactor of 2 units. Roughly speaking, the more energy, the more cards you can install

The maximum level of the Warframe, weapons, guards is 30.

Alert System (Alarm)

Or a random number generator in action throughout the entire solar system in the game. What you need to know is that if you do not have one or another gaming location open, that is, a padlock is hanging on it, then you will not see Alert if he is walking.

Alert is a special complicated mission, the most important thing in it is the rewards, and they can be very interesting, because. Drops blueprints for items that cannot be purchased with in-game credits, such as the Orokin Reactor and Catalyst. All this goodness can fall out if there is also a question mark next to the credits reward.

Also drop drawings for Weapons and Helmets for Warframes, artifacts. I will dwell on the latter in more detail.


Artifacts provide a permanent bonus for the entire mission. Artifacts are not pumped and do not end. You can take one artifact per mission.

The most interesting at the moment are Rejuvenation - restores health for the whole team one every two seconds and Energy Source - restores energy for the whole team, also one unit every two seconds. Bonuses stack for identical artifacts. The rest are less useful but may be of interest to someone (bonuses apply to the entire team):

Enemy radar - shows enemies on the minimap within a radius of 25 meters in red circles, it will also show the hostage in rescue missions.

Constitution - Increases maximum health by ~4.8%.

Rifle Booster - Increases the damage of assault rifles.

Shotgun Harvester - Increases the amount of shotgun ammo you can collect.

Pistol Gatherer - Increases the amount of Pistol ammo you can collect.

Sniper Gatherer - Increases the amount of sniper rifle ammo you can collect.

Steel Pressure - increases damage for melee attacks by 10%, but not for strong ones, i.e. with charging.

The process of the game itself is not particularly problematic. But I'll write some things.

In missions, sometimes you need to climb up a vertical wall. To do this, you need to run up to the wall (the one you need will have white scuffs) with the shift pressed and hold down the gap. Another option is to jump with the shift key on the wall and hold the gap. Running on a horizontal wall is similar, you just need to run onto the wall at an angle.

Also horizontal wall running is part of the punch combo.

In missions against the Corps, you will periodically encounter cameras. If the camera has not detected you, it will turn green, when it detects it will start to squeak and burn red, as well as turrets and laser beams in the passages will turn on. All this will interfere, both for you and your partners, so try to remember the places where the cameras are hanging (they are the same) and immediately destroy them.

Periodically, mods (cards and synthesis cores) will fall from the killed mobs, they look like this:

At first, this is the most valuable loot for you, so try to pick them all up. The same rule good manners will put a label for his comrades. You can do this by pressing the "g" key.

If someone has not collected the mod, then there will be a blue glow in its place.

Thank you for your attention. More detailed information you will be able to read.

Weapons in Warframe

This guide to the game Warframe is dedicated to weapons. The game is amazing in every way, so it's not surprising that the weapons of the characters are of particular interest to the players. The review contains everything about pumping and weapon features, and also answers the main question - which weapon is the best in Warframe.

So let's start with the basics. There are three types of weapons in the game - basic, secondary and melee weapon. Each weapon has its own unique characteristics that can be improved with mods. Also, for some types of weapons, there is an alternative skin that not only changes the appearance, but also improves one characteristic and worsens another.

Weapons gain experience for using them in combat. With enough experience, the rank increases up to a maximum of 30 ranks. Each rank adds one capacity point, which is used to install mods.

The weapon has 8 slots for installing mods. Installation and removal of modifications does not require credits and platinum and is available at any time, except for battle. When removed, the mod goes back into inventory and the weapon loses the upgrade that the mod gives, freeing up a capacity point.

Starting weapon

A new player starts the game with an MK1-Brayton rifle, a Lato pistol, and a Scan sword. The weapon is basic, so you should not expect any special characteristics from it.

It is the starting rifle for Warframe.

This is a versatile down that can be used in any situation.

It has a lower rate of fire and low damage compared to the regular Brayton.

Not a bad weapon up to the mission on Mercury.

But as soon as you earn 15 thousand credits, it is advisable to sell and purchase more powerful weapons for MK1-Brayton.

lato- a pistol, great for short and medium ranges.

Lato has good initial damage and a good rate of fire.

It has a low recoil, which will help to put the enemy in a headshot, which is perhaps his best characteristic.

Although, of course, it has nothing to compare with prime barrels and any donated pistol. different weight categories.

But here, as they say, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Primary melee weapon.

Something resembling a katana (Japanese samurai sword).

The weapon is cold, although it can be called hot, especially when connected colorful animation in the form of lightning.

Scana's strength is enough to make enemies stagger.

Do not play with Scana in vain - this can lead to sad consequences.

clan weapons

There is also a so-called clan weapon in this exciting game. To get it, you first need to join a clan. Next you need to do clan key. And then create clan weapons in the forge. But first, the clan itself must acquire a biological laboratory, a chemical laboratory and an energy laboratory, as well as build the Oracle and all sorts of gadgets for it.

Laboratories in Warframe are needed so that you can research different types new weapons. Only after researching, you will be able to acquire it.

biological laboratory- in it you can explore the Mutagenic Mass, which produces combat toxins for weapons, Thorid, which shoots charges of toxins and Akrid, which shoots needles filled with acid.

Chemical laboratory- in it you can research the Detonite Injector (the basis for incendiary weapons), Ignis, who unleashes a stream of scorching fire, and Ogris, who fires detonite shell projectiles.

Energy Lab - in it you are offered to explore the Fieldron (a container for storing excessively hot substances), Prova (a melee weapon that deals intense electrical damage to the target), Supra (heavy laser weapons with a quick warm-up), Deru (a rifle that shoots high-temperature plasma), Lanka (uses magnetic induction to fire high-velocity projectiles) and Flux rifle (the developers did not write anything about it, apparently to arouse the curiosity of players).

The best weapons in Warframe

So what are the best weapons in Warframe? I will say right away that there is no absolutely universal weapon, which means that it would be wrong to call any the best. Although, of course, in each class or type of weapon there are more powerful and weaker models. But besides damage, there are other indicators - recoil, accuracy, rate of fire, clip capacity. So one power still does not give anything - for the effective destruction of enemies, an optimal combination of all characteristics is needed.

So in answer to the question, what weapon to choose in warframe, you need to understand for what purposes you are going to use it. Melee weapons should be fast-firing and have low recoil. For long-range combat, such a parameter as accuracy is much more important, which, in turn, is affected by recoil.

In fact, no matter what weapon you take, you can find both its pluses and minuses in any. For example, the Magnus revolver is very powerful, suitable for any faction, it can kill both the infected and the representatives of the corps. It looks pretty nice, but it also has disadvantages: strong recoil and a small clip - only 8 rounds.

In general, I think, in search of the most powerful weapon in Warframe, it would be most logical to refer to top weapons or, more simply, the most expensive. For example, Twin Gremlins, Doe or Mitra, looking, to put it mildly, VERY chic and having no less chic specifications. What is the accuracy of Mitra alone worth, the shells of which seem to fly at the target themselves, and this is with considerable power indicators. Of course, not everyone can get such a weapon, because it can only be obtained for donations, or by completing a chain of difficult quests.

Miter- shoots circular blades, cutting into pieces everyone who gets in their way. It costs a fabulous 220 platinum, but believe me, it's worth it.

Doe- powerful rifle medium range for assault operations. Looks no less chic than Mitra. Costs 225 platinum. You can also purchase Lani's blueprint for 40,000 credits.

Twin gremlins- These are pistols, they have a low rate of fire, which is offset by high damage and accuracy. They cost 190 platinum.

The Stalker gun is also of great interest. About how to get the Stalker's weapon, who the Stalker is, how to summon and kill him, I wrote a separate one.

Warframe weapon video

MMOGlobus regularly publishes new articles and guides, including those on Warframe. So if you have not yet registered in the game, I advise you to do it. (LINK TO REGISTRATION) The game is unique in its own way and really captivates. See you!

Telos Akbolto- twin pistols firing bolts.


  • High piercing damage.

  • The highest accuracy among dual pistols.

  • High rate of fire.

  • It has a built-in True effect (deals 1000 gas damage in an area, restores 25% health and increases parkour by + 25% for 30 seconds).


  • No cutting damage.

  • Slow projectile speed.

  • Long reload.

Where to get:

Buy from the Arbiters of Hexis syndicate for 100,000 reputation after gaining Principle rank from them. Can also be bought from players (20-25 platinum).


2. Sonicor.

Sonicor- percussion pistol.


  • High impact damage.

  • Shots have a high chance of knocking down the enemy.

  • Projectiles ricochet once from the surface (exception - various objects such as barrels, glasses, etc.)

  • The radius of the affected area is 5 meters.

    • Does not damage the wearer.


  • There are no piercing and slicing damage types.

  • Short range of the projectile (18 meters).

  • Low rate of fire.

  • Long reload time.

Where to get:

Buy a blueprint in the shop for 20,000 credits or ready-made with a catalyst for 200 platinum.

Build #1:

Build #2:

Build #3:

3. Vaykor Merlok.

Vaykor Merlok- revolver.


  • High impact and cutting damage.

  • High chance of status proc and critical hit.

  • Has a built-in Judgment effect (deals 1000 explosion damage in an area, restores 25% health and adds + 25% to armor for 30 seconds).


  • Low piercing damage.

  • Low critical hit damage.

Where to get:

Buy from the Steel Meridian syndicate for 100,000 reputation after gaining the rank of General from them. Can also be bought from players (20-25 platinum).

Build #1:

Build #2:

Build #3:

4. Akstiletto Prime.

Akstiletto Prime- powerful submachine guns.


  • Good base damage.

  • High status.

  • High accuracy.

  • High reload speed.


  • Rapid ammo consumption.

Where to get:

From the Break.

Drawing- Lit Era A1.
Receiver- Aksi Era K1, Aksi Era T1.
Trunk- Aksi Era A1.
Connection- Aksi Era N1.


5. Spira Prime.

Spira Prime- throwing daggers.


  • High Piercing Damage

  • Can hit multiple enemies in a lane

  • Has the highest critical hit chance of any secondary weapon.

  • High reload speed

  • Throwing daggers is fully automatic.

  • Silent


  • The projectile has a trajectory.

  • Daggers have a certain flight time.

  • Low rate of fire.

Where to get:

From the Break.

Drawing- Meso Era V1
Blade- Neo Era S3
Pouch- Lit Era S1, Lit Era S2


6. Lex Prime.

Lex Prime- a pistol with great lethal force.


  • High piercing damage.

  • High accuracy.

  • Low ammo consumption.

  • High critical hit chance.

  • High status.


  • Low impact and cutting damage.

  • Slow reload speed.

  • Low rate of fire.

  • High return.

Where to get:

From the Break.

Drawing- Meso Era D1, Neo Era N2.
Trunk- Lit Era M1, Aksi Era N2.
Receiver- Neo Era S1, Neo Era N3, Aksi Era K1.

Build #1:

Build #2:

Build #3:

7. Paired Toxocysts.

Paired Toxocysts- Dual pistols with new weapon mechanics.


  • High base damage.

  • Extremely high status - the second highest of all secondary weapons.

  • High ammo efficiency.

  • Headshots activate passive weapon effects for 6 seconds:

    • +100% toxic damage;

    • Increased rate of fire by 2.5 times;

    • Significant reduction in recoil;

    • No ammunition consumption;


  • Low rate of fire with no active passive effect.

  • Strong recoil without active passive effect.

  • Low critical hit chance.

  • The duration of the passive effect is not updated if it is already triggered by a headshot.

  • If the passive effect is activated or removed, it creates a noise that cannot be extinguished with a mod or Loki's augment.

Where to get:

Buy a blueprint in the Biological Lab for 15,000 credits or ready-made with a catalyst for 175 platinum.


8. Paired Grakats.

Paired Grakats- Dual submachine guns with a good crit chance, but rather low damage.


  • High rate of fire.

  • Roomy cage.

  • High critical hit chance.

  • Huge supply of ammo.


  • Rapid ammo consumption.

  • Low damage.

  • Long reload.

Where to get:

Buy a blueprint in the store for 20,000 credits or ready-made with a catalyst for 225 platinum.


9. Staticor.

Staticor- energetic throwing weapon.


  • High radiation damage.

  • High status.

  • Roomy cage.

  • Fast reload.

  • Large attack radius of the enhanced attack.


  • The charged attack projectile has an extremely slow flight speed.

Where to get:

Buy a blueprint from the Energy Lab for 50,000 credits or from the shop, ready-made with a catalyst for 200 platinum.


10. Hiko Prime.

hiko prime- shurikens.


  • Silent.

  • Very high reload speed.

  • The arcuate trajectory of the projectiles allows you to hit enemies in cover.


  • It has a non-instantaneous projectile speed, which makes it inconvenient at long distances.

  • Uses ammo quickly.

  • Low chance and critical hit damage.

Where to get:

From the Rift

Drawing- Lit Era S1, Meso Era N2.
shurikens- Lit Era F2, Neo Era N1.
Pouch- Aksi Era K2, Aksi Era V2.

Build #1 (explosive):

Build #2 (Piercing):

This guide contains information about the best Warframe weapons. This topic is of interest to many gamers - from those who have just started playing to those who are longtime regulars of the project. From our review, you can learn a lot of interesting and useful information related to topics such as pumping weapons, their varieties and features. The best weapon Warframe - what can you say about it?

General information

All weapons in Warframe can be divided into 3 types: the main type, secondary and melee. Each individual item has its own characteristics, which are improved through the installation of special modifications. Some types of weapons have alternative covers - with their help, you can change not only the visual part, but also some parameters, choosing individual options for improvement or deterioration.

During the use of any weapon, experience points are automatically earned. If you stock up on a certain number of points, you can increase the rank. The maximum level is 30. New ranks each time add one point to the weapon's capacity, where modules are then placed. The total number of such slots reaches 8. The good news is that modifications are installed and removed completely free of charge. Deleted mods do not disappear, but take up empty space in the inventory.

Starting weapon: MK1-Brayton rifle

Rifle MK1-Brayton is given at the very start. This versatile firearm, an assistant in any battle, could be Warframe's best primary weapon. It has a rather weak rate of fire and, unlike the regular Brayton rifle, weaker damage. You can safely use before the job on Mercury.

Start weapon: Lato

This pistol is also issued at the very beginning of the game and is placed in an additional slot. In combat, it is used at close and medium distances. As a starting weapon, Lato has good performance damage and good rate of fire. Due to the low recoil of the pistol, players can make several headshots in a row at once.

Do not forget that there are much more powerful guns in the game, with which Lato, of course, cannot be compared. However, for the start of the game in its category, this pistol is considered the best weapon in Warframe.

Starting weapon: Scan's sword

The last weapon related to the starting group. It looks like a katana. At the very beginning of the game, Scan's sword is almost the best

Clan weapons

Access to the next type of weapons is only available if the player joins the clan. However, this is far from the only condition for the creation of such weapons. After joining a clan, the player will have to start making a special clan key. Only when the key is ready, you can go to the forge, where the necessary weapons are created.

It is also worth noting that powerful weapons are in powerful clans that do not accept everyone into their ranks. Such clans either have to have a forge already or have to build one. To do this, you will have to create an Oracle room, add many different accessories there and, in addition to this, acquire several laboratories. As you can see, getting clan weapons is quite a costly affair.

As for the laboratories, they are necessary for research and experiments on new weapons.

  • In laboratories with a biological bias, a mutagenic mass is being studied, which is used to make special toxins for weapons. This is where the player can go to create a Torid that fires toxic blasts, or an Akrid that fires acid needles.
  • In laboratories with a chemical bias, research is being done on the detonite injector, which is the main element of the fire weapon. Players can explore Ignis with his streaming fire blasts and Ogris with his detonite projectiles.
  • In laboratories with an energy bias, they study Fieldrons (special containers for hot liquids), Prova (weapons for close range, hitting with a stream of energy), Supra (laser cannon), Derra (plasma rifle with high temperature) and Lanka (machine gun with magnetic induction).

The problem is that there is no single answer to this question. Some kind of universal weapon, suitable for absolutely any situation, simply does not exist in the game. In any weapon you can find something strong and something weak.

When looking for the best weapons in Warframe, don't rely on damage alone. Every weapon has different useful features, for example, recoil force, rate of fire, clip capacity, as well as shot accuracy. The secret of powerful weapons is far from being in damage alone! The best Warframe weapon for the most effective massacre of enemies will be the weapon that will optimally combine all of the above parameters.

The choice of weapons should match the individual playing style of a particular player. Melee firearms can have low recoil and maximum shots per minute, while sniper rifles can have strong recoil and high accuracy.

Regardless of the choice made, with any type of weapon, you can find both several main advantages and disadvantages. For those who do not want to deal with assessing the situation and developing tactics, there are special top-end weapons that can be found in the store at the highest prices.

This guide will be completely devoted to weapons in Warframe, which are of interest to many gamers - from beginners to regulars of the project. In our review, you will find out information related to the pumping of weapons, their varieties and features in this game. You'll also learn the answer to a seemingly rhetorical question - so what's the best weapon in Warframe?

All weapons in Warframe are divided into several types and can be primary, secondary and melee. Each individual item is characterized by a unique set of parameters that you can improve with special modifications. Some types of weapons have an alternative cover, but at the same time, it not only changes them visually, but also slightly adjusts their characteristics, raising some parameters and worsening others.

When you use any weapon in combat, you gain experience points. By dialing a certain number, you will increase the rank. And so on up to a maximum of 30! For each next rank, the weapon has a capacity point, where you install the modules.

The best weapons for beginners:

There are eight slots in total for placing modules. There is no need to pay anything for installing or removing modifications - neither credits nor platinum. You can do this at any time, with the exception of battles. The main thing to have right weapon, free slot and modification. If you delete the mod, it will not disappear anywhere, but will go straight to your inventory. At the same time, the weapon will have a free capacity point.

Starter weapon in Warframe

All players who have created a new character start Warframe game with a starting set of weapons:

  • The main weapon is the MK1-Breyton rifle.
  • Additional - gun "Lato".
  • Close combat - sword "Scan".

As you understand, you should not expect any incredible parameters and characteristics from this set of weapons. However, consider each item separately!

Rifle "MK1-Brayton"

Rifle "MK1-Brayton"

"MK1-Brayton"- this is starting weapon in Warframe, occupying the main slot.

  • A versatile rifle that will come in handy in all situations.
  • Weak rate of fire and lower damage compared to the regular Brayton rifle.
  • You should use the rifle before you get to the Mercury mission.
  • As soon as 15,000 credits appear, we recommend that you sell this weapon and buy something more powerful.

Pistol "Lato"

Starting pistol "Lato"

"Lato" is a pistol that is ideal for close to mid-range combat in the early stages of the game.

  • He has good enough damage to start the game.
  • Excellent rate of fire.
  • A small payoff that will allow you to make several headshots in a row.
  • Of course, it is pointless to compare this pistol with prime weapons or barrels for donuts.

Sword "Scan"

Skana Starter Sword

"Scana"- starting weapon that occupies a melee slot.

  • A bit like a katana.
  • Pretty good option in the early stages of the game.

Clan weapons in Warframe

This is another type of weapon. To get clan weapons, the first thing to do is to join a clan. But then you will need to make a clan key, and after that create the necessary weapon in the forge. At the same time, you will have to find a powerful clan that will also agree to accept you under its banner.

The fact is that to get the forge, you will have to build the Oracle, various accessories for it, and also create several laboratories at once. The latter are used to be able to study new types of weapons. Only after you have done your research will you be able to buy clan weapons in Warframe.

More about laboratories:

  • In the biological laboratory, you can study the mutagenic mass, which is necessary for the manufacture of toxins for weapons. You can create "Torid" or "Akrid". The first shoots toxic charges, and the second - acid needles.
  • In the chemistry lab, a detonite injector is being researched, which is used as the main element in the creation of fire weapons. You can learn Ignis and Ogris using fire blast and detonite projectiles respectively.
  • In the energy lab, you can study the Fieldron (a unique container needed to store hot liquids, as well as the Prova, Supra, Dera, Lanka, and Flux Rifle weapons. The Prova is a melee weapon with energy damage, "Supra" - laser weapons, "Dera" - plasma rifle, and "Lanka" - a rapid-fire machine gun.

So what are the best weapons in Warframe?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, which is why we called it “rhetorical”. You can't find in the game universal weapon which will be appropriate and most effective in any situation. Of course, each class and type of weapon contains more powerful or weaker options.

But you don't have to think narrowly and look only at damage, because there are other equally important parameters, such as recoil, rate of fire, accuracy and clip size. Therefore, one damage does not solve anything! In order for you to be able to eliminate enemies as efficiently as possible, you will have to find weapons with optimal combination parameters.

Therefore, before choosing any weapon, you must figure out what you need it for. Firearms melee weapons in Warframe should allow you to land as many shots per minute as possible but still have low recoil, while the same sniper rifles can sacrifice recoil but have high accuracy.

Whatever weapon you choose, you can find advantages and disadvantages in any situation. For example, the Magnus revolver is quite powerful and suitable for all factions. With it, you can kill both infected and ordinary soldiers. In addition, you can add a very effective appearance, but it also has its drawbacks - huge recoil and low clip volume (8 rounds).

Thus, if you want to find the best weapons in Warframe, then you should focus on the top ones, i.e. strive to purchase the most expensive one. You can consider a set of weapons from the "Dual Gremlins", "Hallowe" and "Mitra". Take a look at the accuracy of the Mitra, which literally allows you to shoot with your eyes closed, and at the same time the weapon has a fairly high power. It is not so easy to obtain such weapons, but the efforts and investments justify themselves. You will either have to complete difficult quests or purchase weapons for donations.

  • Melee weapon "Mitra" is used to shoot circular blades and allows you to cut opponents literally into pieces. Requires 220 platinum to purchase. It's a lot, but it's worth it!
  • The Lan is a medium-range, high-damage rifle that comes in handy for assault missions. It looks no worse than Mitra, but it will cost you a little more - 225 platinum. For 40,000 credits, you can buy a blueprint for the Doe rifle.
  • "Dual Gremlins" are two pistols occupying one slot, although characterized by a low rate of fire, but capable of delivering huge damage with maximum accuracy. They cost 190 platinum.

Analysis of available weapons in Warframe

Below we will not consider prime barrels and clan weapons, because to get them you need to be an experienced fighter, have a high-level clan or donate well. In general, this weapon, so to speak, is for the elite, but sooner or later you will become it with due diligence. By then, no guides will be needed!

Unlike many shooter and action games that use weapons, Warframe does not have any level system. For example, it is not necessary to change the sword "Scan" to a new melee weapon when moving to the third or fourth level. The effectiveness of the weapon used will not depend on the level, but on other parameters and features. No matter what level and class the character has, you will deal the same damage with this weapon.

Melee weapons in Warframe are relevant at the beginning of the game when you are fighting against low level mobs, since almost all of them have minimal armor. At the same time, literally two or three bots of level 60 and above will destroy Vauban or Nova until they overcome the required distance. Most weapons of this type ignore any armor and are able to stun opponents. With its help, it is often possible to knock the enemy down if you perform jump attacks.

There is no connection between these weapons and frames (strike time, etc.), but at the same time, you must understand that when swinging a hammer, having good shields, you can destroy any enemy, while with an ordinary dagger you can cut a mob with 1000 HP is very problematic.

In addition to the usual melee weapons, it is worth highlighting specific options, such as plasma swords, zoren and boomerangs. Although they cost a lot of money, most gamers consider them practically useless. In classic builds, Kronus is assembled immediately after the passage of Mercury. The first time you kill a Thief, there is a 100% chance to drop Kronus.

From other swords, you can consider crafting "Fangi", "Glaive", dark dagger and "Furax".

Concerning pistols, then they are also not tied to frames, but are selected depending on the chosen style of play. Rarely can you knock out a "Prophet" from a Thief. But this pistol, like the Kraken and Lex, is used for leisurely shooting mobs. A copy of the Bronco will be effective at a distance of no more than 10 meters, while the Viper and Bolto will use up their ammunition in almost a split second.

If you are a beginner, then do not even think of crafting or buying the Prophet, Viper and Bronco, as they require a very specific pumping. I also propose to ignore Furis and Sikarus in any situation.

Sniper rifles should be used by professional gamers, as they have little ammo, and ammo does not drop as often. In addition, a lot of time is spent on pumping and knocking out the necessary modifications.

Luke no less demanding than sniper rifles - requires experience in the game, the presence of special modifications, the search for ammunition, which is quite rare.

From shotguns at the beginning of the game, you can use the "Boar" and "Country". Both specimens perform well in firefights at short distances, but lose effectiveness after 30-40 meters. If you want to shoot at a distance, then choose "Hek", but it will require the fourth rank.

Shotguns require unique modifications, while most of them are compatible with rifles.

Automata- Another type of weapon for which you will need ammunition. Do not forget the problems with recoil, dispersion during continuous shooting, poor accuracy and mediocre damage relative to one shot (bullet). If you are a beginner, then you should not buy Barston or Grakata. In this case smart move will be the acquisition of Latron.

One of the popular weapons is the Brayton rifle (an improved version of the starting weapon).


  • The Grakata assault rifle, snipers, shotguns, bows, and machine guns fit the survivable frames.
  • Unsuccessful builds will become sniper rifle or bow with "Lex", "Prophet" or "Kraken", as well as "Grakata" or "Brayton" with "Furax" or "Viper".

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