Warframe weapon blueprints and where to get them. WarFrame: Bosses and Crafting

Design and interior 26.08.2019
Design and interior

Good day.

As I promised, I will tell you in a few words about bosses and crafting in the WarFrame game.
There are few bosses in the game (12 + 1), but the craft is very, very extensive.
Total in game this moment- 13 planetary systems and 12 of them have their own boss.

Now the global map looks like this:

In the right corner of the screen, when you hover over the planetary system, you can see what resources can be obtained in it. Resources are listed in descending order of their drop rate.

Shall we start in order?

Enemy levels 1-4
Captain Vor is the final boss of the Mercury system.
It can be found on Tolstoj.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: a drawing for Cronus, as well as Morphids

The boss is simple, after taking the 30th level with your frame - farms in solo. The sword is so-so, a little better than the starting Scan. Morphids are needed everywhere in crafting, so you will have to go to the boss quite often.

Enemy levels 5-14
The Jackal is the final boss of the Venus system.
It can be found on Fossa.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: blueprints for Rhino Helmet, Rhino Chassis and Rhino Systems.

Jackal - also with a certain selection of weapons, it is completely farmed solo. Parts fall from it onto the Rhino farframe (tank frame).

Enemy levels 3-15
General Sargas Ruk is the final boss of the Saturn system.
It can be found on Tethys.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: blueprints for Ember Helmet, Ember Chassis and Ember Systems, as well as Orokin Element (Orokin Cell).

General Sargas Ryuk, with a creak, but also killed solo. Although, I would advise you not to torture your hands and take partners. Parts fall from it to Ember (fire frame) and a useful single resource Orokin Element.

Enemy levels 10-20
J3-Golem is the final boss of the Jupiter system.
It can be found on Themisto.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: blueprints for Volt Helmet, Volt Chassis and Volt Systems, as well as Neural Sensors.

If you want to assemble a fast and electric Volt, go to the Golem. He is even easier to kill than Ryuk. Neural sensors should also be stocked up. You don’t want to, when you receive a new recipe, instead of clicking on the “Create” button, you will go to drop this resource?

Enemy levels 8-21
Sgt. Nef Anyo is the final boss of the Mars system.
It can be found on War.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: blueprints for Mag Helmet, Mag Chassis and Mag Systems, as well as Gallium

Of the solo bosses, this one is the hardest for me. But, it's also real. If you want to collect Mag-telekinetics .. then why don't you take it right away?)

Enemy levels 10-23
Tyl Regor is the final boss of the Uranus system.
It can be found on Titania.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: blueprints for Ash Helmet, Ash Chassis and Ash System, as well as Gallium.

All subsequent bosses, including Regor, are personally recommended by me for passing in a group. They have more lives, they use more and more cunning tactics, and you can find yourself with empty clips and no energy in two millimeters from the kill. Yes, and the assassin-Ash is going from Til Regor.

Enemy levels 15-25
This system does not have bosses, but it does contain Morphids and Rubedos that are laborious to mine.

Enemy levels 15-26
Councilor Vay Hek is the final boss of the Earth system.
It can be found on Everest.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: drawings for Trinity Helmet, Trinity Chassis and Trinity Systems, as well as Orokin Element (Orokin Cell)

From this boss, parts fall on the only heal support in the game - the vampire Trinity! And also the not useless Orokin Element.

Enemy levels 14-28
The Hyena is the final boss of the Neptune system.
It can be found on Psamathe.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: drawings for Loki Helmet, Loki Chassis and Loki Systems, as well as the Control Module (Control Module)

Dear, from this younger brother of the Jackal - Hyenas, pieces fall on Loki, whom you were immediately offered to choose from, along with Meg. But the Control Module is needed everywhere, so you will need to kill this small robot many times.

Enemy levels 18-28
Kela De Thaym is the final boss of the Sedna system.
It can be found on Merrow.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: blueprints for Saryn Helmet, Saryn Chsassis and Saryn System.

An interesting poisonous warframe - Sarina, falls from this boss. May you be lucky with the chance)

Enemy levels 25-35
Lieutenant Lech Kril is the final boss of the Ceres system.
It can be found on Exta.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: blueprints for Frost Helmet, Frost Chassis and Frost Systems, as well as Orokin Element (Orokin Cell)

Another tank frame - Frost falls from this boss. As an advertisement - I recommend Frost to everyone,) Well, and the Orokin Element, where without it.

Enemy levels 30-40
Phorid is the final boss of the Eris system.
It can be found on Naeglar.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: blueprints for Nyx Helmet, Nyx Chassis and Nyx Systems, as well as Neurodes

This Infested boss gives us the opportunity to assemble a Nyx psyker. And if Frost's defense is aimed at the group, then Nyx is unique in other chips. Neurodes are also very important, so we will drop by here often.

Enemy levels 35-55
Ambulas is the final boss of the Pluto system.
It can be found on Hades.
After his death, the following items can be dropped: blueprints for Excalibur Chassis, Excalibur Helmet and Excalibur Systems, as well as Morphics (Mirphics)

According to statistics, the most frequently chosen starting warframe is Excalibur... so it's up to you whether you go to this boss or not. I think it's too much work.)

And also the Boss, not tied to any planetary system - Stalker!

There is something out there in the darkness that hunts the Tenno, bringing death upon our enemies. He has developed a false sense of justice and sympathy for those who seek to destroy our society. His powers are similar to ours, and his armor is shrouded in shadow - he must be destroyed."
approx. Translation Warframe Lore Thread

Stalker is a dark and vengeful character that appears during missions. Its level is significantly higher than other enemies, usually between 30 - 70. It will attack a specific player and will not disappear until it kills the target or is defeated. His appearance is preceded by a flash of light and ominous threats, in the form of an image of the Stalker with a message. They are only visible to the target player. After three messages, the Stalker will appear near his target, even if he has changed location since the first message. In the arsenal of the Stalker there is a bow of Fear, a scythe of Hatred and throwing knives known as Despair. Blueprints for any of the three weapons can drop after defeating the owner. The Stalker warframe is also different from all known ones, but vaguely resembles Excalibur Prime.

The stalker can appear in any location where the player is located. At least one boss must be killed.
On a team, only the target will be able to see the Stalker's messages, but all players will see the flashing light. It is advisable to inform the group that the Stalker has come for your soul.
Stalker does not belong to any faction and therefore can be killed not only by players, but also by game mobs: Grineer, Corpus or Infected.
If the player was killed by the Stalker, the latter will no longer appear until the end of the mission, even if the player has used respawn.
If the victim of the Stalker was killed during the Stalker's teleport, then when the player is revived, the Stalker does not disappear, although the reward does not drop out.
The stalker attacks only the target player, but does not touch other players (if you are playing in a group). Thus, the target player can hide somewhere or simply run from the Stalker, trying not to fall under his attacks, while the party members will fearlessly beat him.
If you play solo, then after killing the boss, the chance of the Stalker appearing in the next mission increases (in missions where the goal is to kill any boss, the Stalker will not appear).

Craft is quite extensive and I will put it into several categories:
1 Recipes are bought for the game "gold"
2 Recipes drop from Alerts or login rewards
3 Recipes drop from certain bosses or in certain locations
4 Recipes are bought after research by the Clan

Well, with the first point - everything is simple! We go to the Shop tab, select the Weapons section, scroll, click, buy a recipe. Go to the Forge and see what ingredients are required to create. We collect everything you need, and for a small fee in the course of N-th time (usually, from 12 hours and above) we create the necessary little thing. Then, if there are free slots in the inventory, we pick it up, change clothes and enjoy. (Parts of new warframes and Guardians do not take up space in the inventory).

On the second point - everything is somewhat more interesting. Every few hours the game gives you the opportunity to participate in an Alert (event) with an unknown reward, in addition to the monetary reward. This is where recipes are obtained, which cannot be obtained in the store. As well as Artifacts. But, about them later, if you are interested. Well, as in many current browser toys, there are bonuses for daily visits to the game. The longer you maintain the chain of daily logins, the more interesting rewards you can get. (By the way, the last introduced Vauban warframe - is obtained only through this item - Alerts / Daily Present)

The third recipes, of course, include recipes for all parts of new warframes, the Kronus sword, Latron-prime, Frost-prime, Reaper-prime (the last three are in the Abyss, a special game location). After receiving and manufacturing all 3 pieces of any warframe, go to the Store and buy a recipe for assembling these pieces into a single combat suit.

And finally, the funniest. Dojo Crafts! Dojo is Warframe-style, Clan Hall. If your Clan is large enough and rich enough, then you can afford to research and buy recipes for 2 biological weapons, 2 chemical weapons and 5 energy. But keep in mind that crafting all this goodness will cost you OH how not cheap.

Perhaps that's all for now. See you and write if something else needs to be covered.

Beginners who have just started to master the game Warframe are often simply lost among the variety of possibilities of this shooter. We have put together a small guide that will help you learn the basics of the game.

1. Where to find blueprints in warframe

A blueprint is a description of the necessary components for creating an item in the Forge - the amount of resources, credits, the time it takes to create the item, and the amount of platinum for instant completion. Using the blueprints, you can assemble Warframes, Guardians, weapons, skins for helmets and weapons.

You can find the drawing on the defeated boss, for the successful completion of the mission on the alarm, which is marked with a "?". In addition, the drawing can be won when entering the game or bought on the market.

Suit Blueprint Drop Locations (Frame, Helmet, and System):

frame Planet Location
Excalibur Pluto Hades
Loki Neptune Psamathe
Valkiria Jupiter Themisto
Ember Saturn Tethys
Rhino Venus Fossa
Ash Uranus Titania
Trinity Earth Everest
Mag Mars War
Nyx Eris Naeglar
Frost Ceres Exta
Sarin Sedna Merrow
Banshee Issued as a reward for Raid, Capture, Defense and Espionage missions

2. Warframe swords

Swords in the game can be conditionally divided into short blades, long blades, double blades, throwing weapons, heavy weapons. Sword crafting blueprints can be found during missions or purchased from the in-game store. If there is no desire to look for components, then you can buy a finished sword for platinum.

Locations of drawings of drawings of some swords:

Weapon Planet Location
Cronus Mercury Tolstoj
Dark Dagger Jupiter Themysto
Jaw EarthPluto Everest Hades
Dark Sword NeptunePluto Psamathe Hades
Pangolin sword Pluto Hades
plasma sword Pluto Hades
Ceramic dagger Jupiter Themysto
flaming sword Pluto Hades

3. Where to find morphs in warframe

A rare but much-needed morphid resource, which is used to create items, can be found during missions on the planets Mercury, Mars, Europa, and Pluto. Often this resource drops from the bosses Ambulas, Captain Vor and Sergeant Nef Ene.

4. Where to find platinum

Platinum in Warframe is purchased for real money in the game market, and it can also be won during prize promotions from developers. When you enter the game, you can get a discount on the purchase of platinum during the day in the amount of 20, 50 or 75 percent.

You can use platinum to buy weapons, Warframes, paints, Guardians, sets, blueprints, to instantly complete the creation of items, buy new slots for weapons and costumes.

5. Where to find resources

All items in Warframe are created from resources that must be found during missions. The table shows the locations of the most frequent resource drops in the game:

Planet resource type
Mercury Morphides, Ferrite, Polymer Kit
Venus Schemes, Set of polymers, Metal plates
Earth Ferrite, Neurodes, Rubedo
Mars Recycled, Morphides, Gallium
Jupiter Recyclables, Metal plates, Neural sensors
Saturn Nanospores, Plastids, Orokin Nutrition Element
Uranus Gallium, Plastids, set of polymers
Neptune Ferrite, Nanospores, Control Module
Pluto Rubedo, Morphids, Plastids

This guide will be completely devoted to weapons in Warframe, which are of interest to many gamers - from beginners to regulars of the project. In our review, you will find out information related to the pumping of weapons, their varieties and features in this game. You will also learn the answer to a seemingly rhetorical question - so what kind of weapon in warframe best?

All weapons in Warframe are divided into several types and can be primary, secondary and melee. Each individual item is characterized by a unique set of parameters that you can improve with special modifications. Some types of weapons have an alternative cover, but at the same time, it not only changes them visually, but also slightly adjusts their characteristics, raising some parameters and worsening others.

When you use any weapon in combat, you gain experience points. By dialing a certain number, you will increase the rank. And so on up to a maximum of 30! For each next rank, the weapon has a capacity point, where you install the modules.

The best weapons for beginners:

There are eight slots in total for placing modules. There is no need to pay anything for installing or removing modifications - neither credits nor platinum. You can do this at any time, with the exception of battles. The main thing to have right weapon, free slot and modification. If you delete the mod, it will not disappear anywhere, but will go straight to your inventory. At the same time, the weapon will have a free capacity point.

Starter weapon in Warframe

All players who have created a new character start Warframe game with a starting set of weapons:

  • The main weapon is the MK1-Brayton rifle.
  • Additional - gun "Lato".
  • Close combat - sword "Scan".

As you understand, you should not expect any incredible parameters and characteristics from this set of weapons. However, consider each item separately!

Rifle "MK1-Brayton"

Rifle "MK1-Brayton"

"MK1-Brayton" is the starting weapon in Warframe, occupying the main slot.

  • A versatile rifle that will come in handy in all situations.
  • Weak rate of fire and lower damage compared to the regular Brayton rifle.
  • You should use the rifle before you get to the Mercury mission.
  • As soon as 15,000 credits appear, we recommend that you sell this weapon and buy something more powerful.

Pistol "Lato"

Starting pistol "Lato"

"Lato" is a pistol that is ideal for close to mid-range combat in the early stages of the game.

  • He has good enough damage to start the game.
  • Excellent rate of fire.
  • A small payoff that will allow you to make several headshots in a row.
  • Of course, it is pointless to compare this pistol with prime weapons or barrels for donuts.

Sword "Scan"

Skana Starter Sword

"Scana"- starting weapon that occupies a melee slot.

  • A bit like a katana.
  • Pretty good option in the early stages of the game.

Clan weapons in Warframe

This is another type of weapon. To get clan weapons, the first thing to do is to join a clan. But then you will need to make a clan key, and after that create the necessary weapon in the forge. At the same time, you will have to find a powerful clan that will also agree to accept you under its banner.

The fact is that to get the forge, you will have to build the Oracle, various accessories for it, and also create several laboratories at once. The latter are used to be able to study new types of weapons. Only after you have done your research will you be able to buy clan weapons in Warframe.

More about laboratories:

  • In the biological laboratory, you can study the mutagenic mass, which is necessary for the manufacture of toxins for weapons. You can create "Torid" or "Akrid". The first shoots toxic charges, and the second - acid needles.
  • In the chemistry lab, a detonite injector is being researched, which is used as the main element in the creation of fire weapons. You can learn Ignis and Ogris using fire blast and detonite projectiles respectively.
  • In the energy lab, you can study the Fieldron (a unique container needed to store hot liquids, as well as the Prova, Supra, Dera, Lanka, and Flux Rifle weapons. The Prova is a melee weapon with energy damage, "Supra" - laser weapons, "Dera" - plasma rifle, and "Lanka" - a rapid-fire machine gun.

So what are the best weapons in Warframe?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, which is why we called it “rhetorical”. You can't find in the game universal weapon which will be appropriate and most effective in any situation. Of course, each class and type of weapon contains more powerful or weaker options.

But you don't have to think narrowly and look only at damage, because there are other equally important parameters, such as recoil, rate of fire, accuracy and clip size. Therefore, one damage does not solve anything! In order for you to be able to eliminate enemies as efficiently as possible, you will have to find weapons with optimal combination parameters.

Therefore, before choosing any weapon, you must figure out what you need it for. Firearms melee weapons in Warframe should allow you to land as many shots per minute as possible but still have low recoil, while the same sniper rifles can sacrifice recoil but have high accuracy.

Whatever weapon you choose, you can find advantages and disadvantages in any situation. For example, the Magnus revolver is quite powerful and suitable for all factions. With it, you can kill both infected and ordinary soldiers. In addition, you can add a very effective appearance, but it also has its drawbacks - huge recoil and low clip volume (8 rounds).

Thus, if you want to find the best weapon in Warframe, you should focus on the top, i.e., strive to acquire the most expensive one. You can consider a set of weapons from the "Dual Gremlins", "Hallowe" and "Mitra". Take a look at the accuracy of the Mitra, which literally allows you to shoot with your eyes closed, and at the same time the weapon has a fairly high power. It is not so easy to obtain such weapons, but the efforts and investments justify themselves. You will either have to complete difficult quests or purchase weapons for donations.

  • Melee weapon "Mitra" is used to shoot circular blades and allows you to cut opponents literally into pieces. Requires 220 platinum to purchase. It's a lot, but it's worth it!
  • "Doe" - rifle medium range with high damage, which is useful for assault operations. It looks no worse than Mitra, but it will cost you a little more - 225 platinum. For 40,000 credits, you can buy a blueprint for the Doe rifle.
  • "Dual Gremlins" are two pistols occupying one slot, although characterized by a low rate of fire, but capable of delivering huge damage with maximum accuracy. They cost 190 platinum.

Analysis of available weapons in Warframe

Below we will not consider prime barrels and clan weapons, because to get them you need to be an experienced fighter, have a high-level clan or donate well. In general, this weapon, so to speak, is for the elite, but sooner or later you will become it with due diligence. By then, no guides will be needed!

Unlike many shooter and action games that use weapons, Warframe does not have any level system. For example, it is not necessary to change the sword "Scan" to a new melee weapon when moving to the third or fourth level. The effectiveness of the weapon used will not depend on the level, but on other parameters and features. No matter what level and class the character has, you will deal the same damage with this weapon.

Melee weapons in Warframe are relevant at the beginning of the game when you are fighting against low level mobs, since almost all of them have minimal armor. At the same time, literally two or three bots of level 60 and above will destroy Vauban or Nova until they overcome the required distance. Most weapons of this type ignore any armor and are able to stun opponents. With its help, it is often possible to knock the enemy down if you perform jump attacks.

There is no connection between these weapons and frames (strike time, etc.), but at the same time, you must understand that when swinging a hammer, having good shields, you can destroy any enemy, while with an ordinary dagger you can cut a mob with 1000 HP is very problematic.

In addition to the usual melee weapons, it is worth highlighting specific options, such as plasma swords, zoren and boomerangs. Although they cost a lot of money, most gamers consider them practically useless. In classic builds, Kronus is assembled immediately after the passage of Mercury. The first time you kill a Thief, there is a 100% chance to drop Kronus.

From other swords, you can consider crafting "Fangi", "Glaive", dark dagger and "Furax".

Concerning pistols, then they are also not tied to frames, but are selected depending on the chosen style of play. Rarely can you knock out a "Prophet" from a Thief. But this pistol, like the Kraken and Lex, is used for leisurely shooting mobs. A copy of the Bronco will be effective at a distance of no more than 10 meters, while the Viper and Bolto will use up their ammunition in almost a split second.

If you are a beginner, then do not even think of crafting or buying the Prophet, Viper and Bronco, as they require a very specific pumping. I also propose to ignore Furis and Sikarus in any situation.

Sniper rifles should be used by professional gamers, as they have little ammo, and ammo does not drop as often. In addition, a lot of time is spent on pumping and knocking out the necessary modifications.

Luke no less demanding than sniper rifles - requires experience in the game, the presence of special modifications, the search for ammunition, which is quite rare.

From shotguns at the beginning of the game, you can use the "Boar" and "Country". Both specimens perform well in firefights at short distances, but lose effectiveness after 30-40 meters. If you want to shoot at a distance, then choose "Hek", but it will require the fourth rank.

Shotguns require unique modifications, while most of them are compatible with rifles.

Automata- Another type of weapon for which you will need ammunition. Do not forget the problems with recoil, dispersion during continuous shooting, poor accuracy and mediocre damage relative to one shot (bullet). If you are a beginner, then you should not buy Barston or Grakata. In this case smart move will be the acquisition of Latron.

One of the popular weapons is the Brayton rifle (an improved version of the starting weapon).


  • The Grakata assault rifle, snipers, shotguns, bows, and machine guns fit the survivable frames.
  • Unsuccessful builds will become sniper rifle or bow with "Lex", "Prophet" or "Kraken", as well as "Grakata" or "Brayton" with "Furax" or "Viper".
ATTENTION!!! This article is intended for those who have just started playing. And learn the basics of the game.

1. Start

In the prologue, we are told who we are and what is happening.
We are shown one of the antagonists of the game - Captain Vor, who is trying to get into our shelter.
You will meet this "cute" face more than once.

The big door to our hideout.
Next, we are shown our stasis chamber.

2. Starting warframes.

At the beginning of the game, we are given a choice of 3 warframes:
1. Excalibur.
2. Meg.
3. Volt.

First we have Excalibur. As you can see from its description, it is great for beginners. And not just for beginners. At the moment, Excalibur is one of the strongest warframes.
By ability:

1) Cleaving jerk. Excalibur attacks enemies from a distance 6/8/10/12 meters, moving from one enemy to another. And inflicts 100/125/200/250 cutting damage and increasing the combo counter by 1 for each hit enemy.
Damage can be increased by mods for ability power, Steel Onslaught aura, mods for the base damage of melee weapons ( pain point, Bright Clear, etc.) and using the combo counter.
Dash distance can be increased with radius mods.

2) Blinding light. Stuns enemies within a radius 8/12/15/25 for a little while and blinds them to 7/10/12/15 seconds. Distances can be increased with radius mods. The stun time cannot be increased by duration mods, but the blind duration can. The stun time depends on the target, some enemies are stunned longer, others less. ( 3 to 6 seconds). Blinded cameras, cut down lasers.

3) Shining spear. Attacks 5/7/10/12 enemies with ethereal Scan in radius 15/18/22/ 25 meters, applying 500/650/800/1000 damage per target. Damage can be increased by mods on ability power.
Attacks only those enemies that were in the field of view of Excalibur during the activation of the ability. The resulting damage will be evenly split between the three primary physical damage types, stab, pierce, and slash.

4)Majestic blade. Ulta Excalibur. Excalibur uses an energy sword instead of an equipped weapon. During the duration of the ability, the player cannot use his weapon, only the energy sword that appears. The ability to use skills is not lost. Each normal hit will inflict 100/125/200/25 0 base damage in radius 2 meters, attack from the wall 400/500/800/100 0 base damage, spin attacks will deal 214/267.5/428/535 base damage and automatically apply Blinding Light in a radius 5 meters with duration 6 seconds without wasting energy, and jump attacks will inflict 200/250/400/500 base damage and additionally create a shock wave with 50 units of impact damage in a radius 5 meters. Base Damage evenly divided into shock, cutting and piercing damage, has 15% chance and 200% critical damage multiplier and 10% status chance.
Damage can be boosted with ability power mods, the Steel Onslaught aura, and the combo counter. Also, the Energy Sword is directly related to melee weapons - all mods installed on the weapon will affect the properties of the Energy Sword, but the characteristics of the weapon itself will not be transferred to it.
Damage is boosted by ability power mods and a combo counter.
Excalibur also has a passive in the form of 10% speed and attack power when using swords, dual blades, nikan and the Majestic Blade. Excalibur has a Prime version. Which was available to those who bought the Founder's Pack in 2013. At the moment, there is no way to buy Excalibur Prime. Unlike the regular Ex, the Prime has 25 more armor and has an additional madurai polarity ( ) and there is a Madurai aura polarity ( )

Next we have Meg. She is especially good against the Corpus, as possesses a skill capable of one-shotting them.

1) Attraction. Pulls all enemies at a distance 12/20/22/25 meters 100/125/150/30 0 magnetic damage to each target and knock them down. Does not attract drones and bosses, but damage will still be dealt.
The distance can be increased with radius mods.
Damage can be increased by mods on ability power.
There is also a syndicate mod that allows the mag to attract resources to itself. This used to work for mag allies as well, but unfortunately it has been removed now.

2) Shield polarization. Restores 10%/15%/25%/50% shields to allies, removes 10%/15%/25%/50% shields to enemies. Shield recovery and damage are independent of each other and can be increased by ability power mods. Deals 100%/150%/200%/250 % of magnetic damage from the number of units of absorbed shields of enemies in radius 5/8/11/14 meters from the target from which the shield was removed. Those. the more shields the target has, the more damage will be dealt to enemies.
The damage multiplier can be increased by mods on ability power.
The distance can be increased with radius mods.

3) A magnetic field. Creates a sphere around the target with a radius 3/6/9/12 , which will exist 15 seconds, or until the target dies. In this case, the sphere turns red, bursts and inflicts 50/150/200/300 explosive damage to all enemies in a radius 5/10/12/15 meters.
The radius of the sphere and explosion can be increased by radius mods.
All bullets and abilities that hit the orb's area are aimed directly at the victim and inflict 125%/150%/175%/200% damage.

4) Crush. Deals a total of800/1000/1250/1500 magnetic damage in three equal parts to all enemies in a radius8/10/13/18 meters.
Distance can be increased by mods radius.
ability strength.
Stuns enemies while the ability is active.The enemy will receive damage only when it hits the radius of the ability, that is, it can miss the first and even the second part of the damage, but if it is in the radius of the ability before the third part of the animation, it will receive damage from it.

Mag has a prime version. Mag Prime has 75 more HP and has an additional madurai polarity ().

And last but not least, Volt- Walking stun gun. Possesses good set skills for speedrun missions.

1) Shock. Volt creates an electric discharge that jumps from one enemy to another, but provided that there are no more than 7/10/12/15 meters, and inflicts 75/100/125/200 electrical damage from 100% status for everyone.
Astonishing as much as possible2/3/4/5 targets (the limit on the number of targets cannot be changed by mods).When hit, additionally inflicts50% damage in a small radius.
Damage can be increased by mods by ability strength.
The maximum distance for a lightning "jump" can be increased by mods by radius.

2) Acceleration. Increases running and melee attack speed by 10%/15%/25%/50% both Volt himself and all allies in the radius 15/20/22/25 meters per 5/6/8/10 seconds.
The distance can be increased with radius mods.
The duration can be increased by duration mods.
The bonus speed of running and melee attacks can be increased by mods on ability power.

3) Electrical panel. Volt creates a shield wide 6 meters and height 4.25 meters with lifetime 10/15/20/25 , shooting through which provides additional 50% electrical damage, as well as critical damage, taking into account the mods installed on the weapon, is multiplied by 2 .
These indicators are not changed by the gain and stretch modes.
The duration can be increased by duration mods.
Electricity damage is dealt separately and will not be added to existing combo damage such as corrosion. However, on most weapons, electrical damage will be combined with other elemental damage types, for example with fire it will give radiation, and with ice it will give a magnet. You can create as many shields as you want, regardless of whether there is already an active shield. Shooting through multiple shields will increase the electricity damage bonus by 50% for each shield, but the bonus to critical damage will remain the same.

4) Overload. Volt emits a powerful electric field, causing a primary impulse150/175/200/225 electricity with status chance100% in a small area of ​​effect. This pulse is applied with a secondary pulse that attenuates with distance.
Both types of damage are increased by mods by ability strength.
Enemies hit by the primal impulse will be briefly stunned, and50% The electric field has a radius12/15/18/20 meters, and any electronic device within the area will become overloaded. Each overloaded device will perform a limited number of electric arcs against multiple enemies within the same radius, and each arc deals250 electricity damage with status chance100% . After all overloaded devices have been depleted, the electric field destabilizes and inflicts150/175/200/225 electric damage per second with status 100% during3/3/4/4 seconds. These final impulses can also affect enemies in a similar radius.
The damage of the final impulses can be increased by mods by ability power , while damage from arcs caused by overloaded devices does not.
Enemies damaged by arcs or subsequent pulses will be briefly stunned and receive50% from the initial damage will be dealt to surrounding enemies in a small radius.After overloaded devices have been depleted, emitted2/2/3/3 damage impulse over the duration.
The radius of destruction of the electric field and arcs is increased by mods by stretching.
The radius of destruction of electric arcs is calculated from the location of the device, and notVolta.

Volt Also has a Prime version. Unlike the regular version, the Prime version has 85 more armor and 150 more energy, making it one of the two warframes (Warframe 2 Saryn Prime) with a huge amount of energy, namely 850 units with the maximum pumped Prime Flux. Also, the Prime version has an additional polarity madurai ().

3. Choice of melee weapons.

So, having chosen a warframe and killing a few enemies, we move on and face a choice. What melee weapon to take?
We have Scana and MK1-Bo to choose from.

I can only say that one hundred Scana loses to MK1-Bo in terms of stats.
Choice in this case depends on what kind of weapon you like.

4. The choice of secondary weapons.

Once you have chosen a melee weapon and moved on, killing enemies along the way, you will again be given a choice of two guns. This time it's the secondary weapons - Lato and MK1 Kunai.

Everything here is up to your taste. MK1-Kunai are much better in damage than Lato and they are silent. But Lato has more ammunition and a higher rate of fire.

5. The choice of the main weapon.

Then again the choice, but now the main weapon. Choice of rifle MK1-Breyton and bow MK1-Paris.

According to the stats, MK1-Paris wins here, but there is one thing, MK1-Paris is a bow and it shoots for quite a long time, and the arrows fly also for a long time and in a parabola. However, the bow, like the kunai, is completely silent, while the MK1-Brayton is noisy as hell. MK1-Paris also has a naramon polarization slot ( ).
The MK1-Brayton is a rifle with a good rate of fire and ammo capacity.

6. End of training.

So, after choosing the warframe you like, melee weapons, primary and secondary, it's time to flee the planet.
To do this, you need to find our ship - Liset.

And here he is. Our Liset.

In order to fly away, you need to activate the ship through the console nearby. It's not particularly difficult.

After hacking the console, you need to hold out for 1 minute while waiting for the local analogue of the on-board computer - a cephalon named Ordis to start the engines.

After time runs out, Ordis finally starts the engines and we fly away from Vor and his soldiers.

7. On Liset.

Congratulations!!! You were able to escape from Vor. Now you have your own spaceship. Let's take a closer look at it.

1) Shop - a place where you can spend your Credits and Platinum to buy Weapons, Warframes, Guardians, etc.

2) The Codex is an encyclopedia of enemies, Warframes, Archwings, weapons, mods, companions, and relics in Warframe. To obtain information about an enemy or mission object, players must use special Codex Scanners or Synthesis Scanners.

3) Forge - is a section of the Liset ship where you can create weapons, Warframes, Guardians, Archwings and consumables using blueprints, resources, credits and time. Buildings in the forge can be accelerated with platinum.

4) Incubator - part of the Liset ship, which is designed to grow and maintain Kubrows.

5) Arsenal - here you can change the warframe, weapons, guards, kubrows, and also change their coloring. You can also customize Conclave and Archwing equipment.

6) Operator's Room - your real body sits there. There you can upgrade Schools of Focus.

7) Infected room - there we can remove the helminth cyst from the warframe (purple infected wart on the neck of the frame)

8. Espionage.

As it turned out, all systems except Arsenal on Liset do not work. And the ship itself is offline.
Our first mission is to bring back the store segment. Nothing complicated, we carefully reach the console, hack it and leave.

Returning to Liset, we install the segment of the store.

9. Salvation.

This time our task is to save the merchant helping the Tenno. His name is Darvo

Darvo in one of the rooms with the green console

In this room, you need to find the right door.

Meet Darvo. He will give us the Drawing of Ascaris Blocker.
For completing the mission, we will receive a segment for the mod store.

10. Cleanup.

Now it's time to restore the Forge. Everything is simple here - you need to kill all the enemies.

Returning to the ship, install the forge segment. But we don't have the resources to create the Ascaris Blocker.

We are offered to go to the Corps and steal the necessary resources from them.

Now we have the necessary resources. It's time to craft the Blocker.

11. Murder.

Here we come to the end of the prologue. We need to kill the Thief to permanently get rid of his influence.

Thief - the boss is not particularly difficult. From afar, he shoots from his pistol - the Prophet, and close up attacks with a more powerful analogue of Scana - Kronus. Also often teleports and throws traps that hit with electricity. Even after you remove his shields and deal some damage to health, he closes with an energy dome and calls on allies.

Remove shields and deal HP damage 3-4 times. After that, he dies. And you need to go out.
Prologue completed.

At the beginning of the game you will be given a starting 50 platinum. I advise you to buy 2 slots for warframes on it. How to do it: Esc -> Equipment -> Inventory.

I do not advise you to spend this fee on decorations or resources. Decorations do not give you any benefit, and farming resources is not so difficult.
I also advise you to collect Trinity, because. it is in demand on any missions due to the fact that it can "flood" energy from enemies in large quantities.
If you did not take Excalibur as a starting warframe, collect it in the same way. But for the most part in terms of Warframes, pick the ones you like.


In short, on the PC now there are simply no alternatives in terms of setting (si-fi, a bunch of different weapons, very nice humanoid models of charms, a significant difference in skills). Destiny is added to WF on consoles. The game can be installed in two ways: by downloading the installer from offsite or from Steam (the client is mostly Russified). I used the second one - very convenient, plus goodies from integration (achievements, game time tracking). F2P monetization model (at the start they give some platinum, the local equivalent of real money).

To put it simply, this is Diablo 3 in space, adjusted for the distribution model. it's a co-op session with some PvP capability.


Actually the gameplay can be divided into two large parts (as in any session in general):

1. The combat itself ... you get on any map (sometimes quite confusing, by the way, generated randomly from blocks) and in a number of 1 to 4 people and complete the task (an update was recently released, in which missions for 8 people appeared - raids). You can play purely solo (put the status that no one can connect to your session).

2. Picking the config of your character, weapons, equipment, etc. Craft all of the above from the components that you dropped out on missions or were bought (in the game store or from other players), as well as chatter in chat, trade and interaction with NPCs who are representatives of various factions / syndicates in the game universe.


When you first enter the game, you will be prompted to choose one of three charms. In the description, everything is intelligible, take the one who likes and your style. The tutorial is made interesting, in the process of it you need to choose your weapon (there are three types of weapons that the char is wearing at the same time). The choice of guns also depends on how you like to play more: bows for those who like to sniper, machine guns for those who prefer to break in and arrange a meat grinder.

As you understand, a session is about a quality and once again a quality. It’s not just one thing that swings here ... the gun, and the rank of the account, and the level of your current character (suit, warframe ... whatever). Plus, you will need a variety of crafting resources and internal money (credits). As with many F2Ps, if you wish, you can buy all this for real.

In my opinion, the advantage of the project is that you can’t buy something for real that will give game advantages over those who don’t donate. At the same time, while zadrotstvuyuschy, you can fuck everything that is in the store (except for visual charms, which do not affect the performance characteristics). This is how you start doing missions and getting the first goodies.

p.s. Here the person who controls the suit (warframe) is called Tenno... this is in the backstory. Very in tune with our body. Therefore, in the chat you can often find a phrase like: "you need 3 bodies with keys in the B3 vault to clean up." At first it sounds like a Chinese letter.


The difference between a pumped and not pumped charm is very big. There is no balancer as such. Those. when collecting a random party for a task, complete noobs can get with their fathers. In such a situation, noobs often do not understand at all what is happening, where everyone has fled and what to do. But, when you are a noob, you have very limited access to tasks.

There are not very many types of tasks (cleansing, defense, espionage, etc.). They are tied to certain sectors located around the planets. The number of planets is fixed and they can be opened gradually as the difficulty of the missions increases from one to another. You can open the planet by filling up the boss (a navigation module will fall out of it, which is inserted into the map if you approach the navigation console on your ship and press "X"), here is the list:

Mercury Boss - Mars and Venus

Boss of Venus - Jupiter

Boss of Mars - Saturn

Jupiter Boss - Sedna

Boss of Saturn - Phobos

Phobos Boss - Europe

Boss of Sedna - Uranus

Boss of Europe - Neptune

Boss of Uranus - Eris

Neptune Boss - Ceres & Pluto

There is also a special location Abyss (soon they promise to remove it, distributing the existing missions evenly across the rest of the planets), in which a lot of delicious goodies fall, but getting there is more difficult, i.e. keys are required (well, in general, these are quite difficult locations for a beginner).

Leveling up the rank of an account is necessary to be able to use a particular weapon or suit. To increase your rank, you need to score a certain number of skill points, which in turn are awarded for upgrading costumes and weapons, as well as complete a qualification test.

There is a nuance related to the fact that upgrading a weapon and a suit to the maximum lvl (30) can be reusable (when adding reactors / catalysts), but only the first entry counts for mastery points. Those. you are encouraged not to get stuck on any one suit or weapon, even if you do not need anything else for the game.


The minimum association is a detachment (2-4 people, adjusted for a raid of 8 people), then there are clans, which in turn can unite into an alliance. Since there is no such thing as a global location (world map), its chat is replaced by a regional one (that is, there is our native Russian obscene). Despite the fact that when you go on a mission to a party, you may well get caught by a non-Russian-speaking comrade (I believe that the servers are in Europe, in some thread of Frankfurt, hence the effect).
According to subjective feelings, a rather large percentage of shkolota in the worst sense of the word (sharp, sharp butts who are fluent in obscene dialects), but there are also adequate guys who will treat your nubian stupidity with understanding. The bourgeois, as is often the case in MMOs, are more polite than ours (again, on average in a hospital, I don’t speak for everyone).
Clans really provide an advantage over non-tag... there are quite a few weapons (and costumes) that can only be obtained through a clan in-game. This is not to mention the fact that the benders will drag you on missions that will be too tough for a long time to come (this is especially true for the Abyss, since auto-selection of parties does not work there, you need to collect it yourself before the mission starts).
Newcomers to the party are very reluctant to take from the regional chat, since there are only 4 people and the contribution of each is significant, especially on missions where the difficulty scales (like defense / survival). There are costumes that are more preferable in one type of task, then in others. If we talk about which of the initial costumes is more in demand in the party, then according to my observations, this is Meg (but here you need to understand that no one needs an unpumped Meg either).
One step up
Once you've maxed out your stock weapons and your starter suit, the question becomes what to collect next. If you are in a clan that helps, then most likely they will decide / advise you and help you knock everything out. If you are a loner, then your options will be quite limited, mainly the ability to farm certain locations in public.
As for suits that you can actually pull non-tag without support, there are 3 ways:
Rhino (pieces are knocked out on Venus), possesses increased survivability and not particularly skill-dependent, which is why it is recommended to beginners for the first self-assembly.
Valkyrie (pieces are knocked out on Jupiter), very armored, suitable for melee lovers, she has an ult that gives immortality for a while, which is very in demand in many missions when swinging
· Nyx (gets out on the invasions of the infected), a highly skill-dependent suit, which is why beginners are not recommended to take it immediately after the stock one, has an unusual and interesting combat based on the control of mobs.
As for weapons, it’s better to choose based on your preferences (snipe or meat grinder) as well as from the drop of mods (it’s up to luck), however, due to its versatility and ease of crafting, it is recommended to assemble a Boltor. From close combat, a very pleasant weapon, even without much buildup, is dual Zorens. Ending
Some cute art on the topic

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