Methodological development on the topic: Forms and methods of methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Methodical activity of the teacher

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Natalya Kiryanova
Methodical work in the preschool educational institution

Mission methodical service is aimed at the formation of a new type of professional teacher with modern pedagogical thinking and high professional culture.

Goals methodical services of our preschool educational institution are:

Implementation of the state educational policy within the framework of the educational process;

Creation of a set of conditions for the effective development of preschool educational institutions;

Quality assurance educational services in a preschool educational institution, adequate to its status.

Tasks methodical service:

Providing theoretical, psychological, methodical support for educators;

Creating conditions for increasing professional competence, the growth of pedagogical skills and the development of the creative potential of each teacher;

Organization of active participation of teachers in planning, developing and implementation of the development program, in innovative processes;

Carrying out monitoring and certification procedures for an objective analysis of the development of a preschool institution and the results achieved, etc.

Functions methodical service:

Information and analytical;

Forecasting and planning.






Core innovation vector methodical work in preschool education - the quality of education as a strategy for improving the professionalism of teachers.

Raising the professional level of teachers consists in the formation of key competencies, the totality of which leads to the reference professional competence of a teacher. The professional competence of a teacher is defined as a set of knowledge, skills, professionally important qualities that ensure the effectiveness and optimality of the educational process.

In order to improve the professional skills of preschool teachers educational institution uses a variety of technologies to unlock the potential of each educator:

business game,


skill competition,


search and creative tasks.

On the basis of the preschool educational institution, there is an innovative platform for topic: "Modern preschool education theory and practice of implementing an exemplary general educational program of preschool education "Success"", in her work 17 preschool teachers participate.

Model Implementation Results methodical services are analyzed in triad:


Its advantages are noted functioning:

Economic (reduced costs for professional development);

Pedagogical (education is becoming more motivated, technological and individualized);

Ergonomic (teachers have the opportunity to allocate time for self-education according to a convenient schedule);

Informational (the availability of modern software tools, new educational technologies is increasing);

Communication (the number of network participants with which interaction is possible increases).

The target is a portrait of a preschool child.

Values methodical services we see in the preparation of the teacher as a subject professional activity, a teacher-initiator, capable of self-education and continuous creative growth, ready in the course of his own creative activity to create conditions for the self-development of pupils.

The priority direction is to assist teachers in preparing for innovative activities.

The high degree of satisfaction of parents with the results of the educational process, the growth of their pedagogical enlightenment confirm the effectiveness methodical service(survey results).

The experimental activity of the teaching staff, aimed at developing the early socialization of children, serves as a link for all participants in the educational process of the preschool educational institution.

Efficiency methodical work depends on the solution of two interrelated tasks:

Formation of readiness of teachers for the perception of new educational means

And learning how to act in a new way.

Potential usefulness of functioning methodical service:

Formation of a new, more variable and flexible educational environment for modern conditions for professional, creative development teachers and leaders;

Meeting the professional needs of teachers;

Cultivating interest in innovations and initiating them;

Bringing the qualifications of human resources to the modern level of requirements (competitiveness);

Increasing the freedom of communication on the basis of intensive information exchange;

Modernization of preschool methodical service.

Work with young teachers

It is based on the diagnostics of the professional activity of teachers, which helps to assess not only the actual level of professional training of each educator, but also to identify professional needs and needs, therefore, on the basis of this, differentially determine goals work with teaching staff.

Methodical work with personnel in the preschool educational institution is both collective and personal in nature and includes myself:

Theoretical and practical seminars;

Consultations and consultation workshops;

Study and dissemination of PPO;

Display of open events;

Inclusion in groups for the preparation of teachers' councils, conferences, debates, methodical associations;

Inclusion in groups for the preparation and implementation of projects;

Inclusion in groups for the preparation and holding of open events of the district and city;

Systematic monitoring and assistance;

Stimulation work and evaluation of performance;

Mutual visits;

Assistance in organizing self-education work;

Training in advanced training courses;

Business games, trainings, discussions.

Directions work of MBDOU:

The unity of physical development and education of health culture;

Social - personal

Artistic and aesthetic;

Cognitive - verbal.

Educational areas:


Physical Culture



Reading fiction



Artistic creativity

Improvement of mechanisms by the teaching staff in modern

socio-economic conditions:

1. Analysis of the results of long-term planning

"Launch" in the educational process of an exemplary general educational program "Success" ed. N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova and others);

scientific hands A. G. Asmolov; hands ed. team of N. V. Fedina

Moscow "Education", 2011 Senior educator August Analytical report on the results of thematic planning for September

Plan approval work for the new school year

2. Correction of managerial actions to coordinate the actions of educators and specialists methodical meeting Senior educator September GCD schedule

3. Bringing into compliance with established modern requirements working teachers' documentation methodical meeting Senior educator October-February Package of regulatory documents

4. Designing the scheme of information flows in methodical office Incoming and outgoing documentation Senior educator November Magazine

5. Studying the opinions of participants in the educational process on the quality of educational services of MDOU Questioning of parents

Senior educator December Analytical report

6. Scientific methodical support of publishing activities Methodological Council Senior

tutor october portfolio

7. Systematization of information flows in an educational institution Moderators Senior educator

September-May Information flow management model in preschool educational institutions

8. Drawing up, discussion and approval of the plan of the summer health campaign Employees of the educational institution, parents Senior educator

May Summer wellness company plan

9. Analysis of educational activities - educational activities for the year Educators specialists Senior educator June Analysis work per year

10. Development of a methodological work plan DOW for the next academic year group Senior educator

August Draft plan work for the new school year

Development quality assurance systems of the educational process MDOU:

n / p Actions Form of organization Responsible deadlines result

1. Teachers' Council No. 1 "New academic year on the threshold of the preschool educational institution"

Pedagogical Council Senior Educator August Analytical report on the results of educational activities of MDOU

2. Correction of the educational program of MBDOU. Working meeting senior educator

June - August Compliance of the MBDOU educational program with the established federal state requirements

Presentation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution Presentation Head Senior educator


September Signing of a draft cooperation agreement

Refresher courses Planning educational activities MeshcheryakovaL. N.

3. Organization and holding of a competition among employees and parents "The best educator" competition Senior


October Growth methodical

4 Presentation of the project on the interaction of the educational institution with the society Pedagogical Council Senior

educator November Presentation of projects

5. Bringing the certification procedure of MBDOU employees into compliance with the established requirements Methodical seminar

senior caregiver

December Regulatory support of the certification procedure for MBDOU employees

6. Providing conditions for the timely and successful certification of teaching staff Consultations, discussion and approval of training programs for certification of teachers Senior educator

In accordance with the terms of certification of teachers Successful completion of the certification procedure for teachers

7. Discussion and approval of the advanced training system for employees of the MBDOU Pedagogical Council Senior

educator February System for advanced training of preschool educational institutions

8. Didactic support of educational activities of MBDOU Methodical seminar St. educator During the year Compliance with the didactic support of educational activities MBDOU

9. Self-audit of the educational activities of the MDOU audit Senior educator May Expert opinion on the results of the educational activities of the MBDO

10. Adjustment of the monitoring system for the implementation of the educational program MBDOU Pedagogical Council Senior educator May Monitoring system

Professional activity of employees of an educational institution

n / p Actions Form of organization Responsible deadlines result

1. Analysis of the current level of professional competence of teachers of an educational institution

Analysis of the results of the professional activity of teachers of the preschool educational institution Senior educator August Analytical information on the results of the professional activity of teachers of the MBDOU

2Organization of the holiday "Summer Kaleidoscope"

"Educator's Day"(children, employees, parents) "Summer Kaleidoscope"

"Educator's Day" Senior Educator Group Educators

Muses. leadership September Analytical report on the results of the professional activity of teachers MBDOU

3. Organization of modern forms methodical work with teachers MBDOU: studios, workshops, master classes, etc. methodical seminar group leaders September Schedule the work of circles workshops, master classes, etc.

4Adjustment of indicators of professional activity of teachers of an educational institution Methodical council Senior educator October Approved indicators of professional activity

5. Organization and holding of a sports marathon "Autumn sports marathon" Instructor for physical culture

educators October Analytical report on the results of the professional activity of teachers MBDOU

6. The quality of the implementation of the educational program The system of reflective seminars Senior educator monthly Materials of seminars. positive dynamics of the quality of mastering the educational program of MBDOU by children

7. Organization of activities methodological associations for the development content educational areas in the main areas of child development methodical associations Senior educator November methodical recommendations for ensuring the quality of mastering the content of the educational program MBDOU

8. Organization and conduct "Journey through Russia"

Musical and literary living room for mother's day Senior

Educator Musical director teachers of senior groups November Analytical report on the results of the professional activity of teachers MBDOU

7. Portfolio as a form of organization methodical work teacher's consultation Senior educator December Strengthening the content of the teacher's portfolio

8. Create a children's book "A fairy tale has come to visit us" Book Educators of all groups December Analytical report on the results of the professional activity of teachers MBDOU

10. Promotion "Feed the Birds in Winter" Feeding trough competition Educators of all groups February Analytical report on the results of the professional activity of MBDOU teachers

11. Conducting an environmental KVN Mother's Day

Music Poster Competition. supervisor

educators March Analytical report on the results of the professional activity of teachers MBDOU

12 Decorating book centers "I want to be an astronaut!"

“Mom, dad, I am a healthy family!” Excursion to the library Evening of entertainment Drawing competition

educators April Analytical report on the results of the professional activity of teachers MBDOU

13 "My Pedigree" Protection of projects educators May Analytical report on the results of the professional activity of teachers MBDOU

14 Competition for the best educational methodical ensuring educational activities of MDOU competition Senior educator May educational methodical ensuring educational activities of MDOU

15. Organization of a musical and literary living room "Lukomorye" inside an educational institution (children, employees, parents). Musical and Literary Lounge Senior Educator

Music Director June Rost methodical competence of participants in the educational process

16. Organization of pedagogical readings on the topic "Modern education for modern preschoolers". Pedagogical readings Department of Education of the Kansk District Administration Collection of materials

17. Participation in ongoing competitions, festivals, promotions at various levels competitions, festivals, promotions Senior educator throughout the year Professional competence of teachers

18. The use of Internet resources in the professional activity of employees Advanced training Senior educator During the year Professional competence of teachers

19. Organization of master classes by teachers and employees of MBDOU, parents. Master classes Senior teacher

Within a year Description of experience work

20Holding events on the topic "Postman and Post Office"

"Neptune Day" Watching cartoons (Write a letter to another kindergarten) Holiday EducatorsMusic. supervisor

Instructor Educators July Growth methodical competence of participants in the educational process

21 "We are friends with physical education" (children, employees, parents)

"We build castles, cities" "We are designers" Holiday

Competition Projects of centers of activity of the developing environment Educators of Muses. Head Instructor

Caregivers August Growth methodical competence of the participants in the educational process Protection of projects

Creation of a unified educational space for the development of a child in a preschool educational institution and family:

No. Actions Form of organization Responsible terms Result

1. Analysis of the current state of interaction between employees of an educational institution and the family Analysis of the results of a survey of parents and employees of MDOU Senior

educator August Analytical report on the current state of interaction between employees of an educational institution and the family

2. Building a concept of interaction between employees of the preschool educational institution and the family Project seminar Senior educator

September The concept of interaction between MBDOU employees and families

3. Coordination with the parent community of topics and time regulations for consultations of specialists of the preschool educational institution Initiative group of teachers and parents Senior

educator september Plan work advisory group for the current year

4. Correction of the program of adaptation of children and parents to the educational process MBDOU Individual support for children and parents during the adaptation period Teacher-psychologist July-August Adaptation program

5. Organization of a telephone consultation service System of thematic events Senior educator

October Plan work

6. Adjustment of the program of interaction between MBDOU and the family "Planet Family". Project seminar Senior educator October Program of joint actions at the level of MBDOU, age groups

7. Release of a joint newspaper with the public "Dandelion". Newspaper "Dandelion" senior caregiver

1 time per quarter Newspaper issue

8. Organization of joint productive creative activity Theater circles Educators

September Plan work

9. Organization of joint productive creative activity Circles for visual activity

"The beauty. Joy. Creation" Educators September Plan work(exhibitions, reviews, competitions)

10. Organization of a creative workshop "We make toys" Creative workshop Senior teacher November DIY toys for children

11. Encouragement of children to interact with the residents of the village Actions by teachers Throughout the year Acknowledgments, photographs

12. Organization of adaptive groups for children and parents working group Teacher-psychologist July-August Decrease in cases of severe adaptation of children

13. Organization of the process of obtaining operational information on satisfaction with the quality of the activities of an educational institution Initiative group of employees and parents Senior educator November Satisfaction of parents with the quality of educational services

Improving the material and technical base of an educational institution

n / p Actions Form of organization Responsible deadlines result

1. Equipping the subject-developing environment of MDOU (Purchase of toys and didactic equipment) Conclusion of contracts Senior educator June Updated environment of the preschool educational institution

2. Library update methodical Literature Invoice Senior educator During the year Library methodical literature

3. Acquisition of children's fiction by age group Invoice Head teacher

Throughout the year Children's Fiction Library

4. Registration of subscription pedagogical publications Conclusion of contracts Senior educator October, Periodicals on preschool education

Academic plan developed in line with ongoing programs:

The main general educational program of preschool education MBDOU "Filimonovsky Kindergarten" based on the exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "Success".

Goals and objectives of the activity of an educational institution for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education

Versatile development of the child's personality in accordance with age and individual characteristics of development;

Formation of a common culture;

Formation of prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success

An exemplary basic general education program "Success" N. V. Fedina

Targets and goals

Creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child of preschool childhood,

Formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

2. As well as optional programs:

Physical development program - "Physical culture - for preschoolers", author L. D. Glazyrina;

The purpose of the program is to optimally implement the health-improving, upbringing educational areas of physical education, taking into account the individual developmental opportunities of the child in all periods of preschool childhood.

Music Development Program – "Musical Masterpieces", O. P. Radynova;

The purpose of the program is to form the foundations of the musical culture of preschool children.

Environmental Development Program "Our home is nature", author S. A. Ryzhova;

The purpose of the program is to educate a humane, socially active person, able to understand and love the world nature, take good care of them.

At the heart of the curriculum lie:

Law of the Russian Federation "On education";

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the regime work preschool educational institution SanPiN–10

The curriculum is implemented through the following types activities:

Specially organized activities (lessons);

Joint activities of the educator with children;

Independent activity of children, which is carried out according to the daily routine of each age group

MBDOU organizes work in the next direction - Physical development of children.

Organized educational activities that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children are carried out in the first half of the day. In the middle of class (senior preschool age) a physical culture minute, psycho-gymnastics are held, a change of activity is observed during the lesson. Break between classes 10 minutes. To prevent fatigue in children, these activities are integrated with other activities. Homework is not assigned to students.

During the summer period, classes are not held. Conducted mobile and sport games, sports activities, excursions, walking time increases.

The pedagogical process in the preschool educational institution is carried out according to the educational program of the kindergarten and the exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "Success" edited by N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova. The program allows the use of elements of educational activities in the form of classes only at senior preschool age when organizing transition period to schooling. Joint activities of adults and children, independent activities of children include various forms of organization and are integrated in nature and are used to develop two or more types of children's activities, and solve the problems of two or more educational areas.

Physical development


Necessary conditions for solving one of the main tasks of preschool educational institutions (groups) for the protection of life and health of children are:

Creation of a safe educational environment in preschool educational institutions;

Implementation of a complex of psychological-pedagogical, preventive and health-improving work;

Use of an integrated system for diagnosing and monitoring the health status of children.

Psychological and pedagogical Work is aimed at the formation of a culture of health of pupils and includes the formation of culturally hygienic skills and primary value ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle of a person.

Preventive Work includes a system of measures and measures (hygienic, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical, aimed at protecting health and preventing the occurrence of its violations, ensuring normal growth and development, maintaining mental and physical children's performance.

wellness Work involves the implementation of a system of measures and measures (medical, psychological and pedagogical, hygienic, etc., aimed at preserving and (or) strengthening the health of children.


Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

Education of cultural and hygienic skills;

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

"Physical Culture"

A complex of psychological and pedagogical, preventive and health-improving work, which is the content of the area "Health", should be supplemented by the formation of physical culture of preschool children. Area interaction "Health" and "Physical Culture" determines the general direction of the processes of implementation and development of the Program in accordance with a holistic approach to human health as the unity of his physical, psychological and social well-being.

The main tasks of the psychological and pedagogical work:

Development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination);

Accumulation and enrichment of motor experience of children (mastery of basic movements);

Formation of pupils' need for motor activity and physical improvement.


The entry of a child into the modern world is impossible unless he masters the initial ideas of a social nature and includes him in the system. social relations, that is, outside socialization (from lat. socalis - general, public). For the socialization of a preschooler great value has a game as an independent children's activity, which reflects the surrounding reality, the world of adults and other children, nature, social life.

The main tasks of the psychological and pedagogical work:

Development of gaming activities;

Introduction to elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral);

Formation of a positive attitude towards oneself;

Formation of primary personal ideas (about yourself, your own characteristics, capabilities, manifestations, etc.);

Formation of primary gender ideas (about one's own belonging and belonging of other people to a certain gender, gender relations and relationships);

Formation of primary ideas about the family (its composition, kinship and relationships, distribution of family responsibilities, traditions, etc.);

Formation of primary ideas about society (nearest society and place in it);

Formation of primary ideas about the state (including its symbols, "small" and "big" Motherland, its nature) and belonging to it;

Formation of primary ideas about the world (the planet Earth, the diversity of countries and states, the population, the nature of the planet, etc.).

The specifics of the implementation of this area lies in next:

The solution of the above-mentioned main tasks of the psychological and pedagogical work is impossible without the formation of primary value ideas (at preschool age, values ​​are manifested in the distinction between "What is good and what is bad", concrete examples good deeds and deeds);

Selection "Socializations" into a separate educational area conditionally, since the process of socialization "penetrates" content of the Program with various socializing aspects;

A significant place in the implementation of the region is occupied by role-playing, directorial and theatrical games as ways for the child to master social roles, a means of developing the intellectual and personal qualities of children, their creative abilities.


Life safety (state of physical, mental and social security) is a necessary condition for the full development of man. "Safety" the surrounding world of nature is a necessary condition for the existence of every person, adult and child.

The main tasks of the psychological and pedagogical work:

Formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life (formation of ideas about certain types of dangerous situations and ways of behavior in them; familiarization with the rules safe behavior in standard hazardous situations; the formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to dangerous situations)

Formation of the foundations for the safety of the natural world (formation of ideas about certain types of situations dangerous for the natural world, familiarization with the rules of behavior that is safe for the natural world);

Formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to the surrounding world of nature) as a prerequisite for ecological consciousness.


The goals of preschool education, related to the comprehensive and harmonious development of pupils, cannot be achieved without solving the problem of labor education, since labor is one of the universal means of familiarization with human culture, socialization and the formation of a child's personality.

The main tasks of the psychological and pedagogical work:

Development labor activity(Ensuring the development of children different types children's labor activity, adequate to their age and gender capabilities);

Education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results;

Formation of primary ideas about the work of adults (goals, types, content, results, its role in society and the life of each person.


The main directions of psychological and pedagogical work in this area of ​​education of preschoolers are associated with the development of higher mental functions (perception, thinking, imagination, memory, attention and speech, cognitive motivation, cognitive research and productive activities (in integration with other types of children's activities).

The main tasks of the psychological and pedagogical work:

Development of sensory culture;

Development of cognitive-research and productive (constructive) activities;

Formation of elementary mathematical representations;

Formation complete picture the world, expanding the horizons of children.



Implementation of the transfer of the content of the socio-historical experience of mankind;

Transfer of experience of various types of activities and ensuring their development;

The exchange of thoughts, feelings about the inner and surrounding world, the motivation and persuasion of the interlocutors to act in a certain way to achieve a result.

The main tasks of the psychological and pedagogical work:

Development of free communication of pupils with adults and children;

The development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogic and monologic forms) in various activities;

Practical mastering by pupils of the norms of Russian speech.

Assigning an area "Reading Fiction" in the direction "Cognitive and speech development" not by chance. Fiction, being a kind of art, performs the aesthetic and ethical functions of educating preschool children, which, of course, contributes to the integration of this area with the direction "Artistic and aesthetic development". However, the peculiarities of the perception of a literary text by preschool children are such that with the help of a book, a child, first of all, discovers the world in all its interconnections and interdependencies, begins to understand life and people more and better, experiencing and living through what he read.

The main tasks of the psychological and pedagogical work:

Formation of a holistic picture of the world (including the formation of primary value ideas);

Development of literary speech (acquaintance with linguistic means of expression through immersion in the richest linguistic environment of fiction);

Introduction to verbal art (development of artistic perception in the unity of content and form, aesthetic taste, formation of interest and love for fiction).


Music as a part of culture, art, reflecting the surrounding reality in sound artistic images, is one of the means of socialization of preschool children.

The main tasks of the psychological and pedagogical work:

Introducing the child to culture and musical art;

Development of musical and artistic activity.

The main types of musical and artistic activities in the implementation of the Program are: perception of music (listening, performance of music (singing, musical-rhythmic movements, elementary music-making, elementary musical creativity.

"Artistic Creativity"

The main tasks of the psychological and pedagogical work:

Development of productive activities of children;

Development of children's creativity;

Introduction to the fine arts.

IN GROUPS OF EARLY AGE THE PERIOD FOR THE PERIOD OF ADAPTATION IS ALLOWED 2 MONTHS. Conducting classes is carried out in subgroups. The duration of the lesson is 8 - 10 minutes. V educational activities per week 1.5 hours.

In accordance with the requirements of San PiN, 10 lessons per week are provided, two lessons per day - in the morning and in the evening (After sleep).

GCD with children from 2 to 3 years old are carried out in accordance with "The program of education and training in kindergarten" ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova (updated content, 2005, “Program and methodical recommendations for education and training in the second junior group Kindergarten, edited by M. B. Zatsepin. In accordance with the FGT and the requirements of San PiN, there are 10 lessons per week, two lessons in the first half of the day. The duration of the lesson is 15 minutes, the break between classes is up to 10 minutes.

V educational activities per week 2.45 hours.

Additional lesson 1 time per week no more than 15 minutes.

Special organized activities with pupils of middle groups are carried out in accordance with the program methodical complex"Success" edited by N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova. In accordance with the requirements of San PiN–10, the duration is 15–20 minutes each, in the first half of the day, with a break between them of 10 minutes.

V educational activities per week 4 hours.

Vmaximum allowable load in the morning = 30, 40 minutes.

Special organized activities with pupils of senior groups are carried out in accordance with the program methodical complex"Success" edited by N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova. September to May (inclusive) 15 lessons per week are held (in the morning and in the afternoon, lasting 25 minutes each, with a break between them of 10 minutes.

The third physical education lesson is held at the discretion of the teachers, depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution (during a walk, on days when there are no physical education and music lessons; organizing sports games, etc.)

(as needed).

V educational activities per week 6 hours 15 minutes.

Vmaximum allowable load in the morning 45 minutes.

Additional classes 2 times a week no more than 25 minutes.

Special organized activities with pupils of preparatory groups for school are carried out in accordance with the program methodical complex"Success" edited by N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova.

In accordance with the requirements of San PiN–10 From September to May (inclusive) 15 lessons per week are held (in the morning, lasting 30 minutes each, with a break between them of 10 minutes.

Individual physical education classes are organized for children (as needed).

V educational activities per week 8 hours 30 minutes.

Vmaximum allowable load in the morning 1.5 hours.

Additional classes 3 times a week no more than 30 minutes.

Given the need for additional in-depth diagnostic and correctional development work there is a speech center in the kindergarten and works as a teacher-psychologist.

In the group preparatory to school, a speech therapist conducts frontal classes to prepare children for learning to read and write (once a week, logorhythmics (1 time per week) with children with problems in the speech sphere, frontal classes to prepare children for learning to read and write (1 time per week, logarithmics (1 time per week) with children with speech problems. In order to eliminate the information overload of children, to prevent the emergence of a situation of priority of materials from one program to the detriment of another, the integration of the content of programs was carried out, which makes it possible to comprehensively solve the problems of protecting the life and strengthening the health of children, comprehensive education, amplification (enrichment) development based on the organization of various types of children's activities.

The definition of program content is made possible by developed, thematic planning, the basis for which was the content of the "Program of correctional education and training of children with general underdevelopment of speech" by T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina and its integration with the content of the program methodical complex"Success", edited by N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova.

Section content "Speech development - preparation for literacy" at senior preschool age is integrated with the content of the section . For the purpose of fulfilling "Programs of correctional education and training of children with OHP" the curriculum of the speech center includes classes in the section "Development of lexico-grammatical categories and coherent speech"; "Formation of the sound side of speech".

The effectiveness of correctional and educational work is determined by the clear organization of children's lives, the correct distribution of the load during the day. According to the requirements of SanPiN, in order to avoid overloading children, three periods are provided, each of which differs in the tasks, content and volume of speech therapy material.

The speech center is attended by 25 preschoolers from 5 to 7 years old. To correct and correct speech, a speech therapist conducts an individual correctional Work.

Methodical work in a preschool educational institution is a complex system of interrelated measures, based on scientific achievements and pedagogical experience (including progressive ideas). It is aimed at the professional skills of the educator and the entire teaching staff.

Areas of work

In preschool institutions, ways to improve the skill level of teachers have already been formed. But often there is no clear relationship between different types of methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Therefore, the task of the head of the kindergarten and the methodologist is to form a unified system and search for effective, affordable methods of mastery.

  • educational - professional development of educators in theoretical terms and mastery of modern methods of interaction with children;
  • didactic - obtaining knowledge to improve the efficiency of the kindergarten;
  • psychological - conducting classes in psychology (general, age, pedagogical);
  • physiological - conducting classes in physiology and hygiene;
  • technical - the educator must be able to use ICT in their work;
  • self-education - reading special literature, attending seminars on topical issues.

Such a wide variety of areas of methodological work in preschool educational institutions needs to select the most effective forms of interaction with teaching staff.

Forms of holding

They are divided into two groups: individual and group.

  1. - supreme body leadership of the entire educational process. Solves specific problems.
  2. Counseling - the educator can get advice on a question of interest to him.
  3. Seminars - they discuss certain topics, experts from other institutions can be invited. And at workshops, the skills of teachers are improved.
  4. Open lesson.
  5. Business games - imitation of making any important decisions in different situations.
  6. "Round table".
  7. Pedagogical newspaper - uniting the team with the help of creativity.
  8. Creative microgroups - they are organized to find effective methods of work.
  9. Work on a common methodological theme for all.
  10. Self-education of educators.

It is advisable to use all forms of organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions (which are more than those listed above) in order to achieve the most effective results.


Methodological work is one of the important aspects that needs to be paid attention to. With the right organization, not without the participation of the head and methodologist, it is able to motivate teachers for professional growth. Therefore, a search is underway for new, non-standard forms for advanced training. This does not mean that traditional ones will not be needed. Only in combination with well-established and modern methods can a professional and cohesive teaching staff be created.

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Methodical activity of the preschool teacher

self-education educator teacher methodical

In this section, you will get answers to the following questions:

What is included in the concept of "methodological activity"?

What is the methodological activity of the educator?

What is the "methodological service" of the preschool educational institution?

What are the functions of the methodological service of the preschool educational institution and what tasks is it designed to solve?

Methodological activity is usually defined as the activity of generalization, dissemination of pedagogical experience. In the book Management modern school» edited by M.M. Potashnik (M., 1992) defines:

Methodical work is a holistic, based on the achievements of science, best practices and a specific analysis of the difficulties of teachers, a system of interrelated measures, actions and activities aimed at comprehensively improving the professional skills of each teacher and educator, at generalizing and developing the creative potential of the teaching staff as a whole, and in the end, to achieve optimal results in the education, upbringing and development of specific children.

In connection with the allocation in the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education of the main directions of development of children (physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic and aesthetic), it is required to have specialists in the preschool educational institution who can assist educators and parents in their implementation, taking into account age, individual characteristics of the child, providing an integrated approach to the development of educational areas available to preschoolers. The duties of such specialists (music director, physical education instructor, defectologist teachers, etc.) include methodological functions in certain areas. All these specialists are included in the methodological service of the preschool educational institution.

The methodological service of the preschool educational institution is a unit that provides a set of conditions that develop the professional competence of teachers in the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education at the level of modern requirements.

The purpose of the methodological service:

create organizational and pedagogical conditions in an educational institution for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education;

· to carry out continuous education of teachers;

develop their creative potential.

The main tasks of the methodological service:

provide methodological support to participants in the pedagogical process on the upbringing, education and development of children;

plan and organize advanced training, certification of teaching staff;

identify, study, generalize, disseminate and implement advanced pedagogical experience;

provide teachers with the necessary information about the main directions of development of preschool education, modern requirements for the organization of the pedagogical process, educational and methodological literature on the problems of teaching, educating and developing children;

determine the content of the subject-developing environment and educational and methodological equipment of the main general educational program of preschool education;

Conduct pedagogical monitoring.

The methodological service interacts with the psychological, medical services, other departments, self-government bodies of the preschool educational institution and works in close relationship with the municipal methodological service.

In pedagogical practice, a whole system of methodological services of different levels has developed. For example: city, district (district) methodological services and methodological service of an educational institution (school, kindergarten). In a preschool educational institution, methodological work is carried out by a senior educator or deputy head for educational and methodological work.

The task of methodological activity is to create such an educational environment in an institution where the creative potential of the teacher and the teaching staff would be fully realized.

Experience shows that most teachers, especially beginners, always need help - from more experienced colleagues, leaders, senior teachers of preschool educational institutions, from the professional methodological community. At present, this need has increased many times over in connection with the transition to a variable education system. Special additional training and constant methodological support have become necessary for teachers in order to competently and consciously build a holistic educational process, taking into account the diversity of interests and abilities of children in the practice of teaching and educating.

In August 1994, the Ministry of Education issued a letter "On the forms of organization, directions of activity of methodological services in the education system of the Russian Federation" No. 90-M. The letter highlights the main directions in the activities of methodological services, implemented in such areas as information, diagnostic and prognostic. innovative and experimental, areas of the content of education, advanced training, certification.

Thus, methodological activity is the most important component of the educational infrastructure (along with scientific support, training and retraining of personnel, the formation of an educational environment, etc.). It is designed to support the normal course of the educational process - to promote its renewal.

The content of the methodological activity of the educator is the creation of work programs; planning educational and educational work with children; creation of visual, didactic and control materials; creation of pedagogical experience; generalization of "own" experience in the areas of professional activity; participation in scientific-practical conferences and seminars.

The leading areas of methodological activity that directly contribute to the formation of professional competence among teachers are: advanced training, accumulation and generalization of “own” work experience in areas of professional activity.

The system of continuous professional development of each teacher of a preschool educational institution involves different forms: training in courses, studying the experience of teachers, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. The systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the educator is carried out at refresher courses every five years. In the intercourse period of active pedagogical activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e., there is a progressive development of the subject itself. And here the decisive role is given to the self-education of the teacher. It performs the following functions: it expands and deepens the knowledge gained in the previous coursework, contributes to the understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level, and improves professional skills.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each particular teacher.

In modern conditions, the educator is primarily a researcher who has scientific psychological and pedagogical thinking, a high level of pedagogical skill, a certain research courage, developed pedagogical intuition, critical analysis, the need for professional self-education and the reasonable use of advanced pedagogical experience, i.e. developing its innovative potential.

Motives for self-education can be the following:

· be aware of the latest developments in science and practice of their professional activities;

· A competitive specialist with opportunities for career growth.

Sources used in the process of self-education:

Literature (methodological, popular science, fiction, etc.;

· video and audio information on various media, distance learning;

courses, seminars and conferences;

Discussions, trainings, briefings, master classes, events for the exchange of experience;

Conducting research, search activities;

Participation in olympiads, projects;

study of information and computer technologies;

· inclusion in the work of the Internet community in the direction of interest in their professional activities.

The listed sources of knowledge can contribute to the simultaneous development of personal and professional growth.

In the personal plan of self-education of the teacher, the desired results of the work must be predicted.

It can be:

preparation of articles, reports, scenarios;

participation in scientific-practical and Internet conferences, pedagogical festivals, etc.

development of new organizational forms, methods of work;

· conducting trainings, seminars, conferences, master classes, summarizing experience on the problem (topic) under study;

· development of methodological aids in one or several areas of work;

· development of a set of electronic lessons united by subject matter or teaching methods;

Development of a set of didactics in the direction (visual material, didactic games and manuals);

Creation of a data bank of games, riddles, poems;

development of a set of thematic parent meetings and events;

a project of a personal methodical web page;

· development of class notes using information technology, etc.

Most effective method show the results of pedagogical activity - place materials on the Internet. This allows the teacher to accumulate his work in a virtual pedagogical library, where his colleagues can view it, use its results, supplement, leave feedback and discuss. In this case, the invaluable pedagogical experience becomes independent of time and space.

availability and implementation of a self-education plan;

introduction of new pedagogical technologies; generalization of own experience;

preparation and holding of an open event (in a traditional form or using innovative technologies);

visits and analysis of open events of colleagues;

participation in the work of methodical associations, pedagogical council;

participation in the work of a temporary creative team or research laboratory;

· speeches at a scientific, scientific-practical conference, at pedagogical readings;

Publication of abstracts and articles; teaching aids, educational materials (developments, recommendations;

· reviewing methodological developments;

participation in competitions of pedagogical and professional skills, in methodological exhibitions;

preparation of pupils for competitions;

· leadership of the circle;

Course preparation, internship;

participation in regional, all-Russian, international programs.

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“A bad owner grows a weed,

A good grower of rice,

Smart, cultivates the soil,

visionary educates


(I. Imantsumi)

The relevance of the problem of training a highly qualified, free-thinking, active educator at the present stage in connection with the resurgent approach to a person as a value in itself is obvious to everyone. Specially organized methodological work is called upon to help the educator master a new pedagogical thinking, readiness to solve complex problems in the education system, to improve their pedagogical skills.

The successful development of the system of additional education for children is unthinkable without the development of its theory and methodology. A significant role in this process is played by methodological activity. Methodological work is a holistic system of measures based on the achievements of science, best practices and analysis of the difficulties of teachers, aimed at improving the skills of each teacher, generalizing and developing the creative potential of the team, and achieving optimal results in education, upbringing and development of children.

The constant connection of the content of methodological work with the progress and results of the activities of teachers ensures a continuous process of improving the professional skills of each educator. At the same time, methodological work is of a proactive nature and is responsible for the development of the entire educational process in accordance with the new achievements of science. However, today there is a problem of low efficiency of managerial actions to improve the professional skills of preschool teachers. And this is explained by the unsystematic nature of methodological measures, the lack of sound planning, the limited forms used, and there is no consideration of the specific interests and needs of the educator.

To build a system of methodological work, as shown by the studies of K.Yu. Belaya, L.V. Pozdnyak, I.A. Parshukova, it is possible only on the basis of an analysis of the results of the educational process, the level of pedagogical skills and qualifications of teachers, the maturity and cohesion of the teaching staff, specific interests , needs, requests of educators. For the senior educator, the search and choice of the optimal option for planning and organizing methodological work is always relevant. At the same time, the versatile nature of its content and the diversity of forms of personnel training are taken into account.

Goals and objectives of methodological work in preschool educational institutions.

Methodical work in the preschool educational institution - important condition improving the quality of the pedagogical process. Having gone through all forms of methodical work, organized in a certain system, educators not only improve their professional level, it becomes a need for them to learn something new, learn to do what they still do not know how to do. There are many definitions of the term "methodological work" in the literature.

According to A.I. Vasilyeva, methodological work in a preschool educational institution is a complex and creative process in which practical training of educators in the methods and techniques of working with children is carried out.

K.Yu. Belaya suggests understanding: methodical work is a holistic system of activities aimed at ensuring the most effective quality of the implementation of the strategic tasks of the preschool educational institution.

The task of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution is to develop a system, to find accessible and, at the same time, effective methods for improving pedagogical skills.

The purpose of the methodological work in the preschool educational institution is to create optimal conditions for the continuous improvement of the level of general and pedagogical culture of the participants in the educational process.

Participants in the educational process are: children, teaching staff, parents.

The main tasks of methodological work:

Develop a system of assistance to each teacher based on diagnostics, forms of work.

Include each teacher in a creative search.

You can select specific tasks:

1. Formation of an innovative orientation in the activities of the teaching staff, manifested in the systematic study, generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience in implementing the achievements of science.

2. Increasing the level of theoretical training of teachers.

3. Organization of work on the study of new educational standards and programs.

4. Enrichment of the pedagogical process with new technologies, forms in the education, upbringing and development of the child.

5. Organization of work on the study of regulatory documents.

6. Provision of scientific and methodological assistance to the teacher on the basis of an individual and differentiated approach (by experience, creative activity, education, categoricalness).

7. Provision of advisory assistance in the organization of self-education of teachers.

The main criteria for the effectiveness of methodological work, in addition to performance indicators (the level of pedagogical skills, the activity of educators), are the characteristics of the methodological process itself:

1. consistency - compliance with the goals and objectives in terms of the content and forms of methodological work;

2. differentiation - the second criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work - implies a large share in the system of methodical work of individual and group lessons with educators, based on their level of professionalism, readiness for self-development and other indicators;

3. phasing - indicators of the effectiveness of methodological work.

The process of methodical work in kindergarten includes certain successive stages:

1st stage - theoretical - awareness of the idea, understanding of advanced systems;

2nd stage - methodical - showing the best examples: best practices; building the concept of an individual methodological system;

3rd stage - practical - independent development and testing by educators of new technologies for training and education;

Stage 4 - analytical - identifying the effectiveness of the work, as well as analyzing the most typical difficulties and ways to eliminate them.

To organize the activities of the institution, several types of planning are used. First, it is an annual work plan. It consists of several sections:

· Analysis of educational work for the last academic year;

· Tasks of the educational process for the new academic year;

· Plan of methodical work with personnel;

· Plan for monitoring the state of educational work with children;

· Plan of activities for children;

· Plan of administrative and economic work.

The plan reveals in sufficient detail each of the designated areas, a description of the event, the timing of its implementation, and the persons responsible for the implementation are given.

Based on the activities of the Annual Plan, current planning is drawn up, which includes activities proposed by the Department of Education, as well as extraordinary and current issues. The plan for the next month is drawn up before the 25th day of the current month.

In each age group, activities are organized on the basis of the Plan of educational work. Here, educators prescribe areas of activity, topics and content of classes with children, methods and forms of work with parents.

Methodological work in the institution is built on a variety of interactive forms, these are:

· Refresher courses;

· Practical seminars;

· Scientific and methodical seminars;

· Work in creative groups Oh;

· Conferences;

· Individual and group consultations;

· Methodical exhibitions;

· Methodical and pedagogical advice.

In the kindergarten "Smile" the whole team is engaged in systematic methodical work. During the academic year, selected creative groups solve specific methodological tasks and present the results of their work. During the year, each teacher prepares the development of classes, visual aids, participates in conferences and seminars. Some teachers are trained in advanced training courses (5 people are planned to be trained this academic year). The active participation of teachers in open events at the city level is also welcomed if this person passes the certification procedure.

Consider one of the protocols of the installation pedagogical council held on August 29, 2008.

Board plan:

1. Approval of the annual work plan.

2. Results of preparation for the new academic year.

3. Reports of educators on the fulfillment of tasks for the summer period.

4. Elections of creative groups.

The first question was addressed by the head, who announced the work plan of the institution for the year. After a short discussion, the draft Plan was adopted unanimously by the whole team.

On the second question, the deputy head for administrative and economic work spoke. She spoke about the repair work carried out in the summer. On the work of the selection committee, its comments and suggestions made during the acceptance of the institution. On replenishment of the material and technical base. She invited all employees to consider the issue of replenishing the MTB and the methodological fund and prepare their applications for 2009.

Then the report of the senior educator was heard on the preparation for the scientific and methodological seminar, which was conducted by several educators during the summer period. And also, in connection with the preparation for the seminar, it was proposed to organize creative groups of teachers.

The fourth question was the choice of members of the four creative groups. Each group is assigned a task:

2. Preparation of open classes;

3. Development of outline plans for the section of the program "Social Peace" for the senior and preparatory groups.

In the "Miscellaneous" section, announcements were made about the time and date of the meeting of the Governing Council, as well as a reminder to attend operational meetings.



FOR 2008 -- 2009 ACADEMIC YEAR


The municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Smile" is located at the address: Kachkanar, 5A microdistrict houses 15 and 16.

The following groups operate in the DOE:

Two groups early age

Two junior groups

Two middle groups

Two older groups

Preparatory general developmental group

Preparatory speech therapy group


Statement of results


Conditions conducive to the effectiveness of achieving results

Conditions hindering achievement

1. In order to build a constructive partnership between the family and the kindergarten, continue to work on enhancing the forms and methods of working with parents through traditional and non-traditional forms of work: seminars, consultations, the work of the Governing Council.

In order to maximize the efficiency of solving this problem, the following methodological measures: scientific and practical seminar "Integration of the work of kindergarten and family: new approaches", methodological week "Organization of interaction between kindergarten and family", seminar "Study methods family education”, “Competition of parental corners”. The teachers systematized the methodological knowledge on the problem, which helped them get closer to the implementation of the annual plan.

In order to implement the task, traditional forms of work were widely used, and new ones, the most optimal in kindergarten conditions, were put into practice.

The inclusion of parents in the activities of group life goes through the following forms of work:

Information Baskets. The involvement of parents in the educational process has necessitated a regular and open exchange of information between teachers and parents of pupils. A successful find for coordinating the work was the information baskets, in which each parent at a convenient time can make suggestions, comments on the work of the group and the kindergarten as a whole. Based on these records, the entire teaching staff corrects its work.

The teachers applied the acquired knowledge in their practical activities. To interact with the families of pupils, to involve them in the problems of the kindergarten, educators widely used such a form of work as the “Tape of Good Deeds”. It reflects information about how and with what, each family assisted in organizing the life of the group.

The kindergarten publishes the newspaper "Smile", in which parents receive information about modern approaches in the upbringing and education of young children from the head of the kindergarten, the head teacher, the nurse, and the group's educators. Parents also share their experience of family upbringing on the pages of the newspaper. The newspaper is published once every two months.

group guest. Any parent once a month becomes a guest of the group. He takes an active part in organizing regime moments (is present for a walk, takes part in holidays, leisure activities, etc.).

The latter forms of work are especially actively used in the first junior group.

In addition, distance consultations are systematically held in groups. Parents have the opportunity not on the run, in passing, to read the information they are interested in, but to take it home and familiarize themselves in a calm home environment.

To identify the level of work to fulfill the task, a teachers' council "Kindergarten and family" was held. By the decision of the teachers' council it was decided: to continue working with parents through the use of non-traditional and traditional forms

1. The interest of educators in the problem.

2. Systematic work on the problem.

3. Individual consultations for educators.

4. Assistance to the administration of the kindergarten in the methodological support and material equipment of the problem being solved.

5. Participation in the competition of professional skills "Educator of the Year - 2009".

6. Close contact of kindergarten staff with most families of pupils.

7. The urgency of the problem at this stage.

1. Low level of culture and pedagogical competence of some parents.

2. Weak interest in the problems of the kindergarten of some families.

2. In order to create comfortable conditions for children to stay in kindergarten, to develop their ability to adapt to new social conditions, to direct the activities of the team towards the implementation of a priority direction through conducting reflective circles, classes, various joint activities of adults with children, as well as other forms that contribute to social and emotional development of children.

To solve this problem, at the initial stage, a practical seminar "Reflexive Circle: Organization and Conduct" was held. The educators got acquainted with the peculiarities of the method of conducting, the position and role of the teacher, and also predicted the influence of reflective circles on the creation of an emotionally positive background in children, their sense of belonging to a group, possible changes in the behavior of pupils, their interaction with each other and adults.

Consultation « Emotional condition child of a preschooler and their pedagogical assessment ”helped educators understand the variety of feelings of preschoolers, their causes, as well as subsequent types of children's behavior.

The creative group worked out practical material - diagnostics for the socio-emotional development of preschool children.

In February, mutual visits by teachers of reflective circles and classes on the section “The child enters the world of social relations” took place, followed by their analysis and discussion of positive and negative points.

In March, a teachers' council "Emotional development as an important factor in the socialization of a preschool child" was held. The teachers' council summed up the results of the activities of the teaching staff in the priority direction.

1. The interest of teachers in this problem.

2. Consistency in work.

3. A sufficient amount of material on the problem in the method room (books, manuals, manuals, etc.)

1. The heavy workload of the entire teaching staff, caused by the preparation for the certification of the institution

3. In connection with the publication of detailed comments on the conceptual foundations of the "Childhood" program, its content, the detailed development by the authors of the "Natural World" section, continue methodical work with personnel to improve the teaching skills of educators within the framework of the program.

As part of the task, the following methodological events were organized: an excursion to the teacher’s creative laboratory, a lecture “Pedagogical technology for the implementation of the Childhood program”, a scientific and practical seminar “problem-play technology in the implementation of the section of the program “Natural World”, open views of walks, classes and this section of the program.

Teachers acquired theoretical knowledge that they could put into practice. Experience has shown that teachers master pedagogical technology, in which the child is placed in the position of the subject of activity, while showing independence.

At the same time, some educators try to use the following methods and techniques: activity motivation, problem and game situations. However, not all educators fully understood and accepted the features of the program implementation. Some of them use irrelevant methods and techniques: showing, explaining, etc.

At the pedagogical council “What is necessary and important for the educator to know when designing the pedagogical process under the program“ Childhood ”, it was decided to continue the development of pedagogical technology in the next academic year.

1. Individual consultations for educators within the section.

2. Assistance of the senior educator in creating class notes (selection of methods and techniques), walk scenarios.

3. The presence in the kindergarten of methodological literature necessary for the implementation of the section.

4. Self-education of teachers.

1. Lack of opportunity to be trained by the authors of the "Childhood" program.

2. The heavy workload of the entire teaching staff, caused by the preparation for the certification of the institution


1. In order to improve professional skills, systematize the work of teaching staff in the section of the program "Social Peace", as well as create a bank of methodological support for the section (long-term planning, outline plans, didactic material).

2. Improve the health-saving environment of a preschool educational institution through:

Ensuring the optimal life of young children during the period of adaptation and stay in kindergarten;

Optimal organization of the motor regime of preschoolers, including organized forms of education and joint activities of adults and children in accordance with the requirements of the standard, SanPiN and the needs of children.



Conduct form


Improving the pedagogical skills of teachers

Course preparation.

"Development and upbringing of young children"

Courses at IPK

Tyurina N. A.

Studying new methods, technologies, programs

Implementation pedagogical technology programs "Childhood"

Seminars, workshops, open viewings, consultations.

During a year

Ivanishchina O.N.

Methodological measures

1. Approval of the annual plan

2. Results of preparation for the new academic year

3. Reports of educators on the implementation of tasks for the summer period

4. Election of the creative team.

Installation teachers' council

Kulikova N.I.

How to conduct pedagogical assessment of the development of preschool children.

Purpose: To clarify the theoretical knowledge of teachers about the procedure and methodology for conducting diagnostics



Ivanishchina O.N.

Analysis and synthesis of materials for diagnosing children

Methodical advice


Ivanishchina O.N.

"The study of pedagogical technology in the section of the program "Social World" (I myself!)"

Purpose: Formation of knowledge of educators about the ways in which a child enters real labor relations at different stages of preschool childhood

1. Speech by the head. DOU "The manifestation of independence, a certain autonomy from an adult - the natural need of a preschool child

2. Speech by educators "Methods of forming independence, mastering the position of the subject of activity by a child at different age levels"

Scientific and methodological seminar

Kulikova N.I.

Matveeva N.V.

Belobrova Yu. V.

Kishkurnova E. V.

"Requirements for the development of abstracts of classes."

Purpose: To clarify the knowledge of educators about the features of a complete, detailed summary and about the features of the outline plan


Ivanishchina O.N.

Development of outline plans in accordance with long-term planning for the section of the program "Social Peace".

Purpose: Replenishment of the bank of own developments


Stekolnikova N.V.

"Pedagogical kaleidoscope"

Goal: Improving the pedagogical skills of educators

Competition for best abstract under the section of the program "Social Peace"

Ivanishchina O.N.

"Work is creativity"

Purpose: Exchange of work experience

1 day-- Excursion to the creative laboratory "Organization of PPMS depending on the sexual interests and inclinations of children"

2 day-- Alternative. Results of the competition of abstracts for the section of the program "Social Peace".

Book store. Review of novelties of literature.

3 day-- Questioning of parents "What is your child"

Methodical week

Ivanishchina O.N.

“Implementation of the pedagogical technology of the program “Childhood” in the section of the program “Social World” (I myself!)”

Purpose: To identify the readiness of educators to use special pedagogical technology that contributes to the development of independence in the child, a certain autonomy from adults.

1. Mutual attendance of classes in the section of the program "I myself!"

2. Analysis of classes.

3. Discussion creative club

What is the feasibility of methods and techniques

What difficulties arise on this issue and the search for ways to implement them?

4. Parent survey analysis.

Pedagogical Council

Stekolnikova N.V.

Ivanishchina O.N.

Physical development classes and joint motor activity of adults and children on a walk -- priority in the activities of the preschool educational institution to optimize the motor mode of preschoolers

Methodical advice

Stekolnikova N.V.

“Fundamentals of Health. Hygiene physical and mental.

Purpose: Illumination of the problem by narrow specialists.

1. “The psychological security of a child is a condition for the mental and physical health of a child” (psychologist at the Assistance Center).

2. "Requirements of the standard and San PiNa to optimize the motor mode of children in preschool educational institutions" (senior nurse / nurse, Kovyarova O. G.)

3. "Organization of motor and recreational moments in non-physical education classes" (Senior educator, Ivanishchina O. N.)


Stekolnikova N.V.

Development of a card file of outdoor games and exercises for a walk for your age group

Work in creative microgroups

Karpunina N. A.

Borisova M.V.

Dzhanakaeva I. M.

Ivanishina O. N.

"Improving the skills of teachers in the classroom for physical development"

Purpose: Training of teachers; consolidation of practical skills

1. Training in a variety of ways to use the minimum of physical education equipment of the preschool educational institution in order to maximize its use

2. Consolidation of the technique of performing complex basic movements


Ivanishina O. N.

Development of a lesson plan for your age group using a minimum of equipment (gymnastic bench)

Purpose: Development of practical material, development of the ability to develop a complete, detailed summary of the lesson.

Work in creative microgroups

Kishkurnova E. V.

Matveeva N. A.

Belobrova Yu. V.

Ivanishina O. N.

Purpose: Identification of the level of work of the teaching staff on the physical development of children

Thematic check

Ivanishina O. N.

"Health-saving environment of preschool educational institution - a condition for the physical and mental health of children"

Purpose: Identification of intermediate results of work on the problem of improving the health-saving environment of the kindergarten

1. Self-analysis of walks (creation of conditions for motor activity of children, selection of games and exercises depending on previous work, levels of mastering motor skills, mood of children on a walk, style of relationship between a teacher and children).

2. Parent survey analysis.

3. Speech by the senior educator following the results of the thematic check.

Pedagogical Council

Ivanishina O. N.

Medical and pedagogical meetings

Theme "Adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten."

Purpose: Analysis of the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the social adaptation of kids in kindergarten No. 169.

1. Report of group educators on organizing the living conditions of children enrolled in a preschool institution (compliance with basic pedagogical requirements during the adaptation period; difficulties arising in the work of teachers, measures to eliminate difficulties).

2. Review of new literature on early age.

3. Speech by the senior educator “Main directions of work in early age groups for 2008-2009 academic year. year".

4. Reports of educators on the fulfillment of tasks for the summer period.



Ivanishina O. N.

Kovyarova O. G.

Yunitskaya A.V.

Frumkina E. A.

Theme "Formation of motor skills in the classroom for the development of movements and in everyday life."

Purpose: Analysis of the state of work on the development of movements with young children.

1. Analysis by educators of classes on the development of movements.

2. Report of the senior educator "Formation of pupils' motor skills in everyday life."

3. Speech by the head of the d / s "Implementation of hygienic requirements for the conduct of classes, regime processes."

4. Report Art. m/s "Analysis of indicators of children's physical health for the first half of the year."


Kulikova N.I.

Ivanishina O. N.

Kovyarova O. G.

Yunitskaya A.V.

Frumkina E. A.


Theme of the event

Type of control


Responsible, term

Reflection of the result

Carrying out diagnostics in order to determine the ideas, abilities, skills of children.


Verification of diagnostic material, diagnostic results, selective diagnostics of children

Ivanishina O. N.

Kishkurnova E. V.

Tyurina N. v.

Karpunina N. A.

Matveeva N.V.



Adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten.

Purpose: To analyze the work of educators in the adaptation of children.

Visiting early age groups, supervising children

Ivanishina O. N.

Yunitskaya A.V.

Tyurina N.V.


Class views.

Purpose: Improving the professional skills of educators in the section "I myself!" (use in the practice of work of special technology that contributes to the development of independence in a child, autonomy from an adult; the formation of the ability to set a goal, determine motivation, ways of implementing labor processes and evaluate the result of work)

mutual control

mutual visits

Kulikova N.I.

Kishkurova E. V.

Tyurina N.V.

Matveeva N.V.

Karpunina N. A.

Belobrova Yu.V.

Borisova N. A.


Organization of PPMS in preschool age groups depending on the sexual interests and inclinations of children

Goal: Providing an individually differentiated approach to children.


Excursion to the creative laboratory of educators

Kishkurova E. V.

Tyurina N.V.

Matveeva N.V.

Karpunina N. A.

Belobrova Yu.V.

Borisova N. A.


Identification of the state of work on the development of outline plans for the "Social World" section in accordance with long-term planning


Ivanishina O. N.



Organization and holding various forms communicative cooperation

Purpose: Identification of positive and negative points, finding ways to overcome difficulties.

mutual control

The study of management techniques and methods of implementation.

Kishkurova E. V.

Tyurina N.V.

Matveeva N.V.

Karpunina N. A.

Belobrova Yu.V.

Borisova N. A.


Organization and holding of regime moments.

Visiting walks, sensitive moments.

Stekolnikova N.V.

Ivanishina O.N.,



Organization of speech therapy work

Purpose: Analysis of the state of speech therapy work with children.


Class attendance, organization individual work, analysis of work plans.

Yunitskaya A.V.

Frumkina E. A.

Medical and pedagogical meeting

Studying the state of work of the pedagogical team for the physical development of children


Attendance at classes, walks; study of documentation

Stekolnikova N.V.

Ivanishchina O.N.

Kishkurova E. V.

Tyurina N.V.

Matveeva N.V.

Karpunina N. A.

Belobrova Yu.V.

Borisova N. A.

Yunitskaya A.V.

Frumkina E. A.

teachers' council






Knowledge Day

1st week of September

Blinova G. Ya.

autumn holiday

3rd week of October

Blinova G. Ya..

Mom's holiday

4th week of November

Blinova G.Ya.

New Year's celebration

4th week of December

Blinova G. Ya..


1st week of January

Blinova G. Ya..

Patriotic game "Zarnitsa"

1st week of February

Blinova G. Ya.

Defenders of the Fatherland Day

3rd week of February

Blinova G. Ya..

Spring day

2nd week of March

Blinova G. Ya.

April Fool's Day

1st week of April

Blinova G. Ya.

Victory Day

2nd week of May

Blinova G. Ya.

Release to school

4th week of May

Blinova G.Ya.


Physical culture leisure



Physical culture holiday "Fizkult-Ura"

Tyurina N.V.

Holiday "Winter for dexterous, strong, courageous"

Winter holiday

Kishkurnova E. V.

health week:

Monday - Conversations on the value of a healthy lifestyle;

Tuesday - Attraction games;

Wednesday - Quiz "Experts in sports"

Thursday - Day of sports games;

Friday - Sports holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"

Kishkurova E. V.

Tyurina N.V.

Matveeva N.V.

Karpunina N. A.

Belobrova Yu.V.

Borisova N. A.

Life safety measures

Entertainment "If you want to be healthy"

Karpunina N.V.

Leisure "Journey to the country of road signs"

Tyurina N.V.

Roadmap Week:

Monday - Guessing the crossword "Road maze";

Wednesday - Leisure "Red, yellow, green";

Friday - Quiz "What? Where? When?

Blinova G. Ya

Kishkurnova E. V.


The meeting of the labor collective

The state of work to improve the skills of employees


Ivanishchina O.N.

The state of work on labor protection of employees and ensuring the safety of children in preschool educational institutions

Stekolnikova N.V.

The results of the work on the improvement of children for the first half of the year

Kulikova N.I.

Health work with children in summer conditions

Kovyarova O. G.

Trade union meetings

Reporting and re-election meeting

Approval of the vacation schedule for 2009

On the implementation of the agreement on labor protection between the administration and the trade union committee of the preschool educational institution

Report on work (current issues)

Assistance and control

Checking the sanitary condition of the preschool educational institution

1 time per week

Meeting of the administrative and economic apparatus

1 time per week

Monitoring the state of nutrition in the preschool educational institution, distribution norms from the catering department

During a year

Material and technical base

Purchase and installation of Christmas trees

Paint the fence around the kindergarten

Partial repair of catering equipment

During a year

Purchase of toys and didactic aids

During a year

Redecoration of groups and medical office

During a year

Carrying out a sports test. equipment, inventory in gr. and on site

During a year

Partial furniture repair

During a year

Partial repair of the method cabinet

During a year

Regular medical examinations of staff

During a year


Regime moments

Getting up, morning toilet, being in the open air

In a preschool

Reception of children. Game activity of children.

Morning gymnastics.

Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast.

Game activity of children.

Classes (learning activities)

Preparing for a walk.


Return from a walk, children playing

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.

Preparation for sleep. Dream.

Gradual rise. Air, water procedures. afternoon tea.

Individual and subgroup work with children, children's games.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.

Preparing for a walk. Walk.

Game activity of children. Children leaving home. Working with parents.

Evening walk (1 hour).


Days of the week


9 00

Social world: ecology.

9 35

physical education

10 20



9 00


9 35

Social world:

I, III weeks - the objective and man-made world;

II, IV weeks - life safety.

10 20



8 50

Speech development

9 20


9 50

cognitive development

10 30

physical education


9 00


9 40


10 20

Construction (manual labor)


8 50

Literacy education

9 35

10 40

Physical education on the street

We recommend reading
