Cool sun air and water. "The sun, air and water are our best friends" outline of the lesson on the topic

Helpful Hints 05.07.2019

Build an idea about healthy way life; give children an idea of ​​what great importance have air, water and light for all life on earth, to expand knowledge about the role of water, air, sun in human life; to form knowledge that nature is a source of health; to form knowledge about personal hygiene items and the concept of personal hygiene.



Abstract on the topic:

"The sun, air and water are ours best friends»


Ovcharenko M.M.




Target: form an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle;give children an idea of ​​the importance of air, water and light for all life on earth, to expand knowledge about the role of water, air, sun in human life ; to form knowledge that nature is a source of health; to form knowledge about personal hygiene items and the concept of personal hygiene.



1. Expand children's understanding of household items related to cultural and hygienic habits, that nature is a source of health.

2. Expand the understanding of cultural and hygienic habits by means of fiction.


1. To form the ability to navigate in space.

2. Develop the ability to accurately perform the movement in accordance with the text.


1. To form the ability to conduct a simple dialogue with an adult and peers about the observance of cultural and hygienic habits.

2. Cultivate a desire to take care of your appearance and accuracy.

Preliminary work: Learning verses, solving riddles; reading the work of K. I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"; conversations with children: about the sun, air, water; about personal hygiene.

Equipment: toothbrushing chart, blue ribbons, balloon , pictures based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky: “The Stolen Sun”.

Lesson progress

Educator: guys, today we will go on a trip to the country"Hello", and we will go on a magical transport.Sit on the carpet - the plane, close your eyes, say the magic words:

Our carpet rushes across the sky,

The magic is about to happen...

Here we have arrived.

Tell me guys, when you and I flew, what shone for us on the way?

Children: Sun.

Educator: You warm up the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you...

Children: the sun.

caregiver : children, what gives us the Sun?

Children: heat, light, sun tanning, vitamin D.

caregiver : that's right, with the sun we get a tan, take sunbaths, we need vitamin "D" so that our bones are strong.

Educator: let's remember the work of K. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun". (Showing a picture from the work). What happened to the animals when the crocodile swallowed the red sun?

Children: the animals were frightened, lost ...

Educator: a can people, animals, birds, plants, animals live without the sun?

Children: no.

Educator: right, without the sun there would be no life on our planet. But, the sun is a medicine that should be taken in doses and not overdo it. But in reasonable amounts, the sun heals. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is formed, which cannot be obtained from food. Vitamin D is good for our body because it helps us grow and strengthens our bones. But if you do not follow certain rules, the sun can harm our body. When do you think the sun can be dangerous for us?

Children: summer.

Educator: That's right, the sun is dangerous in the summer, when it heats up a lot. In summer, we all go with our family to the sea, where we like to swim and sunbathe. Let's remember what tips will help us when we sunbathe.


Sunbathe gradually, in moderation, without abusing a long stay in the sun;

The duration of the first sunbath should be no more than 20-30 minutes;

Take sun baths in the morning from 7 to 12 o'clock, when the air is still clean and not overheated;

Be sure to protect your head from the sun's rays with a scarf or panama;

Do not sunbathe in a stationary position.

Physical education minute

sun, air and water

Our faithful friends

(walking in place)

We woke up early in the morning

And reached for the sun

(stretching on toes)

To always be healthy

Water helps us

(show they are swimming)

Take a ball for a walk

Jump, run, don't be sad!

(Jump, imitating hitting the ball)

This is how the sun rises

Higher, higher, higher. Children raise their hands through the sides up, rising on their toes.

By night the sun will set

Down, down, down. Children squat, lowering their hands down.

Well, well, the sun is laughing,

And under the sun we

Having fun. Children walk in place, clapping their hands.

Educator: guys let's all close our eyes and imagine that we are on the shore of a reservoir. The sun is shining. Its rays caress our cheeks, nose, arms and legs. A breeze has flown in, blowing over us from all sides. We are pleased with his touch. We feel good. You are in a great mood. All eyes were opened.

caregiver : children, and an unusual guest came to us.

What's this?

Children: ball.

caregiver : for some reason he is blown away.What was inside it?

Children: Air.

Educator: what do i need to do to make it round again?

Children: inflate.

Educator: where can we feel the air?.

Children: in a ball, balloon, outdoors.

Educator: why do we need air?

Children: to breathe.

Educator: can we live without air?

Children: no.

Respiratory gymnastics - exercise "Pogonchiki" according to Strelnikova.

I. P - standing legs slightly apart, arms along the body.

Inhale through the nose, smoothly turn the head to the right shoulder, exhale through the mouth, head straight, inhale, smoothly turn to the left shoulder, exhale.

Music sounds and "Moydodyr" enters

Moidodyr: Hello kids,

Girls and boys.

I am a great washbasin.

The famous Moidodyr.

Wash basin head

And a washcloth commander.

Answer me.

Are you healthy?

Children: Yes

Moidodyr: Are you clean?

Children: yes.

Moidodyr: Are you friends with soap?

Children: yes.

Moidodyr: Are you friends with water?

Children: yes.

Moidodyr: Show how you are friends with water, how you wash your hands (children showing the rules for washing hands)

Reading and imitation movements.

Faucet open your nose wash your face

Wash both eyes at once

Wash your ears, wash your neck, wash your neck well.

Wash, wash, pour on, wash off the dirt, wash off the dirt.

Moidodyr: where can you find water?

Children: in a river, stream, ocean ... (children's answers).

Game "Brook": short ribbons laid out in different places in the group room, connect them into one "big river".

Moidodyr: What personal hygiene items do you know?

Children: comb, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste…

Moidodyr: Every morning and evening, everyone needs to brush their teeth, as food remains between the teeth. Discuss with children the rules for brushing their teeth.

Can you guess my riddles?

Puzzles :

As many as 25 teeth for curls and tufts.

And under each tooth, hair will lie in a row. (comb)

Bone back, hard bristle,

Friendly with mint paste

Serves us diligently


Smooth and fragrant, washes very cleanly,

Everyone needs to have. What's this? (soap) .

If your hands are in wax,

If there are blots on the nose,

She is our first friend

Removes dirt from face and hands. (water)

Moidodyr : Well, well done, now I am sure that you will always monitor the cleanliness of your body, your health. Goodbye, guys.

Give children baby soap.

caregiver : guys, our journey has come to an end, it's time for us to go to kindergarten, let's take our seats on the carpet - the plane.


Our carpet rushes across the sky,

The magic is about to happen...

So we are back in kindergarten. Say what you found out, who can we call our best friends?

Children : Sun, air and water are our best friends.

caregiver : I wish you guys always be healthy,

But it is impossible to achieve results without difficulty.

Try not to be lazy - every time before eating,

Before you sit down at the table, wash your hands with water.

And exercise daily in the morning,

And, of course, temper yourself - it will help you so much!

Breathe fresh air whenever possible

You go for a walk, it will give you strength, friends!

Group: medium.
Program content: Continue to acquaint children with the healing effects natural factors on human health., with elements of respiratory gymnastics. To fix the properties of water, air, their benefits and harm to humans. Improve motor activity, form the correct posture. Cultivate a desire for a healthy lifestyle.
Materials and equipment: a glass jug of water, an empty glass, bubbles different shapes and size; pictures depicting cancer, fish, whale. , the game "Fishing", balloons, a frog, fans according to the number of children, tubes according to the number of children.
Leisure progress:
Guys, guess the riddle:
“Who in the days of illness is more useful than all
And heals us from all diseases
- You guessed it? (doctor). Okay, well done! And mother nature has her own doctors who give us health every day, all at once, and even when we don’t ask them about it. So who are they?
“How bright it shines, generously gives gifts to everyone:
Warmth, goodness and light for millions of long years.
In the morning I look out the window - joyful in the sky .... (sun)
Today the sun shines brightly, brightly, adults and children love it, everyone is happy with the Sun. Let's do the exercises with me "Suns". We stood up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, slowly raise our hands up, reach for the sun. The sun is high. Stretch towards the warm rays, high blue sky above your head. Your body is filled with elastic strength, vivacity, becomes slender, flexible, strong. Sun rays penetrate into every cell of your body. Catch the rays of the sun, put one in your heart, give the rest to those you love and wish them well.
Guys, let's play the game "The sun is harmful - useful" (using cards)
-Let's find out what's bad? (you can’t look at the sun for a long time, it’s bad for your eyes, you can’t be without a hat in the heat, there may be a sunstroke) And the benefit is that the sun is useful for hardening, strengthens nervous system, helps to form vitamin D in the skin and thus protects us from diseases. Well done!
- Is it possible to stay in the sun for a long time in summer? (no, you can get burned, get sunstroke)
“Let's go under the trees, here under the trees - beauty!
Well, the air here is cleanliness itself!
We will not only admire nature,
We will do breathing exercises!
- For breathing exercises, the proper functioning of our lungs, what do we need?
Children: need air.
Let's do the breathing exercise "Fragrance of Flowers". Let's take a breath through the nose, hold our breath a little and on the exhale we will say for a long time: "Ah-ah!".
Now let's remember the game that you played when there were little Bubbles. Now let's go to the veranda.
How do you guys think how to catch air? The teacher shows, picks up the package. That's how much air!
And now take cups of water, drink some water, and now we blow into the tube, the air passes through the tube and bubbles form. Put the glasses on.
Now let's find out how air moves.
Pick up a fan, wave in front of your face. What did you feel? Especially in hot weather with a fan is very easy and comfortable.
Conclusion: Air is moving.
So, air is necessary for all living things, without it we will not live even 5 minutes. Try it, close your mouth and pinch your nose with two fingers. Don't breathe. Air is part of nature.
The teacher asks the children riddles and offers to find answers in the pictures:
Not a blacksmith, but with claws. (Crayfish)
Wag his tail back and forth -
And there is none, and there is no trace. (Fish)
Across the sea - the ocean floats a miracle - a giant.
He hides his mustache in his mouth, stretched out for a mile. (Whale)
Teacher. Guys, what do fish, cancer and whale have in common?
Children. They live in water.
Teacher. In other words, they are united by the habitat (the place where they live). Where can you see water?
Children. In a tap, in a stream, in a river, in an aquarium, in the sea, in the ocean.
Teacher. How does a person use water? What is it for?
Children. Water is needed for washing, washing, cooking, washing dishes, watering plants.
Teacher. That's right, guys, water is needed not only for humans, but for all life on Earth. There is no life without water. For fish, some plants and animals, water is a habitat.
Teacher. And tell me, guys, what is water?
Children. It's a liquid.
Teacher. What can water do?
Children. She flows. You can pour it into anything. You can pour, pour from one vessel to another.
Teacher. Let's play with water. (the teacher pours, pours water from a jar into a glass, the children do the same, making sure that water is a liquid, it can be poured and poured).
Teacher. And now we will try to do a series of experiments that will help us draw scientific conclusions.
Look at these objects (shows a cube, a ball). What is their shape?
Children. This is a cube. This is a ball.
Teacher. Let's knock the cube on the table, roll the ball ... have they changed their shape?
Children. No. They have remained a cube and a ball.
Teacher. And now I will pour water into a round container. What happened to it?
Children. The water inside the round container became round.
Teacher. In other words, it took the form of this container. And if I pour the same water into this container (in the form of a cube), what happened to it?
Children. She became a cube.
Teacher. She took the form of a cube. So does water have a shape?
Children. No, water has no shape.
Conclusion: water has no form. It takes the form of the vessel in which it is poured.
Teacher. And now we will find out: does water have a color, taste and smell?
(The teacher puts a glass of water and a glass of milk on the table. Places a sheet of clean white paper next to it.)
Teacher. What color is milk and paper?
Children. White.
Teacher. What about water? Can we say that the water is white?
Children. No.
Teacher. Does water have color?
Children. No, the water is colorless.
Next, the teacher invites the children to smell the water.
It turns out that the water has no smell.
The teacher invites the children to taste the water. It turns out that the water has no taste.
Conclusion: water is a liquid that has no shape, no color, no smell, no taste.
Self-massage "Washer".
Faucet, open!
Nose, wash up!
Wash both eyes at once!
Wash your ears!
Wash your neck!
Sheika, wash yourself well!
Wash, wash, bathe!
Wash off the dirt, wash off the dirt!
I know that all of you love to play with water and water is a friend to everyone, but in the summer you need to swim more and swim. GAME "FISHING".
Creative exercise "Drawing with water on asphalt."
Children depict any objects on the pavement with the help of water poured into bottles.
Nature is also a doctor, taking care of us constantly and making sure that we do not get sick. Let's say the words:
"I'll save my health, I'll help myself."
"The sun, air and water are our best friends"

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
Full version work is available in the "Files of work" tab in PDF format


“Humanity is doomed to live next door to staphylococcus aureus.

Neighborhood is not the most pleasant, but tolerable.

All we can do in this situation is to avoid conflicts…”

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky

Health is an incomparable value. Every person has a desire to be healthy. This allows him to keep his youth for a long time, to continue full-fledged creative activity.

To maintain health, very simple, well-known conditions are needed, familiar to us from childhood: "The sun, air and water are our best friends." In order for these factors to work for our well-being, it is necessary to lead the right lifestyle. And since it is in early childhood, preschool and school age that human health is formed, the role educational institution great on this issue.

In our lyceum, teachers and high school students conduct many useful, important educational activities to preserve the health of students. As a future doctor, I joined this volunteer movement last academic year: I conducted a microbiological study of the air environment of the lyceum for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and, based on the results, developed and created a collection of toys - “germs” as props for extracurricular activity"The story of microbes and water" for students elementary school(see Appendix 1).

The outreach was a success. First-graders took part in it with pleasure, learned a lot about the prevention of "Dirty Hands" diseases and diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. A significant role in this was played by the toys I made - “microbes”.

I would like children to know more about their health and how to protect it. After all, "forewarned is forearmed"! Therefore, I would like to continue my activities in this direction.

Ways of organizing work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of lyceum students are diverse (see Diagram 1).

Ways to implement educational activities

Excursion to a medical facility

educational game

Thematic newspaper

Educational activities


Information presentation

Brochures, leaflets

Having considered various options for the implementation of educational activities, I decided to develop, create and conduct an educational game with elementary school students (see Appendix 2). As part of the game, the children would receive information that the influence of various environmental factors on microorganisms can suppress their vital activity or cause their death, which is very important for maintaining people's health.

I intend to develop the form and main elements of the educational game after the research stage is over. project activities(see Chapter 3), based on his results.


Objective of the project:

create an educational game that allows you to improve the knowledge of younger students about a healthy lifestyle.

Project objectives:

    to conduct a microbiological study of the premises of the lyceum, to identify the degree of influence of abiotic factors on the vital activity of bacteria (staphylococci);

    based on the analysis of the research results, develop the constituent elements of a thematic cognitive game for younger students;

    develop sketches for products, select materials;

    choose the best technological process creating elements of the game;

    assess their capabilities in the field of project activities.

2.1. Assessing Your Resources

2.1.1. Intellectual resources

Table 1

2.1.2. Human Resources

table 2

2.1.3. Material and technical resources

Table 3

2.1.4. Informational resources

I can get information from the following sources: Internet sites, libraries, home book collection, tutorial DVDs, and materials provided by helpers and consultants.

2.2. Project planning

Organizational and preparatory stage

    Justification for the choice of the project topic (problem and need).

    The study of factors affecting the state of air bacteria in enclosed spaces.

    Carrying out a microbiological study of the air in the premises of the lyceum, analysis of the results.

    Studying the requirements for cognitive games for younger students.

    Development of sketches of game elements, selection of the best options.

    Selection of base fabric and other materials.

Technological stage

    Choice of tools and fixtures.

    Manufacturing technology.

The final stage

    Calculation of the cost of the project product, assessment of its environmental friendliness.

    Participation in an extracurricular thematic event using an educational game.

    Summing up, protection of the project.


Purpose of the study: to investigate the influence of abiotic factors on the vital activity of bacteria (staphylococci).

Research objectives:

    consider abiotic factors that affect the vital activity of bacteria;

    to study the factors affecting the state of air bacteria in enclosed spaces;

    identify the degree of influence of various abiotic factors on the vital activity of bacteria;

    study the morphology of bacteria (staphylococci);

    Familiarize yourself with the methods of bacteriological examination of air.

Object of study: abiotic factors: light, temperature regime, humidity.

Subject of study: influence of abiotic factors on the development of microorganisms (staphylococci).

Research hypothesis: on the development of microorganisms (staphylococci) big influence have abiotic factors: illumination (300-400 lx), temperature (27-32°C), humidity (60-70%).

Research methods: theoretical analysis of literature, observations, experiment, microscopy, mathematical methods data processing.

The experiment was carried out on the basis of the MBOU "Lyceum No. 36" in Kaluga and the bacteriological laboratory of the State Budgetary Health Institution "Kaluga City Emergency Hospital" named after. K.N. Shevchenko.

3.1. Theoretical part

3.1.1. Influence of abiotic factors on the vital activity of bacteria

Environmental factors- properties of the environment that have any effect on the body. These include a group of abiotic factors.

Abiotic factors- a set of direct (indirect) effects of the inorganic environment on living organisms. The following groups are distinguished:

    climate (temperature, humidity, pressure);

    edaphogenic(mechanical composition, density, air permeability of the soil);

    orographic(relief, height above sea level);

    chemical(gas composition of air, salt composition of water, acidity);

    physical(noise, magnetic fields, thermal conductivity and heat capacity, radioactivity, solar radiation intensity).

I decided to investigate how climate influences ( temperature regime, humidity) and physical ( degree of illumination) factors on the vital activity of bacteria in the air of the school environment.

Temperature- the most significant factor influencing the vital activity of microbes. The form of influence depends on the duration and intensity of its action: stimulation of the growth and reproduction of microbes, cell death, changes in metabolism, and, consequently, in properties. The life of microorganisms is possible within the temperature limits defined for each type of microbes.

Humidity. Water is one of the most important components of a microbial cell (75-85%). The physiological role of water for prokaryotes is significant: water is a good solvent and is necessary for the implementation of reactions occurring in cells. The exchange of substances between the bacterial cell and environment also goes through aqueous solutions. The minimum humidity necessary for the life of bacteria is 30%, so any dehydration causes a violation of the functions of bacteria and their death.

Solar radiation intensity. Microorganisms vary widely in their sensitivity to the action of various radiations. sunlight, its ultraviolet and infrared spectra have a detrimental effect on vegetative forms of microbes for several minutes. Depending on the dose and duration, radiation has a lethal or mutagenic effect on microorganisms.

3.1.2. Types of bacteria and their morphology

Of all the microorganisms that inhabit the air, the most common bacteria- the kingdom of non-nuclear microorganisms, most often unicellular. They are the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, as well as the smallest representatives of wildlife. According to the degree of influence on the body, the following are distinguished: types of bacteria:

- non-pathogenic (symbiotic) bacteria - are safe and perform useful features, for example, bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract;

- conditionally pathogenic bacteria that become pathogenic under certain conditions. An example is E. coli of the human intestine, an acne mite that lives in human skin.

There are several basic forms bacteria: coccoid, rod-shaped, convoluted and branching.

3.1.3. Air microflora

Air microflora can be divided into constant, frequent, variable. It is less numerous than soil and water microflora. However, there are more microorganisms in the indoor air than outside, because. the content of bacteria resulting from human activity is increased, and self-purification processes do not occur, unlike the air of the atmosphere.

Of particular danger are pathogenic types of bacteria in the air: plague bacillus, Borde-Jangu bacteria, Koch's bacillus, vibrio cholerae, staphylococci.

Since the genus Staphylococcus aureus is currently representing great danger for a person, because bacteria are widespread in all environments, including in the air, they are representatives of the normal human skin microflora and cause wide range diseases (more than 100 diseases belonging to 11 classes according to International classification 1968; staphylococci can infect any tissue, any organ), In this work, the influence of abiotic factors on bacteria of this genus is studied..

3.1.4. Features of vital activity of air bacteria

Air, as a habitat, is unfavorable for the development of microorganisms. Their viability is provided by suspended particles of water, mucus, dust, with which bacteria form bacterial aerosol. Dust and aerosols that pollute the air act as a kind of " Vehicle» for various drip infections and other diseases. The rate of reproduction depends on a number of conditions and for each type of bacteria can be very different.

3.2. Practical part

3.2.1 Determining the degree of influence of abiotic factors on the number of staphylococci in the air

For bacteriological examination of air, two methods are used:

sedimentation and aspiration (see Appendix 3). When studying the air environment of the lyceum, I used sedimentary method.

The first stage of bacteriological research. Culture of bacteria

The study was conducted on Monday morning, before the arrival of the students. In several locations of the lyceum, different from each other temperature, light and humidity(see Table 4), bacteria were inoculated by placing the Petri dish horizontally. Yolk-salt agar (selective medium for staphylococci) was used.

Petri dishes (except control ones) were opened for 40 minutes, after which they were tightly closed and delivered to the bacteriological laboratory of the GBUZ “KOK BSMP named after A.I. K. N. Shevchenko”, placed in a thermostat for three days at a constant temperature of 37°C.

Table 4

Locations for petri dishes




1 (cubic)

2 (storage room in technology room)

3 (basement)

4 (library, archive)

5 (psychology room)

6 (office of biology)

7 (reserve office)

9 (control)

*The rooms where classes were not held after the weekend were chosen in order to trace the influence of only abiotic factors, excluding anthropogenic impact.

The second stage of experimental research. Colony count

After removing the cultures from the thermostat, a quantitative count of the colonies was made (see Table 5).

Table 5

Colony count


Number of colonies


Number of colonies

9 (control)

Third stage. Material analysis

An analysis of the obtained data was made: two cups each were identified, which were located in conditions that differ in one of the studied factors. Knowing the number of grown colonies, I found which factors were most favorable for the life of staphylococcus aureus.

The following comparison tables show the influence of one single factor on the number of bacteria.

Table 6

Factor: illumination


Illumination degree



Number of colonies


0-75 OK

300-400 OK

300-400 OK

0-75 OK

300-400 OK

300-400 OK

0-75 OK

0-75 OK

300-400 OK

0-75 OK

300-400 OK

300-400 OK

Conclusion: illumination of 300-400 lux is more favorable for the development of staphylococci than illumination of 0-75 lux.

Table 7

Factor: temperature


Illumination degree



Number of colonies


27-32 °C


12-16 °C

12-16 °C

27-32 °C

12-16 °C

27-32 °C

12-16 °C


27-32 °C

Conclusion: a temperature of 27-32°C is more favorable for the development of staphylococci than a temperature of 12-16°C.

Table 8

Factor: Humidity


Illumination degree



Number of colonies


Conclusion: Humidity of 60-72% is more favorable for the development of staphylococci than humidity of 35-45%.

In the control dish, no changes were observed, which indicates the purity of the medium at the beginning of the study.

Fourth stage. Gram stain

Micropreparations were prepared from grown colonies, Gram-stained (see Appendix 4). After that, the stained bacteria were examined under a microscope (see Appendix 5).

The stained bacteria have acquired a dark purple color, which means that they belong to gram positive. Bacteria located in the form of grapes have been identified - staphylococci.

After the fourth stage of the study, Petri dishes were taken to the laboratory, where they were disposed of.

3.2.2. Determination of the number of bacteria per 1 m 2

microbial count- number of microorganisms found in 1m 3 of air.

To determine it in the air, they use the Omelyansky formula, who believed that during a 5-minute exposure to the surface of a dense nutrient medium of 100 cm 2, as many microbes settle as there are in 10 liters of air (1: 100 m 3):

Where: a - the number of colonies grown on a cup;

b - cup area;

t is the time during which the cup was open;

5 - time according to Omelyansky's calculation;

10 - air volume (in liters);

100 - area in cm2, on which subsidence occurred;

1000 - the desired volume of air in liters.

The microbial count was calculated in cup No. 8 (kitchen), since the number of colonies in it was the largest (see Table 9).

Table 9

Determination of microbial number

From these calculations, we can conclude that the air in the lyceum environment is clean, because. was counted in the Cup with the maximum number of colonies. However, it is worth noting that this calculation takes into account staphylococci bacteria, without taking into account other bacteria that can potentially be in the air.


    abiotic factors have a great influence on the vital activity and the number of bacteria in the air;

    The most favorable conditions for the development of staphylococci were temperature 27-32°C, humidity 60-72%, illumination 300-400 lux.

Thus my the hypothesis was confirmed.

In addition, I counted the number of bacteria per 1 m 3 (the calculation was carried out according to the Omelyansky formula). As a result, a conclusion was made about the safety of the air environment in the lyceum. However, it is worth noting that this calculation includes staphylococcus bacteria without taking into account other bacteria that can potentially be in the air.

The results of the analysis of the microbiological study of the air environment of the lyceum for the presence of pathogenic bacteria allowed me to determine the main elements of the cognitive game:

    picture " healthy baby»;

    drawing "Sick child";

    magnetic puzzles (20 pieces);

    miniature toys with magnets;

    question cards.


(See Annex 5).



When choosing the final options for the elements of the set for the game, I evaluated my physical, material capabilities and took into account the following points:

    psychological features of perception of information by children of primary school age;

    the complexity of the manufacturing technology of products;

    practicality and environmental friendliness of materials for toys;

    compliance of products with the theme of the educational game;

    compliance of products with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

In my opinion, the most successful sketches of drawings are 3 and 4 (see chapter No. 4). They most holistically reflect the theme of the project.

In addition, I plan to make miniature toys on magnets: Staphylococcus aureus, the sun, a drop of water and a cloud (air). I think toys are emotionally warm and positive material.

The estimated average height of the toys is about 8 cm.



Purpose of the game: improve children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Cognitive game for younger students "The sun, air and water are our best friends!" can be used:

    participants of the lyceum volunteer movement for outreach activities;

    elementary school teachers in the lessons around the world and in extracurricular activities.

Game progress

1). Demonstration of the picture "Sick child".

The host asks the children to tell about what they saw in the picture, to suggest the cause of the child's illness.

2). Conducting a quiz on a healthy lifestyle(see annex 8).

As a bonus for correct answers, students receive magnetic-based puzzles, elements of the “Healthy Child” picture.

3). Puzzle collection. The most active participants in the game collect the picture “Healthy Child” on a magnetic board.

4). Comparison of paintings, discussion of the theme of the game. For the development of visual perception and logical thinking of children, miniature toys on magnets are used: the sun, a drop of water, a cloud (air), a bacterium (Staphylococcus aureus).

5). Summing up, summarizing new knowledge, obtained by younger students during the game.

The above game allows not only to improve children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, but also to develop mental operations (analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization), improve healthy behavior skills.


Droplet of water Sunny Cloud Staphylococcus aureus


For the manufacture of soft toys, various materials can be used (see diagrams 2, 3).

Materials for making soft toys

Synthetic fiber fabrics

mixed fibers

natural fibers

Soft toy

Bugles, beads, sequins, etc.

Duplicate materials

Accessories: eyes,

buttons, buttons, etc.

Ribbons, bias tape,

braid, lace

Stuffing materials

Synthetic materials:

synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, holofiber

natural materials:

cotton wool, batting, wool, cotton flap

Styrofoam balls

various diameters

Silicone packing

in the form of fibers of different textures


fillers in the form of granules

simple and fragrant balls

Given the above information, for the elements of the game, I selected the following materials:

    golden, yellow varnish, blue flowers- flap;

    cotton threads No. 60 - matching fabrics and contrasting;

    double sided tape;

    sintepon - remnants.

All materials are selected taking into account the requirements for children's toys.


To create soft toys I will need:

    sewing machine "Janome Jem Gold 660";

    ironing board, iron with steam humidifier, iron;

    needle for handmade No. 10, thimble;

  • tracing paper, pencil, ruler, square.


10.1. Features of the material "Lake"

Lake- this is a kind of artificial leather, which is made by applying a glossy lacquer coating to a knitted (kapron) base. To achieve special effects - overflow, light reflection and flicker - special pigments are added to the composition of matter (for example, metallic lead pigment or pearl dye).

In its composition no harmful chemical solvents, so it is stored for a long time, remains soft, pleasant to the touch, elastic and elastic.

10.2. The nuances of varnish processing

Table 10

How to work with faux leather

The pattern is located on the wrong side of the fabric, circled with a pencil (for the sun - from the front). Allowance for processing slices - 3 mm.


Table 11


performance of work

Graphic image

Tools, fixtures



Cut the round parts of the toy with an allowance of 3 mm.

simple pencil, ruler, scissors

Fold the details of the cut right side inward, stitch, leaving a hole for stuffing.

needle number 10 for manual work,

sw. machine, scissors

Turn the product right side out, straighten the stitching line, stuff with padding polyester.

Insert a flat magnetic tape.

Sew up the opening for stuffing with a seam “over the edge” with threads to match the fabric.

needle No. 10 for manual work, scissors

Connect two layers of varnish with the wrong side inward.

Circle the pattern "sun", cut along the contour.

double sided tape,

pen, scissors

Connect the parts of the product.

The manufacturing technology of toys (clouds, water droplets, bacteria) is similar to that described above, with the exception of items Nos. 5 and 6.


It is necessary to determine the cost of products, the manufacture of which requires the following costs:

1M 3 - material costs

Table 12

Material costs


Price for 1 m (piece), rub.

Material consumption, m (pcs.)


Copying A3 drawings

Lamination of A3 drawings

Making puzzles on a magnetic basis

Total: 1300 rubles.

M 3 \u003d 1300 rubles.

2) P op - labor costs

From 07/01/2016, the minimum wage is 7,500 rubles (Federal Law of 06/02/2016 No. 164-FZ "On Amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage").

The duration of the daily work of OU students who combine study with work during the year, aged 14 to 16 years - 2.5 hours; from 16 to 18 years old - 3.5 hours (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 94).

I am a student of the 11th grade, I am 17 years old, the working time per day is 3.5 hours, in total I worked 8 hours.

R op \u003d C (rub.) x T (h), where: C - the cost of one hour of work (rub.),

T - time of work on the product (h).

The cost of one hour of work is calculated as follows:

C \u003d minimum wage: average number of workers. days per month: working hours per day

The average number of working days per month is 22, minimum wage = 7500 rubles, T = 8 hours, then

R op \u003d 7500: 22: 3.5 x 8 \u003d 779.22 rubles, R op \u003d 779.22 rubles.

3) A about - depreciation deductions

A o \u003d C about x T: H: 12: 2: 8, where:

C rev - the cost of equipment (r.);

T is the operating time of the equipment in the process of manufacturing the product;

H is the service life of the equipment (years), taken from the equipment passport;

12 - the number of months in a year;

22 - the average number of working days in a month;

8 - equipment operation time per day at the enterprise (h).

Because the work was carried out at home, A o = 0 rubles.

4) Z others - other costs

These include electricity and Internet costs.

Calculation of electricity costs: Z e \u003d C en x N rev x T, where:

C en - the cost of one kW / h;

N rev - equipment power in kW;

T is the operating time of the equipment in hours.

C en \u003d 2.76 rubles.

N cars = 0.1 kW, T cars = 0.2 hours;

Z e \u003d 2.76 x 0.1 x 0.2 \u003d 0.06 rubles.

The cost of working on the Internet at T = 3 h was:

Zint \u003d 600:30:24x3 \u003d 2.5 rubles.

Because work was carried out in natural daylight,

Z dr = Z e + Z int = 0.06 +2.5 = 2.56 rub., Z dr. = 2.56 rub.

5) Product cost

C \u003d M 3 + R op + A o + Z dr

C \u003d 1300 + 779.22 + 0 + 2.56 \u003d 2081.78 rubles, C \u003d 2081.78 rubles.

Thus, the cost of game elements amounted to 2081.78 rubles. There are a lot of sets for educational games on store shelves, but I have not seen on this topic and in a similar configuration. Therefore, I believe that my project is economically profitable.


In my opinion, a set for an educational game complies with environmental standards, since for its manufacture you can use:

    textile flap (measured and weighted),

    old things and accessories,

    waste from sewing production (for example, sewing threads, synthetic winterizer).

The process of creating toys almost does not require the use of various harmful substances (adhesives, impregnations, etc.). The varnish does not contain harmful chemical solvents, does not cause an allergic reaction.

The remains of varnish and synthetic winterizer can be used for the manufacture of other decorative products. Waste does not require disposal, costs are minimal.

If necessary, drawings and soft toys can be processed soapy water, disinfectants.

Consequently, in the process of manufacturing products in compliance with the PTB (see Appendix 9), there is no harm to human health and the environment.


Work completed. I am very satisfied with the design products - in my opinion, they are beautiful, original, functional and of high quality.

In the course of the study, I studied information about the influence of abiotic factors on the vital activity of bacteria (staphylococci).

I got acquainted with the methods of bacterial air research and settled on sedimentation, based on the settling of microorganisms on the nutrient medium of Petri dishes under the influence of gravity.

Difficulties arose when developing the elements of a set for an educational game: I had to study the features of conducting this type of game with younger students.

Sewing soft toys on magnets is not difficult. But the painstaking work took a lot of time. Small details of products demanded careful processing.

The project turned out to be profitable not only from a practical, but also from an economic point of view. The material costs are relatively small. The cost of drawings and soft toys amounted to 2081 rubles.

I am satisfied with my design product. I got exactly what I wanted: an educational game that allows you to improve the knowledge of younger students about a healthy lifestyle.

The children and teachers of the elementary school liked my project product, the event was a success.

By implementing the project product, I was once again convinced that being a volunteer is interesting and useful both for others and for myself. I think that this is the way of life of a modern civilized person.


1. Vladimirov V.V. Urboecology. Lecture course. - M.: MNEPU, 1999 - 204 p.

2. Gorbunova T.V. Modern learning technologies; Contexts, algorithms, images. Tutorial for students of advanced training courses and students of pedagogical specialties. Kaluga; KSPU them. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, 2007 - 108 p.

3. Kamkarova-Duke E.D. Needlework guide. - M.: Radio and communication - 62 p.

4. Lebedeva L. Theoretical foundations of art therapy. - and. School psychologist, No. 3, 2006, pp. 9-11.

5. General and sanitary microbiology with the technique of microbiological research, edited by A. S. Labinskaya, L.P. Blinkova, A.S. Eshchina-M.: Medicine, 2004

6. Fundamentals of Microbiology: Workshop: teaching aid for universities / Zharikova G.G., Leonova I.B. - M.: Academy, 2008 - 128 p.

7. Petukhova V.I., Shirshikova E.N. Soft toy. - M.: Publisher I. V. Balabanov, 2004 - 120 p., ill.

8. Sidorenko O.D. Microbiology / O.D. Sidorenko, E.G. Borisenko, A.A. Vankova, L.I. War. - M.: Infra, 2005 - 305 p.

9. Firsov N.N. Microbiology: a dictionary of terms. - M.: Bustard, 2006 - 256 p.

10. Shlegel G.G. History of microbiology / G.G. Shlegel.- M.: URSS, 2002-153 p.

11. Human ecology: Dictionary-reference book / N.A. Agadzhanyan, I.B. Ushakov, V.I. Torshin and others - M .: Academy, 1997 - 208 p.

Electronic resources

Attachment 1.

Implementation of the creative project "The story of microbes and water"

Appendix 2

Types of educational games for younger students

The game is the most important and most common type of children's activity that prepares babies for life. This kind of knowledge in a simple, unobtrusive, and, most importantly, interesting form, teaches phenomena and connections in our big world.

Educational games for children are aimed at obtaining new knowledge, developing intelligence, logic and thinking of the child. In pedagogical practice, it is accepted educational games for younger students to call didactic, and intellectual - cognitive games for older students.

In the process of cognitive games, the child's knowledge of the world is not only enriched, but conditions are created for the formation of a full-fledged personality, and the educational function is realized. Cognitive games are able to easily solve possible problems learning, because they are based on the child's interest in the process. While playing, the student solves the tasks assigned to him and, without noticing it, becomes more disciplined, persistent in achieving goals.

Types of educational games:

    Early educational games kids with toys, objects. By manipulating them, the child learns such concepts as shape, size, color, volume, material, plant and animal world, people, etc.

    Creative educational games, where there is a plot and distribution of roles. Games that simulate various life situations, whether it is “daughters-mothers” and their many variants, prepare for life in the real world, forcing children to try on various social roles.

    Didactic games with ready-made rules: board games, wall games, game sets, interactive quizzes and quizzes using cards. A wide selection makes it easy to find a game for a younger student in a particular subject.

    Constructors, technical game sets such as "Do It Yourself" or "Young Physicist", aimed at mastering specific techniques for setting up simple scientific experiments or assembling structures various types difficulties.

    Games on a test basis, allowing to develop methods of self-assessment of acquired knowledge and skills and stimulating further development. This includes games to train the eye, attention, coordination.

Cognitive games for younger students allow you to develop the mind, instill the ability to compare and analyze, recognize connections and relationships, show creative and intellectual abilities, stimulate the child to make independent decisions, and encourage personal development.

Appendix 3

Methods of bacteriological examination of air

All methods of air sampling can be divided into sedimentation and aspiration.

sedimentation- the oldest method, widely used due to its simplicity and accessibility, but is inaccurate. The method was proposed by R. Koch and consists in the ability of microorganisms under the action of gravity and under the influence of air movement (together with dust particles and aerosol droplets) to settle on the surface of the nutrient medium in open Petri dishes. Cups are installed at sampling points on a horizontal surface. When determining the total microbial contamination, the dishes with meat-peptone agar are left open for 5-10 minutes or longer, depending on the degree of bacterial contamination expected.

Aspiration. More advanced methods are aspiration methods based on the forced sedimentation of microorganisms from the air onto the surface of a dense nutrient medium or into a trapping liquid (meat-peptone broth, buffer solution, isotonic sodium chloride solution, etc.). In the practice of the sanitary service for aspiration sampling, the Krotov apparatus and the Rechmensky bacteriotrap are used.

Appendix 4

Gram stain

Gram method- a method of staining microorganisms for research, which allows differentiating bacteria according to the biochemical properties of their cell wall. Proposed in 1884 by the Danish doctor G.K. Gram.

According to Gram, bacteria are stained with the main dyes - gentian or methyl violet, etc., then the dye is fixed with a solution of iodine. Upon subsequent washing of the stained preparation with alcohol, those types of bacteria that turn out to be strongly stained are called gram-positive bacteria (denoted by Gram (+)), - in contrast to gram-negative (Gram (-)), which discolor when washed.

Steps for Gram staining of bacteria:

one). Prepare a sample for research (colonies of 2 types: white, small, flat; yellow, small, convex).

2). Place one or two drops of sample on a glass slide (even smear distribution). We are waiting for the smear to dry.

3). Fix the smear (it is necessary to hold the slide 2-3 times over top burner flame).

four). Apply crystal violet to the sample (wait 30 seconds; crystal violet releases chloride ions (Cl-) in aqueous solutions. Gram-positive bacteria are strongly stained with a solution after treatment with iodine. Gram-negative bacteria form a compound easily destroyed by ethanol with crystal violet and iodine.

5). Gently rinse off the dye with water (with low pressure).

6). Apply iodine for at least three seconds (it will fix the color).

7). Rinse carefully with water.

eight). Discolor the smear by pouring ethanol (or acetone) onto the glass slide. The flowing liquid should become transparent.

9). Carefully rinse off the bleach solution with water.

ten). Apply fuchsin dye, which will stain Gram-negative bacteria pink.

eleven). Gently rinse off excess fuchsin with water, dry the sample.

12). Examine the sample under a microscope.

Appendix 5

Research in photographs

Appendix 6

Sketches of drawings in M ​​1: 2

Appendix 7

Patterns of toys

Appendix 8

Quiz questions

1. Everything is in order with appetite,

Bunny ate a carrot from the garden,

I didn’t wash it, but put it in my mouth,

And now my stomach hurts.

There is no great work in that,

Always wash your vegetables!

Why does the bunny have a stomachache? What caused this pain? (bacteria).

2. What do bacteria look like? (according to the shape of the cells, bacteria are divided into spherical, rod-shaped and convoluted).

3. Can we see bacteria with the naked eye? Or do we need special devices for this? Which? (Light, electron, scanning microscopes)

4. How are bacteria different from all other living organisms? (the smallest organisms in size on our planet; non-nuclear, cells do not contain nuclei).

5. Are there many bacteria around us? (Very many! Microbiologists believe that there are 5 nonillion bacteria in the world: 5 and thirty zeros)

6. Are bacteria everywhere? (Bacteria are everywhere, even in space, because many bacteria are anaerobes, meaning they don't need oxygen to live.)

7. Where is the most bacteria? (It turns out that mobile phones computer keyboards contain more bacteria than toilets).

8. Are there bacteria in the human body? The human body contains many beneficial and harmful bacteria. harmful bacteria always less. If the human body is healthy, then harmful microbes that have entered it are immediately destroyed by beneficial microbes).

9. Are there bacteria in the human body at any age? (newborns do not have them).

10. How do bacteria enter our body? (through unwashed vegetables, fruits, through dirty hands, when sneezing and coughing a sick person).

11. What diseases do you know that bacteria cause? (Angina, bronchitis, sinusitis, tuberculosis, etc.).

12. There are a lot of harmful bacteria. How can we be saved from them? Guess the riddle:

To avoid trouble

We cannot live without ... (water).

13. What is ultraviolet germicidal lamps? Why were they named like that? Where are they located? (UV lamps are often used in hospitals for disinfection and decontamination to kill harmful and dangerous bacteria that can cause disease.)

14. Why do adults often ventilate the premises? (this allows you to get rid of harmful microorganisms, fungi and infections and maintain health).

15. Often we see how our parents boil water, milk ... Why do they do it?

(High temperature kills most of the dangerous bacteria.)

16. Are there beneficial bacteria? (bacteria help to prepare kvass, sauerkraut, bake bread. There are also lactic acid bacteria.

17. What dairy products contain beneficial bacteria? (curdled milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt).

18. Are bifido- and lactobacilli considered beneficial for the human body? (contribute to the restoration of the intestinal microflora of children and adults).

19. What destroys beneficial bacteria? (preservatives, dyes, flavors, antibiotics).

Appendix 9

Workplace organization. PTB

    PTB when doing manual work

    Before work starts:

    • put tools and devices in the place provided for them.

    During work:

    be attentive to work;

    put a thimble on the middle finger right hand;

    put needles and pins only in the needle bar;

    put scissors with closed blades rings forward.

    Upon completion of work:

    remove the workplace.

For manual operations, a desktop is required, on which the necessary tools (hand needles, thimble, scissors, centimeter tape) and devices (dummy, patterns, peg, pins, cutter), as well as workpieces, are located. All work is done on the table, the workpiece should be kept in front of you. It should be borne in mind that the correct fit has a great influence on the well-being and quality of my work.

    PTB in the performance of machine work

    Before starting work:

    fasten the cuffs of the sleeves;

    check the health of the machine;

    check if there are any hand needles or pins left in the details of the cut.

    During work:

    install the bobbin case, thread the upper thread with the machine turned off;

    do not put scissors and other tools near the rotating parts of the machine;

    do not pass the scissors, product or parts when the machine is turned on.

    Upon completion of work:

    turn off the machine;

    remove the workplace.

Workplace for performing machine work consists of a table on which a sewing machine is installed and laid out necessary tools, fixtures and parts. Behind the typewriter you need to sit straight, slightly tilting the body and head forward. The workplace should be well lit; on the table are only the items necessary to perform this technological operation.

Annex 10.

Image of finished products

Sun, air and water are our best friends!

Municipal educational institution

"Verkhneuslonskaya middle comprehensive school»

Verkhneuslonsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Classroom hour

(1 class)

"Sun, air and water -

our best friends"

Prepared by the second teacher

qualification category

Kudryashova A.Kh.

The purpose of the lesson: to teach you to take care of your health; to form in children ideas about a healthy lifestyle; strengthen hygiene habits.

Equipment: posters “Simple water and soap make microbes lose strength”, “Water and soap are true friends”, “Sun, air and water are our best friends”; pictures of animals; small paper suns for each student; record player.

    Organizing time.

    Topic conversation.

Hello! I wish you good health. This is the most valuable thing that people have, which means that it must be protected.

Today, April 7th, is World Health Day. You and I cannot stand aside, and our Classroom hour dedicate to health.

Who can tell me what the word health means? (children's answers)

"Create the sun in you"

In nature, there is the Sun. It shines on everyone and loves and warms everyone. Let's create the sun in ourselves. Close your eyes, imagine a small star in your heart. Mentally direct to her a ray that brings love. The asterisk has grown. I send a ray of goodness, the asterisk has become even larger. I send rays to the star that bring health, joy, warmth, light, tenderness, affection. Now the star becomes big, like the sun that lies in your palm. It brings warmth to everyone.

But look, our sun is faceless, let's make it joyful, warm, kind. (We attach the finished suns to the board)

Guys, tell me why are you in free time go for a walk instead of sitting at home?

(Need fresh air...)

And without what would the trees, bushes dry up and we would not be able to live? (Without water)

A poster is posted on the board

Sun, air and water are our best friends

Nature has given people good friends, and you and I should be friends with them.

Will we be friends with them?

Today we will get to know a friend named Water better.

Guys, have you seen how a cat washes itself? (She licks herself with her tongue.)

Why is she doing this?

How do other animals take care of themselves? (Pictures depicting animals)

brown bears often bathe their cubs, holding them by the scruff of the neck. The grown-up cubs themselves willingly go into the water and flounder there for a long time.

Let us recall the fairy tale of Korney Chukovsky “Moydodyr” (Reading an excerpt from the poem: “Early in the morning at dawn, ducklings wash themselves ...”)

Why, why do animals bathe and clean their bodies?

Why is a person washing?

Why is it bad to be dirty? (No one wants to be friends with dirty people. Dirty ears - a person does not hear well. Dirty skin - the body does not breathe well. Dirty hands - worms appear and the stomach hurts, etc.)

3. Wellness minute.

Pure water flows

We know how to wash ourselves.

Take the tooth powder

Three teeth brushed hard.

Wash my neck, wash my ears

After we wipe dry.

    Game situation analysis.

I washed my hands under the tap

And I forgot to wash my face.

Trezor saw me

Growled, "What... (shame)"

How not to be dirty? (You need to learn how to wash yourself, swim in order to enjoy it).

5. Water Friend Tips:

    Wash thoroughly once a week.

    In the morning, after waking up, wash my hands, face, neck, ears.

    Every day I wash my legs and arms before going to bed.

    Be sure to wash your hands after cleaning the room, toilet, playing games, walking, communicating with animals, working in the garden, traveling in transport.

6. Continuation of the conversation on the topic "The Tale of Microbes"

Lived - there were microbes - carriers of various diseases. More than anything, they loved dirt. The dirtier, the more pleasant they were and the more they became.

Here on the table someone left unwashed plates, crumbs, pieces of bread. It's like a fly here. And there are hundreds of microbes on her paws, especially if she flew in from the garbage dump. The fly flew away, and the microbes remained on the table - on the plate, on the spoons, on the bread, and they think: "It's good that there are dirty flies in the world." And it became expanse for microbes. And you can get on your hands, and in the mouth of a person. And there is already a stone's throw from illness!

Think about what is true in this fairy tale, and what is fiction?

What helps us defeat microbes? (Water)

You have to be friends with water. Man cannot live without water.

Do you think mom washes her hands before cooking?

What do you need to wash your hands properly? (Soap, water and a clean towel).

Yes, Water and soap are true friends. They help destroy germs.

Plain water and soap make microbes weak

7. Game situation.

There are children in the world who do the opposite. When they are told: "Wash yourself!" - They don't wash. When they are told: "Don't climb a tree!" - they climb. For such children, the writer Grigory Oster came up with "Bad Advice":

Never wash your hands

Neck, ears and face.

This is a stupid business

Doesn't lead to anything.

Hands get dirty again

Neck, ears and face

So why waste energy

Time to waste?

Shaving is also useless

There is no point.

To old age by itself

Bald head.

Tell me what kind of portrait of a person who follows these harmful tips will turn out. Is this a handsome person?

8. Bottom line.

Friends! It's time for us to say goodbye!

No matter what happens, always a man

Health wishes to another forever!


    Zaitsev G.K. Aibolit's lessons. St. Petersburg, 1997

    Zaitsev G.K. Lessons from Moidodyr. St. Petersburg, 1996.

    Latokhina L.I. We create health of soul and body. St. Petersburg, 1997.

    Obukhova L.A. School of doctors of nature or 135 health lessons. M., 2004.

    World of childhood: Junior schoolboy. M., 1988.

“The sun, air and water are our best friends! »

Target: Contribute to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. To develop in children an understanding of the meaning and necessity of tempering procedures, to expand their understanding of important components health - sun, air and water, to form knowledge that nature is the source of health.


Expand children's understanding of inanimate nature: sun, air and water; - to acquaint with the properties of air, water and their role in human life. - to educate preschoolers the need for a healthy lifestyle.

The course of the lesson: 1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddles in order to find out what we are going to talk about today.

Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer

And there are no seeds. (Sun.)

If our hands are in wax,

If there are blots on the nose,

Who then is our first friend,

Will it remove dirt from the face and hands? (Water.)

Passes through the nose to the chest

And the reverse is on its way.

He's invisible and yet

We cannot live without it. (Air.)

2. conversation

Educator: Remember the proverb that contains these words.

Right. Sun, air and water are our best friends. This is the topic of today's lesson.

Guys, today we will have an unusual lesson. I invite you to interesting trip. To the magical land of "Valeology". I invited the Healthy Lifestyle Doctor. But, the trouble is, he could not come. But he sent an e-mail to the address of our school.

Dear Guys! I can't attend your class. But I look forward to meeting you. I am sending you a message. In it you will find true friends who will help you sooner.
arrive here.
Your Healthy Doctor.

Guys, this is a package from Dr. ZOZH. Let's see what's in it? (I open the package and take out: a flashlight, a balloon inflated with air, a bottle of water)

What interesting items. But the healthy lifestyle doctor says that they are true friends? Who are they?

I take out a flashlight, turn it on and off. Why do we need a flashlight? What did Dr. ZOZH mean. Why do we need a flashlight guys? He shines. What items are still shining? The moon, the light bulb, the sun. And what else can the sun do? It warms. Gives warmth.

Chalkboard sun illustration.

And to whom does it give light and warmth? Animals, plants, people.

Can we live without the light and heat of the sun? What will happen to us?

We'll freeze, it'll get cold, we'll bump into each other.

What do we like to do in the sun?

1. Sunbathe
2. Get warm.
3. From the sun, everything is light and warm.

Why do we say so. Where the sun often sets, the doctor rarely comes. So the sun can be called medicine. It heals. Prevents many diseases. But any medicine requires action.

What harm can the sun do to us?

(pay attention to the slides)

1. Skin burn. 1. Gives warmth to plants and animals.
2. Sunstroke. 2. We sunbathe.
3. Plants and animals die. 3. The sun is like medicine.

Guys, let's all close our eyes and imagine that we are on the shore of a reservoir. The sun is shining. Its rays caress our cheeks, nose, arms and legs. A breeze has flown in, blowing over us from all sides. We are pleased with his touch. We feel good. You are in a great mood. All eyes were opened.

I take the ball and examine it. Suddenly he goes down. Guys, what happened to him? He was blown away, let down. What was inside it? Air.

What do I need to do to get it inflated again? Inflate. (I inflate).

A picture with the image of air is hung on the board.

What do you know about air? Can you show him with your finger, hug him? What is he? Invisible. Let's sniff. Does it smell? No. He only tolerates other smells. Let's try? Is there a taste? There is no taste.

Where can we feel it? Everywhere. In the classroom, in the ball, balloon.

I show the children a fan. - What is it? Fan. Why do we need it. Who guessed? Let's wave our fan at ourselves, at a friend, at our guests. What did we feel? Breeze. Wind is the air that we set in motion.

Why do we need air?

To breathe. Can we live without air? Not!

Let's do an experiment. Pinch everything - nose and mouth. Your feelings. It got hard. We don't have enough air. What kind of air should we breathe? Pure. Fresh.

3. Experience. I have bags, I suggest you breathe into this bag. (children breathe into the bag, holding it tightly around the mouth and nose)

Why is it difficult to breathe? Little air.

How many of you know what we breathe? Oxygen.

The oxygen that was in the bag was used up, there was little left and it became very difficult for us to breathe. But it has collected carbon dioxide, which is harmful to us. And not breathable.

Look how many of us are in this class today, we all breathe, it becomes stuffy. Why? Little oxygen. Where to get it? What needs to be done to fill the room with fresh air?

Must ventilate the room.

Open windows, doors.

Open the door, open the window or open the window,
Let fresh air into the house as soon as possible.
(Children pass and sit at the tables)

Fresh air rich in oxygen. How does air affect our health?

Clean air protects against diseases. But polluted, on the contrary, harms. (draw the children's attention to the slides)

1. Black smoke from pipes 1. Breathe fresh air
2. Exhaust gases from cars 2. Planting trees
3. Rotting garbage 3. Build treatment facilities

Air is another helper that helps us get to a magical land.

Guys, and here is the bottle. I dont know. Can you advise me?

This is water!

Have you heard of water?
- They say she is everywhere.
- In a puddle, sea, ocean.
- And a faucet.

Guys, look at the globe. This is a model of our planet Earth. Why is it called the blue planet. Lots of blue. What does blue color mean? This is water! Why do we need water? Tell me.

What is water like? Clean, salty, bitter, dirty, drinkable.

There is a lot of water on our planet, but not all water is drinkable. Lots of salt water, but very little fresh water. If it is not enough, what should be done? It needs to be saved. What does it mean to save? Turn off the taps, take as much water as you need, protect it. What to protect from? From pollution.

What else can you say about water? Don't remember? Then let's do some experiments.


You have cups on the tables. Each has water. Take each glass and look into it.

You see the bottom. So what is water? Transparent.

What color is she? Colorless.

Let's smell it, shall we? No. So it has no smell.

Let's try it. Is there a taste? No. And when can she change her taste?

Look what I'm doing. Liquid.

What else is water? Solid. I show the children ice. If you hold ice in your hand, what will it become? In water.


Do you like to drink tea? How to prepare tea? You need to boil water.

What comes out of a saucepan or kettle? It's steam! What can we say about water? That it turns into steam when boiled. The water is gaseous.

Guys, does water affect our health?

(draw children's attention to the slide)

1. Save water 1. Drink clean water
2. Do not litter the water 2. Follow the rules of personal hygiene

Water is another assistant that helps us get to the country of "Valeology".

6. Physical education minute

sun, air and water

Our faithful friends

(walking in place)

We woke up early in the morning

And reached for the sun

(stretching on toes)

To always be healthy

Water helps us

(show they are swimming)

Take a ball for a walk

Jump, run, don't be sad!

(Jump, imitating hitting the ball)

This is how the sun rises

Higher, higher, higher. Children raise their hands through the sides up, rising on their toes.

By night the sun will set

Down, down, down. Children squat, lowering their hands down.

Well, well, the sun is laughing,

And under the sun we

Having fun. Children walk in place, clapping their hands.

Guys, there's something else in the package. I take out a picture. How beautiful she is. I show the children a picture. The healthy lifestyle doctor sent us a picture of the country "Valeology". Look how bright and clean she is. Who helped us get to the magical country "Valeology"? It is the sun, air and water.

7.Result: Now it's winter outside, it's cold, so I suggest you take bright colors and draw a radiant sun to make our group a little warmer

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