Tropical monstera flowers at home. Monstera - care and reproduction of a plant in your home. Potential Growing Problems

Interesting 09.09.2018

Today, everything is about caring for a monstera at home: about flower diseases, transplantation, reproduction, aerial roots. As well as nice pictures wonderful flower. Many admirers indoor plants grow this flower. Someone is attracted by large bizarre, with an openwork pattern, leaves that create comfort in winter, reminiscent of a hot summer. And in the summer they give a feeling of coolness.

So let the plant have plenty of space - over the next few years. For a window leaf, an old pot can also become. Typical for the plant are numerous aerial roots that cannot be torn off! With her help, she climbs the trees in her native jungle. In the room, however, shoots must be tied to support. In old plants, you can sometimes admire flowering flour.

Recovered almost 25 various types monsters. It grows very fast and soon gets a tree chest. Here, mostly younger plants have a coherent chain of holes at the edge. The ideal is a bright place, but also with a semi-shady place, perhaps even a little from the window, the window sheet is satisfied. Direct sun does not tolerate it. During the year, the temperature in the room should be 12 and 22 degrees. The monster may also remain in a heated room for winter months. However, if it is very warm, you will need to increase the humidity.

Monstera is also popular because, in addition to beauty that pleases the eye, it has the ability to make indoor air clean and healthy. Its leaves emit useful volatile substances, phytoncides, which kill pathogenic microbes and delay their reproduction. And more incredible useful thing makes a flower: it absorbs formaldehyde emitted from furniture made from chipboard.

Depending on the size and location of the installation, the amount of water is adjustable. In principle, however, Olivier needs abundant water, something less in winter. Also wipe the dust occasionally with a soft sponge from big leaves. During the growing season, you do not need to grow once a week, with warm winter once a month, with a cool winter spot. Young plants are transplanted in spring to normal soil. Use as much as possible, strong pots. Keep aerial roots in the ground, they will take extra food.

The window leaf can be reproduced in almost all of the usual ways: shoots, chests with expansive eyes, drowning, and seeding. Seeds, however, are rare. If the window sheet unexpectedly creates sheets with no or small holes, it is too dark. The plant then needs more leaf area to use as much brightness as possible. Diseases and pests, on the other hand, are rare in a resistant plant.

On an energetic level, the flower helps people communicate and make decisions. Monstera organizes thoughts, puts them in order, has a beneficial effect on the whole nervous system person. Helps the development of intellectual abilities, strengthens the immune system, harmonizes the state of mind.

An interesting history of the flower. After the discovery of South America by Europeans in the 15th century, returning sailors spoke of a new unexplored continent of legend and history. They said with horror that in the mysterious tropical forests a giant killer plant grows. It was said that the plant itself attacks people and animals, and after that only skeletons remain, riddled with long shoots hanging from the trunk.

The long monster is shooting, you must tie it up; in indoor culture, they do not have sticky roots. Take a mint stick or a small lattice thread. If they are short and barely stand out from the trunk, they are of little concern. The situation is different if they go out of the pot and become a stumbling block or become tied to the shoots of other plants. The temptation to cut off the roots of the air is quite strong. But this does not apply to plants. Although they do not usually occur immediately, they are significantly weakened or revitalized to form even more aerial roots.

The pioneers had a rich imagination! In fact, monstera's hanging aerial roots sprouted through the skeletons of travelers already dead in the jungle. But they drew a terrible picture, and thanks to her, the wonderful flower was called monstrum, which meant in Latin "monster". A baseless accusation and an unfair name!

The reason for this lies in the functions of above-ground roots. They provide stability, are lifting aids, and thus promote the growth of growing plants. In addition, they are able to absorb moisture and nutrients, which also play a crucial role in the supply of the plant. Accordingly, their removal is harmful.

This includes the following measures. Place them on fresh substrate as needed, or repot every year.

  • Give the plant a climbing aid, such as a moss stick or tendril.
  • Water and spray regularly, and wipe the leaves regularly with a damp cloth.
  • Add fertilizer regularly.
If the number of approaches with aerial root increases, the conditions should be checked first. Often the substrate is too dry or does not contain enough nutrients. Plants try to compensate for the resulting lack of air roots.

But there is an assumption that not everything is so terrible, and in fact the name of monstera comes from the Latin word monstrosus, and this is completely different. It means "bizarre, amazing", which is more fair.

The first copies of an exotic flower were brought to Europe in 1752. Since the end of the 18th century, the flower has become popular throughout Europe as a houseplant.

The same applies to the fact that the growth of growth is impossible. If sudden, very strong aerial root formation is noticed, this can often be counteracted by increasing moisture and nutrient supply. In addition to improving culture conditions, short bumps can be removed with a sharp knife. The shorter it is, the lower the stress on the crop. The procedure is this.

To avoid excessive leakage of vegetable juice, the cut surface can be applied with a hot, damp cloth or sprayed with charcoal powder.

  • A sharp knife is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected at best.
  • Gloves should be worn to protect plants from leaking.
  • It is also favorable to cover the soil under vegetation.
  • The roots of the antennae are cut individually from top to bottom right on the trunk.
Longer extensions, performance is no longer recommended. The plant will suffer too much.

Flower growers know about 50 species of plants, the most common of which are monstera delicacy, variegated, deliciosa. They grow well at home and are easy to care for.

The flower is a liana belonging to a large family of aroids. In her homeland, she finds a support, which they become giant trees. At home, the flower requires a special device for support.

In addition to removing aerial roots, you need to take care of the causes. If fattening cuts are cut off, although the supply of water and nutrients is still inadequate, the crop goes ahead and tries to make up for the deficiency with more roots. This case also occurs in the absence of stability.

For large and old plants, it often happens that the roots stabilize. If they do not find a suitable base, the number of unwanted roots steadily increases and is fixed wherever they are. This can be easily countered by providing lifting assistance. The ideal is the already mentioned moss. The rough and slightly uneven surface provides the stabilizing air roots with an optimal backdrop. In addition, this stop is also visually appealing. Alternatively, thin trunks or straight branches with bark, rods or scaffolding can be used.

The leaves of the monstera are bizarre in shape, they are dissected, with long cuttings. The diameter in nature can reach 50 cm, in young plants the leaves are whole. The surface is smooth, shiny, as if polished with wax.

An adult plant gives shoots, sometimes growing up to 5 - 10 meters. In nature, even more - up to 401 meters. On the main stem there are nodes from which aerial roots appear, beautifully hanging down - another distinguishing feature creepers.

In this case, pre-existing and longer aerial roots can also be attached later to eliminate tripping or to make the overall picture more decorative. When attaching long roots should be careful and careful. Roots break easily and are therefore quickly damaged. Since aerial roots form, especially when the plant is too dry and the substrate supply is insufficient, increasing the amount of potting can limit growth. In addition, growth should be sprayed several times a week.

In addition, wet rubbing of the sheets improves the absorption capacity and hence the feed. If there are already numerous aerial roots, these can also be used for supply. Various options are available for this purpose. Preferably, for example, provide a water container on the planting bucket and allow air roots to grow in it. It should be noted, however, that air roots are constantly transforming into ordinary roots. This in turn makes it easier to redirect.

Monstera rarely blooms, especially at home. When the flower fades, it turns into an ear - a fruit with berries that smell like pineapples.

At the ends of the sides of the monstera leaves are the so-called gidiators. Through them, droplets of a transparent substance stand out from the flower, and it seems that the flower is crying. This happens when the humidity is high. By the way, many flower growers are sure that if the monstera cried, wait for the rain.

Instead of offering a special root container for roots, the formation of roots and their supply can also be used as an exotic decoration. For this, it is desirable that the roots be placed in an aquarium. Similarly, a glass of aquatic plants gets special contact with sunken roots.

good side effect roots is their cleansing function on the water. Thus, the plants act as an additional filter. Here again the supply of the plant is improved and root growth is reduced in the long run. It's about about redirection or about planting roots.

Monstera - home care

In order for the flower stem to be strong, the leaves to have a juicy, bright color, and the monstera to bloom at least sometimes, you need to ensure proper maintenance and care. To do this, focus on the conditions native to the monstera, namely the tropical humid climate.

Location selection

Due to the many myths and legends associated with the monstera, sometimes doubts arise whether it is worth keeping it at home.

If there are long, long shoots reaching the substrate, the plant should be repotted as soon as possible. When choosing a new planter, make sure it is only one or two numbers larger than the previous one. Thus the aerial roots are directed downwards and into the plant vessel, so that they are covered with as much soil as possible, but they are not yet under tension. Finally, the pot is filled with soil and poured. Aerial roots do not require additional fastening.

  • To ensure sufficient stock, completely remove the old backing paper.
  • To do this, it is also advisable to wash off the remnants of the soil from the roots.
  • The bottom of the pot is covered with a suitable substrate and inserted into the root ball.
Therefore, it is recommended to prevent them with good conditions cultivation and cultivation or use already longer aerial roots.

The flower improves the microclimate in the room, perfectly moisturizes the air and releases a lot of oxygen, which is useful for us. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the energy and mental state. The flower is appropriate in any office space, study, including home, living room.

But in the bedroom you should not put a monstera. The process of photosynthesis in a flower does not occur at night, so it absorbs a lot of oxygen when breathing.

Several options are available for this, so that the right option can be found for every decorative requirement and every preference. Based Central America and some parts South America, it is striking because of its pomp and its large lobed leaves; responsible for this in Spain is commonly known as Adam's rib. Deciduous, bright and easy to care for; so is the Adam River. We won't be able to thrive in the interior, but its heart-shaped leaves will dress up every corner of our home on its own, hitting it with tropical air.

soil and pot

The best soil for monstera will be a substrate with good permeability for air and moisture. You can prepare it by mixing equal amounts of leafy soil, sand, humus and adding 3 parts of peat.

Choose a pot from any material, but make sure that it is spacious - deep and wide, the flower develops powerful roots, and there should be a lot of space for them. Be sure to lay a layer of drainage at the bottom.

You can use it to dress up a corner of your home or cut some cuttings and place them in a vase to decorate a shelf or piece of furniture. If you place the plant next to a mirror, you will also achieve greater depth; great idea to create a small green oasis. Its decorative power is undeniable, but perfecting it is as easy as they say? We show you four factors that affect your growth.

Substrate: Adam's ribs requires well-drained soil with at least ΒΌ of well-uniform sand. Therefore, it is recommended to water when the soil is dry and also to use a liquid green plant fertilizer every 15 days during the growth period. Also, thank you for spraying the leaves during summer months water with a low lime content. However, optimal development requires good level indirect solar exposure.

  • Irrigation: It maintains dry soil but not excess water.
  • This is a plant that can withstand heat, but not cold.
Do you like this plant decorating your home?

monstera lighting

The flower loves partial shade, the ideal option is bright but diffused light. If it is not enough, then there will be no leaves in the hole. Under the sun's rays, burns may appear, the leaves will turn yellow and die.

Temperature and humidity content

Moreover, this the new kind, but this is a new plant that is widely introduced into the interior for its beauty. It is a tropical plant and climber coming from tropical jungle Mexico and Argentina, becomes a void in all modern homes, becoming, as it should be. Just provide moderate natural light and water once a week to keep the plant growing and looking healthy.

As for your lifespan, if you take care of yourself, it can last for decades. This plant needs a lot of light, but indirect. Don't let the sun go straight. Thus, in luminous rooms, the plant will flourish properly if it does not give it a direct sunlight. However, in areas where there is little natural light, the plant cannot complete its adaptation.

  • The ideal summer temperature for Monstera is 22 - 25 degrees. In winter, the temperature must be reduced and significantly: up to 10 - 14 degrees. If the temperature is higher, the flower grows strongly.
  • Humidity in the apartment must be high, at least 70%. But even if you overdo it with humidity, you will make a mistake - with more humidity next to the pot it will always be wet, the leaves will begin to give off excess moisture. If there is not enough humidity in the apartment, additionally spray the leaves of the flower, wash and polish more often.

How to water

When caring for a monster in home environment it is important to ensure that it is properly watered. Watering is carried out only with settled water.

In summer, water much more abundantly, at this time the need for water in a flower is great. The earth in the monstera pot should always be slightly damp, but not wet. In winter, do not water too often; a signal that it is time to drink the monster will be dry land.

top dressing

Feed the flower twice a month, especially in the spring when the monstera begins to grow actively. It is not necessary to feed in winter. For top dressing, buy the usual complex mineral fertilizer for flowers in the store.

How to transplant monstera at home

  • Experienced flower growers advise transplanting young plant Every year. A developing plant grows quickly, especially its root system, so in the early years you have to change the monstera pot often. Sometimes a transplant is required every six months, the volume of the pot will have to be increased each time.
  • An adult flower older than 4 years old, try to replant less often, once every two to three years, or even less often. Age flowers slow down their growth. But annually renew the top layer in the pot - add humus.
  • To rejuvenate the monstera a little, cut off the top in the spring (remove 2-3 internodes with leaves). This will give a new impetus to more growth of side shoots. Make the cut straight. You can use the cropped crown to breed monstera at home. AT this case make the cut on the handle oblique.

Monstera breeding

home breeding indoor flower occurs in three ways: seeds, cuttings and air layering. best time- spring and early summer (June).

  • Reproduction by seeds. Florists do not often resort to this method at home, since it is the most time-consuming and long.

Sow the seeds in the soil, and place in the warmest and most lit place. Seeds germinate for a long time, a month. Dive them. You will receive an adult plant only 2 years after propagation by seeds.

  • Propagation by cuttings. Take cuttings from the stem or side shoots. Or, cutting off the top in the spring, put it in a glass of water or immediately plant it in moist soil. After the appearance of the first roots, transplant into a pot in a permanent place.
  • Air outlet. The simplest type of reproduction. Make sure that the layering already has a root and a leaf. Dig in first directly in the pot, and then transplant it into the pot.

In order for the flowers to take root well and begin to grow quickly, provide them with good humidity in combination with abundant watering.

How to care for aerial roots

Aerial roots are important for monstera, so pay attention to their care Special attention. They perform the function of additional hydration and nutrition. You do not need to remove them in any case, although they do not add beauty to the flower. If you do not like their appearance, collect them and tie them to the trunk, creating, as it were, additional support. Or wrap in wet moss.

When watering, be sure to moisten the aerial roots and feed them in time - this will ensure the plant feels good.

Monstera - diseases and pests

  1. Thrips. If light dots appear on the leaves of the flower, there are a lot of them, take a look at reverse side sheet. It is there that thrips colonies are usually located. To destroy them, spray the monstera with insecticide.
  2. Thyroids. When a flower is infected with this pest, brown spots appear on the leaves, they quickly dry out and fall off. Wipe the leaves and stems with a cloth dampened soapy water, then spray with 0.15% actellic solution.
  3. Spider mite. Cobwebs appear on the leaves, they become lethargic, lifeless. Wipe the leaves with soapy water and spray with Actellik.
  4. Mealy bugs. Young leaves and shoots are most often affected. They dry, bend, curl. You can get rid of them, as with the thyroid gland.

In addition, at home, when caring for a monstera, various problems may arise. They indicate that you have missed something in the content of the flower, and he is experiencing discomfort.

  • Excess moisture. The leaves are strongly and almost completely yellow.
  • Lack of nutrition. The leaves begin to turn yellow from the tip, gradually. Feed the monster.
  • Little light. The leaves grow small, the stem below is bare.
  • Too hot. Dried leaves fall en masse at the bottom of the trunk.
  • Lack of moisture. Brown spots appear on the leaves.

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