How to store leeks at home. Conditions for home storage of leeks in winter: how and where is it better to store

Interesting 27.06.2020

Leek is good both fresh in salads and in soups, stews and other hot dishes with heat treatment. It gives dishes a sweet taste and a delicate onion aroma. Unfortunately, it doesn't keep as long as its onion counterpart, so to keep it longer, I suggest freezing leeks. You should not add a frozen raw vegetable to salads, but it can be used in any heat-treated dishes.

Both thin and thick stems are suitable for freezing.

Leek should be cleaned of sluggish and damaged outer leaves, cut off the roots or renew the cut at the base.

It is very good to rinse the onion under water, especially between the leaves, since dirt and sand mainly accumulate there.

Before freezing, the vegetable must be dried well. I shake each stem well from excess moisture and wipe it with a towel (a waffle towel perfectly absorbs moisture). Remember - there should be no water on the vegetable!

How to Freeze Chopped Leek

Next, you need to cut the leeks the way you plan to use for the dish. If adding to soup, stew, etc., then you can cut into circles or, if the stalk is quite thick, you can cut it in half and cut into half circles. As a rule, only the white part of the stem and a small part of the green leaves are used in recipes.

Then the leeks need to be frozen on a flat surface. It can be a large pallet, a flat bowl, a cutting board, etc. My freezer has a thin, flat drawer that I line with cling film and use to freeze food.

Spread the leek circles in a thin layer on a flat dish and cover with cling film or a bag on top. The fact is that leeks are a rather fragrant vegetable, and the smell can quickly spread through the freezer. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and cover the onion with a bag or cling film.

Leek in this state should spend 3-4 hours in the freezer at -18 degrees or below. During this time, it will freeze, and it can be easily poured into a bag or container.

Frozen leeks should be crumbly and easily separate from the pan.

Pack frozen onions in bags (well releasing air) or containers (glass or plastic). I recommend freezing additional packaging in 2-3 bags or wrapping containers with cling film. Leek has a fairly strong aroma, and careful packaging will keep the freezer from spreading the onion smell. Sign the label indicating the expiration date.

How to Freeze a Whole Leek

If you like to cook whole roasted leeks or use whole stalks (or halves) for simmering broth, then you can freeze it without slicing.

After the primary processing of the vegetable and its thorough drying, the stems should be cooled in the refrigerator for about 1-2 hours. Note that in sliced ​​form, refrigeration is not applied.

Transfer the leek to a container covered with cling film or covered with a bag on the shelf of the refrigerator and leave for 2 hours.

After 2 hours, the stems can be packaged in bags, removing the air and tying them tightly. In order not to untie the packages once again and not to get 1-2 stalks for cooking the broth, I recommend freezing leeks in portions, with the required number of stalks in one package.

How to store frozen leeks

It is advisable to store leek for no more than 3 months at a temperature of -18 degrees and below, otherwise it will lose its aroma, and after defrosting it may become dry and tasteless.

In order to use frozen leeks in a cooked dish, it is not necessary to defrost them at all. Just put required amount vegetables in a saucepan, pot or pan at the desired stage of cooking.

Kira Stoletova

Leek is considered a storehouse of vitamins, so many gardeners grow such onions for future use. It is very important to know how to store leeks properly so that they do not spoil. Their beneficial features leek saves for a long time, therefore, with proper packaging, such a product can be harvested for future use. Before you start harvesting, you need to study the recommendations and reviews of people who already know how to keep fresh leeks at home and grow them regularly.

It is recommended to store the vegetable in the refrigerator, even in chopped form. Many housewives freeze the required volume of onions, this method is considered the easiest. The leaf and stem can be stored in the freezer for several months. With long-term keeping quality, the leek accumulates ascorbic acid in itself and does not lose its beneficial properties. If you live in a private house, then it is best to store vegetables in the cellar, where it is possible to place a box and sand. Onions in the sand last up to 6 months.

Storing onions in the refrigerator

How to store leeks for the winter at home? It is very important to properly collect the onion, for this you need to clean it from the ground, rinse and cut off the root a little. When cutting the spine, care must be taken not to accidentally damage the bottom. It is best to leave 1⁄3 of the entire spine, this extends the shelf life. It’s definitely not worth cutting the leaves, because without them the leek will not be stored at all and will immediately wither. You can keep chopped green onions for a long time in the winter in the refrigerator. To do this, it must be cut and packed in plastic bags.

Leek and its storage for the winter in the refrigerator should be carried out at a temperature not lower than 5 ° C.

In the refrigerator, the plant is normally preserved, since polyethylene does not allow the product to dry out and all useful properties remain. For the winter, vegetables are stored for some time on the balcony, provided that the temperature there does not fall below -7 ° C. You can see how to chop and harvest onions in the refrigerator in a photo or video.

Storing onions in a sand box

At home, it is recommended to store fresh onions in the sand. To do this, you need to take a suitable box and pour about 5-7 cm of fine sand on the bottom. Previously, the box for storing vegetables must be disinfected and cleaned of dirt and rot. Sand is recommended to be calcined in the oven so that if bacteria are present, they do not attack the vegetable. The bow must be installed in a vertical position on the bottom with sand. If there is a gap between the heads, it is better to fill it with slightly damp sand.

The root should be slightly deepened into the sand. When using this method of storage at home, the vegetable can retain its beneficial properties for 6 months. In the cellar or basement of a private house, such a box will be perfectly stored. When living in an apartment, you should use a pantry or an insulated balcony. If the plans are to keep the box on the balcony, then first it must be insulated with a warm blanket.

Drying onions

If you want to get nutrients from vegetables in winter, but there is nowhere to store them, there is another interesting method that can really be used at home. Drying vegetables allows you to save a minimum amount of vitamins in them, and in this form, vegetable rings can be stored for a long time. For drying it is necessary to use an electric dryer or an oven.

The optimum temperature for drying is approximately 50°C. After drying, the onions cannot be left in sealed packaging or a tight plastic bag. If this rule is violated, vegetables may become damp. Dried rings are very convenient to use for soups. If properly followed temperature regime and harvesting standards, then in the cold season you can enjoy a healthy and tasty vegetable.

Pickling leeks at home

If the previous methods do not suit you, then you can pickle the onions. Need to take white part stem, wash thoroughly and remove rotten places, if any. Next, the prepared stem is cut to your liking, but basically it is better to cut into rings. Onions should be dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Leek or "Pearl Onion" is one of the most vitamin-rich and healthy vegetables. It includes such vitamins C, E, PP, all B vitamins, provitamin, as well as fiber and protein. Not every vegetable can boast of such a composition. According to your taste, it can completely replace the usual onions. In addition, if you store the vegetable correctly, you can get vitamins for the entire winter season. To do this, you need to know how to store leeks correctly.

Impact on the human body

The root crop has a lot of beneficial effects on the human body. Its taste and medicinal qualities are appreciated by many gardeners.

Impact on the body:

  • normalizes blood cholesterol;
  • eliminates problems in the digestive system;
  • contributes to the improvement of vision;
  • eliminates anemia;
  • normalizes the work of the respiratory tract.


Every gardener knows when to harvest leeks. The vegetation period of the leek is long, therefore, experts advise removing it just before the frost. When to dig up a leek, the gardener decides for himself, it can be the end of August or the middle of September. The culture is not afraid of frost, so until this time it can feel comfortable in the garden. If there is a desire to feast on a juicy tender vegetable in early spring, you can leave a small amount of the plant in the garden in the winter. To prevent the pearl onion from freezing, it is necessary to cover it with a covering material.

Onions can be eaten until the coldest days, and even frost does not affect nutritional qualities his feathers. Until the frost, onion feathers are able to remain juicy and soft.

To grow a crop planned for winter storage, you need to give it a personal garden. It is impossible to pluck onion feathers on this bed during the summer.

It is necessary to harvest the crop carefully, digging each root crop in such a way as not to damage the bulb. In addition, when digging up a leek, it is necessary to ensure that lumps of soil do not fall between the feathers. When the culture is dug out, it is necessary to select the strongest specimens for storage. Bulbs should not have flaws. If you leave spoiled or injured bulbs for storage, there is a risk of losing the crop completely.

Selected bulbs must be cleaned from the remnants of the earth. This should only be done by hand. In no case should you hit them against each other. Otherwise, they will be injured and will not be stored. After cleaning, cut the onion to a length of 25 cm and leave the prepared product to dry in the sun until completely dry. Then you can start preparing it for storage.

Few people know that the leek not only retains its useful composition during storage, but also accumulates ascorbic acid. Thus, with proper storage, the plant is enriched with an even greater composition of vitamins.

You can eat a vegetable from the very beginning of its ripening. It has pleasant taste and very tender leaves. It is recommended to use them both fresh on their own, and add to any dishes, salt, dry and freeze.

To have a fresh vegetable on the table all winter season, simple storage rules must be observed:

  1. Only whole plants are subject to storage. They must not be damaged.
  2. All plants intended for long-term storage should be with strong and whole bottoms.
  3. Only one type of plant should be stored in one container.
  4. Leek should be sent to storage cleaned of the remnants of the earth and well dried in the sun.

There are several ways to store leeks at home.

It is very important for long-term preservation to create conditions close to optimal. Onion is not at all afraid of frost, but the temperature must be maintained no higher than +5 degrees. The root crop is very sensitive to air humidity.

At high humidity the crop will not last long. Therefore, the optimum storage humidity should be 85%. Ventilation is also a prerequisite for storage.

By following all the rules of storage, you can achieve long-term storage.

Shelf life:

  • in the refrigerator, the vegetable can be stored for up to 4 weeks;
  • in a box with sand, the root crop can be stored until spring;
  • dried, pickled or salted onions can be stored for up to 1 year.

If you follow 3 simple requirements, namely humidity, ventilation and a suitable temperature, it will not be difficult to save the crop.

To prevent blunders during storage you should heed the advice of experienced gardeners:

  • it is undesirable to keep root crops of various varieties in one container;
  • effective storage is possible only in ventilated sealed containers;
  • damaged plants must be removed on time;
  • choose suitable varieties for storage.

Should know that are not designed to store early-ripening and mid-ripening varieties.

Storage Methods

Each person can choose the most convenient method for storing this beautiful vegetable.

Is it possible to leave onions in the cellar

To preserve a pearl bow in this way, you need to prepare wooden boxes and wet sand. Special attention need to turn to sand. It should be moist, never wet. Checking the moisture content of sand is very easy. You need to pick it up in a fist and squeeze it hard. If the sand crumbles when you open your fist, this is the ideal humidity for planting.

At the bottom of the box, you need to pour 15 cm of wet sand, then put the plant in it, cover the bulb with a layer of sand 15 cm thick. Thus, only the leaves of the plant will be visible on the surface of the soil. From time to time it is necessary to check the leek, if the leaves of one plant began to dry out or a plaque appeared on them, the root crop must be removed.

This method is good because until the middle of the winter season there is an opportunity to get a fresh and high-quality product on your table.

The optimum temperature in the cellar is -1−1 degrees, humidity 75-85%.

At room temperature

This method will help keep the vegetable for a period of 1 week. It must be collected in bunches of 5-10 bulbs along with leaves and put in polyethylene. In this case, several small holes must first be made in polyethylene for ventilation. Pearl onions in a bag will perfectly preserve all the vitamins for a while.

In the refrigerator compartment

Drying Features

In order to keep the pearl bow for a long time, you can use the drying method. Only leek bulbs are suitable for such storage. They must be cut into medium-sized rings. Put the rings on a sieve. Then dry in an oven or dryer at a temperature of 60 degrees for 4 hours. Next, store dried vegetables in a dry glass containers which must be hermetically sealed. Green leaves can also be dried, but separately. After drying, the leaves must be crushed, they are used as seasonings for any dishes.

pickle method

For pickles, only green leaves are used. You need to salt pearl onions, observing a certain sequence.

Feather salting:

  • cut the feathers into pieces 2-3 cm wide;
  • lay the pieces tightly to each other, preferably in an enameled container;
  • sprinkle the onion with salt. Salts should be taken at the rate of 1 layer of 50-70 g of table salt;
  • 1-2 bay leaf, 2 peas of black pepper;
  • put under oppression for 2 weeks;
  • put in glass jars, close with an airtight lid and put in a cold place.

Salted leek feathers will be stored for a long time, while they will not lose their qualities.

Before freezing a vegetable, it is necessary to rinse it well, dry it and cut it into pieces 2-3 cm thick. Put the finished pieces in a plastic bag and fix it tightly. The bag must be filled so that its thickness is no more than 5 cm. Then place the bag in the freezer. It is best to freeze pearl onions in small portions. If you defrost the product several times, it will lose its taste and, of course, all the benefits.

Marinating a vegetable

The most unusual method of storage. In pickling, only white stems are used. To do this, cut the onion into rings. Then lower the chopped rings into boiling salted water, then put the rings in a colander and drain off excess moisture. Put the onion in a glass container in dense layers. Add marinade.

Marinade: 50 g of table salt, water - 1 l, sugar - 100 g, vinegar - 100 ml. Boil the marinade for 2 minutes, pour the container with hot marinade. Next, close the lid and wrap the container with a fur coat for 12 hours.

How to prepare a leek and how to store it in the winter, everyone decides for himself. In any case, if the preparation is done correctly, the taste and the nutritional value won't be hurt at all.

Growing such a beautiful vegetable as a leek, as well as harvesting and storing it, causes almost no trouble. Therefore, it is simply necessary for every gardener to grow such a storehouse of vitamins on his land plot.

Attention, only TODAY!

It has antitumor, diuretic, anti-inflammatory properties. It also improves the functioning of the gallbladder and intestines. And he just indispensable in the kitchen. It is included in recipes for cooking first, second courses and even baking. How to store leeks for the winter?

In our articles, we have already talked about that, as well as about and. Now consider how to store leeks for the winter.

Basic Rules

How to prepare leeks for storage? It is quite easy to carry frost down to -7 degrees. But still, harvest should be done before the onset of frost. The first step is to dig it up and shake off the ground from the root system. Efforts must be made to the earth did not fall between the leaves. It starts with these simple steps.

Be sure to dry the vegetable and cut off the roots. When cutting roots, be careful not to do not damage the bottom. It is best to leave 1/3 of the spine, in this state, the shelf life will increase.

There is a lot of controversy about Should I trim the leaves?? The unequivocal answer is no.

With cut leaves, the vegetable will quickly wither and may be subject to various diseases.

How to store leeks? You need to start by sorting out the already dried heads. Suitable for further preservation only strong bulbs. They should be smooth and without visible damage.

Only one type of onion can be stored in one container.

Fresh onions are well preserved in the sand. To do this, the bottom of the box is poured layer of sand 5-7 cm, then the bow is installed in a vertical position. Cover the distance between the bulbs with wet sand. Using this method, the vegetable will keep for about 6 months without losing their qualities.

For safety, they use plastic bags.

Where to store leeks? possible only in boxes of sand. It is desirable in advance disinfect. To do this, the sand is calcined in the oven. You can disinfect in the yard. A fire is kindled and an iron container filled with sand is placed on it. During the time that the fire burns, the sand is calcined. The boxes, already prepared, are lowered into the cellar.

In the absence of a cellar or cellar, perhaps, for example, on a balcony or in a pantry.

Storage on the balcony, additionally cover the box with something warm. For this, an old warm blanket is suitable.

In a refrigerator onions also keep well. To do this, pre-wash it, cut off the roots and excess leaves. After the vegetable dries well, pack it in a plastic bag and put it in a special compartment in the refrigerator.

You can chop the washed and dried onions, pack them in bags and fold into the freezer. When crushed and frozen, it will take up little space.

At what temperature should leeks be stored? In the cellar, leeks are stored at a temperature from 0 to +4 degrees. On the balcony it can tolerate frosts down to -7 degrees. This is provided that the box is additionally wrapped with something warm, such as a blanket. The temperature in the refrigerator should not be below +5.

Tips for growing and storing leek in the basement, as well as right in the garden in winter in this video:

Optimal conditions

How are leeks stored? What are the storage conditions? When stored in a cellar or basement, air humidity should not exceed 80-85%.

In the refrigerator, moisture is retained in the bag due to its properties. Polyethylene does not allow air to pass through, does not allow the vegetable to dry out.

Subject to the temperature regime and air humidity, the leek will be saved 6-7 months. In the freezer, the shelf life increases by 2-3 times.

How to store leeks after harvesting? The only condition proper storage leek after harvesting should be dry and bright room. If a weather allow, it is desirable to leave it on the street and dry. It is best to do this on a shell grid. So the air will circulate and dry the vegetable from all sides evenly.


How to store leeks for the winter? In addition to the methods considered (in the cellar, refrigerator, on the balcony), you can consider other, more unusual ones.

Very interesting and unusual taste pickled onion. You need to take the white part of the stem, cut it and lower it into boiling water for 2-3 minutes, after slightly salting it. Then put as tightly as possible in jars and pour marinade. For the marinade is taken:

  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 50g;
  • sugar - 100g;
  • vinegar - 100 ml.

The marinade should boil for 2 minutes. After rolling, the banks must be wrapped for 10-12 hours.

How to save leeks until spring? To preserve the maximum amount of useful substances is used. You can use an oven or an electric dryer. The most suitable temperature for this +50 degrees. Such onions cannot be stored in an airtight container.

It will increase the shelf life.

You can save onions in food film. But it retains its beneficial properties for 1-2 weeks.

At a constant temperature of +2 degrees, the period can be extended to 3-4 weeks. Before you pack the onion in cling film, it must first cool down.

Observing temperature and storage conditions, during all winter and even spring months, you can enjoy the freshness of the vegetable.

At any time, it can be used in the preparation of soups, meat dishes, or bake an onion pie. And also in the most severe winter weather to avoid colds.

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Onion is an exceptionally valuable product. If this wealth is disposed of correctly, that is, if it is correctly collected and stored, then it can be usefully eaten, since it will practically not lose its healing properties during the winter.

Features of harvesting onions

How long the onion was harvested depends on how long it will be stored in winter period. There are a number of signs that determine the following factors affecting the quality of the harvested product:

  • landing time;
  • climatic and weather conditions;
  • cultivar and variety.

Taking into account all the factors listed above, it is quite possible to organize the correct collection and further storage of this product.

Collection time

The most important point in harvesting onions is a deadline. If the bow is removed too early, then the following occurs:

  • an insufficiently formed bulb does not have time to be saturated with useful substances, therefore, it will not bring the intended benefit;
  • unripe onions have too much moisture in the cells, so they are prone to decay;
  • in unripe onions, the so-called "neck" is very thick and fleshy, which contributes to the loss of vitamins and nutrients during storage, as well as the penetration and reproduction of bacteria.

When harvesting onions, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that if the deadline is too late, the product also runs the risk of being spoiled, because the:

  • overripe bulbs begin to re-start "arrows", which leads to a loss of nutrients, as well as a deterioration in the taste of the vegetable;
  • from being in the ground for too long, cracks form on the scales, their integrity and protective qualities are violated, which also does not contribute to its long storage.

Important! The best way to determine the onion harvest time is its appearance.

There are a number of signs by which you can accurately find out how ripe the bulbs are.

  1. "Feathers" should have a yellowish-brown color and tend to the ground. When they are already in the garden, you can start collecting.
  2. "Neck", that is, the place that connects the actual bulb with feathers should be thinned and dry.

Important! When the harvest time is already approaching, but the onion is not yet ready enough, you can slightly undermine the plants in the garden a week before harvesting so that they dry out a little.

Very great importance have the timing of planting this culture. As a rule, full maturation occurs within two to two and a half months.

Climatic and weather conditions of collection

The most important indicator that it is time to harvest the onion is weather and climate of the area. If the summer was dry, it is necessary to remove the onion early, since this crop, with a lack of moisture, loses nutrients, which reduces its “keeping quality”.

In rainy and cold summer it is necessary to extend the harvesting time for a couple of weeks, giving the culture the opportunity to ripen.

Since Russia is located on a very large territory, it is located on different climatic zones, which, of course, cannot but affect the timing of its cleaning. Further given approximate time for harvesting this vegetable in different regions Russia:

  • middle lane(Moscow region) - the second half of July - the beginning of August.
  • South of Russia - the month of July.
  • Ural and Siberia - the month of August.

It must be remembered that the above dates are conditional and indicative, since when deciding when to harvest, it is important to take into account all possible factors.

Timing of the collection of various varieties of onions

Each of the varieties of this crop has its own ripening periods, which can be easily calculated from the moment of planting.

When buying seed, it is important to keep the packaging, which, as a rule, provides more accurate data on the timing of planting and harvesting of each particular variety.

Thus, leeks must be harvested 1.5-2 months after planting. And onion and onion sets in about 3 months.

Video: when to remove onions from the garden for storage

Harvesting procedure - step by step instructions

The procedure and sequence of actions, as well as taking into account all the smallest nuances when collecting onions, predetermine the possibility of its long-term storage during the winter.

The best for this event is dry and sunny weather.

If the weather forecast predicts rainy weather, it is necessary to prepare the onion for harvesting in about two weeks: bend the feathers to the soil surface. Thus, the bulbs will no longer feed the feathers, they will dry out, and it will be possible to start harvesting before the onset of rains.

Important! Exists typical mistake, characteristic of novice gardeners, who, in order to prepare the onion for harvesting, cut off its feathers. As a result of the fact that bacteria penetrate through open sections, the bulbs become infected. Thus, most of the crop rots about a month after laying in storage.

For the onion assembly procedure, you must first acquire necessary set tools:

  • pitchfork;
  • a large piece of oilcloth or polyethylene;
  • some old blankets.

With especially loose soils, you can simply pull the onion out of the ground by pulling it by the feathers. But this method is considered more laborious, since if the feather breaks, the bulb will still have to be dug up.

With large plantings of this crop, it must be remembered that the entire collection must be made within ten days. Longer periods may cause the entire batch to rot, as the bulbs harvested last will be wetter.

The collection process includes:

  • digging bulbs out of the ground;
  • removal of earthen lumps from the surface of the bulb;
  • drying;
  • removal of the feather, or braiding.

Video: how to clean and store onions

Important! When removing the earth from the husk, in no case should the bulb be hit on the ground. In this case, the integrity of the husk is violated, the onion itself loses its turgor. It is necessary to carefully remove the lumps of earth by hand, trying not to damage the skin.

If the weather is rainy, drying will take about three weeks, and of course, the onions will have to be laid out in a closed but well-ventilated area, such as an attic or a shed.

Important! Professional producers of this crop arrange special dryers, consisting of racks, about half a meter high. Wire mesh is attached to the racks, on which the crop is laid.

After the vegetables have dried, check their readiness for storage. For this, a number of methods are used.

  1. To the touch. A thoroughly dried vegetable has a smooth, thin skin. With strong pressure, it peels off and breaks off.
  2. Aurally. If the husk rustles, then the drying was successful.

After the drying phase, it is very important to sort out the crop, removing "empty" and rotting vegetables that can ruin the entire batch. Those copies that are suitable for storage must be freed from the pen.

Important! When pruning feathers, it is necessary to leave about three to four centimeters of dry stem to reduce the access of microorganisms to the bulb.

There is a method in which dry stems are not cut off, but braided into braids. This method allows you to collect large bunches of onions, which are subsequently suspended from the ceiling in storage.

Onion crop storage

The organization of onion storage is a very responsible matter, since improper conditions of detention can nullify all efforts to grow a vegetable.

It is best to store this culture:

  • hanging from the ceiling in nets, braids, nylon tights;
  • on lattice racks;
  • in cardboard boxes;
  • in wooden boxes.

Regardless of the choice of container, you need take care of ventilation that is, if boxes are selected, they must have grooves between the boards. Holes must be made in cardboard boxes.

It must be remembered that any synthetic materials are not suitable for the long-term maintenance of the crop in question. You can not store it in polyethylene or in plastic containers.

Important! Fern leaves, stacked with onions in a storage container, will help prolong its "keeping quality".

The optimum temperature for storing onions is from 0 to 5 degrees. At temperatures below zero, the onion will freeze. Humidity for this crop is about 80%, so this vegetable can also be stored in a city apartment if we are talking about small parties.

Harvest storage area

The best rooms suitable for storing onions are a basement, a cellar, or a barn. If in the listed rooms the temperature does not drop below zero, and the humidity is low, while there is ventilation, then it is best to organize the storage of large batches of vegetables there.

Video: how to store leeks in the cellar or basement

When storing onions in an apartment, you must choose a place that is:

  • the darkest;
  • the most ventilated
  • the coldest.

For these purposes, a glazed balcony or pantry is suitable. If the batch of onions is no more than ten to twenty kilograms, then it can be laid out on newspapers under the bed.

Storing small amounts of onions in the refrigerator can also save them through the winter. To do this, you need to cover the vegetable compartment with thick paper and place the bulbs on it.

Features of storage of various varieties of culture

Depending on the varieties of the described bow, there are a number of nuances of its storage. These methods are used to save in the winter onion, onion sets, lettuce varieties.

Concerning leek, then it requires special conditions. Since the most valuable thing in this type of vegetable is its feathers, they must also be stored for the winter. For this you need:

  • clean it from the soil;
  • put in one layer in a wooden box;
  • after pouring a layer of wet sand, lay the second layer on top;
  • place the box in a dry, cool place.

This method will allow you to eat leeks almost all winter.

There is also such a way to save onions as drying, in which it is cut into rings and laid out on paper in a ventilated room. But it is important to know that in this way the onion loses most of its healing substances - flavonoids, which disappear during drying.

Onion harvesting and storage has a number of important rules, following which, you can effectively store this vegetable during the winter.

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