Indoor monstera flowers how to care for her. The main pests and diseases of the plant. The plant can be attacked by pests

Interesting 09.01.2018

Monstera- evergreen tropical vine with large rounded leaves. It received its name for its rather large size: translated from Latin monsteruosus means "fancy".

And no wonder - within 4-5 years, it easily reaches six meters in height. The leaves do not lag behind the stem and grow up to a meter long and up to 30 cm wide.

AT wild nature she grows up in tropical jungle South America, Brazil, Mexico, India, wrapping around the host tree. blooms rather nondescript cream cob, which then ripens and becomes a berry reminiscent of pineapple in taste.

Types of monstera

There are about 50 plant species found in nature. But not all of them are domesticated. Here are the most common:

  1. Monstera delicacy or attractive(Monstera deliciosa).
    Liana, reaching 12 m in height with thick cylindrical stems up to 7 cm in diameter. The leaves are heart-shaped, elongated, have straight long petioles. In countries with tropical climate grown for the fruits that are eaten.
    Thanks to its attractive appearance used for decoration and landscaping.
  2. Monstera Borziga(Monstera deliciosa borsigiana).
    Found in Mexico. Differs in more compact sizes, than the previous look. Can be grown at home.
  3. Monstera Adanson(Monstera adansonii).
    This species grows in the tropics from Costa Rica to Brazil. Liana reaches 8 meters, the leaves are egg-shaped and half a meter long. Used for growing at home, but blooms extremely rarely.
  4. Monstera punched or full of holes(Monstera pertusa).
    A plant with odd-sided, asymmetrically perforated leaves, expanding at the bottom. In nature, it grows in the tropics of South America.
  5. Monstera oblique or unequal(Monstera obliqae).
    Homeland are Guiana and Brazil. The leaves are relatively small, have the shape of an ellipse, taper downwards, reach a length of 20-25 cm. They are arranged asymmetrically on the stem.
  6. Monstera variegated or marbled(Monstera variegata)
    It differs from other species in that the whole - both the leaves and the stem, are covered with spots of beige shades. It occurs naturally in South America and East India.
  7. Monstera pointed(Monstera acuminata)
    It grows up to 3 meters in height, the leaves are pointed at the ends, do not differ in the numerous number of cuts. Therefore, the plant is not very popular among lovers of indoor flowers.

Monster Care

Proper care of the plant is to bring the conditions in the house as close as possible to the natural, familiar to the flower in the wild.


Valid for Monstera golden mean rule- can not be kept in heavily shaded places, but direct sunlight throughout the day will not benefit the flower.

Most suitable, though bright, but sprayed sunlight. The leaves become large and beautiful, as if carved.

With a lack of lighting, the leaves begin to shrink, new leaves remain solid, without holes and cuts. Growth and development stops. Under excessive lighting leaves begin to turn pale and become covered with yellow spots. In addition, the monstera does not like changes in lighting and, therefore, a change in location.

Regarding the winter period, caring for a monster usually consists of additional lighting due to shortened daylight hours, otherwise growth will stop.

There are some nuances in choosing a place. If the monstera is placed right in front of the windows - you will soon be able to see only separate fragments of the window landscape - the leaves will unfold so that they cover most of it. Therefore, it would be best for everyone to place a flower near the wall at a distance of one to one and a half meters from the window, and on the side where the plant has a shadow, make additional, better fluorescent, lighting.

Features care for ficus Benjamin are described in our next article:


As a tropical plant, monstera is desirable warmth - the more it is, the faster the growth and development of the "monster" occurs. At a temperature below 15 degrees The flower stops growing completely. Drafts are absolutely contraindicated. Ideal for spring and fall temperature about 25 degrees.

The soil

Ideally you need make a mixture from:

  • sod land (3 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • humus (1 part);
  • leaf land (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

Such soil will be fertile, retain moisture well and at the same time quite loose. Drainage should be made at the bottom of the pot, for example, from expanded clay. planting container it is necessary to take a fairly wide one, because air roots will grow from each node of the flower and go into the soil.


Warm and warm in the tropics humid climate, that's why watering should be quite plentiful, especially from spring to autumn.

In winter, the amount of water is reduced, while preventing the soil in the pot from drying out. You should not overdo it either - otherwise you will achieve rotting of the roots.

It should be watered with non-rigid settled water.

In addition, periodically wash the leaves with water room temperature, removing dust from them and regularly spray the plant, maintaining humidity. To give shine to the leaves, you can add a little milk to the washing water.

top dressing

top dressing should be carried out once every 20 days with complex mineral and organic fertilizer in the period March - September, that is, at the time when the main growth and development of the plant is taking place. The dosage of fertilizers should be taken two times less than that indicated on the package.

If the flower is not transplanted- you need to remove the top layer of the earth and replace it with a new one with the addition of humus. For those who are not afraid of an unpleasant smell in the apartment, you can water the monstera with mullein infusion.

For sufficiently mature, long plants, you need a support or fasteners to the wall near which the flower is located. Otherwise, under its weight, it will bend and break.


young plants under the age of 4 years, you need to replant every year, before the start of active development.

Plants older can be transplanted after a couple of years, but with the obligatory condition of replacing the topsoil in those years when transplantation is not performed.

Monsteru, who stepped over five year milestone, can be transplanted after 3-4 years.


Can propagate a plant lateral processes, seeds and cuttings.
Planted seeds are kept in a warm and adequately lit room, providing sufficient watering. Germination occurs 14-30 days after planting. In young shoots, the leaf plate is whole up to 6-8 months, cuts appear later.

It is worthwhile to handle young leaves very carefully, avoiding damage, because otherwise ugly sloppy holes will appear at an older age. Otherwise, care is no different from caring for an adult plant. Read more about it in our article.

Propagation by cuttings and shoots held from March to June. To do this, cut off the side branches or top of the plant. On the process must be aerial roots and one mature leaf.

If you cut off the top, then the growth of the adult monstera will not stop, the stem will go from the upper bud, which was previously in dormant mode. It is better to cut the cuttings short, long ones - they tend to take root much longer.

Top cut make it straight, placing it a couple of centimeters above the kidney, lower- oblique. These sections should be sprinkled with chopped charcoal and slightly dried. After that, the cutting is planted either in suitable soil, or first in a mixture of peat and sand, taken equally.

It is very important to maintain moisture before the plant takes root, to do this, do not allow the topsoil to dry out and spray the cutting regularly, about once every 1-2 days.

When planting, it is necessary to ensure that the node from which the aerial roots appear is half immersed in the ground.

It is not recommended to root the sprout in water., because the roots that grow will not be able to adapt in the ground and take useful substances and moisture from it. The plant will be sick until new roots grow.

Plant features

With abundant watering, cloudy weather, high humidity air from the tips of the leaf plates, water begins to drip. Thus, the monstera gets rid of excess moisture. The advantage is that in this way she predicts rainy weather a day before its onset.

Plant gets along well with other climbing plants, for example, philodendron and scindapsus. If you plant them in one pot, you can get an excellent composition. Do not forget that the second vine should have similar care requirements.

Problems and diseases

Like many indoor plants, monstera also gets sick and is attacked by various pests. In order to help your pet in time, take note of the basic tips for caring for a monster when painful conditions appear.

  • Severe yellowing of most leaf blades. The reason is a large excess of moisture, watering should be reduced. And, if possible, transplant the plant.
  • On yellowed leaves appear brown spots. The reason - insufficient watering, is easily eliminated.
  • Leaf plates turn yellow and gradually fall off. The reason is the increased air temperature, especially in winter. It is necessary to remove the plant as far as possible from the heating devices and spray frequently.
  • The leaves become first light green, then yellow, then colorless and transparent.. There can be two reasons: either a banal overabundance of lighting, or a serious disease of chlorosis. For treatment, use "iron chelate", which is sold in specialized stores.
  • Yellowing of leaves and lack of slits on them may arise due to a lack nutrients.
  • Leaf blades feel like paper to the touch and acquire Brown color . The reason is insufficient capacity for the plant.
  • Of the pests, the monstera can be attacked , aphids and scale insects. To get rid of them, you can use a soap solution or a chemical preparation, such as Intavir.

Now you know the basics of home care for the room form of the monstera flower. This plant will always give the feeling of a tropical corner of comfort in your home. About that - read the link.

Monstera is a rather large plant, the peculiarity of which are dissected leaves and peculiar aerial roots. It comes from the tropical forests of the South American continent, but it can be found even in Asia. The flower takes root well in apartments and houses, and because of its unpretentiousness and beauty, it is very popular.

To properly grow it, you need to know how to care for the monstera at home. This will be discussed in this article, and the presented photo will give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis luxurious plant.

Features of an exotic flower

There are quite a few different myths associated with this plant that make some flower growers doubt whether it is worth acquiring. But you should know that monstera has a large number useful properties, which have a positive effect on human body and indoor microclimate. During the day its large leaves release a lot of oxygen and contribute to the evaporation of moisture, thereby moistening the air. In addition, this tropical plant absorbs harmful electromagnetic waves well, absorbs formaldehyde fumes and ionizes indoor air.

At the energy level, Monstera helps people in making any important decisions. It puts thoughts in order, absorbs chaotic vibrations and in the most favorable way affects nervous system bringing the state of mind into harmony. Develops intellectual abilities and strengthens the human immune system. Thanks to this, Monstera is indispensable in the office and office, living room and library. It helps to calm down, focus and tune in to work.

The only place where you should not place it is the bedroom. plant at night no photosynthesis takes place, so it begins to absorb a large amount of oxygen, and this is unacceptable for a bedroom.

Monstera: home care

This plant at home is easy to grow and propagate. In order for it to grow healthy, it is necessary to create certain conditions for the flower.

Lighting and space

In nature, monstera loves shady, but well-lit places. The scorching sun can burn its leaf plate, and too deep a shadow does not allow the flower to grow, even stopping its development completely. From this, he will not die, he will lose his beauty and attractiveness. Foliage in low light loses its decorative, acquiring a monochromatic green color.

Monstera grows very fast and grows strongly. In height, it can reach 5 meters, so it is necessary to find a room for it so that it is not cramped. The plant does not like to be moved from place to place, it may even stop its growth.

Temperature regime

Flower care involves observing the temperature regime, which should be within from +10 to +24 degrees. Monstera tolerates sudden temperature changes quite easily. High rates contribute to its intensive development, the main thing is that the air is sufficiently humidified. Too much low temperature air leads to the fact that the monstera stops its growth and will be at rest until the degrees rise to a certain point.

Watering and feeding

Caring for a flower also involves watering and fertilizing it. The plant prefers moist tropical air. Since its leaves are able to evaporate a lot of moisture, they need to be moistened regularly. To do this, the leaf plates are wiped with a damp cloth, and to make their glossy surface shine, a little milk is added to the water.

During the growth of a flower, it should watering vigorously enough so that the earth does not dry out. At rest, this process should be minimized.

In order for the monstera to grow well at home and not lose its decorative effect, it should be periodically fed with fertilizers consisting of organic and mineral substances. In summer, top dressing is carried out once a week, and in winter - once every 2 to 3 weeks.

Aerial Root Care

A feature of this plant is its aerial roots, which are necessary for its additional nutrition and hydration. Since they do not look very attractive, they are collected and tied to the trunk or wrapped in wet moss. When watering a flower, the roots should also be moistened. Thanks to this supplementary food the plant is starting to grow well.

Transplantation and rejuvenation

Until the age of 4, it is recommended that the monster be transplanted every year, with an older flower, this process is carried out once every 2-3 years using a larger pot each time. Its roots are quite powerful, requiring a lot of space, so the container must be wide and deep. Close space leads to his death.

And other indoor giants, in comparison with the monster, do not seem so big. It is possible to grow such a plant in a small apartment, but for this you will have to sacrifice a decent piece of living space. Monstera, a flower for spacious rooms, and it is there that it looks not only harmonious, but also develops much better, which means it looks more beautiful.

Although caring for a monstera at home is not particularly difficult and the plant is considered unpretentious, but if you have a room even with a football field, without knowing the basic rules of maintenance, it is unlikely that you will be able to grow a beautiful plant.

Monstera: home care


This plant requires a lot of light. I often had to see monsters growing "one-sided", in one direction. Of course, this side was the source of light. While the plant is small, it is not particularly difficult to provide it with uniform lighting. When the monstera grows, it becomes more and more difficult to find a suitable place for it. A great place for monstera is the corner between two windows. There it will receive relatively uniform lighting and at the same time will be protected from direct sunlight. It is believed that Monstera can grow in partial shade. It can really grow. But in order for the monstera leaves to find their unique “perforation”, enough light is required. You need to decide on a place for the plant immediately. And if not forever, then at least for a long time. It doesn't like changes. Lack of light also stops the growth of leaves, they grow small. Monstera aerial roots react the same way. They become thin and stunted.


Temperature has no less effect on the beauty of monstera leaves. This creeper simply loves the elevated temperature in the room. However, temperature drops (short-term) do not harm it at all. The optimal temperature for monstera is + 22-25 degrees in warm time of the year. In winter it can be a little lower. During this period, it is desirable to give her a little rest. When the temperature drops, even to +18 degrees, the monstera stops growing.

Watering and humidity

Monstera is a very moisture-loving flower. AT warm months water it abundantly. But at the same time, the earth should not be damp. Allow the soil in the pot to dry slightly between waterings. The regularity of watering is determined, first of all, by the air temperature, the size of the plant and the amount of land in the pot. Therefore, it can only be determined empirically. In winter, watering is reduced, but also depends on the air temperature. In any case, even if the temperature in the room where the monstera is standing is constant in winter and summer, the breaks between waterings in winter period do a little more.

Possible difficulties in growing

The most common question that an amateur grower has is “Monstera leaves turn yellow. What to do?". If this does not take on a mass scale, and so - one leaf per year or two, then this phenomenon is natural. But if the leaves of the monstera began to take on a yellowish tint, then this indicates that you are very carried away by watering and there is excess moisture in the ground. It happens that the leaf begins to turn yellow, starting from the tip, this indicates a lack of nutrients. Feed her. It is much more serious if the monstera leaves begin to become covered with yellow and even brown spots. Most likely, excess moisture has passed into a critical phase and an urgent transplant may be needed.

The second trouble that can happen to a monster is dropping leaves and exposing the trunk. Together with the thinning of the aerial roots, this is most likely a lack of light. Choose a more suitable place for the plant.

Of the pests, thrips may appear. The highest probability of their occurrence at high temperature content. It's not hard to deal with them. In addition to special insecticides, you can apply the usual washing soapy water followed by a warm shower.

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Monstera - indoor plant, which has more than fifty varieties. The flower is unpretentious, so home care for the monster does not cause difficulties.

Florists love this plant. Thanks to the bizarre shapes and rather large size, the monstera has become widespread. If you look closely at the pictures of the monstera, you can see big leaves bizarre shape. I think that's why it got its name.

Growing a monstera in an apartment is not difficult, but a beginner grower may have difficulties, since you still need to follow the standard rules.

Monster care secrets

  • Temperature . To temperature regime monstera is not picky, it grows and develops faster at high air temperatures. In the warm season, the temperature is 22-25 degrees, in winter - 17 degrees abound. Monstera will survive even 10 degrees, but under such conditions it will stop growth and development. For a flower, drafts are fatal.
  • Lighting. I do not advise you to keep the pot on the northern windowsill, because the monstera does not grow well in low light conditions. As for the southern window sills, in this case, protect the monstera from the rays of the sun. The ideal option is bright, but diffused lighting, on the western or eastern windows.
  • Humidity. Monstera has large leaves. Hence, a large evaporation area. Spray the flower constantly, which will positively affect the condition. I recommend using room temperature water. Keep an eye on the leaves and remove accumulated dust in a timely manner with a damp cloth.
  • Watering. This exotic likes water, especially if it's summer outside. During this period, water abundantly, focusing on the level of dryness of the soil layer. For irrigation suitable settled, soft water. In autumn, reduce watering, and in winter, carry out the procedure two days after the soil has dried. Do not allow waterlogging, otherwise it will lead to rotting of the roots and the appearance of spots on the leaves.
  • top dressing. Monstera, like dracaena, needs to be fed. Feed twice a month during the spring/summer season to avoid stunted growth. Young specimens do not need to be fed. It does not hurt to support the flower, and pull the leaves with a rope. If the old plant is not growing, cut back. As a result, side shoots will begin to develop faster.
  • aerial roots . Monstera feature. They can be found on every leaf, but I do not advise cutting. Lower the roots into an additional flowerpot filled with nutrient soil. If the roots are short and it is impossible to substitute a pot under them, lower them into a hanging bottle of water or wrap them with wet moss.
  • Bloom. AT vivo blooms annually. In a room environment, it is almost impossible to achieve flowering. With normal nutrition and proper care monstera is able to please the first large inflorescences at the age of two.

Video tips

If you provide a flower with proper care and care, it will decorate the interior of any room, be it a living room or a kitchen.


Exist different kinds plants, but at home the hostesses grow "attractive monstera." The genus of the flower is diverse and has several dozen species, which in natural environment found in South American tropical forests.

6 most famous types of monstera

  1. attractive . The most common type of creeper. In the greenhouse, the height reaches twelve meters, and in room conditions no more than three. With proper care, adult monsteras bloom annually, and the duration of fruit ripening is 10 months. There is a variegated form, which is more capricious, grows more slowly and loves more warmth. Thanks to the white stripes, the leaves look spectacular, but it requires wet air and lots of light.
  2. climbing. In its natural environment, it is found in mountain forests and tropics. Central America. It has large, leathery, heart-shaped, strongly dissected leaves, the diameter of which reaches 60 centimeters. The length of the cob is 25 centimeters, the thickness is 15. Berries that have the smell of pineapple are considered a highlight. The pulp of the fruit is edible. Sometimes there is a burning sensation in the mouth, because the fruits contain calcium oxalate crystals.
  3. Leaky. The species is characterized by perforated leaves, due to which the monstera looks exotic. You can meet climbing liana in the American tropics. The length of the oblong ovoid leaves reaches 90 centimeters, and the width is 25. The length of the white bedspread is 20 cm, at the cob this figure is 10 centimeters.
  4. oblique. Monstera leaves, which are considered to be the birthplace of Brazilian moist forests, the most elegant and have an elliptical shape. The length of a single leaf is 20 cm, width - 5. Under natural conditions, small inflorescences appear on a short peduncle. In the conditions of the apartment, it is impossible to wait for the appearance of a flower.
  5. Monstera Borziga . This Mexican variety cannot be called powerful. It is characterized by thin stems and leaves with a diameter of 30 cm. In culture, the subspecies appeared by splitting during propagation by seeds and further selection. Can be grown indoors.
  6. Monstera Adanson . The height of the creeper found in the tropical forests of Brazil reaches 8 meters. Thin leaves, densely covered with holes, are medium in size and ovoid in comparison with other species. Rarely blooms at home. If this event occurs, you can admire the light yellow cob on a short peduncle.

These are all types of monstera that deserve attention. Looking into the flower shop, you can easily buy any of them. If the flower is not on sale, pay attention to croton. Just remember, he is more demanding in care.

Monstera breeding

Method one - cuttings

The most common and simple technique which helps to rejuvenate the plant. With a sharp knife or pruner, cut off the stalk with the air root. Be sure to treat the cut site with charcoal, otherwise the infection will hit the monster in the future. Make a cut just below the air root, and place the resulting workpiece in a container with water. After half a month, the seedling is ready for rooting.

In the case of an old bare plant, a separate technique is used. Cut the stem into cuttings. The main thing is that each fragment has three eyes. Treat the slices with charcoal and dry. Plant blanks in separate pots and cover with jars. Subject to daily watering, after a month, the cuttings will sprout.

Method two - propagation by aerial roots

  1. Wrap a few of the topmost roots with wet moss and lower them into a container of water. As soon as the air roots take small roots, cut off the top, sprinkle the cut with charcoal, and plant the stalk in a pot.
  2. Produces apical shoots with monstera roots in late spring. Despite the propagation procedure, the plant continues to grow and shoots on the sides, due to which it becomes rejuvenated and decomposed.

Method three - propagation by seeds

Initially, prepare a warm room with diffused lighting and a stable temperature. After planting, spray the soil regularly so that it does not dry out. Seedlings will appear in four weeks.

Six months later, the seedlings will release leaves, and a year later, from the moment the seeds are sown, a strong plant with a developed root and leaves will be available. Dive seedlings when they become crowded in a pot.

Video instructions

If floriculture is your hobby, and monstera is your favorite ornamental plant, there will be no problems with reproduction. And all because what you love brings pleasure, and the result in this case is easier to get.

Breeding problems

If you want to grow monstera, information about common breeding problems and their solutions will be useful.

  1. Root rot . The reason is excessive watering or watering with cold water.
  2. The leaves turn yellow, without signs of decay and wilting . The reason is that the flower needs to be fed using complex fertilizers. It does not hurt to periodically update the top layer of soil with the addition of humus.
  3. Pests. If the leaves are covered with light dots, it means that the monster was struck by the Thrips pest, a colony of which can be found on reverse side sheet. Insecticides can help control thrips.
  4. Young leaves are twisted, dry and fall off . The reason is the defeat of the mealybug pest. You can solve the problem with a soapy cloth, which is recommended to wipe the stems and leaves. After the flower, treat with a 0.15% Actellic solution.
  5. Lifeless and sluggish leaves with the appearance of cobwebs . The reason is the defeat of the spider mite. To destroy the pest, use spraying and wiping with soapy water. In case of a strong defeat, Actellik will come to the rescue.

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