Educational services and indicators of their quality. Assessment of the quality of educational services in educational institutions of secondary education The function of experts in the quality of educational services is to

the beauty 02.12.2020
the beauty


1.1. Theoretical analysis of research in the field of assessing the quality of educational services.

1.1.1. Educational services as an object of evaluation.

1.1.2. Assessment of the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers

1.1.3. Analysis of the foreign system for assessing the quality of the educational process.

1.2. Development of activities of SPO institutions in the context of meeting the requirements of various consumers.

1.3. Features of assessing the quality of educational services aimed at the development of an educational institution. Statement of the research problem.


2.1. Conceptual approaches to assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers. Principles for assessing the quality of educational services.

2.2. A model for assessing the quality of educational services by consumers as a mechanism for developing the activities of institutions of secondary vocational education.

2.2.1. Functions for assessing the quality of educational services.

2.2.2. Objectives and content of the assessment of the quality of educational services.

2.2.3. Technology for assessing the quality of educational services.

2.2.4. The mechanism for implementing the model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers.-.

2.3. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model for assessing the quality of educational services.


3.1. Purpose, tasks of pilot testing.

3.2. Analysis of the organization of the assessment of the quality of educational services in institutions of secondary vocational education.

3.3. Study of the effectiveness of the implementation of the model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers.

3.3.1 General description of the study.

3.3.2. Preparation of conditions for the successful implementation of the model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers.

3.3.2. Evaluation of the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers (training - the second stage of the formative experiment).

3.3.2. Analysis of the results of the experiment, their generalization and conclusions (the third stage of the formative experiment).

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Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Assessment of the quality of educational services as a basis for the development of institutions of secondary vocational education"

As part of the innovative development of vocational education in the Russian Federation, one of the key updates is the participation of consumers in assessing the quality of educational services. Until recently, the quality of training of graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions was assessed by the educational institutions themselves, since there was no system for external evaluation of the quality of education. At present, at all levels of the vocational education system, the need to create a transparent and objective system for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers has been recognized. it is consumers who are the most interested party in improving the quality of education.

The main aspect of the quality of secondary vocational education is the adequacy of the result of education to the existing and future needs of direct consumers and key stakeholders. Stakeholders and consumers of educational services are: students who expect to successfully find a job or continue their education at a higher level upon completion of education; employers, professional associations, business community; parents and their organizations; public organizations dealing with youth issues, local governments; state bodies regulating certain aspects of the activities of various industries.

Features of the development of educational institutions of the system of secondary vocational education are determined by the prospects for the socio-economic development of the territories and the current structure of employment in the main sectors of the economy, which largely determines the requirements of stakeholders for the quality of training. However, the assessment procedures used do not allow for an objective assessment of the compliance and quality of the educational services provided with the current and future needs of the regional labor market.

Assessment of the quality of educational services is necessary for SVE institutions as a tool for management and development educational activities when solving the following tasks: forecasting the need for educational services; determination of the required quality of educational services; development of a strategy for improving the quality of educational services; rationale for the introduction of new educational services. In this sense, assessment is necessary for: teachers directly providing educational services; heads of educational institutions managing the process of providing educational services; educational authorities at various levels. For students, quality assessment is necessary for self-analysis of educational activities and self-control of the process of developing professional and personal competencies.

According to research, consumer demand for an educational institution is still weakly expressed, the need to evaluate the activities of an educational institution as an institution providing educational services in the region is not recognized, there is no list of criteria for evaluating an educational institution from the point of view of consumers. Most consumers of educational services are not ready to carry out quality assessment, cannot express their target expectations and clearly define the importance of various aspects of educational services that affect their quality. Special preparation of consumers is necessary for their implementation of the role of the subject of assessing the quality of educational services.

Today, in the practice of education, the methods and forms of social design are not sufficiently applied, which allow, on the basis of quality assessment, to form an expert community from among consumers interested in the development of a particular educational institution.

Educational institutions experience difficulties both when designing a procedure for assessing the quality of educational services by consumers, and when trying to take corrective actions to improve these services. When organizing evaluation with the participation of consumers, there are difficulties in choosing methods and forms of evaluation procedures that are adequate to the goals of evaluation. Consumers do not have standards corresponding to the objects of assessment and cannot evaluate the quality of an educational institution by criteria. The traditional self-assessment of the activities of an educational institution that is carried out once every five years often does not allow us to identify the problems and difficulties that exist in an educational institution. The assessment does not take into account the socio-economic characteristics of the region and the specifics of the development of the educational institution. Currently, as part of the creation of quality assessment systems at all levels of education, there is an active development of methods and means of assessment to ensure control and supervision activities. Basically, the assessment is aimed at maintaining the processes of functioning of an educational institution at the proper level. However, to ensure Development requires evaluation procedures aimed at identifying gaps, difficulties and problems.

Quality assessment as predictive and formative is considered in the works of D.A. Ivanov, O.M. Derzhitskaya, A.O. Tatur, O.M. Moiseeva, K.G. Mitrofanov, A.A. strengthening the social component of vocational education management, mechanisms of public-private partnership are being developed (M.V. Nikitin, I.P. Smirnov). Models of transformation of the socio-pedagogical environment are presented in the studies of E.S. Komrakov, T.A. Sergeeva, A.G. Chernyavskaya, V.A. Chernushevich. The work of P.F. Anisimov, T.V. Lopukhova, G.I. Kirilova and others.

The prerequisites for studying the issue of developing the activities of educational institutions based on the assessment of the quality of educational services are created in the research of scientists:

In the field of education quality management (V.S. Lazarev, A.M. Moiseev, A.A. Orlov, M.M. Potashnik, O.G. Khomeriki, T.I. Shamova, etc.);

In the field of higher professional education (A.A. Avetisov, Yu.P. Adler, A.A. Verbitsky, A.I. Kochetov, K.L. Kosyrev, T.M. Polkhovskaya, V.P. Soloviev, V.A. Kachalov , B.A. Prudkovsky, E.M. Korotkov, S.D. Nekrasov, E.A. Lebedeva);

In the area of general education(G.S. Kovaleva, M.V. Leontieva, N.B. Fomina, A.A. Popov, V.M. Nikitin, A.E. Bakhmutsky, S.V. Khokhlova, G.N. Blinov);

In the field of monitoring, audit and quality assessment system for training specialists (T.L. Baryshova, T.V. Silchenko, N.N. Krylova, E.V. Ilyashenko, S. N. Shirobokov, V.P. Kiseleva M.E. . Torshinin);

In the field of social and professional assessment of the quality of education (V.D. Shadrikov, Yu.B. Rubin);

In the field of creating federal and regional systems for the quality of vocational education (V.A. Bolotov, A.N. Leibovich, A.M. Novikov, O.N. Oleinikova, O.E. Permyakov, S.V. Menkova, Ya.Ya. Borengo, etc.) .

The variety of approaches requires the formulation of basic definitions. In modern research, the quality of education is understood as an integral characteristic of the education system, reflecting the degree of compliance of real results achieved with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations (V.A. Bolotov, G.S. Kovaleva, O.E. Lebedev).

Assessment of the quality of educational services is an expert evaluation activity, the result of which is the establishment of the degree1 of compliance with educational results and the conditions for their achievement by the system of state and public requirements for the quality of education, social and personal expectations of consumers. This is an activity focused on finding "problem" points, gaps in the educational process and creating projects to remove them.

The development of an educational institution is a purposeful process of the institution's transition into. a qualitatively new state, which is characterized by new goals, process, results, conditions of educational activity.

Numerous scientific studies on the problem of assessing the quality of education are not fully focused on the features of the modern system of secondary vocational education, which implements not only regulatory, but also marketing goals arising from its mission aimed at meeting the needs of consumers of educational services, as well as socio-cultural tasks related to with personal orientation and coordination of goals and values ​​of the new quality of education.

The relevance of the chosen topic is based on the contradictions between:

The need to develop SVE institutions as open educational systems with a focus on a cooperative type of relationship between a variety of subjects involved in the process of assessing the quality of educational services, and the lack of a transparent, objective and independent system for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers interested in the development of a particular educational institution.

The need to carry out quality assessment with the participation of consumers of educational services for the development of the activities of an educational institution and the lack of a theoretically substantiated model that ensures the involvement of the main consumers in the assessment process and their formation as subjects of quality assessment.

These contradictions determined the problem of the study: what should be the content, methods and forms of assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers in order to ensure the development of SVE institutions as open educational systems?

The purpose of the study: to develop, substantiate and test the content, forms and methods for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers as the basis for the development of institutions of secondary vocational education

Object of study: educational activities of institutions of secondary vocational education.

Subject of study: assessment of the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers as the basis for the development of institutions of secondary vocational education.

Research hypothesis: it assumes that the assessment of the quality of educational services will ensure the development of SVE institutions as open educational systems that design and implement educational services based on the requests of various consumer groups with whom partnerships have been established within the emerging socio-professional environment, if score:

It is built taking into account the socio-economic specifics of the region and the characteristics of a particular educational institution (subjects significant for the economy of the region, society and educational institution are involved in the assessment; the assessment is carried out taking into account regional strategic socio-economic development programs and specific conditions).

It is carried out taking into account the principles (predictability, consistency, adequacy of assessment criteria, complexity, variability and flexibility of organizational forms, systematic and cyclical implementation, openness and publicity of quality assessment procedures) and is aimed at developing a socio-professional environment as a community of subjects interested in the development of a specific educational institutions;

It is carried out on the basis of a structural-functional model for assessing the quality of educational services, which includes functions, goals, content, methods and forms for assessing the quality of educational services;

It is implemented taking into account the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of the model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers.

Research objectives:

1. Conduct a theoretical analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, scientific and methodological literature in order to identify the principles for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers.

2. Develop and experimentally test a structural and functional model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers.

3. Determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions necessary for the effective implementation of the developed quality assessment model as the basis for the development of institutions of secondary vocational education.

The methodological basis of the study was system-activity and marketing approaches, modern theories of monitoring and evaluation in management systems; theory of management of social educational organizations as an open, socially oriented system with a strategic focus on the needs of the customer (consumer).

The theoretical study is based on:

Concepts of modernization of pre-university professional education (A.M. Novikov, A.N. Leibovich, M.V. Nikitin, N.N. Petrov); others);

Theories of the quality of education (V.A. Kalney, V.P. Panasyuk, M.M. Potashnik, N.A. Selezneva, A.I. Subetto, S.E. Shishov, etc.);

The theory of stakeholders and "joint assessment" and "participatory assessment" (E. Freeman, T. Donaldson, J. Stiglitz, M.A. Petrov);

Theoretical foundations of state-public management of the education system (A.I. Adamsky, V.K. Batsyn, A.N. Tubelsky, A.M. Moiseev, A.A. Pinsky, T.A. Stepanova, etc.);

Modern Concepts management of the quality of the educational process in various aspects - from the management of regional educational systems to the design of the pedagogical process (V.P. Bespalko, Yu.V. Gromyko, E.S. Zair-Bek, T.Yu. Lomakina, V.S. Lazarev and etc.).

Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, concretization and generalization, systematization and synthesis, modeling, observation, questioning, surveys, study of performance results, examination, content analysis of documentation, study of pedagogical experience, experimental work, analysis of observed processes.

Experimental work was carried out on the basis of regional colleges (Provincial College of Syzran, Nevinnomyssk Agro-Industrial College), colleges of Moscow (Technological College No. 14, Moscow College of Space Engineering), as well as colleges in the structure of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

The main stages of the study:

At the first stage (2006-2007), the methodological and methodological foundations of the study were determined, a theoretical analysis of the literature and experience in the area under study was carried out, the idea of ​​an experimental study and its didactic tools were formed.

At the second stage (2008-2009), principles were formulated and a structural and functional model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers was developed, articles were prepared for publication in specialized pedagogical journals.

At the third stage (2009-2011), an experimental study was carried out, its results were processed and generalized, and the main generalizations and conclusions were formulated.

Scientific novelty of the research:

1. The principles of organizing the assessment of the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers are identified: predictability and focus on the zone of proximal development of an educational institution; collegiality and consistency of criteria and norms of activity; complexity, variability and flexibility of forms of organization of quality assessment; systematic and cyclic quality assessment at various stages of the life cycle of educational services; openness and transparency of quality assessment procedures.

2. A structural and functional model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers has been developed, which ensures the development of SVE institutions as open educational systems that design and implement educational services based on the requests of various consumer groups with whom partnerships have been established within the emerging socio-professional environment. The peculiarity of this model is the expansion of the composition of subjects and objects of quality assessment, as well as the focus of assessment procedures on the development of participants' potential abilities to implement expert assessment activities, the constant growth of independence (subjectivity). In this model, quality assessment is considered as a system-forming element of the development process of an educational institution, the presence of which: ensures the launch and sustainability of development processes in response to detected gaps in activity; contributes to the formation of a socio-professional environment and the possibility of developing an educational institution in the face of changing internal and external needs and influences.

3. The organizational and pedagogical conditions necessary for the successful implementation of the model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers are determined: the presence of management teams that are open to external expertise of their own performance results and are ready for development, as well as focused on partnerships with consumers of educational services; informal work of public administration bodies and quality assessment structures; special training of organizers of expert evaluation activities and experts; ensuring the participation of experts in the evaluation procedures (attractiveness of goals, alternative positions, significance of results).

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the scientific substantiation of the functions, goals, content, principles, forms and methods for assessing the quality of educational services, with the participation of consumers, holistically presented in the form of a model that complements the theory and methodology of vocational education.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that a theoretically substantiated and experimentally tested model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers is used as a working scheme for organizing quality assessment at the level of educational institutions of secondary vocational education. Based on the model developed and implemented in practice

13 regulatory and regulatory documents (development programs, innovative educational programs).

The developed model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers is reflected in the recommendations to managers and teaching staff of vocational education institutions for strategic planning of activities, determining goals, mission, development prospects; creating systems for assessing the quality of education and involving consumers in assessing the quality of educational services.

The materials of the work became the basis for the development of an educational program for the training of experts, lectures and practical exercises on the problems of the quality of education in the system of advanced training of vocational education workers.

The reliability and validity of the results of the study is ensured by the consistency of the selected methodological foundations of the study; the unity and expediency of theoretical and empirical research methods that are adequate to the goals and objectives set; approbation of the main provisions of the study and the results of experimental verification of the effectiveness of the proposed model.

Testing and implementation of research results.

The results of the study were reported at the NIIRPO interregional conferences dedicated to the development of vocational education in 2009 and 2010; 2nd International Congress- exhibition "Global Education - Education without borders" 2007, 12th and 13th Russian Educational Forum - 2008, 2009; at meetings of the scientific and methodological council and advanced training courses of the Research Institute for the Development of Professional Education (Moscow) in 2008-2011, at meetings of the Department of Methodology and Didactics of Business Education MIM LINK in 2010-11.

The following are submitted for defense:

Principles for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers (predictability and focus on the zone of proximal development of an educational institution; collegiality and consistency of criteria and norms of activity; complexity, variability and flexibility of forms of organization of quality assessment; systematic and cyclical implementation of quality assessment at various stages of the life cycle of educational services openness and publicity of quality assessment procedures.);

Structural and functional model that ensures the development of an educational institution in the face of constantly changing requirements for its educational activities by expanding the evaluation functions (diagnostic, information-analytical, reflective, predictive, formative, controlling); the purpose of the assessment (obtaining information about the state and directions for improving the quality of educational services for making managerial decisions), the content of the assessment (the quality of the results, conditions, process); methods and forms of consumer participation in the assessment as a partnership joint activity (public expertise, project activity, social practices, organizational and activity games, event activities, social initiatives, competitions, reflection).

Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers, ensuring the development of new ways of interaction between consumers and all interested parties in the framework of creating a socio-professional environment as a form of partnership: the presence of management teams that are open to external examination of their own performance and ready for development , as well as oriented towards partnerships with

15 consumers of educational services; informal work of state and public administration bodies (as customers interested in the results of the assessment) and quality assessment structures; special training of organizers of expert evaluation activities and experts; ensuring the participation of experts in the evaluation procedures (attractiveness of goals, alternative positions, significance of results).

The dissertation consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (174), 6 figures, 7 tables, 13 diagrams and 3 appendices.

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Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Theory and methods of vocational education", Kharkova, Elena Vladimirovna

Chapter 3 Conclusions

The results of the experimental work showed that the organization of the assessment, taking into account the features and principles, the model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers and the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the success of its implementation, made it possible to ensure the development of the educational institution, as evidenced by:

Changing the nature of the difficulties of the heads of SVE institutions in the organization of development processes, the absence of difficulties associated with the complexity of a holistic understanding of quality assessment as a mechanism for the development of SVE institutions;

Increasing the level of consumer satisfaction with the quality of educational services (up to 83%);

Increase in the number of partners from among consumers and representatives of stakeholders (up to 50% of existing ones);

Increase in the number of different consumer groups involved in the assessment of the quality of educational services (up to 5-7);

Strengthening the orientation of developed and implemented programs (development, educational, innovative) to the needs of consumers and stakeholders;

Significant updating of educational programs and expansion of the range of additional educational services;

Increasing the level of renewal of the resource support of the OS (scientific and methodological, material and technical, regulatory, informational, financial, organizational structure);

Development of independence (subjectivity) of participants in expert evaluation activities;

Development and formation of new channels of information and feedback with consumers about the quality of educational services.

Based on the conducted experimental work, it was concluded that the organization of assessing the quality of educational services on the basis of the constructed model becomes a condition for the development of an educational institution, allows you to develop and effectively implement innovative educational programs and programs for the development of secondary vocational education institutions. In addition, the activities of educational institutions are becoming more sensitive to external and internal influences and needs; allows to fully take into account the changing educational needs of customers for educational services and respond more flexibly to changes in the labor market. In general, the model of quality assessment with the participation of consumers, subject to a number of conditions (the most important of them is the preparedness of personnel), is an effective tool for the development of an educational institution.


The study confirmed the proposed hypothesis and made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

1. Evaluation of the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers is a system-forming element of the development process of an educational institution, the presence of which makes it possible to improve the quality of educational activities by ensuring the design and implementation of educational services, taking into account the needs of various consumer groups with whom partnerships have been established within the socio-professional environment.

The study identified the principles for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers (predictability, collegiality and consistency, the adequacy of assessment criteria, the complexity, variability and flexibility of organizational forms, the systematic and cyclic implementation, openness and publicity of quality assessment procedures). It has been determined that the assessment of the quality of educational services should be aimed at developing the socio-professional environment as a community of subjects interested in the development of a particular educational institution.

2. In the course of the study, a structural and functional model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers was developed, represented by functions, goals, content, methods and forms. The conducted pilot study confirmed the effectiveness of the implementation of the model for assessing the quality of educational services with the participation of consumers.

3. This model can be successfully used for the development of SVE institutions that differ both in terms of resource endowment and specific regional features, subject to the following organizational and pedagogical conditions: the presence of management teams that are open to external examination of their own performance results and are ready for development; as well as focused on partnerships with consumers of educational services; informal work of public administration bodies and quality assessment structures; special training of organizers of expert evaluation activities and experts; ensuring the participation of experts in the evaluation procedures (attractiveness of goals, alternative positions, significance of results).

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The sphere of higher professional education could not but be affected by the processes of globalization. The Russian education system is being integrated into the international scientific and educational space. Educational organizations are in a competitive environment, which places high demands on the quality of educational services that correspond to world standards. The success of economic modernization and the implementation of social programs depend on the quality of education. The legal regulation of the education sector has traditionally been dominated by public law principles, however, the active penetration of market relations requires private law methods of regulation. The legal regulation of relations in the field of education was amended by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273. graduate preparation. The problem of determining the quality of educational services remains relevant. There is a discrepancy between the training of personnel and the requirements of the labor market, the discrepancy between the quality of the educational service and the demands of employers, and disproportions in the training of specialists. The education sector is undergoing certain transformations, many traditional ideas are changing under the influence of globalization, market mechanisms are being introduced. Educational organizations operating in a competitive environment are forced to look for ways to improve the quality of services provided. The ongoing processes are reflected in discussions about the definition of the legal nature of relations that develop in the provision of educational services, and the legal forms of their mediation. Without going into a discussion, it can be noted in relation to the problem under study that scientists have drawn attention to the unified economic and legal nature of relations regarding education on a budgetary and non-budgetary basis. This opinion was expressed by T.A. Batrova, A.A. Kirillov and other specialists. In particular, V.V. Kvanina believes that the source of funding should not affect the nature of the contract for the provision of educational services. There can be no objective and reasonable justification for the differences in the position of students on a budgetary and non-budgetary basis. It is important to pay attention to the content of the educational service as a certain activity or certain actions of the performer. The content of the service is the same for the relevant categories of students, regardless of who pays for the services (the consumer himself, the customer - the employer or the state). The rules for the provision of paid educational services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2013 No. 706, emphasize that educational organizations have the right to provide “paid educational services that are not provided for by an established state or municipal task or an agreement on the provision of a subsidy for reimbursement of costs, at the same provision of the same services under conditions. The quality of the service cannot differ depending on whether educational organizations provide services to students at the expense of budgetary funds or private funds of citizens and legal entities.

Legal regulation of relations for the provision of educational services

Chapter 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, devoted to the regulation of relations for the provision of services for a fee, does not establish requirements for the quality of the service. As L.B. Sitdikov, the issue of forming criteria for assessing the quality of services is one of the most difficult problems of law enforcement. Neither the legislator nor the legal doctrine offers the participants of civil circulation and the courts the concept of assessing the proper execution of contracts for the provision of services for compensation precisely from the standpoint of its quality. There is no clear definition of quality and educational services. Some conclusions about the quality of educational services allow us to draw the Rules for the provision of paid educational services of August 15, 2013. Paragraph 2 of these Rules determines what is a disadvantage of paid educational services. It can be concluded that the quality of the educational service is determined by: the requirements of state standards and other mandatory requirements, the terms of the contract, the usually imposed requirements, the purposes for which the educational services are used, the purposes that the contractor was informed about. It is easy to see the analogy with the requirements for the quality of goods, provided for in Article 469 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" dated 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1. The same relationship can be traced in relation to the consequences of the provision of educational services of inadequate quality.

The Rules for the Provision of Paid Educational Services dated August 15, 2013 stipulate that an educational organization is obliged to bring to the attention of the student information about paid services in the manner and to the extent established by consumer protection legislation. AT judicial practice these relations were previously subject to the provisions of the legislation on the protection of consumer rights. The Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2012 No. 17 “On the consideration by the courts of civil cases on disputes on the protection of consumer rights” emphasizes that the relations in question are subject to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. The above can also be attributed to students on a budgetary basis: they have the right to receive relevant information, compensation for moral damage, compensation for harm, etc.

The use of state standards as a way to determine the quality of goods is also practiced in the service sector. The mechanisms of state regulation of the quality of educational services are provided for by the legislation on education. In particular, these are federal state educational standards, compliance with which the content and quality of training of students is determined in the process of state accreditation of educational activities. The quality of training is evidenced by the compliance of the competencies obtained by the graduate with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, which must be brought into line with professional standards. An independent assessment of the quality of education is carried out by testing on certified accreditation measuring materials. The level of success of students is also determined on the basis of the accumulative principle of evaluating educational activities and their results using a point-rating system.

According to Article 780 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the contractor is obliged to provide services personally. The educational organization - the performer must meet certain requirements. To ensure the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the legislation provides for the licensing of educational activities. Requirements for applicants for a license to carry out educational activities and licensees are established by the Regulation on Licensing Educational Activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2013 No. 966. On the website of the educational organization, in accordance with the Government Decree of July 10, 2013 No. 582, it is provided for the publication of a variety of information that gives an idea about the contractor and the educational services provided. The information openness of the educational organization, the published ratings of universities provide the opportunity for the right choice of service by consumers. The quality of the service depends on the skills and qualifications of the employees. The presence of teaching staff with the qualifications necessary for the implementation of educational activities on ongoing educational programs is one of the conditions for licensing. The level requirements are high, which follows from the professional standard "Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional professional education", approved on September 8, 2015 No. 608n. In the content of the work of pedagogical workers, the emphasis is shifting to methodological work, the forms of presenting educational material in electronic and distance learning are changing.

Problems of regulating the quality of educational services when using distance technologies

The question naturally arises about the impact of new educational technologies on the quality of education. When studying the process of using distance technologies, they mainly pay attention to the advantages of using such training. Less attention is paid to the possible risks of using such technologies. Difficulties in self - mastery of the basics of theory and independent application of the provisions of the theory to the solution of practical problems are noted . Not enough attention is paid to the specifics of learning, based on the distancing of the subjects of the educational process from each other. The opinion of representatives of pedagogical science is interesting. In particular, the remark of E.V. Korotaeva that during distance learning there is an algorithmization of activity, which contributes to the development of reproductive skills (performance, repetition), but there is a problem of organizing productive interaction between subjects. The actions of transformation, reconstruction, design, as well as control, evaluation, analysis and synthesis, considered as productive, are developing poorly or insufficiently. ensuring high quality education. The experience of using e-learning and distance learning has led to the concept of blended education and learning, which allows you to neutralize the difficulties of learning only with the help of information technology.

Distance learning is practiced with advanced training, obtaining additional education. More caution should be taken in obtaining basic vocational education. It is no coincidence that the Ministry of Education and Science has not yet decided in which specialties and areas of training only such training is possible, and in which it is not. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 9, 2014 No. 2 gives to the discretion of educational organizations the determination of the volume of the classroom load and the ratio of the volume of classes conducted through direct interaction between the teacher and the student, and training sessions using e-learning, distance learning technologies. It is cautiously stated that "absence of classroom studies is allowed." We believe that it is still premature to judge the quality of education when using new educational technologies. To identify the result, the effectiveness of the service, it is necessary to study and carefully analyze the processes of using distance learning technologies and learning outcomes. At the same time, determining the quality of graduate training involves assessing the legal and social consequences of innovations introduced in order to prevent damage to the education system.

The role of cooperation between educational organizations and employers in regulating the quality of educational services

For the quality of the educational service, the purpose for which the service is used is of particular importance. Consumers of the service are expected to acquire knowledge, skills, competencies that allow them to be in demand in the labor market, self-actualize, and achieve success. The ultimate goal of the service is consumer satisfaction, although consumer demand may not always match the needs of the country's economy . Compliance of the service with the purpose of consumption, if the customer has indicated such a purpose, allows demonstrating targeted training and targeted admission to educational organizations. The conclusion of agreements on targeted training and targeted admission is based on the order of employers and the satisfaction of the interest of the direct consumer - the student. Employers participate in determining the content of programs, in organizing student practices, determining the topics of course projects and graduation theses, in creating joint departments, etc. of the customer to monitor the progress, control the quality of training of students, make proposals for adjusting the educational programs of higher education implemented by the contractor, take into account the additional requirements of the customer to the level and quality of training of persons who have concluded a contract for targeted training. The goals that the contractor was informed about or for which the services are intended are determined by the terms of the contracts: what requirements should the professional training of graduates meet for a particular customer - employer . Educational organizations cooperate with employers, strive to involve them as much as possible in the educational process. The share of educational programs implemented with employers is increasing, contracts are being concluded for internships with the prospect of employment, contracts for targeted training. The presence of links with employers reduces the risk of preparing graduates who do not meet the needs of production.

Legal regulation of criteria for the quality of educational services and the creation of a system for assessing the quality of education

One of the main criteria for the quality of education is the degree of demand for a specialist in the labor market. Employers are guided by the level of knowledge, skills of graduates, the reputation of the university, evaluating the preparation of graduates when applying for a job. Normative acts on monitoring the education system do not contain the indicator "employment in the specialty" . In the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated January 15, 2014 No. 14 “On approval of indicators for monitoring the education system”, among the indicators is the unemployment rate of graduates who completed their studies in educational programs of higher education (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s) during the three years preceding reporting period. The collection of data on the employment of graduates is carried out in the Russian Federation as a whole. However, this indicator of employment does not reveal the problem of non-core employment. It seems that it is advisable to collect and analyze information on the employment of graduates of educational institutions of higher professional education annually and take into account employment in the specialty (field of study) received. The latter is important for determining the correspondence between supply and demand in the labor market and understanding whether society's resources are being wasted (the education system is accused of being idle). Educational organizations are required to post information on the employment of graduates on the website.

The problem of employment of graduates to a certain extent is solved by targeted training, but this mechanism does not always work, graduates refuse to get a job with the relevant employers. In this regard, the responsibility of the graduate is provided in the form of a fine in the amount of twice the amount of expenses associated with the provision of social support measures. We believe that sanctions are unlikely to solve the problem. As we have already noted, refusals are mainly due to the lack of proper working and living conditions for a specialist. It is necessary to develop legislation in the direction of creating acceptable working conditions. There is a positive experience in solving this problem in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which develop programs to support university graduates (provide subsidies for housing, compensation for hiring, etc.).

The creation of a system for assessing the quality of education is based on monitoring the education system. When conducting monitoring, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science collects, processes and analyzes information in terms of quality control of education and detection of violations of the requirements of the legislation on education. The results of participation of students in Russian and international testing of knowledge, competitions, other achievements in extracurricular activities, professional achievements of graduates of educational institutions are analyzed. Relevant information should be posted on the website of the university, because. evaluation is based on the principles of openness, transparency, objectivity. This goal is served by the assessment of the quality of educational activities in the order of self-examination and social and professional accreditation.

Legislative regulation of the quality of educational services is mainly concentrated at the level of higher education. Meanwhile, the quality of higher education also depends on the consumer, the individual abilities of the student, and the quality of general education. In this regard, it is impossible not to pay attention to the level of preparation of applicants for training in educational institutions of higher education. The results of the unified state exam are considered as entrance examinations. The determination of the minimum score of the unified state exam required for admission to study in undergraduate and specialist programs is carried out by the order Federal Service on Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. It seems that the scores in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty or field of study for which admission is made are rather low. There are certain doubts about the objectivity of their receipt.

The problem of guaranteeing the result of educational services

The problem of guaranteeing the result of the service is discussed in the legal literature. It is noted that the guarantee of achieving the result agreed upon by the parties turns into a powerful factor in the competitiveness of the service provider. However, it is not always possible to guarantee the result of the service to the customer. Achieving the beneficial effect of a service also depends on how it is consumed, whether there are objective conditions for achieving a result. Educational services are among those where the result is not guaranteed - there are too many objective factors influencing the result. Determines these factors, as the study shows, extensive legislation governing the process of providing educational services. Although the achievement of a positive result of the service is not guaranteed, when analyzing regulatory legal acts recent years there is a noticeable strengthening of the regulatory impact in the direction of achieving the intangible result of the educational service. A shift in emphasis on the result of the service is carried out by establishing and analyzing quantitative verifiable indicators that characterize the service provider - an educational organization (publication activity, university rating, the number of graduates employed in their specialty, programs and joint departments created with employers, the admission score for training in state-funded places etc.). The multiplicity of indicators of the quality of education makes it difficult to formulate a legislative definition of the quality of educational services.


1. Improving the quality management system of educational services in Moscow secondary schools



1.1. Educational services as an object of research and management, the concept of education quality 4

1.2. Regulatory support of the education quality management process 12


2.1. Quantitative characteristics of educational institutions of the city of Moscow 24

2.2. Analysis of the education management system in the city of Moscow 31

Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated October 18, 2002 N 836 "On Approval of the Regulations on District Education Departments" approved the regulations on 10 district education departments of the city of Moscow. 36

2.3. Analysis of the existing system of licensing and state accreditation of educational institutions in the city of Moscow 42


3.1. The main problems of the Moscow mechanism for ensuring state guarantees of the quality of education 52

3.2. Proposals for solving the main problems of the Moscow system for providing state guarantees of the quality of education 55

3.3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the management system of general education in the city of Moscow 62



18. Mikhailova G.N., director of the National Foundation TISBI “The system of university accreditation: foreign experience”, article / Source - Website of the Academy of Management "Tisbi"; 71

The topic of this work is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the provision of state guarantees of the quality of educational services, on the example of the work of the City Service for Licensing and Certification of Educational Institutions, teaching staff and students of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow

^ Relevance of the topic. Changes in the economic life of Russia have affected all areas of human life. This is especially true for education. The development of market relations has led to the fact that education has turned from a free privilege paid for by the state into a commodity. In a fairly short period of time, a market of educational services has developed and continues to actively develop in Russia, the supply of which has made a tremendous leap over the past 10 years and in many cases even exceeds demand.

Simultaneously with the quantitative growth, the qualitative growth of the educational services market begins. This applies both to the structure of demand, which is becoming more and more qualified, and to the structure of supply, which is characterized by the rapid development of non-state educational institutions, the creation of new educational programs, areas and disciplines.

However, the state, as before, remains the guarantor of the receipt by citizens of the Russian Federation of not only compulsory, but, more importantly, high-quality general education.

The problem of the quality of education is in the center of attention of the public and states of all developed countries of the world. Quality education in the post-industrial world is becoming the foundation of national progress and security. In the concept of modernization of Russian education, the provision of state guarantees for the availability of quality education and the creation of conditions for improving the quality of education are called priority areas of educational policy.

Thus, the object of study of this work is the quality management system of education in the city of Moscow.

The subject of the study is the mechanisms for ensuring the quality of education by the educational authorities of the city of Moscow.

In connection with the foregoing, the purpose of this work is to develop proposals and recommendations for improving the mechanism for ensuring state guarantees of the quality of education through the procedures for licensing and state accreditation of educational institutions of general education in Moscow.

In accordance with this goal, the following tasks were set in the work:

To study and systematize the theoretical aspects related to the analysis of the content and structure of educational services as an object of management, to determine its role and specifics in the conditions of the modern domestic market, to note the features of educational services;

Consider and analyze the legal framework governing the state management of the quality of education;

To study modern Russian and foreign experience in education quality management;

Review and analyze the education management system of the city of Moscow, study the existing mechanism for conducting licensing and accreditation procedures for educational institutions of general education in the city of Moscow;

Develop proposals for improving the education quality management system in the city of Moscow;

To develop criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the education quality management system in the city of Moscow.

^ The theoretical and methodological basis of the work was the works of domestic and foreign experts in the field of management, marketing, personnel management, as well as on the problems of the quality of educational services, regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation, methodological documents in the field of licensing and accreditation of educational institutions, organizational and statistical documentation City Service for Licensing and Certification of Educational Institutions, teaching staff and students of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, as well as materials from specialized thematic Internet resources.

^ The practical significance of the work lies in the development of recommendations and proposals for improving the education quality management system in the city of Moscow.

Due to the limited volume of work in it, we will focus on ensuring the quality of education in general education institutions, as the main link in the Russian education system.
^ CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATIONAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT. Educational services as an object of research and management, the concept of education quality
The main activity of educational institutions is the creation and provision of educational services to the population. What does the term "educational service" mean? How is it different from other types of services?

To understand the term "educational service", it is necessary to define the essence of the concepts of "service" and "education".

F. Kotler offers the following definition: “A service is any event or benefit that one party can offer to another and which is basically intangible and does not lead to taking possession of anything.” According to classical marketing theory, services have a number of specific characteristics that distinguish them from goods. These characteristics are as follows:

Intangibility. Services cannot be seen, tasted, heard or smelled until the moment of purchase.

inseparable from the source. The service is inseparable from its source, its implementation is possible only in the presence of the manufacturer.

Quality inconsistency. The quality of services varies widely depending on their producers, as well as on the time and place of their provision.

Perishability. The service cannot be stored for later sale or use.

According to the definition adopted by the 20th session of the UNESCO General Conference, education is understood as the process and result of improving the abilities and behavior of an individual, in which it reaches social maturity and individual growth. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" gives the following definition of education - "a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state" .

At the same time, education as an industry is "a set of institutions, organizations and enterprises that carry out mainly educational activities aimed at meeting the diverse needs of the population in educational services, at reproducing and developing the human resources potential of society" .

An analysis of domestic literature and periodicals showed that there is no consensus on what is considered an educational service. In this regard, only the main approaches can be distinguished.

The most common of them understands educational services as "a system of knowledge, information, skills and abilities that are used to meet the many-sided needs of a person, society and the state" .

The point of view of Chentsov A.A. is curious, who singles out the category "educational product", defining it as the result of scientific and pedagogical work, which, in turn, is a kind of scientific work. At the same time, according to this author, an educational product is a part of an intellectual product (along with scientific and engineering products) adapted to the corresponding segment of the educational services market.

The position of E. I. Skripak is interesting and relevant, who believes that “the economic category “educational services”, which includes the condition, desire, basis and responsibility for their production and consumption by economic entities (households, firms, the state) is currently replaced by the narrower concept of "paid educational services" . He explains this position by the specifics of modern Russian conditions: lack of formed full-fledged subjects of investment in human capital, mechanisms for implementing economic responsibility for its formation and accumulation, reduction of budget expenditures on education without revising the social obligations of the state, lack of a full-fledged financial market and lending mechanisms, etc.

Position E.I. Skrypak is confirmed by regulatory documents, which also do not define the concept of "educational services". The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" gives the term "educational program", which "determines the content of education of a certain level and direction" . The term "educational services" is used only in articles regulating the provision of additional paid services by an educational institution.

Director of the Center for International Educational Programs of the Russian Academy of Economics G.V. Plekhanova Saginova A.V. the product of any educational institution also refers to the educational program that is developed by him in order to satisfy the need for education, vocational training, training or retraining, i.e. achieving a certain social effect (change in educational or professional level). The author explains his opinion as follows: “A university that does not have information technology specialists and equipped computer classes cannot offer educational programs in this area. However, even with the indicated resources, the university does not offer its clients disparate lectures or practical classes, but enters the market with an educational program in this specialty, including certain content, organization of the educational process, a system for managing this process and a system for its methodological, material and staffing support. » .

From the foregoing, we can conclude that educational services are provided by educational institutions through the implementation of educational programs of various levels and directions (depending on the type and type of educational institution).

What is the specificity of educational services? The scheme shown in Figure 1 reflects the main and specific properties of educational services.

^ Figure 1 - Properties of educational services

Let us first consider how the features of services as such are manifested in education.

The low degree of tangibility of educational services is manifested in the impossibility of assessing their quality and volume before full acquisition. Since services are not material and tangible, marketing recommends that sellers formalize the most significant service parameters for the buyer and present them as clearly as possible. In education, these goals are served by educational standards, curricula and programs, information about the methods, forms and conditions of training, certificates, licenses, diplomas, etc.

The property of inseparability from the source in relation to an educational service means that as a result of the sale and purchase of such a service, the seller loses ownership of his specific product, but the buyer does not acquire such a right: “this product itself“ disappears ”, since it is consumed at the same moment that and produced and transmitted. At the same time, any replacement of a teacher can change the process and result of the provision of educational services, and, consequently, demand. In addition, the peculiarity of educational services is manifested in the fact that the beginning of their consumption occurs simultaneously with the beginning of their provision.

^ The volatility of quality in relation to educational services, in addition to being inseparable from the performer and the impossibility of establishing strict standards for the process and result of the provision of services, has another reason - "the variability of the" source material ".

The property of non-persistence of educational services manifests itself in two ways. On the one hand, “it is impossible to procure services in full in advance and store them as a material commodity in anticipation of an increase in demand”, i.e. educational services, like any other intangible benefits, cannot be accumulated by either the seller (teacher) or the consumer (student), nor can they be resold. At the same time, this feature of educational services looks “softened”, since some educational information can be partially prepared and recorded on tangible media (for example, books, cassettes). Another side of the perishability of educational services is the natural for a person forgetting the information received, as well as the obsolescence of knowledge, which leads to scientific, technical and social progress.

Now let's highlight the features of educational services that are unique to them.

The specificity of educational services lies in the fact that, according to many researchers, they belong to the category of "public goods". Recall that public goods are goods, works and services designed to satisfy collective needs that cannot be measured in monetary form and which, therefore, the market cannot provide. To characteristic features public goods include:

Collective consumption;

Impossibility of exclusion from consumption;

Individual consumption of a public good does not harm the interests of other consumers, i.e. the volumes of individual consumption are equal to each other and equal to the aggregate supply;

The provision of public goods, and, consequently, payment and responsibility for their production, is assumed by the state.

A peculiar feature of educational services is the impossibility of their direct monetary measurement. The price mechanism is often unable to reflect all the costs of producing educational services. If in the material sphere it is relatively easy to measure them quantitatively per unit of output, then in relation to educational services this is difficult to implement. The useful result of such a service can manifest itself only after a long time, and it can practically be measured only with the help of indirect indicators.

Another hallmark educational services - the ambiguity of the goals set for the producers of these services. As a rule, the activities of an educational institution are not clearly aimed at achieving profit. Recall that education in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” means “... a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state ...”. But, on the other hand, the above-mentioned interests are connected with the growth of well-being, which involves making a profit necessary to ensure expanded reproduction. Thus, profit is not initially a forbidden guideline for an educational institution, but, of course, it is not limited to it.

The peculiarity of educational services is also manifested in the fact that they are usually provided in combination with the creation of spiritual values, the transformation and development of the personality of the student. These services ensure the realization of the cognitive interests of students, satisfy the needs of the individual in spiritual and intellectual development, contribute to the creation of conditions for their self-determination and self-realization, participate in the formation, preservation and development of various human abilities for work, in specialization, professionalization and growth of his qualifications. A. Pankrukhin main feature the provision of educational services calls the co-creation of the teacher and the student. In the field of education, where the personality of the client is being transformed, he, not being a professional, claims the most active role in the production process and the provision of educational services. It is also important that the provision of educational services, which implies a pronounced openness of this area for information, personnel and other exchanges, sets the priority for cooperation and limits the effectiveness of competition between educational service providers.

It should also be noted that educational services, like no other type of activity, are under close public attention and extra-market pressure. This position is most clearly manifested within the framework of political companies, in which the issue of education is usually considered as an element of ensuring national security, the prospects for the survival and development of the nation.

In addition to the above, there are a number of specific features of educational services that distinguish them from other types of services:

High cost (educational services have a high use value, because they increase the potential of an individual, a specialist, and in developed markets this is expressed in the recognition of high cost, the legitimacy of high prices for them);

Relative duration of provision (for example, in our country, obtaining the first higher professional education in various specialties can take from 4 to 6 years);

Delayed detection of the result;

The dependence of the acceptability of services on the place of their provision and the place of residence of potential students;

Impossibility of resale;

The need for licensing (clause 6, article 33 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”: “The right to conduct educational activities ... arises for an educational institution from the moment it is issued a license (permit)”);

Competitive nature (this feature is mainly manifested in most state higher educational institutions);

Relatively young age of consumers of educational services and others.

In addition, it is necessary to note the role of the state in the formation of the educational services market. So, the specific functions of authorities and management in the field of education include (Fig. 2):

^ Figure 2 - Functions of authorities and management in the field of education

Understanding the term "quality of education" is one of the most difficult problems of Russian education. The traditionally and officially used system for assessing the quality of education is not based on objective methods of pedagogical measurements, therefore “quality” is interpreted today rather ambiguously. Understanding the various meanings of quality is a prerequisite for understanding the quality management of education.

In the most general sense, quality is the ability of things, phenomena, events to have some originality, that is, to differ from all other things, phenomena, events. Losing quality, the object becomes something else.

AT encyclopedic dictionary quality is defined as an objective and universal characteristic of objects, which is found in the totality of their properties.

According to the international standard, quality is a set of properties and characteristics of a product that give it the ability to satisfy stipulated or implied needs. A quantitative characteristic of these properties is called an indicator of product quality.

^ The quality of education is a social category that determines the state and effectiveness of the education process in society, its compliance with the needs and expectations of society (various social groups) in the development and formation of civil, domestic and professional competencies personality.

The quality of education is determined by a set of indicators that characterize various aspects of the educational activities of an educational institution: the content of education, forms and methods of teaching, material and technical base, personnel, etc.

Thus, the quality of education is understood as a characteristic of the educational process and its results, expressing the degree of their compliance with the widespread ideas in society about what the named process should be and what goals it should serve.

When considering the quality of education, its external and internal properties are distinguished. The basis for such a division is the perception of an educational institution as a socio-pedagogical system, which is characterized by: on the one hand, the interaction of its constituent components; on the other hand, active interaction with the external environment.

In the external environment, we can distinguish:

Environment of direct impact;

medium of indirect influence.

The environment of direct impact on the educational institution includes factors that directly affect the educational process and are influenced by it. It:

Consumers of education: students, their parents, public organizations, vocational education institutions, army, labor market;

Sources of labor resources: pedagogical and professional lyceums and colleges, institutes, universities;

Competing educational institutions;

Institutes for advanced training of educators;

Government bodies, etc.

The environment of indirect impact on an educational institution includes factors that indirectly affect the educational process: the state of the country's economy, the sociocultural and political life of the region, the achievements of science, etc.

Consequently, the quality of education can be defined as a set of properties of education that meets the modern requirements of pedagogical theory, practice and is able to satisfy the educational needs of the individual, society and the state.

Who should decide whether the services of an educational institution are of good quality? The answer to this question will provide information about the achievements and prospects of the institution. It is important to have a clear idea of ​​who evaluates the quality: the manufacturer or the consumer. The reason for posing this question is that the views of the manufacturer and the consumer do not always coincide.

Consider the concept of education quality from the point of view of consumers. Consumers are divided into two groups.

First, there is the student himself. He, as a person, is a consumer of his education in solving social and personal life problems. Here, the quality of education - the knowledge acquired by the student and the ability to use it - characterizes the ability and ability of the student to satisfy his needs: to change the team or direction of activity, enter the next educational institution, go to work, and so on, that is, adapt to social realities with that or some degree of success.

Secondly, consumers are all those organizations, institutions and individuals that accept graduates of educational institutions for work, study or otherwise interact with them. Each of this group of consumers is interested in its own set of educational characteristics and abilities of graduates that meets its departmental and individual needs.

There can be no quality education in general, it can be of high quality or not very good only in relation to the pre-established requirements for the parameters of education, which act as a goal. But this goal must be specific and known to all. interested parties- potential participants in joint activities.

At the level of the content of education, there are significant differences between the individual and society in approaches to assessing the quality of education. The organization is usually not interested in the general theoretical and general professional knowledge of a new employee entering it. She needs such graduates of educational institutions who have specific knowledge of the appropriate level and the practical skills necessary for the organization in the upcoming activities and are able to expand the scope of this practical activity. From the standpoint of the organization, this is the criteria for quality education.

A student who takes another step into a new life for him needs not only specific subject or professional knowledge and skills. In order to continue education and, most importantly, to ensure their own social security in the changing world around, a person, in accordance with his inclinations and interests, needs both specific, and general subject, and general theoretical knowledge. From the standpoint of the individual, it is precisely such education that will be of high quality.

The task of the educational institution will be to provide students with the opportunity to receive high-quality education from their positions and the position of their parents, correlated with the nature of the requirements for the quality of education of the future organization - the consumer of the products of the educational institution.

Thus, the main criteria for quality education at the level of an educational institution are:

The presence of a certain set of educational programs, the content of which ensures the preparation of students in accordance with their educational and life needs;

The degree of approximation of the practice-oriented part of the content of educational programs to the requirements of potential customers, which the educational institution focuses on;

The level of mastering by students of the specialized educational programs they have chosen;

The level of student satisfaction with learning outcomes.

However, there is another point of view on the quality of education. This is the point of view of the control bodies in the field of education, carrying out licensing and state accreditation procedures.

On the basis of the state accreditation procedure, the control bodies identify the compliance of the content of the educational programs implemented by the institution with the State standards.

Thus, quality education is education provided by an educational institution operating on the basis of a license and implementing educational programs developed on the basis of State standards.

This is the state guarantee of the quality of education.

^ 1.2. Regulatory support of the education quality management process
“Everyone has the right to education. The general availability and free of charge of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions and enterprises are guaranteed ... ”Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation says so. It is with this fundamental article that the Russian legislation on education begins.

The main law regulating the sphere of education is the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated 10.07.1992 N 3266-1, as amended by the Law dated 04.24.2008 No. 50-FZ, it is aimed at regulating the system of social relations emerging in education. It regulates issues common to all elements and levels of the education system in the Russian Federation. One of the most significant features of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" is that it clearly defines and formulates the main tasks of educational legislation (Article 4). In the context of education quality management, in paragraph 5 of Art. 15 of the Law clearly states the need for objective quality control of the training of graduates upon completion of each level of education, clause 3 of Art. 32 of the Law provides for the responsibility of an educational institution for the quality of its graduates.

The Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" also contains norms directly related to the quality of education. In paragraph 1 of Art. 5 it is written that the state educational standards of higher and postgraduate professional education, among a number of their goals, are also intended to ensure the quality of higher and postgraduate professional education, and Art. 26 is fully devoted to the issues of state control over the quality of higher and postgraduate professional education.

Among the federal by-laws on education, the most common are the regulations of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.

The specificity of presidential decrees is that they can be issued on any issue of ensuring educational policy. There are no trends in the regulation of certain relations in the field of education, as practice shows.

Normative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, adopted by it in the form of resolutions and orders, must, of course, comply with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and the legislation in general. As the main federal executive body, the Government makes regulatory decisions on issues related to the implementation of federal laws in the field of education. It determines the procedure for the application of certain measures of social protection of participants in educational relations, the assignment of academic degrees and titles, the amount and procedure for remuneration of employees of educational institutions, etc.

A significant share in the system of federal by-laws is occupied by the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. They regulate the content of general secondary education, the assessment of the quality of education, and the final certification of graduates of general education institutions.

In accordance with the regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) and its subordinate federal bodies - the Federal Agency for Education (Rosobrazovanie) and the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor), approved by the Government Decree, these bodies establish the procedure for admission citizens to state institutions of secondary and higher professional education, develop and approve standard regulations on educational institutions, federal components of state educational standards, approve regulations on state certification of graduates of educational institutions and other issues within its competence.

These and other departmental normative-legal acts are adopted in the form of orders, letters, instructions, clarifications, decisions of boards. Normative legal acts regulating relations of the Ministry and its structural subdivisions with educational institutions and citizens, other organizations that are not part of the system of the Ministry, having a public legal nature, are subject to registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Acts that have not passed the registration procedure and do not have a state registration number with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation cannot enter into force, and the rules of law contained in them cannot regulate public relations.

By-laws on education issues can be adopted by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation as the sole heads of these bodies officials(by ministers, heads of services, etc.), and collectively (decisions of the Board of the Ministry). Acts may be adopted within the competence of these bodies and in strict accordance with the current federal laws, the laws of its constituent entity of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation. At this level of legal regulation, norms can be adopted that fix, for example, republican, regional standards for financing education, additional benefits to federal students and employees of educational institutions, additional requirements to federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of norms and sanitary rules and other issues.

The system of legislation of each subject of the Russian Federation is formed by:

Constitution (Charter) of the subject of the Russian Federation,

Treaties and agreements of the subject of the Russian Federation,

Regional laws, regional codes,

Legislative decrees,

Resolutions (decrees) of the heads of the administration of the subject of the Russian Federation (governor),

Decrees of the Government of the subject of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the subjects of the Russian Federation may adopt laws and other regulatory legal acts aimed at regulating educational relations.

In Moscow, the basic regional laws are:

Law of the city of Moscow "On the development of education in the city of Moscow". Establishes the principles of the activities of the state authorities of the city of Moscow for the development of education, regulates the forms of participation of state authorities of the city of Moscow and local governments, educational institutions and organizations, individuals and legal entities in the development of education in the city of Moscow and is aimed at ensuring the rights of residents of the city of Moscow to receive education , as well as to support the development of educational activities.;

The law of the city of Moscow "On General Education in the City of Moscow" regulates relations, with the realization of the right of citizens to public, free and high-quality general education in state educational institutions in various forms and to the extent established by state general educational standards, determines additional requirements for the content of basic general education programs in terms of Moscow regional component state educational standards of general education and features of the activities of educational institutions various types and types that implement general educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, taking into account the regional specifics of the subject of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow. The law establishes the obligation to receive a secondary (complete) general education;

The law of the city of Moscow "On primary and secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow" regulates relations related to the realization of the right of citizens to receive primary and secondary vocational education in state educational institutions of the city of Moscow in various forms and to the extent established by state education

Kazakova Irina Alexandrovna, master student of the direction of preparation "Service" of the Department of personnel management, service and tourism of FSBEI HE "Orenburg State University", Orenburg [email protected]

Indicators of the quality of educational services of the university

Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of theoretical aspects of assessing the quality of educational services of the university. The author generalizes and systematizes the indicators of the quality of educational services, including the assessment of the quality of the educational process and the result of education. Key words: university, quality, educational services

The main competitive advantage of any region is associated with the development of human potential, in particular, with an increase in the level of education of the population and the professional training of young personnel. It is in the field of improving the quality of education at the present stage that the key to ensuring sustainable economic growth of the region is located. In modern conditions, the competitiveness of a university in the market of educational services is determined by the quality of their provision. Improving the quality of educational services of the university is an urgent problem, socially and economically significant. One of the important tasks in the system of higher professional education is the development of scientific and methodological support for the process of education quality management based on the analysis of its development, monitoring and forecasting. It should be noted that among scientists there is no unambiguous interpretation of the concept of the quality of educational services, and therefore, the study of the main components of the quality of educational services of a university from the point of view of theoretical aspects is of scientific interest for the purpose of their further practical application in the management activities of the university. in a special product of this market - educational services. Educational services are a set of purposefully created and offered opportunities for the population to acquire certain knowledge and skills, to meet certain educational needs, a variety of social needs, the completeness of satisfaction of which is a necessary prerequisite for their normal functioning and successful development. Educational services have specific features:

the publicity of the educational service is limited (selective) in nature: the conditions for the provision of the service are different for persons with different levels of certification based on the results of obtaining general secondary education;

the educational service is consumed by one individual, but the result of its provision (formed competencies) is necessary for the individual for subsequent resale to the employer as part of the workforce;

The result of the provision of a service depends not only on the educational institution, but also on the consumer of the service. The goal of the educational services market is the timely provision of high-quality educational services that comply with modern educational programs and standards. The quality of an educational service is defined as the totality of its consumer properties that best meet human needs and best satisfy them. The quality of the educational service, due to the delayed results of education, is not a clearly fixed characteristic. It consists of two components - the quality of education and the quality (result) of education. Therefore, an important component of the education process is the identification of indicators of the quality of educational services. Naturally, the high quality of the results of educational activities, which is determined by the level of knowledge and skills of university graduates, can only be achieved with good level organization and control of the educational process. In our opinion, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "quality of the result of education" and "quality of the process of education". The result of education is changes in the student's competence, the assessment of which is included as an integral part of the educational process. Methods for assessing the quality of the result of the educational process do not provide direct information on how this quality can be improved. Changing the quality of the result implies a change in the educational process. Thus, these concepts can be integrated into the concept of "quality of educational services." As for the goals and expected results of the provision of educational services, depending on the category of the consumer of the educational process, the following can be distinguished (Table 1). Table 1 Characteristics of educational outcomes from the point of view of the stakeholders of the educational process Consumers (stakeholders) of the educational process Goals (expected result) Students acquisition of knowledge, skills;

formation of systemic thinking;

professional demand;

career growth. Teachers creativity, self-improvement;

material well-being. University

Increasing competitiveness;

certification and accreditation;

social goals; the formation of a positive image. Enterprises (employers) increase the competitiveness of the enterprise; increase the efficiency of internal management. The state as a whole;

The components of the quality of an educational service can be represented by the parameters shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Components of the quality of educational services

The main consumers of educational services and the objects of their receipt are applicants, students, graduate students, graduates of the university, young specialists, on whom, among other things, the total value in assessing the quality of educational services depends. The quality of the subject of the provision of educational services consists of the quality of the content of educational programs and directly academic disciplines, the level of qualification of the teaching staff, teaching methods and technologies, the material and technical base of the organization of the educational process (classrooms and laboratories, equipment, models, simulators, etc.). Quality the process of providing educational services implies a combination, on the one hand, of the process of organizing and implementing the applied technologies for the provision of educational services, on the other hand, the quality of the result of the process of providing educational services, i.e. compliance of the level of knowledge of students and graduates with the requirements of the state educational standard for areas of training and specialties and the professional standard, respectively. services should be better implemented, taking into account the analysis and agreement of important expectations that future young professionals must meet in the performance of their work responsibilities. Such expectations are based on the requirements of employers, the nature of the work performed, patterns of interaction with other employees, the legislative framework relevant to the activities performed, and other social factors. According to this view, attention is paid to both the breadth and depth of the content of curricula and programs so that young professionals can meet the full range of requirements for employment, regardless of where they will work. Quality is the ability of the results of activities and services of the university, their characteristics and properties to meet the needs and expectations of consumers and other interested parties and exceed them. In addition, quality is a process of business interaction, when the expected or declared value (result) is realized for all interested parties. This fact is confirmed by the normative documents regulating the assessment of the quality of educational services The quality of the process of providing educational services The degree of consumer satisfaction The quality of the object of receiving educational services The quality of the subject of providing educational services

Methodological recommendations for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 1, 2015 and Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 5, 2014 N 1547 "On approval of indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activity.” Among the main indicators for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities, given in these documents, are the following: 1) material and technical and information support of the organization; for individual work with students; 4) availability of additional educational programs; 5) availability of development opportunities creativity and interests of students; 6) the availability of the possibility of providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance students; 7) availability of conditions for organizing training and education of students with disabilities and disabled people; 8) openness and accessibility of information about the organization; 9) friendliness, courtesy, competence of employees; 10) satisfaction with the quality of educational activities of organizations. Each educational organization organizes the assessment of quality satisfaction in its own way, using various tools: studying internal and external documents and records, survey, interview, discussion, questioning, monitoring, benchmarking, testing, calculation of rating indicators. Orenburg State University (OSU) pays special attention to the problems of the quality of education in general and assesses the degree of satisfaction with the quality of educational services of both applicants, students and graduates, as well as teachers and employers. Since the main consumer of the educational service of the university is the student, we will present the results of the survey on the OSU website of this category of the interested party in the educational process. To the question “What are the strongest aspects of the university’s activity do you see?” the majority of students noted good information resources - 26% of respondents, high qualification of the teaching staff 24%, social life of the university

24%, material and technical equipment of the educational process 16%, content of academic disciplines 12% and organization of practice 6% of students. Consequently, students were quite critical of the assessment of the university's activities, since only 18% of the respondents were satisfied with the quality of the content of academic disciplines and the organization of practice as the main characteristics of the quality of the educational process. Having analyzed all of the above, we can, in our opinion, identify the main and additional indicators of the quality of educational services of the university. The main indicators include the quality of educational programs and technologies, the quality of teaching (the availability of modern teaching technologies; academic mobility of students; the availability of original training programs for various forms education that meets the prospective needs of the region's economy); the quality of scientific and pedagogical personnel, the quality of ongoing research; the quality of trainees (from applicants to graduates); the quality of resource support for educational services (material and technical and experimental base, including educational, methodological and information support; the quality of the conditions for conducting classes; the quality of management of the educational service and the university as a whole (the presence in the university of its own education quality system that meets the requirements of domestic and European standards). Additional indicators of the quality of educational services include, on the one hand, the presence of the necessary conditions for students related to the organization of their meals and opportunities for the development of creative abilities and interests, the provision of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance, on the other hand, benevolence, courtesy, competence of employees of an educational organization.The quality of the final result and educational services should be considered more broadly than the professional training of graduates (the degree of suitability of graduates for effective work): this is necessarily physical and spiritual and mental health, general culture, intellect, value orientations, etc. In conclusion, it should be noted that the achievement of the modern quality of specialist training is a systemic problem that depends on numerous interrelated factors of the external and internal environment of a professional educational institution. The solution of the task of improving the quality of education facing higher professional educational institutions is possible with the realization that the quality of the result of educational activity, which is an intellectual product, is achieved by the quality of the educational process (educational service), which, in turn, is determined by the quality of the management system at all levels of management professional educational institution.

Links to sources1.Osipov, P.N. Market of educational services and educational needs of youth / P.N. Osipov // Kazan Pedagogical Journal. 2011. No. 5. S. 4247.2. Barannik, N.A. The market for ore and the market for educational services in the field of vocational education in the Orenburg region: the state and problems of interaction / N.A. Barannik, L.A. Kosheleva // Intellect. Innovation. Investments. 2010. No. 1. S. 5768.3. Kazakova T.P. Software and methodological support for improving the quality of training of future tourism managers at the university // Tourism: science and education. Appendix / Additional education and upbringing. 2006. -№ 1. -S. 117118.2.4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 5, 2014 N 1547 "On approval of indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities."5. Recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 01, 2015 "Methodological recommendations for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities."


1. Improving the quality management system of educational services in Moscow secondary schools



1.1. Educational services as an object of research and management, the concept of education quality 4

1.2. Regulatory support of the education quality management process 12


2.1. Quantitative characteristics of educational institutions of the city of Moscow 24

2.2. Analysis of the education management system in the city of Moscow 31

Order of the Department of Education of Moscow dated October 18, 2002 N 836 "; On approval of the regulations on district education departments"; approved the regulations on 10 district education departments of the city of Moscow. 36

2.3. Analysis of the existing system of licensing and state accreditation of educational institutions in the city of Moscow 42


3.1. The main problems of the Moscow mechanism for ensuring state guarantees of the quality of education 52

3.2. Proposals for solving the main problems of the Moscow system for providing state guarantees of the quality of education 55

3.3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the management system of general education in the city of Moscow 62



18.Mikhailova G.N., director of the National Foundation TISBI "The system of university accreditation: foreign experience", article / Source - Website of the Academy of Management "Tisbi"; 70


The topic of this work is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the provision of state guarantees of the quality of educational services, on the example of the work of the City Service for Licensing and Certification of Educational Institutions, teaching staff and students of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow

Relevance of the topic. Changes in the economic life of Russia have affected all areas of human life. This is especially true for education. The development of market relations has led to the fact that education has turned from a free privilege paid for by the state into a commodity. In a fairly short period of time, a market of educational services has developed and continues to actively develop in Russia, the supply of which has made a tremendous leap over the past 10 years and in many cases even exceeds demand.

Simultaneously with the quantitative growth, the qualitative growth of the educational services market begins. This applies both to the structure of demand, which is becoming more and more qualified, and to the structure of supply, which is characterized by the rapid development of non-state educational institutions, the creation of new educational programs, areas and disciplines.

However, the state, as before, remains the guarantor of citizens of the Russian Federation not only mandatory but more importantly, quality general education.

The problem of the quality of education is in the center of attention of the public and states of all developed countries of the world. Quality education in the post-industrial world is becoming the foundation of national progress and security. In the concept of modernization of Russian education, the provision of state guarantees for the availability of quality education and the creation of conditions for improving the quality of education are called priority areas of educational policy.

In this way, object The study of this work is the quality management system of education in the city of Moscow.

Subject research - mechanisms for ensuring the quality of education by the educational authorities of the city of Moscow.

In connection with the above purpose This work is the development of proposals and recommendations for improving the mechanism for ensuring state guarantees of the quality of education through the procedures for licensing and state accreditation of educational institutions of general education in Moscow.

In accordance with this goal, the following tasks:

    to study and systematize theoretical aspects related to the analysis of the content and structure of educational services as an object of management, to determine its role and specifics in the conditions of the modern domestic market, to note the features of educational services;

    review and analyze the legal framework governing the state management of the quality of education;

    to study modern Russian and foreign experience in education quality management;

    review and analyze the education management system of the city of Moscow, study the existing mechanism for conducting licensing and accreditation procedures for educational institutions of general education in the city of Moscow;

    develop proposals for improving the education quality management system in the city of Moscow;

    develop criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the education quality management system in the city of Moscow.

Theoretical and methodological basis works were the works of domestic and foreign experts in the field of management, marketing, personnel management, as well as on the problems of the quality of educational services, regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation, methodological documents in the field of licensing and accreditation of educational institutions, organizational and statistical documentation of the City Licensing and Certification Service educational institutions, teaching staff and students of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, as well as materials from specialized thematic Internet resources.

Practical significance work is to develop recommendations and proposals for improving the quality management system of education in the city of Moscow.

Due to the limited volume of work in it, we will focus on ensuring the quality of education in general education institutions, as the main link in the Russian education system.


    1. .Educational services as an object of research and management, the concept of education quality

The main activity of educational institutions is the creation and provision of educational services to the population. What does the term "educational service" mean? How is it different from other types of services?

To understand the term "educational service", it is necessary to define the essence of the concepts of "service" and "education".

F. Kotler offers the following definition: “ Service- any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in ownership of anything. According to classical marketing theory, services have a number of specific characteristics that distinguish them from goods. These characteristics are as follows:

    Intangibility. Services cannot be seen, tasted, heard or smelled until the moment of purchase.

    Inseparable from the source. The service is inseparable from its source, its implementation is possible only in the presence of the manufacturer.

    Variation in quality. The quality of services varies widely depending on their producers, as well as on the time and place of their provision.

    Perishability. The service cannot be stored for later sale or use.

According to the definition adopted by the 20th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, under education the process and result of improving the abilities and behavior of the individual, in which it reaches social maturity and individual growth. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" gives the following definition of education - "a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state" .

At the same time, education as an industry is "a set of institutions, organizations and enterprises that carry out mainly educational activities aimed at meeting the diverse needs of the population in educational services, at reproducing and developing the human resources potential of society" .

An analysis of domestic literature and periodicals showed that there is no consensus on what is considered an educational service. In this regard, only the main approaches can be distinguished.

The most common of them understands educational services as "a system of knowledge, information, skills and abilities that are used to meet the many-sided needs of a person, society and the state" .

A curious point of view is Chentsov A.A., who singles out the category "educational product" , defining it as the result of scientific and pedagogical work, which, in turn, is a kind of scientific work. At the same time, according to this author, an educational product is a part of an intellectual product (along with scientific and engineering products) adapted to the corresponding segment of the educational services market.

The position of E. I. Skripak is interesting and relevant, who believes that “the economic category “educational services”, which includes the condition, desire, basis and responsibility for their production and consumption by economic entities (households, firms, the state) is currently replaced by the narrower concept of "paid educational services" . He explains this situation by the specifics of modern Russian conditions: the lack of formed full-fledged subjects for investing in human capital, mechanisms for implementing economic responsibility for its formation and accumulation, reducing budget spending on education without revising the social obligations of the state, the lack of a full-fledged financial market and lending mechanisms, etc. .

Position E.I. Skrypak is confirmed by regulatory documents, which also do not define the concept of "educational services". The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" gives the term "educational program", which "determines the content of education of a certain level and direction" . The term "educational services" is used only in articles regulating the provision of additional paid services by an educational institution.

Director of the Center for International Educational Programs of the Russian Academy of Economics G.V. Plekhanova Saginova A.V. also refers to the product of any educational institution educational program , which is developed by him in order to satisfy the need for education, training, education or retraining - i.e. achieving a certain social effect (change in educational or professional level). The author explains his opinion as follows: “A university that does not have information technology specialists and equipped computer classes cannot offer educational programs in this area. However, even with the indicated resources, the university does not offer its clients disparate lectures or practical classes, but enters the market with an educational program in this specialty, including certain content, organization of the educational process, a system for managing this process and a system for its methodological, material and staffing support. » .

From the foregoing, we can conclude that educational services are provided by educational institutions through the implementation of educational programs of various levels and directions (depending on the type and type of educational institution).

What is the specificity of educational services? The scheme shown in Figure 1 reflects the main and specific properties of educational services.

Picture 1 -Properties of educational services

Let us first consider how the features of services as such are manifested in education.

Low degree of tangibility educational services is manifested in the impossibility of assessing their quality and volume until they are fully acquired. Since services are not material and tangible, marketing recommends that sellers formalize the most significant service parameters for the buyer and present them as clearly as possible. In education, these goals are served by educational standards, curricula and programs, information about the methods, forms and conditions of training, certificates, licenses, diplomas, etc.

Property inseparable from the source in relation to an educational service, means that as a result of the sale and purchase of such a service, the seller loses ownership of his specific product, but the buyer does not acquire such a right: “this product itself “disappears”, since it is consumed at the same moment as it is produced and transferred » . At the same time, any replacement of a teacher can change the process and result of the provision of educational services, and, consequently, demand. In addition, the peculiarity of educational services is manifested in the fact that the beginning of their consumption occurs simultaneously with the beginning of their provision.

Variation in quality in relation to educational services, in addition to being inseparable from the performer and the impossibility of establishing strict standards for the process and result of the provision of services, there is another reason - "the variability of the" source material ".

Property perishability educational services manifests itself in two ways. On the one hand, “it is impossible to procure services in full in advance and store them as a material commodity in anticipation of an increase in demand”, i.e. educational services, like any other intangible benefits, cannot be accumulated by either the seller (teacher) or the consumer (student), nor can they be resold. At the same time, this feature of educational services looks “softened”, since some educational information can be partially prepared and recorded on tangible media (for example, books, cassettes). Another side of the perishability of educational services is the natural for a person forgetting the information received, as well as the obsolescence of knowledge, which leads to scientific, technical and social progress.

Now let's highlight the features of educational services that are unique to them.

    The specificity of educational services lies in the fact that, according to many researchers, they belong to the category ";public goods";. Recall that public goods are goods, works and services designed to satisfy collective needs that cannot be measured in monetary form and which, therefore, the market cannot provide. The characteristics of public goods are:

    • collective consumption;

      the impossibility of exclusion from consumption;

      individual consumption of a public good does not harm the interests of other consumers, i.e. the volumes of individual consumption are equal to each other and equal to the aggregate supply;

      the provision of public goods, and, consequently, the payment and responsibility for their production is assumed by the state.

    A peculiar feature of educational services is impossibilitythemdirect monetary measurement. The price mechanism is often unable to reflect all the costs of producing educational services. If in the material sphere it is relatively easy to measure them quantitatively per unit of output, then in relation to educational services this is difficult to implement. The useful result of such a service can manifest itself only after a long time, and it can practically be measured only with the help of indirect indicators.

    Another distinctive feature of educational services is ambiguity of goals set before the producers of these services. As a rule, the activities of an educational institution are not clearly aimed at achieving profit. Recall that education in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” means “... a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state... ". But, on the other hand, the above-mentioned interests are connected with the growth of well-being, which involves making a profit necessary to ensure expanded reproduction. Thus, profit is not initially a forbidden guideline for an educational institution, but, of course, it is not limited to it.

    The peculiarity of educational services is also manifested in the fact that they are, as a rule, in combination with the creation of spiritual values, transformation and development of the personality of the student. These services ensure the realization of the cognitive interests of students, satisfy the needs of the individual in spiritual and intellectual development, contribute to the creation of conditions for their self-determination and self-realization, participate in the formation, preservation and development of various human abilities for work, in specialization, professionalization and growth of his qualifications. A. Pankrukhin calls the main feature of the provision of educational services co-creation of teacher and student. In the field of education, where the personality of the client is being transformed, he, not being a professional, claims the most active role in the production process and the provision of educational services. It is also important that the provision of educational services, which implies a pronounced openness of this area for information, personnel and other exchanges, sets the priority for cooperation and limits the effectiveness of competition between educational service providers.

    It should also be noted that educational services, like no other type of activity, are under close scrutiny. public attention and extra-market pressure. This position is most clearly manifested within the framework of political companies, in which the issue of education is usually considered as an element of ensuring national security, the prospects for the survival and development of the nation.

In addition to the above, there are a number of specific features of educational services that distinguish them from other types of services:

    high cost (educational services have a high use value, because they increase the potential of an individual, a specialist, and in developed markets this is expressed in the recognition of high cost, the legitimacy of high prices for them);

    the relative duration of provision (for example, in our country, obtaining the first higher professional education in various specialties can take from 4 to 6 years);

    delay in revealing the result;

    the dependence of the acceptability of services on the place of their provision and the place of residence of potential students;

    impossibility of resale;

    the need for licensing (clause 6, article 33 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”: “The right to conduct educational activities ... arises for an educational institution from the moment it is issued a license (permit)”);

    competitive nature (this feature is mainly manifested in most state higher educational institutions);

    relatively young age of consumers of educational services and others.

In addition, it is necessary to note the role of the state in the formation of the educational services market. So, the specific functions of authorities and management in the field of education include (Fig. 2):

Figure 2 - Functions of authorities and management in the field of education

Understanding the term "quality of education" is one of the most difficult problems of Russian education. The traditionally and officially used system for assessing the quality of education is not based on objective methods of pedagogical measurements, therefore “quality” is interpreted today rather ambiguously. Understanding the various meanings of quality is a prerequisite for understanding the quality management of education.

In the most general sense, quality is the ability of things, phenomena, events to have some originality, that is, to differ from all other things, phenomena, events. Losing quality, the object becomes something else.

In the encyclopedic dictionary, quality is defined as an objective and universal characteristic of objects, which is found in the totality of their properties.

According to the international standard, quality is a set of properties and characteristics of a product that give it the ability to satisfy stipulated or implied needs. A quantitative characteristic of these properties is called an indicator of product quality.

The quality of education- a social category that determines the state and effectiveness of the education process in society, its compliance with the needs and expectations of society (various social groups) in the development and formation of civil, everyday and professional competencies of the individual.

The quality of education is determined by a set of indicators that characterize various aspects of the educational activities of an educational institution: the content of education, forms and methods of teaching, material and technical base, personnel, etc.

Thus, the quality of education is understood as a characteristic of the educational process and its results, expressing the degree of their compliance with the widespread ideas in society about what the named process should be and what goals it should serve.

When considering the quality of education, its external and internal properties are distinguished. The basis for such a division is the perception of an educational institution as a socio-pedagogical system, which is characterized by: on the one hand, the interaction of its constituent components; on the other hand, active interaction with the external environment.

In the external environment, we can distinguish:

    direct exposure environment;

    environment of indirect influence.

The environment of direct impact on the educational institution includes factors that directly affect the educational process and are influenced by it. It:

    consumers of education: students, their parents, public organizations, vocational education institutions, army, labor market;

    sources of labor resources: pedagogical and professional lyceums and colleges, institutes, universities;

    competing educational institutions;

    institutes for advanced training of educators;

    government bodies, etc.

The environment of indirect impact on an educational institution includes factors that indirectly affect the educational process: the state of the country's economy, the sociocultural and political life of the region, the achievements of science, etc.

Consequently, the quality of education can be defined as a set of properties of education that meets the modern requirements of pedagogical theory, practice and is able to satisfy the educational needs of the individual, society and the state.

Who should decide whether the services of an educational institution are of good quality? The answer to this question will provide information about the achievements and prospects of the institution. It is important to have a clear idea of ​​who evaluates the quality: the manufacturer or the consumer. The reason for posing this question is that the views of the manufacturer and the consumer do not always coincide.

Consider the concept of education quality from the point of view of consumers. Consumers are divided into two groups.

First, there is the student himself. He, as a person, is a consumer of his education in solving social and personal life problems. Here, the quality of education - the knowledge acquired by the student and the ability to use it - characterizes the ability and ability of the student to satisfy his needs: to change the team or direction of activity, enter the next educational institution, go to work, and so on, that is, adapt to social realities with that or some degree of success.

Secondly, consumers are all those organizations, institutions and individuals that accept graduates of educational institutions for work, study or otherwise interact with them. Each of this group of consumers is interested in its own set of educational characteristics and abilities of graduates that meets its departmental and individual needs.

There can be no quality education in general, it can be of high quality or not very good only in relation to the pre-established requirements for the parameters of education, which act as a goal. But this goal should be specific and known to all interested parties - potential participants in joint activities.

At the level of the content of education, there are significant differences between the individual and society in approaches to assessing the quality of education. The organization is usually not interested in the general theoretical and general professional knowledge of a new employee entering it. She needs such graduates of educational institutions who have specific knowledge of the appropriate level and the practical skills necessary for the organization in the upcoming activities and are able to expand the scope of this practical activity. From the standpoint of the organization, this is the criteria for quality education.

A student who takes another step into a new life for him needs not only specific subject or professional knowledge and skills. In order to continue education and, most importantly, to ensure their own social security in the changing world around, a person, in accordance with his inclinations and interests, needs both specific, and general subject, and general theoretical knowledge. From the standpoint of the individual, it is precisely such education that will be of high quality.

The task of the educational institution will be to provide students with the opportunity to receive high-quality education from their positions and the position of their parents, correlated with the nature of the requirements for the quality of education of the future organization - the consumer of the products of the educational institution.

Thus, the main criteria for quality education at the level of an educational institution are:

    the presence of a certain set of educational programs, the content of which ensures the preparation of students in accordance with their educational and life needs;

    the degree of approximation of the practice-oriented part of the content of educational programs to the requirements of potential customers, which the educational institution focuses on;

    the level of mastering by students of the specialized educational programs they have chosen;

    the level of student satisfaction with learning outcomes.

However, there is another point of view on the quality of education. This is the point of view of the control bodies in the field of education, carrying out licensing and state accreditation procedures.

On the basis of the state accreditation procedure, the control bodies identify the compliance of the content of the educational programs implemented by the institution with the State standards.

Thus, quality education is education provided by an educational institution operating on the basis of a license and implementing educational programs developed on the basis of State standards.

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