Serving technique in table tennis. Table tennis serves. The most important questions. The number of rally balls after serving in table tennis.

Interesting 08.09.2018

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To deliver a short back plug, move the position all the way to the left side of the table so that your left hand was in the left lateral line. Your left foot should be to your right and your upper body should be parallel to the left side of the table. The racket hand and the free hand holding the ball are close together at the start of the serve.

From an open palm, throw the ball at least 6 inches high and, at the same time, turn upper part body to the right, returning your racket to the ready position. Racket blade open and wrist thrown back. As the ball begins to descend, turn your body back to the left and bring the racket to the ball. Reach for the ball at the bottom of the ball with an open racket. The racket moves under the ball and up at the end. The passing is very short to help mask the type and amount of spin on the serve.

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Submission to table tennis different from all other strikes. First, the ball hits its half of the table. Secondly, your serve is not affected by the actions of the opponent. Serve is the first hit in a rally, and there are more first hits than second hits.

What are the best table tennis serves for a beginner?

The first bounce on your side of the table should be close to the net. The rebound from the opponent's side should also be short. If done correctly, this service will hit the table several times or even return to the network. After the service, quickly enter the ready position to take advantage of any free return.

The stance is to the left of the left side of the left leg slightly forward. Upper body parallel to left lateral line. Give a grip, hands close to each other. The racket is open in the return position. Rotate your upper body to the left, bringing the racket to the ball. The forearm and wrist, when in contact, provide the maximum acceleration of the racquet.

This is not just putting the ball into play, but an attacking hit or a hit that prevents an opponent from starting an attack.

The more innings in the player's arsenal, the more understandable it is to serve opponents.

When practicing the serve, think about the combinations right away, that is, you must anticipate the reception of your serve and EARLY start preparing for the second hit. Serve combinations are the most frequent in the game and the most developed by experienced players.

The top surface of the table, known as the playing surface, shall be rectangular, 74 m long and 525 m wide, and shall lie in a horizontal plane 76 cm above the floor. The playing surface must not include the vertical sides of the tabletop. The playing surface must be divided into 2 equal courts by a vertical grid running parallel to the end lines and must be continuous throughout the area of ​​each court. For double courts, each court is divided into 2 equal half-courts by a white central line 3 mm wide running parallel to the side lines; the central line is considered part of each right half-palace.

People often ask how to serve with a strong hidden (fake) spin? I suggest something a little different.

The serve must have a strong main spin and contain (if possible) hidden variation. It's like a bouquet of roses. All flowers are similar, but the spines are different.

It makes sense to serve DOUBLE serves.

Example 1. The first one - with a strong side + hidden addition of the top. The opponent coped with the lateral rotation, but due to the top he overestimated the reception. You, when adding top rotation, assumed an overestimated reception, and IN ADVANCE began to prepare for action. You make the second serve as similar as possible to the first - also with a strong side, but with a hidden addition of the bottom. After the first serve, it is very likely that the opponent will make adjustments to his reception, and will try to receive lower. Because of your addition, the ball will go even lower with a good chance of hitting the net.

Number of rally balls after serve in table tennis

A clean assembly should consist of the net, its hanger, and the support posts, including the clamps that attach them to the table. The net must be suspended by a cord attached at each end to a vertical post 25 cm high, the outer limits of the post 25 cm outside the side line. The top of the net, along its entire length, must be 25 cm above the playing surface. The bottom of the net, along its entire length, must be as close to the playing surface as possible, and the ends of the net must be attached to the support posts from top to bottom.

Example 2. The first serve is a short, light undercut. To add surprise, you can lengthen the swing, simulating a roll forward. The opponent lunges forward, but often does not have time to take the serve in high point. Due to the lunge forward, his racket gains extra forward speed, which prevents him from making a short low reception of the serve. You foresee this in ADVANCE and prepare to attack. By the second serve, the opponent is likely to get closer to the net. You fake a short cut, but at the last moment you add speed and serve to the stomach of your opponent. Due to the close stance, he is deprived of a full-fledged swing. You again know this in advance and start the attack.

The ball must be spherical with a diameter of 40 mm. The balloon must be made of celluloid or similar plastic material and must be white or orange in color and matte. The racket can be of any size, shape or weight, but the blade must be flat and stiff.

Serving methods and table tennis

The surface covering material should be opaque and bright red on one side and black on the other. At least 85% of the blade thickness must be natural wood. Rally is the period in which the ball is played. Pressure is a rally that doesn't score.

Example 3. The first serve - a quick run along the right diagonal, in the expectation that the opponent will not have time to take it with the tops right through. The second serve is on the same diagonal, but flat. Racket - at about the same angle. The opponent expects a topspin and sends the ball into the net.

If you have contrasting rubbers (for example, smooth and spiked), then try to serve in one motion, but different parties. True, you must be prepared for the fact that an attentive opponent will take advantage of the weakness of your spiked serve.

A point is a rally whose result is scored. The server is a player due to hitting the ball on the rally. The receiver is a player due to hitting the ball during the rally. A ball must be considered to pass over or around the net if it passes anywhere else between the net and the net, or between the net and the playing surface.

The service must begin with the ball resting freely on the open palm of the server's motionless free hand. The server then projects the ball almost vertically upwards without transmitting spin so that it rises at least 16 cm after leaving the free hand and then falls without touching anything before hitting. When the ball falls, the server hits it so that it first touches his or her court and then, after passing through or around the net, directly touches the recipient's court; in doubles, the ball must consistently touch the right half of the server and receiver courts.

For short serves, the height of the ball's rebound after hitting on the opponent's side is very important. With a good serve, it should bounce below the net. This is only possible when the ball has flown over the net with a small margin. Since each next bounce of the ball from the table is lower than the previous one, it is necessary to hit the ball with a racket when serving at a point just above the net, without driving the ball into the table.

From the start of the service until it is hit, the ball must be above the level of the playing surface and behind the end line of the server, and it must not be hidden from the receiver by the server or its doubling partner or anything they are wearing or carrying. As soon as the ball is projected, the free hand and the server's hand must be removed from the space between the ball and the net.

The space between the ball and the grid is defined by the ball, the network and its indefinite upward extension. It is the player's responsibility that the referee or assistant referee may be satisfied that he or she complies with the requirements of the Laws and may either decide that the service is incorrect. If the referee or assistant referee is unsure of the legality of the service, he or she may, for the first time in a match, interrupt the game and warn the server; But any subsequent service by that player or his or her double partner that is not clearly legal is considered improper.

"Pendulum" and "fan".

Lateral rotations.

Serves with strong lateral rotation and low forward speed are especially dangerous. With a passive reception, the opponent's ball bounces sharply to the side. If you imperceptibly add top or bottom rotation, then with a high probability the opponent will not cope well with the reception.

To give the ball a strong lateral rotation and low speed, it is necessary to lead the racket almost along the back line at the moment of impact. The racquet gains speed mainly by turning the forearm around the elbow. In this case, the elbow is above or below the racket. In the first case, the pitch is called a "pendulum", in the second - a "fan". Both of them are good because they allow you to give the ball a hidden extra spin.

Exceptionally, a judge may relax the requirements for proper maintenance if he or she is satisfied that compliance is hindered by a physical disability. A ball that has been served or returned must be hit so that it passes through or around the net and touches the opponents' court, either directly or after touching the net assembly.

In singles, the server must perform the first service and the receiver must return, and then in turn each must return. In doubles, the server must first perform the service, then the receiver must receive a return, then the server's partner must return, then the receiver's partner must return, and then each player in turn must return in that sequence.

When serving "fan", the player in a deep squat sideways to the opponent directs the shoulder along the end line of the table, moving the forearm to the head. At the beginning of the shock phase, the racket goes up, passes the top point above the elbow, then goes down in an arc. The trick is that the meeting of the racket with the ball can be before or after the top point. In the first case, the racket has an upward speed, due to which it gives an addition to the top rotation, in the second - similarly - to the bottom one. The player can change this addition by changing the toss of the ball or by changing the position of the elbow.

If rallying is not allowed, the player must score a point. If the opponent does not perform the correct service. If the opponent cannot make a correct return. If, after having performed a service or return, the ball touches anything other than the collection assembly before being hit by the opponent.

If the ball passes through his or her court or out of his or her end line without touching his or her court after being hit by an opponent. If the opponent interferes with the ball. If the opponent deliberately hits the ball twice in a row. If an opponent hits the ball with the side of the blade of the racquet that does not meet requirements 3, 4 and 5.

The addition of rotation when applying the "pendulum" is similar.

Fast feed

in an uncomfortable corner for the opponent

in the stomach (in the elbow) of the opponent.

The point of hitting the ball with the racket should be close to the end line of the table in order to reduce the flight time of the ball, that is, the time for preparing the opponent for the reception.

The point of impact of the ball in its own half is close to the end line during fast serves (minimum bulge of the trajectory, maximum speed), and with short serves - closer to the center of the table.

If the opponent, or anything the opponent is wearing or carrying, moves the playing field. If the opponent, or anything the opponent is wearing or carrying, touches the net. If the opponent's free hand touches the playing surface. If doubles the opponent, hits the ball from the sequence set by the first server and the first receiver.

As provided in the accelerated system. His or her opponent does not maintain minimal contact with the seat or cushion, with the back of the thigh, when the ball is hit. His or her opponent touches the table with their hand before hitting the ball. The footrest or leg rest of his or her foot touches the floor during play.

Short cut. If the racket goes as in a normal cut, that is, forward, and the blade is almost horizontal, then the ball receives a high translational speed. If you lower the speed, then the rotation will also decrease. What to do? You can also open the racket, so that the blade is directed a little back, by 10 degrees, and beat up and down, also about 10 degrees to the horizontal. This feed is effective, but difficult to master. It is much easier to master the movement as when cutting, while lowering the racket (you can - by tilting the body or bending the knees). If we tilt the racket to the side at the same time, we will add lateral rotation to the ball.

As provided in the order of play. The game must be won by the player or pairs by first scoring 11 points, unless both players or pairs score 10 points when the game is won by the first player or pair, subsequently gaining a 2-point lead. The match must consist of the best from any odd number of games.

The objective of the game is simple; Hit the ball over the net to your opponent's side. The point is won by you if your opponent cannot get the ball back to their side of the table, or if they hit the ball before it bounces on their side of the table. The winner of the game is the first to 11 points. It goes to the player who successfully completes the rally, regardless of who served.

Do not get hung up on working out complex elements. The difficulty of your serves should roughly match the level of your game today. Spending a lot of time practicing one element, you train others less. In a meeting with you, the opponent will gradually neutralize your strengths and will actively use your weaknesses. A player's level is determined by his weak points.

A match can consist of as many games as you like, just make sure you agree to this beforehand! The player takes two serves before the ball switches to the opponent to serve, except for periods additional game where it changes every time. The first person to serve at the start of the game can be defined in many ways, we'll leave that up to you! Wake can be diagonal or straight in singles.

The service must be diagonal, from the right half to the opponent's right halfback. Switching service in doubles is as follows. At the start of the game, the serving team will decide which player will play first. In doubles, you must alternate your shot with your partner.

The ball left a wet mark on the rubber. The point is not replayed. If you think an opponent has wet the ball on purpose, contact the Referee.

Be mentally prepared for the fact that the opponent will try to piss you off with various unethical (in your opinion) tricks - dragging out time before serving, screaming, stomping, loudly asking into space: “Who am I losing to?!?” His racquet may not comply with the International Rules. He may insist on playing a ball you don't like. He may not throw the ball or hit on takeoff ... Everyone has their own ideas about the ethics of behavior. Knowing the Rules can save you from many nervous disorders. By following the Rules, you will be able to demand the same from others.

The ball must first bounce on your side and then on your opponents. Your opponent must allow the ball to hit their side of the table before trying to return it. The ball must pass cleanly over the net - if it "pins" the net and goes over, it's a "let" and the serve is returned.

For service, the ball rests freely on the open palm. The hand with the ball must be above the level of the table. The ball should project upward. The ball must hit when it falls and at the table. Know what spin is on the ball. The key to acquiring this important skill is to carefully observe your opponent's racket as he makes contact with the ball.

Experienced tennis players know that a significant amount of time must be devoted to the process of training serving techniques, because serving cannot be done “as it happens”. Correctly chosen tactics are the main way to victory. The technical skill of a table tennis player is determined by the cleanliness of the execution of strikes, cuts and serves.

It should be remembered that there are three type of innings and with the bottom rotation of the ball: with the departure to the right, to the left and back. Their effectiveness is determined by the position of the ball relative to the net: the lower and closer to the net the serve is directed, the more effective it is. The purpose of the serve to the left or right is to encourage the opponent to make a mistake when he chooses the direction of the return kick.

Compensate for rotation with the angle of the rackets. If top hairpin, turn your lead racquet face down and face the ball above its center; if reverse spin, lift lead racquet face up and face the ball below its center; if right side pin, turn lead racquet to face right and face the ball to the left of its centerline; if left side stand, turn lead racket to face left and connect the ball to the right of the center line.

Holding the racquet at the suggested angle, gently swipe forward. Only after you have developed the "feel" for the spin should you stroke the ball with more force. Use your body as you stroke your kick. Make sure you rotate your hips and shoulders back as you run and then forward into the ball as you stroke your kick. This movement is coordinated by shifting your body weight from your back foot to your front foot. The harder you hit your punch, the stronger your weight transfer will be.

For example, if you make a cut and, as it were, pull the racket towards you, then the ball will move to the left corner of the table with bottom rotation. With sawing contact in a straight line, the ball will return back. These are just two of the many techniques used in table tennis serving. The proposed video will tell you more about the types of filings.

Table tennis is an excellent way not only to relax, but also to improve your health. After all, table tennis has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the arms and back, strengthens the heart and improves the speed of reaction. And it is also a great activity that everyone can do, regardless of age and physical condition.

serve ball opponent undercut

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Without a good serve in modern table tennis, there can be no good counting game. AT recent times the serve has become such an important attacking technique that you can immediately win a point. The serve not only introduces the ball into the game (such a task can only be set at the beginning of training), but also makes it difficult for the opponent to start attacking. The course of the point draw largely depends on what kind of serve you serve.

As well as strikes, serves can be performed from the right and left, i.e. palmar and back side rackets. The serve is the only hit that does not depend on the actions of the partner, because you throw the ball to yourself. The serve technique consists of two parts: tossing the ball and the blow itself. Consider the basic rules for serving.

The ball is tossed from an open palm, with the thumb set aside and the other four fingers extended and tightly closed. Hold the hand with the ball lying on it in front of you or to the side of you - it is more convenient to perform a toss. Be sure to make sure that the hand with the ball does not fall below the level of the table, does not cross the extension of the back line of the table and is not above the table - in this case, the serve will be considered incorrectly served.

The ball is tossed to any height, but not lower than 16 cm, so that the opponent can see it and it is convenient for you to swing and serve. When tossed, the flight path of the ball can deviate from the vertical up to 45 °. Some players throw the ball high, trying to use kinetic energy falling ball. However, the most important thing when performing a serve is the moment of interaction between the racket and the ball. With the help of the ball, you can give different directions of rotation. However, the greatest difficulty for the opponent will be serving with lateral and mixed rotation.

Since in table tennis there is an infinite number (about 1500) of innings, which differ in the form of movement of the hand with the racket, in the trajectory of the ball, the direction of rotation, etc., we will consider only some of them.

Serves can be performed with a cut and roll movement, you already know this, but also in other more complex ways. Consider two more types of serves that you can adopt.

Feed "pendulum".

This name comes from the movement itself, since the forearm and hand with the racket move along the trajectory really like a pendulum: from left to right when serving with the back of the racket (Fig. 15) and from right to left when serving with the palm side of the racket (Fig. 16).

Rice. fifteen. Serve "pendulum" with the back of the racket

Rice. 16. Serve "pendulum" with the palm side of the racket

Rice. 17.

Rice. eighteen. Feed "fan" from the right-hand rack

With this serve, the ball can be given a different rotation, depending on at what point in time the racket hits the ball - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the movement (Fig. 17). Depending on this, the ball can acquire bottom, side, top or mixed rotation. Therefore, when the opponent is serving, you need to carefully monitor at what point in the movement the ball hit the racket, otherwise it is difficult to determine with what rotation the served ball flies.

Serving "fan".

The fan service is performed, as a rule, only with the palm side of the racket.

The hand describes a semicircle, directed by the convex side up. A distinction is made between performing a fan to the right side, from left to right, while the player takes a right-handed stance (Fig. 18), and performing a fan feed in the “fan” feed to the left side (Fig. 19), when the tennis player becomes facing the table. A hit on the ball, as in the previous type of serve, can be performed in the ascending part of the trajectory of movement, at the top point or at the end of the movement (Fig. 20). This predetermines a different direction of rotation.

Rice. 19. Feed "fan" from the neutral rack

Rice. twenty. The moments of impact of the racket with the ball during execution


To increase the mobility of the hand when performing the serve, the grip of the racket changes slightly. The racket itself is held by the thumb and forefinger, while the handle is only lightly held by the other three fingers.

Try to relax the hand as much as possible and perform a movement that is not wide, but biting, with maximum acceleration.

Before starting the serve, try to take the correct starting position. This will help you not only to serve well, but also to be ready for the next hit after it.

Pay close attention to the angle of the racket during its interaction with the ball. The accuracy of hitting the ball on the table depends on this.

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