We will tell you where to play table tennis.

Interesting 10.05.2018

The game professionals table tennis argue that in the coming decades, hardly anyone will be able to grow to the level of players in the Middle Kingdom. The Chinese, who train almost 24 hours a day, hold the bar of invincibility so confidently that the whole world is already used to taking this state of affairs calmly. However, table tennis remains a popular sport in many parts of the world.

We invite schoolchildren from 7 to 16 years old to the table tennis section.

Classes are held in a spacious, well-lit hall in mini-groups of up to 8 people. We have 4 truly worthy tennis tables in our arsenal: 2 semi-professional tables Donic and 2 Cornilleau Competition 740 (official tables of world-class competitions approved by ITTF - international federation table tennis). In addition, 2 robots are used during the training process: tennis guns Joola TT-Buddy PRO (semi-professional) and Robo-Pong 2050 (professional). They replace a partner in the process of developing skills, throwing balls at a given speed, rotation, direction and interval. We hope that your training sessions in our club will be exciting and effective.

Timetable of classes:

Special training OFP / SFP:

7-16 years old

OFP (total physical training) - the system of classes exercise which is aimed at the development of all physical qualities

SFP (special physical training) is a process of educating physical qualities that ensures the predominant development of those motor abilities that are necessary for playing table tennis.

1 rub/week= 1 700 rub/month
one-time = 500 rubles.

Tennis table rental - 400 rubles per hour.
Table rental is not a hall rental.
Up to 4 tables can be used in the hall at the same time.

In the catalog of Glavsport there were 328 places for you in Moscow where table tennis lessons are held. This sport will help strengthen not only physical form but also spirit. And we, in turn, will help you choose the right table tennis lessons by providing a list of places that Moscow offers. Check out the reviews, photos, cost of attendance, location on the map and choose the most suitable sports facility.

Promotions and special offers of fitness clubs:

Table tennis clubs and sections in Moscow

Table tennis has been a very popular sport for decades. In this article, we will offer you a list of places where you can play table tennis in Moscow. Both children and adults with great pleasure spend their time at the tennis table. Moscow provides a huge selection of halls where you can compete in this sport.
Clubs for all ages

Let's start with a network of table tennis clubs. Clubs offer not only table rentals. Tennis clubs constantly hold sets of groups for the table tennis section. Every day there are classes for all ages of the population. With its decor and atmosphere, the club has won excellent reviews from visitors. For regular customers there is a discount system.

Also, a professional table tennis school in Moscow is perfect for training. The difference of this school is that it not only teaches people of all ages and abilities en masse, but you can order a teacher at home or at country cottage area, for example. They teach at the school according to all world standards, and the price for education is affordable for everyone. Table tennis is an Olympiad sport, and competitions of regional, national and international scale are also held.

Clubs offer not only table rentals. They constantly hold sets of groups for the table tennis section. Every day there are classes for all ages of the population. Such clubs have won excellent reviews from visitors with their decor and atmosphere. For regular customers there is a discount system.

We will tell you where to play table tennis

Very good environment in the sports and health facilities. Groups are also recruited there to learn and play table tennis. One of the advantages of the club is that classes are free for pensioners. If you know how to play or just decide to pass the time for an active holiday, the Table Tennis Club is perfect for you. Two tables and a cozy, pleasant atmosphere of the club will allow you to have a good time with the same tennis fans. A well-lit spacious room can accommodate a huge company. The club is great for corporate sporting events, school competitions, etc.

Good luck with your game

This is just a small part of what can be described in this article. There are a lot of clubs and places where you can play table tennis in Moscow. And if you mark all the places on the map of the city, then the map will simply be dotted with marks. So choose according to your taste and color. Good luck with your game.

It is necessary to instill in a child a love of physical activity and sports from the very beginning. early age. It’s good if the child does morning exercises, plays a lot in the yard and spends a minimum of time playing in computer games. The sports section or club will bring more benefit to the physical development of the baby, in the choice of which parents, as a rule, are guided by their prestige and prospects for the sport, as well as taking into account the preferences of their child. Sometimes busy moms and dads choose a sports school that is closer to home than others and enroll a child without asking his opinion. If only there were health benefits!

In fact, not all sports are equally suitable for all children. In addition to taking into account the contraindications that many sport games, as well as restrictions on age and loads, the chosen sport should correspond to the temperament of the child and his interests. Also, parents should focus on such an indicator as the maximum benefit for the health of the child. As for the last point, in this sense, table tennis is on the list various kinds sports is one of the leading places.

Benefits of table tennis

First of all, experts recommend paying attention to this simple game with rackets and a ball for the parents of those children who cannot develop a beautiful handwriting. After all, the first advantage of table tennis is the development of fine motor skills. Classes will also be useful for children who are engaged in drawing. As for teenagers, ping-pong classes allow them to restore their eyesight after long hours at the computer or even textbooks. Every game of table tennis is an essential exercise for the eyes (focusing on an object close and then far away). Ping pong allows you to quickly and efficiently develop high speed reactions, as well as excellent coordination of movements. If your child is often motion sick in transport, a table shade will help train the vestibular apparatus.

As for the physical components, table tennis requires an extremely high energy expenditure, despite its apparent simplicity. More calories can be burned by playing badminton or tennis. Therefore, if your child is overweight, this sport will help to quickly bring him into the necessary shape. During the game, a large number of muscle groups are involved. First of all, these are the muscles of the arms and legs, as well as the back and abdominals. Playing table tennis, the child trains the heart muscle, and also develops respiratory system.

During the game, the cells of the body begin to actively saturate with oxygen already in the second minute. Ping-pong also brings up psychological qualities, for example, stress resistance, efficiency of thinking, high concentration of attention, self-control. This sport has a positive effect on the central nervous system, so it is recommended even for advanced cases of chronic fatigue in adults.

Features of table tennis

In the ping-pong section, kids are recruited, starting from six to seven years old. Here greater value has, perhaps, not the age, but the height of the child, since, as a rule, there are no special, children's tables for playing ping-pong in the sections. Children begin to be taught immediately at standard tables.

For the child to show nice results in the section, as well as for general it physical development, experts recommend that parents additionally engage with their baby. It is useful to arrange cross-country races for not too long distances (you can do it at a stadium or in an ordinary city park) - two to three times a week. Swimming and gymnastics are also useful, as a young tennis player must be quite flexible. But they especially help good performance in ping-pong dance classes, as the sense of rhythm plays a big role in table tennis. If you want your child to play table tennis, you will have to allow him to "knock" the ball against the wall daily for half an hour.

In addition to all its benefits, table tennis carries such a danger as scoliosis - due to the load on only one side of the body. To prevent this from happening, the child must additionally strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals. Before your child starts playing ping-pong seriously, get examined not only by a pediatrician, but also by an orthopedist, as table tennis puts a high load on the musculoskeletal system.

How to choose a table tennis class

Today, ping-pong classes are held both in sports schools and sports palaces, as well as in fitness centers or clubs. Lessons can be both paid and free. In addition to group lessons, there are many options for private lessons. Pay attention to the tables and inventory - they must be new and of high quality, even better - professional. But even more important than the atmosphere in the hall is the personality of the coach, especially on initial stage learning. It is very important to teach the child to put hands and feet correctly, to hold the racket correctly. If this does not happen, the child will begin to play the way he is “used to”, and it will be much more difficult to argue with him.

Chat with the trainer, find out according to what scheme he plans to conduct classes. The fact is that table tennis is a specific sport, the technique of which is best taught one on one with a coach. But most often there are 15-20 people in a group, so one of the children will definitely remain deprived of attention.

It is good if the coach practices learning games and tries to pay maximum attention to each of the students.

The following training options are available:

  • The simplest form of training, especially for the youngest, novice players, is the racquet kicking relay. Children are divided into two teams and one by one they try to go a certain distance, stuffing the ball on the racket, trying not to drop it.
  • It is good if each of the students will spend some time with the trainer. To do this, a teacher stands at one end of the table, and young players line up behind the other. The first one beats off the coach's serve and runs off to the side, standing behind him also tries to hit the ball. And so on - until all the players have played the game several times.
  • Another game option that helps to simultaneously develop the respiratory system and teach children not to “lie down” on the table during the game is “air table tennis”. The grid is removed above the table, the children are divided into two teams and try to “beat off” the ball, blowing it with all their might. The goal is to keep the ball from falling into the team's half of the table.

A good and caring coach will encourage children to learn effectively - hold competitions, reward the winners with symbolic prizes (of course, related to the sport, for example, a set of balls or a new racket). Children quickly get bored with the same type of boring activities, so it is important to diversify them as much as possible. By providing your child with an interest in table tennis, you will instill in him true love to ping-pong, and this is a very tangible benefit for his physical development.

Table tennis, or ping-pong, is one of the most popular and exciting individual-team sports. It is popular, accessible, and the numbers speak for themselves: 3-4 people out of 100 are engaged in it at an amateur or professional level. During its existence, the materials and equipment of table tennis have changed to some extent, but the principle of the game, in fact, remained the same, classical: the main goal is to hit the ball into the opponent's territory so that he could not beat it off.

Ping-pong is popular all over the world, representatives of different countries and continents. Now players from China, Japan and other Asian countries dominate. But it is gratifying that the Russian team is also growing up: in our city there are specialized sections and sports clubs where boys and girls can get acquainted with the rules and features of table tennis, improve their level of training through persistent and systematic training.

Ping pong is a gambling, exciting game that has a beneficial effect on physical health and mental state of the children. Thanks to this sport, reaction speed, accuracy, accuracy, eye, accuracy, the ability to assess the game situation, calculate moves are developed. The seeming simplicity of table tennis rules is a myth: it is a whole philosophy that takes many years to comprehend. But the result is so nice!

Racket for a preschooler: making the right choice

Parents whose preschool children have just started playing table tennis often think about what kind of racket their child needs. It seems to be undignified to extract a Soviet rarity from a dusty chest - a source of pride for older relatives ... On the other hand, there is no point in acquiring a "status thing" for a beginner: the child must first learn how to hold the racket correctly, and just sit correctly at the tennis table. At this time, children learn the simplest strokes, serves, and all the subtleties and nuances begin at 2-3 years of training. A preschooler in a fit of emotion can easily damage the racket, throw it, tear off the surface, etc .: therefore, the best option is inexpensive, but with good coverage and without the addition of harmful chemicals.

Table tennis professionals argue that in the coming decades, hardly anyone will be able to grow to the level of players in the Middle Kingdom. The Chinese, who train almost 24 hours a day, hold the bar of invincibility so confidently that the whole world is already used to taking this state of affairs calmly. However, table tennis remains a popular sport in many parts of the world.

We invite schoolchildren from 7 to 16 years old to the table tennis section.

Classes are held in a spacious, well-lit hall in mini-groups of up to 8 people. In our arsenal of 4, without exaggeration, worthy tennis tables: 2 semi-professional tables Donic and 2 Cornilleau Competition 740 (official tables of world-class competitions approved by ITTF - International Table Tennis Federation). In addition, 2 robots are used during the training process: tennis guns Joola TT-Buddy PRO (semi-professional) and Robo-Pong 2050 (professional). They replace a partner in the process of developing skills, throwing balls at a given speed, rotation, direction and interval. We hope that your training sessions in our club will be exciting and effective.

Timetable of classes:

Special training OFP / SFP:

7-16 years old

OFP (general physical training) - a system of physical exercises, which is aimed at developing all physical qualities

SFP (special physical training) is a process of educating physical qualities that ensures the predominant development of those motor abilities that are necessary for playing table tennis.

1 rub/week= 1 700 rub/month
one-time = 500 rubles.

Tennis table rental - 400 rubles per hour.
Table rental is not a hall rental.
Up to 4 tables can be used in the hall at the same time.

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