National Anti-Terrorism Committee. National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) National Anti-Terrorism Committee mission

Family and relationships 30.06.2019
Family and relationships


Terror as a way to achieve goals in the political struggle through physical violence and moral and psychological intimidation has been known since the dawn of human civilization. Today, however, terrorism has become one of the most dangerous global problems modernity, a serious threat to the security of the entire world community. Unfortunately, Russia was among the countries that faced the most aggressive manifestations of it.

In recent years, our country has taken a number of effective measures to curb terrorism and create an effective nationwide system to counter it. It was possible to significantly weaken the positions of the gangster underground in the North Caucasus region. But modern terrorism is notable for its extraordinary vitality. He quickly adapts to changes in the situation, improves in manifestations of deceit, sophisticated cruelty, meanness and treachery.

The world and domestic experience of the anti-terrorist struggle suggests that in order to be successful in countering this evil, the active participation of the whole society is necessary. It requires understanding, trust and full support for the security measures taken by law enforcement agencies to prevent terrorist attacks. Every citizen needs to have anti-terrorist knowledge and skills to ensure personal and public security.

Specialists of the office of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee have prepared and placed in this brochure the answers to the most typical questions in the field of anti-terrorist security problems, which representatives of the media, public organizations, ordinary citizens most often ask law enforcement officers, local authorities power and self-government.

The brochure is intended for the general reader.

1. What is terrorism? What do its inspirers and organizers achieve in our country?

According to federal law Russian Federation"On Countering Terrorism" terrorism is the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing decision-making by state authorities, local governments or international organizations related to intimidation of the population and (or) other forms of illegal violent actions.

Countering terrorism - the activities of public authorities and local governments to: prevent terrorism, including the identification and subsequent elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of terrorist acts (terrorism prevention); detection, prevention, suppression, disclosure and investigation of terrorist acts (prevention of terrorism); minimization and (or) elimination of the consequences of manifestations of terrorism.

In our country, terrorists are trying to discredit and destroy state power, to split our multinational people, to impose their misanthropic ideology, to establish the power of violence and lawlessness. Under the guise of lofty and noble goals, they cynically doom innocent people to pain and suffering.

Rapidly losing support among the population, they actually turned into mercenaries of international terrorist structures a long time ago.

2. In modern world Terrorism is one of the most acute and topical problems. Did it exist at other stages of human development?

An analysis of the development of human society allows us to conclude that terrorism existed at the dawn of its formation, as a means of achieving goals in the struggle to gain and retain power, as an ideology to justify violence and cruelty.

One of the first organizations whose terrorist methods of activity have information in written sources is the Jewish religious sect of the Sicarii (from the Latin sicarii - daggers, sica - dagger), which operated in the 1st century AD in the ancient Roman province of Judea. The Cicarii led an uprising against Roman domination. Along with the Roman invaders, they destroyed representatives of the Jewish nobility who collaborated with the invaders, as well as ordinary Jews, in order to intimidate the population and officials of the province.

In the Middle Ages, the Ismailis actively used terror in the fight against their ideological and political opponents - adherents of one of the most widespread Muslim Shiite sects, which formed after a religious split and a fierce struggle for power in the Arab Caliphate in the middle of the 8th century AD.

The Ismailis and similar Islamic sects gave terrorism the character of religious self-sacrifice and a spiritual act of holy war against the "infidels".

The period of the early Middle Ages includes the first information about the use of terrorist methods in the activities of various secret societies in India and China. They were especially widespread in the struggle of the Chinese so-called "triads" with the Manchu invaders and European colonialists in the 17th - 19th centuries. Subsequently, the "triads" were transformed into criminal communities, the goals of which had nothing to do with the national liberation movement.

It is characteristic that almost all secret terrorist societies, which began to use terror as a means of achieving political goals, went through this path of development. After they lost the support of the broad masses of the population, they inevitably turned into ordinary criminal groups.

The terms "terrorism" and "terror" (from the Latin terror - fear, horror) have been widely used since the French bourgeois revolution of 1789-1794. Initially, the concept of "terror" as a form of struggle for the conquest and retention of revolutionary power was used in a positive context, but later the word "terrorist" turned into a synonym for the word "criminal" and began to be offensive.

Since the second half of the 19th century, terrorism has been increasingly viewed by radical politicians in Europe and North America as "a barbaric means of combating a barbarian system", "a weapon with which the strength and discipline of the reactionary troops can be opposed to the chaos created by a small group of people."

In the 20th century, the range of motives for using terror methods has expanded significantly. If the ideologists of terror in the 19th century viewed terror as self-sacrifice for the good of society, then its followers in the next century saw it primarily as a means to seize power.

The theory and practice of terror was further developed during World War II and after it. During this period, civilians increasingly become targets of terrorism, illegal, anti-government terror, which received a powerful impetus at the beginning of the collapse of the world colonial system and the intensification of the struggle of the peoples of the colonies and dependent countries for national liberation, became widespread.

The 60-80s of the last century are characterized by the intensification of left-wing radical terror in Western Europe, as well as numerous extremist and terrorist Maoist groups in Southeast Asia and Latin America, which often coordinated their activities with transnational drug crime.

At this time, the activities of terrorist organizations in various regions of the world receive support, and sometimes openly inspired by the leading powers of the world in order to achieve the goals " cold war between West and East. It was then in Afghanistan, during the period of participation in the conflict on the territory of this country of the military contingent of the USSR, in order to unite the various extremist groups and movements that opposed it, with the support of the special services of a number of Western countries and Pakistan, the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda was created, which today has turned into an international terrorist network.

With the end of the Cold War, the cessation of support and the loss of permanent sources of funding, many terrorist structures began to move towards self-financing through the sale of drugs, weapons, and the organization of illegal migration.

A new impetus for the development of the ideology and practice of terrorism in the world is associated with the growth of activity in the second half of the past and at the beginning of the current centuries of radical Islam, the transformation of its structures into a trans-border terrorist community that claims the monopoly right to protect Muslims from the social injustice of the modern world order.

In terms of cynicism, cruelty and the extent of the damage caused by terrorist attacks, modern terrorists are unparalleled in human history.

3. What are the features and place of terrorism in our national history?

AT ancient Russia terror as a method of achieving goals in the struggle for power over subjects and political opponents was a widespread phenomenon, which corresponded to the level of political culture of the neighboring states of Europe and Asia. Subsequently, through systematic mass terror, the regime of vassal dependence of the Russian principalities on the Mongol-Tatar conquerors was maintained.

During the period of the “oprichnina” of Ivan IV, a system of state terror was created in Russia to influence the boyars who resisted the tsarist will, to intimidate the population. Terror was a common method for solving domestic political and social problems under Peter I.

A new wave of terrorism in Russia was connected with the revolutionary events in France. The terror of the Jacobins in many ways inspired a group of guards officers to act against the autocracy on December 14, 1825. The ideas of terror as a means of fighting for a just social order in the face of increased social tension in the country found, if not approval, then understanding in the broad strata of the Russian liberal public, which paved the way for the creation in 1878 of the Narodnaya Volya organization, in whose activities the central place was given to "revolutionary terror".

The revolution of 1905 and the events that followed it were accompanied by the further development of political terror, which was widely used in their activities by both left (Socialist-Revolutionaries) and Right (Black Hundreds) parties and movements. Another wave of terror in Russia rose after the October Revolution of 1917. It was caused by an extremely sharp political struggle that unfolded on the territory of the country between the new government and counter-revolutionary forces supported from outside and interested in restoring the previous regime.

On December 20, 1917, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission was formed to combat counter-revolution and sabotage in Soviet Russia. F.E. Dzerzhinsky was appointed its first chairman. This body actually became the basis of the system for countering counter-revolutionary terror, which was opposed to the "Red Terror". Terror as a method of struggle for strengthening power was used by the state even after the end of civil war. This was largely facilitated by the atmosphere of the threat of fascist state terror and aggression, in the conditions of which the policy of our state was formed at that time.

In the 70s - 80s of the last century, terrorism as a systemic socio-political phenomenon practically disappeared from political life our country. However, subsequently, due to the change in the socio-political situation, the growth of crisis phenomena in society, the number of terrorist manifestations on the territory of the USSR began to grow.

The weakening of the state and its system of countering terrorism in the context of a sharp decline in the standard of living "unfrozen" many long-standing inter-ethnic, inter-confessional contradictions and conflicts. He raised his head and began to rapidly organize crime, intensified interference in the internal affairs of our country by the special services of states unfriendly to Russia. The terrorist challenge of the 90s of the last century threatened the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.

The exit of the Russian Federation from the period of crisis upheavals and decisive steps taken by the state leadership to improve the effectiveness of the counter-terrorism system have now made it possible to achieve tangible success in this area, primarily in the North Caucasus region, which is most prone to terrorist manifestations.

4. What is the nationwide system of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation? What is the place of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee in it?

The organizational foundations of the nationwide system of countering terrorism in our country are determined by the Federal Law of March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ "On Countering Terrorism", as well as Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2006 No. 116 "On Measures to Counter Terrorism".

According to the normative documents listed above, the authorities in the field of countering terrorism of state authorities - the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as structures created to improve the efficiency of coordination of anti-terrorist activities - the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, the Federal Operational Headquarters, as well as anti-terrorist commissions and operational headquarters in subjects of the Russian Federation.

The President of the Russian Federation determines the main directions of the state anti-terrorist policy, establishes the competence of the federal executive bodies directly supervised by him in the field of countering terrorism, and also decides on the use of military and special units abroad to combat terrorist manifestations against the Russian Federation and its citizens.

The Government of the Russian Federation determines the competence of the federal executive authorities (which it manages) in the field of countering terrorism, organizes the development and implementation of anti-terrorist measures, comprehensive support for the anti-terrorist activities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 116 of February 15, 2006 “On Measures to Counter Terrorism” appointed the National Anti-Terrorism Committee as the coordinator of the actions of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in countering terrorism.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the activities of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies in the field of countering terrorism is carried out by anti-terrorist commissions headed by the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To organize the planning of the use of forces and means of the federal executive authorities and their territorial counter-terrorism agencies, as well as to manage counter-terrorism operations, the Federal Operational Headquarters was formed as part of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee.

Counter-terrorist operations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are managed by the operational headquarters formed in them for this purpose.

The activities of antiterrorist commissions and operational headquarters in the subjects of the Russian Federation are coordinated and controlled by the National Antiterrorist Committee.

The Chairman of the Committee ex officio is the Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of the NAC are:

Preparation of proposals to the President of the Russian Federation on the formation public policy in the field of countering terrorism, as well as on improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area;

Coordination of anti-terrorism activities of federal executive authorities, anti-terrorist commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as organizing their interaction with executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations and organizations;

Development of measures to counter terrorism, eliminate the causes and conditions contributing to it, including measures to ensure the security of potential targets of terrorist attacks;

Participation in international cooperation in the field of countering terrorism, including in the preparation of projects international treaties the Russian Federation in this area;

Preparation of proposals for ensuring social protection of persons engaged in the fight against terrorism and (or) involved in this activity, as well as for the social rehabilitation of persons affected by terrorist acts.

The composition of the NAC by positions includes: Director of the FSB of Russia (Chairman of the Committee), Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation - Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman of the Committee), Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia (Deputy Chairman of the Committee - Head of the Committee Staff ), Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (as agreed), Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (as agreed), Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation - Minister of the Russian Federation, Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Liquidation consequences of natural disasters, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Minister of Health and social development of the Russian Federation, Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Director of the Federal Security Service of Russia, Head of Rosfinmonitoring, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Deputy Secretary of the Council Security of the Russian Federation.

5. Currently, in many leading countries of the world, in response to the continuing growth of the threat of a terrorist challenge, serious changes are taking place in the system of measures of state response to terrorist manifestations - various degrees of terrorist danger are being introduced, the procedure for notifying the population, etc. is being determined. What measures are being taken in this direction in our country?

A number of foreign countries (USA, Canada, Great Britain, France) have developed and put into operation various terrorist threat warning systems, the main purpose of which is to rank all potential threats, develop a unified algorithm for countering them, as well as unify warning systems and interaction between authorities all levels, the business community and the population in the event of a terrorist threat. So, in the USA, Canada, France, the levels of terrorist danger correspond to a color scale. For example, in the USA, 5 colors of the corresponding levels have been introduced (green, blue, yellow, orange, red). In the UK, the use of color scales has been abandoned and the critical levels of danger are classified as low, medium, increased, high, critical. Japan plans to create a unified automated system natural disaster alerts, missile attacks and terrorist attacks.

Used abroad and various ways notification of the population about the established level of terrorist threat. So in the US and the UK, information is posted on the Internet. In Japan, it is planned to broadcast a voice warning on radio and television channels.

Work to create a similar state system for responding to terrorist threats is currently underway in our country. Thus, in the apparatus of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, taking into account the existing domestic and foreign experience, relevant proposals for legal and organizational order which, after studying, analyzing and agreeing with the federal executive bodies concerned, should form the basis of this system.

6. Does the activities of various so-called "destructive sects" have anything to do with terror?

The overall picture of terrorist manifestations in the modern world would be incomplete without taking into account the activities of various totalitarian religious sects posing as either associations of allegedly "true, genuine, pure" representatives of various traditional world religions, or as followers of "God's chosen, blessed and cognizant of divine revelation persons", recognizing and promoting the right of their supporters to terror in the name of implementing the adventurous ideological attitudes of the leaders .

An example of such an international totalitarian sect, which had its branches 10-15 years ago in Australia, Russia, Germany, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, the USA, Ukraine, Taiwan, is Aum Senrikyo, founded in 1987 in Japan, "famous" chemical attacks in Tokyo and Yokohama, as a result of which 10 people died and almost 5 thousand received poisoning of varying severity. Currently, this sect, which continues its activities under the name "Aleph", continues to hatch plans to seize power in Japan through the active use of the possibilities of cyberterrorism.

According to experts, there are currently about 1 million followers of various destructive sects in Russia.

7. Currently, quite often in the media there is information about false reports about impending terrorist attacks. Is there any criminal liability for such actions?

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for these offenses, in particular, Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation determines that a knowingly false report about an impending explosion, arson or other actions that create a danger of death of people, causing significant property damage or the onset of other public dangerous consequences shall be punishable by a fine in the amount up to 200 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period up to 18 months, or by corrective labor for a term of one to two years, or by arrest for a term of three to six months, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years.

The analysis of law enforcement practice in relation to this type of crimes, carried out by the apparatus of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, showed that the vast majority of the so-called "telephone terrorists" are teenagers aged 11-17, more often from socially disadvantaged, single-parent families, who are burdened by studying, having problems in relationships with teachers, suffering from mental disorders, etc. The motives for their actions are usually hooligan motives, revenge, the desire to improve their social status, gain pseudo-authority from their comrades, etc.

According to the results of the past year, more than 60% of such crimes occur in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the Central and Volga-Urals federal districts. It is noteworthy that the smallest number of phone calls with false reports of impending terrorist acts was noted in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the Southern Federal District, which are characterized by the greatest terrorist activity, and the fight against terror is an everyday reality - in the Chechen Republic and in the Republic of Ingushetia.

Despite the emerging downward trend (more than 3 times over the period 2004-2007), the total number of these crimes is still high. Their negative socio-economic and political consequences are significant, since significant forces and means are diverted to carrying out activities to search for explosive devices and evacuate people, the level of social tension is growing, and the efforts of authorities and law enforcement agencies to counter terrorism are discredited.

Unfortunately, often the nature of information posted in the media about such crimes provokes potential offenders, creates an illusion of impunity and unwittingly pushes individual citizens, especially among young people, to express themselves through such actions, since such reports often only state the fact of a false report, without indicating the consequences, the amount of damage suffered and, most importantly, without indicating the responsibility to which the criminal is brought. Reports on the course of the investigation and the results of trials for such crimes are extremely rare.

The accusation in such criminal cases is necessarily accompanied by a civil claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred by various services for leaving on a false report and its verification, as well as damage to the owner of the premises (institution or enterprise) caused by a violation of the normal mode of operation. At the same time, if the offender is a minor citizen, the specified costs are reimbursed by his parents.

8. What means are most often used by terrorists in the preparation of explosions?

For criminal purposes, terrorists, as a rule, use typical factory-made and home-made explosives, as well as other dangerous substances and mixtures capable of exploding under certain conditions.

Explosives - chemical compounds or mixtures capable, under the influence of certain external influences (heating, impact, friction, explosion of another explosive) to a rapid self-propagating chemical transformation with the release of a large amount of energy and the formation of gases.

Ammunition - products of military equipment of disposable use intended to destroy enemy manpower: missile warheads, aerial bombs, artillery ammunition (shells, mines, shots), engineering ammunition (anti-tank and anti-personnel mines), hand grenades, small arms ammunition (cartridges for pistols, carbines, submachine guns, machine guns).

Pyrotechnics : cartridges (signal, lighting, imitation, special), explosives, rockets (lighting, signal), grenades (smoke, light and sound), smoke bombs, etc.

Terrorists also actively use various improvised explosive devices: improvised booby traps; mines surprises imitating household items or things that attract attention.

Concealed carrying under clothing and in hand luggage is the most common way to deliver terrorist funds to the site of a terrorist attack. Most often, this channel is used for the delivery of firearms. Firearms in assembled and disassembled form have well-known, quite specific and recognizable forms of units, parts and mechanisms. Explosive devices and radioactive substances can also be delivered under clothing and in hand luggage. Carried explosive devices, both regular (i.e., industrial-made) and improvised, can be camouflaged as household items. In practice, there were flashlights stuffed with explosives, hair dryers, fans, lamps, radios and tape recorders, electric shavers, coffee cans, canned food, thermoses, etc.

9. Most often, the fight against terror is a war without a front line. Terrorists can at any moment be among us under the guise of ordinary citizens. Are there signs by which it is possible to identify terrorists and their criminal intentions to prepare a terrorist act in order to take the necessary preventive measures?

The activities of terrorists are not always evident. But it may well seem suspicious and unusual. If signs of strange behavior are obvious, you must immediately report this to law enforcement agencies.

Be careful, try to remembersigns of criminals , distinctive features of their faces, clothes, names, nicknames, possible scars and tattoos, speech and behavioral features, etc.

Do not try to stop them yourself - you can become the first victim.

Be especially vigilant and beware of people dressed clearly out of season; if you see a person in summer wearing a raincoat or a thick jacket - be careful - terrorists most often hide bombs under such clothes; it is best to stay away from him and draw the attention of law enforcement officers to him;

Beware of people with large bags and suitcases, especially if they are in a place that is not suitable for such luggage (at the cinema or at a holiday).

Try to move as far as possible from those who behave inappropriately, nervously, frightened, looking around, checking something in their clothes or in their luggage.

If you cannot get away from a suspicious person, watch his facial expressions; experts say that a criminal preparing for a terrorist attack usually looks extremely concentrated, his lips are tightly compressed, or move slowly, as if reading a prayer.

In no case do not pick up forgotten things: bags, mobile, wallets; do not accept any gifts from strangers, do not take things with a request to transfer to another person.

Unfortunately, none of us is protected from a situation where we can be held hostage by terrorists. But still there are a few universal rules, following which you can avoid mistakes and save your life.

In a situation where there are signs of a hostage threat, try to avoid getting into their number. Leave the danger area immediately or hide. After hiding, wait for the terrorists to leave and leave the shelter as soon as possible and retire.

The exceptions are situations when you are in the field of view of terrorists or there is a high probability of meeting with them.

If you notice an armed or suspicious group of people heading towards you, immediately run.

If it was not possible to escape from the criminals, and you were taken hostage, try to remain calm and not show your fear. Do not offer resistance to terrorists, do not try to enter into conversation with them, do not seek to pity them or dissuade them from carrying out their plan. Fulfill their demands and do not react to their actions in relation to other hostages. You shouldn't express your outrage. Do not violate the rules set by terrorists, so as not to provoke a deterioration in the conditions of your detention. You should not, for example, try to contact relatives or law enforcement agencies. This may be perceived by your captors as defiance.

When taking hostages, it should be remembered that only at the very moment of the capture is there a real opportunity to escape from the scene. If this was not possible, tune in psychologically that you will not be released immediately, but this will certainly happen.

If an operation has begun to free you (assault), you must fall to the floor and cover your head with your hands; try to take a position away from windows and doorways. Stay away from terrorists because snipers can shoot at them during the operation. Explosions of walls, doors, windows, fire and smoke are also possible, therefore, it is necessary to determine for yourself the places of possible shelter from damaging elements, remove all synthetic clothing in advance, as it increases the likelihood of burns. It is also advisable to remove belts, straps from handbags and hide them in pockets - these items, if necessary, can be used as a hemostatic agent.

You should not take up arms so that you are not confused with terrorists. If near you or directly on you is installed explosive device, if possible, by voice or hand movement, make it clear to the intelligence officers who may approach you during the special operation. Record in memory all the events that accompany the capture. This information will be very important to law enforcement

11. It is known that during the period of being held hostage, the psyche of people in trouble is subjected to the most serious tests. What stressful situations can arise and what should citizens be prepared for when they are taken hostage?

A person who is taken hostage at first cannot believe that this has happened and adequately assess the situation. As the analysis of the behavior of the hostages shows, some of them may have an uncontrollable reaction of protest against the violence committed. It is important not to lose your temper, as in this situation the terrorists often kill the rebels. Terrorists, as a rule, are in a state of extreme stress and therefore are extremely aggressive.

The hostages, after the shock of the first hours of captivity, usually begin the process of adaptation - adaptation to absolutely abnormal conditions of existence. However, this is given at the price, first of all, of psychological traumas and disorders. The sharpness of sensations and experiences is quickly dulled, thus, the psyche protects itself. What revolted or led to despair is perceived as commonplace. At the same time, it is important not to lose the human face.

If possible, do not withdraw into yourself, try to look at other people, find out if someone needs help. Even a trifle - an understanding look, a word of support - will contribute to the fact that a contact will arise between you. If a person feels support, it becomes easier for him and everyone who is close to him. However, the hostages, as a rule, fail to avoid outbreaks of apathy and aggressiveness in their relations with each other. They are caused by a subconscious desire to relieve emotional overstrain, but this can further exacerbate the situation, provoke terrorists to aggressive actions.

A common misconception that people who are held hostage are often subject to is the desire and attempts to “understand” the kidnappers and awaken sympathy in them. However, this is a harmful illusion. Terrorist sympathies can be your first step towards betrayal of other hostages. Do not think that the militants will perceive you somehow in a new way.

The constant threat to life and the realization of one's helplessness can lead to the development of other mental phenomena. It may seem that you hear the sounds of an assault that seems to have begun, the voices of absent people, you see something strange in the darkness. However, this is not a sign of insanity, but a disorder that will pass no later than two weeks after release.

You can't allow yourself to focus on your feelings. There are many ways to get distracted: try to come up with some kind of game for yourself, remember half-forgotten poems, anecdotes, etc. For believers, prayer is a great help. It is very important not to forget about personal hygiene.

Being held hostage causes psychological trauma even to very resistant people. Those released are often burdened by feelings of guilt and shame, loss of self-respect, and various kinds of fears. Remember that this is a normal reaction for former hostages. To return to normal life quite a long period is required.

12. Representatives of criminals, committing acts of so-called mercenary terror, take people hostage (often minors and children) for subsequent blackmail of their relatives and friends in order to obtain a ransom. What can be recommended to citizens who unwittingly found themselves in the role of negotiators with criminals?

If one of your loved ones is taken hostage and some action is required as a condition for his release, first of all, make sure that he is alive and unharmed. It is unlikely that you will be given the opportunity to personally see the captured person, but it is simply necessary to talk to him on the phone. At the same time, the blackmailer should firmly state that you will not negotiate anything with him until you talk to the hostage. Leading the conversation:

first, make sure that on the other end of the wire is really the person about whom in question. Telephone communication is imperfect, and it is not always possible to identify even a very close person by the voice, so in a conversation try to get information that will convince you that it is really him;

secondly, conduct a conversation in such a way as to make sure that you are communicating with a living person, and not a tape recording;

thirdly, try to calm the hostage by saying that you will do everything in your power to free him as soon as possible;

fourthly, ask if everything is in order with him, how he is being treated, whether they have caused any harm;

fifthly, convince him that it would be better if he does not take any active steps so as not to aggravate the situation and not harm himself;

sixth, in no case do not try even indirectly to find out who captured him and where he is. This kind of curiosity can be very costly.

After that, you can listen to the blackmailer, his conditions. Most likely, we will talk about a certain amount of money in rubles or foreign currency. Regardless of whether you have such an amount available or not, try to ask for a deferral of payment, motivating that there is no such money at hand at the moment (except for the situation when you are immediately told that this amount of money lies with you in the bottom drawer of your desk).

If the negotiations are in person, ask for a second meeting, if by phone - a second call. And during this time, you should quickly decide what to do: fulfill the conditions of the criminal without turning to anyone for help, or still resort to the help of law enforcement agencies or a private firm (keep in mind that at present not all firms that undertake the solution problems of this kind can really solve them).

As international experience shows, blackmailing gives a delay for a very short time, and if you decide to turn to professionals for help, you should do it right away, since it takes some time to develop a plan of joint action and prepare a group specializing in the release of hostages. .

It is best to do this immediately, but by telephone, since the possibility of establishing surveillance of your movements from the moment of contact with the blackmailers should not be ruled out. Be prepared for the fact that when you call again, they can state with a confident voice that they absolutely know that you called the police and asked for help. In a personal meeting, such a question can also be asked, and here the matter is complicated by the fact that they only hear you on the phone, but they also see you in a personal meeting. You need to be psychologically prepared for such questions.

If the next telephone conversation with a person who has taken your loved one as a hostage will take place in the presence of law enforcement officers, try to discuss with them in advance the scheme and various options for talking with the criminal. This will eliminate the possibility of delays in answering questions, and there will be no suspicion on the other end of the wire that after each question you are getting advice from someone about what and how to answer.

It often happens that the blackmailer demands at any cost to speed up the time of the exchange. In this case, try, without losing self-control, to convince him that everything possible is being done, but due to circumstances beyond your control, you are not yet ready to give what is expected of you. Most importantly, do not forget to remind this person that you are much more interested in the successful outcome of the case than he is. You can justify the impossibility of obtaining the requested amount in such a time by saying that the person from whom you wanted to receive money is currently on a business trip and will return in a few days, but without even waiting for his return, you are trying to find this money through other channels. It is quite possible that the pause that you bargain for will make it possible to better prepare the operation to free the hostage, and increase the guarantee of his safety.

When you agree on where and at what time to bring what the extortioner demands, set the condition that this is possible only if you have guarantees that the hostage is not in danger. Either this will be an exchange, or before transferring the money, you will receive information that the hostage is already in a safe place at the moment.

It is not necessary to follow the kidnappers on all issues. The firmer and more reasonable your position, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome. It should not be forgotten that as soon as you fulfill their demand, the hostage will no longer be needed by the attackers, it is possible that they will want to get rid of him as a dangerous witness, so the only right decision in such situations is to seek help from law enforcement agencies and strictly follow recommendations from their employees.

It should be clearly understood that attempts to hide something, play a "double game", show unnecessary initiative, can significantly complicate or make it impossible to release a hostage, endanger both his life and your own.

13. What rules should be followed by relatives and friends of those who have been held hostage in order to facilitate the process of rehabilitation of the victims?

According to experts, sometimes not only people who have been held hostage, but also witnesses of terrorist attacks need the help of psychologists. To facilitate the return to normal life for both the first and second, their relatives and friends are advised to follow the following rules:

You can’t pretend that nothing happened, but you shouldn’t annoy with questions either;

You should not try to quickly switch the attention of the victim to something else - the victim must be aware that something really happened to him, must express his reaction;

Even if a person says that he is in perfect order, this may mean that an unresolved psychological problem simply goes deeper and then it will definitely appear again;

Do not prevent a person from “speaking out”, there is no need to stop him, even if he tells his story again and again in turn to all family members and acquaintances;

Encourage expression of feelings while telling; if the narrator starts crying, don't stop him, let him cry; at the same time, it is better to hug a person, let him physically feel that close people are next to him;

Men in such cases often express their reaction in the form of anger - do not interfere with throwing out this anger;

You can not leave the victim alone for a long time, allowing him to withdraw into himself.

14. How should citizens behave if they are threatened with violence or blackmailed over the phone?

Currently, the telephone is one of the main channels for receiving messages containing information about planted explosive devices, about taking people hostage, extortion and blackmail.

As a rule, the suddenness factor, the resulting panic, and sometimes even a shock state, and the information itself, lead to the fact that a person is unable to correctly respond to a call, assess the reality of the threat and get the most information from the conversation.

Threatening calls may come to you personally or to members of your family. If your phone has previously received such calls or you have reason to believe that they may come, you should find the opportunity to install an automatic caller ID (CALL) and a sound recording device on your phone.

In the presence of AON, it is immediately necessary to write down the determined number on paper in order to avoid its accidental loss. If you have sound recording equipment, you should immediately remove the cassette (minidisk) with the recording of the conversation and take measures to preserve it by installing another cassette in its place.

Remember that without the number of the caller and the phonogram of the conversation, law enforcement agencies have very little material for investigative work and the formation of an evidence base with a view to using it in court.

In the absence of sound recording equipment and AON, the following actions will provide significant assistance to law enforcement agencies in preventing the commission of crimes and searching for criminals:

Try to verbatim remember the conversation and fix it on paper;

During the conversation, note the gender and, if possible, the age of the caller, the characteristics of his (her) speech: voice (loud or soft, low or high), speech rate (fast or slow), pronunciation (distinct, distorted, stuttering, lisping, with an accent etc.), manner of speech (cheeky, mocking, with obscene expressions);

Be sure to note the sound background (noise of cars or railway transport, the sound of television, radio equipment, voices, etc.);

Mark the nature of the call - city or long distance;

Be sure to record the exact time the conversation started and its duration.

It is necessary, if possible, during the conversation to get answers to the following questions:

Where, to whom, on what phone is this person calling?

What specific requirements does he/she make?

Does he/she make demands personally, act as an intermediary or represent some group of people?

On what conditions does he (she) or they agree to abandon the plan?

How and when can he/she be contacted?

Who can or should you report this call to?

Try to obtain from the caller the maximum possible period of time for you to make decisions on "satisfying his requirements" or to perform any other actions.

Do not be afraid of intimidating criminals; at the end of the conversation, immediately report it to law enforcement agencies. If there are fears that criminals are tapping your phone, call from another number. Practice shows that concealing the fact of such threats significantly complicates the situation and contributes to the commission of a crime with impunity.

In addition to threats made over the phone to you personally, criminals can use you as an intermediary to provide information to law enforcement agencies. For example, your phone receives a call in which an unknown person reports that your house is mined. When conducting a conversation of this kind, try to follow the recommendations above and get as much information as possible. Upon completion, report this information to law enforcement immediately.

15. What is the correct way to behave if there is a threat in writing?

Threats in writing can come both by mail and in various kinds of anonymous materials (notes, inscriptions, information on a diskette, etc.). After receiving such a document, handle it as carefully as possible, try not to leave your fingerprints on it.

Do not wrinkle the document, do not make notes on it. If possible, put it in a clean, tightly closed plastic bag and place it in a separate hard folder. If the document arrived in an envelope, open it only on the left or right side, carefully cutting off the edges with scissors.

Save everything: a document with text, any attachments, an envelope and packaging - they may contain information about criminals. Do not expand the circle of people familiar with the content of the document.

All this will help law enforcement agencies in their subsequent forensic investigations.

Acceptance from citizens of anonymous materials containing various kinds of threats and demands is formalized by their written statement or protocol for the acceptance of an oral statement on the receipt or discovery of such materials.

16. What precautions should citizens take while staying in crowded places?

Terrorists often choose to attack crowded places. In addition to the actual damaging factor of a terrorist act, people are killed and injured as a result of a stampede that arose as a result of panic. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the following rules of behavior in crowded places:

The safest place is located as far as possible from the middle of the crowd, stands, garbage containers, boxes, left packages and bags, glass showcases, fences and fences;

In case of panic, it is necessary to take off your tie, scarf;

When crushing, you need to free your hands from all objects, bend them at the elbows, fasten your clothes with all buttons, protect chest hands;

You should by all means stay on your feet, avoid places of greatest congestion and pressure - constrictions, protrusions, etc.

In the event of a fall, it is necessary to curl up on your side, sharply pull up your legs and try to get up in the direction of the crowd;

You should not draw attention to yourself with loud remarks and shouting slogans, approach aggressive individuals and groups of individuals, intervene in ongoing skirmishes;

You can’t join the crowd from the side, bend down, pick up dropped objects from the floor, grab onto trees, poles, fences, raise your hands above your head (they will squeeze your chest) or lower them down (when the crowd squeezes, you won’t be able to raise your hands). At the first opportunity, you should immediately try to leave the crowd.

17. In the course of measures to minimize the consequences of impending or committed terrorist attacks, citizens are often evacuated. What should be provided for the evacuated citizens in order not to make mistakes and, if possible, to alleviate their situation?

An evacuation message can be received not only in the event of the discovery of an explosive device and the elimination of the consequences of a committed terrorist act, but also in the event of a fire, natural disaster, etc.

Having received a message from representatives of the authorities or law enforcement agencies about the beginning of the evacuation, remain calm and clearly follow their commands.

If you are in an apartment, follow these steps:

Take personal documents, money and valuables;

Turn off electricity, water and gas;

Assist in the evacuation of the elderly and seriously ill people;

Be sure to close the front door with a lock - this will protect the apartment from the possible penetration of marauders.

Do not allow panic, tantrums and haste. Leave the premises in an orderly manner. Return to the abandoned premises only after the permission of the responsible persons. Remember that the life and health of many people will depend on the consistency and clarity of your actions.

Your family should develop an evacuation and rendezvous plan in the event of a terrorist attack, emergency, or natural disaster. It is necessary that each member of the family knows what to do and where to meet with other relatives. This plan must be remembered so as not to get lost if something suddenly happens when you and your loved ones are far from home.

The whole family needs to make a plan. To do this, you need to sit down and discuss what kind of incidents can happen, what you need to do to be ready for them, what to do if an evacuation begins from your building or from your area. It is necessary to agree with the whole family about where to meet after the evacuation. You need to know where to call in order to check where your relatives are. For example, it is worth remembering the phone number of an uncle, aunt or grandmother who lives on the other side of the city. Then, if something happens, you should call them and tell them where you are so that relatives can easily find you.

It can be helpful to talk to your neighbors about what to do in the event of a disaster or terrorist attack. Find out if there are doctors, rescuers, policemen among them - this can always come in handy.

It is advisable for every family to have a ready-made and packed set of essentials (like an army “alarm kit bag”). It can greatly aid survival in the event of an emergency evacuation, or ensure the survival of a family if disaster strikes them at home. Surely your family will never need it. But it is better to be prepared for any surprises. Use zippered bags to pack your belongings, preferably waterproof ones. The kit should be as compact as possible so that it can be easily taken with you.

Approximate set of things that can ensure survival for at least 72 hours:

Personal protective equipment: gas masks with additional filters, children's gas masks, oxygen mask, respirators;

First aid kit, which should contain: analgin, acetylsalicylic acid, hypothermic (cooling) package, sodium sulfacyl, hemostatic tourniquet, sterile bandage, non-sterile bandage, atraumatic bandage, bactericidal adhesive plaster, hemostatic wipes, brilliant green solution, adhesive plaster, elastic tubular bandage, cotton wool , nitroglycerin, validol, artificial respiration device, ammonia solution, activated charcoal, corvalol, scissors.

In addition, in the specified set it is advisable to have: dehydrated dry food, multivitamins, a bowler hat, a supply of water, toiletries, gasoline and gas lighters, waterproof matches, dry fuel, candles, 2 lanterns with additional batteries and bulbs, a strong long rope, 2 knives (with switchblade and regular blades), cutlery set, pry bar, tool kit, tent, hand-powered radio, raincoats, canvas suit, underwear, socks, hats, sunglasses, gloves, high boots (preferably rubber ones), needles and threads, hooks for fishing and a fishing line.

18. What can be advised to citizens about precautionary measures against possible terrorist occurrences in transport?

An analysis of domestic and foreign experience in countering terrorism shows that public transport is one of the most likely objects of terrorist attacks.

When preparing for a trip abroad or to regions with a difficult socio-political situation Special attention should be devoted to studying the history, religious rites and geography of your destination;

Write down the phone numbers of the consulate, embassy, ​​local numbers of emergency services and law enforcement agencies in your notebook;

Pay attention to all suspicious persons and suspicious objects in the vehicle interior; inform the driver (conductor, station attendants, police officers, etc.) about their discovery;

Remember where the emergency exits are, the fire extinguisher;

When sitting in the vehicle, remember that the safest position for a passenger is to face the direction of travel;

Do not fall asleep if the surrounding passengers cause you distrust;

Dress neutrally, discreetly, avoid military colors of clothing and uniforms, a lot of jewelry;

Don't talk to political topics, do not read pornographic, political or religious publications, so as not to become a justified target for terrorists;

Remember that drinking alcohol makes you more vulnerable;

Keep your documents and wallet in a safe place, pay special attention to your belongings at intermediate stops;

If the vehicle is hijacked, follow all the instructions of the terrorists, do not look them directly in the eyes;

Do not try to resist the terrorists, even if you are sure of success; their accomplice may be in the cabin, who can detonate an explosive device;

If you feel that an assault is imminent, try to stay away from windows so as not to interfere with snipers shooting at terrorists; during the assault, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move until the operation is completed;

Under no circumstances pick up weapons thrown by terrorists, as the capture team may mistake you for one of them.

If an explosion or fire occurs, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief and lie down on the cabin floor so as not to suffocate;

If you have a child with you, you must try to be with him all the time, arrange him as comfortably and safely as possible;

You must ask permission before moving or opening your bag;

If there are compromising documents, they should be hidden;

Keep a photo of family, children, other people close to you handy - sometimes this helps to soften the invaders.

Remember that under no circumstances should you panic.

When released, exit after the appropriate command, but as soon as possible; help children, women, the sick, the wounded, but do not waste time looking for your belongings and clothes - the interior of the vehicle can be mined;

In airplane

It is best to fly in economy class, since terrorists usually begin their hijacking of the aircraft from the 1st class cabin, and use the passengers there as human shields during the assault;

It is best to sit by the window, not in the aisle. In this case, other chairs will provide you with protection during an assault or in the event of terrorists opening fire, while places in the aisle are easily shot through;

It is best to travel with direct flights, without intermediate landings;

During intermediate landings, always get off the plane, since terrorists sometimes hijack the plane during such stops;

On the train

When buying tickets, give preference to the central cars, since in the event of a railway accident they suffer much less than the head or tail cars;

Do not turn off all the lights in the compartment;

Keep the compartment door closed;

When boarding an electric train, do not stand at the edge of the platform, approach the doors after the train has stopped and the passengers have exited.

On a boat

If you find yourself on a ship on which a fire broke out as a result of a terrorist attack, try to get out of the cabin onto the deck to the lifeboats, taking money and documents with you, after putting them in a plastic bag.

If the exit from the cabin is cut off by fire and smoke, then stay in place, tightly closing the door. Break the window glass and climb out through it. If this is impossible to do and there is no chance of help, then, wrapping your head in a wet rag, break through the fire and smoke.

Having let children, women, and the wounded into the boats, jump overboard yourself, feet down. Swim away from the ship in order to move away from it by 200 - 300 meters and protect yourself from the possibility of being under the bottom of the ship or falling into the whirlpool that forms when it is flooded. Try as much as possible to attract attention to yourself, to give signals. If you can, then hook on to some floating object. Throw off clothes and shoes that interfere with you if you could not do it in advance. If it is far from the shore, then stay on the water, do not waste extra energy and wait for help.

19. Terrorist attacks are often accompanied by explosions, the consequences of which are blockages and fires. What do citizens need to know in order to protect their lives as much as possible in such situations?

If, as a result of an explosion, a person was under the rubble, then the main thing for him is to curb fear, not to lose heart. It is important in such cases to believe and hope that help will definitely come. While waiting for help, try to attract the attention of rescuers by knocking, shouting, while using your energy sparingly.

After the explosion, you must follow important rules:

Make sure you are not seriously injured;

Calm down and before taking any action, carefully look around; try, if possible, to provide first aid to other victims; be aware of the possibility of new explosions, landslides, destruction and, if possible, calmly leave the dangerous place;

If you are injured or trapped under rubble - do not try to get out on your own;

Try to strengthen the "ceiling" with nearby fragments of furniture and buildings;

Move sharp objects away from you;

If you have a mobile phone - call the rescuers at "112"

Cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief and clothes that are as damp as possible;

It is better to knock on pipes in order to attract the attention of rescuers, using periods of stop in the operation of rescue equipment (“minutes of silence”);

Scream only when you hear the voices of the rescuers - otherwise there is a risk of suffocation from the dust;

Never light a fire;

If a leg or arm is pressed down with a heavy object, try to massage it to maintain blood circulation;

In case of fire it is necessary:

Crouch as low as possible, trying to get out of the building as quickly as possible;

Wrap your face with wet rags or clothes to breathe through them;

If there is a fire in the building, and there is a closed door in front of you, first touch the handle with the back of your hand - if it is not hot, open the door and check if there is smoke or fire in the next room, then go through; if the door handle or the door itself is hot, do not open it;

If you cannot get out of the building, you must give a signal to the rescuers, while shouting should be only as a last resort, because. you can suffocate from the smoke; it is best to wave something or clothing out of the window.

20. Wounds and mutilations are the most characteristic negative consequences of a terrorist act for citizens who find themselves in the zone of its commission. What do citizens need to know in order to be ready, if necessary, to provide themselves and those around them with first aid?

In case you are injured, try to bandage the wound yourself with a handkerchief, towel, scarf, piece of cloth. Stop the bleeding by pressing the vein against the bony prominence or apply a pressure bandage using a belt, handkerchief, scarf, strip of durable fabric. Help someone who is close to you, but in a more difficult situation.

Wounds are cut, stab, gunshot, burn, bitten. As a rule, when injured, bleeding of varying intensity is noted. Therefore, when providing first aid, you should stop the bleeding.

With arterial bleeding, the blood is bright, scarlet, splashes out of the artery in a fountain. In case of severe bleeding on the hand or forearm, it is necessary to bend the elbow joint as much as possible; with bleeding on the foot and lower leg - bend the leg at the knee joint. With arterial bleeding on the thigh - apply a tourniquet (twist) on the leg below the groin; on the shoulder - tourniquet just below the shoulder joint. With venous bleeding, blood flows out in a uniform stream of dark or almost black color. To stop this bleeding, it is enough to raise the limb as much as possible and apply a tight bandage.

After stopping the bleeding, the edges of the wound should be smeared with a solution of iodine or brilliant green, cover the wound with a gauze napkin or a clean rag and apply a bandage with a bandage, a piece of cloth or a belt.

Pain when injured can lead to shock in the victim. In this case, in addition to stopping the bleeding, it is necessary to: put or seat the victim so that his arms and legs are slightly raised; use painkillers; wrap the victim to provide maximum warmth.

When providing first aid in cases of injury, it is strictly forbidden: to wash the wound, remove any foreign bodies, put cotton wool moistened with iodine in the wound.

AT emergency cases you can simply take a piece of relatively clean matter (a handkerchief, a piece of shirt, etc.), put it in the wound and press it firmly with your hand, keeping it that way all the time during transportation to a medical institution.

On small burn wounds, a three-layer bandage should be applied, if possible, moistened with a solution of furacillin. The bandage must be bandaged to the affected area. It will dry up, but it cannot be torn off, it will itself move away from the wound as it heals.

When injured in the head, the victim is laid horizontally, provide peace. It should be borne in mind that a head injury is usually accompanied by a concussion. It is better not to touch the wound of the head (excluding wounds of the face). In case of injury to the face, the wound should be clamped with a sterile swab, napkin or handkerchief. In case of spinal injuries, the victim must be immobilized and laid down. After this, the victim should not be touched until the arrival of doctors. In case of respiratory and cardiac arrest, the victim needs to perform an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration. Self-transportation of such a wounded person is not recommended.

Neck wounds are extremely dangerous. They can be complicated by damage to the larynx and damage to the spine, as well as carotid arteries. In the first case, the victim is immobilized, and in the second, the bleeding is immediately stopped. Death from blood loss in case of injury to the carotid artery can occur within 10-12 seconds. Therefore, the artery is clamped with fingers, and the wound is immediately tightly packed with a sterile bandage. Transportation of such a casualty should be carried out as carefully as possible.

With wounds to the chest and abdomen, to prevent air from entering the pleural and abdominal cavity it is necessary to apply an airtight bandage to the wound - a gauze napkin coated with boric ointment or petroleum jelly, a piece of polyethylene; in extreme cases, tightly clamp the wound with the palm of your hand. The victim is seated in a semi-sitting position. It must be borne in mind that stopping bleeding is difficult.

21. The behavior of people in extreme situations is currently the subject of research by psychologists. Are there recommendations, instructions on the rules of conduct in the aftermath of a terrorist attack or in other similar circumstances?

The psychological aspects of the problem of the security of citizens in the aftermath of a terrorist act are currently in the focus of attention of scientists from various all-Russian and departmental research institutions.

We believe it is necessary to include in our brochure some of the Recommendations for Citizens on the Rules of Conduct in Extreme Situations, developed by the Scientific and Practical Center “Psychology of Extreme Situations” of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Education.

These Recommendations are addressed not only to ordinary people, but, first of all, to specialists of emergency services and law enforcement agencies, since most of them work directly in the center of an emergency or extreme situation and are among the first to be subjected to their destructive psychological effects. When they perform their functions, knowledge and dissemination of these Recommendations among the population will allow them to qualitatively fulfill their tasks, avoid negative consequences and maintain health not only for themselves, but also for many, many people.

What happens to people after a disaster, catastrophe, hostage, or other traumatic event?

Shock and denial are typical reactions to terrorism, disasters, and other traumas, especially immediately after the event. Both shock and denial are normal defensive reactions. Shock is a sudden, severe emotional disturbance. Denial means that the person does not acknowledge what happened.

Reactions to a traumatic event can take many forms, but most typically they may take the following forms:

1. Feelings escalate and become unpredictable. The person may be more irritable than usual, there may be sudden mood swings. Anxiety, nervousness, depression.

2. Trauma affects a person's thoughts and behavior. The person may revisit the event over and over again for no apparent reason, which may be accompanied by bodily reactions such as increased heart rate or increased sweating. Difficulty concentrating or making decisions, as well as disturbances in sleep-wake rhythms and eating habits, may be observed.

3. May be troubled by recurring emotional problems caused by factors such as the anniversary of the event, sounds, images, smells reminiscent of the catastrophe.

4. Relationships can become strained, more conflicted. On the other hand, there may be isolation, rejection of ordinary activities and hobbies.

5. Stress may be accompanied by physical symptoms such as headache, nausea, chest pain. There is no standard assessment of a stressful situation. Some people react immediately, others have delayed reactions, sometimes after months or years. Some reactions are very long and intense, while others recover quickly.

6. Behavior can change over time (different temporal dynamics), while taking into account that events that last longer and carry a greater threat usually take longer to resolve; a person's ability to cope with emotionally challenging situations can be both positive and negative. Negative influence other events that preceded the traumatic experience (people with more life experience of these experiences endure them less painfully).

How can I help myself and my family?

There are certain steps you can take to help regain emotional balance and a sense of control after a disaster:

Give yourself time, be patient with changes in your own emotional state;

Try to switch your attention to something else, meet friends, talk with relatives; ask for help those to whom you are dear, who will listen to you, who are not indifferent to you;

Try to express what is happening to you (in conversations with friends, family, keeping a diary); in no case do not be ashamed of your feelings;

Do not withdraw into yourself, look for new meetings, new sensations;

Discussing with sympathetic and compassionate interlocutors can help a person realize that other people in similar circumstances often had similar feelings and responses;

Avoid alcohol and drugs, get plenty of rest, focus on your hobbies, use relaxation techniques;

During this period, avoid making major life decisions, such as changing your profession or job;

Concentrate on your abilities, on those activities that can help you feel calmer, stronger; take care of household chores;

Do not retell what happened over and over again, this only aggravates the trauma, warn other people against this,

An acute reaction to stress in eyewitnesses of the disaster can last from several minutes to several days.

As practice shows, every third who did not witness the tragedy, but followed the events on television and newspaper reports, become "secondary" victims of post-traumatic syndrome. Their sleep, memory are disturbed, attacks of fear, longing and even aggression appear. If this condition is not overcome, it will last for months, perhaps years. This can lead to disruption of sleep, memory, the appearance of attacks of fear, longing, aggression. The occurrence of such serious diseases as hypertension, ulcers, etc. is possible.

How can I help a child?

Children are particularly sensitive to the intense anxiety and fear that usually accompanies a traumatic event. Some may experience regression. There may be enuresis, a decrease in school performance, a desire to isolate oneself from everyone. To help your child deal with the trauma, do not overuse television programs relating to the traumatic event. The campaign launched by the media around the event can further traumatize the child's psyche. When receiving news, try to limit access to television sources, because. visual images can be especially difficult for a child. In this situation, it is better to use the radio.

Talk to your child about what happened. Be truthful. How much you can tell your child and how this information should be worded depends on the child's age. The main task, regardless of age, is to help the child regain a sense of security.

Calmly express your emotions, but remember that your level-headed demeanor will be more conducive to a sense of security. Help your child become aware of his own feelings. Emphasize that it is normal to experience the feelings that have captured him in this situation.

Give your child more time and attention. Help the child to calm down - the child may need not only more affection and attention, but also more physical energy output). Getting to bed can be a very important moment. Use it to be with your child, read a fairy tale to him, etc. Let your child ask questions, talk about what happened, express their feelings. Provide him with the necessary material - plasticine, paints, magazines

Play with your young child to help him act out his fears and worries. The child may repeat the game or story over and over again. This can be exhausting for parents. However, it is important for the child. And he monitors the reaction to his parents' story. If the child gets stuck and the repetition lasts for many weeks without change, contact a psychologist. Stick to a routine in food, play, sleep. This can help the child regain a sense of stability. Maintain relationships with significant people for the child, friends, teacher, etc.; learn how the child behaves in a different environment.

A child's psyche is very vulnerable after a traumatic event. The child may react sharply and painfully to sounds, smells, places that remind them of the event. Be aware that these factors can cause strong emotional reactions long after the traumatic event.

For preschoolers it’s enough to admit that “something bad” happened, mom and dad are upset, but everything is fine with them, and they will protect you from trouble. Children of this age should not watch programs about the disaster on TV.

For younger students it is necessary to find out what they know about what happened, what they think about it, what they heard at school and from other children. At this age, children feel the need for logic and understanding. They may ask some strange questions like “what was the pilot wearing”, “does the fireman’s mom know he’s there?”. Don't be afraid to admit that you don't know the answer. Reassure the child that many people are working to ensure that this does not happen again, that both parents and teachers at school will do everything to keep the child safe. Reassure the children also that nothing they have done, nothing they have done, is the cause of the disaster.

Some people can cope on their own with the emotional and physical difficulties that a traumatic event brings. However, in the case of long-term reactions that adversely affect a person’s life, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will help find constructive ways to resolve the situation and cope with emotional problems.


Terrorism is currently one of the most dangerous threats to security and stability in the world. Citizens of many regions of our country have fully felt this. The tragedies of Nord-Ost and Beslan, Budennovsk and Kizlyar are clear evidence that cynicism, inhuman cruelty, deceit and treachery of the organizers and accomplices of terror knows no bounds.

Today, civilians are the first victims of terrorists. Most often, they do not know how to behave in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack or a terrorist attack. The proposed brochure will provide information that can help you better navigate the issues of ensuring personal security in the face of the threat of terrorist manifestations.


Morgunova Anastasia Andreevna,

South Federal University

Law student


Morgunova Anastasia Andreevna,

student of 1st year Law Faculty of

the Southern Federal University

Email: [email protected]


The article discusses approaches to the organization of countering terrorism in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and modern Russia, argues the need to coordinate the activities of interested bodies, analyzes the role and place of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, focuses on the need to counter the ideology of terrorism.


The article considers approaches to counter-terrorism in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and modern Russia, argued the need to coordinate the activities of the authorities concerned, examines the role and place of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee, focuses on the need to counter terrorist ideology.

Keywords: terrorism, terrorist activity, countering terrorism, ideology of terrorism, Internet, youth.

keywords: terrorism, terrorist activities, counter-terrorism, the ideology of terrorism, the Internet, young people.

Among the main threats specified in the Strategy national security of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2015 N 683 "On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation", the activities of terrorist and extremist organizations aimed at forcibly changing the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, destabilizing the work of state authorities, destroying or disrupting the functioning of military and industrial facilities, life support facilities of the population, transport infrastructure, intimidation of the population, including by seizing weapons of mass destruction, radioactive, poisonous, toxic, chemically and biologically hazardous substances, committing acts of nuclear terrorism, violating the security and stability of the functioning of the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation.

Terrorism has its origins since ancient times, when people realized that with the help of violence and intimidation of their own kind, one can achieve the desired results in the political struggle. At the same time, there was an awareness of the need to fight terrorism, which was assigned to specially created law enforcement agencies and special services. Centuries and eras have changed, the names and heads of special services have changed, but their tasks aimed at identifying and suppressing terrorist manifestations have remained unchanged.

Tsar Ivan IV (1533–1584), who went down in history as Ivan the Terrible, laid the foundation for a full-scale fight against terrorism. The king received this nickname for the especially cruel persecution of his political opponents. To combat conspiracies and political assassinations, Ivan IV created a mechanism for ensuring the security of the head of state (the oprichnina army), focused on the merciless suppression of both real and potential political opponents.

The reforms of Peter the Great significantly affected the legislation of Russia, but the institution of the “word and deed of the sovereign”, which protects the sovereign from assassination attempts, remained untouched. To obtain information about conspiracies against the authorities, Peter I did not abandon the practice of denunciations. Moreover, he continued what he started back in the 17th century. attempts by those in power to involve clergymen in the political search and brought them to their logical conclusion, legalizing the duty of clergymen to violate the secrecy of confession. So, in the “Spiritual Regulations”, adopted in 1721, it was noted that if someone reports at confession about his intention to commit treason or organize a rebellion, “then the confessor should not only forgive him for directly confessed sins and not grant permission, ... but also to report soon about him, where appropriate.

A fundamentally new body created to detect and suppress terrorist attacks, conspiracies and revolutionary unrest was the Third Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, created in 1826. According to the researchers of the history of political investigation Ch.A. Ruud and S.A. Stepanov, the effectiveness of the activity of the state security body in question in suppressing revolutionary manifestations was quite high: “The third department was called upon to suppress the spirit of love of freedom in the country, which a year earlier had manifested itself in the unsuccessful uprising of the Decembrists. Moreover, the secret police were so successful in their fight against free thought that Russia passed the wave of revolutions that shook the largest countries of Western Europe in the early 1830s and in 1848. . However, the Third Branch, adapted to identify and eliminate local conspiracies, was unable to cope with the large-scale revolutionary movement of the 60-70s. XIX century, which arose after the liberal reforms of Alexander II.

The Soviet special services launched a tough fight against terrorists, who, basically, were waiting for one measure of punishment - execution, under which during the period of mass repressions tens of thousands of citizens fell on falsified materials. In the 1930s, both possible and impossible bases for terror were eliminated in the USSR.

We can say with confidence that neither political, nor religious, nor national extremism and terrorism until the 90s. in the USSR it was neither as a factor influencing the policy of the state, nor as a social phenomenon. He had no effect on the situation in the country as a whole, whatever one may say; after all, most of the citizens did not even know about those infrequent incidents that arose a couple of times a year, in the vast expanses of the then great power. In addition, the attacks remained "behind the scenes", which I see as common sense. After all, terrorist criminals, along with ordinary people, did not have a clear idea about the conduct of the anti-terrorist struggle, while in our reality everyone has access to this information, which allows terrorists to study methods of combating them and improve their tactics.

By the beginning of the 1990s, the manifestations of terrorism and the need to combat it sharply escalated. And if in the 70-80s, in the overwhelming majority of cases, terrorists were people with mental disabilities and lone fanatics, then by the beginning of the third millennium, Islamic radicalism (from Latin radicalis - indigenous) developed, manifesting itself in the form of a political movement characterized by extreme actions and glances. These movements are an aggressive part of politicized Islam, whose extremist and terrorist actions have taken place in various regions of the world in the past two decades. Regularly repeated terrorist attacks by supporters of Islamic radicalism, taking away thousands of people every year human lives, prompted global community concentrate efforts on combating the so-called. international terrorist international.

Taking into account the further intensification of terrorism, its transformation into profitable business, as well as the attempts of terrorists to gain access to weapons of mass destruction, it can be assumed that in the near future the potential of terrorism will only progress, continuing to give rise to global challenges to all mankind, including our state and society, which we actually observe.

From the standpoint of law, terrorism is understood as the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing decision-making by state authorities, local governments or international organizations related to intimidation of the population and (or) other forms of illegal violent actions.

Modern terrorism is one of the main problems for all countries of the world. Its manifestation entails a significant number of victims, the destruction of not only material, but also cultural and spiritual values, sows malice and hatred among various national and social groups of the population. "Superimposed" on separatism, nationalism, fundamentalism, terrorism inevitably gives rise to extreme forms of existence of these phenomena, leads to an aggravation of legal, political, socio-economic, religious relations, and for a long time preserves their conflict potential.

If at the beginning of the last century terrorist associations operated exclusively in the leading countries of the world, now the countries of the "third world" are also subject to terror. There are no states in the world that can confidently guarantee the safety and security of their citizens from the impact of terrorist attacks, which emphasizes the relevance and necessity of the existence of a counterforce. Terrorist activities include:

a) organization, planning, preparation, financing and implementation of a terrorist act;

b) incitement to a terrorist act;

c) organization of an illegal armed group, criminal community (criminal organization), organized group for the implementation of a terrorist act, as well as participation in such a structure;

d) recruitment, arming, training and use of terrorists;

informational or other complicity in the planning, preparation or implementation of a terrorist act;

e) propaganda of ideas of terrorism, dissemination of materials or information calling for the implementation of terrorist activities or substantiating or justifying the need for such activities.

As follows from the above norm of the law, terrorist activities are diverse, therefore, countering terrorism by the legislator is entrusted to many law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the FSO, the Federal Customs Service, the Federal Penitentiary Service, etc., based on the specific powers of each body. However, the state saw the need for a body that would entirely direct its activities to countering terrorism, since the existing anti-terror structures were clearly no longer able to cope with the terrorist threat. The same body should coordinate all state structures engaged in combating terrorism.

Thus, there was a need to create a coordinating body, which today in the Russian Federation is the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC).

Its formation was based on the transition from the periodic elimination of hotbeds of terrorism to a comprehensive counteraction to this threat.

The new system included measures to detect, suppress, disclose and investigate terrorist acts, as well as activities to prevent terrorism, minimize and eliminate its manifestations. The NAC included almost two dozen state power structures, departments, ministries, which truly allowed it to become a collegial body for coordinating counterterrorism.

The legal basis for the formation of the NAC was Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2006 No. 116 "On measures to counter terrorism" and Federal Law of March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ "On countering terrorism" .

In connection with the current situation in Russia, a central place in the activities of the NAC is given to improving measures for the forceful suppression of religious extremist gangs operating in the North Caucasus Federal District, as well as countering the propaganda of extremism and terrorism. As a result of special counter-terrorism operations, for the period 2006-2016. about 3,000 bandits were killed, more than 6,000 members of the bandit underground were detained, and nearly 2,000 militants were forced to refrain from illegal actions. Judging by the official statistics of the NAC, starting from 2012 and to this day, terrorist attacks are slowing down: they are no longer able to conduct large-scale operations, they avoid open clashes with law enforcement agencies, limiting themselves to minor shelling and assassination attempts on security officials. In addition, the number of seized weapons and ammunition, as well as the number of terrorist attacks, is decreasing. An example of the effective work of the NAC in the fight against terrorism is the defeat of almost all gangster cells, including the largest one, Gimry, on the territory of the most troubled region today - Dagestan. It should also be noted that over the past few years, the situation in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the republics of Ingushetia and North Ossetia, the situation has improved in the Kabardino-Balkarian and Chechen Republics, on whose territory the vast majority of barbaric attacks were previously recorded.

The situation in the field of countering terrorism in the country continues to normalize, but still remains difficult, especially after the start of decisive actions by the Russian Aerospace Forces against the ISIS group in Syria. According to the NAC, last year dozens of major terrorist attacks were prevented, more than 700 terrorists were detained, and about 160 bandits were eliminated. However, thousands of terrorists are now fighting in Syria, ready to “break away” at any moment and head to Russia to carry out terrorist attacks. And NAC understands this very well. Therefore, the state is developing a system of measures to identify mercenary fighters who have been trained abroad, to track the routes of transfer of recruited Russian citizens to Syria and Iraq, where the main transit point is Istanbul, Turkey's largest city. The effectiveness of this system is confirmed by the statistics and results of the work of the NAC. An example is the relatively recent detention of a group of militants consisting of four people who arrived from Syria with the task of committing a terrorist attack in a public building in one of our cities. Control over them was established from the very beginning, and they were all detained and handed over to the court. At the same time, this example is far from the only one in the chain of actions of the NAC, thanks to which terrorist attacks were prevented both in the capital and other cities of our state.

In October last year, 12 citizens of the Russian Federation, who were members and accomplices of the international terrorist organization "Islamic State", were detained in Moscow, preparing terrorist attacks on public transport facilities using an improvised explosive device. At the end of the winter of 2016, seven ISIS members were detained in Yekaterinburg, who were preparing terrorist attacks in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the Sverdlovsk Region, while they were led by a terrorist who arrived in Russia from Turkey. I would also like to note the detention of two residents of the city of Kirov for preparing terrorist acts in crowded places, who planned to destabilize the situation in the region and create an atmosphere of fear and panic with explosions.

Of course, the secret services do not work without miscalculations. Suffice it to recall the terrorist attacks at the Domodedovo airport, at the railway station and in public transport Volgograd. But, nevertheless, thanks to the work of the NAC, the accomplices of the terrorists who carried out the self-explosion were identified and punished. At the same time, it should be noted that the NAC, unlike Western services, works “without noise and without dust”, without restricting the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens.

Fortunately, we hear less and less about the manifestations of terrorism taking place on the territory of our country. Moreover, not only because of the elimination of terrorists, but also because of the great preventive work carried out under the leadership of the NAC. This is natural, since the leaders of the NAC have repeatedly called the reduction of terrorist activity and the return to peaceful life of people who fell under the influence of terrorist ideology one of the key elements in the fight against terrorism. Already in the first years of the work of the NAC, when the militants were offered to arbitrarily lay down their arms, and those who left the bandit groups were declared an amnesty, about 600 bandits were inclined to voluntary surrender, and by the end of the amnesty - more than 750 members of illegal armed groups. The practice did not end there. In hot spots, commissions have been set up to adapt to peaceful life, and over the past 5 years, about 300 people have been persuaded to refrain from collaborating with bandits.

Occurring in recent times events in the international arena indicate that it is necessary to intensify work on anti-terrorist and anti-extremist propaganda, countering the ideology of terrorism on the Internet, exposing and destroying the channels for financing criminal organizations, identifying and suppressing attempts to recruit our fellow citizens into the ranks of international terrorist groups.

The problem of preventing the transformation of young people into terrorists is of great theoretical and practical importance. Like any criminal ideology, terrorism is trying to create around itself an aura of some kind of combat romance. Purposeful psychological processing of young people is associated with the use of simple, figurative, soothing language using accessible and resonant ideas about society, the world, friends and enemies. The language of terrorists is full of repetitive formulas and hypnotic meditations aimed at reducing the capacity for independent individual opinion. Significant features such as personal choice, devotion, the ability to express themselves are transformed into fanaticism, self-forgetfulness, the desire to become the center of attention, which are enhanced by a sense of mystery and conspiracy. Terrorists are recruited from those who feel they are "outsiders" in social, cultural, politically, powerless to influence the affairs of society in specific life situations.

In my opinion, it is necessary to develop new measures for social integration aimed at overcoming the feeling of alienation, hopelessness, feelings of loneliness, ignorance of ways out of a critical situation, adequate to the needs and expectations of our days, which will allow us to apply the most effective strategy to counter the recruitment of potential terrorists. And if we really want to improve the lives of young people and keep them, we need to sharpen the focus on the need for major government decisions that meet the vital interests of society and the national security of our country.

In the implementation of these and many other tasks due to the challenges of the time, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee plays a significant role, realizing its large-scale activities at a high professional level.

In order to form a firm rejection by society of the ideology of terrorism in any of its manifestations, to protect the information space from the penetration into it of ideas that justify terrorist activities, under the leadership of the NAC and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, adjustments were made to educational programs, developed study guides technologies of social and educational work with youth have been introduced. The main directions and priority issues on the harmonization of interethnic relations, the education of schoolchildren and students of an active civic position, patriotism, rejection of the ideas of terrorism and extremism.

Scientific and practical conferences, forums, round slots are held annually under the auspices of the NAC. Scientific collections, articles, films are published. Preventive work is being carried out with the categories of the population most susceptible to the views of terrorism: with young people, former members of gangster groups, with persons serving sentences for this activity.

To protect Internet networks, media, printed publications, including educational literature, on an ongoing basis, measures are being taken to identify and prevent the penetration of extremist materials into the information sphere of the Russian Federation. Along with this, work is being carried out to timely inform citizens about terrorist threats and measures taken by state authorities to counter terrorism.

One of the most important tasks of recent times has been to prevent young people from going abroad to participate in armed conflicts in the Middle East. For this purpose, a set of information events is being carried out on the Internet and the media, in which persons brought to justice upon their return to Russia for participating in hostilities on the side of international terrorist groups also take part.

A prerequisite for successful resistance to the global terrorist threat is the rapprochement of all anti-terrorist forces, including the interaction of states on an international scale.

Since the establishment of the Committee, purposeful work has been launched to strengthen international cooperation in the field of countering terrorism. The most significant areas of such cooperation were the promotion of Russian experience in the fight against terrorism on various international platforms, the implementation of international law in legislative acts and the study of not only positive, but also negative foreign experience in the field of countering terrorism.

With the active role of Russia, basic international anti-terrorist documents have been developed that are aimed at comprehensively countering the threats emanating from international terrorist organizations and preventing terrorist attacks in general.

Summing up the above, we can confidently say that since the formation of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, tremendous work has been done to create and improve a nationwide security system in the field of countering terrorism.

First, the measures taken have significantly reduced the level of terrorist attacks on the territory of our country.

And secondly, these changes do not go unnoticed among the population. According to statistics, the level of citizens' confidence in the activities of state bodies and law enforcement agencies in the fight against terrorism is growing every year.

The main source of terrorist manifestations in Russia is still the gang underground in the North Caucasus, which is facilitated by the globalization of the activities of international terrorist centers. Proceeding from this, the central task of the Committee can be called ensuring an adequate response to emerging terrorist threats.

In order to prevent the departure of radical people to the zones of armed conflicts, information and preventive work is being activated with the involvement of the media, public institutions, youth and student organizations. Attention is focused on preventing the penetration of militants from the zones of military conflicts into the Russian Federation. For this, appropriate measures are being taken to increase the effectiveness of search work on the channels of migration and tourism, using established contacts with representatives of other states.

Efforts are being made to improve the fight against terrorism by improving the quality of the work of anti-terrorist commissions, as well as strengthening control over the implementation of decisions made by the NAC by all subjects municipal level. A high degree of readiness of law enforcement agencies in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation is maintained to respond to emerging threats and ensure the security of holding significant domestic and international socio-political events.

Guaranteeing the security of citizens of our country, society and the state from terrorist threats is the main goal of the NAC.

Thus, the formation of the NAC, which coordinates the work of state, law enforcement agencies and special services in the field of combating terrorism, has become a serious step in the formation in Russia of an effective system for ensuring national security, an effective response to the growing global danger, its spread throughout the world. Now it is necessary to increase the human and technological potential of the NAC to counter terrorism at the regional level, achieve coherence and coordination of actions of all its links and divisions, improve the quality of work of anti-terrorist commissions, exchange experience and relevant information with representatives of other states, and also strengthen control over timeliness and accuracy local implementation of decisions developed by the NAC.

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee has proved its relevance and viability, contributed to the solution of large-scale tasks aimed at combating terrorism both in our country and at the international level.


  1. Vorontsov S.A. On the nature of threats to Russia's national security. Science and education: economy and economy; entrepreneurship; law and management. 2016. No. 3 (70). pp. 92-95.
  2. Vorontsov S.A. Law enforcement. Special services. History and modernity. Rostov-on-Don, 1998. Ser. Textbooks and teaching aids. pp. 71-76.
  3. Vorontsov S.A. Russian special services. Textbook for higher students educational institutions students in the specialty "Jurisprudence" / S.A. Vorontsov. Rostov-on-Don, 2008. Ser. Higher Education (Ed. 2nd). pp. 65-70.
  4. Ruud Ch.A., Stepanov S.A. Fontanka 16: Political investigation under the tsars. M., 1993. S. 4-5.
  5. Vorontsov S.A. Russian special services. Textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty "Jurisprudence" / S.A. Vorontsov. Rostov-on-Don, 2012. Ser. Higher Education (3rd edition, additional and revised) S. 302-315.
  6. Brief dictionary of foreign words. Comp. CM. Lokshin. M. 1977. P. 230.
  7. Vorontsov S.A. Islamic radicalism as a threat to the national security of modern Russia. Philosophy of law. 2008. No. 2. S. 94-100.
  8. P. 1, Art. 3 of the Federal Law of 03/06/2006 "On countering terrorism" N 35-FZ. Access:
  9. Vorontsov S.A. Anti-extremist activity of state authorities and local self-government bodies of Russia in the institutional and legal context. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Law / Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Rostov-on-Don, 2009, pp. 4-6.
  10. P. 2 Art. 3 of the Federal Law of 03/06/2006 "On countering terrorism" N 35-FZ. Access:
  11. Vorontsov S.A. Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. Rostov-on-Don, 2010. (4th edition).
  12. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2006 N 116 "On measures to counter terrorism" GARANT system:
  13. Federal Law No. 35-FZ of 06.03.2006 “On Combating Terrorism”. Access:
  14. Bulletin of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee No. 1 (14) - 2016
  15. Vorontsov S.A., Steinbukh A.G. On the need to improve approaches to ensuring the national security of Russia in the information sphere. Science and education: economy and economy; entrepreneurship; law and management. 2015. No. 9 (64). pp. 100-108.
  16. Vorontsov S.A. The high educational level and civic activity of young people is the key to success in countering the ideology of terrorism. Science and education: economy and economy; entrepreneurship; law and management. 2016. No. 7 (74). pp. 137-140.
  17. Vorontsov S.A. Countering extremism among student youth. Power. 2012. No. 9. S. 52-55.
  18. Collection of information materials. "Review. NCPTI", No. 8, June 2016.

national security russia public administration

On February 15, 2006, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) was created by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Measures to Counter Terrorism" No. 116.

Its competence includes all spheres of combating terrorism. This includes the prevention of terrorism, and the fight against terrorist activities itself, as well as the elimination of the possible consequences of terrorist attacks.

To coordinate the activities of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the prevention of terrorism, as well as to minimize and eliminate the consequences of its manifestations, anti-terrorist commissions have been formed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The heads of anti-terrorist commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are ex officio senior officials (heads of senior executive bodies state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To organize the planning of the use of forces and means of the federal executive authorities and their territorial counter-terrorism agencies, as well as to manage counter-terrorism operations, a Federal Operational Headquarters was formed as part of the Committee. Operational headquarters have been set up to manage counter-terrorist operations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of the Committee are:

preparation of proposals to the President of the Russian Federation on the formation of state policy in the field of countering terrorism, as well as on improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area;

coordination of anti-terrorism activities of federal executive authorities, anti-terrorist commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as organizing their interaction with executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations and organizations;

development of measures to counter terrorism, eliminate the causes and conditions contributing to it, including measures to ensure the security of potential targets of terrorist attacks;

participation in international cooperation in the field of countering terrorism, including the preparation of draft international treaties of the Russian Federation in this field;

preparation of proposals for ensuring social protection of persons engaged in the fight against terrorism and (or) involved in this activity, as well as for the social rehabilitation of persons affected by terrorist acts;

solution of other tasks stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation in countering terrorism.

Composition of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee by positions:

Director of the FSB of Russia (Chairman of the Committee);

Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman of the Committee);

Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia Head of Staff of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee (Deputy Chairman of the Committee);

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (as agreed);

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (as agreed);

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters;

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;

Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation;

Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;

Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation;

Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation;

Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation;

Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia;

Director of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia;

Director of the FSO of Russia;

Head of Rosfinmonitoring;

Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

The composition of the anti-terrorist commission in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the Federal Operational Headquarters, the operational headquarters in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the operational headquarters in the Chechen Republic are also clearly defined by positions.

By bringing together representatives of 17 state structures, ministries and departments, including the FSB, FSO, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee has become a truly collective tool for countering terrorism. Among the most important results of the work of the established Committee, one should include a real increase in the effectiveness of the actions of all branches of government in the field of combating terrorism. Experts note the practical improvement in coordination and interaction between ministries and departments, the heads of which were included in the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, the Federal Operational Headquarters, the ATC and the OH in subjects of the Russian Federation.

Along with the implementation of coordination of preventive and enforcement actions of the relevant federal structures, the most important direction in the activities of the Committee has been and remains the improvement of the legal basis for countering terrorism.

As one of the priority tasks, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee considers the task of countering the spread of the ideology of terrorism. The most problematic issue in this area is the dissemination of this ideology via the Internet, which is widely used by terrorists (the reasons for this are easy access to the audience, anonymity of communication, weak regulation of the issue at the state level, high speed transfer of information, the relative cheapness of the process). The FSB is actively counteracting the growth in the number of terrorist sites - over the past two years alone, about 1,300 facts of the use of open telecommunications networks for extremist and terrorist purposes have been revealed. Website of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee.

In the field of combating terrorism, the Russian Federation has chosen the most correct path. It is the consolidation of the efforts of various ministries and departments, as well as civil society, that is the key to our common victory over terrorism. The measures planned for implementation by the National Anti-Terrorism Committee and the Federal Operational Headquarters to further improve the state system of countering terrorism will contribute to further stabilization of the situation on the territory of the Russian Federation. There.

MOSCOW, March 10 - RIA Novosti. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) of the Russian Federation, a collegiate body coordinating and organizing anti-terrorist activities at the state level, celebrates its tenth anniversary on Thursday.

Over these ten years, Russia has created a powerful nationwide system to counter terrorism. As a result of her work in the country, there is a gradual decrease in terrorist activity.

The history of the creation of the NAC

At the end of the twentieth century, terrorism became a global phenomenon. Russia was one of the first to face it, having suffered significant human and material losses. arose real threat territorial integrity of the state. All this required urgent and decisive action from the leadership of the Russian Federation to create an adequate system for combating terrorism.

NAC spoke about countering terrorists in RussiaIn Russia in 2015, it was possible to prevent the activation of the terrorist underground, there was not a single terrorist attack in the country, said Evgeny Ilyin, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the NAC.

After one of the largest and most cynical terrorist attacks in modern history, which took place in September 2004 - the seizure of a school in the city of Beslan (North Ossetia), which killed 342 people, including 186 children, Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to radically change approaches to anti-terrorist activities.

"The fight against terrorism must become in the full sense of the word a national affair, and therefore the active participation in it of all the institutions of the political system, of all Russian society", - Putin said at an expanded meeting of the Russian government in September 2004.

At the beginning of 2006, the federal law "On Combating Terrorism" and the presidential decree "On Measures to Counter Terrorism" established the creation of a qualitatively new, nationwide system to counter this dangerous phenomenon.

Its formation was based on the transition from predominantly forceful suppression of hotbeds of terrorism (the fight against terrorism) to comprehensive work in this area (countering terrorism). The new system included measures to detect, prevent, suppress, disclose and investigate terrorist acts, as well as activities to prevent terrorism, minimize and eliminate the consequences of its manifestations.

On March 10, 2006, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) was formed as the main organizational coordinating structure for this work. For organization interagency cooperation to suppress terrorist acts and manage counter-terrorist operations, the Federal Operational Headquarters (FOS) was created as part of it.

These state bodies include the heads of the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Health and other government agencies. An important feature of the committee is that, in addition to the heads of federal executive bodies, it also includes representatives of the leadership of both chambers of the Russian parliament, the administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian government. The chairman of the NAC ex officio is the director of the FSB of Russia.

The basis of countering terrorism

Work on countering terrorism is organized in all regions of the country, where appropriate anti-terrorist commissions (ATCs) headed by the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and operational headquarters headed by the heads of territorial security agencies have been created.

Headquarters to combat terrorism will appear in the sea areas of RussiaThe President of Russia ordered the creation of operational headquarters in a number of coastal cities, from which the management of counter-terrorist operations and leadership in the fight against terrorism will be carried out.

The creation of appropriate structures is now nearing completion at the primary level of management - municipalities, which will make it possible to fully complete the formation of a single vertical anti-terrorist system from the federal to the local level.

To ensure the functioning of the NAC and the FOS on an ongoing basis, to analyze the state of the nationwide system of countering terrorism, to prepare the necessary proposals for its optimization, as well as to control and provide practical and methodological assistance to anti-terrorist commissions and operational headquarters in the regions of Russia, the FSB created the apparatus of the National Anti-Terrorist committee.

Thus, the organizational basis for countering terrorism is currently presented in the form of two interconnected verticals that manage anti-terrorist measures in the Russian Federation. The first of these are the structures coordinating the work of executive authorities to prevent terrorism, as well as to minimize and eliminate its manifestations: the NAC and the ATC. The second vertical - the structures that manage the activities to combat terrorism: the FOSh and operational headquarters in the regions.

A complex approach

The created system has a number of significant features.

First of all, this is a comprehensive solution of issues in all three areas of countering terrorism - its prevention, identification and subsequent elimination of the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of terrorist attacks; the fight against terrorism; minimization and elimination of the consequences of its manifestations.

FSB: the number of those who renounce extremism and terrorism has increasedThis was facilitated by the implementation of a set of targeted preventive measures, said the head of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee of the Russian Federation, Director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov.

At the same time, in recent years, the main efforts have been focused specifically on the prevention of terrorism, including countering its ideology. In order to counter terrorism, the state is conducting active preventive work. A comprehensive plan to counter the ideology of terrorism in the Russian Federation for 2013-2018 is being implemented.

NAC pays considerable attention to the prevention of destructive processes in the youth environment. Purposeful work is being carried out in Russia on information counteraction to terrorism. Measures are being taken to explain the essence and public danger of terrorism, which contribute to the formation of a persistent rejection of terrorist ideology by society. Mechanisms are being improved to facilitate the effective implementation of measures to counter the ideology of terrorism. In recent years, a lot of work has been done in the field of education to harmonize interethnic relations, instill in students an active citizenship, patriotism, rejection of the ideology of terrorism and extremism.

In addition, there is a clear division of competencies in the field of countering terrorism between various executive authorities.

The heads of all coordinating structures (NAC, FOS, anti-terrorist commissions and operational headquarters in the regions) are endowed with the necessary amount of authority. They have the right and obligation to take decisions on the ground and organize their implementation within the framework of the powers granted to them, on their own, without prior agreement with the federal authorities. Only heads of interested ministries and departments are included in the composition of the NAC and FOS, they are empowered to make final decisions alone.

The obligatory execution of NAC decisions by state authorities, organizations, officials and citizens is enshrined at the legislative level. Established administrative responsibility for non-execution of decisions of the NAC.

The personal responsibility of the relevant leaders has been strengthened (in the field of countering terrorism - the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the field of combating terrorism - the heads of the territorial bodies of the FSB).

International antiterrorist exercises are regularly held in Russia, to which representatives of various foreign states and international organizations are invited as observers.

According to experts, as a result of these changes, systemic shortcomings of the previously existing anti-terrorist legislation were eliminated, a legal institution for the prevention of terrorism was developed, which was previously considered as an auxiliary tool in suppressing terrorist manifestations. There was an understanding that terrorism is a complex socio-political phenomenon, and not an ordinary criminal offense, and one force approach cannot prevail in the fight against it.

Legal support

In parallel with the structural work, the regulatory and legal framework for countering terrorism was being improved.

In development of the current legislation, on October 5, 2009, the President of Russia approved the concept of countering terrorism in Russia - a fundamental document that supplemented the provisions of the federal law "On Countering Terrorism" and formulated the key approaches of the Russian Federation to organizing further anti-terrorist activities.

When developing the concept, such fundamental factors as the expansion of the geography of terrorism and the international nature of terrorist organizations, an increase in the level of organization of terrorist activities, and the creation of large terrorist formations with a developed infrastructure were taken into account. The desire of terrorists to seize weapons of mass destruction and attempts to use terrorism as an instrument of interference in the internal affairs of states were also taken into account.

In December 2015, by decree of the President of Russia, the national security strategy of the Russian Federation was approved, and a presidential decree "On measures to improve public administration in the field of countering terrorism" was also issued, which approved a new regulation on the NAC.

Taking into account the fact that forceful measures to combat terrorism give only a temporary effect, not allowing it to be completely eradicated, domestic legislation great attention is given to the prevention (prevention) of terrorism. This work is proceeding along a number of main lines — the creation of a system to counter the ideology of terrorism; implementation of legal, organizational, operational, administrative, security, military and technical measures aimed at ensuring anti-terrorist protection of potential targets of terrorist attacks; strengthening control over compliance with administrative and legal regimes.

No less important is the concern for the people who suffered during the terrorist act. In the course of implementing measures to minimize and eliminate the consequences of manifestations of terrorism, the tasks of providing emergency medical care, conducting emergency rescue and fire fighting measures, social rehabilitation of persons who suffered as a result of a terrorist act and persons who participated in its suppression, compensation for moral and material damage to persons who suffered as a result of a terrorist act.

A special place in the concept is given to the resource support of anti-terrorist activities.

Within the framework of the relevant federal targeted programs, measures are being implemented in a comprehensive manner that make it possible to establish a unified system for training employees of various departments specializing in the fight against terrorism, to improve modern special technical complexes and methods for obtaining proactive information about the actions and intentions of terrorist groups. In addition, within the framework of the FTP, new equipment and weapons are being developed to suppress terrorist acts.

An important stage in the work to improve anti-terrorist legislation was the creation of a level-based system of situational response to terrorist threats that develops world practice. Within the framework of this system, it is possible to establish three levels of terrorist threat: increased - "blue", high - "yellow", critical - "red".

The introduction of terrorist threat levels does not restrict the rights and freedoms of citizens, but provides for the need for additional measures by the authorities to prevent a possible terrorist act. In addition, within the framework of this system of levels of terrorist threat, higher requirements are imposed on the interaction between the heads of operational headquarters and anti-terrorist commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Results achieved

In general, as a result of the measures taken in Russia, there is a gradual decrease in terrorist activity.

In December 2015, at a joint meeting of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee and the Federal Operational Headquarters, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov noted that the situation in the field of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation has maintained a trend towards normalization, but remains difficult.

The main terrorist threats, as before, are due to the activities of gangs in the North Caucasus. The problem of countering the resource provision of terrorist activities is still acute. The selection and recruitment of Russian citizens for participation in international terrorist organizations continued. The activity of spreading terrorist and extremist ideology via the Internet is not decreasing. There is still a danger of terrorist attacks in Crimea and other regions of Russia bordering Ukraine.

Threats emanating from the Islamic State group banned in Russia and other international terrorist organizations have been developed.

Russian special services are doing everything to early stage inflict preemptive strikes on militants preparing to commit crimes on the territory of the Russian Federation. As a rule, this confrontation is hidden from the public eye and does not become public. And only on the basis of individual official reports can citizens judge the effectiveness of counter-terrorist countermeasures.

So, some time ago, ISIS terrorists attempted to infiltrate a group of ten people into Russia. The group was provided with an elaborate cover story, according to which its members were allegedly doing business in Turkey, and then transshipping cars from Poland to Russia.

The bandits had "clean" passports and had to arrive in Russia one by one and successively, one by one, legalize themselves. Their task was to move to the North Caucasus, there to get in touch with one of the gangs, and at its base to launch active terrorist activities.

However, these plans were not destined to come true - in cooperation with special services from other countries, Russian security agencies tracked the arrival of the first group of bandits in Russia and promptly stopped its activities. Now all the bandits are under investigation.

The important results of the work in 2015 include the fact that the intensification of terrorist activity in the North Caucasus and its transfer outside the region was not allowed. It was possible to prevent 30 crimes, most of which took place on the territory of the North Caucasus Federal District. In all subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District, there is a steady decrease in the number of such crimes.

In the country as a whole, the number of terrorist crimes that pose a threat to the life and health of citizens has decreased by 2.5 times.

In the course of counter-terrorist operations and operational-combat measures, 156 militants were eliminated last year, including 36 leaders. Among them are several leaders of the international terrorist organization "Caucasus Emirate", including Aliaskhab Kebekov and Magomed Suleymanov. Neutralized 20 leaders of gangs who swore allegiance to ISIS. As one of the important results of the anti-terrorist work, it was noted that the elimination of the main leaders practically paralyzed the activities of the administrative link of the bandit underground.

In addition to neutralizing active members of the gang underground, in 2015 the coordinated actions of the security forces of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense, with the coordinating role of operational headquarters and anti-terrorist commissions in the subjects of the Russian Federation, made it possible to cause significant damage to the material and resource base of gang formations.

As a result, 387 caches and bases of militants were identified and destroyed. 175 pipe bombs defused. More than 3.5 tons of explosives, about 3,000 mines, shells and grenades, more than 1,000 firearms and 168,000 cartridges were confiscated. In addition, 42 clandestine workshops and laboratories for the manufacture of improvised explosive devices, repair and alteration of small arms have been liquidated on the territory of Russia.

Russian experience for the world

The successes achieved, according to experts, are explained, first of all, by the proper implementation of the norms of anti-terrorist legislation and the functioning of an effective system of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation.

The significant result of the anti-terrorist measures being taken is largely due to the coherence and coordination of the actions of all interacting structures, and the Russian experience clearly proves this. According to experts, it is precisely in this - the prevention of terrorism, including countering its ideology, the proactive formation and training of forces and means involved in military operations, as well as the effectiveness of ongoing counter-terrorism measures, that are the main conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the entire system of countering terrorism.

It should be noted that the NAC and its constituent structures fully implement the right of citizens to promptly receive reliable information about the activities of state bodies through the media. Timely informing the population about crimes of a terrorist nature or threats of their commission, as well as about measures to minimize and eliminate the consequences of such crimes. The most significant information is published on the official Internet portal of the NAC, where everyone can find answers to many questions of interest about the activities to counter terrorism in Russia.

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee does not intend to stop there. Over time, the nationwide system of countering terrorism will develop, become more flexible, acquire a more global, including international character, for which all interested parties are invited to the dialogue. international organizations and individual countries. Russia is ready for such cooperation.

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