How to get rid of toads in the country. earthen toad

Technique and Internet 22.07.2019
Technique and Internet

In the Garden-Garden section, to the question What is the use or harm of frogs in the garden? given by the author Ledi .... the best answer is Natalia Usacheva as if she fell from Mars .. or from an oak tree .. Look - don’t listen to such people! And from frogs and toads in dachas and gardens ONLY BENEFITS. Take care of them and do not offend - and then you will harvest more .. than you would have harvested .. if you didn’t have them at all ..

Answer from LARISA ZHUKOVA[guru] And besides frogs, toads, I also have lizards running around. Answer from Leah[guru] I would not want a snake, but let the toads ... Answer from Nikolay Lakaevsky[guru] So it's time to equip a frog farm and feed them. Then the French, or to China. IN business! With a smile! Answer from Nadezhda Gorodishchanova[guru] So you have a good environment. May all who can reach you live. In bad conditions, no one will go to live. You feel good about them, which means you will benefit too. Answer from RU[guru]From small animals, frogs and toads are especially useful for the garden. The main food of frogs and toads are insects, most often pests. The moor frog prefers spiders and cycads most of all, the grass frog prefers slugs and grasshoppers, the gray toad prefers beetles and ants, the green toad prefers bugs. They also devour bears, weevils, wireworms, Colorado potato beetle larvae, caterpillars and other pests. Jumping frogs prey on flying insects, including mosquitoes and butterflies. Young frogs and toads feed on aphids, raspberry beetles, mosquitoes, and weevils.

On average, a frog eats 1-2 g of food per day, a toad - up to 8 g. The number of harmful insect species destroyed by frogs and toads is 2-3 times higher than that of insectivorous birds, since they feed on insects with an unpleasant odor and a protective coloration. They hunt at night when the birds are sleeping and destroy nocturnal pests.

Answer from Galina[guru] Frogs are beneficial, they eat slugs and mosquitoes, they like to eat strawberries. In general, all living creatures are useful. Answer from Yatyan B[guru] And I love frogs on the site. Even if there is no benefit! Let them live, jump, croak... it’s happier with them ... Answer from Dima Guchok[newbie] CRACKING at night - they don’t let them sleep - especially before the rain Answer from Natalia Usacheva [guru] An utter abomination! The benefits are clearly less than the nastiness! Mosquitoes will not be caught, the hedgehog eats slugs well. Where frogs and a toad sit (near the shower and water tap), slugs are not visible there. But a little further away, in flowers, in sorrel, there are a lot of them.

So I doubt they would eat them.

Answer from Irina Shabalina[guru] Toads live in the gardens, don't offend them, they destroy a lot of pests, in fact, everything that moves, in the truest sense of the word --- their vision is so arranged that they see only moving objects, and they only eat insects, they don’t eat strawberries, slugs eat strawberries, and that’s what toads hunt while sitting in strawberries. Toads mostly get pests for dinner, because toads mainly hunt at night (and in cloudy days), and pests mostly operate at night. Answer from Vladimir Z[guru] Frogs eat slugs and mosquitoes. A lot of! But they can also eat strawberries. A little bit. Answer from Alexander Vasyukov [active] They have already said the benefit, but their harm is that they are nasty! Answer from Alexander Mukhin [guru] frogs eat mosquitoes

Earth toad. Lifestyle and habitat of the ground toad

It is probably difficult to find a person who spoke fondly of the ground toad. On the contrary, they come up with various fables, for example, some people think that warts and even death can appear from the touch of amphibian representatives.

And few people know that they are orderlies of agricultural crops. Namely, they cope with insects that birds cannot catch. Since toads hunt at night, which is what most garden pests do.

Features and habitat

If we consider geographical areas habitats of ground toads, you can see them both in wetlands and in arid deserts, forests, meadows. In any case, there should be a body of water nearby. It is there that they spend the mating season and spawn. This is a feature of all amphibians.

The nature and lifestyle of the earthen toad

According to the description, the ground toad is estimated at 579 species. Only six varieties are known in Russia. The photo shows an ordinary gray toad. The most common type of Far East, Central Asia.

Adults are 7 cm long, and the width exceeds almost one and a half times - 12 cm. The back is dark in color with warts, the abdomen is more light colors.

Gray ground toad

Far East. The habitat of representatives of the fauna are water meadows, shady forests. The color of the back is gray with bright spots of a black-brown hue, the surface is covered with warts.

The abdomen is light in color. Females differ from males more large size. The eyes are red. There are spikes on the paws. Sakhalin, China, Korea are called habitat.

Far Eastern ground toad

Green. The color of the back is gray with openwork spots of a swamp shade. The animal seems to be in camouflage, well camouflaged from enemies. Therefore, it lives freely in meadows with little grass. The toad cannot jump like a frog, but prefers to move slowly.

Pictured is a green toad

Caucasian. It overtakes all its fellows in growth, which varies from 12 to 12.5 cm in length. Adults are greyish-brown.

Younger specimens are distinguished by an orange color. The homeland of animals is the Western Caucasus. They can be found in mountainous areas, sometimes in caves, if there is high humidity.

Caucasian ground toad

Reed. It bears a strong resemblance to the green toad. It is included in the Red Book, as the species is on the verge of extinction. Homeland - Kaliningrad region, Baltic states, Belarus, Switzerland. He likes places near water bodies - shrubs, swampy lowlands.

Jungle toad

Mongolian toad. Lives in Western Ukraine, the Baltic states. The warts on the back of the females are of a smooth structure, which cannot be said about the males - they have them with spikes. The color is gray with olive spots. And all of them different shapes and magnitude. The abdomen is light with no signs of spots.

In the photo, the Mongolian ground toad

Sometimes animals can live in the cellar where vegetables are stored for the winter. This is quite natural. After all, if there is moisture, this is the native element of toads. Before removing the earthen toad from the cellar, some measures should be taken:

1. In the summer, open the cellar and pull out all the inventory to dry. While the racks are drying, insulate the basement. To do this, remove the top layer of the floor and fill it with sand. Tamp everything carefully.

This will serve as a cushion for waterproofing. Then, cover the ground part with a film and pour concrete. Wait for complete drying and proceed to the processing of walls and ceilings.

Carefully inspect everything for the presence of cracks, if there is also cement the surface. Treat the walls, ceiling with lime or any protective agent against fungus. Now you can bring in dry racks.

2. Use traps.

Ground toad food

The toad is mainly nocturnal. The exception is rainy weather and sunset. Then the predator goes hunting. All spineless insects, slugs, butterflies, spiders get into her diet. The signal for a raid on prey is the slightest movement of an insect.

Often, because of their sluggishness, animals fall into wells, cellars. Then their life ends in captivity. But they continue to exist and feed on the little that falls, for example, into a well.

The toad has always aroused dislike among people and its appearance in the garden is considered a misfortune. But, knowing what the ground toad eats, you can’t call it otherwise than a site cleaner. For a day, an earthen toad in the garden eats up to 8 g of insects.

If the birds do not hunt garden pests at night, the night orderlies will take care of this. So what is an earthen toad and what does it bring by settling in a garden, benefit or harm, in my opinion, the answer is clear - from toads only benefit crops.

For some reason, many of these orderlies do not like and are looking for ways to get rid of earthen toads:

1. Clean the area of wood waste to prevent animals from hiding.

2. If there are dogs, do not leave leftover food in the bowl.

3. Exclude access to water. This will not only scare away toads, but also insects that love moisture.

4. Sprinkle your paths with rock salt.

5. An effective way is the use of pesticides.

Reproduction and lifespan ground toad

Before spawning, it should be recalled how ground toads breed offspring. The animal approaches the reservoir during the mating season. For a temperate climate, this is spring; in the tropics, this is the rainy season. Males are already waiting for them, making unusual sounds. Two individuals mate. As a result, the eggs are fertilized.

Ground toad caviar

Although the toad is an earthen, the process of obtaining offspring takes place necessarily in the water. Let's figure out how earthen toads breed in a pond. Animals spawn, which has interesting feature appearance- is a thin cord.

In some varieties, it can reach 8 meters. After the caviar enters the reservoir, it can be at the bottom of it or wrap around water reeds.

Tailed tadpoles emerge from the eggs and continue their existence there. After about two months, the juveniles are ready for terrestrial life and move to land. The next year, the earthen toad is ready for procreation.

Frogs and toads are helpers in our gardens.

green toad

Hello, friends!

Today I want to tell you about frogs and toads - full-fledged residents of our gardens and kitchen gardens, which help control the number of pests. If they create acceptable conditions, they will gladly settle on garden plots and will eat large numbers of slugs, caterpillars, insect larvae, earwigs, click beetles, ants, grasshoppers, mosquitoes and other pests that live within their reach. If you do not use pesticides and do not leave inorganic fertilizers on the ground in an undissolved form, do not mow the grass too often at least in some parts of the garden, frogs and toads will be comfortable and they will come to live on your plots of land. And if there is at least small body of water with places convenient for breeding frogs and toads, their help will be provided with early spring.

Not everyone loves these most useful and beautiful (do not be surprised, in nature, all creations are perfect) amphibians (amphibians), some are even afraid of them, believing that warts appear from frogs and toads. I declare with full responsibility that this is not true - there is no confirmation of these rumors. Yes, I myself, in childhood and at a more mature age, took frogs and toads in my hands, but I did not have warts. And children begin to be afraid of amphibians, because they are scared by adults who were scared by their parents in childhood.

Common toad

Benefits of frogs. benefits of toads

The beneficial activity of amphibians has been noted in various literature. Eating almost exclusively on animal food, they exterminate insects that harm gardens, vegetable gardens, meadows, fields and forests. The great benefit of amphibians in regulating the number of harmful insects in gardens and orchards has long been noticed. In England, Holland, and Hungary, gardeners from other countries imported toads on purpose and released them into greenhouses and gardens. In the mid 1930s, Hawaiian Islands about 150 individuals of the aga toad were brought from the Antilles. There they were bred and released over a million toads on sugarcane plantations. The results were very pleasing. In the USSR, young naturalists released frogs on school plots. And we don’t need to do anything - do not interfere with the frogs and toads, and they will come themselves. Already in Russia, there are enough reservoirs and wild places for their reproduction and wintering.

Sharp-faced frog. grass frog. Gray toad. green toad

In Russia, gray (common) and green toads, grass and moored (brown) frogs most often live in gardens and vegetable gardens, to the south of Moscow there are spadefoot, so named because of the smell, reminiscent of garlic. All of them are sensitive to air humidity in the soil layer. At a humidity above 90%, the common frog lives, it does not tolerate dry air, it can live both on Far North(in water bodies) and in the forest-steppe zone near rivers, but does not spread far beyond the Urals. The moor frog is much less sensitive to dry air. The most hardy toads to dryness and air temperature, especially the green one, which occupies the driest habitats inaccessible to other amphibians, and dies only when 50% of water is lost from body weight.


Frog breeding. toad breeding

The reproduction of frogs and toads is characterized by internal fertilization (not in all amphibians). Sexually mature individuals gather in reservoirs in spring, mate, after which the females spawn. Masonry occurs near the shore in shallow, unshaded, well-heated places. From eggs after a while, depending on the type of individuals and ambient temperature, tadpoles hatch, grow, eat mainly algae that are inaccessible to other vertebrates. From the end of June, and in some places by autumn, the tadpoles turn into frogs, leave the reservoirs and disperse throughout the district, walking up to 60 meters per day. It is very interesting that the shells of moor frog eggs contain the substance ranidin, which kills the simplest microorganisms. IN traditional medicine Dried frog roe is used to treat facial erysipelas.

How frogs hibernate. How do toads hibernate

hibernate different types differently. Gray and green toads burrow into loose earth to a depth of 10-12 cm, winter in rodent burrows, pits, under stones, in wall crevices. Sharp-faced frogs overwinter on land: in pits covered with leaves, in heaps of foliage and needles, under heaps of branches, in rodent burrows. Spadeworts burrow into the soil or use rodent burrows, mole passages, or sand martin nests. Common frogs prefer to winter in peat pits, springs, at the bottom of reservoirs, under high banks, in thickets of vegetation, in flowing reservoirs under stones. Unfortunately, in harsh snowless winters, amphibians often die. Even wintering in the water grass frogs perish from a lack of atmospheric gases or freezing of the reservoir to the bottom.

green toad

Amphibian breath

Amphibians breathe through the lungs and skin. The grass frog receives 33% of oxygen through the skin. Exchange of gases through the skin environment in amphibians it goes only through the water film, so the skin is constantly moistened with mucus, which is produced by numerous glands. In the sun, the film on the skin dries up and prevents the loss of moisture. Toads have poisonous glands for protection, which secrete substances with a pungent odor, a very bitter taste, burning and emetic action. After all, they cannot move quickly and run away from the hunter. The poison of the gray and green toads is not dangerous to humans, especially since it is released only with mechanical pressure.

These types of frogs and toads hunt mainly at night, leaving their shelters in the evening. During the day, grass frogs hide in wet places, clinging to the ground, and the spadefoot burrow into the soil. Toads, going out to feed in the evening, often bathe in water or dew. Amphibians, more than birds, eat insects with an unpleasant smell and taste and insects with a protective color. If cultivated plantings in gardens and fields are treated with pesticides, frogs and toads, birds and beneficial insects die, and pests adapt, become immune to similar poisons and multiply in geometric progression, forcing the use of more and more strong poisons.

In places where a person treats nature carefully, wisely, biocenoses of plants and animals, including frogs and toads, are formed, which regulate the number of various pests in the garden. Yes, there are wormy apples, but the products are environmentally friendly, because the worm will not eat a harmful plant. In many places of vast Russia it is customary to burn autumn leaves, grass, branches. But after all, a lot of beneficial insects and frogs hibernate in them and under them. And after spending the winter, not even in the compost heap, leaves and grass can serve as an excellent mulch and part of the soil mixtures. Tree branches can be buried in new beds, and even better, they can be processed into wood chips (read "Garden Branch Shredder") and sprinkle paths on the site, the ground under trees and shrubs, where they will rot and enrich the soil.

Let's take care of the space in which we live together, do not litter and poison! Then we will be healthier too.

The benefits of toads and frogs

Often we can hear unflattering characteristics about this couple. However, the benefits of toads and frogs are also obvious. And if they live on your estate, know that there is their merit in reducing the number of slugs and mosquitoes.

The “fault” of frogs and toads is that they are a favorite delicacy for almost all the inhabitants of forests, fields and rivers. Snakes, hedgehogs, foxes, owls, hawks, crows, magpies are not averse to tasting the tender frog meat. To survive on earth, goggle-eyed people need to somehow protect themselves, How to do this if there are no teeth, no shell, no wool, no claws, no strength? The poison remains.

So, for example, in rodents, injection of the skin secretions of a frog causes immediate paralysis of the hind legs. But, in addition, these secretions, which cover the body of the frog in the form of mucus, help it slip out from the enemy, protect it from bacteria and fungal spores.

In toads, the venom glands are even more developed. They are located near the ears and along the body. When a fox seizes a toad, substances with a pungent odor and a bitter taste are reflexively released from all glands, causing burning and vomiting. The attacking predator abandons the prey, and if he does not do this and eats the toad, poisonous substances can poison him.

Let us remind you once again: for a person, these secretions are not dangerous.

Toads and frogs are faithful helpers in the garden.

Do not offend toads and frogs: they are useful!

The skin glands of frogs and toads secrete poisonous substances that are dangerous not for humans, but for four-legged and winged enemies.

The use of toads and frogs is that they catch caterpillars, mosquitoes, flies.

common frog

If you look closely at the structure of the frog's body, you can see that it is always raised in front and, as it were, directed upward at an angle. A long tongue is thrown out for a considerable distance, helping to catch flies, mosquitoes and other insects flying by. Long hind legs allow for long jumps.

The toad has other possibilities. Attention is drawn to some kind of "squat" appearance and short hind limbs, the absence of a far-protruding tongue.

The toad collects caterpillars, its food is on the surface of the soil.

Therefore, both toads and frogs are equally useful, and we should protect this ecological couple in every possible way. Most often, we can meet a gray or common toad, which is easily distinguished by the brown color of the tuberculate back and off-white or yellowish abdomen. It prefers dry places, but moves to water bodies for the spawning period.

It leads a nocturnal or twilight lifestyle, during the day it sits under boards and stones, often in undergrounds and sheds. It feeds on caterpillars and beetles. Inactive and easily given in the hands. In the spring appears at 5-6 °C. Lays 1200-6840 eggs in a pond. Tadpoles develop in water for two months. In autumn, small toads already reach 1.5 cm.

Common frogs are the ecological partner of the common toads on the site. This species is characterized by a brown or grayish coloration of the back, a dark tapering spot behind the eye, and a yellowish or white belly. Long hind legs allow good jumping, escaping from numerous enemies.

In nature, they live in forests and forest-steppes. They spend the whole summer on land, lead a twilight and nocturnal lifestyle, but often hunt during the day, catching mosquitoes, flies and other flying insects, beetles, grasshoppers, and mollusks. According to ecologists, every summer the frog eats about 1,300 mosquitoes and flies.

Going out into the garden, I saw how my neighbors - a rather elderly married couple, loudly indignant, rush around the beds, and mop something with mops among the strawberry bushes. Intrigued, I approached the fence separating our summer cottages, and asked: what do they do?

- Why, frogs and toads suck strawberries ... - the out of breath owner Vasily Demyanych complained. Strawberries, he, like many others, mistakenly calls garden strawberries.

- And we have frogs eating cucumbers, - Anna Ivanovna, another neighbor, entered into the conversation.

“They always cause warts,” said Anna Ivanovna’s granddaughter, fifteen-year-old Olga, with conviction.

“You are all very much mistaken,” I explained to them. – Toads and frogs are not vegetarians, they eat only animal food. And only one that moves. But they cannot suck, gnaw or bite, even if they wanted to ... The structure of their mouth is such that they are only able to capture prey with their tongue and swallow it whole. They also don't have teeth.

For a long time I explained to them the unreasonableness of their actions in relation to these amphibians. He explained that the warts that allegedly appear on the hands of the one who held the toad is a persistent prejudice associated with the fact that the skin of the toad is completely dotted with numerous warty tubercles. These tubercles do contain toxic substances. But experience and observations have shown that poisonous substances protect the animal from predators, and they are harmless to humans.

I can’t say whether they believed me or not, but Vasily Demyanovich and his wife didn’t touch the toads and frogs anymore.

And I, looking at them, thought that my neighbors are by no means alone among those who consider frogs and toads harmful creatures. After all, the most incredible stories and absurdities have been circulating about these harmless creatures from time immemorial.

For example, the Swiss zoologist Konrad Gesner, who lived in the 16th century, in the fundamental work "History of Animals" reported the following about toads and frogs: “This animal is completely cold and wet, everything is saturated with poison, terrible, disgusting and harmful. If this animal is beaten, then it becomes so angry that if it could, it would gladly reward a person with a disease or poison him with his harmful, poisonous But it is not only the white poison that is on them that is harmful, but their whole body, and if someone touches their body, then the place with which he touched rots and can be cured with very great difficulty. and the view is also harmful, people become very pale and ugly from it ... Sometimes it happens that people accidentally, along with water or other drinks, swallow the eggs of toads and frogs; frogs and toads are then hatched from the eggs in a person? and this is absolutely terrible. Toads also poison grass and foliage that they have tried or even slowly crawled over.".

The first to refute these and similar malicious fabrications about toads and frogs and appreciate their benefits to landowners was the famous Alfred Brehm. Here is his point of view... "Since ancient times and until the present day, no animal family has caused such general disgust in people, not one has been persecuted so mercilessly and so unjustly as the family of toads. It is difficult to understand, in fact, how it could happen that smart people could come up with such nonsense. It is even less clear that even now there are still thousands of people who are very inclined to accept such a senseless, unfounded lie as the truth: after all, the nocturnal lifestyle of ugly toads cannot serve as a basis for constant contempt and persecution of these ugly, innocent and in the highest degree useful animals!.

The same thing is happening in our time. The time of the Internet, computers and space communications. My neighbors, and most other summer residents, are a clear confirmation of this.

Many gardeners simply do not know that toads and frogs are extremely beneficial for the garden. Not only do they never damage anything, but on the contrary, they bring tremendous benefits, destroying numerous crops.

After all, these amphibians go hunting at night, when the vast majority of birds are sleeping. And it is then that night butterflies, moths, their caterpillars come to life. Especially dangerous are field slugs that feed after dark. Not only do they gnaw garden plants, they also infect them with various diseases. dangerous diseases. And these slugs are the favorite food of gray toads.

Frogs and toads catch insects with an unpleasant taste and smell, which are rejected by birds. And they destroy insects with a protective coloration that birds do not notice. These amphibious bears are mined, snacking and processing the roots of cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, carrots and other crops.

The "menu" of toads and frogs, in addition, includes striped click beetles, fillies, bugs, all kinds of beetles, caterpillars, mosquitoes and their larvae. And toads exterminate the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae, hated by all summer residents.

It is clear that the benefits of frogs and toads are enormous. Therefore, try not only not to cause harm, but on the contrary, protect them in every possible way. After all, they have a lot of enemies in nature. The main exterminators are storks and herons. Also, cranes, eagle owls, crows, gulls, catfish, and pikes are not averse to feasting on frogs. Frog eggs are eaten by many birds, primarily ducks. Tadpoles serve as food for magpies, fieldfares and redwings. Many toads and frogs die on the roads in the spring when they head to the spawning grounds.

So always remember: the more of these amphibians on your site, the safer the crop.

A. Nosov, gardener with many years of experience

Although these animals are almost harmless, and also clear the area of ​​many insects, some owners seek to get rid of the frogs. They attribute this to fear or dislike of frogs. For some, they trample the shoots in the beds. Some varieties are poisonous and pose a serious threat to pets and can harm children. There are many ways to get rid of toads in your home.

Some frogs trample on shoots

Preparatory stage

First of all, you need to accurately define the type. First, it is necessary for more effective fight. Secondly, this way you can be sure of the legality of your actions. In some countries rare species protected by law or there are other legal nuances.

However, there are distinctly aggressive species who are allowed to be killed:

  • Bullfrogs. They prey on local relatives and infect them with chytridiomycosis, a disease that has caused more than a hundred species to become extinct.
  • Cane toads. Although they are not related to frogs, all the same methods of struggle apply to them. Most of them are in Australia.
  • Cuban tree frogs outside of Cuba cause a lot of trouble. In the US (Florida) they were involved in a power outage.
  • Tree singing frog.

The legality of killing a frog depends primarily on its harmfulness and prevalence. In Russia, you can not destroy any animals listed in the Red Book, among which there are some frogs and toads. There are varieties in the US that are so harmful that they are not allowed to be released when caught. First of all, this concerns invasive species that threaten biological diversity.

There are a number of aggressive

If in doubt about the belonging of amphibians, it is better not to touch them. Or use methods aimed at expelling animals, but not killing them. It will not be superfluous to contact nature conservation specialists, the local authorized state body.

If the frogs are not alien guests, but the indigenous inhabitants of the site, then it is better not to take drastic measures. This is important for the conservation of biological diversity and nature in general, because any indigenous species is an important component of the ecosystem. They occupy a place in the food chain, destroying insects, and also moisten the ground.

Even if it poisonous species better to find a compromise. You can remove all the foliage from the yard, then the frogs will simply have nowhere to live, and they will move to another territory, or simply cover the well, close all doors and windows - then the animals will definitely not disturb the peace of the home.

In order not to touch the frog, it is enough to remove all the foliage

Loyal Methods

To get rid of frogs in the house, it is not necessary to resort to exterminating them. There are loyal methods that will force amphibians to leave or prevent them from returning to the site. They are relevant for reasons of humane treatment of animals and the preservation of the natural ecological balance.

Work on the plot

You can get rid of frogs in the cellar by working on the site. Since amphibians are attracted to moisture, drain all standing water. This applies to birdbaths, artificial ponds, wetlands and more. Amphibians use these places for lodging and laying eggs. Removing the water will also drive away some insects, including mosquitoes. Since the frogs prey on them, they will lose interest in the place due to the lack of food. If you want to save some sources of water, then you should put filters or a fountain. The circulation and purification of water will make it impossible for the reproduction of not only insects, but also the frogs themselves.

Vegetation can be pruned. It is necessary to remove bushy plants and tall grass, in which frogs constantly hide. They will avoid open areas. If the bush grows away from moisture, then it can be saved. The same goes for garbage. For example, tires, empty pots, mountains of wood shavings are excellent hiding places for these animals. If you remove the garbage, then the frogs will have nowhere to hide.

Outdoor lighting should be turned off if possible. It attracts insects that the frogs feed on. On the porch and in the garden, the lights can be turned off at night, and in the house, curtains or curtains can be hung on the windows.

It is better not to keep animal food outside so that amphibians do not try to steal it. Pets should also be fed at home. If this is not possible, then it is better to take the bowl home after feeding.

Reducing vegetation is one of the solutions to the problem

You can breed frogs by killing insects. This can be done using special traps or insecticides. It is better to use organic poisons, because chemical ones often destroy all animals in a row, including amphibians.

Another option is physical fencing. The entire property or pond can be limited with a net or plastic barrier. It is better not to use wire, because the amphibian will easily overcome this obstacle. But the fence should fit snugly to the ground and be high enough so that it cannot be jumped over. Security measures imply that the support posts should enter the ground by about a third of a meter. The base is better to sprinkle with earth.

Scaring elements

You can use the help of predators. At the same time, you need to remember about the toxicity of some species. The carnivore used must be toxin resistant. Although it is easiest to release a cat, you can pick up other predators that feed on these amphibians, such as a snake, kites or hawks.

Some types of predators are happy to help get rid of frogs.

Suitable for scaring animals natural remedies. However, you need to understand that some of them can not only scare, but also kill amphibians. You can sprinkle salt near ponds or in the cellar. It is not fatal, but it burns the paws, so the frogs will leave, but the salt will also harm the plants. To avoid this, you can use coffee grounds. It will have a similar effect, but will not kill the plants.

Aggressive ways

More radical means are also used to get rid of frogs. It is better to do this only as a last resort, which is due to many reasons. First of all, with the senselessness and cruelty of such actions.

None special means no need to kill amphibians. It is enough to dilute 600 grams citric acid in four liters of water, and then spray the solution on the skin of the frogs. They will suffer, but they will die quickly. The same can be done with caffeine.

You can fix the problem at initial stage when they are still tadpoles

Some herbicides can deprive males of the ability to fertilize. It is enough to spray the substance on the site to reduce the population of amphibians. Snake repellent is also suitable - it acts on frogs no less effectively.

Amphibians can simply be caught with a net or net. After catching, there are two options for action:

  1. Move collected animals. They can be taken to a nearby body of water and released. However, you should choose a place in which this species can live naturally.
  2. Kill frogs. Most humane method- freezing to death. First, the animals must be put in the refrigerator for the night (due to the cold they will fall into a state of a kind of coma), and then left for three days in the freezer. So low temperature fatal to them.

Another way to fight is to eliminate amphibians in the state of tadpoles. They just need to be caught with a net from the pond, and then eliminated. You can do this in three ways:

  • to freeze;
  • lay out on dry asphalt, lit by the sun;
  • bury alive.

The first one is more humane. A good alternative is to install traps like ordinary mousetraps, it is better to place them near the entrances to the house, garage or cellar. If no remedies for frogs in the house help, but you still need to eliminate amphibians, it is better to resort to the help of a professional exterminator.

In this video you will learn how to catch frogs:

Frogs are to a certain extent our friends, since it is these amphibians that destroy harmful insects in cellars. However, if the number of frogs becomes massive, this already becomes a problem. The presence of frogs is not necessary even in the case when you do not have slugs and a lot of insects in the cellar.

To start the fight against frogs, think carefully: will their destruction bring new problems?

If not, then you can safely get down to business. But before talking about how to breed frogs in the cellar, you need to prepare for this so that everything goes efficiently.

The anatomical structure of the frog.

Preparatory work

So, before you get down to business, you need to prepare the cellar. First, remove all containers with water and other liquids. This is especially true of stagnant water, which is very attractive to toads. In the event that accumulations of moisture periodically appear on the cellar floor, you will even have to work on rebuilding the floor. The fact is that even if you bring the existing frogs out of the basement or cellar, the presence of water will attract new individuals there.

Drawing of a stuffed trap.

In addition, you need to put things in order in the cellar. Remove all food supplies from there and carefully sweep up the existing garbage. It would also be ideal to clean the furniture in the cellar. The same applies to the area around the cellar. If there is high vegetation in the area near the cellar (especially weeds and any marsh grass), then it will have to be cut or completely removed. After all, frogs do not like to be in sight, and thickets attract them very much. Frogs will not want to get to the cellar through a completely open area.

Also make sure that there are no animal feeders within a radius of about 2 m around the cellar. Oddly enough, but even such food is very attractive to some types of toads. It is also important not to leave the lighting near the cellar turned on for a long time at night. After all, the accumulation of insects will provoke the accumulation of frogs.

So, after such simple preparatory work, you can also take on the basic methods of removing frogs from the cellar or basement. There are different effective ways fight them. And they are all completely different. Having considered in more detail each of the proposed methods, you can choose for yourself the most optimal and suitable option for how to get rid of frogs.

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Mechanical methods

The first method is the mechanical elimination of frogs in the cellar. The easiest way to do this is to catch them with a butterfly net. Just catch them in a net, then place them in a bucket, which must be covered with a lid. There should be some water in the bucket to keep the frogs alive. After you have caught all the living creatures in this way, take the frogs to a river or pond and release them there.

This method is more suitable for such cellars, from which all small furniture can be easily removed. After all, if there are many places in the room where frogs can hide, catching them in this way will be quite problematic.

In addition, check all the water containers that were in the cellar. After all, there may be tadpoles. If you find them, then the water, along with still small amphibians, must also be taken and poured into a river or swamp.

The second way is to install standard traps. This mechanical method of breeding frogs is already less humane, but quite effective. This is a great option for a cellar that has a lot of hard to reach places. The most reliable trap will be an ordinary mousetrap. You will need several of these mousetraps. In each of them it is necessary to place a bait. As bait, you can use the same products as for mice. Mousetraps should be placed at the entrance to the cellar, as well as in all hard-to-reach places on the cellar floor. Pay special attention to places under furniture and corners. Usually frogs like to live there most of all.

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Indirect and preventive methods

Electromechanical insect trap device.

The third way refers to the indirect or prophylactic breeding of frogs. This happens because it consists in removing absolutely all insects from the cellar. Logically, if there are no insects, then there will be no frogs, since they will have nothing to eat.

To overcome insects, you need to place traps for them. For this purpose, it is best to place two special insect traps in the form of lamps in the cellar. Their essence lies in the fact that inside the trap there is a poisonous bait, on which insects fly and crawl. But once inside such a “lamp”, they can’t get out of there and die there.

Traps of this kind must be placed in two places: at the entrance and in the middle of the cellar near the lamp. It is very convenient to hang the trap. You will see how, especially near the lamp in the central part of the cellar, a huge number of destroyed insects will accumulate. Only one condition: do not forget to close the front doors when you turn on the lamp. This will make it possible to avoid reappearing insects from the street.

The fourth method is the arrangement of the fence. This method is more related to preventive measures. But it is very desirable to use it, especially if you have already taken the amphibians out of the cellar and do not want them to appear there again.

Scheme of using a mesh netting for the manufacture of fencing sections from toads.

To properly equip the fence, you first need to choose the right mesh. It should be borne in mind that the height of the net must be at least 1.5 m. This is due to the fact that frogs can jump quite high. Grid cells should not be large. Therefore, it is best to choose a mesh for a chain-link fence.

You can install such a frog guard around the cellar at a distance of about 2-3 m from it. When installing, be sure to ensure that the net is pulled taut over the pegs, which must be sufficiently firmly driven into the soil. The fence must adjoin the ground from absolutely all sides, otherwise all your work will be in vain.

This fence is recommended only if your cellar is built in an area where a large number of frogs are constantly found, which greatly complicates the fight against them. Under normal conditions, this kind of fencing is optional, as some owners may even bring some inconvenience.

It is probably difficult to find a person who spoke fondly of the ground toad. On the contrary, they come up with various fables, for example, some people think that warts and even death can appear from the touch of amphibian representatives.

And few people know that they are orderlies of agricultural crops. Namely, they deal with the ones they can't catch. Since toads hunt at night, which is what most garden pests do.

Features and habitat

If we consider the geographical habitats of terrestrial toads, then you can see them both in wetlands and in arid deserts, forests, meadows. In any case, there should be a body of water nearby. It is there that they spend the mating season and spawn. This is a feature of all amphibians.

The nature and lifestyle of the earthen toad

By description ground toad is estimated at 579 species. Only six varieties are known. On photo ordinary ground toad grey. The most common species in the Far East, Central Asia.

Adults are 7 cm long, and the width exceeds almost one and a half times - 12 cm. The back is dark in color with warts, the abdomen is with lighter tones.

Gray ground toad

Far East. The habitat of representatives of the fauna are water meadows, shady forests. The color of the back is gray with bright spots of a black-brown hue, the surface is covered with warts.

The abdomen is light in color. Females differ from males in larger sizes. The eyes are red. There are spikes on the paws. Sakhalin, Korea is called a habitat.

Far Eastern ground toad

Green. The color of the back is gray with openwork spots of a swamp shade. The animal seems to be in camouflage, well camouflaged from enemies. Therefore, it lives freely in meadows with little grass. Cannot jump like, but prefers to move slowly.

Pictured is a green toad

Caucasian. It overtakes all its fellows in growth, which varies from 12 to 12.5 cm in length. Adults are greyish-brown.

Younger specimens are distinguished by an orange color. The homeland of animals is the Western Caucasus. They can be found in mountainous areas, sometimes in caves if there is high humidity.

Caucasian ground toad

Reed. It bears a strong resemblance to the green toad. It is included in the Red, as the species is on the verge of extinction. Homeland - Kaliningrad region, Baltic states, Belarus, Switzerland. He likes places near water bodies - shrubs, swampy lowlands.

Jungle toad

Mongolian toad. Lives in Western, Baltic. The warts on the back of the females are of a smooth structure, which cannot be said about the males - they have them with spikes. The color is gray with olive spots. And they are all different shapes and sizes. The abdomen is light with no signs of spots.

In the photo, the Mongolian ground toad

Sometimes animals can live in the cellar where vegetables are stored for the winter. This is quite natural. After all, if there is moisture, this is the native element of toads. Before how to get an earthen toad out of the cellar some steps should be taken:

1. In the summer, open the cellar and pull out all the inventory to dry. While the racks are drying, insulate the basement. To do this, remove the top layer of the floor and fill it with sand. Tamp everything carefully.

This will serve as a cushion for waterproofing. Then, cover the ground part with a film and pour concrete. Wait for complete drying and proceed to the processing of walls and ceilings.

Carefully inspect everything for the presence of cracks, if there is also cement the surface. Treat the walls, ceiling with lime or any protective agent against fungus. Now you can bring in dry racks.

2. Use traps.

Ground toad food

The toad is mainly nocturnal. The exception is rainy weather and sunset. Then the predator goes hunting. All spineless, slugs, fall into her diet. The signal for a raid on prey is the slightest movement of an insect.

Often, because of their sluggishness, animals fall into wells, cellars. Then their life ends in captivity. But they continue to exist and feed on the little that falls, for example, into a well.

The toad has always aroused dislike among people and its appearance in the garden is considered a misfortune. But, knowing what the ground toad eats, you can’t call it otherwise than a site cleaner. Per day ground toad in the garden eats up to 8 g of insects.

If the birds do not hunt garden pests at night, the night orderlies will take care of this. So what is ground toad and what she brings by settling in the garden, benefit or harm, in my opinion, the answer is clear - from toads only benefit crops.

For some reason, many such orderlies do not like and are looking for ways to how to get rid of ground toads:

1. The area should be cleared of wood waste so that the animals do not have the opportunity to hide.

2. If there are dogs, do not leave leftover food in the bowl.

3. Exclude access to water. This will not only scare away toads, but also insects that love moisture.

4. Sprinkle your paths with rock salt.

5. An effective way is the use of pesticides.

Reproduction and lifespan of the ground toad

Before spawning, it should be reminded how ground toads breed. The animal approaches the reservoir during the mating season. For a temperate climate, this is spring; in the tropics, this is the rainy season. Males are already waiting for them, making unusual sounds. Two individuals mate. As a result, the eggs are fertilized.

Ground toad caviar

Although the toad is an earthen, the process of obtaining offspring takes place necessarily in the water. Let's figure out how earthen toads breed in a pond. Animals spawn, which has an interesting appearance feature - it is a thin lace.

In some varieties, it can reach 8 meters. After the caviar enters the reservoir, it can be at the bottom of it or wrap around water reeds.

Tailed tadpoles emerge from the eggs and continue their existence there. After about two months, the juveniles are ready for terrestrial life and move to land. Next year ground toad ready to procreate.

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