How to quickly get rid of a bruise. The scheme of "camouflage" make-up of the area under the eyes. Traditional medicine methods

Health 22.10.2017

Bruises are bright spots on the skin that change color over time, from deep purple at the beginning to green-yellow by the time they disappear. However, few people like this variety of colors. And the question is always relevant. After all, not only do these spots appear, as a rule, due to unpleasant blows, they also look like a cosmetic defect, especially if they cannot be disguised under clothing.

During an injury, the blood vessels are damaged, they rupture and the bruise is essentially a hemorrhage. The more common this process, the larger and brighter the bruise is formed. And even more so for a long time it will decorate the surface of the body. By the way, the disappearance time of the spot also depends on its location. The higher the bruise, the faster it disappears. That is, on the face, for example, the defect disappears within a week. But on the legs can last a couple of weeks, and a month

But it is very difficult to wait even a week, especially if the bruise is located on the face and is visible to others. If there is an opportunity to sit at home during this time - excellent, but if not?

How to quickly get rid of a bruise: 10 ways

And, of course, you can try to mask bruises with tonal means, powder, correctors. Before applying them, it is better to treat the skin with a moisturizer. To mask purple spots, a greenish concealer is suitable; for red ones, you should prefer yellow camouflage, and for yellow bruises - bluish or light purple. These colors cancel each other out. And on top you can gently powder.

Now the question of how to quickly get rid of a bruise has become more open. However the best remedy from this misfortune - to prevent its occurrence. Take care of yourself and stay beautiful.

A hematoma appears due to an injury. The duration and methods of treatment depend on the degree of damage and the place where the hematoma formed. Bruises on the torso disappear within two weeks, on the legs they last for about a month. Most quickly, hematomas resolve in the face area - from a week to 10 days.

It is necessary to distinguish a hematoma from a bruise. A bruise appears when capillaries break and minor bleeding. A hematoma is formed when the vessels in the soft tissues are damaged due to the accumulation of blood. The appearance of a hematoma is indicated not only by a change in skin color, but also by tissue swelling, pain, and possibly an increase in temperature. With intracranial hematoma, examination and treatment in a hospital is required. Large hematomas require surgical treatment. With the help of a puncture or opening, the surgeon evacuates the accumulated blood. After removing the fluid and blood, a pressure bandage is applied. Treatment of small hematomas is carried out conservatively at home. The use of cold in the first minutes after injury helps to stop bleeding and prevent the formation of an extensive hematoma. Cold is applied for 15-30 minutes, then a break is taken for 30-40 minutes. Do not keep ice on the damaged area for more than 30 minutes. In order not to frostbite the skin, put a linen napkin or towel under the ice. It is good if there is a special cooling compress in the home first aid kit, if there is none, use ordinary ice. Pressure bandages also help stop bleeding. Do not use ice if there is an open wound on the skin.

After two days, it is allowed to apply heat. Warming gels, hot baths, compresses improve blood circulation. This helps to quickly get rid of the hematoma. For dry heating, salt or sand is used. Heat the sand in a frying pan or oven, put it in a bag and apply it to the sore spot. A boiled egg or potato keeps warm for a long time. A useless procedure will be the application of an iodine mesh.

Troxevasin promotes blood resorption, helps stop bleeding and reduce swelling. Apply 2% gel to the skin and rub gently. A good effect is the use of heparin ointment, gels containing arnica. A gel or ointment based on badyagi promotes rapid resorption of hematomas if they are used in the first hours after injury. Badyagi powder is diluted with water to the state of slurry and applied to the skin. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes. Ointments and gels are applied only to intact skin. Be especially careful when using the badyagi. Even with minor scratches, you will get severe skin irritation.

From the edema that accompanies the hematoma, lotions from raw potatoes. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and apply for 15 minutes to the problem area. Such lotions are especially effective for hematomas in the eye area. Very often, with a strong blow to the bridge of the nose, hematomas will appear under the eyes the next day. Don't wait until morning, take action right away. On the bridge of the nose - cold, under the lower eyelids - gel with badyaga. A gel cosmetic mask is very convenient, which is used as a cold or hot compress. For cooling, the mask is placed in the refrigerator, for heating, it is dipped in hot water for several minutes.

Timely treatment and proper use of funds will help you get rid of the hematoma. On the road and on vacation, have a first aid kit with you. Do not forget that cold is applied in the first two days, and only on the third day the sore spot needs to be warmed up.

Hematomas and bruises are the most common injuries that can occur on their own without any special reasons, as well as due to more severe injuries, including fractures, dislocations, and damage to internal organs. If you start treatment for hematoma and bruises folk remedies immediately after their occurrence, then getting rid of them will be much easier and faster than if you start getting rid of them after some time.

How to quickly get rid of a hematoma and a bruise?

First of all, you should apply something cold to the sore spot. To do this, you can use everything that is in the freezer of your refrigerator, but if there is nothing there, you can use the ice formed on its walls. It must be scraped off with a special spatula designed for defrosting, and then put in a plastic bag. Apply cold to the affected area for as long as possible.

Treatment of hematoma and bruises with folk remedies

An excellent folk remedy that will help you quickly get rid of a hematoma and a bruise is a mixture of vinegar and salt. To do this, you need half a glass of table vinegar and 0.5 tsp. salt. Moisten a cloth with the resulting solution and apply to the sore spot for half an hour. The pain from bruises will be removed as if by hand, and the hematoma will quickly resolve. This recipe will eliminate the appearance of bruises.

Butter is good for bruises. In order for the bump and bruise to come off as soon as possible, the bruised place should be lubricated butter every half hour.

One of the best and fastest means of getting rid of bruises and bruises is badyaga, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Recipe for badyagi from bruises and bruises: 2 tbsp. l. powder must be diluted in 1 tbsp. l. water. The resulting cake should be tied to the bruised area, changing the bandage two to three times a day.

Treatment of hematomas and bruises with folk remedies involves applying a lead penny to the bruised place. Lead for a short time dissolve the resulting bruise.

Quickly get rid of a hematoma and a bruise will help laundry soap, which should be diluted in water, soaked soapy water tissue paper and apply to the injured area.

Laundry soap for bruises and bruises can be used in a slightly different way. To do this, grate the soap on a grater and mix it with egg yolk. You should get a homogeneous thick mass. Lubricate the sore spot with the resulting remedy, changing the lotion every half hour. So simply and effectively you can get rid of pain and cosmetic defects that have appeared on the skin.

As a treatment for hematoma and bruises with folk remedies, you can use an ointment from hop cones. It must be cooked on interior fat. For cooking medicinal product you will need 200 grams of fat and 50 grams of dried hop cones, previously crushed into powder. Ointment from hop cones should be in every home first aid kit, especially if there are children in the house. After all, studying the world around them, kids can not do without bruises and bruises. This tool not only quickly dissolves hematomas, but also relieves pain in a short time.

Among the folk remedies for bruises and bruises that are available and fast-acting is a banana peel. Immediately after injury, apply the inner side of the banana peel to the damaged area.

How to prevent the appearance of a hematoma?

If hematomas appear often enough for no reason, care must be taken to boost immunity by eating as many fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C as possible. After all, it is the lack of this vitamin that often causes bruising.

Along with this, as a prophylactic against hematomas, it is necessary to regularly use creams containing vitamin C. Absorbed into the skin, the vitamin promotes the growth of collagen, which maintains and protects blood vessels from damage. Please note that when taking large doses of vitamin C, there may be a risk of kidney disease and the formation of sand and stones in them, so you should take it according to the instructions, while consuming a large amount of liquid.

Bruises are formed as a result of injuries, sometimes even minor ones, and can significantly spoil appearance. Especially if we are talking about bruises on the face. The question of how to quickly get rid of a bruise is very relevant if appearance plays an important role in the work.

What is a bruise?

A bruise is a limited hemorrhage that appears as a result of damage to the vessel wall. The larger the vessel is damaged, the longer it takes to stop bleeding and the larger the hematoma is formed. Gradually, the blood coagulates and resolves, the hematoma changes color (“blooms”) and decreases in size. The complete disappearance of a bruise on average takes about 3 weeks, this period depends on the size and location of the hemorrhage (they disappear faster on the face than on the legs).

A photo. How to quickly get rid of a bruise?

How to quickly get rid of a bruise at home?

It will not work to get rid of a bruise in 1 day, you can only mask it with foundation or powder, but there are ways to speed up the process of its resorption or reduce the size of the hemorrhage.

If ice is applied to the site of the bruise immediately after the impact, the vessels will contract, which will reduce the amount of hemorrhage.

The imposition of a pressure bandage reduces the volume of the hematoma, as it compresses the vessels and prevents the blood from spreading.

The use of drugs for the rapid resorption of hematomas. These include ointments and creams with heparin and its derivatives, vitamin K. They help dissolve the blood clot and restore tissues at the site of injury. A good effect is given by ointments that strengthen blood vessels (,).

A well-known way to speed up the resorption of bruises, especially on the face, is bodyaga, on the basis of which ointments are made for external use. Bodyagi powder is on sale and in pure form, it is dissolved in a small amount of water until a slurry is obtained and applied to the bruise. Bodyaga is of animal origin, refers to silicon sponges. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Inside, you can take preparations of vitamin C, rutin and other substances that strengthen blood vessels.

It helps to reduce bruising, it can be applied at the site of the bruise with a “mesh”.

A day after the appearance of the bruise, when it has already organized and the processes of blood resorption have begun, heat can be applied to the site of the bruise. Warm compresses, baths can be done several times a day. They accelerate blood flow, dilate blood vessels, which accelerates the resorption of the bruise. It is important that this cannot be done immediately after the injury - vasodilation will provoke the formation of a larger hematoma.

A photo. Treatment of a bruise with a badyagi

Methods traditional medicine

You can get rid of bruises on your own without the use of pharmaceutical preparations by referring to traditional medicine recipes. The simplest of them is cabbage leaves, which cool and soothe, reduce swelling. They are applied by analogy with ice immediately after a bruise. There is a recipe using vodka, it is mixed in half with water, frozen, and ice is applied to the hematoma area. An effective gruel of 1 yolk, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of sunflower oil. It is applied for a day. It helps to quickly get rid of a bruise a compress from the bark of viburnum, celandine and aloe. The mixture is insisted, then cotton swabs are mixed in it and applied to the bruise.

In some ways, men are more fortunate than women: bruises and scars can even decorate them, which cannot be said about the beautiful half of humanity. You have probably come across a situation where suddenly blue appears and at the same time it is always in the most prominent place. The task immediately arises: how to quickly get rid of a bruise, without waiting for the required several weeks for this. As a rule, a bruise on the face disappears in a week, it stays on the body for two weeks, but it can decorate your legs for up to one month.

Remember the first important rule: the faster you start using all kinds of means, the faster it will pass for you. It is advisable to apply ice to the affected area in the first hours after the impact. It should not be applied to bare skin, but through a pad so that there is no frostbite and left for a long time. If there is no ice or cold objects at hand, then it is advisable to place the bruised area under cold water, this will reduce the excessive flow of blood to the site of injury.

Then on the second day, when you need to get rid of bruises at home, you should change the treatment tactics. The main blood flow has already stopped and the cold needs to be changed to heat, this helps the resorption of the hematoma. For warming up, heated salt or sand in a bag, electric and water heaters are suitable. Just remember that you can warm up the affected area only after the swelling subsides.

In addition to such first aid measures, proven folk methods for reducing bruises can help the problem. These are bodyaga or lead lotions. Lead lotions are made for the affected area in the form of a compress. Bodyagi powder should be diluted with water or oil in the proportion of one part liquid to two parts bodyagi and easily rubbed into the skin, but you should be much more careful than with lead lotions. Bodyaga is a powder obtained from a freshwater sponge, which has a fairly rigid fiber structure. These fibers, in contact with the tissue, provide increased blood flow to the site of injury, which affects the rapid resorption of the bruise. However, bodyaga should be used carefully, especially on sensitive areas of the skin, so as not to provoke the development of dermatitis.

Those people who know how to quickly get rid of a bruise understand that, first of all, vitamin K, contained in cabbage, nettle, and vitamin C with rutin, contained in citrus fruits, helps the vessels to recover. Therefore, it is useful to eat cabbage, lemons, oranges and pineapples. You can not only eat cabbage, but also make compresses from its leaves. If you have a way to get rid of them faster, compresses will definitely help not only from cabbage, but also from tincture of crushed garlic in vinegar.

The next most popular folk remedy is iodine. Its 5% solution is applied with a mesh to the damaged area (preferably overnight). By morning, there will be no traces of your drawings, and you can be sure of own example how to quickly get rid of a bruise. Herbal remedies also help well - these are radishes and parsley, as well as fresh leaves of burdock and coltsfoot. For resorption of hematomas of fresh bruises, lavender oil is recommended, if the bruises are already old, then it is better to use rosemary oil.

A good and quick effect is given by Arnica and Rescuer ointments. You can still recommend Troxevasin and Lyoton gels. When treating bruises, it should be remembered that they must go through several stages, characterized by different colors: red turns into purple, then blue, then blue-green and finally a faint yellow tint. If your hematoma shows a different color pattern, you need to see a doctor urgently.

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