American about Aegis. American missile defense program Aegis: status and prospects

Tourism and rest 19.07.2019
Tourism and rest

If such information was missed in the media, then things are much worse for Erefia. The latest US ground-based missile defense intercepted an analogue of a tactical nuclear missile launched from Iskanders.

For the first time, the United States successfully tested the ground version of the Aegis Aegis missile defense system, the analogue of which had previously been equally effectively tested at sea. Like the naval version of this missile defense system, the ground-based system effectively intercepted a ballistic training target that simulated the launch of a missile with a nuclear warhead in service with Russia.

This is reported by the website of Lockheed Martin, the developer of the Standard SM-3 Block IB anti-missile, which hit a target - a medium-range missile simulator launched from a C-17 aircraft (an analogue of a tactical nuclear missile that the Russian Iskander system is capable of launching). It was detected by the AN / TPY-2 radar and transmitted the coordinates to the Aegis Ashore system, which intercepted the target already using its own AN / SPY-1 locator.

“Passed tests have proven that the Aegis ballistic interception capabilities, which have previously been demonstrated at sea over the past years, will soon become available for ground-based missile defense systems that are being built in Romania as part of the 2nd stage of the European Phased Adaptive Program (European Phased Adaptive Approach, EPAA),” said Vice Admiral James Searing, head of the US Department of Defense’s Missile Defense Agency (MDA). The Aegis Ashore system, built in Romania in May 2015 and currently being tested, will enter combat duty in a few weeks - at the end of December. A similar facility will be built by 2018 in the north of Poland - in the Redzikowo area on the Baltic Sea coast.

Aegis Ashore is a land-based version of the Aegis ship missile defense system, from which special equipment used at sea has been dismantled. Weighing 900 tons, the four-story structure is an analogue of the corresponding equipment on a Ticonderoga-class cruiser, which is supplemented by a vertical launcher for missiles with a modular electronic filling, writes A. Kushnari, Newsader. Below is a video that schematically depicts the device of the Aegis Ashore system:

In October, the first-ever test of a naval missile defense component in Europe was successfully completed, during which the American destroyer Ross, using a Standard SM-3 Block IA missile, intercepted a training target outside the atmosphere - a Terrier Orion research missile launched from a British test site. The American Standard Missile 3 (SM-3) anti-aircraft guided missile is one of the world's most effective means of destroying high-velocity ballistic projectiles and is the centerpiece of the new US air defense strategy in Europe and other regions of the world. The effectiveness of this missile is confirmed by tests that began back in 2003, when the destroyer USS Lake Erie shot down a target at an altitude of 137 km with a total approach speed of 3.7 km / s, while the entire operation from detection to interception took 4 minutes. The quality of this weapon was especially clearly manifested during the 2008 exercises, when the SM-3 launched from the Lake Erie cruiser, 3 minutes after the launch, eliminated the emergency reconnaissance satellite USA-193, rushing at an altitude of 247 kilometers at a speed of 7,580 m / s. Another successful interception of a ballistic target using the SM-3 was made in February 2013. A simulator of a medium-range ballistic missile was chosen as a target. It is noteworthy that the radar function in those exercises was performed by the SSST-D satellite, which transmitted data to the Lake Erie cruiser, which, with the help of Aegis, calculated the target's trajectory and successfully intercepted it. Note that these tests and general strengthening European missile defense systems are taking place against the backdrop of nuclear threats from Russia. Earlier, Russian President Putin stated that he was ready to apply nuclear weapon during the annexation of Crimea. Washington was also worried about Moscow's threat to deploy Iskander systems in the Kaliningrad region, which, according to official data, are capable of launching tactical nuclear missiles at a distance of up to 500 km. In this regard, in June, Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Wark and Chairman of the Joint Staff Admiral James Winnefeld said that the Pentagon was preparing a response to Russia's violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and would propose it to US President Barack Obama after consultations with allies. They stressed that Washington is seeking to return Moscow to the implementation of this treaty. This year, the Kremlin threatened to deploy Iskanders in Kaliningrad if the Americans continued to deploy heavy weapons in Europe in response to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Moscow made similar threats in 2008 and 2011 in response to American intentions to deploy a missile defense system in Europe. In 2013, German media reported that Russia did send the Iskanders to Kaliningrad.

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Aegis Multifunctional Weapon System

Captain 2nd rank B. Poyarkov,
candidate of military sciences;
captain 1st rank Yu. Yurin

The conduct of a modern war at sea is characterized by a significant expansion of the "combat space" in which the ship is capable of using weapons, a reduction in the time to solve assigned combat missions, an intensification of the struggle for the "first salvo", as well as a massing of means of destruction of the target. At the same time, many ship resources, including missile ammunition, time to detect and track a target, missile guidance, data processing for firing and decision making, radar electromagnetic radiation power, computing power 1 and a number of others, are becoming extremely scarce. The nature of their spending directly affects the outcome of a naval battle.

One of the possible ways to increase the efficiency of the use of resources (combat potential) of the ship is to integrate the ship's combat and technical means into a common multifunctional weapon system. It is an organizational and technical association of shipborne means of lighting the environment of destruction and control based on the widespread introduction automated systems combat control (ASBU).

Until recently, the process of integration on ships was accompanied by the transfer of the central computer of a number of functions for the combat use of weapons, which were previously performed by devices (processors) of individual subsystems. In the current decade, there has been a transition to the implementation of a new, larger-scale approach to the integration of naval combat and technical means. So, in the modern Aegis system, which is and is being equipped with Ticonderoga-class URO cruisers, as well as Orly Burke and DDG173 (Japan) URO destroyers, subsystems combine almost all the most important means of detection, destruction, control and tactical radio communications.

We hide the vast majority of the functions of the combat use of weapons can be performed using the computer of the general ship multi-machine computer complex (OMVK). As a result, the resources of the ship's various subsystems become system-wide, and it becomes possible to use them more flexibly. This makes it possible, within certain limits, to redistribute ship resources in accordance with changes in the tactical situation. In particular, when an air raid is repulsed, the radar station in the Aegis system can stop searching for targets, and the released energy and time resources will be used only for tracking them. As a result, the number of tracked targets and the frequency of updating data about them, as foreign experts believe, will increase dramatically.

The main components (subsystems) of the Aegis multifunctional weapon system (Fig. 1) are closely interconnected, and the controls and controls are common, that is, they are used in the interests of each element and the entire system as a whole. These tools include OMWC and the display subsystem.

OMVC, which functionally combines 25 most important devices, combat and technical means of the ship, forms the technical basis of the entire Aegis system and is its central link (subsystem). It includes more than 20 computers of types AN / UYK-7 and -20, as well as a number of information storage devices on magnetic disks (tapes) and data input / output. The main indicators characterizing OMWC are given below.

Number of devices (devices) in OMWC, units 840
The total number of computer processors, units, 39
The total total speed of the OMVC computer, ops / s 8,67*10 6
Number of cables for various purposes, units 4900
Number of combat software programs, units 18
Total capacity of combat programs, 10 6 32-bit words 1,2
Total provisioning capacity, 10 6 32-bit words 1,9
Database capacity on magnetic disks 2,2
Number of digital interfaces, units 55
Number of machine-to-machine exchange protocols, units 6

The common link of the Aegis system is, in addition, the display subsystem, which can include up to 22 multifunctional consoles (MFPs) with tactical situation displays, including four commander's ones (they display a generalized situation). The display equipment is located in the combat information center (CIC) of the ship. Functionally, it is subdivided into the following circuits: tactical information processing, its evaluation and decision-making, air defense (air defense), anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, and coastal strikes.

An important role in the integration of combat and technical means in the Aegis system is played by the AN / SPY-1A, B or D multifunctional radar and the Mk41 universal vertical launch installation (UVP). The specified radar Station with four flat phased antenna arrays (PAR) performs the functions of several conventional radars with mechanical antenna rotation. In addition to searching, detecting, identifying and tracking targets (not only air, but also surface) in the interests of all users of the system, it issues high-precision and quickly updated target designations for all complexes (subsystems) of naval weapons, as well as data in the CIC on the general tactical situation within a radius of over 200 miles from the ship. On the basis of the data received from the radar, a significant part of the missile fire control functions is implemented, including assessing the degree of threat to air targets and obtaining the necessary data to intercept them after entering the zone of destruction of the air defense system. Its four headlights, placed on the superstructure, are slightly inclined towards the base, which allows for a circular view of the space at any elevation angles.

Rice. 1, The main components (subsystems) of the Aegis multifunctional weapon system (the constituent elements of the ADMC of the same name are marked with numbers in circles): 1 - helicopter of the LEMPS subsystem; 2 - equipment of the helicopter subsystem LEMPS MkZ; 3 - radar for detecting air (AN / SPS-49) and surface (AN / SPS-55) targets; 4 - identification station "friend or foe" AN / UPX-29; 5 - REV subsystem AN/Sl.Q-32(v); b - navigation equipment; 7 - hydroacoustic stations (AN / SQS-53 and SQR-19 or SQQ-89); 8 - terminal equipment of a digital radio link (LINK-11); 9 - automated command and control subsystem (Mk1); 10 - automated subsystem for the coordinated control of shipborne weapon systems (Mk1); 11 - block radar control with PAR (AN/SPY-1); 12 -- antenna and transceiver part of the multifunctional radar (AN / SPY-1); 13 - automated subsystem for testing for operation, troubleshooting and localization of faults (Mk545); 14 - information display subsystem; 15 - radio communication equipment; 16 - terminals of a digital radio link (LINK-4A); 17 - launcher of the subsystem for setting passive interference "Super RBOK" (MkZb); 18 - automated artillery fire control subsystem (Mk86); 19 -- automated fire control subsystem of the Aegis air defense system (Mk99); twenty - launchers for shipborne KR, SAM and PLUR (Mk26 or UVP Mk41); 21 - automated subsi. fire control system of the Tomahawk missile launcher; 22 - automatic fire control subsystem of the PNR "Harpoon": 23 - anti-aircraft artillery system "Vulkan-Phalanx" (Mk15); 24 - automated fire control subsystem for anti-submarine weapons Mk116)

Rice. Fig. 2. The main operating modes of the AN / SPV-1A radar of the Aegis air defense system in the process of intercepting an air target: 1 - search for targets; 2 - detection; 3 - target tracking; 4 - target illumination; 5 - semi-active homing missiles; 6 - guidance of missiles on the march part of the trajectory

Rice. 3. Combat information center of the Orly Burke-type URO squadron destroyer (based on the equipment of the Aegis multifunctional weapon system): 1 - circuit for receiving and processing tactical information; 2 - the contour of the assessment of tactical information and decision-making; 3 - air defense circuit; 4 - contour of anti-submarine warfare; 5 - the contour of the fight against surface targets and strikes at coastal targets; 6- workplace a commander or flag officer in charge of combat operations; 7 - workplace of the air defense missile system manager; 8 - MFP of the air defense coordinator; 9 - MFP of the aviation guidance manager; 10 - MFP fire managers with bow and stern UVP

Rice. Fig. 4. Spatial arrangement of shipboard air defense zones with different modes of operation of air defense systems: 1 - security zones; 2 - zones of semi-automatic modes of air defense systems; 3 - fighter combat patrol zone; 4 - air target detection zone; 5 - direction of movement of targets; 6 - wind direction; 7 - zone of the special automatic mode of operation of the air defense system; S - cruiser URO type "Ticonderoga"; 9 - aircraft carrier
Fig. 5. Appearance of the loading device and its layout in the UVP Mk41 module (left)

Rice. Fig. 6. Elements of the subsystem for checking the functioning, troubleshooting and localization of Mk545: 1 - control panel (terminal device for remote data input-output with teletype mod. 40); 2 - controller (multiplexer) TD-11S4YK; 3 - mini-computer AN/UYK-20; 4 - converter type "digit - digit"; 5 - communication line with data converters collected from control points; 6 - bus for machine-to-machine exchange of information with the computer of the computer complex of the "Aegis" system; 7 - display of the data collection channel; 8 - signal indicator panel; 9 - displays of the subsystem control panel; 10 - printing device; 11 - printer (microfiche reader); 12 - communication panel LN537A

UVP is a ship-wide subsystem for storing, preparing and launching cruise missiles (CR), anti-aircraft missiles (SAM) and anti-submarine missiles (PLUR). It is functionally connected with the firing control devices of the Tomahawk missile launcher of all modifications (in nuclear and conventional warheads), including the anti-ship version, the Standard SAM and the ASROK PLUR.

It is noted in the foreign press that the adoption of the Aegis system with the uniform OMVK and shipborne UVPs on the scale of the Navy makes it possible to integrate weapons at the level of not only an individual ship, but also an entire formation or group. If a formation (group) includes a Ticonderoga-class URO cruiser or an Orly Burke-class URO destroyer, as well as other missile ships (for example, the Spruence-class destroyers) that have airborne missiles with large missile ammunition for various purposes, then receiving target designation and launch commands, as well as missile guidance, can potentially be carried out only from those carriers (ships, ships, aircraft or helicopters) that are equipped with the appropriate components of the Aegis system.

A common element of the Aegis multifunctional weapon system is the terminal equipment of the LINK-4A, -11 and -14 digital radio links. The first of them is intended for aiming aircraft at air targets, while the other two are used in tactical communication channels for exchanging target designation data between ships of a formation (group). An important feature of these lines is that the flow of digital data circulating in the communication subsystem is controlled by the OMVC computer, and the process of their mutual exchange is fully automated. The information usually contains information about the location of targets received from ships or aviation facilities detection (radar, GAS and others). Through the LINK-11 line, it is also possible to exchange data with AWACS and control aircraft E-2C Hawkeye, carrier-based anti-submarine S-3A and B Viking and base patrol R-ZS Orion, which are equipped with appropriate equipment.

The core or the most important subsystem of the Aegis multifunctional weapon system is the ADMS of the same name (its constituent elements in Fig. 1 are marked with numbers in circles).

The complex has a number of advantages compared to the Terrier and Tartar ship-based air defense systems that were previously put into service, a short reaction time, high fire performance, the ability to simultaneously detect and track a large number of targets, as well as fire several air targets at once with several fully automated missiles. missile firing control cycle, high reliability and survivability. It can solve the following combat missions: to intercept missile-carrying aircraft at the maximum firing range, to repel massive anti-ship missiles in middle zone Air defense, ensure the issuance of over-the-horizon target designation (OTsU) to ships of a formation or group, intercept low-flying and suddenly appearing air targets within the radar horizon.

The Aegis air defense system includes a multifunctional radar of the AN / SPY-1 type, a command and control subsystem (CMC) Mk1, a subsystem for controlling shipborne weapon systems (PUKKO) Mk1, a fire control subsystem (PUS), medium or long-range Standard-2 missiles , launchers (PU) Mk26 or UVP Mk41, a subsystem for checking the functioning, troubleshooting and localization of faults Mk545.

An important element that provides high combat capabilities of the air defense system is the AN / SPY-1A radar station (in the future, modifications B and D), which operates in the 10-cm range. It is capable of carrying out automatic search, detection, tracking of a significant number of targets (250-300) in the upper hemisphere and guidance on the most threatened of them up to 18 missiles. The radar works on the principle of time multiplexing of the channels of radiation, reception and signal processing. In normal mode, most of the time and radiated electromagnetic energy is allocated to the search and detection of targets, however, depending on the tactical situation, environmental conditions, interference situation, damage received in battle and other factors, the time and energy resources of the station can be redistributed, and the operating parameters change in a wide range of possible values, which allows optimizing the modes of its operation. For example, by reducing the search area, the released time and energy resources provide an increase in the number of tracked targets and guidance of a larger number of missiles on targets. By varying the pulse power values ​​in the range from 1 to 1000 (in relative units), tracking of closely spaced targets can be provided electromagnetic impulses less energy. than remote ones.

The search is carried out by fast line-by-line scanning with narrow beams formed by each of the four identical phased arrays by means of a continuous phase shift in the front of the radiated energy wave. At the same time, each radar antenna forms only one beam at any time. The mode of movement of beams in space is calculated using the computer control unit of the station. The rays formed by a flat mirror of one HEADLIGHT are viewed air space within a quarter of the hemisphere during their discrete movement at intervals of about 0.9-1.35 °, that is, about 0.9 of the beam width. The duration of the hopping motion of the beam from one position to another is approximately 10 μs. The review is carried out depending on the selected mode of operation of the station and the nature of the location of the targets for a time from a few seconds (when reviewing in a given sector) to 12-14 s (in the entire quarter of the upper hemisphere). The detection range of high-altitude air targets (AT) when searching in the upper hemisphere of space is limited to approximately 320 km. The coordinates of the detected target are determined by a single reflected radio pulse. Data about its coordinates are sent to the computer of the station control unit and to the indicators of the display devices.

The computer of the control unit of the station makes the necessary calculations for operation in the tracking mode of detected targets. In this case, additional tracking beams are formed with the emission of a series of probing pulses in them. After taking the target for tracking, they measure the coordinates of the CC at several closely spaced points of its trajectory. The time spent on obtaining data in this mode, depending on the range of the detected target, the meteorological and electronic situation, is 2-10 ms.

To increase the frequency of updating data on low-flying CCs, and especially when they suddenly appear, for each PAR, a mode of accelerated search for targets in the lower part of the hemisphere (elevation angle from 0 to 4-5 °) is provided by a specially dedicated search beam. The detection range in this mode does not exceed 80-82 km. The AN / SPY-I radar is also capable of providing radio command guidance for the Standard-2 missile defense system in the cruising section of the flight path. This allows you to use the semi-active missile guidance mode only in the final section of the trajectory. As a result, according to the foreign press, target illumination radars (AN / SPG-62) can carry out sequential guidance of up to 22 missiles in flight. With this method, the fuel consumption of the rocket is reduced by reducing its deviations from the program flight path, which leads to an increase in the firing range. A schematic representation of the main modes of operation of the AN / SPY-1A radar in the process of intercepting an air target by the Aegis air defense system is shown in fig. 2.

The AN / SPY-1 radar has high noise immunity not only due to a change in the operating frequency, high power of electromagnetic energy in the pulse and a narrow radiation pattern of the phased array, but also due to the possibility of a quick transition to the radio silence mode, and then resuming operation (within a short time) . Thus, the recovery of target tracking in the lower part of the hemisphere occurs already within the first second, and the update of the entire system-wide tracking data bank is carried out in 18-20 s.

The foreign press notes that the AN / SPY-1A radar is one of the most advanced radar stations for surface ships of the cruiser and destroyer classes. She has high performance characteristics, in particular maximum range detection of high-altitude air targets with a high radar visibility of 450 km, the maximum value of the power of electromagnetic energy in a pulse is 4 MW, the pulse repetition rate (fixed in tests) is 600 ± 100 Hz and 1430 ± 100 Hz with a pulse duration of 0.4 μs and 40 Hz at 20 and 40 μs, the update rate of data on an air target is 1-15 Hz, the tracking error of an air target (moving at a speed of M = 1 and overload lg) in angular coordinates is only 2-4 percent. typical error tracking radar with mechanical rotation of antennas and is in the range of 0.02-0.04 of the beam pattern width of the HEADLIGHTS.

The installation of a station of this type on ships made it possible to abandon one or two previously used radars and solved the problem of identifying air targets, not only due to the high quality and high frequency of updating the received target tracking data, but also due to the absence of the need for multiple identification of the CC (when transmitting target designations from detection radar to the tracking radar and then to the fire control station).

The automated command and control subsystem is important element multifunctional weapon system "Aegis" and at the same time forms the basis of the air defense system controls. KUP is a set of control equipment located in the ship's CIC and includes four processor computers AN / UYK-7 (in the future AN / UYK-43B) with a common memory and peripheral devices, 8-12 display devices of the AN / UYK-4 type (in future AN / UYQ-21), four indicators of a generalized tactical situation, as well as auxiliary equipment that provides data reception and the issuance of processed information or commands to consumers. It performs a number of functions of the ASBU of the ship and can solve the following tasks: identification and classification of targets; correlation of data on targets received from different ship-based means of illumination of the situation or external sources of target designation; formation of a system-wide array (file) of data on the parameters of the target and their ranking (that is, assigning a priority to their service); determination of the directions most threatened for the ship (compound); selection of the necessary (depending on the tactical situation) modes of operation of the AN / SPY-1 radar; developing a solution for destruction of targets (appointment sang with the highest in this moment priority for hitting a ship with firepower).

The decision to engage targets threatening the ship can be made automatically in accordance with software-implemented criteria, when it is practically impossible for a person to analyze the situation due to lack of time, or by the commander based on a comprehensive analysis of the current tactical situation, an assessment of the readiness of forces and means of the ship's air defense. The automatic mode is used if high-speed air targets suddenly appear, detected in the lower hemisphere by fast scanning PAR beams. In this case, the detected target is assigned the highest priority for unscheduled service in the OMWC. multifunctional weapon system "Aegis", which helps to reduce the reaction time of the air defense system.

The decision taken by the commander can be implemented in two modes: semi-automatic and manual. In the first, qualified, reasonable recommendations for decision-making at various stages of the combat work of the air defense system are issued by an expert system (ES). It works with a set of rules, the use of which is determined by the nature of the data received from the radar means of illumination of the situation. These rules, called "doctrines - instructions" by the system's developers, are applied when certain tactical situations arise. "Doctrine-instructions" are carried out only if the initial data about the goals recorded in them coincide with the real ones received from the means of lighting the situation. With the help of radar, it is possible to pre-determine zones in the air defense system of a ship (formation or group), upon entering which targets will be intercepted automatically. Such zones (conditionally called "windows of threat") can be defined by "doctrines - instructions" according to the established rules "if ... then ...". For example, "if the identified target is 'alien', the speed is more than 1400 km/h, the altitude is within 0-60 m, the range is less than 54 km and the azimuth (bearing) is within the specified limits, then the air target must be intercepted in automatic mode." Zone configurations can be displayed on indicators of a generalized tactical situation in the form of integral visual images, which facilitates the analysis of the situation and simplifies the problem of interaction with the ES. It analyzes the tracking data, combining them into classes (subclasses) according to the following features: geometric characteristics of the CC (range, azimuth, height or rectangular coordinates); kinematic characteristics of targets (course, speed, location in or outside the zone of destruction of air defense systems or deck fighter aviation); classification characteristics, including affiliation ("friend or foe", "neutral", "unidentified"), categories ("air", "surface", "underwater") or types ("aircraft", "cruise missile", " helicopter", etc.). "Doctrine-instructions" are stored in read-only memory (memory) on magnetic disks of the computer KUP. Their use occurs in such tactical situations when, for example, it is required to perform the following actions: stop tracking the target, draw the operator's attention to one or another song or group of targets, identify the target ("friend or foe"), carry out target identification procedures (by category and type), issue recommendations (and their justification) for intercepting a target, develop a command to launch missiles, disable automatic target interception.

Currently, the ADMC expert system has approximately 100-120 rules in the database, but work is underway to build them up as part of the Aegis system improvement program. The use of an expert system in the air defense system frees its operators and the personnel of the air defense circuit in the CIC (Fig. 3) from the need to conduct a detailed analysis of the tracking data for individual targets and allows you to focus on more important issues: a generalized analysis and assessment of the situation, intentions of the enemy, his tactics, the adoption of alternative decisions on the combat use of his forces and means, as well as an assessment of the possible consequences in their implementation, and others. Computers perform actions in the conditions for which they are best adapted, that is, with a large number of repetitive routine control operations and detailed analysis of target data, where speed of execution is required that is not available to a person.

In manual mode, the implementation of the commander's decision to intercept the target is carried out by operators assigned to the MFP. In the process of work, the operator, using special markers in the form of a circle, marks on the screens of the corresponding indicators the targets selected for tracking. At the same time, on the scoreboard located above the indicators, the target forms are displayed in alphanumeric form, which indicate its type, affiliation, target designation source, current range, azimuth, elevation, altitude and speed. The operator, if necessary, can highlight on the MFP indicators the predicted (anticipated) coordinates of the target at given points in time, the nature of the change in the trajectory of its flight from the moment of detection, the shape of the trajectory in the vertical. plane, as well as any necessary data from other display devices. As a result of the analysis of the situation, the commander decides to destroy the targets and gives the command to launch. The manual mode is preferred if there is enough time before the launch of the missile defense system (thus the operators are supported in high degree readiness to perform the necessary actions) and when the situation requires it (for example, when your aircraft are in the zone of destruction of the air defense system). A typical distribution of zones in which certain operating modes are predominantly used is shown in fig. four.

The automated control subsystem for shipborne weapons systems includes a four-processor computer AN / UYK-7 with peripheral devices and display devices AN / UYK-4. It allows you to assign the firepower of a ship (formation or group) to be used against targets selected for engagement.

The computer of the subsystem ensures the performance of the following functions in the interests of the air defense system: clarifies the possibilities of intercepting targets (depending on their priority, readiness of fire weapons, etc.) and draws up a "schedule" of the order of their interception; calculates the relative coordinates of launched missiles and intercepted targets based on data from the AN / SPY-1 radar; develops guidance commands for transmission to the "Standard-2" SAM. In addition, PUKKO chooses a radar to provide semi-active homing for anti-aircraft missiles in the final section of the trajectory, calculates the optimal turn-on and operation time of the stations, while only a few seconds are spent on highlighting one target. As a result, the air defense system achieved more than a fourfold excess in the number of targets fired over the number of guidance channels.
The fire control subsystem of the Ticonderoga-type air defense missile system includes four guidance channels (three on the Orly Burke and DDG173 EM missile defense systems), the number of which corresponds to the number of AN / SPG-62 radars and fire control equipment sets. Each such target illumination radar station with a mechanically rotating parabolic antenna operates in the frequency range of 5200-10900 MHz. The initial data to ensure target tracking (while the AN / SPG-62 radar operates on the equivalent) with a high update rate comes from the AN / SPY-1 station. Thus, the capture of the target when the SAM is switched to the semi-active tracking mode occurs in a short period of time without additional search.

Fire control equipment includes four (or three) mini-computers and MFPs. Calculation of firing parameters for missiles, radar guidance and control commands, as well as PU Mk26 or UVP Mk41 is made in a computer based on data from PUKKO. A pre-launch check of the PU (UVP) is carried out with the MFP of the control and the launch of the missile defense system is carried out.

The main fire weapons of the Aegis air defense system are the Standard air defense system 2 and launchers. The Standard family of missiles, which replaced the Tartar, Terrier and Talos missiles, includes various modifications, and there are several models of each of them. At present, the Standards-2 missile system (RIM-66C) is used for the Aegis system, and other modifications are planned to be used in the future. A feature of the Standard-2 missile defense system, as noted in the foreign press, is that all its radio-electronic circuits are made on solid-state elements, and the rudders have electric drives. To launch from the UVP, the rocket is equipped with an additional launch booster with rotary gas rudders.

Anti-aircraft guided missile "Standardam-2" is made according to the normal aerodynamic scheme with a cruciform wing. It consists of a single-chamber solid-propellant engine with starting and marching modes of operation, a high-explosive fragmentation warhead, a semi-active radar homing head, an inertial navigation unit, and on-board equipment for a radio command line for remote control in the marching section of the trajectory. The firing range of the "Standards" is 3-56 km, the interception height is 0.015-20 km, the flight speed is about M = 2.

On the first five Ticonderoga-class ships in the Aegis system, two twin Mk26 launchers were used, which allow the launch of the Standard missile defense system. RCC "Harpoon" and PLUR ASROK. These PUs provide storage for up to 44 missiles, their supply and launch, as well as the rapid passage of prelaunch commands, the program of initial firing data and control over operating modes. The rate of fire with one guide is 10 s, while it takes about 2 s to supply a missile ready for launch from a rotating drum magazine.

The adoption of UVP is considered by Western experts as a significant achievement for last years to enhance their combat capabilities. The Mk41 installation (it is equipped with Ticonderoga-class cruisers starting from CG52, Orly Burke and DDG173 destroyers of URO types, two on each, Spruence-class destroyers, one each) is located below the upper deck and can contain four or eight identical modules of eight container cells. One of them has three technological cells (occupied by a loading device, Fig. 5).

UVP is a universal multi-purpose system for storage, preparation for launch and launch of ship-based missiles for various purposes. In addition to modules placed on a common foundation, it includes launch control equipment. The module is a supporting structure in the form of eight cells formed by rail guides. The cells are arranged in two rows and are separated by a gas outlet channel. The hatches are closed with armored covers that protect the internal structure of the module from damage.

On ships with the Aegis system in the UVP, cell-containers of various modifications can be used: Mk14 mod. 0 and 1 for KR "Tomahawk", Mk13 mod. 0 and 1 for the "Standard-2" and Mk15 missiles for the ASROK PLUR (ASROC-VLS). The first two of them are 0.915 m longer than the others. The use of vertical launch installations makes it possible to increase the survivability of weapon subsystems, increase the magazine capacity (ammunition) and the range of missiles launched, reduce the reaction time and the number of maintenance personnel. So, the UVP, with the same dimensions as the Mk26 launcher, has a larger (in comparison with it) ammunition (up to 61 missiles), an increased rate of fire (1 s instead of 5 s), can prepare for launch simultaneously up to 16 missiles (instead of two). In addition, UVP has higher reliability due to the almost complete absence of mechanically moving parts (except for covers) and survivability, since the entire structure is located in the underdeck spaces and is armored from above.

The subsystem for checking the functioning, searching for and localizing faults Mk545, including the AN / UYK-20 computer, control MFP and other devices, is intended for cyclic control of the operation of all elements of the Aegis air defense system (Fig. 6). Test programs stored in the computer memory of the computer complex of the "Aegis" system, when checking time-critical parameters, can be executed during moments of short-term downtime of the OMVC processors when they solve the combat functional software programs. The main check cycles take different time- from several seconds and minutes to several hours. At the same time, data for control are taken at more than 10,000 points of various parts of software and equipment. When faults are detected, the subsystem control panel receives the data necessary for their identification and localization, and also displays the recommended operations to eliminate failures.

The total cost of the Aegis multifunctional weapon system of the Ticonderoga missile defense system is about 300 million dollars (almost a third of the cost of building the entire ship). At the same time, the SAM of the same name is estimated at approximately $90 million. This circumstance, as well as the important place assigned to Aegis in the plans for the implementation of the new US maritime strategy, force the developers of the system to conduct intensive research in the direction of its improvement.

Naval leadership is implementing an extensive program to modernize the Aegis system 3 , the main goal of which is to ensure that the system remains in service with warships for a period at least until 2010. In particular, the main efforts are directed to the creation of long-range missiles "Standard-2" mod. 4 (the firing range in comparison with mod. 2 increases accordingly to 140 km), and due to the increase in the length of the new missiles, the volume of the UVP is completely filled.

Well, I promised a post about Aegis. Here he is. The topic, however, turned out to be huge. At first, I expected to write a review. But in the end, the review turned out to be extended. I must say right away that this topic can be viewed from different angles. Describe the history of development in detail, study individual components and deployment plans, go into different aspects, try to analyze the effectiveness, calculate what it can and cannot, etc.

As part of this, probably, a series of articles, I decided to rely on what the Americans themselves say about the system, how they themselves see it and how they show it. Therefore, everything that is stated here is taken from official US government documents, press releases from the US Missile Defense Agency and manufacturing companies, as well as news from reputable US military media and forums.

So,Aegisor Aegis, translated from the ancient Greek "storm" or "whirlwind", the mythical shield of the god Zeus. It's all lyrics.

Now let's agree on terms.

1) In this case, Aegis is not an abbreviation and is not deciphered in any way, but in our military engineering circles they pronounce "Aegis" according to the transcription rules.

2) There is a program of the US Missile Defense Agency ( Missile Defense Agency ) called Aegis BMD (Ballistic Missile Defense). The purpose of this program is the creation and deployment of a sea-based regional air defense-missile defense network system - one of the key components of the American global network layered missile defense system under construction. I will call this component the regional (aka object) missile defense system A egis or just the Aegis missile defense system.

3) Regional missile defense system Aegis built on the basis of the US Navy ship system Aegis Weapon System (Mk 7), aka Aegis combat system. I will write the abbreviation AWS ( Aegis Weapon System ). In Russian-language sources, it is usually called the BIUS (combat information and control system). Knowledgeable people explained that the term ISMS (multifunctional weapon control system) is now also common and more preferred. I'll start the discussion of the topic with her.

Project DDG-51 destroyer Arleigh Burke USS John Paul Jones(DDG-53) - a ship equipped with advanced third-generation Aegis missile defense systems

1) The Aegis multifunctional weapon control system is a complex of electronic and computer equipment, as well as software and interfaces, which controls shipborne radars and communications, processes data from various sources, and issues semi-automatic and automatic commands to open fire on targets from ship artillery systems, as well as commands to launch attack cruise missiles (of the "Tomahawk" type), anti-submarine missiles and air defense and anti-missile defense missiles.

Diagram 1. Structural diagram of ISAR Aegis

It usually includes the following main systems (they are marked in yellow in Scheme 1):

  1. command and decision ( C& D) network- a network of combat control and decision support

  2. AegisDisplay System (ADS)- information display system

  3. Aegis LAN Interconnect System- system of intercom connections

  4. Aegis Combat Training System (ACTS) - educational - simulation system

  5. SPY - main multifunctional three-coordinate radar SPY-1

  6. Weapons Control System (WCS)- a system of coordinated control of shipborne weapons systems

  7. Fire control System ( FCS) - fire control system

  8. operational readiness test System ( ORTS) - system for checking the functioning and combat readiness

  9. Vertical launch system- installation of vertical launch of missiles

The unfilled squares indicate everything that is connected, and what AWS governs. And these are all types of communications, navigation, radar, sonar, encryption systems,identification system "friend or foe", electronic warfare equipment, additional surveillance radars,anti-submarine defense system LAMPS with PLO helicopters, Tomahawk missile control system, artillery fire control system, etc.

Scheme 1 shows a rather advanced version of the device. AWS , not below Baseline 6. However, now everything is changing, as gradually AWS on most ships will be upgraded to Baseline 9. More on this later. In the meantime, let's fix that this is how most of today's AWS.

A bit of history. This system has been developed since the early 60s as part of a program to create capabilities for combat surface ships to organize their own autonomous defense against enemy aircraft, anti-ship cruise missiles and other surface and underwater threats.

They also write that it was developed for the task of repelling massive raids by Soviet bombers on the high seas. RCA was then the lead developer of the system., and currently is the notorious company Lockheed Martin.

First ISAR Aegis was deployed on the missile cruiser of the Ticonderoga projectUSS Ticonderoga CG-47 commissioned into the US Navy on January 23, 1983. In the 91st year, the already upgraded ISAR was installed on the first in the series destroyer of the DDG-51 Arleigh Burke project ("Arleigh Burke").
So this system itself developed from one modification, the so-called Baseline, to another.

Scheme 2. Modifications of Baseline ISAR Aegis. The arrows on the right indicate which groups of ships have been upgraded to modificationsBaseline6 and 7.

While in the 94th year of the Loсkh company eed Martin they were not instructed to develop additional software that would allow the ship's ISAR to perform the tasks of a tactical missile defense system using specially designed anti-missiles.

Here begins the history of the regional missile defense system Aegis sea ​​based.

C97, the first tests of a missile defense system modified for launch into the upper atmosphere began to be carried out SM-2 and prototype SM -3 from cruisers USS Shiloh, USS Lake Erie and the destroyer USS Russel . And only in the fall of 2006, the Navy and the US Missile Defense Agency certified for operational deployment a package of equipment and software for the first generation missile defense system 3.6.1 in combination with anti-missiles Standard Missile -3. Actually, the first missile defense capabilities were implemented on ships with AWS modifications of Baseline 6 and 7.

Since then, the modernization program AWS (Baselines ) and the program for the development of additional hardware and software for performing missile defense functions are developing in parallel, but separately from each other. Modernization of ISAR Aegis oversees the US Navy, and the development and installation of ISAR add. equipment under the PRO program is supervised and paid from its budget by the PRO Agency.

Currently, in parallel with the first generation of the missile defense system ae gis (3.6), a second generation (4.0) hardware and software package is being actively deployed, and a third generation (5.0/5.1) package is being developed and tested.

I'll make a caveat here. According to US Government Accounting Office documents GAO , not all the possibilities that are announced in the versions of these missile defense systems are already in practice. The main thing for the PRO agency is to crow about them so that everything is fine with the budget, and then they finish everything for years. This is how they work. Americans jokingly call her " buy before you fly".

Evolution of ISAR Aegis can be tracked by hardware and software modification packages - Baselines (B/L) ). Currently there are 9 main ones and many intermediate ones, such as 9 A, 9C1, 9C2, 9D, 9E . Ships with ISAR modifications below Baseline 4 seems to be gone. Those that were below are either decommissioned, or are being prepared for decommissioning or modernization. The most advanced of the modifications, and which interests us primarily, is Baseline 9C1. A lot is being written about her now, since it is she who is compatible with the third-generation missile defense system 5.0 / 5.1. And it is from her that the full merger of these two systems will begin thanks to the principles of open architecture.

The slide below shows what they want to do. But since the slide is from a relatively old presentation, it was planned to introduce the principles of open architecture on it already in the modification b/l 7. Something didn’t work out there, and modification plans B/L 7 phase II flowed into B/L 9.

Slide 1. The evolution of computing and software architecture AWS

So, as part of the modification Baseline 9C 1/5.0 standard 32-bit servers AN/UYK -43 (Aegis computing power) will be completely replaced by serial ones with component-based messaging software. A single library of source programs will be created. Modernized means of displaying information. An interesting detail - this slide indicates that they are going to abandon their super reliable programming languages. CMS-2 and Ada , specially designed for military tasks, and switch to languages C++ and Java.

All this will probably be very convenient, neat, flexible and economical. But personally, I have one question here. In fact, for the sake of all this comfort and splendor, they abandon their military standard ( MILSPEC ). Maybe not so flexible and cheap, but reliable.

How are all these COTS (commercial of-the-shelf ) will function in combat conditions? Already, the Pentagon is rocked by scandal after scandal over the discovery of unlicensed Chinese components in military equipment. And what will happen when the servers are serial? Are they not afraid of Chinese bookmarks and just marriages? All this can make their systems unpredictable. And in conditions of an extremely tense international situation, any mistake of the military, an unsuccessfully launched rocket, a downed plane or a sunken ship can provoke new conflicts. All this is food for thought.

In the meantime, let's return to the modernization of ISAR. In addition to what I have already described, in the Baseline 9C1 / 5.0 modification, one common powerful multifunctional signal processor will be introduced, which will allow you to perform the functions of air defense and missile defense at the same time. All these features are already available, but so far only on 3 ships of the US Navy. The rest of the MSUOS, equipped with a missile defense package below the third generation (5.0), can only operate in one of the modes - either air defense or missile defense.

Information display systems ISAR Aegis. Photo from the company's website lockheed Martin

Now to bring ISAR Aegis to the level of performance of missile defense functions, it is required to equip it with additional. equipment as part of a special modernization program, the cost of which is from 20 to 60 million dollars per ship, depending on the generation of the missile defense system.

In 2009, after the departure of the Bush administration, Jr. and the arrival of the Obama administration missile defense system Aegis was brought to the fore as the main more flexible, efficient and mobile missile defense system. In addition, it did not follow such a trail of failures and problems that the missile defense system had accumulated by that time. .

Under the system Aegis Obama's program EPAA (European Phased Adaptive Approach) ). Now the Americans are declaring that after a run-in in Europe, these are " Phased Adaptive Approach "will be implemented in the Asia-Pacific region, and wherever they please. What all this means, we will understand further, in future articles. And the next post will be devoted to other key components of the missile defense system Aegis - AN/SPY radar -1, anti-missile SM-3 and SM -6 and launchers Mk 41.

The next deterioration of the situation on the Korean Peninsula is accompanied by an increased threat of an exchange of nuclear missile strikes. Potential participants in a hypothetical conflict do not want to suffer losses from the enemy's strategic weapons and intend to take certain measures. The main means of defense against enemy missiles should be deployed, under construction, or so far only planned for construction, anti-missile systems. One such system, created in the United States, is called Aegis Ashore.

At present, the United States and a number of friendly states are armed with a number of anti-missile defense systems that differ from each other in characteristics and capabilities, in the method of deployment, and so on. One of the foundations of the most complex and largest system ABM are ships with the Aegis BMD combat information and control system, designed to intercept ballistic missiles. A few years ago, a unified ground-based system was created on the basis of the ship's missile defense system.

Material part

The new design of the land system has received the designation Aegis Ashore, indicating the way its components are placed. The prime contractor for this project was Lockheed Martin. In addition, a number of other organizations that had previously participated in the creation of the basic marine system were involved in the work. Design work were completed in the first half of the current decade, and then new complex ABM brought to the test.

The Aegis Ashore project is based on simplest idea, which allows organizing missile defense of a given area without the need to develop completely new systems. It consists in placing equipment originally developed for ships on appropriate land facilities. Despite a different placement option, such a complex retains all the capabilities of a basic ship model. It should be noted that it was precisely these features of the Aegis Ashore project that led to disagreements in the international arena.

Radar station from the Aegis Ashore complex.

The Aegis Ashore project provides for a curious way to deploy necessary equipment. It is proposed to build several structures of different configurations at the anti-missile base. For example, to accommodate a radar station, a multi-storey building should be built, outwardly similar to the superstructure of ships of the Ticonderoga and projects. At a certain distance from the radar and command post a “box” should be built to accommodate a vertical anti-missile launcher.

In terms of the composition of the main components, a land-based system is almost the same as a ship-based one. To monitor the situation in the air and outer space, searching for targets and issuing target designation, the AN / SPY-1 radar station with a passive phased antenna array is still used. Several antenna arrays are mounted on one structure, which makes it possible to monitor a large sector and receive timely data on dangerous objects.

The equipment for data processing, target designation and fire control, as far as is known, was also borrowed from the Aegis BMD shipborne complex. At the same time, as stated by officials, the ground-based complex lost some of the instruments and some of the software. This was done to avoid violations. international treaties. However, this issue is still the subject of controversy at various levels.

For firing anti-missiles, the Mk 41 universal vertical launcher is included in the missile defense system. basic version this product is placed in the hulls of existing and under construction ships. To use such a launcher on land, it is planned to build a special structure, inside which all the necessary units are placed. In addition, such a structure is equipped with means for loading missiles into vertical cells.

The main means of destroying enemy ballistic missiles in the Aegis Ashore complex are interceptor missiles of the SM-3 family. These weapons, originally designed for ships with anti-missile defense functions, along with other equipment, have been adapted for use on land. Like the original ship system, the ground system is capable of using all existing SM-3 missiles, regardless of their modification.

The components of the complex.

Currently, the main ammunition of the Aegis BMD systems in two basing options is the RIM-161C SM-3 Block IB anti-missile. This product is equipped with a dual-band infrared homing head and intercepts the target using a special kinetic combat stage. Developing a speed of up to 3 km/s in flight, such a missile is capable of hitting a target at a distance of up to 700 km.

In the foreseeable future, the SM-3 Block IIA missile, which has higher performance, will have to enter service. Through the use of new power plant such ammunition will have to reach speeds of up to 4-4.5 km / s. The firing range will be increased to 2500 km. The project also provides for the use of new guidance systems, which, as expected, will also significantly increase the combat qualities of the missile.

It should be recalled that in addition to the SM-3 anti-missiles, the ammunition load of the ships of the Ticonderoga projects also includes weapons of other types. Cruisers and destroyers are capable of carrying anti-aircraft missiles SM-2 and others, anti-submarine weapons, as well as surface-to-surface missiles of the Tomahawk family. According to official sources, in the course of adapting the Aegis complex for use on land, it was decided to abandon some of its instruments. Thus, Aegis Ashore does not have systems used to fire "traditional" anti-aircraft, anti-submarine or strike missiles. However, such statements are subject to criticism.

Ranges and combat positions

On May 21, 2014, the Pentagon officially announced the first test launch of the SM-3 missile by the Aegis Ashore experimental complex. complex built on Hawaiian Islands, launched the Block IB anti-missile. As reported, the launch went smoothly. At the same time, during the first test, no training targets were used. However, the need for such a check could be absent: the anti-missile version of the Aegis system passed all the tests a long time ago and showed its capabilities. Thus, checks of its coastal version could be limited only to confirming the operability of the equipment located in new facilities.

Shortly after the tests, the construction of new missile defense facilities began. The first Aegis Ashore complex was laid down in Romania, at the Deveselu air base. By the end of spring 2015, construction work was completed at the site, and at the end of the year it was announced that it had reached operational readiness. In May 2016, the new complex was officially put into operation. From that moment, the land-based radar began monitoring the situation, and the interceptor missiles took up duty, waiting for the command to start.

Currently, construction and installation work is underway in Poland, near the village of Redzikovo. The second Aegis Ashore facility should be completed, tested and put into operation next year. As far as we know, in terms of its equipment, this missile defense base will be similar to the one already put into operation in Romania. Two new facilities in Eastern Europe will have to solve similar problems in different regions. So, the missile defense system on Polish territory will cover northern regions Europe, and the "Romanian" will have to defend the southern borders.

Transfer of ship equipment to a ground facility.

Not so long ago it became known about the future construction of two more missile defense facilities, this time in Japan. In connection with the deteriorating situation on the Korean Peninsula and the growing threat from the DPRK, official Tokyo expressed a desire to build two Aegis Ashore complexes on its territory. As reported at the beginning of the year, the construction of these facilities will take several years, and by 2023 Japan will receive protection from a hypothetical nuclear missile strike. One complex will be deployed in Akita Prefecture, the second - in Yamaguchi. Each of them will cost the treasury 80 billion yen (about 730 million US dollars).

A few days ago, the Japanese press reported that the country's military department was not satisfied with the formed work schedule for the deployment anti-missile systems. It intends to request additional funding to help accelerate construction in fiscal 2018. This requires 730 million yen (6.4 million dollars). An increase in funding in the near future will make it possible to speed up the construction to a certain extent and thereby bring the start of operation of the finished complexes closer.

According to various sources, other countries also showed their interest in the Aegis Ashore missile defense system, but in their case, the matter has not yet progressed beyond conversations and discussions. According to current plans, such systems will be deployed in only three countries. Two missile defense bases will operate in Eastern Europe, and two more in the Far East. A possible increase in such a group has not yet been reported.

Reasons for criticism

Quite quickly, the Aegis Ashore project was severely criticized by Moscow and Beijing. Foreign experts noticed that a promising anti-missile system, which has an interesting "origin", may have characteristic capabilities. Moreover, some possibilities that go beyond the declared ones directly contradict existing international treaties.

First of all, the Aegis Ashore complex, like other anti-missile systems of the United States, was called a means of changing the strategic balance. By deploying missile defense systems in close proximity to Russian or Chinese borders, Washington shows its desire to gain advantages in a hypothetical conflict with an exchange of nuclear missile strikes. The theoretical possibility of intercepting some of the missiles of a potential enemy shortly after their launch gives the United States certain advantages. At the same time, the balance of power in different regions is disturbed, which will definitely not lead to positive consequences.

The politicians also noted the specific technical and combat capabilities of the new facilities. The fact is that the basic ship version of the Aegis BMD complex can use not only interceptor missiles, but also other guided missile armament. And if the use of anti-submarine missiles on land seems pointless, then compatibility with Tomahawk products is the most serious cause for concern. From a technical point of view, Aegis Ashore can remain compatible with cruise missiles and be used to launch them.

Deploying Tomahawk missiles on land bases in Eastern Europe or Japan poses a big threat to Russian and Chinese facilities. In addition, the use of such weapons with the Aegis Ashore complex directly contradicts the terms of the treaty on the elimination of medium and short-range missiles. Among other things, this agreement provided for the abandonment of land-based cruise missiles.

A missile defense system at the Romanian base Deveselu.

For obvious reasons, official Washington does not recognize the possibility of using missile defense systems as a means of launching a missile attack. According to official American information, the Aegis Ashore complex does not have the ability to fire cruise missiles, since it lacks some instruments and does not use certain software. However, this also raises new questions. First of all, politicians, professionals and the public want to know how difficult it is to supplement Aegis Ashore with the right devices and programs.

Thus, in the current configuration, American missile defense facilities can threaten the interests of Russia and some other countries, and for two reasons at once. The use of SM-3 anti-missiles can change the strategic balance in the region with negative consequences for the international situation. Officially rejected, but kept at the theoretical level, the possibility of firing ground-to-ground cruise missiles, in turn, turns out to be a direct threat to the security of neighboring countries.

Russia and China have been talking for years about the dangers associated with the deployment of American missile defense systems, including the land-based version of the Aegis BMD. The military and political leadership of the United States, however, does not pay special attention to such criticism and continues to build new facilities. In addition, the SM-3 missile development program continues, the new results of which will be implemented not only on ships, but also on land systems.

The near future and missile defense systems

As follows from recent events, the American side does not intend to curtail its program for the construction of new missile defense facilities, including the Aegis Ashore systems. In the early 1920s, two similar facilities on Japanese territory will be put into operation, as a result of which the United States and its allies will have a fairly developed network of missile defense systems. With their help, it will be possible to control and cover Eastern Europe, as well as northern part Asia-Pacific region.

Washington's statements and actions in recent years clearly indicate that it does not intend to stop the development of its global missile defense system. As a consequence, countries whose interests are affected by the emergence of such a system need to take certain measures. Available information about the architecture, capabilities and combat qualities of missile defense systems, including Aegis Ashore, makes it possible to draw up an approximate range of solutions.

To deliver a full-scale strike when the enemy uses anti-missile systems, missiles with the means to overcome missile defense and, possibly, electronic warfare systems are needed. The latter will have to interfere with the work of missile defense detection systems, and missiles equipped with their own means of breakthrough will be able to pass through the remaining protection. In this case, at least a certain part of the missiles will be able to hit the indicated targets.

The actively denied possibility of firing cruise missiles also requires appropriate measures. They can be developed layered air defense on the proposed missile routes. This will make it possible to knock out a significant part of the missiles in a timely manner. Other missiles must be intercepted by air defense, which is responsible for covering their targets.

Obviously, the existing problem with the American missile defense systems has at least a theoretical solution. In one way or another, you can reduce Negative influence new complexes and partially maintain the desired balance of power. However, there is one downside to all of this. Deployment of missiles with means of overcoming and developed air defense transfers the solution of topical issues to the military plane. The accumulated problems should be solved by the authorities and diplomats, but one of the parties to the unspoken conflict does not want to give up its plans. What this will lead to will become known in the future.

In the second half of the 1960s, the US Navy launched the development of a revolutionary air defense system in its concept.

The system, which received the name Aegis (AEGIS - Airborne Early Warning Ground Environment Integration Segment) in December 1969, was originally operated by RCA. Later, she sold her missile and radar division to General Electric, who in turn resold it to Martin-Marietta in 1992. After the merger of the latter in 1995 with Lockheed, the further improvement of the Aegis system is carried out by Lockheed Martin Corporation.

In 1973, tests of the prototype of the Aegis system began on board the Norton Sound test vessel, and ten years later (January 23, 1983), the first warship equipped with this system, the cruiser Ticonderoga, entered the US Navy.


In the 1960s, the first samples of automated combat control systems (ASBU) began to appear on the ships of the leading fleets. In them, the central computer was transferred to a number of functions of the combat use of weapons, previously performed by devices (processors) of individual subsystems. The creation of "Aegis" marked the transition to the implementation of a new, larger-scale approach to the integration of naval combat and technical means. In the Aegis system, almost all the most important means of detection, destruction, control and tactical radio communications are combined into subsystems. Moreover, the vast majority of the functions of the combat use of weapons can be performed using the computer of the ship's multi-machine computer complex (OMVK). As a result, the resources of the ship's various subsystems become system-wide, and it becomes possible to use them more flexibly. This makes it possible, within certain limits, to redistribute ship resources in accordance with changes in the tactical situation. For example, when reflecting an air raid, the radar station in the Aegis system can stop searching for targets, and the released energy and time resources are used only to track them. As a result, the number of tracked targets and the frequency of updating data about them will increase dramatically.


The main components (subsystems) of the Aegis multifunctional weapon system are closely interconnected, and the means of command and control are common, that is, they are used in the interests of each element and the entire system as a whole. These tools include OMWC and the display subsystem.

OMVC, which functionally combines 25 most important devices, combat and technical means of the ship, forms the technical basis of the entire Aegis system and is its central link (subsystem). It includes more than 20 computers of types AN / UYK-7 and -20, as well as a number of information storage devices on magnetic disks (tapes) and data input / output. A common link in the Aegis system is also a display subsystem, which can include up to 22 multifunctional consoles (MOPs) with tactical situation displays, including four commander's ones (they display a generalized situation).

The display equipment is located in the combat information center (CIC) of the ship. Functionally, it is subdivided into the following circuits: tactical information processing, its evaluation and decision-making, air defense (air defense), anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, and coastal strikes.

A common element of the Aegis multifunctional weapon system is also the terminal equipment of the LINK-4A, -11 and -14 digital radio links. The first of them is designed to guide aircraft to air targets, while the other two are used in tactical communication channels for exchanging target designation data between ships of a formation (group). An important feature of these lines is that the flow of digital data circulating in the communication subsystem is controlled by the OMVC computer, and the process of their mutual exchange is fully automated. The information usually contains information about the location of targets received from ship or aircraft detection means (radar, hydroacoustic stations, and others). Through the LINK-11 line, it is also possible to exchange data with AWACS and control aircraft E-2C Hawkeye, carrier-based anti-submarine S-3A and B Viking and base patrol R-3C Orion, which are equipped with appropriate equipment.

The high combat capabilities of the Aegis system could not but affect its price. In the 1980s, the cost of the system was approximately $300 million - 1/3 of the entire cost of the Ticonderoga cruiser.


The core of the Aegis multifunctional system is the eponymous anti-aircraft missile system.

The complex has a number of advantages compared to the older ship-based Terrier and Tartar air defense systems: short reaction time, high fire performance, the ability to simultaneously detect and track a large number of targets, as well as fire several air targets at once with several missiles, a fully automated control cycle missile firing, high reliability and survivability. It can solve the following combat missions: intercept missile-carrying aircraft at the maximum firing range, repel massive strikes anti-ship missiles in the middle air defense zone, to ensure the issuance of over-the-horizon target designation (OTA) to ships of a formation or group, to intercept low-flying and suddenly appearing air targets within the radar horizon.


The Aegis air defense system includes a multifunctional radar of the AN / SPY-1 type, a command and control subsystem Mk1, a subsystem for controlling shipborne weapons systems Mk1, a fire control subsystem (PUS), medium or long-range Standard-2 missiles, launchers (PU) Mk26 or UVP Mk41, subsystem for testing the functioning, troubleshooting and localization of faults Mk545.

An important element that provides high combat capabilities of the air defense system is the AN / SPY-1A radar station, which operates in the 10-cm range. It is capable of carrying out automatic search, detection, tracking of a significant number of targets (250-300) in the upper hemisphere and guidance on the most threatened of them up to 18 missiles. The radar works on the principle of time multiplexing of the channels of radiation, reception and signal processing. In normal mode, most of the time of the emitted electromagnetic energy is allocated to the search and detection of targets, however, depending on the tactical situation, environmental conditions, interference situation, damage received in battle and other factors, the time and energy resources of the station can be redistributed, and the operating parameters change depending on a wide range of possible values, which allows you to optimize the modes of its operation. For example, by reducing the search area, the released time and energy resources provide an increase in the number of tracked targets and guidance of a larger number of missiles on targets. The AN / SPY-1A radar is one of the most advanced radar stations for surface ships of the "cruiser" and "destroyer" classes. It has high performance characteristics, in particular, the maximum detection range of high-altitude air targets with high radar visibility of 450 km. The station is equipped with four flat antennas (passive phased antenna arrays) located on the walls of the superstructure of the carrier ship.

The installation of a station of this type on ships made it possible to abandon several previously used radars and solved the problem of identifying air targets, not only due to the high quality and high frequency of updating the received target tracking data, but also due to the absence of the need for multiple identification of the AT (when transmitting target designations from the radar detection to the tracking radar and then to the fire control station). The decision to engage targets threatening the ship can be made automatically in accordance with software-implemented criteria, when it is practically impossible for a person to analyze the situation due to lack of time, or by the commander based on a comprehensive analysis of the current tactical situation, an assessment of the readiness of forces and means of the ship's air defense. The automatic mode is used if high-speed air targets suddenly appear, detected in the lower hemisphere by fast scanning PAR beams. In this case, the detected target is assigned the highest priority for unscheduled service in the Aegis multifunctional system, which helps to reduce the response time of the air defense system.


In the decades that have passed since its inception, the Aegis system has been continuously improved. New modifications of the AN / SPY-1B and D radars appeared, the Standard-3 and Standard-6 missiles entered the ammunition load of the air defense system. Aegis now has the ability to provide not only air defense, but also missile defense. If Standard-2 (Block IV) interceptor missiles are used to destroy ballistic missiles in the atmosphere at the final stage of their flight, and their warhead equipped with a fragmentation warhead with conventional explosive, then the Standard-3 interceptor destroys ballistic missiles, located in the middle part of the trajectory and flying outside the atmosphere, with the help of a kinetic warhead, that is, by impact-contact interaction.

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