Portieres for a teenager. Curtains for the children's room. Ideas and photos. Easy care and durable

Design and interior 21.09.2018
Design and interior

A nursery is a room that should grow with your child. From birth, here the baby learns to distinguish colors, gets acquainted with various types materials, tests the strength of furnishings, rests and sleeps, and then learns and plays. The entire interior of the room should be carefully thought out, special attention should be paid to the question of how to choose curtains for the nursery.

Basic rules for choosing the color of the children's room. The curtains of a room can enliven the whole interior. If the room is decorated in simple colors, without dominant elements, you can try dramatic curtains for children. If you do not have room for a child with distinctive elements, you can use curtains painted with characters from your favorite fairy tales. In the case of a very distinctive arrangement, it is recommended to choose between white curtains with childish motifs. Student rooms have to choose between simple, modern and classic curtains.

Unlike adults, a child is more easily overexcited, tired, and learns new things. Children love bright and clean colors, large patterns, and simple designs that evoke positive associations. That's why the choice of curtains for a children's room is slightly different from the principles for selecting curtains for other rooms.

Type of curtains for the nursery

You can see the whole range of curtains. Loops are suitable for children and students. If you want total shade control and you don't have blinds or blinds on your windows, you can also opt for children's curtains. To keep the window out of shape, choose a simple curtain with a distinctive curtain and vice versa. For little kids, you can choose from your favorite fabric motifs and other baby motifs. For schoolchildren and pupils, modern color prints of petals, flowers, waves and other motifs are very suitable in a very popular combination of white and black.

1. Easy to clean and durable

Many disapprove of canopies or multilayer curtains, considering them dust collectors. But the curtains in the nursery still need to be washed as often as possible, so the abundance of fabric does not harm the health of the child, but complicates the life of the mother. To simplify the care of the curtains, they should be of a simple style and sewn from a dense, high-quality, non-shedding fabric.

2. Natural materials

It is best to choose linen and cotton curtains, they do not electrify, they collect less dust. If you decide to stay on synthetics, then choose the highest quality ones. But while the child is small and capable of ruining the curtains, accidentally or intentionally, it is better not to hang very expensive curtains.

3. Fireproof curtains

Even if the child does not experiment with matches in the room, it is better to make sure that all materials in the room do not support combustion.

4. Light or bright shades

It is better to install a double cornice so that you can hang two pairs of curtains: dark (night) closer to the window, and then translucent. Teenagers often choose dark shades for curtains, but for toddlers and schoolchildren, choose curtains in more positive colors.

5. Simple and clear drawing or pattern

The choice of pattern directly depends on the interests of the child or the gender of the child, although it is not necessary for girls to hang curtains with dolls, and for boys - with cars. If the child is already able to express his opinion, be sure to listen to him. Perhaps the kid dreams of curtains with animals, cars and cartoon characters. There are some pitfalls here: the brighter and more memorable the curtains, the faster they get bored by children. An alternative would be curtains with abstract patterns that will help develop the imagination of children. No need to hang curtains classical style with a floral pattern, they are too boring for children.

6. Simple style

Of course, if you wish, you can also hang multi-layered lush curtains, but they are more difficult to care for, and their price is much higher than that of simple ones (such curtains can be sewn on your own even if you have no sewing experience). It is best to stop at one or two simple and even curtains on grommets or simple clips. For beauty and convenience, you can use the simplest tiebacks or a concise lambrequin without folds.

7. Color solution

  • simple medium-sized pattern or border bright color(letters, numbers, toys, animals, etc.) on a white or cream background;
  • drawing or border of natural color (green, yellow, blue, red) on a lighter shade of the same color (light green, lemon, blue, pink);
  • bright patterns or a border that contrasts with a solid color curtain (for calm children);
  • look great in the interior of children's curtains in a box, stripes and polka dots. In addition, wallpaper with a vertical stripe will visually make the ceiling higher, and with a horizontal stripe, the wall will be wider.

Consider the location of the children's room: if the windows face the sunny side, give preference to cold shades, otherwise, hang a fabric in warm, sunny tones.

8. Type of curtains for the nursery:

  • curtains of the simplest style - simple, even panels of curtains and curtains. Can be done to the floor or to the windowsill, depending on the interior and the beauty of the radiators;
  • curtains in combination with roller blinds (you can even use photo curtains) or with Roman blinds.

9. Correspondence of curtains to the interior

It is very interesting when the curtains are made of the same material as the bedspread or upholstery of upholstered furniture. You can also choose curtains to match the wallpaper (or a couple of tones lighter / darker) or with a similar pattern. The last option is to choose a shade that is either contrasting or matching with the tone of the wall, but you also have to buy a rug or sofa in the same color.

10. Additional terms

Here they are needed so that even in the heat of games the child cannot bring down the structure. In the room of a small child, do not use sharp holders that can be hit or hurt, as well as small fittings that can be swallowed.

Now you know how to choose curtains for a nursery. We hope that the new curtains will delight you and your baby for a long time.

1. The role of curtains in the arrangement of the children's room.

Composing the interior of a children's room, great importance is attached to both the beauty and the safety of the materials used. In addition, the child grows rapidly, and as he grows up, his desires and hobbies change. That is why designers are constantly looking for new opportunities to update a child's room without capital investments and repairs. One of these options for an updated decor can be well-designed curtains. In this article, we will try to understand in more detail what the curtains should be in the nursery, and what features you should pay attention to when choosing them.

Curtains in the children's room will require no less creativity than curtains in the living room or, say, the bedroom. ("The interiors of children's rooms for the little ones.", "Orange room for a teenage girl", "A room for a teenage boy. what it should be", "Dressing room in the children's room"). But when decorating a children's room with curtains, the requirements for similar products in other rooms will be more stringent. Paying attention to the features of curtains for a children's room, you can make the following list:

  • The quality of the material used in the manufacture of curtains

It is extremely important that the curtains in the child's room are made of high quality and natural environmentally friendly materials. pure material(silk, cotton, wool, linen), safe for the health and life of the child. Fabric for children's curtains is selected with great care. The material must not ignite or emit an increased amount of smoke and toxic substances when burning.

  • Features of models of curtains in the nursery
  • Curtain design for a children's room

Curtains in the nursery can be very different, but even in their design it is desirable to adhere to some rules. For example, it is not recommended to purchase curtains made of too heavy and dense material. It is better if it is a light floating tulle or organza.

Fig. one. Curtains for the children's room with their own hands.

Fig. 2. The role of curtains in the arrangement of the children's room. Curtains for the children's bedroom.

2. The color scheme of curtains in the nursery. Rooms for boys and girls. Curtains for the nursery. A photo.

2.1 The color combination of the curtains in the girls room.

Girls' rooms are traditionally decorated in soft pink shades or with the addition of Pink colour. The most common combinations are white and pink or light pink with a dark pink tint.

Fig. 3.

Fig. four. Curtains for the bedroom in the nursery for girls.

Fig. 5. Curtains for the bedroom in the nursery for girls.

Fig. 6. Curtains for the bedroom in the nursery for girls.

Fig. 7. Curtains for the bedroom in the nursery for girls.

Very bright and attractive curtains in yellow or in a combination of shades of yellow and pink palette. Yellow also most often used in the decoration of children's rooms for girls. A sunny and festive palette of yellow fills the room with summer light. Curtains in the room of the growing ladies are selected in delicate spring colors. Flowers and hearts are often depicted on the fabric.

Fig. eight. Children's curtains for girls.

Fig. 9. Children's curtains for girls.

Fig. ten. Children's curtains for girls.

2.2 Choice of color for curtains in the boys' room.

Curtains in the boys' room are selected mostly in bright colors. Boys are more likely than girls by nature to have a mobile, energetic character, which, accordingly, cannot but be reflected in the design of the room. All shades of blue are found in the decor for boys, starting with the first ribbon at birth. The same color is most often used in the decoration and arrangement of the room. Curtains in the nursery of a boy and models differ. If in the girls' room these were products with ruffles and falling folds, then the curtains in the boys' room, as a rule, are an example of minimalism and do not have anything superfluous, except for what is required to complete a practical task.

Fig. eleven. Children's curtains for boys.

Fig. 12. Children's curtains for boys.

Fig. 13. Children's curtains for boys.

Fig. fourteen. Children's curtains for boys.

2.3 Universal design curtains.

In addition to the usual colors for the rooms of girls and boys, curtains are also made in universal colors that are equally suitable for rooms where children of different sexes live. These colors include all shades of green, brown, as well as white, lilac, purple. Curtains in nurseries look unusually bright with a large number of elements and decor items of different colors. Sometimes you can find the most unexpected combinations of colored watercolors in the interior. It is the decorations and accessories that determine the purpose of such rooms. Depending on whether there are images of flowers or cars on the walls or curtains, it will be possible to assert who owns the room. ("Wonderful children's room for two crumbs", "Photo gallery of 9 children's rooms with podiums for teenagers.", "Vitamin interior of a children's room from two rooms."). A selection of several photographs of the corresponding design is presented for visual reference. (Fig. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21)

It can be a difficult task to choose curtains for a newborn's room, where lush puffs, cartoon toy grips, piping and pelmets are often used in the design of curtains. In the nurseries for the smallest, everything is controlled by the mother, and in the very first years of the life of a little man, the design of his nursery is given only to her caring female hands.

Fig. 22. Interior of a children's room for a newborn.

3. Accessories for creating fabulous curtains for the nursery. The decor of the children's room with their own hands.

Of course, their decor is not limited to one choice of color and model of curtains. Great value in decoration, they have various attractive little things that decorate the canvases and unprecedentedly beautiful fittings. ("Blinds on the balcony", "Curtains on the balcony", "Types and differences of curtains.", "Unusual curtains for your kitchen", "Wonderful and affordable decor for children's rooms.", "Children's interiors. carriages for girls, cars for boys").

Curtains are decorated with colorful applications in the form of stripes and stickers. In the rooms of the children of needlewomen mothers, there are curtains, real works of art, decorated with embroideries, beads, large buttons and ribbons. Supporting cords that collect curtains and curtains on the sides of the window opening are replaced by ribbons with wonderful patterns and figurines in the form of toys. Such toys can be purchased ready-made, or can be made from soft friends already in the house. Such functional decorations are also made from available hard materials, for example, they are cut out of thick cardboard or sawn out of wood or fiberboard. After making the mold, the resulting molds are painted or pasted over. Sometimes the material is used not only for sewing curtains, but also for making bedspreads, covers and pillows in the children's room. ("Fragmented wall decor with stickers", "Panels on the wall", "Making sofas with upholstered do-it-yourself"). Then an unforgettable ensemble of children's fairy tales and joy is created. Photo of curtains in the nursery. (Fig. 23-42)

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