Made from environmentally friendly plastic. Environmentally friendly materials for construction, decoration and decoration: what should we build an eco-house? Storage and use of personal data

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Interest in new, environmentally friendly materials, intensified in recent decades expectedly had implications for plastics and synthetic resins as well. The concept of creating materials from natural materials of biological origin has firmly occupied the minds of inventors in this area.

21st century packaging

It should be clarified that the widely used term "bioplastics" is not a characteristic definition of one group of substances and may refer to polymers of various origins.

Thus, it is necessary to separate bio-based (bio-based) and biodegradable (biodegradable) plastics. If the first involves obtaining a monomer from natural raw materials, and then polymerizing the monomer into conventional plastics (PE, PA, PET, etc.), then for the second, the key aspect is the ability to quickly decompose plastic into natural environment for a short time.

Example: Ethyl alcohol is obtained from biological raw materials, from which ethylene is produced. Polymerization of ethylene resulted in polyethylene (PE). Such PE can be classified as biobasic (because it was produced from natural raw materials), but the product is indistinguishable from petroleum-derived PE.

At the same time, polybutyl succinate (PBS), which is a biodegradable plastic, can be obtained from n-butane, which is a product of the C 4 fraction.

According to the European Institute of Bioplastics (Fig. 1), the global bioplastics production capacity is 4.16 million tons, which is less than 1% compared to the market for conventional plastics. Only 12% of this capacity is directly biodegradable plastics.

Rice. 1. Global bioplastic production capacity

In the structure of consumption of biodegradable plastics (Fig. 2) in the world, up to 75% is occupied by packaging. Other consumption sectors are: public catering and fast food - up to 9%, fibers and threads - 4%, medicine - 4% and agrochemistry - 2%.

Rice. 3. Structure of consumption of biodegradable plastics

So great importance packaging in the sector can be explained by the very idea of ​​biodegradable plastics: to reduce the burden on the ecosystem from used packaging materials, which make up a significant part of the mass of household waste.

Unlike the vast majority of plastics, biodegradable polymers can be broken down in the environment by microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi. A polymer is generally considered biodegradable if its entire mass degrades in soil or water over a period of six months. In many cases, the breakdown products are carbon dioxide and water.

Biodegradable polymers were developed several decades ago, but their full-scale commercial application has been very slow. This was because they were, in general, more costly and less sustainable. physical properties than traditional plastics. In addition, there were not enough incentives for plastics manufacturers to include biodegradable materials in their products.

Thus, cellophane, a viscose-based biopolymer well-known to the Soviet consumer, fully corresponded to the concept of environmentally friendly materials that quickly decompose in nature, but was quickly replaced by BOPP films and films made from PE and lavsan due to their better mechanical characteristics and chemical resistance. Now they, in turn, will be replaced by a new generation of biodegradable polymers.

The development of biodegradable plastics has been significantly influenced by two factors:

  1. Legislative restrictions on the use of "regular" plastic packaging in a number of countries for a number of reasons.
  2. Development of technologies to reduce production costs and improve their mechanical properties


The global consumption of biodegradable plastics is growing rapidly (Fig. 3). The average annual growth is 27%. In the period from 2012 to 2016, consumption increased by 2.7 times. Consumption growth rates exceeded the rates previously predicted by a number of experts.

Rice. 3. World consumption of biodegradable plastics, thousand tons

Containers, films and foams made from biodegradable polymers are used to package meat, dairy products, baked goods, etc. Another most common use is in disposable bottles and cups for water, milk, juices and other beverages, plates, bowls and trays. Another market for such materials is the production of collection and composting bags. food waste, as well as packages for supermarkets. An emerging application for these polymers is the agricultural film market.

In the structure of biodegradable plastics (Fig. 4), the largest (up to 43%) place is occupied by polylactide (polylactic acid, PLA), being the most typical and widespread bioplastic, similar in properties to ABS plastics, polyethylene and polystyrene. Another common biodegradable plastic in this series is polybutyl succinate (PBS), an analogue of polypropylene, polybutyrate adipterephthalate (PBAT) - 18%, polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), other polyhydroxyalconates - 11%.

Rice. 4. Structure and ratio of biodegradable plastics

The largest companies producing biodegradable plastics are in the USA: NatureWorks, in Europe - BASF, Novamont, in Japan Mitsubishi Chemicals.

To a large extent, the development of biodegradable plastics is facilitated by legislative restrictions on the use of packaging made from conventional plastics in a number of countries (see table).

Table. Legislative restrictions on the use of conventional plastic packaging

There is a fundamental possibility of obtaining highly processed products from natural raw materials. So, from wood chips, the cost of which is no more than $40 per 1 ton, it is possible to obtain a number of products, among which, in addition to xylose and lignin, there is glucose, which is a raw material for products of a higher processing stage, among which, in turn, ethyl alcohol, polyhydroxobutyrate (PHB), polyhydroxyl alkonates (PHA). The product of lactic acid fermentation of glucose is lactic acid (the main use of lactic acid in the world is food industry: preservative and food additive E270. In 2016, the average price in Russia amounted to $1,851/t.), polymerization of which, for example, using the technology of Sulzer Chemtech Uhde Inventa-Fischer, produces polylactide (PLA). The average import price of polylactide (PLA) (TN VED code 3907700000) in 2016 was $9,500/t. The difference in these values ​​- $40 and $9,500 per 1 ton is the commercial potential for the production of biodegradable plastics based on polylactide.

PLA Market

World consumption of polylactide is growing every year by an average of 20%. In 2012-2016 its consumption increased from 360.8 to 1,216.3 thousand tons/year.

In Russia, consumption is realized only by imported supplies of PLA. In 2016, PLA imports to Russia amounted to 261.5 tons, which is less than 0.003% of the global consumption of this product. Such a small share of Russian consumption of polylactide is explained both by the lack of legislative initiatives on the part of the state (in the packaging segment) and the absence of high-tech industries that could meet the demand for PLA. There are reports ( that PLA for medical purposes is produced at JSC VNIISV, Tver, but there is no information that the production is of commercial importance.

A significant point in the technology of production of PLA and products from it is the presence of stereoisomers in the lactic acid molecule (Fig. 5). The lactic acid molecule and its polymer can exist in two versions (L and D), which are mirror images of each other. 100% L-PLA has a crystalline structure, a distinct melting point and certain properties, while a mixture of isomers has an amorphous glassy structure. By varying the ratio of isomers, it is possible to achieve a wide range of properties in products, depending on the purpose.

Rice. 5. Optical isomers of lactic acid and properties of polylactide

Polybutyl succinate (PBS)

The next most important biodegradable plastic is polybutyl succinate, which is a product of polycondensation succinic acid and 1,4-butanediol (both n-butane derivatives). This biodegradable plastic can be produced from both biological raw materials and petroleum products. World consumption of PBS reached 456.5 thousand tons in 2016.

Rice. 6. Scheme for obtaining PBS

PBS is used in the production of packaging, film, tableware and medical products. Its other names are: Bionolle, GsPLA, etc.

Polybutyrate adipterephthalate (PBAT)

For biodegradable wrapping materials, polybutyrate adipterephthalate (PBAT) is used:

It is a random copolymer based on adipic acid, 1,4-butanediol and dimethyl phthalate. Its properties are similar to low-density polyethylene. Also known under the trademarks: Ecoflex, Wango, Ecoworld, etc.

Rice. 7. World consumption of PBAT

Polyhydroxyalconates (PHA)

In a broad sense, all of the above products belong to the class of polyhydroxyalconates with the general formula:

In a narrow sense, PHA refers to products with other substituents. A wide range of such compounds serves certain tasks.


  • World consumption of biodegradable plastics reached 2.315 million tons in 2016, up to 75% of this volume falls on packaging.
  • The main drivers of growth in the consumption of biodegradable plastics are legislative bans in a number of countries on the use of conventional plastics in packaging and demand from developing high-tech industries (medicine, cosmetology, etc.).
  • The most important among biodegradable plastics isPLA. In 2016, its consumption amounted to 1.216 million tons. Russia accounts for less than 0.003% of this number. PricePLAin Russia in 2016 amounted to 9500 USD/t.
  • ReceiptPLA, PBSand other biodegradable plastics, possibly both from biological raw materials and from petroleum products.

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Seaweed in the near future, apparently, will become a common material for the manufacture of various packaging. This spring new material"agar plastic", developed by the Japanese company AMAM, has won the annual Lexus Design Award 2016, held in Milan. It is designed from environmentally friendly plastic produced from seaweed. Experiments have shown that "agar plastic" can be both soft and hard. Thanks to these features, the new material will be able to replace both foam and bubble wrap. The packaging decomposes naturally, acting as a fertilizer for the soil along the way.

By the way, in Iceland there has already been an attempt to develop self-decomposing bottles from algae, the material for which was red algae. As long as there is liquid in such a bottle, it retains its shape. Left without water, the bottle dries up, deforms and decomposes without environmental damage. True, at the DesignMarch Icelandic design festival, at which the novelty was presented, its author admitted that the water in such a bottle still has some aftertaste.

Along with eco-friendly packaging, humanity is trying to invent more and more technological packaging. American startup Kuvée has developed an electronic wine bottle that allows you to protect an alcoholic drink from the harmful effects of oxygen and sunlight, preserving the properties of the wine for a month after opening. The "smart" bottle is equipped with a touch screen and a Wi-Fi module, and the wine is stored in a sealed aluminum container with a volume of 0.75 liters. The display shows the rest of the wine in a disposable container, the brand of the drink, the grape varieties from which it is made, and even recommendations for snacks. Thanks to wireless communication, you can replenish your wine stock directly from the screen on the bottle by placing an order for the delivery of a new batch.

PepsiCo designed the Mix It Up interactive space as part of Milan Design Week, and also introduced a series of aluminum bottles called The Prestige Bottles. Pepsi Max, Pepsi and Pepsi Diet drinks received their individual color and abstract pattern. The minimalistic design created by Karim Rashid was presented on a futuristic runway. The company recently introduced a new dumbbell-shaped packaging for Pepsi Light. A package of several of these bottles is a dumbbell rack.

Unlike smart packaging, interactivity has already become a powerful competitive advantage. An agency from Yerevan has designed simple but dynamic juice cups: the fruits on the label seem to be drunk. The same technology is used on ordinary mugs. For example, the temperature of a drink can be understood through the northern lights.

British design studio P4CK has designed a cup holder. The holder for four glasses is made from one piece of cardboard without the use of glue. By dividing the workpiece in half, you can get two holders with two glasses each.

An unusual solution for egg packaging was presented by Turkish students: a triangular tube with a pull-out system, which adds aesthetics to the packaging and ensures safe storage and easy pickup.

But for fertilizers from Croatia, compact packaging was developed. Firstly, the manufacturer reduced the weight of the fertilizer package to 4 kg, focusing on urban gardeners. And so that the boxes that hold the bags of fertilizer take up less selling space, a special system has been developed so that the boxes can be stacked inside each other.

Bicycle packaging is not often pleased with design solutions. But for each model of Shulz folding bikes, branded cardboard packaging with individual design was developed. The design of each box was created on the basis of drawings made by the famous St. Petersburg artist Alisa Yufa for a series of postcards, and was timed to coincide with the entry of the Russian brand to the European market.

The Domino's Pizza pizzeria chain has radically changed the packaging design of its pizza. The traditional box has been replaced with red and blue packaging, which together make up the brand logo. New design was developed by the JKR agency, which in the course of a study found that consumers most often order on a special offer, that is, "two pizzas for the price of one." As a result, it was decided to transform the brand logo into the packaging itself, from which, moreover, all unnecessary information was removed.

But in Moscow, Domino's Pizza presented pizza packaging as part of the Ptitseriya project, which easily turns into a bird feeder.

Biodegradable polymer flexible packaging is a rather specific and, alas, still relatively far from Russian realities market segment. Today, we either come across samples of biodegradable bags that are offered in supermarkets, or, sometimes without even knowing it, we buy biodegradable packaging from such giants of the food industry as Tetra Pak, Danone or PepsiCo.

The situation is better in the European and world markets, local analysts even make optimistic forecasts for the future, predicting that flexible packaging manufacturers will soon switch to biomaterials. However, there are still not very many practically interesting examples of the implementation of biotechnologies.

Waste packaging

As you know, the most common raw material for the manufacture of biodegradable polymer packaging is polylactic acid (PLA), which is extracted either from starch-containing (for example, wheat) or glucose-containing (today it is usually corn or sugarcane) plants. However, these same constituents can also be found in industrial waste from food production, which makes the process of obtaining such polymers much more economically efficient.

In the middle of April current year technology development center for the food industry based in Spain AINIA, in cooperation with the European Association of Fruit Juice Suppliers AIJN , officially presented the results of his work within the framework of the project PHBOTTLE.

The result of four years of work of researchers was a prototype eco-friendly packaging for juices, made from biodegradable PHB (polyhydroxybutyrate) plastic, obtained from organic residues recovered from wastewater from manufacturing plants. Unique development - an integral part of the group's pioneering creative concept PHBOTTLE, working under the self-explanatory motto "savings through circulation".

Packaging prototype PHBOTTLE was obtained by transforming the organic residues present in wastewater (mainly sugars) into a biopolymer material. Such an outstanding result was achieved thanks to the latest advances in biotechnology and new possibilities of microencapsulation. He clearly demonstrated the importance of the organic waste of the juice industry in terms of their use as a raw material for the production of packaging for its own products.

Similar work has recently been carried out in order to create biodegradable packaging from industrial waste baking industry. Research carried out in the interests of two Spanish manufacturers of regular and sweet flour products - companies Panrico and Grupo Siro . The research team included representatives Spanish Agricultural Technology Center CETECE (Cereals Technology Centre), German Agricultural Engineering Institute (ATB) Center for Biocomposite Research at Bangor University in English Wales and the Spanish Technology Center AIMPLAS .

The first result of their activity was the production of polylactic acid (PLA) from the waste products of both companies: stale or stale bread, leftover sweet dough. The project ended with the introduction to the market of biodegradable PLA bags with good oxygen and moisture barrier properties, which are so necessary when packaging pastas and cakes, allowing them to be stored on store shelves up to 12 months.

Technology center based in Valencia, Spain AIMPLAS, which specializes in the development and research of new types of polymers, is currently cooperating with a plastic packaging manufacturer, the company BANDESUR , is working on another special project sponsored by the National Research Program Retos Collaboracion 2015.

Its main task is to develop innovative polymer food trays that are resistant to high-temperature processing in microwave ovens. It is planned to launch two varieties of them on the market: trays made of foamed polypropylene and completely biodegradable compostable trays made of foamed PLA biopolymer.

Management BANDESUR places great hopes on the project, which has been going on for two years, because it should provide the company with significant competitive advantages. The development of a new generation of food trays will allow it to expand into new geographic markets. Foam trays are much lighter than molded trays, greatly reducing shipping costs and making them easier to use. And, of course, the environmental benefits of biopolymer food trays need no further comment.

Eco-friendly packaging for sustainable products

One of the strongest marketing gimmicks of today's natural food vendors is the claims that their products come in equally safe, 100% recyclable packaging made from 100% renewable natural ingredients.

So, the European division of consumer goods of the company sonoco in collaboration with a French manufacturer of biodegradable plastics Vegemat - firm Vegerplast - launched Vegetop tubular cardboard containers for bulk products, the main feature of which is fully biodegradable plastic dispenser lids (shakers).

The result of the joint work was environmentally friendly biodegradable containers that meet the European standard environmental safety EN 13432. The essence of the requirements of the standard - the material must be 100% mineralized (composted) within six months as a result of the standard procedure industrial recycling(composting). An important condition is that the resulting compostable mass must be suitable for use as fertilizer for crops of any type.

Maintain such standards for your material to specialists Vegerplast succeeds due to the fact that the raw materials for its manufacture are natural renewable products - plants or cereals.

“In the end,” say representatives sonoco,“Our eco-friendly containers can be used absolutely safely for the storage of dietary food supplements, as well as cereals, flour, sugar, spices, dried fruits and other products that are used in doses in the cooking process.”

Company division Dow Chemica l Responsible for the development of packaging polymer materials(Packaging and Specialty Plastics Business), North American Association of Manufacturers of Environmentally clean packaging SPC (Sustainable Packaging Coalition), as well as the company Accredo Packaging announced the completion of the joint development of environmentally friendly polymer packaging.

Such was the stable polymer bag with a wide bottom, designed to store the company's detergents. seventh Generation, specializing in the production of home care products, made, according to the supplier, exclusively from natural and environmentally friendly safe raw materials.

Launched on the market by specialists Accredo Packaging new packaging is made from developed Dow Chemica l special recyclable polyethylene, which at the same time guarantees the bags the required characteristics in terms of rigidity and strength, as well as good weldability of the seams.

Packages are delivered to the market under the program SPC for the disposal of raw materials called How2Recycle: each is labeled "Store Drop-Off" ("Leave it in the store"), the presence of which means that the consumer, having bought a plastic bag with a product, can then return it to the store for subsequent disposal. Such shops in North America now there are more than 18,000.

South African firm KiddieKix , a natural baby food manufacturer, used the company's NatureFlex biodegradable packaging film. Innovia Films for packing cereals and dried fruits. As the owner of the company says Alison McDowell , “Our task is to take care of the health of children, so that they consume only environmentally friendly products. To this end, we have tested many compostable materials, but NatureFlex film has proven to be the best of all in a number of ways.”

“First of all,” she continues, “the film meets all known standards - the American ASTM D6400 and the European EN13432, which define the requirements for biodegradable packaging. In addition, NatureFlex has excellent barrier properties against oils, fats, aggressive chemical compounds, and is characterized by high rates of aroma and gas impermeability. High-quality printing can also be applied to packaging made from this film.”

Another example of the application of NatureFlex film is the packaging of natural seaweed chips. Halo Seaweed, manufactured by the company Ocean's Halo . As the founder of the company noted Robert Mock , "we offer customers a natural product, the packaging of which should not only be reliable and convenient, but also environmentally friendly."

“To all these requirements,” noted Mock,- satisfies the film NatureFlex, which provided high barrier properties for oxygen, which can significantly increase the shelf life of the product on the store shelf. Equally important is its excellent moisture resistance, which ensures that our chips never lose their crunchiness.”

Over a year ago Tetra Pak introduced the world's first Tetra Rex Bio packaging made exclusively from renewable material to the market, and the company Valio started using this packaging for lactose-free semi-skimmed milk Eila. The new packaging uses biodegradable, sugar cane-derived, low-density polyethylene supplied by a Brazilian chemical company in the manufacture of the protective layers and neck of the new packaging. Braskem.

As for used in packages Tetra Pak cardboard, then, according to the manufacturer, it comes only from controlled and easily traceable sources certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) - this logo is well known to every buyer of dairy products who has at least once carefully studied the information printed on the packages Tetra Pak.

The next step in the development of the market for environmentally friendly bags for Tetra Pak was the joint development of the company's specialists bio-on and scientists from the Finnish University of Technology from the city of Tampere - one of the world's largest research centers in the field of creating new grades of paper and plastic for food packaging. The result of the project launched in 2015 was the creation of the world's first containers Tetra Pak made from a combination of cardboard and an extruded overlay of Minery PHA biopolymer developed in bio-on.

During research work scientists from two laboratories have replaced polyethylene, which was previously used in packaging to ensure its tightness, with bioplastic, which is applied in molten form to cardboard, completely preserving both the functionality of the package and the aesthetics of its perception. As the developers emphasize, the environmentally friendly material is completely made from renewable plant resources and is 100% biodegradable.

What is in Russia?

It cannot be said that the topic of biodegradable packaging is absolutely excluded from the portfolio of Russian production. A number of them have successfully mastered the production of bags from biodegradable films. Sometimes information is received about their own scientific developments.

One practical example is a company "Tico-Plastic" from Nizhny Novgorod, which produces bags of polyethylene with a special additive responsible for the biological decomposition of the polymer under the influence of sunlight. The breakdown of such a package into vivo occurs over a period of one to three years. A more radical option is the use of a polymer made from natural biodegradable raw materials, the time of decomposition of which into carbon dioxide, water and biomass is much shorter.

As for scientific developments, last year, for example, scientists Tomsk Polytechnic University announced the creation of their own biopolymer from polylactic acid (PLA), which can be used in the manufacture of flexible packaging. The main source of polymer production is starch-containing and glucose-containing plants.

What are the prospects?

According to analysts, by 2018 the global production of bioplastics should grow from 1.7 million tons in 2014 to 7.8 million tons. The growth rates are predicted to be amazing. In addition to the environmental friendliness of manufactured products, including packaging, they are stimulated by the possibility of saving energy in the manufacture of biopolymers and reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere during their disposal.

When these advantages can be realized on the Russian food packaging market is a rhetorical question. In itself, the presence in our country of huge processing capacities, so often criticized by environmentalists, is non-renewable. natural resources for quite a long time will be a serious obstacle to attracting investments in costly, albeit economically promising, projects, both for the production of own biopolymers and for the production of packaging from them on a large industrial scale.

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