What plants and animals of our region are listed. Animals and plants listed in the Red Book

Recipes 24.07.2019


Violet incised - one of the most delicate and beautiful flowers. It grows on the edges of coniferous forests, rocky slopes, meadows and river banks. Purple corollas are the main charm of this flower. This type of plant reproduces exclusively by seeds, which are not formed annually. That is why the fragrant violet is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The yellow water lily got its name from its closest relative, the white water lily. It grows in shallow water, in water. Its leaves are located both on the surface and under water. For its fruit, the yellow water lily received the official name of the egg capsule. The plant blooms from the end of May until August with yellow and large flowers. Tear them off as medicinal product as well as for bouquets.

Lily saranka (royal curls, oil, badun, curly) - beautiful pink, lilac or snow-white, with dark dots, flowers. They have beautifully curved petals. The locust blooms in June-July. The steppes of Siberia are also considered the birthplace of this plant. There is a legend that this flower gives warriors stamina, courage, and fortitude. Lily saranka is beautiful in bouquets, and its tubers are considered. In addition, the plant is widely used in traditional medicine, which was the reason for its destruction by people.

The bell is a plant that grows exclusively in Russia, in the Chechen Republic, North Ossetia, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria. He has unusually beautiful flowers, which are located on long peduncles. This plant is plucked for ornamental appearance. In addition, its population has been significantly reduced as a result of various construction works at the place of its growth.

Spotted palmate root experts refer to the orchid family. You can meet him in the European part of Russia. Violet flowers bloom on racemes surrounded by many spotted leaves. They are beautiful from a decorative point of view. Also, the tubers of the plant have medicinal properties. The powder, which is extracted from the dried plant, is used as an emollient, tonic, enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent.

Iris yellow (water, swamp, false air) grows in the European part of Russia in swampy meadows, along the damp banks of rivers and lakes. Made from yellow iris essential oil which is used in perfumery. In addition, the dried rhizomes of the plant are used in the production of liqueurs, wines and other drinks, in the confectionery industry.

We publish interesting review most rare plants listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Every day rare plants become less and less.

Almost always, the reason that some representatives of the fauna have become smaller is a person and the negative fruits of his activities, deforestation, as well as environmental degradation. The latter is also associated with human activity. People destroy nature, and the state of the atmosphere and many other vital things depend on nature. And even if now we have over 50% of the country's territory - taiga, this does not mean that we should value coniferous forests a little, on the contrary - it is precisely this number of trees and plants that saves the ecology, and if there are fewer of them, the surrounding background will noticeably worsen even compared to today.

But even those who do not always treat the country's green wealth with absolute respect in practice are perfectly aware of the value of this intangible wealth. Well, all the rest, of course, one of the first national treasures that they are proud of is the nature of Russia.

The Red Book contains sections on animals and plants. The volume devoted to rare representatives of the flora of Russia was last reprinted in 2008, the lists are constantly updated, but it is worth considering that the picture is only approximate: it is impossible to establish the number of natural specimens by any method, everything is only approximate, the state of some species cannot be assessed at all. According to the latest edition, the Red Book includes 652 plant species and 24 mushroom species.

Each rare or endangered species of flora has one of 6 statuses: Probably extinct species of Russia‎, Species of Russia with an uncertain status‎, Recovering species of Russia‎, Endangered species of Russia‎, Rare species of Russia‎, Decreasing species of Russia‎.

Many regions of Russia have regional Red Data Books containing information about endangered plants and animals.

The most extensive in terms of the number of species (over 11,400 species) niche of the flora of Russia is vascular plants. It includes all higher plants (terrestrial), except for mosses: ferns, horsetails, psilots, lycopsids, gymnosperms and angiosperms.

“440 species of angiosperms, 11 species of gymnosperms and 10 species of ferns, that is, 4% of the flora, are included in the Red Book. Experts believe that at least 2,000 to 3,000 species of vascular plants are actually exposed to some degree of danger.” .

In addition to the listed plants, some species of lichens, fungi, and mosses are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

vascular plants

“The abundance of vascular plant species listed in the Red Book of Russia is quite original. In addition to the maxima in the centers of increased biological diversity, where species from adjacent territories enter (the Caucasus, the mountains of southern Siberia, Primorye, Sakhalin, and the Kuriles), there are also regional centers that have no analogues in other groups. An increased number of rare plant species is characteristic of steppe zone(usually 15-30 species), which, of course, is due to its deep anthropogenic transformation. A local maximum exists in Chukotka (11 species) due to the penetration of a number of American species, as well as on the southern shores of the Gulf of Finland and its islands (27 species), where a significant number of Western European plants grow. In the vast expanses of Northern Siberia, rare plant species are unknown. The maximum number of rare plant species is observed in the Khanka lowland - 66 and on the western tip of the Russian part of the Caucasus - 65 "(Biofayl.ru).

Despite the “medical” name, these are the most understandable, most common plants that surround us from all sides, especially in summer.

Lycopsoid - a department of higher spore plants, similar in structure to mosses.

There are only 4 representatives in the list of lycopsid plants listed in the Red Book of Russia: Asian half-flower, Sea half-flower, Lake half-flower, Bristly half-flower.

The list of angiosperms listed in the Red Book of Russia contains more than 90 items. Some of the most famous:

Pictured Snowdrop flat-leaved

A beautiful flower, fully consistent with the first part of its name, blooms, growing out of the snow, in the spring. Found in Georgia and North Ossetia.

In the photo Volodya Martyanova (rare view)

The plant grows mainly only in Russia, in Altai, in the Sayans.

In the photo Colchicum cheerful

It occurs mainly in the meadows and steppes of Ciscaucasia.

In the photo Rhododendron Schlippenbach (population is declining)

Deciduous shrub, one of the most beautiful of its kind. In Russia, there are specimens only in the Khasansky district in the south of Primorye on the mountain slopes.

In the photo Rhododendron Fori (rare view)

In the photo, Saffron is beautiful

In the photo Lily lanceolate

Pictured is a dwarf tulip

In the photo Magnolia obovate

Flowering plant. In Russia meets and feels good on Black Sea coast Caucasus. There are 15 magnolia trees in the Botanical Garden of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Vladivostok, as well as in the Moscow region, Voronezh, St. Petersburg. However, in colder regions it freezes heavily in winter, it is thermophilic. Decorative breed, deciduous tree with very beautiful flowers that bloom in May-June.

Nut-bearing lotus (one of the rarest and most beautiful flowers)

How lotuses bloom in Russia (Vladivostok) in the plot of the local TV company:

Lotus is found in Russia mainly in the regions adjacent to Asia, in the Far East in the lower reaches of the Amur, in the Ussuri river basins, on the coasts of the Caspian and Azov seas. Disappears mainly due to carelessness, for example, the lotus root is considered a delicacy in Chinese cuisine, and therefore the flower is often destroyed for food; near the swamps and on the banks they eat it wild boars, cows.

In the photo Mountain Peony

Pictured is Oriental poppy

In the photo Buttercup Sayan.

Despite its prevalence, it is listed in the Red Book as a rare species. It is found mainly in Siberia.

In the photo Violet incised (population is declining)

In the photo Ginseng ordinary

This is a very useful plant, it is used in medicine, raw materials from ginseng root have powerful immune-modulating, stimulating properties. Grows mainly in Russian Federation: in the Far East of Russia - in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory, in the Primorsky Territory.

In the list of fern-like plants listed in the Red Book of Russia, there are about 10 plant species, some of the representatives are:

Pictured is Marsilia egyptica (view disappears)

In the photo Juniper high

Symbol of the Crimea.

Forever green conifer tree 10-15 meters high, species of the genus Juniper, Cypress family. In general - a symbiosis of juniper, cypress and pine. Lives on average 2 centuries, distributed in the Crimea, Asia Minor, and the Caucasus. Status - vanishing view.

In the photo Olginskaya larch

It occurs in the south of Primorsky Krai, along the coast and along the eastern foothills of the Sikhote-Alin. Relic breed, occupies less than 1% of the forest area in which it grows. In the Red Book under the status - an endangered species.


According to information at the end of 2013, 29 species of lichens are included in the Red Book. What kind of plants are these and where do they most often grow? Lichens are organisms that combine the features and structure of terrestrial algae, fungi, mosses, there are about 25 thousand species in the world. Important for soil formation, deer feed on lichens on Far North, insects hide and live in dense vegetation, lichens are necessary to maintain the balance of the environment, are used in traditional medicine, gourmet dishes are prepared from some species, do not survive in the "dirty" air, and therefore are indicators of the ecological situation.

“Of the approximately 3,000 species of lichens in Russia, 29 are listed in the Red Book. It should be noted that these materials are far from complete. The flora of lichens and the distribution of their individual species are far from being studied for the territory of Russia, especially considering their high role in the formation of arctic, subarctic and boreal ecosystems. In addition, lichens are very sensitive to external influences, especially air pollution, which makes them especially vulnerable. The same property makes us consider the group as an important indicator of the general state of the natural environment.

The moss flora in Russia is now estimated at 1370 species, of which 22 are listed in the Red Book of Russia. But the flora of mosses has been studied even worse than that of lichens, so these data are tentative” (Biofile.ru)

In the photo Lobaria pulmonary

In the photo Letaria wolf


The list of mossy plants listed in the Red Book of Russia includes over 60 items."Moss - department higher plants, numbering about 10,000 species, united in about 700 genera and 110-120 families. Widespread in wetlands, coniferous forests. Participate in important natural processes to maintain the balance of the environment of soils, air, water, ecosystems. All plants have their own functions, their place, and even without moss there would be no peat, there would be no alternative to the most powerful natural sponge that retains a large amount of water, which would negatively affect the state of landscapes as a whole. Some types of mosses are used in medicine for the preparation of medicines. Mosses and lichens play very important roles in soil formation processes.

In the photo, Alaskan Fossombronia (a rare species)

In the photo, Skapania is spherical


The list of mushrooms listed in the Red Book of Russia includes 17 species. The kingdom of nature, especially the forests of Russia, is inconceivable without mushrooms. And basically we all sympathize with butter, champignons, mushrooms, boletus, but besides them there are a lot of "unsightly", inedible, moreover - poisonous mushrooms, which for some reason take their place in the world of flora. Mushrooms are decomposers (they collect and process dead remains into inorganic compounds), increase soil fertility, are used for food and medical purposes, and can also be harmful (for example, poisoning caused by the use of mushrooms). Many are listed in the Red Book of Russia inedible mushrooms(but there are also those allowed to be eaten), which pleases: it means that there are plenty of edible ones, you just need to get up earlier during the picking season.

Pictured Amanita pineal

In the photo Sparassis curly (edible)

In the photo, white boletus

On liability for violating the safety of plant specimens listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation:

“According to the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses(Article 8.35), destruction of rare and endangered plant species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation or protected international treaties, as well as actions (inaction) that may lead to the death of such plants, or obtaining, collecting, maintaining, acquiring, selling or sending these plants, their products, parts or derivatives (derivatives) without proper permission or in violation of the conditions, provided for in the permit, or in violation of another established order shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand five hundred rubles with or without confiscation of tools for obtaining plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; on the officials- from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles with or without confiscation of tools for obtaining plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; on the legal entities- from three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles with or without confiscation of tools for obtaining plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives.

If the batch is especially large or the collection of rare plants has led to their complete destruction, criminal liability arises.

National programs for the conservation of endangered plant species are being implemented in nature reserves, sanctuaries, national parks, fines, measures of administrative (sometimes criminal) liability are applied for violation of the preservation of natural specimens. In total, there are 66 reserves, 103 nature reserves, 47 national parks on the territory of the Russian Federation.

And plants on Earth that are in danger of extinction.

Here you will learn about some of the rarest animals listed in the Red Book of Russia, and which should be protected, paying special attention to them.

Rare and endangered animals of Russia: Red or mountain wolf

This representative of the animal world has a body up to 1 meter long and can weigh from 12 to 21 kg. Outwardly, it can be confused with a fox, and this is precisely one of the main reasons for its extinction. Hunters who know little about animals shoot down the mountain wolf en masse.

He attracted the attention of people with his fluffy fur, which has a beautiful bright red color. It is also worth noting that his tail is slightly different from the fox, having a black tip. The habitat of this wolf is Far East, China and Mongolia.

The rarest animals in Russia: Przewalski's horse

© loflo69 / Getty Images

Only about two thousand representatives of this species remained on Earth. Interesting fact- as an experimental project, in the early 1990s, several individuals were released into the wild, and not just somewhere, but into the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. There they began to breed, and now there are about a hundred individuals in the zone.

Rare animal species of Russia: Amur goral

© anankkml / Getty Images

This subspecies of the mountain goat lives in the Primorsky Territory. Usually the Amur goral lives and moves in small groups of 6 - 8 individuals. In Russia, there are about 700 individuals. It is worth noting that a species similar to the Amur goral can be found on the Tibetan Plateau and in the Himalayas.

Animals in the Red Book of Russia (photo): West Caucasian tur or Caucasian mountain goat

© tovstiadi / Getty Images

The West Caucasian tur lives in the mountains of the Caucasus, namely along the Russian-Georgian border. It was recorded in the Red Book of Russia "thanks" to the activities of people, and also because of mating with the East Caucasian tur. The latter leads to the birth of infertile individuals.

Animals from the Red Book of Russia: Atlantic walrus

© zanskar/Getty Images

The habitat of this rare species is the Barents and Kara Seas. An adult can reach a length of 4 meters, and the weight of an Atlantic walrus can be about one and a half tons. It is worth noting that by the middle of the twentieth century, this species was almost completely exterminated. Today, thanks to the efforts of specialists, a slight increase in the population is recorded, although it is still impossible to say the exact number, since without special equipment it is extremely difficult to get to the rookeries of these representatives of the animal world.

What animals are in the Red Book of Russia: Sea lion

© It Must Be F/8

This 3-meter Pacific eared seal lives on the Kuril and Commander Islands, as well as in Kamchatka and Alaska. An adult male can reach a length of 3 meters, and it can weigh up to one ton.

Endangered Species in Russia: White-faced Dolphin

© Ben185/Getty Images

Like the body of a sea lion, the body of this animal can reach a length 3 meters. The short-headed dolphin has black sides and fins. You can meet him in the Baltic and Barents Seas.

Khisamova Lilia

Scientific research work on ecology




Chapter 1. Red Data Books of the USSR and Russia.………………………………...…4

Chapter 2. What animals are included in the Red Book…………………… 14

Chapter 3. Animals and plants of our region…………………………….….20


List of used literature……………………………………….25


The relevance of research.

The first organizational task for the protection of rare and endangered species is their inventory and accounting both on a global scale and in individual countries. Without this, it is impossible to proceed either to the theoretical development of the problem, or to practical recommendations to save certain species. The task is not easy, and even 30-35 years ago, the first attempts were made to compile first regional and then world reports of rare and endangered species of animals and birds. However, the information was either too laconic and contained only a list of rare species, or, on the contrary, very cumbersome, since it included all available data on biology and presented a historical picture of the reduction in their ranges.

The Red Book is an annotated list of rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi. Red Books are of various levels - international, national and regional.

The object of the study isanimals and plants listed in the Red Book.

Subject of study - animals and plants of the Alkeyevsky district included in the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The aim of the work is:

The study of plants and animals listed in the Red Book.

- research environmental problem native land.

Research methods. AT In connection with the nature of the studied material, comparative-chronological, cultural-historical, biographical methods were used in the work.

Research materials:Red Book of the USSR, Red Book of Russia.

Chapter 1. Red Books of the USSR and Russia.

The Red Book of the USSR is divided into two parts. The first is devoted to animals, the second -plants. The plan for heading sheets devoted to animals and plants is different.

For animals, the following headings are accepted:

  1. name and systematic position of the species
  2. status category
  3. geographical distribution
  4. characteristics of habitats and their current state
  5. abundance in nature
  6. characteristics of the reproduction process
  7. competitors, enemies and diseases
  8. reasons for the change in numbers
  9. number in captivity
  10. captive breeding characteristics
  11. protection measures taken
  12. necessary security measures
  13. sources of information

All these rubrics are filled in for each species of rare animals. Thus, information on each species is more diverse than in the IUCN Red List. But in the first edition of the Red Book of Russia, a more simplified scale of status categories was adopted. Only two categories are considered:

  1. endangered species ( Category A)
  2. rare species(Category B)

Category A included, first of all, the species included in the IUCN Red List (third edition) and living on the territory of the USSR (this principle was preserved later). In total, 62 species and subspecies of mammals were listed in the Red Book of the USSR (25 species were classified in category A and 37 in category B), 63 species of birds (26 species in category A and 37 in category B), 8 species of amphibians and 21 type of reptile. For each species, there is a drawing and distribution map on the corresponding sheet.

By itself, the Red Book of the USSR did not have the force of a state legal act. At the same time, in accordance with the Regulations on the Red Book of the USSR, the inclusion of any species in it meant the establishment of a ban on its extraction, imposed obligations on the protection of both the species itself and its habitats on the relevant state bodies. In this aspect, the Red Book of the USSR was the basis for the legislative protection of rare species. At the same time, it should be considered as a scientifically substantiated program of practical measures to save rare species.

The Red Book of the USSR, like the Red Book of the IUCN, had to be replenished and finalized, in accordance with the changes environmental situation in the country, the emergence of new knowledge about animals, the improvement of methods for their protection. Therefore, immediately after the publication of the Red Book of the USSR (and possibly even earlier), the collection of materials for its second edition began. Thanks to the exceptionally intensive work of a group of highly qualified specialists, the second edition was published six years after the first, in1984. It fundamentally differed from the first one both in structure and in the volume of material.

The difference was primarily in the fact that the range of large taxa of animals included in the new edition has significantly expanded. In particular, it included, in addition to the four classes of terrestrial vertebrates, fish,arthropods, shellfish and annelids. The Red Book of Plants was published as a separate volume. In addition, instead of two categories of status, five were singled out, as in the third edition of the IUCN Red Book, and the wording of the categories was practically borrowed from it:

  1. Category I - endangered species, the salvation of which is impossible without the implementation of special measures.
  2. Category II - species whose numbers are still relatively high, but are declining catastrophically fast, which in the near future may put them under the threat of extinction (that is, candidates for category I).
  3. Category III - rare species that are currently not yet threatened with extinction, but they are found in such small numbers or in such limited areas that they can disappear if the habitat is adversely changed under the influence of natural or anthropogenic factors.
  4. Category IV - species whose biology has not been studied enough, the number and condition are alarming, but the lack of information does not allow them to be attributed to any of the first categories.
  5. Category V - restored species, the state of which, thanks to the conservation measures taken, no longer causes concern, but they are not yet subject to commercial use and their populations require constant monitoring.

In total, 223 taxa were listed in this edition, including species, subspecies and populations of terrestrial vertebrates (the inclusion of subspecies and populations in this edition was also an innovation). According to the coverage of the species composition of the fauna, these taxa were distributed as follows: mammals - 96 taxa, birds - 80, reptiles - 37 and amphibians - 9 taxa. In terms of status categories, the distribution was in principle rather uniform: of the mammals, 21 taxa were assigned to the first category, 20 to the second, 40 to the third, 11 to the fourth and 4 to the fifth category; from the class of birds, respectively, 21, 24, 17, 14, and 4 taxa; from reptiles - 7, 7, 16, 6 and 1; from amphibians - 1, 6, and 2 (there were no taxa belonging to the fourth and fifth categories among amphibians).

This edition collected significant material on the biology of rare species, which is still used today. The same material largely formed the basis of the republican red books, and later in the Red book of the Russian Federation. This edition of the Red Book of the USSR was published after the adoption of the Law "On the Protection and Use of Wildlife", which meant the introduction of special measures for the protection of rare species.

Red Book of the Russian Federation

After the formation of Russia as independent state and reforms of the whole system government controlled in the field of environmental protection, the question arose of preparing the publication of the Red Book of the Russian Federation on a new political and administrative basis. The Red Book of the RSFSR was taken as the scientific basis for the Red Book of Russia, although it was a fundamentally new edition. The work on the creation of the Red Book of Russia was entrusted to the newly createdMinistry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. AT 1992a Commission on Rare and Endangered Species of Animals and Plants was established under the Ministry, to which leading experts in the field of protection of rare species from various institutions were involvedMoscowand other cities.

Despite the fact that in 1992-1995 the name, structure and personnel of the ministry changed many times, the Commission on Rare Species carried out significant work. For example, it was decided to propose six categories of status:

  1. 0 - probably disappeared. Taxa and populations previously known from the territory (or water area) of the Russian Federation and whose presence in nature has not been confirmed (for invertebrates - in the last 100 years, for vertebrates - in the last 50 years).
  2. 1 - endangered. Taxa and populations whose numbers of individuals have decreased to a critical level in such a way that they may soon become extinct.
  3. 2 - declining in numbers. Taxa and populations with steadily declining numbers, which, with further exposure to factors that reduce abundance, can quickly fall into the category of endangered.
  4. 3 - rare. Taxa and populations that are small and distributed over a limited area (or water area) or sporadically distributed over large areas (water areas).
  5. 4 - undetermined by status. Taxa and populations that probably belong to one of the previous categories, but there is currently no sufficient information about their state in nature, or they do not fully meet the criteria of all other categories.
  6. 5 - recoverable and recoverable. Taxa and populations, the abundance and distribution of which, under the influence of natural causes or as a result of conservation measures, have begun to recover and are approaching a state where they will not need urgent conservation and restoration measures.

Standard rules for compiling essays (lists) by species (subspecies, populations) were developed, illustrative materials were regulated, and the lists of species recommended for inclusion in the Red Book of Russia were revised and supplemented. In total, according to the first option, 407 species (subspecies, populations) of animals were recommended, including 155 species of invertebrates (including insects), 43 species of cyclostomes and fish, 8 species of amphibians, 20 species of reptiles, 118 species of birds and 63 species of mammals. 9 taxa were categorized as extinct and 42 taxa were proposed for exclusion in comparison with the list of the Red Book of the RSFSR. In addition, a list of taxa in need of special control in nature was created. Essays (sheets) on individual taxa have been collected and edited. In general, the preparation of the manuscript by 1995 was almost completed.

March 22 G. The State DumaFederal Assemblythe Russian Federation adoptedthe federal law"On the Fauna", which again regulated the importance of creating the Red Book of Russia. How the implementation of this provision was followed by a decreeGovernment of the Russian Federation from February 19No. 158. This document, in particular, declares that the Red Book of the Russian Federation is an official document containing a set of information on rare and endangered species of animals and plants, as well as necessary measures for their protection and restoration. In other words, it is a stateinventorysuch species and the scientific basis for creating strategies for their conservation and restoration in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The final version of the List includes 415 species and subspecies, including 155 taxainvertebratesand 260 vertebrates. The general list, compared to the Red Book of the RSFSR, has been increased by 73%, and mainly due to species and subspecies of invertebrates (the size of the group has been increased by 3 times), as well as fish andfish-like(4 times). The List contains new macrotaxa (types, classes):annelids(13 types), bryozoans(1 kind), Brachiopods(1 kind), cyclostomes(4 types). The number of species represented in the List only by separate populations has been sharply expanded. The increase in the number of species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation does not reflect the essence of qualitative changes. As a result of careful study of the latest data, 38 taxa were excluded from the Species List. Including for reasons of non-endangerment, revision conservation status or the role of the territory of Russia in the preservation of the gene pool.

In total, 212 new species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, including all species of invertebrates (109) and 47 species of vertebrates, which is mainly due to changes in the principles of species selection and the emergence of a wide information base on individual groups of animals. In connection with the receipt of the latest data on the deterioration of natural populations, another 30 species of vertebrate animals are listed in the Red Book of Russia. 23 species are listed in connection with the clarification of their conservation status.

Unlike most red books of both world and national levels, the inclusion of a species in the Red Book of Russia on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Fauna" automatically entails the emergence of legislative protection, a kind of "presumption of a ban on obtaining", regardless of the status category of the species .

The Red Book of the Russian Federation was published in2001. It consists of 860 pages of text, illustrated with color images of all the animals included in it and maps of their ranges. In total, 8 taxa of amphibians, 21 taxa of reptiles, 128 taxa of birds and 74 taxa of mammals are listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, totaling 231 taxa.

See also : List of rare and endangered species in the Red Book of Russia

Regional Red Books in Russia

Since the second half of the 1980s, the USSR began compiling regional books on rare species of animals and plants on a scalerepublics, edges, regions, autonomous regions. This was due to the need for immediate protection of a number of species and forms of animals and plants, perhaps not rare in the country, but rare in certain regions, as well as the independence rapidly growing in these years. local authorities and the desire to independently solve their environmental problems. It was expedient to give such regional books about rare animals the status of regional Red Books. This strengthened their legal status and increased their practical impact on society. This was of particular importance for national autonomies.

In essence, there is only one non-regional Red Book on Earth: this is the IUCN Red Book - the only one that provides information on rare species within the entire range. Only in this case we are talking about the planetary conservation of rare species. All other national Red Books are regional, only their territorial scope is different. For example, in the Red Book of the USSR (now it is Russia, the CIS countries and the Baltic States), out of 80 bird species, less than 20 are listed in the IUCN Red Book, and the rest are, therefore, regionally rare.

National Red Books, with rare exceptions, provide information only on parts of the ranges of species and subspecies of animals and plants. Only in cases with narrow-range species can we talk about the preservation of the world gene pool on the scale of a particular national or even regional Red Book. For animals, this is a rather rare occurrence (for example,Russian desmanor endemics of the lakeBaikal).

As a rule, the larger the region, the more significant it is for wildlife conservation. The exception is some relatively small areas with exceptional biological diversity, abundance endemic species or species that are rare and endangered on a global scale. These are, for example,Caucasus, Altai, south Far East, some areasCentral Asia.

In the 1990s-2000s, a number of new regional Red Books of various administrative levels appeared. .

The following editions were published in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

  1. Altai region. 1994
  2. Arhangelsk region. 1995, 2008
  3. Bashkir ASSR and Republic of Bashkortostan. 1984, 1987, 2001
  4. Belgorod region. 2004
  5. Buryat ASSR. 1988
  6. Vladimir region. 2008
  7. Volgograd region. 2004 - v. 1. Animals; 2006 - v. 2. Plants and fungi ( Cm. Red Book of the Volgograd Region)
  8. Vologodskaya Oblast. 2005 (See Red Data Book of the Vologda Oblast)
  9. Jewish Autonomous RegionPart 1. Plants. 1997, 2006 (rare and endangered plant and fungal species)
  10. Irkutsk region. 2001
  11. Kaliningrad region. 2010
  12. Kabardino-Balkaria. 2000
  13. Kaluga region. 2006
  14. Kamchatka Krai. 2007
  15. Karachay-Cherkessia. 1988
  16. Karelia. 1985, 1995, 2008
  17. Kemerovo region. 2004
  18. Kostroma region. 2010 (layout prepared)
  19. Krasnodar region. 1994, 2007
  20. Krasnoyarsk region. 1995
  21. Kurgan region. 2002
  22. Kursk region. 2001
  23. Leningrad region. 2004 (See Red Book of the Leningrad Region)
  24. Lipetsk region. 1997
  25. Moscow. 2001 (See Red Book of Moscow)
  26. Moscow region. 1998, 2008 (See Red Book of the Moscow Region)
  27. Murmansk region. 2003 (See Red Data Book of the Murmansk Region)
  28. Nenets Autonomous Okrug. 2006
  29. Nizhny Novgorod Region. 2005
  30. Novosibirsk region. 2008
  31. Omsk region. 1982, 2005
  32. Orenburg region. 1998
  33. Oryol Region. 2007
  34. Penza region. 2002
  35. Perm region. 2008
  36. Primorsky Krai. 2001
  37. Altai Republic. Animals. 1996, 2007
  38. The Republic of Dagestan. 1999
  39. Republic of Karelia. 1985 (See Red Book of Karelia)
  40. Komi Republic. 1996, 2009
  41. Mari El Republic. 1997
  42. The Republic of Mordovia. 2003 (See Red Book of the Republic of Mordovia)
  43. Saha Republic. 2000
  44. The Republic of Khakassia. 2002
  45. Rostov region. 2003 (See Red Book of the Rostov Region)
  46. Ryazan Oblast. 2001
  47. Samara Region. 2007
  48. St. Petersburg. 2004 (See Red book of nature of St. Petersburg)
  49. Sakhalin region. 2000
  50. Saratov region. 1996, 2006
  51. Sverdlovsk 2008
  52. North Ossetia. 1981
  53. Smolensk region. 1997 (See Red Book of the Smolensk Region)
  54. Stavropol region. 2002
  55. Tatarstan. 1995
  56. Tver region. 2002
  57. Tomsk region. 2002
  58. Tver region. 2002 (See Red Book of the Tver Region)
  59. Tula region. 2011
  60. Tyumen region. 2004 (See Red Book of the Tyumen Region)
  61. Udmurt republic. 2001
  62. Ulyanovsk region. 2005
  63. Khabarovsk region. 1997, 1999
  64. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. 2003
  65. Chelyabinsk region. 2006
  66. Chuvash Republic. 2001 (1 volume - Plants). 2011 (Volume 2 - Animals)
  67. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. 2008
  68. Yakut ASSR. 1987
  69. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. 1997
  70. Yaroslavl region. 2004 (See Red Book of the Yaroslavl Region)

Chapter 2. What animals are listed in the Red Book.

The Red Book is a list of endangered plant and animal species. Hunting for animals listed in the Red Book is prohibited in many countries.

More than 500 species of animals are listed in the Red Book of Russia, they are divided into 10 main categories:

  1. Amphibians - 8 species are listed in the Red Book: Karelin's newt, Asia Minor newt, Lanz's newt, Ussuri clawed newt, Caucasian krestovka, Caucasian toad, cane toad, Syrian spadefoot
  2. mammals - about 80 species and subspecies are listed in the Red Book:
    rodents listed in the Red Book:
  1. tarbagan (Mongolian marmot)
  2. Baikal black-capped marmot
  3. river beaver, West Siberian subspecies
  4. river beaver, Tuvan subspecies
  5. giant mole rat
  6. Manchu zokor
  7. yellow pied

predators listed in the red book:

  1. Caucasian otter
  2. sea ​​otter
  3. caucasian forest cat
  4. Caucasian jungle cat
  5. cat manul
  6. Amur tiger
  7. far eastern leopard
  8. Persian leopard
  9. Snow Leopard
  10. mednovsky blue fox
  11. Red Wolf
  12. polar bear
  13. solongoy transbaikalian
  14. Amur steppe polecat
  15. Caucasian European mink
  16. dressing

pinnipeds listed in the Red Book:

  1. harbor seal
  2. ringed seal
  3. gray seal
  4. sea ​​lion
  5. walrus

cetaceans listed in the Red Book:

  1. Atlantic white-sided dolphin
  2. white-faced dolphin
  3. gray dolphin
  4. Black Sea bottlenose dolphin
  5. Harbour porpoise
  6. killer whale
  7. narwhal (unicorn)
  8. high-browed bottlenose
  9. beaked
  10. Commander's belt tooth
  11. gray whale
  12. bowhead whale
  13. japanese whale
  14. hunchback
  15. northern blue whale
  16. northern fin whale (herring whale)
  17. sei whale (Ivas whale)

equids, listed in the Red Book:

  1. Przewalski's horse
  2. kulan

artiodactyls listed in the Red Book:

  1. Sakhalin musk deer
  2. Ussuri sika deer
  3. reindeer
  4. bison, Bialowieza subspecies
  5. gazelle
  6. Amur goral
  7. bezoar goat
  8. Altai mountain sheep (argali)
  9. bighorn sheep

insectivores listed in the Red Book:

  1. Dahurian hedgehog
  2. Russian desman
  3. japanese mogera
  4. giant shrew

bats listed in the Red Book:

  1. pointed-eared bat
  2. tricolor night bat
  3. giant party
  4. common longwing
  5. lesser horseshoe bat
  6. horseshoe bat megeli
  7. big horseshoe
  1. Mollusks - about 40 species and subspecies are listed in the Red Book
  2. Insects - more than 90 species are listed in the Red Book
  3. Reptiles - more than 20 species and subspecies are listed in the Red Book
  4. Birds - more than 125 species and subspecies are listed in the Red Book
  5. Crustaceans - 3 species are listed in the Red Book: mantis shrimp, Deryugin's craboid and Japanese crab.
  6. Fish - 50 species and subspecies are listed in the Red Book:fish listed in the Red Book:
  1. Volga herring
  2. Atlantic feint
  3. abrau kilka
  4. lake salmon
  5. Kaluga
  6. azov beluga
  7. sturgeon
  8. sterlet
  9. brown trout
  10. mykizha
  11. arctic char
  12. smallmouth char
  13. long-finned palia svetovidova
  14. common taimen
  15. Sakhalin taimen
  16. lenok
  17. nelma
  18. whitefish
  19. Pereslavl vendace
  20. pygmy valek
  21. European grayling
  22. carp
  23. Dnieper barbel
  24. Azov-Black Sea shemaya
  25. russian quickie
  26. yellow-cheeked
  27. black cupid
  28. black amur bream
  29. small-scaled yellowfin
  30. Ciscaucasian plucking
  31. soldier's catfish
  32. bersh
  33. Chinese perch or auha
  34. common sculpin
  35. kildin cod

lampreys listed in the Red Book:

  1. sea ​​lamprey
  2. Caspian lamprey
  3. Ukrainian lamprey
  1. Worms, bryozoans, brachiopods- 15 species are listed in the Red Book: motley aphrodite, Hetopterus with different legs, Dravida Gilyarov, iron ore, aporrectoda handlirsha, Japanese eisenia, Gordeev's eisenia, intermediate eisenia, Malevich's eisenia, Transcaucasian eisenia, Salair eisenia, Altai eisenia, hilgendorf's feretima.

The most famous animals listed in the Red Book are: polar bear, manul cat, Amur tiger and others.

Chapter 3 Animals and plants of our region.

Our Alkeyevsky district is a very beautiful corner of the Trans-Kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan. Forests, meadows, swamps, rivers with springs beckon. A person rests with all his heart in the bosom of nature, inhaling the aroma of flowers, listening to the sound of the forest, the singing of birds, the buzzing of insects, the murmur of rivers. It is one thing to admire and admire nature, use its gifts, and quite another thing is to know and protect the nature of your small homeland. We explored the unique places of our region: about the natural monument - the Tatar-Akhmetevsky swamp. The area of ​​this wetland complex located on the terrace of the Maly Cheremshan River is 15 hectares. The flora includes more than 50 species, including those listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan. Lözel's liparis (only 2 individuals were found in 1998) grows in the amount of 80-100 individuals, scepter-shaped mytnik, squat birch, three-leaved watch, etc. Of the rare species of birds - honey buzzard, gray crane. There is another one in our area unique place, a secret gem. This sphagnum raised bog is located between the villages of Upper Mataki and Abdul Salmany. The water in this swamp is very clean. There are 5 species of sphagnum, 34 species of plants, 7 of them are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan. The field harrier, dolomed spiders, Russian tarantula, protected butterflies - swallowtail, admiral, etc. live. Our task is to include this swamp in the list of natural monuments of the Republic of Tatarstan.

We are all well aware of the healing value of nature for humans. The air in the forest, with its aroma, beneficial ozone and phytoncides, crystal water mountain rivers, diverse climate and many other manifestations of nature have a positive effect on the human body, which uses them for medicinal purposes. So let's take care of yours native nature with her riches.

40 saplings of trees (linden and mountain ash) were planted along Polevaya Street by 11th grade students.

Secrets of the healing power of aloe. Use in cosmetics as additives in lotions, moisturizing creams.

The healing power of Aloe has been known since ancient times. Mysterious Aloe has been a source of wound healing since its mention in Old Testament. The therapeutic effect of this plant allows you to accelerate the healing of wounds, bedsores. It contains a special polysaccharide. In addition to its use in lotions and medicines, in recent years, aloe vera has been used in cosmetics as an additive in moisturizers.

Nature has created a unique and stable ratio of the mass of the above-ground part of plants to the mass of their underground (root) part.
Science has discovered another law of nature that is observed in the plant world: "the mass of the leaves and stems of a plant (aerial part) is proportionally related to the mass of its roots (underground part), and this ratio is determined mathematically, regardless of the variety of the plant or its natural environment In other words, biologists can now estimate how much plant biomass is underground just by counting the biomass of the above-ground parts of plants.

A new study baffles the evolutionary theory of plant development. It turned out that the DNA of pine and annual flowering grass is 90% identical.

The two main plant species, trees and grasses, are genetically much more similar than previously thought, according to a genetic analysis conducted by the forestry in State University North Carolina. According to all homological features, the division of Arabidopsis pines and flowering plants into different types happened about 300 million years ago, which raises serious questions of inconsistency evolutionary theory with chronology, since the first flowering plants appeared only 132-137 million years ago in Cretaceous period.
Easy and simple diet for weight loss - Meat for dinner plus herbal infusions. Unrestrictive diet and diet.
This diet is for those who want to lose weight and for general health. The diet is based on the observation that meat food is not only a stimulant of metabolism and physical activity, but is also the strongest factor in increasing appetite. But the appetite will decrease throughout the day if meat dishes in combination with other products are consumed only in the evening, at dinner.
Facilitate the transition to new mode nutrition can be by using herbal infusions. You should be careful not to abuse the infusions of those herbs in which the active substances cause a diuretic (juniper fruits, bearberry leaves, lingonberries, horsetail grass, blue cornflower flowers, birch buds), choleretic (sandy immortelle flowers, corn stigmas, barberry leaves) or laxative (blackberry leaves, senna, chamomile flowers, seaweed, rhubarb roots, laxative joster fruit, buckthorn bark) effects.


AT recent decades the transformative activity of man has reached such proportions that its influence on environment turned out to be global. Along with population growth and climate change, biodiversity reduction is one of the current global processes. The 20th century, the century of the technological progress of society, was marked by an alarming trend: the rapidly declining gene pool of flora and fauna on the planet. If before the appearance of man, one species of animals died out in 100 years, then at the end of the 20th century, one species per year.

In order to preserve the diversity of the nature of the region, the district, it is necessary to increase the number of natural monuments of regional and local significance.

The protection of reserves and natural monuments and their use for scientific and educational purposes require the mandatory participation of forestry institutions, public organizations, schools, school forestries and individual local historians. The coordinator of all this work on the ground should be the district committees of ecology and natural resources.

List of used literature.

1. Red Book of the USSR. 1983. Internet.ru.

2. Red Book of Russia. 2004. Internet.ru.

3. http://www. minlechoz.ru

4. The Red Book of Tatarstan. Publishing house "Nature", Kazan, 2008

I live in the tomato region - Kherson. November came, and red-chested and red-cheeked strange ducks returned to the shallows of Zbruevsky Kut. I had no idea who these guests were until a friend told me that they were red-breasted geese. Moreover, they are included in the Red Book. Well, it turns out that I have to take care of them, but I didn’t even know it myself. How many birds, animals and plants require protection at the state level?

Animals of the Kherson region from the Red Book

Since we were sitting on the shore, marine inhabitants my companion started. If I knew about beluga, sterlet, common dolphin, Black Sea salmon and Atlantic sturgeon, then these species were a discovery for me:

  • azovka;
  • bottlenose dolphin;
  • carp;
  • black croaker;
  • caspiosome;
  • common laurel;
  • stellate sturgeon;
  • trigla yellow.

And this is a list without a dozen crustaceans!

The topic of insects is very unpleasant for me, so I will only tell you a couple of creatures from the Red Book: a stag beetle, a sacred scarab (a piece of Egypt in our region), a swallowtail and a beauty girl.

Of the endangered mammals, the white-bellied shrew, polecat (steppe and black), river otter, ermine, large jerboa, Podolsk ground squirrel, European mink, steppe lemming, mole voles and mole rats have replenished the ranks of the disappearing mammals.

Birds are represented in the book by 39 species. Some of them are white-tailed eagle, white-tailed eagle, bustard, shelduck and lesser white-fronted eagle.

Plants of the Kherson region from the Red Book

I will say that I do not recommend picking bouquets in the Kherson steppe, and trampling mushrooms in the forests, too, since 105 species of flowers and herbs, as well as 13 species of mushrooms are under protection. Only feather grass in the Red Book of 10 species! Anakamptis and astragalus are also represented by protected 6 and 7 species, respectively. It is worth mentioning the most beautiful flowers: meadow grass, hazel grouse, multi-colored brandushka, burnt neotinea, colchicum, fine-leaved peony.

Among the trees, the Dnieper birch, which is included in the European Red List, is noteworthy.

Lichens, which are so unpretentious, still have rare species - pitted seirophora and squamarine commensal.

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