Smart people with Down Syndrome. Famous people with Down syndrome: overview, features and interesting facts

Health 17.07.2019

Find out more about the many talents of actors, models, celebrities, scientists, politicians, entrepreneurs with Down's Syndrome, and stars raising sunny kids. Enjoy!

Luke Zimmerman

Actor with Down Syndrome, starred in the ABC family series " secret life American teenager. The role of Tom Bowman, Grace's older brother, brought popularity and success. Featured in Glee 2013 episode "Movin' Out".

Lauren Potter

The blonde-haired actress with Down's Syndrome gained popularity on the television show Glee, where she played Becky Jackson.

Tommy Jessop

Star of BBC Growth Up Down's, UK documentary"Growing Down". A film about three people with Down syndrome, their daily ups and downs when Shakespeare's play Hamlet is staged. The actor has been working in television since 2007, starring with Nicholas Hoult in Coming Down the Mountain.

Chris Burke

Christos Burke - Goodwill Ambassador National Society Down syndrome (NDSS). Used celebrity status to spread the word about Down Syndrome around the world. Known for playing the beloved brother, Korchi of the Tkhahera family, on the popular TV show Life Goes On. Long career in Hollywood includes roles in the film Mona Lisa Smile, series such as ER, Touched by Angel.

Edward Barbanell

Comedian, scene stealer from comedies The Ringer, Workaholics, The New Normal. Performed with "Jackass 3D" guest Johnny Knoxville. Starred in the indie hit Dorian Blues.

Jamie Brewer

An actress who appeared in American Horror Story: Coven, where she plays the clairvoyant witch Nan.

A model with Down Syndrome walks the runway at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, New York's haute couture week. Fights for the rights of the disabled in Texas.

Michael Johnson

Famous artist, has exhibited at Vanderbilt University. Created over 500 commissioned paintings. His art has been featured on the cover of the American Journal of Public Health.

Valentina Guerrero

The youngest and most popular model of the fashion world in 2012. She started her career when she was less than a year old. The cute smile went viral in a couple of days, achieving the most desired dream of any model - the cover of People magazine.

Ayelene Barreiro

Selected to participate as a dancer in one of the popular dance shows South America organized by the famous Argentine celebrity Marcelo Tinelli.

Eli Reimer

First person to reach Everest Base Camp, 2012. Full year training with his father showed that he possesses physical strength, mental focus, discipline, endurance.

Judith Scott

She was a world famous American fiber sculptor. Judith was born into a middle class family in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1943 with her twin sister Joyce. Unlike Joyce, Judith

Not all stars' smiles are happiness smiles, it might just be a smile for the cameras. Sometimes we forget that the rich and famous cry too. And the most painful thing in a person's life is the troubles that touched his child. In the world, every 88th child is born with autism, and 1 in 700 is born with Down syndrome. Terrible statistics, which also include star children.

Colin Farrell

At first it seemed that Colin's son weighing 3.43 kilograms was born absolutely healthy baby, it was later revealed that James was suffering from Angelman syndrome. He is developmentally retarded, laughs too much and has disturbed sleep. In addition, sometimes James has seizures. Unfortunately, the disease is extremely rare, which is why it is not well understood and cannot be treated. However, Colin does not consider his son disabled.
“Only once did I remember that my son is a little different from everyone else, that he has some developmental disabilities, something that prevents him from being called normal - that was when I saw him next to his peers. But I don’t think about it for a long time, ”says Colin.

Irina Khakamada

Irina Hokomada, a talented business coach, designer and former politician, also had a daughter with Down syndrome. In addition, the girl was overtaken by another terrible disease - blood leukemia, which she coped with thanks to a course of chemotherapy. Irina devotes a lot of time to her daughter and believes that they - best friends. Also, in 2006, she founded the Our Choice interregional social solidarity fund to help people with disabilities of all ages.

Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk

Due to premature birth, the daughter of Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk was born with Down syndrome. Basically, Varya lives abroad, where she receives the necessary treatment and education. Svetlana does not lose heart, and in an interview she said: “Yes, we have a child with certain problems, but something terrible can happen to anyone at any moment. Nobody is safe. Living in misery and despondency is wrong.”


Initially, doctors diagnosed Lolita's daughter with Down's syndrome, then they changed it to a more comforting "autism". Today, the girl is 16 years old, she, despite certain health problems, goes to a regular school and does not lag behind her peers.
“She constantly works with a psychologist, draws, plays music, her breasts began to grow, pimples appeared on her forehead. Fortunately, Eva is not yet interested in boys, but the guys are very interested in her ... My daughter and girlfriend have it, ”Lolita said in an interview.

Konstantin Meladze

Konstantin Meladze's son, Valery, was diagnosed with autism when he was three years old.
“This is not a sentence, this is a shooting, after which you were left to live. This is a serious disease that has not yet been cured. It is being corrected. I'm talking about a severe form of autism. These kids can be trained. I think that parents who are faced with a similar problem are familiar with the feeling of fear, helplessness in the face of grief, and shame. Our society does not accept, does not recognize “others”. But when a child has the first successes, hope and faith wake up - and then a new starting point for true victories and bright pride in your child begins, ”says Yana, ex-wife Konstantin Meladze.

There is an erroneous opinion that people with Down syndrome are absolutely not adapted to life, they can neither study, nor work, nor achieve any success. However, this is not at all the case. Our heroes act in films, teach, walk the catwalk and win gold medals!

Among the "children of the sun" there are talented actors, artists, athletes and educators. Read our selection and see for yourself!

Judith Scott

sad and amazing story Judith began on May 1, 1943, when ordinary family twin girls were born from the city of Columbus. One of the girls, named Joyce, was born completely healthy, but her sister Judith was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

In addition to this, while still a baby, Judith fell ill with scarlet fever and lost her hearing. The girl did not speak and did not react in any way to the remarks addressed to her, so the doctors mistakenly believed that she had a profound mental retardation. The only person who understood Judith and could talk to her was her sister Joyce. The twins were inseparable. The first 7 years of Judith's life were absolutely happy...

And then… her parents, under medical pressure, made a disastrous decision. They gave Judith to an asylum for the feeble-minded and abandoned her.

Joyce broke up with her beloved sister for a long 35 years. All these years she was tormented by longing and guilt. What Judith was going through at this time, one can only guess. At that time, no one was interested in the experiences of the "mentally retarded" ...

In 1985, Joyce, unable to endure many years of moral torment, tracked down her twin and took care of her. It immediately became clear that no one was involved in the development and upbringing of Judith: she could not read and write, she was not even taught the language of the deaf and dumb. The sisters moved to the Californian city of Oakland. Here Judith began attending an arts center for people with mental disabilities. A turning point in her fate occurred when she got to a class in fiber art (the technique of weaving from threads). After that, Judith began to create sculptures from threads. Any objects that appeared in her field of vision served as the basis for her products: buttons, chairs, dishes. She carefully wrapped the found objects with multi-colored threads and created unusual, unlike sculptures. She did not stop this work until her death in 2005.

Gradually, her creations, bright, powerful, original, gained fame. They fascinated some, others, on the contrary, repelled them, but everyone agreed that they were filled with some kind of extraordinary energy. Now Judith's work can be seen in museums of outsider art. Their prices reach up to 20 thousand dollars.

Her sister said of her:

“Judith was able to show the whole world how someone who was thrown out of society in the trash can come back and prove that he is capable of outstanding accomplishments”
Pablo Pineda (b. 1974)

Pablo Pineda is an internationally renowned Spanish actor and teacher. Pablo was born in the Spanish city of Malaga. AT early age he was found to have a mosaic form of Down syndrome (that is, not all cells contain an extra chromosome).

Parents did not send their child to a specialized boarding school. He successfully graduated from a regular school, and then entered the university and received a diploma in educational psychology.

In 2008, Pablo starred in leading role in the film "Me Too" - a touching love story between a teacher with Down syndrome and a healthy woman (the film was translated into Russian). For the role of the teacher, Pablo was awarded the Silver Shell at the Saint-Sebastian Film Festival.

Pineda currently lives and teaches in his hometown of Malaga. Here, Pablo is treated with great respect. A square was even named after him.

Pascal Dukenne (b. 1970)

Pascal Duquinne is a theater and film actor with Down syndrome. FROM early years he became interested in acting, took part in many theatrical amateur productions, and after meeting with director Jaco Van Dormal, he received his first film roles. The most famous character embodied by him is Georges from the movie Day Eight.

At the Cannes Film Festival for this role, Dukenne was recognized as the best film actor. Later, he starred in "Mr. Nobody" in the episodic role of the double of the protagonist, played by Jared Leto.

Now Dukenne is a media person, he gives numerous interviews, starred in television programs. In 2004, the King of Belgium consecrated him a Commander of the Order of the Crown, which is equivalent to a knighthood.

The paintings of the American artist Raymond Hu delight connoisseurs. Raymond draws animals in traditional Chinese technique.

His passion for painting began in 1990, when his parents invited the artist to his home to take some private lessons from him. Then 14-year-old Raymond painted his first picture: flowers in a measuring cup. Painting fascinated him, he moved from flowers to animals.

Maria Langovaya (born in 1997)

Masha Langovaya is a Russian athlete from Barnaul, world champion in swimming. She took part in the Special Olympics twice and won gold both times. When Masha was little, her mother did not even think of making her a champion. It’s just that the girl was often sick, and her parents decided to “harden her up” and sent her to the pool. Water turned out to be Masha's natural element: she loved to swim and compete with other children. It was then that her mother decided to send her daughter to professional sports.

Jamie Brewer (b. February 5, 1985)

Jamie Brewer is an American actress who gained fame after starring in several seasons of American Horror Story. As a child, Jamie dreamed about acting career. She attended a theater group and took part in a variety of productions.

In 2011, she landed her first film role. The authors of the series American history horror" needed a young actress with Down syndrome. Jamie was invited to audition and, to her surprise, was approved for the role. Jamie tried herself as a model. She is the first woman with Down Syndrome to parade at New York Fashion Week. She presented a dress by designer Carrie Hammer.

Jamie is an active fighter for the rights of people with disabilities. Thanks to her efforts, in the state of Texas, the offensive phrase "mental retardation" was replaced with "intellectual malformation."

Karen Gafney (b. 1977)

Karen Gafney is another amazing example of how people with disabilities can achieve the same results as healthy people, and even surpass them. Karen has achieved amazing success in swimming.

Is every healthy man can swim across the English Channel? And swim 14 kilometers in water with a temperature of 15 degrees? Karen did it! A tireless swimmer, she bravely overcame difficulties, taking part in competitions with healthy athletes. On special Olympic Games she has won gold medals twice. In addition, Karen founded a foundation to help people with disabilities and received a Ph.D.!

Madeline Stuart

Madeline Stewart is perhaps the most famous model with Down syndrome. She advertises clothes and cosmetics, defiles on the catwalk and takes part in photo shoots. Her dedication can only be envied. In order to reach the podium, the girl dropped 20 kilograms. And in her success there is a great merit of her mother Rosanna.

“Every day I tell her how amazing she is to me, and she unconditionally believes in it. Maddie truly loves herself. She can tell you how great she is."
Jack Barlow (age 7)

The 7-year-old boy became the first person with Down syndrome to take the stage with a ballet troupe. Jack made his debut in The Nutcracker. The boy has been seriously engaged in choreography for 4 years, and he was finally entrusted to perform with professional dancers. Thanks to Jack, the performance, performed by the Cincinnati Ballet Company, was sold out. In any case, the video posted on the Internet has gained more than 50,000 views. Experts are already predicting Jack a brilliant ballet future.

Paula Sage (b. 1980)

The versatility of Paula Sage could be envied by an absolutely healthy person. Firstly, she is a wonderful actress who won several prestigious awards for her role in the British film After Life. Secondly, Paula is a brilliant athlete who plays professional netball. And thirdly - public figure and a human rights activist.

A wonderful teacher with Down syndrome works in one of the kindergartens in Argentina. 30-year-old Noelia does an excellent job with her duties, the kids adore her. At first, some parents were opposed to the upbringing of their children by a person with a similar diagnosis. However, they soon became convinced that Noelia is a sensitive teacher, who loves children very much and knows how to find an approach to them. By the way, kids perceive Noelia absolutely normal and do not see anything unusual in her.

A genetic anomaly in the structure of chromosomes can be expressed in different ways. There are very difficult cases in which a sick person is not capable of almost anything. But a mild form of the disease allows you to maintain a quality lifestyle, as we are convinced by famous people with Down syndrome, about whom it makes sense to talk in more detail.

Regardless of the causes of a chromosomal abnormality leading to a serious illness - Down syndrome, for parents, the birth of a child with such a diagnosis is a real tragedy. It is impossible to cure, congenital pathology will accompany a person all his life. There are only auxiliary methods, thanks to which you can teach the baby to serve himself, to develop elementary skills. With a serious form, it is not necessary to hope for a more or less high-quality life. But if the disease manifests itself in a mild form, then it makes sense to take care of the child from childhood and not give up. Celebrities with Down syndrome are proof that their beloved child with the “child of the Sun” syndrome has a great future ahead of them.

Madeleine Stewart is an Australian model with Down syndrome.

The main action of parents at the birth of a sick child is not to despair. Anyway, new life means happiness. Yes, unlike others, you will have to devote more time to the newborn, but it is worth remembering Golden Rule Down syndrome is not a sentence.

A baby is a blessing from above, for the sake of which it is necessary to live and enjoy this life. This is repeated many times famous people with Down syndrome and their grateful, happy parents. The latter, in turn, reap the fruits of their love and participation in the life of their beloved child and do not regret for a second that their child is a little different from others. Let us recall at least a few outstanding personalities who have reached unprecedented heights in this difficult life.

Famous people with Down syndrome: the disease is not a problem for targeted

Few people know that there is a day when people with the diagnosis we describe are treated with special respect. March 21 is the day of people with Down syndrome, accepted by the world community. Someone will say that there are other dates dedicated to other types of diseases. But the category of Downs includes great people: lawyers, actors, models, athletes, outstanding scientists, philosophers, etc.

Model with Down syndrome - Madeleine from Australia

About a few years ago, young Australian Madeleine Stewart made her debut on the catwalk. Her first appearance caused a mixed reaction - some were delighted, others wondered how the girl with a serious illness managed to achieve such success. The conversations did not have time to subside, as she again conquered the podium already outside her homeland. Mad's career has gone uphill, and there is no reason to stop and grumble at life. And so, the week of the highest fashion in New York was marked not only by a unique show of the leading couturiers of the world, but also by the appearance on the stage of Mud Stuart. The girl pranced along the catwalk in tight leggings, a light top and amazed the audience with grace, ease of movement. It is for this reason that she is trusted to defile in a sports type of clothing, directly associated with lightness and ease.

Sergey Makarov: an actor with Down syndrome received a prize

Another refutation of misconceptions and monstrous myths about this disease is a vivid and instructive example of Sergei Makarov. From childhood he was prepared unenviable fate. It is difficult for Sergey to remember those years when no one wanted to be friends with him, to accept him at school. The worst thing is that the doctors refused to treat the child and, according to them, his life will last up to a maximum of 17 years. It would be interesting to look at the faces of these specialists when Makarov became the movie hero of the year and gained true fame as an excellent actor. This event happened already in 2004, when he, with a congenital ailment, had long crossed the line of a 17-year-old boy. Unfortunately, domestic cinema rarely attracts a talented sun man, and, apparently, loses a lot.

People with such a disease can manifest themselves brightly in rare cases, so it is necessary, no matter how rude it may sound, to use their individuality and abilities, the extraordinary image.

Russian film actor Sergei Makarov also suffers from Down syndrome

Celebrity Sunshine Kids

A well-known politician and simply a beautiful, smartest woman, Irina Khakamada has always been distinguished by her determination. At the age of 42, she again surprised the public by giving birth to a child at such a respected age. At first, she steadfastly endured the test, her daughter Masha was treated for leukemia. When the disease was over, a couple of years later, Irina visited the premiere of a foreign film with her daughter and everyone saw that Mashenka was suffering from Down syndrome. In the eyes of people, Irina Khakamada has earned even greater respect and honor, because in spite of everything, she continues to enjoy life with her children and makes every effort to make them feel maternal love and care.

Iya Sergeevna Savvina: the only joy is a sunny son

The famous actress, the heroine of the film adaptations of great works, Iya Savvina, raised her son with a severe form of Down syndrome all her life. Rumor has it that immediately after the birth of a sick baby, she was persuaded by her own relatives to abandon him. But the actress flatly refused. Savvina made every effort to ensure that Sergei grew up in an atmosphere of love, harmony, and care. Thanks to the efforts of his mother and grandmother, the boy has extraordinary talents: he delightfully plays the piano, knows foreign languages. Despite the national fame, she was afraid that her beloved Seryozha would be difficult to live without her. She dreamed of only one thing - to leave with her son on the same day. Doctors claimed that Seryozha would not live long, but he managed to outlive his mother and cross the 50-year mark, which became amazing fact in the circle of experts.

Important: Sergey is included in the Guinness Book of Records as a person with sun sickness and a long lifespan. According to the stepfather, the son of the actress has a light and kind disposition, always welcoming and in a great mood.

Successful people with Down Syndrome

It is difficult to get world recognition not only for a person with some kind of illness, but also for a completely healthy person. But the already famous actor with a solar diagnosis, Pablo Pineda, succeeded in this. The Silver Shell Prize was awarded to him for the best male role in the film Me Too. For Pablo, cinema is not an end in itself, it’s just that the Spanish director noticed his talents. Up to this point, the actor received several diplomas, including in the field of pedagogy, art, teaching. Pineda works in the city municipality, and received from the hands of the mayor of Malaga the important award "Shield of the City".

Pablo Pineda is another successful actor with Down syndrome

Important: Pablo Pineda is the first, and so far the only person to receive higher education in university.

Roni is a youtube star

Famous people with Down syndrome also include the YouTube star, American composer, musician Ronald Jenkins. His parents began to panic after the birth of a sick child and put all their care and love into their beloved child. When Ron was 6 years old, he was given a synthesizer, and surprisingly, he began to play on his own, without the help of teachers. At first, light, uncomplicated melodies were played. A positive thing in Ronald's life is that he always had friends, and no one refused to communicate with him. It was with such friends that he began to play musical group at school, playing without notes. Now Roni famous musician, most listeners consider him a modern genius. Since 2003, he has performed under the name "Wig Cheese" and uploads each new composition on the net.

Children of the Sun - public attitude

If we continue to list the most famous people with Down syndrome, then the list will be long. And what's nice is recent decades attitudes towards people with such a diagnosis became an order of magnitude better. A great merit in this is modern medicine and a caring public, striving not only to alleviate, but also to create all conditions for the full development of people suffering from pathology. After all, an ailment can affect anyone, because for this the slightest pathology in the structure of chromosomes is enough. The disease has no racial, age boundaries, there are even blacks with Down syndrome, whose photos will convince every reader.

Musician Ronald Jenkins is a real Youtube star

It is important to see a full-fledged child in the baby and devote your life to him. After all, doctors still cannot determine exactly what Down syndrome is - famous personalities completely refute the assertion that this is a disease, but a truly sunny condition.

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