Who will protect Yegorievsk near Moscow? The unenviable fate of the members of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group (16 photos) Egorievskaya organized criminal group.

Pregnancy and children 17.07.2019
Pregnancy and children
The correspondent of the Agency for Political Investigations (API) Yevgeny Krasyuk dealt with the specifics of "criminal in uniform".

My business trip to Yegoryevsk, near Moscow, was connected with events that are very reminiscent of recent times when the ball on the ground was ruled by crime. When everything was decided not according to the law, but according to criminal concepts. It seemed to me that these times are already in the past, but I was mistaken.

Naturally, the local ATC should deal with the order in this area. And Oleg Borisovich Yermakov, the head of this Department of Internal Affairs, is personally responsible for order in the area. He's been here for a long time. Former colleagues of Ermakov, but only those who no longer work there, assure that it is precisely these who are now becoming bosses.

Alas, today there are serious grounds to say that the place of criminal authorities in Yegorievsk was taken by the main "guardian of order" - the head of the local police department. He is probably sure that he himself can decide who will
do business and who won't. Whom to take the land from, and who to plant, so that others would be disrespectful. At the same time, Mr. Ermakov, of course, can change his anger to mercy, but for a fee. Previously, bandits were paid for the "roof", and now the "Mr. Chief" himself takes the bribe ...

Here are just a few examples of how this "guardian of order" restores order and imposes tribute on the objectionable. It is worth adding that almost everyone knows the criminal pages of his biography in a small town, but not everyone talks about it out loud.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the family of a native of Armenia settled in Yegoryevsk. For obvious reasons, I will not give his last name. We restrict ourselves to the designation Bn. Like many immigrants from Armenia, Bn is an enterprising person. He established a construction business, made friends with the right people and began to get contracts. In November 2008, there is a robbery at B-n's house, as a result of which his wife dies. It's good that the children haven't been touched yet...

The murder investigation was initially engaged. Many were invited for interrogation, including Yermakov, but then, for unknown reasons, the investigation stalled and the case went into the archive. The murder was committed in 2008, but probably all these years Yermakov was waiting for an opportunity to pay off his offender for being interrogated in connection with this crime. By the way, despite repeated instructions from the regional prosecutor's office, Yermakov and other suspects in the murder B-n's wife and flatly refused to take a polygraph test.

But that's not the end of the story. After the murder of his wife, Bn decided to move to the capital. I realized that it was not safe to stay in Yegorievsk. Although the business that he started, he left to his relatives. And for Ermakov, by the way, it has come finest hour. In 2012, he was appointed head of the district police department, which, of course, opened up new horizons for his "enterprise".

Only a year had passed after the high appointment, as Yermakov apparently decided that it was time to make B. pay for "the desecrated honor of the uniform." To do this, on his instructions, a case is being prepared that the company where B-n's brother works has not fulfilled in full the municipal order for cleaning the pond. On Ermakov's instructions, brother B. is taken into custody for 21 days, knowing full well that he is disabled and needs constant care and diet. And only after the intervention of lawyers, he is transferred under house arrest.

At the same time, according to our information, Yermakov, through intermediaries, goes to B. and offers to pay him 2.5 million rubles - "for moral damage." Did he really "snout in fluff" and was afraid that his possible complicity in the murder of B-n's wife would be proved? And he also offered to pay him 1 million annually so that his relatives living in Yegorievsk would not have problems in the future ...

And a few more "exploits" of Mr. Ermakov in "protection of order"

There is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Pchelka farm, which was registered back in the late 90s. However, the owner, let's call him Minin, has been unable to obtain documents for the lease of land from the district administration all these years. Even despite the fact that there is a court decision, which took place in 2013.

The main "guardian of order" not only does not help the head of the peasant farm to obtain documents for the land, but does everything so that he abandons this venture. There is an opinion in the city that Ermakov deliberately created an excuse to run into the owner of the peasant farm. His opera found evidence that sand was being stolen there!!!

The logic is ironclad, because ponds are being built there for growing fish and, of course, soil is being removed. Ermakov instructs to conduct a search in the KFH office, then arrests Minin and sends him to the "press hut" in Lobnya. Now Minin is under house arrest, but he reacts very painfully to questions about his stay in the Lobnya pre-trial detention center ...

Minin has not broken down yet, but another farmer named Pastukhov (the surname has been changed), probably knowing what Minin had to go through, does not feel much desire to resist the “arrivals” of Ermakov and his “accomplices” from the district administration. Pastukhov has land on lease and also decided to make a fish pond...

He decided to engage in fish farming back in 2011, and his farm was immediately “pressed” by the police and some officials of the district administration. In general, apparently Ermakov and his "accomplices" and then decided to catch a "fish" without wasting time and money on creating ponds ...

By the way, in the biography of Ermakov there is another case that allows us to say that for the sake of his own well-being, he can sell anyone. It is known that on September 19, 2009, Ermakov committed a serious accident, which he easily blamed on his mistress. In addition, he twice received insurance for car repairs by deceiving the insured and the bank. It is clear that this case of fraud was lost in the bowels of the investigation.

I think it is now clear who and for what "merits" became the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Yegoryevsky district. The question remains: who will protect Yegoryevsk near Moscow from such "defenders"?

Evgeny Krasyuk


Ilya Aseev - Egorevsky shooter

Ilya Aseev, a 28-year-old native and resident of Yegoryevsk near Moscow, on the night of May 8, 2016, shot five people because of a girl. Someone else's girl, whom he met on that tragic evening, and tried to "pick up" her. But he was rebuffed by her biker friends. The murderer himself, who has already entered as the "Egoryevsky shooter", does not consider himself guilty of the tragedy, although he admits that he killed. Last Wednesday, the jury unanimously found Aseev guilty of killing five people and not deserving of leniency.

The trial of Ilya Aseev began in March and lasted eight months. On November 1 at 2:30 p.m., the jury retired to the room, and returned 4.5 hours later. The foreman read out a unanimous verdict: Aseev is guilty of killing five people and does not deserve leniency. This is where their role ended: on November 14, the judge, the defense and the prosecution will discuss the legal consequences of the verdict - and the state prosecution will announce the period it considers necessary. The prosecutor, most likely, will ask for a life sentence - this follows from the logic of the whole process. But let's start from afar...

wild at heart

The biker club "Wild at Heart" has existed in Yegorievsk near Moscow since the early 2000s. Formally, it is not registered anywhere, but it enjoys a good reputation - its members organized holidays for young people, worked with children, and regularly took part in maintaining order on public events. Many wanted to get into it, but the cherished stripes (which imposed serious obligations on the owner) were not issued to everyone. As the locals say, he could only get a chevron a real man. Even if judged (you never know what happens in life), but worthy.

On the eve of Victory Day in 2016, they traditionally decided to organize a small concert for local residents- on the site near the village of Chelokhovo. Almost the entire biker club went there on May 7: it was necessary to prepare the site: to mount the stage, for which the guys rented two KamAZ trucks, install equipment, set up a tent for the participants, clear the clearing of garbage ... At about 16:00, a familiar biker and his passenger drove up to them Ilya Aseev.

The company worked until 20:00, and then most of the bikers went home to return the next day. Seven Wild Heart activists remained to guard the equipment: five men and two women: Nastya Kazmina, Sveta Yaroslavtseva, Sergei Rubin, Sergei Flyagin, Oleg Eremin, Alexei Eshmakov and Anatoly Medvedev. Ilya Aseev also stayed with them.

On May 7, 2016, Aseev ended up in the clearing almost by accident, - says the investigator for especially important cases of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) for the Moscow Region, Major of Justice Ekaterina Bulycheva - He, along with his friend, who, although he was not an activist of a biker club, but sometimes he went there to his friends, they just scouted the route of the motocross, turned out to be nearby and volunteered to help collect brushwood for the fire, organize a camp. When the time came to leave, Aseev (rather out of politeness than out of sudden flare-up of sympathy) was offered to stay.

Having prepared pilaf, the participants of the company sat down near the tables they brought, not far from the tents set up for the night. No one was a teetotaler, although one of the bikers didn’t drink on a dare - if he won, his friends were ready to give him a motorcycle. Newlyweds from the nearest village of Chelokhovo approached the fire. It was a typical May evening on the eve of the holiday. The next time the survivors will meet at the funeral and during the investigation.

Terrible news

At about five o'clock in the morning, one of the activists of the biker club, Anton Samoilov, woke up from the persistent ringing of his mobile - Sveta, who remained in the clearing, called. It was she who said that all the guys were shot, and the killer (she didn’t even really know him) forced her to take him to Yegorievsk. Samoilov, together with her, immediately went to the clearing and indeed found the bodies of his close friends there, after which he called the police.

The identity of the suspect was established almost instantly: Svetlana Yaroslavtseva said that the shooter was the same Ilya, who was a stranger in their club. And that he later forced her to bring him to the third district of Yegoryevsk in her Hyundai Solaris car - to the place where their mutual friend lived. She also told the police that Ilya had a gun that looked like a machine gun and a pistol. Found a mutual friend - and he gave the name and address. He also clarified that Ilya works in private security and keeps his weapons in an apartment on Sovetskaya Street.

To the nine-story building, where Aseev lived in an apartment owned by his mother, the police arrived already together with the special forces of the Moscow Region Central Internal Affairs Directorate. First, they called other apartments - and then it turned out that at about three in the morning Ilya called the intercom, as he had lost his keys, and even got into his apartment (on the seventh floor, by the way) through the balcony from the neighbors, breaking the window .

When the police, having prepared an assault and evacuated several neighbors, nevertheless rang the doorbell of Aseev himself, although he did not immediately, he opened the door without question, as he was just sleeping. And he immediately admitted that he had shot five people. Already in the afternoon of the same day, Ilya gave detailed testimony, very calmly and accurately describing how and what he did in a clearing near the village of Chelokhovo. The crime was solved in the shortest possible time: less than eight hours passed from the moment of execution to receiving a full confession with recording it on a video camera. It remains to find out the ins and outs of a terrible tragedy that claimed the lives of five respected and beloved men.

Chilling composure

When I asked investigator Bulycheva a question about how she could characterize the behavior of the murderer himself during the investigation, she repeated one word five times in 32 seconds of the answer.

I was personally struck by the calmness with which Aseev testified. Absolute calm. And a fairly accurate account of events. I would even say - monotonous. I have investigated many cases, including the murders of two or more people. But there was no such calm as Aseev's anywhere. The fact that everyone is to blame, except for him, is almost always found, we suppose we are used to this, but this calmness is what I remember most of all.

The circumstances of the murder were not in doubt, but the reasons for the execution of five unarmed men had to be established. Aseev himself, remembered for his calmness, put forward the only version that was not confirmed. From the materials of the criminal case: the testimony of the accused Aseev:

“On May 7, 2016, my friend Oleg Ognev (his name has been changed) and I rode on his motorcycle. And on the initiative of Oleg, we drove to a clearing near the village of Chelokhovo, where Ognev was supposed to talk with his fellow motorcyclists. I knew some of those present in the clearing before - with Medvedev, Eshmakov, Rubin and Kazmina. While Oleg was talking to Medvedev about celebrating Victory Day, I offered to help the others build a bonfire, and everyone agreed. After we brought firewood, making several walks, Eremin offered me a drink with him personally and with his friends, for which he dragged me by the hand to the table. I refused, because I did not want alcohol at all, but Eremin began to insist and in the end declared that I offended him with my refusal. However, he was already aggressive. When Oleg finished the conversation and began to get ready, Eremin began to demand that I stay with them. At first I refused, and then asked everyone for their consent, and everyone also said that they wanted me to stay in the clearing. When Oleg left, everyone settled down at the table and began to drink alcohol.

After some time, around midnight, they got very drunk, their behavior became aggressive, and I decided to leave, which I announced loudly. Then Eremin asked me to step aside with him, where he began to frankly “bull”. Eshmakov approached us, and I took advantage of this to go and collect my things. When I leaned over to the backpack, I suddenly received a blow from Medvedev, who came up to me. I asked “why?”, but Flyagin immediately hit me, and then everyone else joined in. In a few seconds, all the men who were in the meadow began to beat me, while calling me a “bitch” and a “goat”. After inflicting about 20 punches and kicks, everyone went to the table to drink more and continue beating. At the same time, before leaving, Eshmakov unzipped his fly and urinated on me, and then they all decided together that they would abuse me (the wording of this sentence was changed to literary). Someone was filming the whole thing on camera. mobile phone but who, I can't remember right now. From the blows I lost consciousness, they beat me hard, not sparing. At some point, I tried to defend myself and took out what was legally mine traumatic pistol Wasp R, but they snatched it from me and threw it aside.

Fake excuses

During the investigation, all these testimonies of Aseev were not confirmed. None. Carried out immediately after the arrest of the “Egoryevsky shooter” medical examination did not reveal any bodily injury, except for a slight reddening of the face. In any case, there were no abrasions, no bruises, let alone fractures. The Wasp R pistol was indeed found at the scene - but not at all in the place where, according to Aseev, he was beaten. The phones of the victims did not have cameras, and experts did not find any such files on the killer's smartphone - neither among those stored, nor among those erased. All witnesses, including mutual friends of Aseev and bikers, categorically did not allow such behavior of the members of the Wild at Heart club. And the surviving girls described the nature of the conflict in a completely different way - it is their words of expertise, albeit indirectly, that confirm.

Checking the testimony of the "Egoryevsky shooter", investigators from the Central Directorate of the TFR near Moscow conducted several dozen genetic examinations, trying to find genetics from the dead on his clothes and body. And they didn't find it. If he had been beaten, or really urinated on him, then traces would have remained. But on Aseev's clothes, primarily on trousers, the experts found the blood of all those killed. This was another proof of his guilt.

Aseev himself further described in detail all his actions, not realizing that they contradict this version of him, ”says Ekaterina Bulycheva, an investigator from the head of the ICR near Moscow. - He, having escaped from the clearing, reached his house in a passing car, where he found that his keys and backpack were left in the clearing. He called the neighbor's intercom, and she opened the entrance for him. Then Aseev went up to the eighth floor to a friend and asked for help to deal with the offenders, but, fortunately, was refused - a friend fell ill infant, and he could not go with him to the clearing. Then Aseev went down to his seventh floor, rang the doorbell of his neighbors, climbed over their balcony to his own, broke the window and entered the apartment. All these actions a beaten man could hardly have done. In addition, his neighbors did not notice in his behavior, gait and appearance Aseev was beaten - only his forehead in one place was slightly reddened, as if combed.

A completely different story follows from the rest of the case materials: Aseev, having arrived at the clearing, immediately drew attention to Nastya Kazmina. They had known each other before, but this evening he showed her very special signs of attention, and showed noticeable aggression towards the rest. Around midnight, Aseev sharply increased the pressure, although Kazmina arrived at the clearing with her civil husband Oleg Eremin. And the bikers politely but insistently asked Aseev to moderate his ardor and not to pester someone else's girl. And just a few minutes later, at midnight, Sergei Morozov turned 30 years old, and he offered to drink for his birthday. But to this Aseev loudly declared: “Who are you that I should drink for you?”

After these words, Oleg Eremin invited Aseev to talk. The two of them retreated a few meters, and suddenly, almost immediately, two shots rang out. Sveta Yaroslavtseva rushed to the men and forced them to return. At the same time, she did not see the gun itself, but she realized that Eremin took it away and threw it into the darkness (it was in this place that the investigators found the Wasp R traumatic pistol during the day). But after a few minutes, Aseev disappeared somewhere. Where and when - no one noticed. Although, to be honest, no one was upset at that moment ...

midnight atrocity

Having reached Yegorievsk, Aseev took a self-loading "Vepr" and a traumatic pistol "Leader" in his apartment and went out into the yard, carrying a weapon in his hands. There he noticed a taxi and got into it. The driver could not refuse the armed man, even when he, having arrived at the clearing, refused to pay, as the money was taken from him.

From the materials of the criminal case - the testimony of the witness Svetlana Yaroslavtseva:

“At about half past four, I was sitting at the table on a folding chair, Oleg Eremin was sitting opposite me, and a little further, Serezha Flyagin. At some point, I noticed that a red dot appeared on Oleg's chest. I tried to ask - what is it, but at that moment a shot sounded from behind me, and Oleg fell. Almost without a pause, a second shot rang out - and Sergei fell. Since he was either sitting on a chair or squatting, he just sort of tumbled backwards. Following this, Ilya, who had previously started a fight with the guys, came up to the fire and asked me “where is Alexei?” At that moment, Eshmakov came out of the tent, and Ilya, seeing him, took a few steps forward and fired a shot at him. Alexei fell on his back near the tent and remained lying.

After that, Ilya returned to the fire, made sure that Flyagin was dead, looked at Oleg, who was still wheezing, and said: “Tough, bastard!” With these words, he took a kitchen knife from the table, with which we cooked pilaf, and stuck it approximately in Oleg's inguinal region. And then he took him by the right hand and dragged him to the fire. I began to beg him not to throw Oleg into the fire, and then he ordered me to go and find his gun. And he went up to Medvedev, who was sleeping near the fire, sitting on a chair, and kicked him. Medvedev woke up and, apparently, decided that he had fallen himself. He stood up - and then Ilya asked him: “Bear, are you feeling okay?”, After which he shot him in the back. Then he ordered me to bring his backpack, and when I did, he demanded that I take everything out of it. To check if anything is missing. After making sure that all things were in place, including the keys to the apartment, car, as well as a wallet with documents and money, Ilya began to throw the guys' things into the fire.

Then Ilya said that he would take my car and leave it in the city, but then he changed his mind and told me to take him. When we approached the car, Rubin got out of the Izh-Kombi car parked nearby - and Aseev shot at him from a very close distance. And then he got into my car and told me to go. At the same time, he knew that Nastya was sleeping in the back seat in a sleeping bag. I was very afraid that he would kill me, as the barrel of the gun was pointed in my direction.

But Aseev did not kill the witnesses - neither Svetlana nor Nastya. He got out of Yaroslavtseva's car, put all the weapons in the trunk of his own Mitsubishi and went home to sleep.

Killed point blank

At the very first interrogation, Aseev said that the fire was fired from a distance of 15-30 meters and did not come closer, - recalls Major of Justice Ekaterina Bulycheva - And the only thing he did not agree with during the investigation was the results of ballistic examinations. He claimed that he was a specialist in the field of weapons, and experts with 20 years of experience applied an unscientific technique that gave an error. Because the conclusions of the experts showed: the distance of the shot was from 1.5 to 2.5 meters. But not 30, as Aseev himself said.

Here it is necessary to make a small explanation: in the commission of the crime, a smooth-bore self-loading carbine of the 12th caliber "Vepr VPO-205" was used and hunting cartridges, equipped with buckshot with a diameter of 6.2 mm, produced at one of the factories near Moscow. Buckshot flies out of the barrel and begins to scatter to the sides, forming a cone. The diameter of its base increases with each centimeter. Thus, it is not at all difficult to establish the distance of a shot (having a gun, cartridges and pierced clothes of the dead) by experience.

You can make a mistake of a dozen centimeters - but it is simply impossible to confuse one and a half meters with thirty: at a short distance, all buckshot will be nearby, and at a long distance, the distance between two neighboring ones will already be tens of centimeters. So, when fired from the Vepr VPO-205 with a similar cartridge at a distance of three meters, all buckshot will be in a circle with a diameter of less than 15 cm, and at a distance of 30 meters, the diameter of this circle will increase to 140 centimeters.

But the murder distance of one and a half meters does not fit into the image of the violated honor of the avenger. Namely, Aseev himself saw himself that way. And so he challenged the unambiguously indisputable conclusions. Although everything else, except for the circumstances of the quarrel, he fully recognized. And shots in the back, and the murder of a sleeping man, and even an attempt to burn Oleg Eremin, who was still alive ... All the time of the investigation and trial, he was only worried about this examination. Although in this case justice does not care at all from what distance the murder was committed.

Before the crime, at the age of 28, Aseev remained a bean who did not have a permanent girlfriend. He lived alone, in his mother's apartment, leaving her to take care of her sick grandmother. All his life he was worried not about what to be, but what to seem. That is why he did not touch the women. But for the same reason, the “Egoryevsky shooter” killed five worthy men, each of whom achieved more than he did. And that is why he ruined his own life, his own soul and dishonored his loved ones. Experts recognized him as sane. Jury - guilty and not deserving of leniency. And the term that the judge will determine for him will not play any role now.

The Moscow region (Moscow region) is considered by the criminal community as strategic region no less than Moscow. By 1992, there were about 200 associations operating in the region, which together formed about 20 communities. By 1996, there was a result " natural selection": in the Moscow region there were already 49 groups, united in 8 communities with personnel to 4 thousand people. Their leadership consisted of 257 "authorities" and 7 "thieves in law" 1 . Practically all groups near Moscow have their own interests in Moscow.

As of May 1998, about 40 groupings of the region were united into 9 structures that created or subjugated 246 JSCs, 614 partnerships and more than 40 joint ventures 2 . In order to crush this "empire", the Hurricane special operation plan was developed, but it did not have real success, since the groups have a powerful ability to regenerate. In total, according to operational data, 11 thieves in law live in the region (according to other sources - 16), 350 leaders of the underworld and 3.5 thousand active fighters.

In addition to large industrial facilities, profitable business for groups near Moscow are roads. They, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are guarded by 32 organized crime groups, with a total number of more than 100 militants. The routes are divided. On the territory of Kolomna and Ramenskoye PG they pay "rent" to "thief in law" Shish-kan, on the territory of Balashikha district - to Shurik Zakhar, on the territory of Khimki - to Hussein Slepy. About 15% of the "roadside" PGs are ethnic (for example, the Moscow-Arkhangelsk highway is "held" by the Georgian community), 35% are youth groups, 40% are guest performers.

Balashikha "brotherhood"

Balashikha "brotherhood" is one of the oldest communities near Moscow. According to operational data, by the middle of 1986, several formations were formed in Balashikha, which the operatives qualified as “stable

Bandits of the times of capitalism..., p. 568.2" New Newspaper”, No. 16, 1998

armed criminal groups with signs of organization” 1 . At the origins of organized crime in Balashikha was Alexander Zakharov (Shurik Zakhar), a thief in law who had lived in the region since the end of 1988.

In 1987, a fierce competition began in the region, as a result of which the former boxer Frolov achieved the position of leader. Moreover, Mukha killed the Georgian thief in law Pkhakadze (Timur), for which he was sentenced to death by other thieves.

The Balashikha group took shape by 1988. Frolov was helped by the fact that he had connections in the administrations of the Balashikha and Noginsk districts, and in 1988 he established the Vympel cooperative (tailoring and selling jeans), under the “roof” of which the organized criminal group operated.

The connections of the Frolov group covered Noginsk, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Pavlovsky Posad, Shchelkovo, Mytishchi, Kaliningrad and Reutovo. The Balashikhas had interests on the Moscow outskirts of Butovo. Frolov even traveled to Novorossiysk for negotiations, he was interested in trading in oil products and non-ferrous metals. In the future, Frolov had common projects with businessmen from the Baltic States, Uzbekistan, Crimea and Ukraine. In the Crimea, the Oreanda Hotel was taken under the control of the Balashikhas.

To strengthen his position, Frolov sought the patronage of thieves in law: Zakhar, Shakro, Pasha Tsirul and Yaponchik, and then he himself became a thief in law. There were legends about his invulnerability - he was arrested twice by the RUBOP officers, and twice he was released. When dividing spheres of influence into southern regions Balashikha Frolov simply showed the Chechens 150 of his fighters and they were forced to retreat. In a tough competitive struggle, the Balashikhas killed three "authorities" of the Reutov group (Paramonov, Shikov and Korovkin). Frolov was also one of the leaders of the "anti-Caucasian" war.

Despite the active criminal activity, Frolov gravitated towards commerce, was patriotic and was going to be nominated as a candidate for the State Duma.

On the night of December 30-31, 1993, Frolov was killed in Balashikha. The murder was committed by a certain Grigory Salomatin, he was "removed" a little later. Frolov's death led to a

"Modestov N., p. 132.

affairs of influence in Balashikha, as a result of which the positions of the Chechens strengthened. Back in 1992, Chechens killed two "authorities" of the Balashikha community, Smirnov (Mafrik) and Molotok. On August 30, 1995, the leader of the Balashikha residents Vladimir Fedorinov, the "authorities" Pasha Rodnoy, Emelya, Bakunets, and the Reutov "authority" Nazar were killed.

After the death of Frolov, the Balashikhas were headed by German Starostin (Gera). The retaliatory blow against the Chechen positions was the murder of the thief in law - the Chechen Sultan Daudov (Sultan, Sultan Balashikha), who lived in Balashikha. And soon another Chechen thief in law Hussein Slepoy, the Sultan's heir, who adheres to the old thieves' traditions, settled in Balashikha. He led the opposition to the "Slavic" groups.

The curator of the Balashikha thief in law Alexander Zakharov (Shurik Zakhar, Shurik Balashikhinsky) also conflicts with the "peak" and is under constant pressure from law enforcement.

Zakharov is one of the most influential Russian thieves in law. He even defiantly quit using drugs, which he had been addicted to since the age of 15. According to operational data, Zakharov is engaged in the oil business, financial transactions and real estate trading, his people control trade and car service. Zakharov is the only "thief in law" who does not have accounts abroad, he regularly transfers funds to the "common fund" and personally controls the "heating of the lads in the zone", visiting the Vladimir and Volokolamsk centrals. Zakhar's right hand is Ravil Myasoutov, who is actively working in the "shadow business".

Since 1995, a young but influential thief in law Sibiryak also appeared in Balashikha, who made an attempt to unite the Balashikha community under his leadership. None of this came of it, as he was killed a little later.

Now the criminal community of the region consists of three dozen brigades, which in 1995-1996 were in conflict with each other because of the "territories". The groups maintain contacts in local law enforcement agencies and administration. Balashikha residents control the auto business and trade in Balashikha, have an interest in VDNKh in Moscow, and also trade in weapons and drugs. Two of the "brigades" stood out: Vyacheslav Mzhelsky (Mzhe-la) and Yuri Repin (Repa). In 1993-1994, Mzhelsky became an assistant to a deputy of the State Duma and began to legalize himself as a businessman, refusing to pay Zakharov. Eventually,

On March 14, 1944, Mzhelsky's jeep was fired upon, and he himself disappeared; no body was found. However, Mzhelsky turned out to be alive, he was detained in 1999 for possession firearms. Mzhelsky's successor was Pavel Shevarnov (Pasha), who was detained on a similar charge in 2000.

In 1999, another Balashikha "authority" became known - Valery Smirnov (Clear). Previously, he "worked" under the control of Sergei Frolov (Frol), since 1993 he controlled Zheleznodorozhny. According to some reports, Yasnoy managed to establish contacts in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. In addition to him, the leaders were the brothers Nikolai and Gennady Zatorkin. In 1999, Yasny was charged with the murder of brothers and villages.

In the same year, another Balashikha "authority" Gennady Popyaev (Donut) was convicted for the murder of his deputy and the attempted murder of a witness. At first, the Donut group was supervised by Frol, and after his death, by thief in law Vladimir Fedorin (Fedor). PG controlled organizations in Kupavna, Balashikha and sections of the Gorky Highway.

During the struggle for "territories" for short period thieves in law Klim, Modul and Shaly were killed. According to some reports, their murder was initiated by thief in law Zakhar 1 . After that, the strongest were determined in Balashikha - 6 groups, 3 of which were controlled by thieves in law: Zakhar, Kolyuchy and Hussein. The other two were headed by Vyacheslav Mzhelsky (Mzhelya) and Yuri Repin (Repa). Mzhelsky became an assistant to State Duma deputy Anatoly Guskov, took up legal business and "tied up". From that moment on, attempts began on him.

As a result of the criminal wars, the Zakhara group became the most influential in Balashikha. Soon he went abroad, leaving instead of himself at the head of the group a certain Boatswain. Officially, the boatswain is the owner of two markets and 40 commercial tents. He also controls the auto parts market.

For some time, the leader of the Balashikha group was Viktor Veretenev (Vitya Men), but in 2000 he was killed. Veretenev started out as a simple driver, then from the late 1980s he collaborated with Sergei Frolov, gained “weight” and became the ideologist of the group. Meng has become famous since in June 1996 he "ordered" the murder of the head of the administration of the village of Saltykovka Viktor Mosklets, with whom they were business partners.

1 Megapolis-Express,

No. 47, 1997 goal 190

Now Balashikha, according to operational data, control not only the commercial organizations of Balashikha, but also neighboring Reutov, Zheleznodorozhny, Noginsk and Elektrostal. In addition, by 2001, the group had extended its influence to several markets and car dealerships in Moscow.

The Bachashikhinsky leaders maintained international ties in Germany, France and even Thailand. By the way, there is evidence that thieves in law no longer tightly control the activities of the Balashikha.

Domodedovo "brotherhood"

The Domodedovo "brotherhood", which arose in the late 1980s, is divided into 3 groups, which periodically sort things out with each other and therefore cannot strengthen.

Zelenograd-Khimki "brotherhood"

The Zelenograd-Khimki "brotherhood" has existed since the 1980s and gained notoriety in connection with the murder on their territory in 1994 of State Duma deputy Andrei Aidzerdns. According to some reports, Aidzerdis was killed because he "ordered" the murder of one of the local criminal leaders Burlachko.

Viktor Burlachko (Burlak), a thief in law, was arrested in 1992 and killed in a pre-trial detention center in Volokolamsk in January 1994 by law enforcement officers, allegedly for rampage in a cell. After Burlachko, Romanov, who was arrested in 1994, became a local criminal leader. The frequent change of leaders led to mutual strife in the community.

In 1995-1996, a real mutual execution of "authorities" began. So, on October 21, 1995, the Khimki "authority" Alexei Sadovnikov (Gardener), who claimed to be the leader, was killed. In December 1996, another "authority" Nikolai Kustov, law enforcement agencies also associated this murder with a conflict within the community. Kustov controlled the production and trade of alcohol in Khimki, was the founder of the Moskovsky Trakt Association of Commodity Producers and the owner of an insurance company. In October 1998, the "authority" Sergei Makarov (Makar) was killed, according to the authorities, because of control over one of the markets near Moscow.

As a result, the Zelenograd-Khimki criminal community has become very weakened.

Krasnogorsk "brotherhood"

The Krasnogorsk "brotherhood" was formed by 1988 and was headed by the Avdulov brothers, who were arrested in 1990. Since 1990, Yury Balchevskny (Borshch) has been the leader in the community, and in 1990 the team of Krasnogorsk mechanical factory even nominated a delegate to the XXVIII Congress of the CPSU.

In 1990-1991, the community established close relations with the Dolgoprudny, Zelenograd and Istra groups. However, in the spring of 1991, it was crushed by the former Sixth Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, and since then the position of the community has weakened.

Lukhovitskaya "brotherhood"

Representatives of the Lukhovitsk criminal world got into the press thanks to their “frostbitten” representative, 22-year-old Vladislav Korolyov (King), who led his own group and behaved quite defiantly. For example, he could walk around the city in an open sheepskin coat, demonstrating a revolver in his belt.

The Korolev grouping was created in 1995, when the city had already been divided up and Korolev became the first assistant to the well-known "authority" Oleg Sadovnnkov (Sadyk) in Lukhovitsy. Korolev's first attempt to conduct an independent "business" was unsuccessful - his group of 15 people was quickly liquidated by competitors and RUBOP, and Korolev himself received a term.

In October 1998, the Korolev group was finally defeated by law enforcement agencies after the execution by Korolev of a visiting circus tent, which, by the way, was “under the roof” of the Solntsevo group, and the murder of a local businessman.

In addition to the queens, there is also an influential group of Dagestanis in Lukhovitsy.

Lyubertsy "brotherhood"

The Lyubertsy "brotherhood" has existed since about 1986, when they started talking about it openly (in reality, since 1981). The source of the emergence of the community was the youth movement of "lubers", who specialized in the cultivation of developed muscles and beating "outsiders". Lubera wore wide trousers, tapering at the bottom, as a rule, into a large

cage, later - just a tracksuit. It was a kind of uniform, which was later adopted by many ordinary members of other groups.

« Godfather"Thief in law" Ravil Mukhametshin (Fly), also known in Zhukovsky, Kolomna, Voskresensk, became the Lyubertsy. In 1988, the Lyubertsy were based in the Atrium cafe (Leninsky Prospekt), then at the Torpedo stadium, in quarries near the Lyubertsy railway station and at the Viktor casino.

In 1988, the Lyubertsy suffered a number of defeats from the Chechens in the South Port and other areas, but this only helped them to rally. By the 1990s, they had formed as a Lyubertsy criminal community.

In 1993, the community had a total of 350 members1 and consisted of 24 groups with 112 particularly active members and 31 "authorities". In 1994, according to some reports, the community had about 400 members, divided into 20 "brigades". Among the leaders-old-timers stood out: Vadim Vorona, Lazarev, Zubr, Scoundrel, Bobylev (Papa, Raul).

The Lyubertsy have connections with thief in law Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik), they were also friends with Otarn Kvantri-shvili, who was killed in 1994. In addition, the Lyubertsy cooperate with their neighbors: the Izmailovsky, Balashikha and Taganskaya groups.

The Lyubertsy group was not spared by the "gang wars". On March 24, 1994, one of its leaders Avilov (Avil), who was friends with Sultan Daudov, who was killed on the eve of March 21, was seriously wounded. In September 1996, "authority" Vladimir Elovsky was killed. In September 1998, one of the leaders of the community, Dmitry Poluektov, was killed in Malakhovka. Prior to this, at the end of August, the "authority" Martyn, who oversees relations between the Lyubertsy and Ramensky communities, was seriously injured. On September 1, 1998, the leader of the Lyubertsy, Vladimir Kuzin (Kuzya), was seriously wounded, whose right hand was Poluektov. This was the beginning of the next round of the "bandit war" in the Moscow region.

In the first half of the 1990s, the community specialized in racketeering, control of gambling, money changers and pimps. Successfully engaged in the "laundering" of money. International relations Lyubertsy spread to the United States, Germany, Israel, Hungary, where their leaders are buying up real estate.

Bandits of the times of capitalism..., p. 185.

By 1997, the Lyubertsy community, according to some reports, ceased to exist as a single entity - 150 active members of the community were divided into 10 "teams". Of these, the most influential are based in Lyubertsy, Lytkarino, Malakhovka and Dzerzhinsky. Part of the Lyubertsy went to other groups as mercenaries, including the Chechens. In September 1996, the Luberetskys clashed with the Solntsevo ones because of the ambitions of the Solntsevo "authority" Andrey Tolmachev (Besheny), which indicated a lack of coordination between the leaders of the community. However, in 1997-1998, the Lyubertsy groups, according to some reports, managed to restructure and re-form a single community.

Mytishchi "brotherhood"

The Mytishchi "brotherhood" existed since the late 1980s and occupied not the last place in the niche of Moscow region crime.

Today, there are 2 groups operating on the territory of Mytishchi, the total number of which is 120 people. One was headed by Varnakov (Varnak), the other - by Svininov. They are divided into 8 "brigades", specializing in different types activities, criminal and legal. Legal ones provide for the construction of retail outlets, bases, hotels, summer cottages, parking lots and residential buildings. According to operational data, about 90% of all commercial enterprises in the region are controlled by these groups.

At one time Zinoveev's "brigade" (Zorro) was especially famous.

In 1996, a showdown began within the community, as a result of which about 10 people were killed, including - on June 3, 1996 - one of the "authorities" Dmitry Kuvaev (Dron), a also "authoritative" Varnakov (Varnak) and Svininov (a candidate for "thieves in law", almost already "crowned" by Tsirul). Interestingly, during the showdown, the Sverdlovsk "brigade" was invited to sort things out under the leadership of a certain Kuvalda. Among the victims was the ideologist of the Mytishchi criminal community, thief in law Vyacheslav Slatin (Rostik). The split did not help to strengthen the positions of the groups.

One of the influential criminal leaders of the community is Sergei Grigoriev, who is on the federal wanted list for organizing murder and explosions.

The community maintains contacts with the Taganskaya and Izmailovo groups in Moscow, as well as with the Ivanov-

skon, Penza, Tula regions and the Komi Republic. It has connections in the district administration and law enforcement agencies. A feature of the community is that its members respect the thieves' "concepts" and deduct money to the "common fund".

Orekhovo-Zuevskaya "brotherhood"

The grouping was formed in the late 1980s and during its heyday united up to 100 militants and "authorities".

The leaders of the Orekhovo-Zuevskaya group are invariably the twin brothers Gennady and Vyacheslav Shakirov (the Manka brothers). The group, to one degree or another, controlled all the enterprises of Orekhovo-Zuev and had access to the police and local deputies.

The “watcher” according to Orekhovo-Zuev is the “thief in law” Zabava, who took this post after the death of another “watcher” - Zeleny.

In 2000, the group became famous thanks to the "heroin scandal" - a channel for the supply of drugs from Tajikistan was opened 1 .

Podolsko-Shcherbipskaya "brotherhood"

The Podolsk-Shcherbinskaya "brotherhood" - a united criminal community, is considered one of the most influential even in Moscow.

Part of the community - Podolsk "brotherhood"- took shape by 1988. Its leaders were Sergey Popov (Pop) and Sergey Lalakin (Luchok), with Popov being the more authoritative leader, as well as the Gubkin brothers, Sedoy and Vitya Podolsky. In 1990, Sergei Popov was arrested for extortion and sentenced to 2.5 years.

By 1993, the community had about 250 active members 2 , by 1995 - about 500 members 3 , of which 20 were "authorities". In terms of numbers, this is one of the most numerous criminal communities in the capital and the region. For some

"Kommersant" dated 03/14/2000 "Bandits of the times of capitalism ..., p. 185. Modestov II., p. 185.

according to information, its composition has remained stable since 1985, while the Podolsky willingly took on former intelligence officers.

Podolsky started with racketeering, car trading and thimbles. It is believed that under the “roof” of the Podolsky producers, production companies worked, which, with the help of commercial firms controlled by the Podolsky, “twisted” the loans allocated for the filming of films. During the privatization, Podolsky switched to kidnapping, robbery and contract killings. As a result, the Podillians have the largest common fund in the Moscow region.

Since 1990, Sergei Lalakin (Luchok) has been considered the permanent leader.

Lalakin - a native and resident of Podolsk, graduated from a vocational school, served in the landing troops, worked as a butcher, has no criminal record and is actively engaged in commerce, representing a new type of "authority".

From 1992-1993, after the release of the former community leader Popov and the “showdowns” that arose, it was Lalakin who became the indisputable leader of the Podolsk. During this period, Sergei Fedyaev (Psycho) also claimed this place, uniting around himself "bruises" (criminals). Fedyaev was killed in August 1992. In March 1993, the Podolsk “authority” Nikolai Sobolev (Sobol), the “heir” of Fedyaev in his group, was killed. After that, about 10 more authoritative bandits were killed in Podolsk and the status of Lalakin was finally strengthened.

Lalakin's connections with officials of the Moscow mayor's office can be concluded on the basis of the list of shareholders of the Anis company, which existed on the territory of the Solnechny motel under the patronage of the director of Rus-Hotel A. Sokolov, who went to work in the mayor's office. By the beginning of 1995, the shares of the company were owned by Pyotr Saprykin (Minister of the Moscow Government, head of the municipal housing department), Yuri Zhukov (deputy head of the Glavsnab municipal enterprise of the Moscow government), Alexander Sokolov (employee of the department of external relations), as well as the wives of Viktor Korobchenko (then - First Deputy Prime Minister) and Boris Larshin (an employee of the Moscow department of the Federal Grid Company, who oversaw Solnechny). Sergey Lalakin also appeared on the same list as vice president of the company.

On October 11, 1995, a criminal case was initiated against Lalakin. The reason was the fact that in 1993, for part of the money allocated by the Ministry of Defense to one company

for the construction of housing for officers from the Western Group of Forces, jeeps were purchased from LogoVAZ, one of which was transferred to the personal possession of Lalakin. Upon learning of the beginning of the investigation, Lalakin left for Israel, where he hid for several months. And as soon as he returned to Russia, he was arrested by the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office, but after 10 days he was released on bail. It is interesting that not only representatives of law enforcement agencies interceded for him then, but also the Russian Orthodox Church. A month later, the investigation was terminated - for lack of evidence. Since then, Lalakin has not been touched at all, and he leads the life of a respectable businessman and even sent his son to study in Switzerland.

From November 1996, Lalakin lived abroad, but already in the same year he returned to Russia, where in June 1997 an assassination attempt was made on him, prepared by two Shcherbinsky bandits. Later, Lalakin legalized and went into business.

Today, the number of "assets" reaches 2.5 thousand people. Particularly strong Podolsk groupings were created by the "power ministers" of Lalakin, the Voroshev brothers.

The sphere of influence of Podolsk includes Podolsk, Chekhov and Serpukhov with adjacent areas. Community leaders also have interests in Moscow (for example, the technical center on Varshavskoe Shosse, because of which the Podolsk people had a conflict with the Ingush), Kyiv, Urengoy, as well as in Europe (for example, in Belgium) and the USA (according to law enforcement agencies, some "Cash desks" of the Podolsk community Lalakin and Ivankov (Yaponchik) invested in the US economy).

Community leaders kept in touch with Otari Kvan-trishvili. Podolsky ties with Krasnoyarsk and Volgograd groups are strong.

Anatoly Bykov, a Krasnoyarsk businessman with a criminal past, according to some sources, considers Lalakin his friend. It was Lalakin who warned Bykov that the "authority" Lipnyagov (Lyapa) "ordered" Bykov. Lapa soon died.

Volgograd also fell into the sphere of interests of the Podolsk people, the Podolsk people began a real shooting of the Volgograd "authorities": Vladimir Starikov (Cossack), the "godfather" of the Volgograd organized crime groups, who controlled the Central District of the city; Mikhail Sologubov (Sologub); in April 1995, Alexander Kusmartsev was killed, in May - Vladimir Tenyakov (Gramophone) and others. Anatoly Nikishin, a former USSR judo champion (killed in 1997, see below), became Lalakin's protege in Volgograd.

It is interesting that the Podolsk people do not have a specific curator from thieves in law. Occasionally, Shurik Zakhar or Oleg Shishkanov (Shishkan) dealt with the affairs of the Podolsk people.

Now the Podolsk community specializes in controlling enterprises involved in export-import operations, auto business, housing construction and oil refining. The community is actively trading in petroleum products, rare earth metals and other strategic raw materials. By 1996, Podolsky, in the main, reoriented towards legal business, most of the "common fund", as already mentioned, is in US banks.

According to rumors, part of the capital acquired by the Vlastelina individual entrepreneur was transferred to the “common fund” of the Podolsk community. So the "lament of the authorities" about the lost millions is nothing more than an "excuse" of the people who organized it all.

In 1998, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Podolsk community began to actively infiltrate the power structures. Some deputies of the Moscow regional duma are related to the Podolsk "brotherhood".

In 2000, one of the "authorities" of the group Dmitry Buzuev, the most "promising" "foreman", gained fame. That same year, he was arrested for possession of a firearm.

The base for the deployment of members of the Podolsk community is the Rus Hotel restaurant on Mozhaisk Highway.

Youth "brigades" of the community number about 100 people. The community reserve was a sports base created and financed by Podolsk groups. These "brigades" were headed by Mikhail Kalugin (Methodius), who called himself Lalakin's "nephew".

Kalugin was a family man (wife and children). In the late 1980s, after serving in an airborne assault brigade in Germany and unsuccessfully entering the French Foreign Legion, he led a group of racketeers in his native Podolsk. During this period, Kalugin actively participated in the "war with the Caucasians" and considered it his personal merit that they were not in Podolsk.

Since 1993, Kalugin has been an active participant in the criminal redistribution of Podolsk. Officially, during this period, he worked as a security guard in the Podolsk concern and had interests in the Moscow company Rolls-Royce Bend Auto Service. Then his status increased: until the end of 1998, Methodius held the position of deputy

titel CEO firm "Lemiko" for the sale of fruit and vegetable products.

In 1995, Kalugin again tried to initiate a redistribution of spheres of influence in Podolsk, "running into" two of Lalakin's friends and trying to establish his control over the Podolsk clothing market and several stores. The matter was settled only after the intervention of Lalakin himself.

In 1996, Kalugin was the only significant "authority" in Podolsk, others moved to Moscow or went into legal business, began to develop children's and youth sports and entered politics. In the summer of 1996, Kalugin was arrested for fighting and was released in February 1997.

In the summer of 1998, during interrogation, Kalugin, according to law enforcement agencies, attacked policemen and was shot dead by the deputy head of the criminal investigation department.

Kalugin was the only one of the Podolsk "authorities" to whom the law enforcement agencies could not find a key - as he was a bandit, he remained so until his death. Back in the spring of 1998, his own group broke up due to the bad temper of Methodius, who threatened to shoot everyone.

The second part of the community - the Shcherbinskaya "brotherhood" - is based in Shcherbinka, small town in the Moscow region in the Podolsky district.

The Shcherbinskaya "brotherhood" began with thimbles and fraud in the south of Moscow, racketeering for local cooperatives. During this period, the Shcherbinskys were headed by wrestler Valentin Rebrov, he soon became rich and went into legal business, focusing exclusively on commerce. In the summer of 1993, as a result of refusing to pay to the Podolsky common fund, he was shot from machine guns.

The number of the Shcherbinsky community is 30 people, the backbone is wrestlers and boxers. The community, in general, is controlled by the Podolsk people and pays into the Podolsk “common fund”.

The leader of the Shcherbinsky is Sergey Ulyanov (Ulyan), who took the place of Rebrov. In 1993, Ulyanov organized a small-scale wholesale base in Shcherbinka, and all merchants had to buy goods only there with a certain margin. Thanks to Ulyanov, Shcherbinka received 200 additional Moscow phone numbers, which the community leader bought and resold.

In the spring of 1996, Ulyanov disappeared from Shcherbinka due to an FSB operation, his place as leader was temporarily taken by a professional

killer Alexander Chuvikov (Chuvik), who was arrested in 1996 for possession of weapons and placed in a Ryazan pre-trial detention center. After him, the Shcherbinskys were headed by Vladimir Logashev (Limon), who in 1991-1992 collaborated with the president of the KITEK professional kickboxing league, Yuri Stupenkov, who was killed in February 1994.

Among the "authorities" - "foremen" Stanislav Ignatov is also known. In 1992, another Shcherbinsky "authority" Fidel became famous thanks to the organization of the murder of the captain MUR Andrei Galperin, who was introduced into the Shcherbinsky community. During the detention, Fidel killed two operatives and himself died in a shootout. In this case, only one Shcherbinsky militant was convicted - Andrei Pyatakov (Pyatak), who received a year for failure to report.

By 1996, large stockpiles of weapons were concentrated in Shcherbinka, and this interested the FSB. The arsenal belonged to the Dolsko-Shcherbinsky community. Vladimir Logashev was responsible for its storage. On May 15, 1996, the arsenal was withdrawn.

In 1997-1998, relations between the Shsrbinsk and Podolsk communities escalated. At the end of May 1997, Anatoly Nikishin (Shkaf, Myaso) - a former USSR judo champion, Lalakin's assistant, and two more "authorities" of the Podolsk community - Boris Movchan and Vladimir Dolgopoly - were shot in a jeep. Nikishin died. In June 1997, saboteurs from Ulyanov's Shcherbinsk group unsuccessfully tried to organize an assassination attempt on Sergey Lalakin himself. In connection with these events, we can talk about the beginning of a struggle for influence within the Podolsk-Shcherbinsky criminal community.

Pushkin's "brotherhood"

Pushkin's "brotherhood" arose in the late 1980s. The leaders of the group, from the moment of formation, were the twin brothers Anatoly and Sergey Sokolov (Sokolyata). The falcons were associated with thieves in law Zhid, Zakhar and Tsirul.

The "godfather" of Pushkin's is "thief in law" Akop Yuzbashev, vice-president of the firms "Torolla Production" and "Tar-Vaist", who, according to some sources, has close ties with Alexander Rutskoi.

At one time, Yeltsin led a campaign to discredit Rutskoy, and this connection of his was widely publicized. Yuzbashev, in particular, financed Valentin Yudashkin. The management of this company was Lyudmila Rutskaya, the wife of Alexander Rutskoy.

Yuzbashev was also an adviser to Alexander Rutskoi, the governor of Kursk. True, after journalists unearthed this fact and made it public, Yuzbashev resigned as an adviser. His entourage at one time spread rumors that the wives of Rutskoy and Yuzbashev were sisters. Like it or not, but Yuzbashev was repeatedly taken under his protection by the administration of the Pushkin district.

In 1993-1994, turmoil befell the Pushkin community - in June 1993, 35 people from this group were detained, and in April 1994, a clash occurred between the Pushkin, Ivanteevsky and Kaliningrad groups, or rather, a series of clashes, as a result of which there was even a declared an emergency. As a result of the showdown, the "authority" of Pushkin, "thief in law" Pavel Rodnov (Rodnoy), who oversaw the supply of heroin from Thailand, was killed. Killed during the gang war big number"authorities".

The conflict was based on the relationship between Yuzbashev and the Sokolov brothers. At one time, Yuzbashev provided competitors in influence in the criminal community with work in one of his structures - Construction Yard. Later, a split occurred between them and Sokolyata even kidnapped Akop's daughter Karina, demanding 300 million rubles for ransom. The kidnappers were arrested by the RUOP. However, the war did not end there. March 21, 1994 Sergei Sokolov was killed. By 1998, according to some reports, his brother was also killed. The thief in law did not forgive the kidnapping of his daughter.

It is interesting that during a search of Yuzbashev's house, investigators found photographs of the head of the Pushkin Department of Internal Affairs in the interior of the dacha (however, looking ahead, let's say that the head's career did not suffer). According to investigators, Yuzbashev has a rich collection of compromising video recordings of law enforcement officers.

Since 1993, law enforcement agencies became closely interested in Yuzbashev, and he was forced to leave the Russian Federation, downloaded to Georgia, then to Israel, where he spent 1993-1994. the fact of forging a diplomatic passport. Business began to improve, and the gang war in Pushkino ended with the return of Akop Yuzbashev to the community in the summer of 1995.

Behind the fanitsa, Yuzbashev did not waste time. In Israel, he met with Dmitry Yakubovsky and, according to some reports,

Today Pushkin's criminal community remains one of the most powerful and toughest. According to some reports, the Pushkinites deal with their enemies in the “Italian” way, preferring to be shot with automatic weapons.

By 1993, Pushkin's had about 200 2 , in 1996 - about 400 active members.

Despite the fact that in 1996-1997 there was a struggle for power and leadership in the community, Akop Yuzbashev still occupies the strongest positions.

The zone of influence of the community includes: Pushkino, Ivanteevka, pos. True, Sergiev Posad. The group controls the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages (for example, Rasputin vodka in Khotkovo), gambling houses, car dealerships, and even the sale of handicrafts. Together with the Solntsevo OPG, the Pushkin gangs control commercial structures on the territory of the Sheremetyevo-1 airport and organize attacks on truckers.

Since the early 1990s, the community has been supplying cocaine to Russia. In 1994, it was implicated in a scandal involving false advice notes, which involved the amount of 3.5 billion rubles 3 .

The group has developed ties in the US, Germany and Thailand. In Russia, Pushkin's groups are closely connected with groups in the Moscow region - Kaliningrad, Podolsk, Dolgoprudny and Mytishchi, and also maintain contacts with Solntsevo, as already mentioned, and Lyubertsy groups.

The Pushkin gang is so closely connected with the Ivanteev group that they are called the "Pushkin-Ivanteev criminal community."

1 Russian crime, p. 215.

2 Bandits of the times of capitalism..., p. 185.

3 For more details, see: Obshchaya Gazeta, No. 19, 1997.

Ivanteevskaya "brotherhood" operates in the city of Ivanteevka, Moscow Region. In March 1996, one of the “authorities” of the group, Igor Zubovsky (Zubarik), died of a drug overdose, one of the leaders, Nikolai Zaityamin, was seriously wounded in March 1997.

The beginning of the war was laid in 1995, when law enforcement agencies arrested the local criminal leader Timofeev (Timokha). Timokha, who was soon released, found that his "territory" had already been divided among other groups. As a result, in 1997-1998, the Ivanteev "brotherhood" practically killed each other.

Ramep "brotherhood"

Ramenskoye "brotherhood" finally took shape by the end of the 1980s, although it has existed since the early 1980s. They say that by 1993, the Ramensky controlled the Voskresensky, Zhukovsky, Yegorievsk, Kolomna and Dzerzhinsky groups. However, under the pressure of other criminal groups, the territory of its activity was narrowed, at the same time the "authorities" Vitaly Chertanov (Devil), the "thief in the corral" Vladimir Valliulin (Mowgli), Yuri Chernykh (Cherny), Sergey Martynov (Martyn) and others died.

One of the groupings in the community was headed by a certain Pichuga, who was patronized by Andrey Isaev (Painting). Pichuga was killed in April 1997. This murder is associated with the late Nazar, with whom Pichuga cooperated until 1995, then Nazar decided to separate from his partner and organized his own group, which was at enmity with Pichuga's group.

An influential group in 1994-1996 was the PG Vladimir Valliulin (Mowgli), who organized a business of "laundering" money from the budget under the guise of organizing a waste disposal process. After the murder of Mowgli in 1997 and his "heir" Sergei Martynov (Martyn), according to some reports, all this business went to Shishkan.

In January 1997, the next stage of the "gangster" war began in the Moscow region, during which the "authorities" are trying to determine their place in the hierarchy of the criminal world of the region.

The curator of the Ramensky criminal community, but according to some sources, is Oleg Shiansanov (Shishkin), a thief in law. For quite a long time, Shishkan lived in Spain, hiding from law enforcement agencies and from the revenge of thieves 1 .

After the operatives seized the "common fund" of the grouping in the amount of several million dollars, see: "Today" dated 04/09/1999.

Another "authority" is Yakov Finkel (Solomon), specializing in the manufacture explosives. In 2001, Vladimir Vasiliev (Gypsy), who was detained for possession of firearms and drugs, also gained fame.

From the mid-1990s, the Ramenskoye began legalizing capital, investing in well-known pop artists, a football team, and began to take control of production companies, banks and large car dealerships.

In November 1999, the confrontation between the Ramensky and Lyubertsy groups escalated. This confrontation began in 1996, in 1999 it continued because of ZAO Center Plus. Before that, they say that Shishkan controlled the now warring factions, but the Lyubertsy gradually got out of his control.

Reutov "brotherhood"

The Reutov community was formed in the mid-1980s under the leadership of thief in law Vladimir Nazarov (Nazar), who was convicted four times for hooliganism, extortion and kidnapping.

The community consisted of about 30 people.

The base of the community was in Reutovo, although it controlled enterprises in Moscow: for example, a network of tents in Petrovsky Dvorik, a grocery store on Lubyanka, several stores of the Kontur-Avto car company, and several outlets in the former Pervomaisky district. In this regard, the Reutovites were in close contact with the Solntsevo and Izmailovo organized crime groups.

In the early 1990s, Nazarov was convicted and his place as leader was taken by the "authority" Svyat. In 1994, Nazarov was released and regained lost positions. However, Nazarov was soon killed by operatives (December 10, 1994). In March 1995 he was arrested right hand» Nazarova Vasiliev. As a result, Nazarov's group was crushed. The Svyata group continues to occupy a leading position in the community.

Shchelkovo "brotherhood"

Shchelkovo "brotherhood" was formed by 1988. In 1993, one of Shchelkovo's "authorities" - Valery Mordasov - gained fame due to the fact that he was able to escape from Butyrka prison.

The famous Valentin Semenovsky, the president of Agroexport-7, who was killed on July 29, 1993, maintained contacts with the community. Semenovsky enjoyed a reputation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an experienced fraudster.

The Shchelkovskiys control Shchelkovo (a developed region of the Moscow region) and have interests in Moscow.

Chekhov's "brotherhood"

A certain fame in the Moscow region was received by Chekhov's "brotherhood", whose leader was Nikolai Pavlinov (Peacock).

In the early 1990s, the brothers Viktor and Dmitry Korchagin were also influential in Chekhov. By the mid-1990s, they controlled a fairly large business in the city, but they were soon crushed by competitors (in 2000, the remains of six PG members were found immured in concrete).

The territory of Chekhov's, in general, is controlled by the Podolsk criminal community, and the Chekhov "brotherhood" enters the orbit of influence of Sergei Lalakin.

Similar information.

Mayor of Shatura near Moscow, communist Valery Larionov beaten by unknown persons armed with iron bars. According to information posted on the website of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office, at about 19:30 on March 25, 2010, at the moment when Valery Larionov was getting out of his car in front of his house in the village of Levoshevo, two unidentified men ran up and hit him multiple times. His son came to help the victim, the attackers fled the scene.

As a result of well-planned and conducted investigative actions and operational measures in hot pursuit, one of the attackers was detained. It turned out to be previously convicted 31-year-old resident of the Yegoryevsky district of the Moscow region. The identity of the second suspect has also been established. Measures are currently being taken to arrest him.

Recall that on March 14, 2010, Valery Larionov won the election of the head of Shatura, gaining 68.58% of the vote, defeating the United Russia candidate. And the party list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the elections to the Council of Deputies secured the support of 55.63% of the vote, significantly ahead of the party list of United Russia.

What is behind the attack on Larionov, argues Alexander Yushchenko - press secretary of the Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov.

"SP": - Alexander, what happened in Shatura?

- According to our information, around eight o'clock in the evening, when Valery Larionov was returning home, four people approached him. They asked for their name. Larionov did not answer. After that, the attackers pulled out the armature, and without any talk began to beat. Larionov's son and neighbors jumped out to screams and ran to the attackers. One of the attackers was knocked down when he tried to escape, at a decent distance from the place of emergency - they caught up with him, and, ultimately, detained him. The rest fled in a car. The detainee turned out to be a member of the organized criminal group of the city of Yegorievsk. His accomplices fled in his car.

Larionov ended up in the hospital with a concussion, multiple hematomas, and his leg was injured.

"SP": - How did Larionov interfere with the Yegoryevsk bandits?

— What do we know? Larionov was elected mayor of Shatura, ahead of " United Russia". The election campaign went on with great violations on the part of United Russia, with strong opposition. Nevertheless, Larionov won with good result and took office. And before that, he was a representative of Rosselkhoznadzor.

We see that all these facts do not fit well with the version of a hooligan attack, which is expressed by the investigating authorities. It's more like a custom promotion related to professional activity Larionov - with the elections.

"SP": - In this case there could not be commercial interests, Larionov was engaged in business?

- No, I didn't. And commercial interests, most likely, were not. Judging by the handwriting, it was an act of intimidation. We know how this happens, we know that the criminal element stops at nothing.

"SP": - Will you conduct your own investigation of this crime?

- Necessarily. Experience shows that the investigating authorities are not always objective in solving crimes. Naturally, we will check the facts, conduct an independent investigation.

"SP": - In a word, you do not exclude that the attack on Larionov is the revenge of the losers in the elections?

- Very similar to this. There are many facts that add up to the same basket and make us think about it.

UPC opinion

Yulia Zhukova, representative of the Investigation Department of the RF Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region:

- It can be said that thanks to the son of Larionov, more serious bodily injuries were not caused, since he managed to stop the attackers. By this fact The investigative department for the city of Shatura of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region initiated a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 2 of Art. 318 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (use of violence against a representative of power). Every effort is now being made to apprehend the second suspect.

"SP": - What kind of injuries does Larionov have?

We don't know the exact damage yet. According to preliminary information, these are bruises of the shoulder, elbow joint and shins. We intend to establish more precisely bodily injuries and their severity in the near future.

"SP": - Larionov went without protection?

- I can not say. I know that when he drove up to his house, he was alone.

Moscow region: It's hard to be a mayor

June 5, 1996 was shot dead in the entrance of his own house Mayor of the city of Zhukovsky Viktor Mosalov.

June 22, 1999 was killed Mayor of Dedovsk Valentin Kudinov. The official's body, with three bullet wounds, was found in his own garage. The criminals did not touch the car, valuables and money.

May 15, 2003 in the town Troitsk was shot near his house Head of Administration Vadim Naydenov. He left home to go to work. The assassins shot him five times. Three bullets hit the mayor in the chest. He died in the hospital without regaining consciousness.

March 31, 2006 on the playground near the house on Tomilinskaya street in near Moscow Dzerzhinsk was shot mayor of the city Victor Dorkin. The criminals literally riddled him with bullets. Seven shots were fired at the mayor's chest and the same number at the head. In 2007, the investigation detained three perpetrators of the crime. They said that they committed the crime because of the problems associated with the allocation of land for construction. All of them are convicted.

December 13, 2009 was shot dead in his own house Vitaly Ustimenko, mayor of Tuchkovo village near Moscow, and his wife. They were shot in the head. The murder was associated with the professional activities of Ustimenko. He became mayor, winning the election on October 12, 2009. Ustimenko's activities as head were considered the main version of the murder. AT recent months he had significant conflicts with local entrepreneurs.

Ermakov Oleg Borisovich was born on June 30, 1973 in the city of Yegorievsk, Moscow Region, he is divorced and has one child. In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Public Utilities and Construction, specialty - roads and airfields, in 2011 he graduated from the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, specialty - jurisprudence, qualification - lawyer.

Awarded with the Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "For Distinction in Service" 3,2,1 Art.

From 09.1988 to 06.1992, a student of the Yegoryevsk Machine-Tool College, from 07.1992 to 11.1993, military service, 04.1994 to 07.1994, trainee as an inspector of service 14 SB SP DPS GAI GUVD MO, 07.1994 to 11.1995, SP DB PS 14 GAI of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region, from 11.1995 to 07.1998, state traffic inspector of the traffic police department of the Yegoryevsk police department, from 07.1998 to 08.1998, state traffic inspector of the group for the RER of the traffic police of the Yegoryevsk police department, 08.1998 to 10.2000, state traffic inspector of the group for the RER of the traffic police of the Yegoryevsk police department to 010 02.06, 010 02.06 inspector ORO SIZO-7 UIN MURF in the Moscow Region, from 06.2001 to 01.2002, senior inspector of the traffic police 9 SB 2 SP DPS (southern) GUVD MO, from 01.2002 to 11.2002, deputy platoon commander 6 SB 2 SP DPS (southern) GUVD MO, s 11.2002 to 02.2004 Deputy commander for MTO 6 SB 2 SP DPS (southern) of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region, from 02.2004 to 11.2005 Head of the traffic police department of the Department of Internal Affairs No. 280 of the Main Department of Internal Affairs RO SOB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, from 11.2005 to 07.2006 Deputy Battalion Commander of the 3rd Battalion of the Special Regiment DPS of the Traffic Police Department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow, from 07.2006 to 10.2009, head of the Department of Internal Affairs at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Yegorievsk municipal district, from 10.2009 to 06.2011. Head of the Center vocational training Main Directorate of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region (Yegoryevsk), from 06.2011 to 09.2012 Head of the Training Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region (Egorievsk), from 09.2012 to the present Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the urban district of Yegoryevsk of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region

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