Russian Navy Aviation Day. The birth of naval aviation of the Russian Navy Naval aviation helicopters

Interesting 22.09.2019

The origin of aviation in Russia became possible thanks to the initiative of military sailors. It was the sailors who were the first to see in aircraft an important means of increasing the power of the navy and put a lot of effort and money into the training of aviation personnel, the acquisition of aircraft and the organization of domestic aircraft construction.

The world's first proposal, in which the interaction of a ship and an aircraft was predetermined, was also born in the Russian Navy. Its author was the captain of the corps of engineers of the fleet Lev Makarovich Matsievich. As early as October 23, 1909, in his first memorandum to the Main Naval Staff, he predicted the future of naval aviation, proposed to start building an aircraft carrier, a seaplane and a catapult to launch it from the deck of a ship. It is no coincidence that in Russia the very process of the movement of aircraft is called aeronautics, aviation is called the air fleet, the sky is the fifth ocean, and heavy aircraft are called ships.

Hydroaviation in Russia began to emerge in 1911. At first, seaplanes were purchased abroad, but soon Russian engineers V.A. Lebedev and D.P. Grigorovich created several models of flying boats, which allowed the Russian Military Department in 1912-1914. on the basis of domestic seaplanes, to form the first aviation units as part of the Baltic and Black Sea fleets. At the same time, the flying boat designed by Grigorovich M-5 in its own way flight performance surpassed foreign samples of similar types.

At first, naval aviation was used mainly in the interests of reconnaissance, that is, as a means of supporting the combat activities of the fleet. However, the experience of using aviation in the very first months of the outbreak of the First World War showed that combat capabilities aircraft go far beyond reconnaissance. They began to be used for bombardment and shelling from the air of objects in the bases of the fleet and in ports, ships and ships of the enemy at sea.

AT Russian fleet Grigorovich's M-9 seaplanes, which had machine guns and were capable of carrying bombs, were based on the first aircraft carrier Orlitsa. On July 4, 1916, four aircraft from Orlitsa conducted an air battle over by the Baltic Sea with four German aircraft, which ended in victory for Russian naval pilots. Two of the Kaiser's airplanes were shot down and the other two fled. Our pilots returned to their aircraft without loss.

This day - July 4, 1916 - the day of the first victory in an air battle over the sea by naval pilots on domestic seaplanes based on the first domestic aircraft carrier, is rightfully considered to be a birthday. naval aviation.

By the middle of 1917, a turning point for the history of Russia, the Russian Navy had the prerequisites for turning aviation into one of the main forces of the fleet, which served as the basis for the establishment of a special body in the Naval Department - the Directorate of Naval Aviation and Aeronautics.

After the October Revolution, the Soviet military leadership, in the course of the armed struggle against the interventionists and the White Guards on the fronts adjacent to the sea, in regions with lakes and along major rivers could not do without hydroaviation. The creation of new formations of naval aviation began.

April 27, 1918 was the birthday of the aviation of the Baltic Fleet. Then the Special Purpose Air Brigade was formed in its composition.

March 3, 1921 is considered the birthday of aviation Black Sea Fleet USSR. On this day, the formation of the Headquarters of the Air Fleet of the Black and Azov Seas was completed. April 4, 1932 aviation was born Pacific Fleet, and on August 18, 1936 - aviation of the Northern Fleet.

History shows that in the 20s and 30s, when naval aviation was organizationally part of the Red Army Air Force, the top leadership of the country and the leadership of the People's Commissariat of Defense assigned aviation tasks to support ground forces, cover troops and rear facilities from strikes from the air, as well as to combat enemy aerial reconnaissance. In accordance with this, the development and construction of aircraft and their weapons were carried out, training programs for pilots in aviation were drawn up. educational institutions. The operational-tactical training of leading military personnel and all combat training military aviation. At the same time, naval aviation was assigned a secondary role, so the fleet of naval aviation in these years was replenished only with seaplanes, intended mainly for conducting aerial reconnaissance at sea. Flight personnel for her were prepared only at the Yeisk School of Naval Pilots and Letnabs.

Flying boat Grigorovich M-9

The 1930s witnessed the triumph of aviation, design ideas and, above all, naval pilots, who showed outstanding examples of flying skills, courage, courage and heroism.

They were repeatedly involved in the performance of special and government assignments. The polar aviation was recruited from naval pilots, which played a huge role in the development of the Northern Sea Route, the importance of which for our country can hardly be overestimated.

The pilots especially showed themselves when rescuing the Chelyuskinites in 1934. Their courage and heroism, their willingness to take risks in order to save the lives of people in trouble, became a convincing basis for the establishment in our country the highest degree state distinction - the title of Hero Soviet Union. The Gold Star of the Hero number one was awarded to naval pilot Anatoly Vasilievich Lyapidevsky. At the same time, naval pilots I. Doronin, S. Levanevsky and V. Molokov were awarded this title.

The country lived with great construction projects. The state took measures to strengthen the country's defense capability. The Navy received new warships, including those capable of taking seaplanes on board. But this was far from enough.

The situation changed dramatically for the better with the formation of the People's Commissariat navy when naval aviation became organizationally part of it. By this time, the views on naval aviation as one of the main branches of the fleet's forces were finally established. Commander Semyon Fedorovich Zhavoronkov was the first to be appointed to the post of Chief of Aviation of the USSR Navy, who received the profession of a military pilot at a relatively mature age (34 years) and successfully commanded the aviation of the Navy until 1947. In 1944 he was promoted to air marshal.

The Aviation Flight Test Institute played a positive role in the further development of naval aviation. Its specialists developed tactical and technical requirements for the equipment and armament of naval aviation, tested prototypes and modernized models of aviation equipment and weapons, and also provided retraining of the leading flight and technical staff.

On a large scale, fleets began to receive heavy aircraft of the same type as those in service with the Red Army Air Force TB-1, TB-3 and DB-3, specially converted for the use of mine-torpedo weapons - a traditional naval means of destroying the underwater part of ships and vessels at sea .

Soon, mine and torpedo aviation stood out from bomber aviation and was organized into an independent branch of naval aviation.

With the transfer of aviation educational institutions to the fleet, the system of training naval aviation personnel became more perfect and purposeful. The School of Naval Pilots and Flyers in Yeysk and the School of Naval Pilots of the Polar Aviation Directorate of the Glavsevmorput in Nikolaev were transformed into Naval Aviation Schools, and the Military School of Aviation Technicians in Perm into the Naval Aviation Technical School. During the first three years, the number of cadets in these educational institutions increased several times.

For the training of command personnel of naval aviation, a command and aviation faculty was established at the Naval Academy, and one-year advanced training courses for the leadership of fleet aviation were opened at it.

Aviation design bureaus and enterprises focused on the production of equipment and weapons for naval aviation also began to work purposefully. All this could not but contribute to the fact that by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, naval aviation had grown significantly in quantitative and qualitative terms; this subsequently affected the effectiveness of its use in hostilities.

However, the uncertainty organizational structure reflected in the nature of the views of its operational-tactical application. For a long time it was believed that air combat at sea would be carried out mainly by operational formations (air corps) of the Red Army Air Force. In accordance with this, in operational training, the interaction of fleets and air corps was worked out, and naval aviation was entrusted with providing the fleet with air reconnaissance and air defense basing the fleet and ships at sea.

In practice, this did not happen. Neither front-line aviation nor long-range aviation formed in 1942 took any significant part in any operation of the fleets, and naval aviation became one of the main strike forces of the fleet.

From the first days of the war, due to the situation on the coastal fronts, naval aviation was used to deliver strikes against the combat formations of the advancing enemy. And this task became the main one for a long time, although naval aviation did not prepare for its solution in the prewar years.

Apparently, this lesson of history should be fully taken into account in the combat training of naval aviation in our peacetime as well.

The book convincingly shows that the combat operations of naval aviation against enemy ships and vessels at sea were especially effective, which is fully consistent with its main combat mission.

The sections of the book devoted to the combat operations of the naval aviation during the Great Patriotic War are full of facts of the exploits of naval aviators. The first among naval pilots in this war to achieve success was the fighter air squadron of the Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet, attached to the Danube Flotilla, under the command of Captain A.I. Korobitsyn.

In the Baltic, the account of downed enemy aircraft was opened by the deputy squadron commander, Captain A.K. Antonenko, and in the Northern Fleet, by the air squadron commander, Senior Lieutenant B.F. Safonov.

The pilots of the Baltic under the command of Colonel E. N. Preobrazhensky, who delivered the first blow to Berlin on the night of August 7-8, 1941, gained worldwide fame.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, naval aviation made more than 350,000 sorties, destroyed more than 5,500 enemy aircraft in the air and at airfields. As a result of the actions of naval aviation, fascist Germany and its satellites lost 407 warships and 371 transports with troops and cargo, which is two-thirds of the enemy's total losses from the impact of fleet forces.

The motherland highly appreciated the combat activities of naval aviation. 57 state awards adorned the banners of regiments and divisions, 260 naval aviators were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and five of them - B. F. Safonov, A. E. Mazurenko, V. I. Rakov, N. G. Stepanyan and N. V. Chelnokov - twice.

Among the naval pilots there are heroes who repeated the feat of Alexei Maresyev. In the Baltic, this is L. G. Belousov, in the Black Sea - I. S. Lyubimov, in the Northern Fleet - 3. A. Sorokin.

The combat experience gained during the war formed the basis for the development of plans and directions for the further development of naval aviation, the improvement of the principles and methods of its application in naval warfare. This is what the real work is about. The post-war development of naval aviation was characterized by the specialization of the created aircraft and weapons systems, the transition to jet technology with greater capabilities in terms of speed and range of impact. Airplanes and helicopters were equipped effective means search and destruction, electronic equipment; most flight control and weapon use processes are automated.

It should be borne in mind that this work was headed by the most experienced aviation commanders, who personally experienced the bitterness of failures and the joy of victories during the war years, who deeply knew the needs and capabilities of the fleets. Among them were the famous aviation commanders E. N. Preobrazhensky, I. I. Borzov, M. I. Samokhin, N. A. Naumov, A. A. Mironenko, G. A. Kuznetsov, S. A. Gulyaev, V. I. Voronov and others. Their ideas, plans and undertakings in the development of naval aviation were understood and fully supported by the senior leadership of the navy, headed by N. G. Kuznetsov, and then S. G. Gorshkov.

In the fleets, the problems of countering the forces of a potential enemy, acting covertly from under water, were brought to the fore. Therefore, already in the 50s, a seaplane was created and delivered to the unit. long range Be-6 designed by G. M. Beriev. To combat submarines, the aircraft had radio-acoustic buoys and magnetometers as means of searching for an underwater enemy, and depth charges and torpedoes for destruction. The Mi-4 base helicopters and the firstborn of shipborne helicopter aviation, the Ka-15 shipborne helicopter designed by N.I. Kamov, were equipped with anti-submarine weapons.

In the course of their flight operation, extensive research was carried out and the foundations of tactics and tactics were laid. combat use anti-submarine aviation, which soon switched to more advanced anti-submarine systems such as the Be-12, Ka-25, Ka-27, Mi-14, Il-38 and Tu-142 of various modifications.

The development missile systems with aviation cruise missiles significantly increased the combat capabilities of strike aviation fleets in the fight against ship groups of a potential enemy at sea.

At the beginning of the 1960s, anti-submarine and naval missile-carrying aviation took shape organizationally into independent branches of the naval aviation. In parallel, the reconnaissance aviation of the fleets was also being transformed.

For fleets high seas- Northern and Pacific - long-range reconnaissance aircraft Tu-95rts with automated system target designation missile weapons strike forces of the fleet, including missile submarines that were on combat service at sea. This also allowed naval aviation to go to remote areas of the oceans to monitor maritime forces a potential adversary and timely warning of the threat of their impact on our forces and facilities.

In the Baltic and the Black Sea, reconnaissance began to be carried out by Tu-22r supersonic reconnaissance aircraft.

The combat capabilities of the USSR naval aviation were significantly expanded due to the introduction of the anti-submarine cruisers Moskva and Leningrad into the navy. It was from that time that naval aviation officially took shape as a new branch of aviation in the navy.

The anti-submarine cruiser Moskva with Ka-25 helicopters on board made its first trip to combat service in the Mediterranean Sea from September 19 to November 5, 1968. In subsequent years, the anti-submarine cruisers Moskva and Leningrad repeatedly carried out combat service in various areas of the oceans.

According to the conclusion of the then Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union S. G. Gorshkov, helicopters became integral part modern surface ships for various purposes, they gave them a completely new combat quality. A fundamentally new direction in the development of naval aviation was opened by the creation of vertical takeoff and landing aircraft and the construction of aircraft-carrying cruisers of the Kyiv type.

The first aviation regiment of ship attack aircraft Yak-38 was formed in the Black Sea Fleet. Its first commander was F. G. Matkovsky. He was the first to head an aviation group and taught pilots to fly from a ship on a long voyage of the Kyiv aircraft-carrying cruiser.

In the Northern Fleet, V. N. Ratnenko became the first commander of the aviation regiment of ship-based attack aircraft. V. M. Svitochev was the first to command a regiment of naval attack aircraft in the Pacific Fleet.

Aircraft-carrying cruisers "Kyiv", "Minsk" and "Novorossiysk" repeatedly carried out military service in various regions of the World Ocean, and ship aviators - pilots, engineers and technicians - showed courage, skill and high moral and psychological qualities.

Particular attention in the book is given to ship fighter aviation fleet. Such aviation was created on the basis of fourth-generation fighters of the Su-27 and MiG-29 types, recognized today as the best modern fighters in the world. The first aircraft carrier built in our country is capable of providing basing and combat operations for ski-jump take-off and arrest landing fighters.

One of the leading test pilots, Viktor Georgievich Pugachev, is a great merit in the birth and development of naval fighter aviation. Timur Avtandilovich Apakidze became one of the first enthusiasts in the development of a new kind of naval aviation. His courage and professional skills are evidenced by the fact that back in 1991 he was awarded an Honorary Diploma and a Prize. International Foundation aviation safety for decisive and competent actions in an emergency in flight. Rescuing an experimental aircraft, T. A. Apakidze left the uncontrolled falling apparatus at the last second. Soon after the accident he experienced, he took a new risk and was the first of the pilots of combat units of military aviation in our country to land on the deck of the cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" on the first Russian shipborne Su-27k fighter without carriage on a twin. It was September 29, 1991 in the Black Sea Fleet.

During flight and design tests of the Su-27k aircraft, the first leading group of pilots of the Northern Fleet Air Force was successfully prepared for flights and combat operations from the deck of the ship. Thus, in 1994, a new elite of military pilots was born in the naval aviation of Russia - the elite of carrier-based pilots.

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Naval aviation - In the service of the fleet

Naval exercises of the 70s. Hundreds of ships, thousands of naval aircraft. The place of action is the seas and oceans. Amphibians conducting reconnaissance, anti-submarine aircraft and helicopters carrying equipment to search for and destroy submarines. Missile carriers operating from the shore are capable of destroying a potential enemy aircraft carrier. And carrier-based aircraft are about to be adopted. Soviet naval aviation in the 70s. represented a formidable force.

The navy is historically distinguished by a higher political significance compared to other branches of the Armed Forces, approaching in this indicator the product of modern times - the strategic nuclear forces. The processes of re-equipping the fleet and its reorganization in this regard are closely monitored in all major powers - and Russia is no exception here. The development of naval aviation, the most important component of the fleets throughout the world, can say much more about the military plans of the state than many other processes.

Tests of the Ka-52 on the BOD SF "Vice-Admiral Kulakov"

Russian naval aviation in the post-Soviet era experienced one of the most difficult periods of its existence, when a formidable force of several hundred aircraft and helicopters of various classes was left with a few dozens of machines as part of disparate units with an unclear future. The revival of naval aviation today starts largely from scratch, and there is still a long way to go before bringing it back to normal.

In 2011, Russian naval aviation almost completely lost its strike component - it, fighters, Su-24 front-line bombers, as well as some transport aircraft, were transferred to the Air Force. The only exception was the Su-24 bombers from the aviation of the Black Sea Fleet, which remained subordinate to the Navy due to the fact that the agreements between Russia and Ukraine allowed the deployment of only naval aviation in Crimea, but not the Russian Air Force.

In addition to the squadron of the Black Sea Su-24s, the fleet’s aviation included Il-38 and Tu-142 anti-submarine aircraft, Be-12 seaplanes, Su-25 attack aircraft, Ka-27 carrier-based helicopters and a certain number of transport aircraft and helicopters.

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The withdrawal of strike forces from naval aviation was due to the desire to simplify the management and maintenance of the relevant units and formations, as well as their very poor condition due to chronic underfunding - for example, out of several dozen Tu-22M3 missile carriers, no more than ten vehicles could perform combat missions.

The carrier-based aviation was also in a deplorable state: the only Russian one with an air group consisting of a dozen and a half Soviet-built Su-33s, several Su-25UTG training aircraft and helicopters went to sea quite rarely, and the prospects for updating the fleet of carrier-based aircraft were more than vague. In such a state, it could be more about the elimination of naval aviation as a branch of the Navy, than about any prospects.

Carrier-based aviation: a new hope

The prospects for major changes dawned after a contract was signed in 2011 to build universal landing ships type . Obtaining even two such ships implies a serious modernization of the fleet's existing helicopter fleet and the construction of new machines.

The main novelty was deck attack helicopters Ka-52K, designed to support the marines and special forces units during operations on the coast. In addition, they will be able to hit surface targets. This type of helicopter is currently being tested. On February 8, 2014, a contract was signed for the supply of 16 Ka-52Ks to the Russian Navy.

Russian fighter 5th generation

Following the renewal of the fleet of helicopters (expressed, among other things, in the arrival of the upgraded anti-submarine Ka-27M with digital equipment to the fleet), it was the turn of the modernization of the air wing of the only Russian aircraft carrier. In addition to the overhaul of the remaining Su-33s, which can then be operated until the mid-to-late 2020s, Admiral Kuznetsov should receive new MiG-29K carrier-based fighters. As a result, its air wing will include 12-16 Su-33 and 24 MiG-29K fighters, which will significantly increase the capabilities of the aircraft carrier, bringing the composition of its air group closer to that originally planned back in the 1980s.

As a more distant perspective, a promising fifth-generation carrier-based fighter, created as part of the PAK KA program, a promising aviation complex for naval aviation, is considered. It is assumed that this machine will be a naval version of the "land" fifth-generation fighter T-50, which first took to the air in 2010 and is currently being tested.

The appearance of a new deck carrier is possible in the first half of the 2020s, and it will have to replace the Su-33 on the overhauled Admiral Kuznetsov, and also form the basis of the air wing of the new Russian aircraft carrier, the project of which is currently being developed.

After Crimea: the return of striking power

In 2014, the plans for the development of the armed forces in general and the Navy in particular had to be seriously adjusted taking into account the changing situation: the reunification with Crimea greatly changed the situation not only on the southwestern borders of Russia, but also in the world. The changes also affected naval aviation. In particular, strike forces will return to its composition. These plans were discussed even before the Crimean events, but they became a catalyst for the process.

In the next few years, the fleet will receive Su-30SM multirole fighters, which can provide effective support warships both in maritime theaters (in the Black, Japanese, Baltic Seas), and to increase the radius of air support in ocean theaters, operating from bases on the Kola Peninsula, Sakhalin and Kamchatka.

Multifunctional fighter Su-30SM

It is expected that by the end of 2015 a contract will be signed for the supply of 50 fighters of this type for the Russian Navy, in the future this number may increase. Su-30SMs are also supplied to the Air Force (60 aircraft under two existing contracts).

The update will also affect anti-submarine aviation, the range of tasks of which will expand significantly. In most developed countries, with the development of on-board electronic equipment, anti-submarine aircraft began to turn into multi-purpose maritime patrol vehicles during upgrades. A striking example is the modernized P-3 Orion of the US Navy, peers and classmates of the Russian Il-38.

In the course of evolution over the past 30 years, Orions have learned to attack surface ships with anti-ship missiles, operate as an early warning and control aircraft, patrol the exclusive economic zone and territorial waters, searching for smugglers and poachers.

A similar modernization is already underway on Russian anti-submarine vehicles - the first Il-38N was handed over to the fleet on July 15, 2014. But for the full spectrum of challenges posed to Russia by its longest maritime border in the world, coupled with sustained melting polar ice, 28 Il-38s, which are planned to be modernized, are clearly not enough - for example, the United States has 130 machines of this class. However, this number is many American specialists also considered insufficient.

A-42PE seaplane project

Russia cannot compete with the United States, catching up with them in terms of the number of naval aviation, but there are opportunities for significantly strengthening naval aviation with the purchase of new aircraft.

Primarily, we are talking about the A-42 seaplane, which was created on the basis of the A-40 Albatross developed in the 80s of the last century. These machines, capable of landing on the water, among other tasks of maritime patrol aircraft, can be used in rescue operations.

The military department has already announced plans for the purchase of the A-42. In particular, in 2008 it was reported about the intention to purchase four such aircraft in the search and rescue version by 2010, and then move on to the purchase of multi-purpose vehicles capable of carrying weapons. However, these plans have not yet been implemented.

According to the former commander of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy, Lieutenant General Valery Uvarov, the Russian Navy would need 15-20 new seaplanes to cover the need for search and rescue vehicles and significantly strengthen the fleet of anti-submarine aircraft. It is hardly possible to talk about the complete replacement of old machines with the A-42 - given the state of the Taganrog plant where these machines are produced, as well as the smaller Be-200, purchased by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it may take about 20 years to complete an order for at least 40 of these machines .

Another option that would make it possible to completely replace the fleet of old aircraft within an acceptable timeframe is the purchase of Tu-214P aircraft. This machine, created on the basis of the Tu-204/214 airliner, is roughly equivalent in ideology to the latest American P-8 Poseidon patrol aircraft, created on the basis of the B-737 airliner.

Landing ship "Mistral"

Deployment series production such machines commissioned by the Navy is a more realistic task than launching a large series of A-42s, and, among other things, this will support the production of Tu-204 aircraft, for which there are practically no commercial orders today. The production of 50-60 such machines over ten years, combined with a small series of A-42s, oriented primarily to rescue missions, could generally alleviate the problem and lay the foundation for the further development of naval aviation.

Finally, it is possible to support an aviation group in the near zone by ordering Il-114 aircraft in a patrol modification. Such machines can quite effectively provide patrols in closed maritime theaters, releasing the modernized Il-38N and, if ordered, Tu-214P, for ocean theaters.

Assessing the prospects for changes in naval aviation as a whole, we can say that the key task of this type of naval force remains to ensure the fleet's capabilities to protect its own maritime frontiers. Nevertheless, some attention is also paid to the possibilities of force projection - the modernization of the Admiral Kuznetsov air wing, the planned overhaul of the aircraft carrier itself, the construction of two landing ships of the Mistral type will allow the Navy to form a core of forces capable of conducting local operations at a great distance from bases with a full-fledged aviation support. A further increase in such opportunities depends primarily on the prospects economic development countries.

On July 17, 1916, Russian naval pilots heroically defeated German aircraft in their first air battle. The significance of this date is also in the fact that these were precisely naval pilots, the location of whose aircraft was the aircraft carrier Orlitsa of the Baltic Fleet. In honor of this historical date Since 1917, by the Decree of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, July 17 has been celebrated as the Naval Aviation Day of the Russian Navy. In the pre-war years, naval aviation not only guarded the country's borders, but also took part in providing and rescuing polar expeditions, and during the Great Patriotic War, naval aviation became the main threat to invaders. If at the time of the formation of naval aviation, seaplanes bought abroad were the main equipment, now these are modern carrier-based fighters and helicopters of the highest level of complexity, which are operated only by professionals.

And happiness is in the sky, and the sea is not grief,
After all, your element is the sky and the sea.
And aviation day is a holiday for you,
And Navy Day - celebrate again!
And now, of course, it's a holiday for you again -
Naval Aviation Day!

I wish you on Naval Aviation Day
Good luck and, of course, good luck,
Excellent plans, their implementation,
Let all tasks be easily solved!

I wish you strength, steel health,
May dreams always come true
I wish you a great income
And only fruitful work!

Happy professional holiday to everyone whose service is connected with the naval aviation of the Russian Navy. Clear skies to you and great weather, may all your tasks go well, and you always return to those you love and who love you. Congratulations and good luck in your work.

Today I send respect
Delight and applause.
To those who gave their lives
Naval Aviation.

I wish you troubles not to know
Live in harmony with yourself.
The path chosen by fate
It will be a symphony for you.

And the sea and land are always submissive to them,
And they are not afraid of storms or waves,
We salute naval aviation,
We sing glory to the great feat!

How often did they go to their doom!
With any task, jokingly, they managed,
They cleaned up their native country,
Native shores, giving silence.

We give bows to the pilots,
After all, they saved millions of lives.
On land and at sea, courage and honor,
There are pilots in the Russian fleet!

Over the waves of the sea
Let the wind carry you
Strong amphibian wings
An evil storm will not bend.

Like pilots - but at sea,
Sailors - but not in the water,
Fate is always in favor
I wish you to be everywhere!

We celebrate Maritime Aviation Day
In Russia, this is always an important day,
And we wish all employees
Love and happiness, peace and kindness!

Let the sky be clear, clean,
And the sea, the oceans never rage,
And let life be only radiant,
Warmed by the clear sun for centuries.

Naval defenders, honor and glory to you!
Our state is proud of you,
From the southern seas to the polar latitudes
A naval aviator is on duty.

There are many glorious pages in the history,
On the protection of the great Russian borders.
Sea eagles, we congratulate you all,
We wish you a peaceful clear sky!

There is such a service for the guys,
Difficult and necessary work
Protect the world with your wings
This is aviation for the fleet.

To be calm on earth
Pilots take to the skies;
They will follow the course of the ships,
Above the water, at low level...

Happy holiday today, we congratulate you,
Good luck and good luck captains!
You live in two elements at once now,
In water and air oceans.

July 17, 2016 Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy turns 100 years old. Celebrations are held in the Northern, Pacific, Black Sea, Baltic fleets and the Caspian flotilla, as well as in training centers Naval Aviation.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, congratulated the naval pilots performing tasks on combat service ships far from their bases, as well as to the military personnel of units and formations of the Naval Aviation of the Navy located in permanent deployment centers and veterans.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in his congratulations said: " On behalf of the entire personnel of the Navy, I congratulate you on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy.

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At the beginning of the last century, seaplanes from the Orlitsa aircraft-carrying cruiser achieved the first military victory over the sea in Russia - they shot down 2 enemy airplanes, which was the starting point in the glorious 100-year history of naval aviation. During the Great Patriotic War, pilots of naval aviation were distinguished by their fearlessness, heroism and high flying skills. It was naval aviation that already in August 1941 dealt the first blow to the fascist invaders and, thereby, was the first to pave the way to the Great Victory. Navy sailors are especially proud of the Severomorsk pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, who was the first to pave the way for humanity to the stars.", - said in the congratulation of Admiral Vladimir Korolev, which at the solemn constructions will be brought to the naval pilots.

Today, the combat composition and capabilities of naval aviation are expanding, new aviation facilities destruction of submarines, work is underway to create a new generation of amphibious aircraft, the operation of a ship-based helicopter Ka-31 has begun, and the training of ship pilots at the training ground in the Crimea has been fully resumed.

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The development of new equipment coming into service and the training of naval aviation crews at the Yeisk Center for Combat Use and Retraining of Flight Personnel are underway,new MiG-29K aircraft are being mastered, there is an intensive training of crews for these machines. Naval pilots are actively working out in the sky - from the southern to the Arctic latitudes - combat training activities. Flights of shipboard helicopters from the deck of project 1135.6 frigates have been successfully mastered (note 24RosInfo: Admiral Grigorovich, Essen, Makarov, Butakov, Istomin and Kornilov ) and new generation corvettes (: Guarding, Smart, Courageous and Resistant). The attack aircraft fleet is being replaced."

"Congratulations to all personnel and veterans of the Naval Aviation of the Navy with their professional holiday. I wish you strong naval health and well-being, warmth and love in families, further success in military labor for the good of the Fatherland!"- says the congratulations of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.

In the 859th Center for combat use and retraining of the flight personnel of the naval aviation of the Russian Navy, stationed in Yeysk, festive events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of naval aviation and the 35th anniversary of the Center.

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The first serial modernized aviation complex them. S.V. Ilyushin anti-submarine aircraft Il-38N "Radiy Papkovsky".

The head of naval aviation of the Russian Navy Hero, who was present at the celebration Russian Federation Major General Igor Kozhin noted that " Naval aviators successfully mastered and began to operate the modernized Il-38N aircraft with the Novella complex.».

Our reference:

Northern Fleet

279th Separate Shipborne Fighter Aviation Regiment named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union Boris Safonov

403rd Separate Mixed Aviation Regiment

830th Separate Shipborne Anti-Submarine Helicopter Kirkenessy Red Banner Regiment

1st Naval Helicopter Squadron

2nd Naval Helicopter Squadron

3rd Transport and Combat Helicopter Squadron

924th Guards Separate Marine Missile Aviation Regiment

73rd Separate Long-Range Anti-Submarine Aviation Squadron

Black Sea Fleet

25th Separate Shipborne Anti-Submarine Helicopter Regiment

43rd Separate Naval Assault Aviation Regiment

917th Separate Mixed Aviation Regiment

Pacific Fleet

289th separate mixed anti-submarine aviation regiment

317th separate mixed aviation regiment

568th separate mixed aviation regiment

865th Separate Fighter Aviation Regiment

71st Separate Transport Aviation Squadron

Baltic Fleet

4th Guards Separate Naval Assault Aviation Regiment

689th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment

125th separate helicopter squadron

396th Separate Shipborne Anti-Submarine Helicopter Squadron

398th separate transport aviation squadron

Base points:

Baltic Fleet

Donskoye airfield - an urban-type settlement in the Svetlogorsk district of the Kaliningrad region. The 396th separate naval anti-submarine helicopter squadron of the Russian Navy is based.

Aerodrome Chernyakhovsk - no data.

Chkalovsk airfield – more details:

Khrabrovo airfield - is a joint-based airfield - in addition to civil aviation, it is used by the aviation of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of Russia. In particular, the 398th separate transport squadron of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy is based here (An-24, An-26 aircraft).

In the future, on the basis of the airport, it is planned to create a hub for the transportation of passengers from Russia to the countries of Foreign Europe. By the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which will be held in the Kaliningrad region and the rest of Russia, the airport will increase its passenger flow to five million people a year.

Northern Fleet

Kipelovo Air Base - located south of the railway station Kipelovo in the Vologda region, 50 km from Vologda. Founded in 1963 as "AS Kipelovo", the nearby 1966 garrison of Fedotovo (later - the village of Fedotovo), named after the death in a plane crash of the first commander of 392 odrap Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Sergeevich Fedotov. Currently, an anti-submarine squadron from military unit 06797 based on Tu-142MK and Tu-142MR repeater aircraft is based at the air base. The call sign of the airfield is "Dremuchiy".

Airbase Olenegorsk - Airfield aviation of the Navy on the Kola Peninsula, 92 km south of Murmansk, near the city of Olenegorsk. Tu-22M3 long-range bombers are deployed at the Olenya air base.

Airfield Severomorsk-1 - a military airfield in the Murmansk region, located 4 km south of the ZATO Severomorsk. Until 1951, it had the name Vaenga-1. Since May 1, 1998, the following have been deployed at the airfield:

830th OKPVP(a separate naval anti-submarine helicopter regiment), which is armed with Ka-27 helicopters.

403rd OSAP(a separate mixed aviation regiment), which is armed with An-12, An-26, Il-38, Tu-134 aircraft.

Airfield Severomorsk-3 - a military airfield in the Murmansk region, located 28 km east of Murmansk in the urban-type settlement of the same name.

Reconstruction of the Severomorsk-1 airfield continues >>

The 279th OKIAP (separate naval fighter aviation regiment) is stationed at the airfield, which is armed with Su-25UTG, Su-27UB and Su-33 aircraft. Aircraft of both types take part in long-distance cruises of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (TAVKR) "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov". The former names of the regiment are the 279th OKShAP (separate naval assault aviation regiment) (from 1973 to 1990; served the aviation of the TAKR "Kyiv"), the 279th OMSHAP (separate naval assault aviation regiment) (from 1990 to 1993), 279th OKIAP (separate naval fighter aviation regiment) (from 1998 to the present, after the disbandment of the 57th SCAD).

In 1992, the 279th OMSHAP (separate naval assault aviation regiment) was armed with: 41 Su-25s, including 4 Su-25UB and 5 Su-25UTG, as well as 27 Yak-38 and 1 Yak-38U. During cold war the 987th MRAP (naval missile-carrying aviation regiment) was also based at the airfield, which was armed with Tu-16 aircraft.

Black Sea Fleet

Airfield Kacha(Gvardeyskoye air base) - a military airfield in the Crimea, 13 km north of Simferopol. Su-24, Su-24MR, Tu-134 A-4 aircraft are based at the airfield. Until August 1, 2009, the air unit based at the airfield was called the "43rd Sevastopol Red Banner Order of Kutuzov separate naval assault aviation regiment" with the subordination of the Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia. In December 2011, the Gvardeyskoye air base and the air base located in Kutch were transformed into a single naval aviation base No. 7057.

Pacific Fleet

Yelizovo Air Base - an airfield of joint basing of civil ships and military aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

International airport of federal significance of the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Located 29 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, in the city of Yelizovo.

Provides regular air communication between the Kamchatka Territory and the cities of Russia. The airport also operates local flights to settlements Kamchatka international charter flights to Bangkok and Phuket (Thailand), Nha Trang (Vietnam), Osaka and Tokyo (Japan), seasonal regular flights to Anchorage (USA).

A new runway was solemnly opened at Yelizovo Airport >>

Airbase Stone Creek - the largest military airfield in the Far East of Russia. Until 2009, the 568th OGSAP (Separate Guards Mixed Aviation Regiment) of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy was based at the airfield, armed with Tu-142MZ long-range anti-submarine defense aircraft and Tu142MR radio relay aircraft, Tu-22M3 long-range missile carriers, search and rescue squad of Ka-27PS helicopters, Mi-8 and An-26 military transport aircraft. In 2010, parts of the garrison were reorganized into the 7061st Guards Air Base of the Pacific Fleet. At present, a reduced anti-submarine squadron on the Tu-142MZ / MR (7 aircraft) and one An-26 transport aircraft are stationed at the airfield.

Airfield Knevichi - located 4.5 km from the city of Artyom and 38 km northeast of the city of Vladivostok. Until 1993, it was also the base airfield of the 25th double-red banner naval missile-carrying aviation division of the Pacific Fleet Air Force, with the permanent deployment of the 183rd naval missile-carrying regiment and division control, as well as the 593rd transport aviation regiment (in the post-Soviet years reduced to separate squadron- 71 OTAE) and the aircraft repair plant of the Pacific Fleet Air Force (153rd ARZ). It has the status of a federal airport.

Approved to receive all types of aircraft without restrictions. The airport has two passenger terminals and one cargo terminal.

It has two airfields:

Western Knevichi- for aircraft of local and long-distance airlines. There are two paved runways: one 3500 m long and 60 m wide, pavement strength PCN 52/R/B/X/T (mixed), the other 3500 m long and 60 m wide, pavement strength PCN 54/R /B/X/T.

Accepted aircraft: all types.

Lake keys - for planes and helicopters of local airlines. It has two runways with artificial turf, each 21 m wide and 1000 m and 600 m long. Currently, regular flights are not operated, the airfield is used by the military.

Aerodrome Nikolaevka - a military airfield in the Primorsky Territory, located 37 km northeast of the city of Nakhodka, the garrison (rural settlement) Nikolaevka.

Aviation of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy is based at the airfield - Il-18, Il-38, Il-22 aircraft, Ka-27, Mi-8 helicopters. It was planned to deploy Ka-52K helicopters for Russian ships of the Mistral type. The airfield and the garrison are the center of the 7062nd air base of the Pacific Fleet.

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